Connection - Bishop Kelley
Connection - Bishop Kelley
BISHOP KELLEY HIGH SCHOOL Connection A CATHOLIC SCHOOL IN THE LASALLIAN TRADITION INSIDE THIS ISSUE: School News Campus Ministry PTO Athletic News Comet Sightings Believe in Kelley Calendar The Beginning What an exciting start to the school year! From welcoming new teachers, to freshman orientation, to faculty and staff coming back to campus with renewed excitement, to all of the beginning of the year activities, to the energy in our gym, fields and stadium around our campus, these first weeks of school are an invigorating time. AUGUST 2013 As teachers and students work in classroom, the administration is busy making plans for the future and forecasting where we need to be as a school in the months and years ahead. There are a number of physical needs around the campus and we're working to address those. We also have the important issue of affordability that is a pressing issue at Bishop Kelley. How do we keep costs down and continue to provide the best education for our students? It is a challenging adventure and one that I am excited to take on. With regard to affordability, we are committed to keeping energy costs down with our three phase heating and air overhaul. We completed Phase II of the project just before school opened and plan to do Phase III during the summer of 2014. That project will allow for geothermal technology to heat and cool our two gymnasiums and our cafeteria bringing the total square footage of campus covered by geothermal heat and air to 100,000 square feet which is half of our existing square footage. Another way we’re working to remain affordable is the tuition assistance we offer to those who demonstrate a need. Our tuition assistance dollars come from our growing endowment and also from donations for immediate tuition assistance. Along with future needs are the immediate needs of our students. It is with these immediate needs in mind that I'm pleased to announce that our fundraising efforts for the year ahead. If we are successful, we will purchase two, gently-used coach buses for student field trips and for our teams to travel to their games. These buses are safer, more efficient, and allow for more storage. They will look great and attract students to our school. The Bishop Kelley Auction (Friday, April 25, 2014) will help buy one of the buses while the "Believe in Kelley" annual fund will pay for the other. A second fund-raising goal of the annual fund is for tuition assistance for our neediest students. All Bishop Kelley parents are invited to attend a "Believe in Kelley" reception over the next several weeks. (see page 2). It's a great time to meet other parents and to hear from me about the state of Bishop Kelley High School. If you can't come to your class gathering, please choose another and join us! We're looking forward to a great year ahead. Thank you Diocese of Tulsa for your sacrifice and support . In Christ, Rev. Brian O'Brien President PAGE 2 Believe in Kelley Receptions: Upperclassman receptions are at St. Gregory's building (just south of BK) on the 10th floor. Junior Parents - Wednesday September 9th 6-7:30 pm Freshman Parents - Wednesday September 18th from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Lexus of Tulsa, 4210 South Memorial Drive. Senior Parents- Tuesday October 8 from 6:00-7:30 pm Sophomore Parents- Wednesday October 9th from 6:00-7:30 pm ► If you can't come to your class gathering, please choose another and join us! We're looking forward to a great year ahead. Thank you for your support! EDISON COLLEGE CONNECTION College Fair SUNDAY, SEPT. 8 1-4 p.m. AT TULSA FAIRGROUNDS Over 100 colleges and universities will be on hand to answer questions and provide information. All students and parents are encouraged to attend. It’s never too early to begin the college process! SNEAK PEEK AT BK’S NEW WEBSITE! Bishop Kelley is getting a new website! The new design is easy to use on every device—smart phones, tablets, laptops, etc. It adds to our video capabilities and makes Bishop Kelley easier to find on web searches. Most of the website will have the new look this year; the Athletics section will change in the coming months. CONNECTION SEPTEMBER 2013 PAGE ACT Scores Break School Records 3 ACT scores for the 2012-13 year are the highest average scores Bishop Kelley students have achieved. The average composite score is 24.6, beating last year's 24.0 (which was the highest since we started keeping records in 1983.) The state average is 20.8 and the national average is 20.9 with 75% of students taking the test in Oklahoma and 54% nationwide. At Kelley, 95% of students took the ACT. English scored a 25.6 - highest in our recorded history. Math scored a 23.8 - highest in our recorded history. Science scored a 23.8 - highest in our recorded history. Reading scored 24.9 - close to our all-time high of 25.0 TEST DATES 2013-14 ACT TEST DATES Sept. 21, 2013 (at BK) Oct. 26, 2013 Dec.14, 2013 Feb. 8, 2014 April 12, 2014 (at BK) June 14, 2014 REGISTRATION DEADLINES Aug. 23, 2013 Sept.27, 2013 Nov. 8, 2013 Jan. 10, 2014 March 7, 2014 May 9, 2014 SAT TEST DATES REGISTRATION DEADLINES Oct. 5, 2013 (at BK) Sept. 6, 2013 Nov. 2, 2013 Oct. 3, 2013 Dec. 7, 2013 (at BK) Nov. 8, 2013 Jan. 25, 2014 Dec. 27, 2014 March 8, 2014 Feb. 7, 2014 May 3, 2014 (at BK) April 4, 2014 June 7, 2014 May 9, 2014 REGISTRATION: Students will upload a photo and provide ID REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION TO TESTING a gender when they register. Photo and gender will be printed ROOM: Students must bring BOTH acceptable photo ID and on all rosters, tickets, and score reports. a paper copy of your admission ticket. Names on roster and photo ID must match. Students not listed on roster will not be PHOTO ID REQUIRED: Government issued ID (driver’s admitted. license, passport), school ID card with photo, school letter with photo, notarized statement with photo are acceptaSTANDBY TESTING: You can no longer just show up at the ble. Please note: personal recognition or photos from yearcenter to test. You will be required to complete a standby books are no longer acceptable. testing request online in advance of testing and must print a standby ticket. This same procedure applies to students wantTo register for these tests go to ing to change tests and test centers. and ◄ Classes Begin Physics 1B/Mrs. Othon Free Fall /Bungee Jump Chemistry/Mr. Arenson 2H2O2 2H2O + O2 catalyst enzyme Sophomores: All Sophomores will be taking the PLAN test during the morning of either September 16 or 17 from 8:00-11:30 a.m. The PLAN test is the tenth grade component of the Educational Planning and Assessment System (EPAS) and aligns with the ACT. Student's test date and room assignments will be shared with teachers and posted around campus the week before the PLAN. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Cheryl Sanders in the Guidance Office. PAGE 4 WHO TO SEE IN THE GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT Bishop Kelley High School offers a comprehensive guidance program for each student which involves academic advisement, personal counseling and college and career advisement. Driver License Verification, Transcripts Last Names A-G Debra Butler Debby Sparks Last Names H-O Bonnie Spratt Last Names P-Z Joey Beuchat Br. Bernardine Scholars Judith McMasters College Counseling Maureen Lawler, Cheryl Sanders iConnect Learning Strategies Sue Brose, Carla Treadway 4-year plan of study meetings Freshmen and their parents may reserve an appointment with the student’s counselor to discuss classes for the four years at BK and post-secondary plans. Appointments will be scheduled online September 9 to 17. A link will be available on the website and in a parent email. Day and evening appointments will be available September 18 to October 4. CONNECTION FRESHMANANDSOPHOMOREPARENTS CAN’TAFFORDCOLLEGE? YES, YOU CAN WITH OKLAHOMA’S PROMISE The state of Oklahoma will help pay college tuition through Oklahoma’s Promise. This program is open to students in the 8th, 9th, and 10th grade whose family income is $50,000 or less and who agree to meet certain academic requirements and conduct standards. The requirements for Oklahoma’s Promise program are described below: Be an Oklahoma resident Graduate from an Oklahoma high school Take 17 units of high school courses and achieve at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA in those courses (4 English, 3 Lab Science, 3 Math, 3 History and Citizenship, 2 Foreign Language or Computer courses, 1 additional course from those listed, and 1 fine arts class) Achieve a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 for all courses in grades 9-12 Achieve at least a 2.5 GPA in the 17 cores courses listed above Attend school regularly Do your homework Stay away from drugs and alcohol Don’t commit a crime or a delinquent act Apply for other financial aid during your senior year of high school For more information contact Maureen Lawler in the guidance office or go to or email Students may now apply on-line for the program at PAGE off to a great start! 5 PAGE FALL SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES 6 The fall service trip will be November 15-17 in the Moore, OK area. A Lasallian Service Saturday is scheduled on September 14. We will work with Rebuilding Together Tulsa and students have to be 16 to attend. Details for these events will be in the daily bulletin and in the weekly email. The BK website also has individual service opportunities listed. Join over 1,000 other Comets and LIKE our fan page today! Retreats at Kelley Current students and alumni say that retreats provide some of the best memories and the best way to get to know their faith and fellow classmates. Each retreat has a different format and purpose: Freshman Retreat, COR for Sophomores, SEARCH for Juniors and KAIROS for Seniors. Retreats this semester include Sophomore Girls' Retreat - November 2, 2013 Sophomore Boys' Retreat - November 9, 2013 September 6-8, 2013, December 13-15, 2013, KAIROS BOYS October 3-7 KAIROS GIRLS November 21-24 CAMPUS MINISTRY Solemnity of the Assumption All-School Mass CONNECTION SEPTEMBER 2013 Supreme Court Summer Institute Social studies teacher Christine Tyler attended PAGE 7 the Supreme Court Summer Institute in Washington, D.C. this summer. She was one of 60 teachers selected from a competitive application process. The Institute is cosponsored by Street Law, Inc. and the Supreme Court Historical Society. Well-known Supreme Court lawyers, reporters, scholars, and educators were among the speakers at the Institute. The week culminated with attending a session of the Court on a day when opinions were delivered, and a reception at the Court in the evening, hosted by Chief Justice John Roberts. Mrs. Tyler teaches AP Government, U.S. History, and Oklahoma History. “I am so grateful to the Institute for providing me not only content and knowledge, but also a wide variety of new and creative teaching methods. With the skills I gained this summer, I hope to institute more discussion-based lessons into my classroom,” said Mrs. Tyler. BREAKFAST & BLESSINGS Muskogee students got a blessing and donuts from Father Mike Knipe on their way to school. BK offers bus service (mornings only) from Muskogee and Broken Arrow. Information will be available on the new website. Diocese Names Mr. Arenson Teacher of the Year Brian Arenson will be presented with the Catholic School Teacher of the Year Award at the St. Francis of Assisi Tuition Assistance Trust Mass and Gala on October 4. RSVP by September 27. Mr. Arenson teaches Pre-AP Honors Biology I, Biology II-Zoology, and AP Chemistry. He is known for his knowledge of science, ability to reach students through his sense of humor, his hands-on classroom approach, and his ability to explain science through stories to which students can relate and remember. Mr. Arenson has been instrumental in designing the new science technology lab that opened in the STC . He was inducted to the BK Hall of Fame in 2011. ◄ Senior Roxanne Eddington helps San Miguel students plan a mural to celebrate the 10th anniversary of San Miguel School. Roxanne is working on her Brother Bernardine Scholar Capstone Project. PAGE Parent Teacher Organization 8 PTO OFFICERS PRESIDENT Mary Sanderlin PRESIDENT-ELECT Sharon Hammond SECRETARY Laryn Moore TREASURER Noreen McCorkle Meetings 8:30 a.m. on the first Tuesday of each month. These events will be on the school calendar and they are listed here by the PTO committee that helps with each event: Mary Sanderlin, PTO President We are very excited for a new school year. We are off to a wonderful start! Thank you Stephanie Galles, Leigh Ann Fuller and Cathy Burdick for providing breakfast for our dedicated teachers. We appreciate all PTO volunteers that have helped this year! Plan to Attend Please join us for our first PTO meeting on Tuesday, September 3, 2013. We will meet in the Stephenson Library Conference room at 8:30 a.m. On TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, CLUB ’17 will have an organizational meeting at 7:45 a.m. in the Stephenson Family Library Any freshman parent interested in helping with the Club ’17 parent group is invited to come before the PTO meeting for information. PTO pros will be there to answer any questions and help Club ’17 get off to a great start! The Stephenson Family Library is just north of the De La Salle Chapel. Each grade has a "Club" with activities to get to know the parents in your student's class. Events and volunteer opportunities will vary by time of day so everyone can participate. Information about coming events will be in the Connection and weekly parent emails. Club 14 TBA Club 15 Suzy Armstrong Club 16 Andrea Spears and Christina Fravel Club 17 TBA SEPTEMBER PTO Meeting- 8:30-9:30 a.m. 6 First Friday Adoration, Chapel (Spiritual Development) 11 Moms in Touch 1:45 p.m. 14 Lasallian Service Day: Rebuild Tulsa Together, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Thanks to Senior Parents for the root beer floats at orientation! 15 Staff Luncheon (Staff Appreciation-Senior Parents) CONNECTION SEPTEMBER 2013 PAGE 9 Comet Sightings Congratulations to Eagle Scouts: Tyler Cassidy, Knights of Columbus Troop; Zack Stotler, Troop 1; Alex Schnetzer Troop 10, and Peter Dvornik, Troop 81. Josie Gandall is on the American Volleyball Coaches Association Under Armour All American Watch List. Phoebe Lowe has been invited to participate in American Volleyball Coaches Association Phenom College Preparatory Program. Darryl Roman qualified for an invitation to the national tennis championship in San Antonio. STUCO Do you have a Comet Sighting? Please send it to us at Bishop Kelley Auction Committee Are you interested in meeting other Kelley parents and being involved with a group of over 40 energetic volunteers? Join the Bishop Kelley Auction Committee and help with the 34th Annual Kelley Auction, which will take place on Friday, April 25, 2014. Auction Chairs, Jennifer Allen and Christine Steichen, are already making great plans for this event. There are many different ways to be involved. If you are interested, contact Robin Lewis at or 918-6097114. ► Amanda McCollum played the lead role of “Joanne”, one of Christ’s disciples in the summer production of the musical, Godspell, at the Parish of St. Bernard of Clairvaux. Bishop Kelley’s Student Council is the State President this year. BK will host 280 Student Council officers from 20 schools in the Tulsa Metro area for a District Officers Workshop on September 9. Senior Adam Lawhorn is the District 7 President. Keith Hawkins will be a guest speaker for the convention, and we are excited that all Bishop Kelley students will get to hear him speak at an assembly. Keith Hawkins is an interna tional speaker who speaks and conducts programs to over 400,000 students, parents, educators, leaders, and businesses annually. Keith is a keynote speaker, a workshop presenter, a facilitator of activities, and a program director. Keith is co-author of Teen Power and GO MAD (Go out and Make a Difference), he is featured in a national communication book called Between One and Many. He spoke at the United Nation Global Summit on behalf of America’s youth. YEARBOOKS will be available on September 5. Current students will have yearbooks distributed in class. Class of 2013 seniors, their parents, or designee with a note may pick up books in the MQP during school hours. CONNECTION SEPTEMBER 2013 PAGE 10 The Spirit Store is located by the cafeteria and is open during lunch on school days: 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Spirit items are also available by the stadium at home football games. @BKComets for BK Athletic news High ParƟcipaƟon in Fall Sports With an enrollment of 862 students this fall, 316 are involved in a fall sport. The number includes players, managers, and trainers. Typically, over 40% of students will par cipate in athle cs throughout the school year. Cross Country 100 Football 97 Season Passes for regular season home games are also available at the Spirit Store. So ball 19 Thanks to our Boosters! Volleyball 58 Spirit Squads 42 Total 316 PAGE 11 CROSS COUNTRY—100 COMETS STRONG! With 48 runners on the girls team and 52 on the boys team, Cross Country, almost 9% of BK students run cross country! Both teams have many new runners. The boys are coached by Philip West. Terry Stupp coaches the girls. This is the last year in the Metro Lakes Conference. The Comets’ big goals are to win conference and place top five at the 6A State meet. COMET LACROSSE CLUB TEAM COMET FOOTBALL thanks game day sponsors and Lexus of Tulsa for “driving" the Performance Bowl. Bishop Kelley now has a club team for Varsity Lacrosse! The season begins in the spring. Sign-ups for the 2014 Spring season are open until September 10. For more information, please contact Coach Birks or Christy Rawlings 918-284-1000. CONNECTION SEPTEMBER 2013 PAGE Thanks to our parent chairs for Believe in Kelley 2013—Teresa and Kurt Slagle. This annual fund helps with tuition assistance and school needs not covered by tuition. Some of the needs recently met by the annual fund completes June 30, 2013 are: wireless technology, HVAC and tuition assistance. Thanks to our donors for raising $397,000! We depend on current and past parents, alumni, and friends of the school to help with these needs. Our goal is to attract the highest level of participation with gifts of any amount. With a goal of $425,000, this year’s Believe in Kelley will fund a new charter bus and tuition assistance. 12 BISHOP KELLEY HALL OF FAME Nominations due September 1, to Fr. O’Brien. See the BK website for nomination procedures and photos of current Hall of Fame members. The induction ceremony is on November 17. A FRESH LOOK FOR BK’S WEBSITE IS COMING SOON! BISHOP KELLEY CLASS REUNIONS Monday, September 23 / 1 p.m. Shotgun Start - Shamble format Cedar Ridge Country Club 10302 S Garnett Road Broken Arrow Lunch Buffet Provided at 11:00 at Cedar Ridge Country Club For registration and sponsorship opportunities, see the BK website. Thanks to event chair, Suzy Armstrong! Class of 1963 - Friday and Saturday, October 18-19, 2013. Contact Margaret Ellison at for more information. Class of 1983 - Friday and Saturday, October 25-26, 2013 (Homecoming Weekend) - Contact Debbi Krafft Beichler at Class of 1988 - Friday and Saturday, October 25-26 (Homecoming Weekend) - Click here to join the Facebook group. Class of 1998 - Friday and Saturday, October 25-26 (Homecoming Weekend) - Click here to join the Facebook group. Class of 2008 - Friday, November 29 Contact Reunions for any additional classes will be added as they are scheduled. See the Alumni section of the BK website or contact Gary Oberste Flashback 1998 CONNECTION SEPTEMBER September 2013 May sports always be a means of exchange and growth, never of violence and hate. ~ Pope Francis Sun 1 Mon Tue PTO Mtg @ 8:30 am 3 Library Mee ng Room 2 Wed 4 Thu Late Start - 9 am Faculty Meeting 5 Fri 6 Adora on 7:45‐2:45 Chapel Class Ring/Gradua on Mee ngs Juniors/Seniors Yearbook Distribution Labor Day Fr‐JV‐V VB @ Edmond North Tulsa Fairgrounds 1-4 pm 15 All‐School Assembly—8 am 16 10 So Speaker: Keith Hawkins Senio r Pare A d La 5‐8 pm b MQP ball vs Memorial 11 8 17 Plan Test Sophomores Picture Retakes Student Trivia Night Plan Test Sophomores 18 Constitution Day 24 Late Start - 9 am Fr‐JV‐V VB vs McGuiness FB vs McGuinness Freshman Plan of Study Mee ngs Club ‘16 Lunch 12 pm Bistro at Seville So ball @ Guthrie So ball @ East Central Fr‐JV‐V VB vs Edmond North JV FB vs Skiatook So ball vs McAlester 20 So ball @ McAlester JV Red VB @ Bartlesville 27 So ball @ Durant V VB @ St. Joseph’s Invita onal, MO V VB @ St. Joseph ‘s Academy, MO 28 Club ‘16 Supper Royal home 7 pm 3223 S. Florence Ave. B/G XC @ OSU Cowboy Jamboree AdLab See for complete calendar, school, and sports information ACT @ BK B/G XC @ Holland Hall Invite FB vs Coweta BK Frosh VB Tournament FB @ Hale 5‐8 pm MQP8 21 Athletic Hall of Fame 6 pm Commons Senior Parent BK B/G XC Invita onal Freshman Plan of Study Mee ngs So ball @ Wagoner Fr‐JV‐JV Red VB @ Tahlequah Meetings All Week Varsity for a Day Frosh FB vs Collinsville 26 Lasallian Service Day Victory Dance ‘til 10:40 pm Fr‐JV‐V VB vs Edmond Memorial JV FB @ Coweta Improv Night STC 7pm Red & White Day 13 Pep Assembly 2:10 pm Gym 14 Frosh FB @ Coweta Cedar Ridge Country Club I pm 30 Search Retreat—Friday through Sunday Frosh FB @ Tahlequah Fr‐JV‐JV Red VB @ Skiatook Fr‐JV‐V VB @ Union 5‐8 pm MQP8 25 Comet VB Tournament of Champions So ball vs Shawnee 19 Mee ngs 9/18—10/4 Fr‐JV‐JV Red VB vs Victory Chris an 23 Meetings All Week Freshman Plan of Study Late Start - 9 am Beans & Jeans Day Senior Parent Freshman Plan of Study 29 12 AdLab So ball @ Edison Boys’ Golf Tryouts LaFortune 2pm Freshman Plan of Study Commons 7‐8 pm 22 Late Start - 9 am So ball vs Lincoln Chris an Fr‐JV‐JV Red VB @ Claremore Josten’s ‐ Ring & Gradua on Orders—during lunch Fr‐JV‐JV Red VB @ Regent Prep Sno Cone Day (at lunch) Fr‐JV‐V VB @ Ed Mem/Ed Santa Fe Moms in Touch 1:45 Josten’s Parents’ Night Chapel Foyer 5:30‐7:30 pm Cafeteria nt JV FB @ BA So ball vs Carl Albert Fr‐JV VB @ BA Tourney B/G XC @ Coweta Dual Popsicle Day (afterschool) Fr‐Soph‐JV Red VB vs Coweta JV FB @ Metro Chris an 7 FB @ Bartlesville No school 8 College Connection 9 Sat Believe in Kelley Parent Receptions Freshman: Wednesday, September 18 Lexus of Tulsa 5:30 pm Sophomore: Wednesday, October 9 St. Gregory’s, Tulsa 6:00 pm Junior: Wednesday, September 4 St. Gregory’s, Tulsa 6:00 pm Senior: Tuesday, October 8 St. Gregory’s, Tulsa 6:00 pm
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