Connection - Bishop Kelley
Connection - Bishop Kelley
BISHOP KELLEY HIGH SCHOOL Connection A CATHOLIC SCHOOL IN THE LASALLIAN TRADITION MARCH 2014 Lent and the Beauty of Grandparents INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Campus Ministry School News Students/Faculty of the Month Comet Sightings PTO Giving to BK Calendar March 5th begins the season of Lent. It's a little later than usual this year but the season remains what it has been for the last 20 centuries. Lent is a time of preparation for the celebration of Christ's resurrection at Easter. In order to prepare, we are called to reconciliation with God and others so that when Easter comes around, we are ready. At Bishop Kelley High School we will kick off the season of Lent with Ash Wednesday Mass on March 5 at 10 a.m. Parents and grandparents are welcome to attend. All students are invited to receive ashes on their foreheads, an outward sign of repentance and a reminder "that you are dust, and to dust you will return" (Genesis 3:19). In other words, we are all going to die someday. It may not be pleasant to think about, but it is the reality, and Lent is a time to recognize that reality and to prepare for it. In the month of March, Bishop Kelley also celebrates the great gift of our grandparents. On the Feast of Saints Joachim and Anne, the parents of Mary and the grandparents of Jesus, Pope Francis shared this about the beauty of grandparents: How important grandparents are for family life, for passing on the human and religious heritage which is so essential for each and every society! How important it is to have inter-generational exchanges and dialogue, especially within the context of the family. On March 25 and 26, Bishop Kelley will have such an exchange. Our students' grandparents are invited to come to campus for a series of events where we celebrate the gift of grandparents in the life of our community. For more information on our Grandparents Day activities, please click here. On Ash Wednesday, I will encourage our students to take on a great Lenten challenge to better their spiritual lives. It may be giving something up, particularly a bad habit. It may be taking something on like being more generous with their time, talent, or treasure. To all of us, I offer this suggestion: How about using the Lenten season to show greater love for our elders, especially our grandparents? We could also make a more concerted effort to pray for our deceased grandparents and for those who have recently lost a grandparent. I am a priest because of the influence of my grandmother. I am an educator because of the influence of my mother and father, both of whom were teachers in their twenties. I am grateful to God for the influence of these wonderful people. I pray that our students will have similar influences in their lives to help them grow in faith and in appreciation of the life experiences of their elders. I wish you all a blessed Lent! Diocese of Tulsa In Christ, Rev. Brian O’Brien HOME OF THE 2014 5A ACADEMIC BOWL STATE CHAMPIONS! PAGE 2 COMMUNITY FOOD BANK OF EASTERN OKLAHOMA / PTO Club ‘17 Thanks to the Faculty & Staff who became CPR certified in February! What a great idea! Freshman parents in PTO’s Club ‘17 scheduled a night so that freshmen could complete Christian service hours at the Community Food Bank. That night filled quickly and another was added. Family members were welcome to get to know each other while volunteering. Eileen Bradshaw, Executive Director of the Food Bank wrote, “We are in awe— you fed almost 10,000 people! The group on February 12 helped to sort and repackage 6,093 pounds of food – equivalent to 4,687 meals and the group on February 19 helped to sort and repackage 5,137 pounds – equivalent to 3,952 meals. The groups volunteered a total of 170 hours. We LOVE having Kelley students here—I am an alum (Class of ‘81) and our volunteer coordinator (Kate Pelizzoni) sent her son to Kelley, so it is a source of pride for both of us!” Steven Trammel Dana Hoagland Anna Kallstrom Joey Beuchat Tyler Bell Mandi Schooley Carol Kmetz Jade Allison David Dee Troy Tokarchik Gary Oberste Amy Vaughn Billy Gates Kathy Pickup Spencer Macklin Amy Junger Erin Clark POPE FRANCIS’ INTENTIONS FOR MARCH Respect for Women. That all cultures may respect the rights and dignity of women. Vocations. That many young people may accept the Lord’s invitation to consecrate their lives to proclaiming the Gospel. Francis Fitzgerald CONNECTION MARCH 2014 SPRING SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES The BK website also has individual service opportunities listed. A group of students will travel to Chicago for a spring break service trip. Service hours are due by 3:15 on April 29 to be considered for the 8 x 8 privilege as stated on page 15 of the Student/Parent Handbook. ACT PAGE JUNIORS: If you have completed Algebra II then you need to take the upcoming ACT on April 12. The registration deadline is March 7 and that is quickly approaching. Go to to sign up. Your ACT scores are used to help you get into colleges as well as the possibility of getting money to help you pay for college. ACT REVIEW SESSIONS ACT Prep leading up to the April 12 ACT test began February 27. Sessions are open to any Bishop Kelley senior, junior, or sophomore who has completed or is taking Algebra II. Registration is required. Click here for the registration form with details. For questions please see Mrs. Sanders in the Guidance Office. ENGINEERING HONORS Science teacher Mary Jo Othon was awarded a 2014 Tex Richardson Engineering & Science Guidance Award for excellent and continuing work in engineering career guidance. Mrs. Othon coaches the Bishop Kelley Robotics Team, and is helping many other schools start robotics teams. At the Diocesan Faculty Inservice, she made a presentation to 20 educators who are interested in starting robotics teams. Mrs. Othon teaches AP Physics B and Physics I. “We sincerely appreciate all you do for the stu- Senior Miranda Rauner was awarded the Karol L. and Dorothy D. Hujsak Engineering Scholarship of $2000 to be used at the school of her choice. dents at Bishop Kelley The awards were presented by the Tulsa Engineering Foundation, the Oklahoma Engineering Foundation, and with the Construction Specification Institute. FIRST Robotics as well and area schools with your strong leadership in as in the classroom.” - Selection committee ► Science teachers Christy Hellard and Tiffany Stevens, and Theology teacher Katie Kastl, have been selected to participate in the Notre Dame Science and Religion Summer Seminar held in June 2014 and 2015. A BIG BK WELCOME Russ Hembrey joined the Bishop Kelley teaching staff in our Journalism Department. You may know Mr. Hembrey as an assistant volleyball coach or as the bus driver for students who travel from Broken Arrow and Muskogee each morning. Mr. Hembrey brings his Journalism degree from Kansas University along with his over 20 years of experience in journalism with Cox Communications. Former Journalism teacher Bailey McBride has joined the staff of the Associated Press in Oklahoma City. SUMMER SCHOOL OPENINGS The following summer classes currently have openings and will be filled on a first-registered basis. Click here for more information. Government: State and Local Financial Literacy Ecology 3 PAGE 4 Alex Moore Mariah Rubino Joseph Teter Peter Simmons Congratulations to our National Merit Finalists! COLLEGE PREP TEST DATES 2014 ► ACT TEST DATES April 12, 2014 (at BK) June 14, 2014 REGISTRATION DEADLINES March 7, 2014 May 9, 2014 SAT TEST DATES May 3, 2014 (at BK) June 7, 2014 REGISTRATION DEADLINES April 4, 2014 May 9, 2014 To register for these tests go to and When you register for a test, make sure that you put in Bishop Kelley’s school code 373-620 or we will not receive the scores. TEACHERS OF THE MONTH September Brandon Birks October Amanda Walker November Marianne S ch December Anna Kallstrom January Carla Treadway Note: Anna Kallstrom was featured in last month’s Connection. TEACHER OF THE MONTH—JANUARY CARLA TREADWAY Mrs. Treadway is a Learning Specialist in the iConnect program. She is a mentor and coach who helps students when they face academic or social challenges. She is a caring, compassionate teacher who expects students to be personally responsible for their own school work and accomplishments. Fellow teachers appreciate her ideas, guidance and encouragement, which is very helpful in their classrooms. Parents find Mrs. Treadway to be a dependable contact for understanding, and support. She brings her experience, creativity, and problemsolving skills to students and staff alike. This is her third year at BK. If you see a beautiful painting in her office, take a close look; she may be the artist! Thank you, Mrs. Treadway, for all that you add to the Bishop Kelley community. CONNECTION MARCH 2014 ACADEMIC RESOURCES ARE AVAILABLE - ASK FOR HELP TEACHER OF THE MONTH PAGE MARIANNE STICH SPEECH AND DEBATE Bishop Kelley placed first in the Owasso, Sand Springs, Union, and Sapulpa tournaments. Regionals take place March 28 –29 at Union and State is April 9-12 at OU/ Norman. For more results, see the BK website. Mrs. Stich is the Director of Campus Ministry and Director of Christian Service. She is also Bishop Kelley’s tie to the global community of Lasallian educators. She has attended the international conference in Rome as well as many formative workshops and conferences in the U.S. She teaches new members of the faculty and staff about Bishop Kelley’s Lasallian roots and mission. Mrs. Stich uses her background as a speech and drama coach as she plans ministry events and selects seniors to speak at Baccalaureate Mass and Graduation. She plans the themes and prayers for Advent, Lent, All-School Mass, and Kairos retreats. In addition to helping students arrange and track Christian Service hours, Mrs. Stich is teaching Composition IIA this year. She is always willing to judge speech tournaments and be a “test audience” for speech and debate practices. Mrs. Stich’s talents “touch the hearts and minds” of all BK students over their four years of high school. 5 Winners of Bishop Kelley’s Creative Writing Contest Short Story 1st Grace Roy All Saints “Endings and New Beginnings” 2nd Turner Snapp/Steven Plaisance St. Mary /“Space Detectives” 3rd Megan Ames St. Mary “The Fifteen Doors” Poetry 1st Nick Barone St. Pius X “The Shade Tree” 2nd Jackie Alvarez, St. Pius X “What is Love?” 3rd Brian Limekiller St. Pius X “Untitled” Essay 1st Erin Kane, St. Pius X “Untitled” ACADEMIC BOWL 5A STATE CHAMPIONS! In Class 5A, Bishop Kelley won its second title in three years. Kelley’s team includes Wyatt Evans, Peter Simmons, Matt Goldsmith and Devin Raine. Kelley is coached by Medea Bendel and Michael Blazek. Bishop Kelley overcame a second-round loss to Edison to win five consecutive matches and take its sixth state championship. Kelley beat Duncan, Bishop McGuinness and Edison before defeating Edmond Deer Creek twice in the championship round. 2nd Victoria Wierzchowski, All Saints “Participation and Respect” Gabriella Beets, St. Pius X “Nana: Our Memories” 3rd Kim Jones, St. Pius X “Trip to Remember” PAGE 6 Congratulations to the cast, crew, and directors of “The Music Man”! Five fabulous performances! Feathered hair, ‘fros, lighted dance floors, 8-tracks, and funky fresh clothing----disco is back for one night only at Friday Night Fever, the 2014 Bishop Kelley Auction. Enjoy a delicious dinner by Chef Jeff Marlow and a fun-filled evening of authentic disco DJ music and lights. You will also have the opportunity to take home some dy-no-mite Silent and Live Auction items, including: ● Trip to Italy with Frs. O’Brien and Pratt in May, 2015 ● An evening for 10 with New York Times best-selling author Dorothea Benton Frank ● Golf for four at Karsten Creek including overnight accommodations at the luxurious Lodges ● iPad Air ● Hasty-Bake grill ● Yurman bracelet ● And more… Visit here to make your Patron or Individual reservations for Friday, April 25, 2014. BKbay online auction opens on Monday, April 14. CONNECTION MARCH PAGE PAGE 7 7 December Seniors of the Month ANNAMARIA MALATI & MITCHELL OGLESBY SENIORS OF THE MONTH SEPTEMBER Mackenzie Straurovosky & Nik Scott OCTOBER Leslie Atherton & Joseph Teter NOVEMBER Roxy Eddington & Jack Calvert DECEMBER Annamaria Malati is active in Comet Ambassador, Student Council, Link Crew, Speech and Debate, Brother Bernadine, and intramurals. She has also been in Kelley Krazies, Spanish Club, and Class Board. She was elected to the 2013 Fall Homecoming Court and named Maid of Honor. Annamaria is the President of National Honor Society. She has completed Advanced Placement classes in AP Government, AP Chemistry, and AP Lang. This year, she is taking AP Spanish and AP Psychology. For her Scholars Senior Project, Annamaria created a Mediterranean cookbook to examine the health benefits of Mediterranean cuisine. “I particularly enjoyed doing service hours at the Catholic Charities food pantry.“ Annamaria Malati & Mitchell Oglesby JANUARY Danielle Cain Her favorite part about Kelley is the faculty. “The teachers especially do a great job making classes interesting and taking interest in the lives of their students. It is always apparent that they enjoy their job.” & Will O’Connor FEBRUARY Julie McElroy Caleb Cole She is a member of St. Bernard’s Parish. Mitchell Oglesby is a two-year captain of BK’s Rhythm Factory Drumline, and a four-year member. He also helped start the Comet Lacrosse club team. Another of Mitchell’s “claim to fame” is being awarded best dressed for senior superlatives. He has focused his academics on sciences. “I went to Tulsa Tech for engineering and biomedical sciences to further my education and prepare for a biomedical engineering degree.” He is a member of St Bernard’s Parish and attends the Quest youth group. He loves to scuba dive, hunt, fish, snowboard and take adventurous vacations. “My favorite thing about Kelley is that my entire family went through Kelley, allowing me to have a true connection to Kelley through them but at the same time make connections myself that will never fade and will remain dear to me forever.” Mitchell plans to pursue a degree in the engineering field and possibly go to medical school. He is in the process of deciding college plans. @BKComets for BK news CONNECTION MARCH 2014 Note: Danielle Cain & Will O’Connor were featured in last month’s Connection. PAGE Comet Sightings Lexi Mulkey had a successful 2013 Show Season. Lexi placed in USEF (United States Equestrian Federation) Zone 7's Top 10 in four separate divisions: Large Junior Hunter on Hutton; Children's Hunter on Shennigans and both Low & High Children's Jumpers on Always in the Blue. Taylor Johnson and Macy Heins traveled with their competitive cheer team (Twist and Shout Diamonds) to Atlanta Cheersport and came home National Champions. They also won a full paid bid to Worlds in April! Comet Lacrosse is a new club team with many Bishop Kelley students playing the sport for the first time. Do you have a Comet Sighting? Please send it to Thank you! Join over 1,000 other Comets and LIKE our fan page today! CONNECTION MARCH 2014 8 February Seniors of the Month JULIE MCELROY & CALEB COLE Julie McElroy has been a leader on Search and Sophomore Girls Retreat. She also attended Kairos. “My favorite thing about Kelley is all the retreats that are offered. They give you the chance to make a better connection with friends family and help you to grow in your relationship with God.” Julie has taken AP Psychology and concentrated on Spanish by taking Spanish and joining Spanish Club for four years. “I plan to attend OSU and study community medicine and minor in Spanish. I would eventually like to go do mission work as a doctor in rural parts of Oklahoma and travel to third world countries and bring medical relief to them. I worked at St. John Medical Center last summer and am working there again this summer.” She is a member of All Souls UnitarianChurch. Julie plays varsity basketball, club soccer and rows with the Tulsa Rowing Club. She is a member of Link Crew, Comet Ambassadors, and NHS. Julie also plays violin in the new BK String Ensemble. Caleb Cole’s school activities in senior year alone include Student Council, Varsity Track, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, National Honors Society, Comet Ambassadors, Intramurals, Model United Nations, Bowling Club, Pep Squad, SEARCH talk team leader and co-director. He has been on the 3-on-3 Tournament Championship team one year, and was on the runner-up King of the Court Volleyball team. This year, his team placed third in the Dodgeball Fundraiser. He has participated in many of these groups for multiple years; Latin Club, Kelley Krazies, and Basketball are also among his activities at BK. Caleb is a member of the Church of St. Mary. He is a member of Serra Club and a volunteer at Clear Creek Monastery. He has helped at the Diocesan Track Meet, St. Mary’s field day, BK Open House, Comet Basketball Camp, Animal Rescue Foundation, and the American Heart Association. He plans to study medicine and possibly orthopedic surgery. PAGE 9 Swim Comets At the State swim meet, Beth Grundy won 3rd place in the 200 IM and 2nd place in the 100 Breaststroke, Danielle Moy Jatko placed 8th in the 100 Fly, Colin Frazee placed 10th in the 100 Breaststroke. Almost all swimmers had best times and the relay of Danielle Moy-Jatko, Marybeth Colpitts, Bernarda Serrano, and Beth Grundy dropped time and moved up to 13th place. Basketball-Varsity Boys won their last regular season game and also won the Metro Lakes Conference Championship with an undefeated 12-0 record in Conference. Good luck at Regionals! BK is the host for the Feb. 28 first round. Basketball- Varsity Girls ended a hard-fought season in the first round of Regionals. Comet Wrestling: Brice Inbody finished 2nd in Regionals and competes at State. Matt Smith qualified for State by finishing 4th. Spencer Zellers competed in the Quarterfinals. Over 20 teams competed in the BK Classic held February 7-8. Track Skiatook Invitational March 7; grades 9 & 10 compete March 4 at Catoosa. Golf Boys play at the McAlester Invitational on March 10. Girls play March 27 at the Jenks Invitational. Tennis Boys play Union on March 3. Girls begin the season March 1 at the Jenks Tournament. ▼ SENIOR NIGHT WINTER SPORTS 2014 A look to the west from the new concession area. Progress continues on the Stadium Expansion/Renovation Project. Future plans include expanding the seating and the press box, as well as adding restrooms and fieldhouse renovation/construction. BASEBALL Bishop Kelley vs. Jenks Thursday, March 6 , 7:30 p.m. ONEOK Field BASEBALL ALUMNI WEEKEND MARCH 21-22 Kelley's former baseball coach, Tony Scardino, is bringing Blue Valley North from Kansas City to scrimmage the Comets on Friday and Saturday. Alumni can catch a game while returning to the campus for alumni festivities. The alumni game will follow the Varsity game on Saturday at noon on March 22. An Alumni package that includes a ticket to the game, refreshments and shirt for $30. To add your name to the email list or for further information contact Jeff Pazales at PAGE 10 Parent Teacher Organization Dear Bishop Kelley Families: I hope everyone is looking forward to spring and nicer weather. We have many great activities planned for the spring. Thank you to the Margaret Oglesby, Janice Teter, Celeste Cole, Christen Miles and the senior parents for a wonderful teacher luncheon. We are looking forward to our Grandparent Prom and Grandparent Prayer Services in March. If you have grandparents who need to be added to the grandparent list, please sign them up on the Bishop Kelley website. We are looking for volunteers to help with the Prom on March 25th or Grandparents Day on March 26th. Please contact Jennifer Wood at if you would like to volunteer for one of the activities. Moms in Prayer are still meeting every Wednesday at 1:45 to pray for our students and staff. Thank you for your continued support of PTO. Mary Sanderlin, PTO President Club 17 CLUB 17 MARDI GRAS SOCIAL! Tuesday, March 4 6 - 8 p.m. The Tropical Restaurant and Bar 8125 E 49th St Appetizers and drinks available to purchase. RSVP or ► Moms in Prayer meet every Wednesday at 1:45 p.m. in the De La Salle Chapel to pray for our students, faculty, and staff. All are welcome. ► Join us March 4 for our PTO Monthly Meeting at 8:30 in the Library Conference Room. Club 17 LUNCH Friday, March 28/ 11:30 a.m. COSMOS 3334 S. Peoria Ave. ► Grandparents’ Day on March 26. Make sure BK has contact information for Grandparents’ Day and “Senior Prom” on March 25. See link. Club 15 Lunch at Cardigan's on Lewis Friday, March 7, 2014 (first Friday of the month due to spring break) 11:30 a.m. If you can help bring muffins or cookies for the receptions, contact Jennifer Wood. These events are very well-attended! Spring Social and Wine Tasting Hosted by Kim and Kirk Gage, Elizabeth and Cliff Nutt April - Date TBD Club 16 LUNCH Thursday, March 6/ Noon McNellie’s South 7031 S. Zurich (71st & Yale) CONNECTION MARCH 2014 ► Looking Ahead Spring Break March 17-21 Prom Saturday, April 26 7-11 p.m. Graduation is Saturday, May 24 10 a.m. / TU Reynolds Center Club ‘17 nights at the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma. Thanks, Volunteers! PAGE 11 ► THANK YOU to everyone who has supported Believe in Kelley, and to our co-chairs, Teresa and Kurt Slagle. This annual fund helps with tuition assistance and school needs not covered by tuition. We have donations of $237,360, or 56% toward our goal of $425,000. This year’s Believe in Kelley drive will also fund upgrades to our bus fleet and tuition assistance. Every gift of any size is welcome! The drive extends until June 30, 2014. Focus on Alumni Giving: Many alumni who give to Bishop Kelley are current parents, faculty and staff. This year, we are encouraging giving from every class! Please consider a gift and encourage others to participate in the 2013-14 Believe in Kelley fund! Georges Habib ’13 heard that BK needed funds to be eligible for a matching gift for HVAC last year. Although he attends TCC and works part-time, he made a gift and a pledge. “I consider Bishop Kelley my second family after four years here,“ said Georges. ► PLANNED GIVING is effective tax planning as well as funding Bishop Kelley’s future. One beneficial and convenient way for Bishop Kelley supporters to help the school grow its endowment is through planned gifts. This year alone, four families have placed planned gifts totaling more than $900,000 that will one day benefit the Bishop Kelley Endowment Trust. If this is something you’d like to consider, contact The Advancement Group at 918.491.0079 or Doug Thomas, BK’s Director of Advancement at 918.949.8872 or at webcast for games and events. ► See the video sent to alums for Valentine’s Day. ► A TIME FOR PLANTING! Help beautify Bishop Kelley’s campus with the gift of a tree. Early spring is the time to plant! Bishop Kelley’s large campus has many areas to landscape and we have had extreme weather over the past three years that has taken a toll on our trees. We are partnering with Southwood Landscape and Nursery, owned by alums Joe Schulte ’67 and Ginny Cronk Schulte ’68, to make the most of our landscape donation gifts. Information is available on the Bishop Kelley website and on Bishop Kelley Facebook. CONNECTION MARCH 2014 March 2014 "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Philippians 4:8 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Freshman Boys Retreat 2014‐2015 Online Registra on Due See for complete calendar, school, and sports information Baseball Polar Bear Scrimmage Girls Tennis @ Jenks Boys Basketball 5A Regionals TBA 2 3 4 arty ras P rdi G pm a M 6 ‐8 ‘14 rant u a t Club es ical R Trop B/G Soccer vs Putnam City No Baseball vs Bentonville 10 Time to change your clocks 16 5 Track (9th/10th) @ Catoosa Girls Tennis @ Union Boys Tennis @ Union 9 PTO Mtg @ 8:30 am Library Mee ng Rm 11 Late Start - 9 am Faculty Meeting 6 Ash Wednesday All-School Mass 10:00 am - All are welcome 12 Late Start - 9 am Baseball @ Owasso Club ‘16 McNellie’s South—Noon Track @ Skiatook Boys Tennis @ Jenks Baseball @ Ponca City 13 Late Start - 9 am Baseball vs Bartlesville Girls Tennis @ Claremore Baseball vs Ponca City BK Boys Soccer Invita onal 14 Late Start - 9 am 15 12:15 Dismissal Finals: 1st & 2nd Boys Tennis @ Claremore Baseball vs Ft. Smith Southside Finals: 3rd & 4th Baseball @ Bartlesville Spring Break Mission Trip 5A State Basketball TBA B/G Soccer vs Bixby 18 8 Basketball 5A Area TBA Baseball vs Jenks @ ONEOK 12:15 Dismissal Boys Golf @ McAlester Invita onal 17 Adora on 7:45‐2:45 Chapel Club ‘15 Cardigans on Lewis—11:30 am Ac ng I presents The Emperor’s New Clothes 8pm STC 7 Beans & Jeans Day 19 20 Baseball vs Rogers, AR 21 Enjoy Spring Break Break— —March 17 17--21 22 Baseball vs Blue Valley North Spring Break Mission Trip to Chicago - Saturday (3/15) to Saturday (3/22) 23 B/G Soccer @ Muskogee 24 25 Track (9th) @ Tahlequah 26 Girls Tennis @ Edison (with BTW) Boys Tennis @ BTW (LaFortune) Baseball vs Broken Arrow Boys Golf @ Coweta Invita onal Grandparents’ Prom Baseball @ Broken Arrow 6:30-7:30 pm Commons 4th Quarter begins 30 31 1 Girls Golf @ Coweta Tournament Baseball vs BTW PTO Mtg @ 8:30 am Library Mee ng Rm Watch for Parent Prom Email Baseball @ BTW Girls Golf @ Union Tournament Late Start - 9 am Grandparents’ Day 27 Student Trivia Night 7‐8 pm Commons Reconcilia on Services 1st & 2nd Blocks Girls Golf @ Jenks Invita onal 2 28 Reconcilia on Services Lasallian Service Day 3rd & 4th Blocks Track @ Wagoner Boys Golf @ Union/BA Invita onal B/G Soccer @ Union Late Start - 9 am Faculty Meeting 29 Club ‘17 Cosmos on Peoria—11:30 am Financial Aid Deadline April 15
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