Connection - Bishop Kelley


Connection - Bishop Kelley
Dear Bishop Kelley Community,
School News
Campus Ministry
Athletic News
Comet Sightings
Believe in Kelley
On Thursday night October 3rd, the community of Catholic schools will gather
downtown for the St. Francis of Assisi Mass and Gala. Each year that event is a
celebration of the amazing work being done by Catholic schools in the Diocese of
Tulsa and it also raises funds to increase the endowment that provides tuition
assistance for every Catholic school in Eastern Oklahoma. Bishop Kelley High
School is the largest recipient of these funds and what we
offer in tuition assistance each year would be diminished
without this support. Please join me in supporting this wonderful event.
Also that night, Bishop Kelley High School will be well
represented in the awards given. Science Teacher and
Department Chairman Brian Arenson will be honored as
the James A. Robinson Teacher of the Year. Mr. Arenson
has been a teacher at Bishop Kelley for 32 years. During
that time he has taught, coached, and led our Science
Department to new heights. He is responsible for inspiring
an entire generation of doctors, nurses, physical therapists, Mr. Arenson, unpacking equipment for the new and other medical personnel. I talk to alumni every year who
science lab last spring. say, “I’m a doctor because of Mr. Arenson” or “I used to
hate Science until I had Mr. Arenson. Now I’m a nurse.” Brian Arenson epitomizes
what academic excellence is all about and he is a model of hard work, passion for
his subject, and love of his students. He follows in the great tradition that St.
John Baptist de la Salle started over 300 years ago. This honor is well-deserved!
In other news, it’s time once again for our annual “High School Preview” on
October 13th. On that afternoon we will welcome 8th graders and their families
to campus to see what Bishop Kelley is all about. Please join us that day and
encourage others to come as well. It’s also time for current 8th graders to take
the Placement Test and to shadow. All that information can be found on our new
and improved website On the website you can also find a
secure site to donate to our annual fund “Believe in Kelley.” Your generosity is
greatly appreciated as we raise needed funds for tuition assistance and to upgrade our bus fleet. Thank you in advance!
In Christ,
Diocese of Tulsa Rev. Brian O'Brien
Believe in Kelley Receptions:
Upperclassman receptions are at St. Gregory's
building (just south of BK) on the 10th floor.
Senior Parents- Tuesday October 8 from 6:00-7:30 pm
Sophomore Parents- Wednesday October 9th from 6:00-7:30 pm
Freshman and Junior Parent Receptions took place in September .
► If
you can't come to your class gathering, please choose another and join us!
We're looking forward to a great year ahead. Thank you for your support!
Don’t miss these performances!
Fall Choir Concert Wednesday, October 2 / 7 p.m. / STC Auditorium
Free—Everyone Welcome! The freshman and sophomore women’s choir and the
Jazz Choir will perform a wide variety of music—everything from classical to pop.
One Act Play Sunday, October 6 at 2 p.m. / STC Auditorium
One Act is a farcical Western called A Bad Day In Gopher's Breath. It will be performed for the BK community Saturday, October 5th at 7pm and Sunday, October 6
at 2 p.m.
TheMusicManis the all-school musical this year. Auditions will be held
Wednesday, October 30 and Friday, November 1: Call backs are on Sunday, Nov. 3.
Performances will be Thursday, January 30 - Sunday, February 2 .
Bishop Kelley has a new website! The new design is easy to use
on every device—smart phones, tablets, laptops, etc. It adds to
our video capabilities and makes Bishop Kelley easier to find on
web searches. Most of the website will have the new look this
year; the Athletics section will change at a later date. Littlefield
Brand Development created the site.
Tips: To return to the home page from other pages on the web
site, click on the Bishop Kelley logo in the left corner.
To search for a topic, tap the magnifying glass icon on the
upper right side of the screen.
SEARCH retreats are going strong. This photo is from SEARCH 73. FALL SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES The fall service trip will be November 15-17 in the Moore, OK
area. A Lasallian Service Saturday is scheduled on October 12. We will work with Rebuilding
Together Tulsa and students have to be at least 16 to attend. Details for these events will be in
the daily bulletin and in the weekly email. The BK website also has individual service opportunities listed.
International Lasallian Days for Peace
September 2--October 21, 2013
Just a few of the prac ce portraits from Mrs. Anna Kallstrom’s art class. Her students used St. John Bap st de La Salle as a model. He is the founder of the Chris an Brothers and the patron saint of teachers. REBUILDING TULSA TOGETHER / LASALLIAN SERVICE DAY 9/14 POPE FRANCIS’ INTENTION FOR OCTOBER People in Despair. That those feeling so crushed by life that they
wish to end it may sense the nearness of God's love. World Mission Day. That the celebration of World Mission Day
may help all Christians realize that we are not only receivers but
proclaimers of God's word. PAGE
Students needing academic support should take advantage of the resources available:
Meet with the teacher before or after school for additional help.
Visit Writing Lab (Monday-Thursday) 3:15-4:15 in the Library/Media
Computer Lab 3.
Visit Math Lab (Monday-Thursday) 3:15-4:15 in C-7 & C-8.
Attend Study Hall (Monday-Thursday) 3:15-4:00 in B-5 (a quiet place to
Ask for help in study skills or testing strategies from Ms. Brose and
Mrs. Treadway in iConnect (MQP-16)
Counselors can provide a list of tutors if you wish to hire one.
For more information contact Maureen Lawler in the guidance office or
go to or email Students may
now apply on-line for the program at
Oct. 26, 2013
Dec.14, 2013
Feb. 8, 2014
April 12, 2014 (at BK)
June 14, 2014
Sept.27, 2013
Nov. 8, 2013
Jan. 10, 2014
March 7, 2014
May 9, 2014
Oct. 5, 2013 (at BK) Sept. 6, 2013
Nov. 2, 2013
Oct. 3, 2013
Dec. 7, 2013 (at BK) Nov. 8, 2013
Jan. 25, 2014
Dec. 27, 2014
March 8, 2014
Feb. 7, 2014
May 3, 2014 (at BK) April 4, 2014
June 7, 2014
May 9, 2014
To register for these tests go to and
When you register for a test, Make sure that you put in Bishop
Kelley’s school code 373-620 or we will not receive the scores.
The PSAT will be on October
16th for all 10th and 11th
graders. This test helps students prepare for the SAT. It
also provides entry into National Merit Scholarship Corporation competitions as well
as other scholarship
and recog nition programs. Students are
given PSAT Study Guides to
review before the test.
Semi-Finalists, first row L to R: Mariah Rubino, Peter Simmons, Alex Moore and
Joseph Teter. Commended students include L to R: Josiah Siddiki, Caitlin Stillson,
Shane Muselman, Katie Roberts, David Potts, Meredith Crouch, Lennon Luckadoo,
Kate McAndrews, and Ben Brown. Congratulations to these outstanding students,
their families, and their teachers. Bishop Kelley has had 34 Semi-Finalists in the
past four years. Katie Roberts is also a National Hispanic Scholar.
For Incoming 9th Grade
Students / Class of 2018
Saturday, November 2, 2013
8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Register online
Sunday, October 13 BK Gym
Opening session begins at 2 p.m.
Plan to join President, Rev. Brian
O’Brien for the opening session
followed by a variety of interesting
sessions and tours for parents
and students alike!
Meet faculty, staff, & coaches
Financial Aid Presentation
Information on Curriculum
Br. Bernardine Scholars
 Campus tours
 Spirit Store and Refreshments
All freshmen at Bishop Kelley
take the EXPLORE test on
Wednesday, October 16th
from 9 a.m. until approximately noon. EXPLORE is the first
part of a testing system that
goes on to include PLAN and
the ACT. Students are encouraged to get a good night's rest
and to eat a good breakfast.
To learn more about the EXPLORE and review sample
test questions go to
Save The Date
November 5
Parent Teacher
11 a.m.-2 p.m. / Student Commons
The cost for each vaccination is $25. Checks should be made payable to PicMed. For each vaccination
given, $5 will be donated back to Bishop Kelley. Click here for more information.
On Friday,September 20, the
following Comets were inducted into the Bishop Kelley
Athletic Hall of Fame.
Marshall Arp
Michael McElwaine ’66
Shelley Sinclair ’75
Join over
1,000 other
Comets and
LIKE our fan
page today!
Marshall Arp started the girls basketball team at Kelley. He was the Booster Club
President and has been a Comet fan since the school opened. His five children
and grandchildren have attended Kelley and played sports. Shelley Sinclair ’75
was an exceptional multi-sport athlete at Kelley and she was the first female from
Oklahoma to earn a college scholarship for athletics. She played softball for KU,
earned an MBA at OSU, and used the lessons she learned in team sports to have
a successful career in the aerospace industry. Michael McElwaine ’66, Senior
Captain of the tennis team, returned to Kelley after college to teach math and
coach Comet Tennis. With seven State Championships, many titles and Coach of
the Year honors, Mr. McElwaine coached many players who continued their sport
in college. He is also known for building the wrestling program at Kelley and running the very successful Comet Invitational for many years. Also a clock-keeper and
transportation director, Coach McElwaine has made many contributions to BK Athletics.
October 3-7
Sophomore Girls'
Retreat November 2
Game October 25 vs. McAlester
Dance October 26 / Cox Business
Center Downtown 8-10:30 p.m.
2013 Fall Sports Homecoming Court
Sophomore attendants
November 21-24
Audra Keeling and Hayley Rauner
Junior Attendants
KK Chapman and Lauren Keaney
Senior Queen Finalists
Julie McElroy
Annamaria Malati
Kristina Ngo
Quinlan Ward
One of the four finalists will be
crowned queen at the game.
Nik Scott is the Senior Class President and a member of National Honor Society, Brother Bernardine Scholars, Student Council,
Speech and Debate, Link Crew, Model U.N., National Forensics
League, Spanish Club and Student Ambassadors. He will be Student Director of Kairos and he has worked on KAIROS, COR, and
PRISM retreats. Nik is an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and a Lector. He also works at the School of St. Mary afterschool care program. He is the manager of the Boys Comet Soccer team. His favorite thing about Kelley? “The amazing faculty...Mrs. Gabel and Mr. O have pushed me to be involved and to
be a better leader. Ms. Schaunaman and Mrs. Palmer have
pushed me to be a better student and Mr. Bryan has pushed me
to be both a better Christian and a better man. The devotion of
the teachers at Kelley is unparalleled and that devotion is what
truly makes Kelley a welcoming and fruitful place for its students.”
Mackenzie Staurovsky has been on Spirit Squad and in the musicals all four years. She is a member of National Honor Society.
She is also part of Class Board, Student Council, and the Powderpuff Football team. Her favorite Christian service volunteer work is
for Catholic Charities. What she enjoys most about Kelley is community. “I know that is a cliché to say, but I love the staff, our
class, and the spirit here.” Mackenzie is a member of St. Pius X
Seniors of the Month
CONGRATULATIONS to the BK Academic Bowl teams for starting
the season strong with victories. Coaches are Medea Bendel and
Michael Blazek.
BK vs. Holland Hall: Varsity 370-140, JV 320-130, Novice 340-90
BK vs. Sand Springs: Varsity: 310 –110, JV: 360 -80, Novice: 310 140 Click here for Academic Bowl news.
First Annual Middle School Trivia Night
Thanks to Dr. Robert Scott, TU
professor of geosciences and BK
grandparent, for the new geological
map in the STC.
Hosted by the Academic Bowl Team on Saturday, October 5th.
Admission is $5 per person for a night of fun with friends. Teams
of eight register with their school principal or at the door. Doors
open at 6:30pm. Questions contact .
Parent Teacher Organization
Mary Sanderlin, PTO President
PTO is very proud to be a part of the Bishop Kelley community. We are thankful to all of our volunteers for giving their time and talents. All of our committees are off to a great start this year.
Meetings 8:30 a.m.
on the first Tuesday
of each month.
We want to thank Margaret Oglesby, Celeste Cole, Janice Teter, Christen Miles,
and the senior parents for making the Staff Appreciation Luncheon a success.
Freshman parents will help with the October lunch.
Thank you to the many parent volunteers who helped make the middle school
“Minute to Win It” a big success. We will help host the middle school “Trivia
Night” on October 5, 2013. If you are interested in volunteering that evening let
us know.
Join us October 1!
PTO helps sponsor the annual High School Preview on Sunday, October
13th. Middle School students are invited to visit the campus for informational
meetings and tours. We are sponsoring a clean-up evening on Thursday, October 10th from 5:00-7:00 p.m. We are looking for volunteers to make our campus
look great! h p://‐alumni/parents/volunteer‐bk Moms in Prayer are still meeting every Wednesday at 1:45 to pray for our students and staff. Everyone is welcome to join us in the foyer of the De La Salle
Club 15
Thank you for your continued support of the Bishop Kelley PTO!
Suzy Armstrong,
918.520.6069 Note: Class Club activities are open to all parents in each grade.
Sharon Hammond,
Vice President Club 14 Mary Sanderlin
Club 15 Lunch at Leon's (2nd Friday of each month at 11:30) - October 11
918.671.6719 Mary Keaney,
Octoberfest Party - Wednesday, October 30 / 7 p.m.
Treasurer Dede and Steve Soule's home 2934 E. 44th Pl.
Bring a German appetizer or entree. Donations will be accepted at the party.
918.232.1856 Octoberfest beverages will be provided. Please RSVP to
Carol Berry, Lunch at
Leon's Coordinator Club 16 Luncheon at Cosmo /Thursday, October 24 at noon / 3334 South
Peoria. No RSVP needed. Andrea Spears
918.408.4680 Mary Beth Pasque,
Club '17 October 12 / 6 pm Siegi's Sausage Factory. Please RSVP by
Pep Crew Monday, October 7. Erika Quinn or Cindy Howard
918.724.1123 CONNECTION
Comet Sightings
Courtney McCorkle scored in the
top three for her zone to qualify
for the United States Hunter
Jumper Association Horsemanship Quiz Challenge. About 40
students will compete in the national test held this November in
Danny Slagle was named Tulsa
World Athlete of the Week on
Sept. 18. He had 21 tackles and
a key fourth-quarter play in a 2522 win over McGuinness. With
3:36 left, he stripped the ball
from McGuinness near the Comets' goal line to prevent the goahead TD.
Alex Kirkpatrick, Troop 1, earned
the rank of Eagle Scout.
The 34 Annual Bishop Kelley Auction, Friday Night
Fever, will take place at the
Bishop Kelley campus on
Friday, April 25, 2014. The
evening will have that
“authentic disco feel” that
takes you back to the days
of the Hustle line dance, Bee Gees music, and John Travolta
moves. Fabulous food, Silent and Live Auctions, and many
more surprises are in store.
Each year we have “Gift Gathering” in classrooms to gather
donations that students bring to class. The Bishop Kelley community is so very generous each year! Last year over $136,000
of items, gift cards, and services were donated during Gift Gathering in the fall and auctioned at the event in April. Your donations to Gift Gathering are the foundation of the Auction.
Beginning, Thursday, October 24 a Gift Gathering volunteer will
visit each first block class for four Thursdays to visit with the
students about Gift Gathering and accept their donations.
Thank you for your generous support of Bishop Kelley High
Bishop Kelley Volleyball captured the championship of the
Comet Tournament of Champions. Catabrean Baumann, Phoebe Lowe and Josie Gandall were
All Tournament. The Freshman
team also won the Broken Arrow
Max Denny was nominated for
Tulsa World Player of the Week
after he had 19 tackles, a key
pass breakup and a fumble recovery in a 31-24 win at
Table reservations open October 14!
Mark your calendars for Bishop Kelley’s Annual Trivia Night on
Saturday, January 25, 2014. Reservations will open Monday,
October 14 online at at 7:30 a.m. Tables
are $200 for 10 people and Corporate tables are
$600 for 10
people (plus $200 in food/drink tickets, a table waiter, and premium seating). Corporate tables may be purchased prior to October 14 by calling Robin Lewis at 609-7114 with your credit
card information. Tables sell out fast!
Each year over 80 people volunteer to help at Trivia Night. It is a
high-energy evening that brings together over 1,300 people in
the Kelley community. The volunteers have as much fun as the
players. Contact Robin if you would like to help at
Jayro Torres with STUCO
Speaker Keith Hawkins.
◄ Do you have a Comet Sighting?
Please send it to
for BK news
Spirit Store
Open 11:30
a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
on school days.
Spirit items are
also available by
the stadium at
home football
The Return of the
Shillelagh! 25-22!
Whether you can’t wait to see
the replays, or you couldn’t
attend the game, BKTV is for
Thanks to our home football
game announcers Sam Harbin
and Kevin McMillan.
Thanks to our parent chairs for
Believe in Kelley 2013—Teresa
and Kurt Slagle. This annual
fund helps with tuition assistance
and school needs not covered by
tuition. Some of the needs recently met by the annual fund completed June 30, 2013 are: wireless technology, HVAC and tuition
assistance. Thanks to our donors for raising $395,000!
We depend on current and past parents, alumni, and friends of
the school to help with these needs. Our goal is to attract the
highest level of participation with gifts of any amount. With a
goal of $425,000, this year’s Believe in Kelley drive will fund
upgrades to our bus fleet and tuition assistance.
Thanks to our Sponsors, Players, Event Chair Suzy Armstrong, Special Guest Dorothy Prassa, and Cedar Ridge Country Club! Your link to the links—sponsors and winners! 12
Congratulations to our
2013 Inductees!
Frank and Mary Quinn
Mark Chambers
Joe and Darcey Moran
The induction ceremony is
November 17.
Class of 1963 - October 18-19.
Contact Margaret Ellison at
Class of 1983 - October 25-26
(Homecoming Weekend) Contact Debbie Krafft Beichler
Class of 1988 - October 25-26
(Homecoming Weekend) Click here for Facebook group.
Class of 1998 - October 25-26
(Homecoming Weekend) Click here for Facebook group.
Class of 2008 -November 29
Details to be announced.
See the Alumni section of the
BK website or contact Gary
PLANNED GIVING is beneficial for tax planning as well as funding Bishop Kelley’s future.
One effective and convenient way for Bishop Kelley supporters to help the school grow its endowment is
through planned gifts. This year alone, we’ve had three families put in place planned gifts totaling
$400,000 that will one day benefit the Bishop Kelley Endowment Trust.
Each year, Bishop Kelley and more than 50 other Tulsa-area non-profit agencies participate in a partnership program with the Tulsa Community Foundation. This program allows BK and other agencies to have a
full-time planned giving office at a significantly-reduced cost. Through this, the planned giving services are
delivered by the Advancement Group (TAG) located on South Yale just north of the Creek Turnpike. Mark
Loeber and Chris Miller are outstanding professionals who specialize in helping donors with their estate
and charitable financial planning to benefit family members, charities, and other entities.
As an extension of the BK Advancement Office, their services would be free to you. If you decide to leave a
portion of your estate to BK, these professionals are here to help you put a plan together.
In doing so, you would help Kelley build its endowment which provides significant interest income that
currently funds over one-third of our annual tuition assistance dollars. The value of our endowment is
currently about one-third of what it should and could be for a school our size. By growing our endowment,
we can assure that Bishop Kelley will be here to serve our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren
for another 54 years and beyond.
If you already have an estate
plan in place, Mark and Chris
at TAG will offer a “free look”
at your current plan and may
identify a gift strategy that
would increase your financial
benefits to your family and to
the charities you support. The
review may decrease taxes to
the donor and/or the family as
MET! Bishop Kelley
recently met our Tulsa
Community Foundation
Planned Giving Challenge
goal and qualified for a
$20,000 grant. In the photo,
BK Advancement Director
Doug Thomas received the
Mark and Chris, at the donor’s check from Steffanie Bonner. request, will keep any and all
information confidential, even
to the institutions which will one day benefit from the donor’s foresight and generosity. When gifts are
made, donors have the opportunity to disclose as much or as little information regarding the gift amount
or their name as they wish. The Advancement Group is a free charitable financial and estate planning
service to anyone connected with BK.
If this is something you’d like to consider, contact The Advancement Group at 918.491.0079 or Doug
Thomas, BK’s Director of Advancement at 918.949.8872 or at
October 2013 Without love, deeds, even the most brilliant, count as nothing.
St. Therese of Lisieux, The Li le Flower Feast Day: October 1 Sun
Moms in Prayer
1 PTO Mtg @ 8:30 am Library Mee ng Rm Join BK mothers as they pray
for our students, faculty, and the intentions
of the entire BK community.
7 Compe
Faculty Mee ng Flu Shots 11 am –1:30 pm VB vs BTW Fr/JV/V Senior Night Fall Choir Concert 7 pm STC Late Start - 9 am
9 3 Beans & Jeans Day
BK High School Preview 2-4 pm 4 Adora
Fr FB vs Pryor 10 Late Start - 9 am
JV FB vs BTW Senior Class Recep on 6 pm St. Gregory’s 14 Sophomore Class Recep on 6 pm St. Gregory’s 5:30‐6:45 pm FB vs Durant 15 16 Late Start - 9 am
2nd Quarter begins Student Trivia Night 7pm Commons 12:30 dismissal—no senior classes 21 BK JV VB Tournament
Men’s Kairos—Thursday through Sunday 11 Late Start - 9 am
Finals: 3rd & 4th 12:15 Dismissal 12 Lasallian Service Day One‐Act Play @ Regionals Club ‘17 6 pm Siegi’s Sausage Factory FB @ Noble 18 No School Diocesan Inservice 19 No School Fall Break FB vs Shawnee Senior Night 23 Late Start - 9 am
24 2014 Auction
Gift Gathering begins
Club ‘16 12 noon Cosmo @3334 South Peoria Cookout/Bonfire 6:00 pm Fr FB vs Claremore 29 30 31 25 Red & White Day 26 G/B XC @ 6A Regionals (ORU) Pep Assembly
2:10 pm—Gym
One‐Act Play @ State FB vs McAlester Homecoming 1 All Saints Day
All‐School Mass @ 9:40 NHS Blood Drive
Commons 17 Fr FB @ Bartlesville Homecoming Week begins 28 7 pm STC VB @ 6A State 22 Class Wall Decora ng Contest (during lunch) presents Bad Day in Gopher’s Breath So ball @ 5A State PSAT ‐ 10th & 11th EXPLORE ‐ 9th JV FB vs Catoosa SAT @ BK
Compe ve One‐Act Victory Dance ‘til 10:30 pm Club ‘15 11:30 am Leon’s on Brookside VB @ 6A Regionals 5 So ball @ 5A Regionals 12:15 Dismissal Fr FB vs Skiatook Sat
G/B XC @ Chile Pepper Fest—AR on 7:45‐2:45 Chapel Kidfest Girls XC @ Owasso VB @ BA Fr/JV/V ve One‐Act presents 13 Fri
Finals: 1st & 2nd G/B XC @ Metro Lakes 27 Thu
Fellowship of Chris an Athletes (FCA) VB vs Collinsville Fr/JV/JV Red 7:30 pm Commons 8 Bad Day in Gopher’s Breath 2 pm STC 20 Late Start - 9 am
2 Commons – Parents welcome Each Wednesday @ 1:45 pm Chapel
6 Wed
All are welcome. Club ‘15 Oktoberfest 7 pm Home of Dede and Steve Soule FB @ Memorial Audi ons for Musical Audi ons for Musical See for complete calendar, school, and sports information
Homecoming Dance
8‐10:30 pm Cox Business Center (Formerly Tulsa Conven on Center) 2 Class of 2018 BK Placement Test 8:00 am