Sacred Heart Church
Sacred Heart Church
Sacred Heart Church 9460 N.E. 14TH STREET • BELLEVUE, WA 98004 (425) 454-9536 • Fax- 450-3909 PARISH OFFICE 425-454-9536 Rev. Steve Sallis, Pastor Carol Guenther, Pastoral Associate Debs Pokos Dugan, Pastoral Assistant for Children’s Faith Formation Theresa Galvez, Pastoral Assistant for Liturgical Music Mary Dickins, Pastoral Assistant for Pastoral Care & Social Concerns Jeff Kress, Pastoral Assistant for Youth &Young Adult Ministry Administration Staff John Meyer, Pastoral Assistant for Administration Robert Eubanks, Facilities Supervisor Patty Oscar, Admin. Asst. for Communication & Reception Christine Kerr, Admin. Asst. for Giving & Data Jeanine Kasprick, Bookkeeper PARISH SCHOOL David Burroughs, Principal Bridget Lawler, Vice-Principal Amy Davis, Dean of Students Susana Knapp, Admissions Director Kerry Wyman, Office Manager Ext. 105 Ext. 110 Ext. 112 Ext. 106 October 23, 2016 LITURGY SCHEDULE Sunday Masses: 8:30 AM, 11:00 AM & 5:00 PM Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00 PM Confessions: Saturdays, 3:00-4:30 PM Wednesdays, 8:00-8:45 AM Ext. 108 Ext. 111 Ext. 102 Ext. 157 Ext. 100 Ext. 109 Ext. 154 425-451-1773 PARISH LEADERSHIP • Pastoral Council: Chuck Barnes • Finance Council: John Meyer INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC? • School Commission Chairperson: Patti Cook Carol Guenther 425-454-9536, Ext. 110 INFANT BAPTISM PREPARATION • Stewardship Commission: Tom Bartell Carol Guenther 425-454-9536, Ext. 110 • Worship Commission Chairperson: Judy Hartford CONFIRMATION PREPARATION Jeff Kress 425-454-9536, Ext. 111 MARRIAGE PREPARATION Fr. Steve Sallis 425-454-9536, Ext. 105 (Six months as registered parishioner required prior to setting wedding date.) SUNDAY NURSERY (during 8:30 AM & 11:00 AM Masses) Lucy Paulsen, Coordinator 425-454-9536, Ext. 112 OFFICE HOURS Parish 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM Monday through Friday School 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM Monday through Friday OUR MISSION STATEMENT Sacred Heart Parish is a welcoming Catholic community, which inspires faith in God, through prayer, sacraments and service, while living Gospel values, as faithful followers of Jesus Christ. Weekly Calendar & Liturgies Saturday, October 22nd, 2016 Saint John Paul II SH Jubilee Year of Mercy Rome Pilgrimage 3:00 PM Confessions ~ Reconciliation Chapel Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sirach 35:12-14,16-18 2 Timothy 4:6-8,16-18 Luke 18:9-14 5:00 PM Mass (INT For the People) Sunday, October 23rd, 2016 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sirach 35:12-14,16-18 2 Timothy 4:6-8,16-18 Luke 18:9-14 SH Jubilee Year of Mercy Rome Pilgrimage 8:30 AM Mass (RIP Catherine Moschetti by Bob & Lou Schwartz) ~ Church 9:00 AM Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast ~ Gym 9:45 AM 2nd Grade Church Tour ~ Church 9:45 AM K-5th Grade Faith Formation ~ School 9:45 AM 6th-8th Grade Faith Formation ~Youth Room 9:45 AM First Reconciliation Workshop ~ Conference Rm 1 11:00 AM Mass (RIP Dorothy Casey by Ken & Dottie McGowan) 12:00 PM Coffee & Donuts ~ Narthex 4:00 PM Praise Band Practice ~ Church 5:00 PM Mass (RIP John Micek by Tony & Michelle Audino) 6:00 PM High School Youth Group ~ Gym, Youth Room, & Parish Hall Monday, October 24th, 2016 Saint Anthony Mary Claret Ephesians 4:32—5:8 Luke 13:10-17 SH Jubilee Year of Mercy Rome Pilgrimage 9:00 AM Word & Communion Service ~ Church 10:00 AM Carpe Diem Bridge ~ Nursery 7:00 PM RCIA ~ Meeting Room 1 7:30 PM Rosary & Prayer Hour ~ Church Tuesday, October 25th, 2016 Weekday Ephesians 5:21-33 Luke 13:18-21 SH Jubilee Year of Mercy Rome Pilgrimage 9:00 AM Word & Communion Service ~ Church 7:00 PM Book Club ~ Parish Hall 7:00 PM Reader Training ~ Church Wednesday, October 26th, 2016 Weekday Ephesians 6:1-9 Luke 13:22-30 SH Jubilee Year of Mercy Rome Pilgrimage NO 8:00 AM Confessions 9:00 AM Word & Communion Service ~ Church 9:30 AM Scripture Study ~ Saints Room 5:00 PM Children’s Choir Practice ~ Church 5:00 PM Haunted House ~ Moore Theater 5:00 P{M Trunk or Treat ~ Upper Parking Lot 6:30 PM Chorale Choir Practice ~ Church 6:30 PM Scripture Study ~ Saints Room Thursday, October 27th, 2016 Weekday Ephesians 6:10-20 Luke 13:31-35 SH Jubilee Year of Mercy Rome Pilgrimage 9:00 AM Word & Communion Service ~ Church Friday, October 28th, 2016 Saints Simon and Jude Ephesians 2:19-22 Luke 6:12-16 SH Jubilee Year of Mercy Rome Pilgrimage 8:45 AM Word & Communion Service ~ Church 5:00 PM School Dance ~ Gym Saturday, October 29th, 2016 Weekday Philippians 1:18b-26 Luke 14:1,7-11 3:00 PM Confessions ~ Reconciliation Chapel Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time Wisdom 11:22—12:2 2 Thessalonians 1:11—2:2 Luke 19:1-10 5:00 PM Mass (INT ) Sunday, October 30th, 2016 Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time Wisdom 11:22—12:2 2 Thessalonians 1:11—2:2 Luke 19:1-10 8:30 AM Mass (RIP ) ~ Church 9:30 AM Adult Faith Formation ~ Parish Hall 9:30 AM Coffee & Donuts 9:45 AM Children’s Faith Formation ~ School Gym 9:45 AM K-5th Grade Faith Formation ~ School 9:45 AM 6th-8th Grade Faith Formation ~Youth Room 11:00 AM Mass (RIP ) 12:00 PM Coffee & Donuts ~ Narthex 4:00 PM Praise Band Practice ~ Church 5:00 PM Mass (RIP ) 6:00 PM Youth Core Team Meeting ~ Youth Room PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK Fr. Gary Morelli, Tom Sallis, Terry Geere, Louise Melchor (mother of Stephanie McIntyre) and Joseph Bellio, (father of Laurie Oki) THE DECEASED Rose Mary Lamb (mother of Rosemarie Engman) From the Pastor & Liturgy FROM THE PASTOR JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY PILGRIMAGE—I am on the Jubilee Year of Mercy pilgrimage with 29 pilgrims who are going on the pilgrimage; 21 are Sacred Heart parishioners. On Sunday, October 23, we will spend the day in Assisi and celebrate Mass in the Basilica of Saint Francis. Check out our Pilgrimage blog on the parish website; we will try to keep you posted of our whereabouts and activities. We will give a report to the parish on Sunday, November 6, 9:45-10:45 AM in the Parish Hall. We will remember all of you in our pilgrimage Masses and prayers. Please keep us in your prayers as well. OCTOBER IS RESPECT LIFE MONTH—October is always the month in which we focus our prayer and attention on Respect Life. This year’s theme is Moved by Mercy. “Each person ‘has a place in God’s heart from all eternity’ (Amore Laetitia 168). Within this context, Pope Francis reminds us, ‘we are called to protect our humanity, and this means, in the first place, accepting it and respecting it as it was created’ (Amore Laetitia 56). Like the Good Samaritan, may we always treat each person with merciful love and respect that affirms the gift of his or her life.” (USCCB-Respect Life) Please spend some time during this month to pray for a deeper respect and reverence for all human life. MISSION SUNDAY—October 23 is Mission Sunday when we remember and pray for all the missioners of the Church. Remember them in your prayers this week and support them through the Mission Sunday Collection. Let us continue to work together to build up the Kingdom of God here at Sacred Heart. LITURGICAL MINISTER TRAINING Training sessions for new liturgical ministers have begun. If you have already registered to become a new liturgical minister or if you are interested but haven’t registered yet, please attend an upcoming training session. The remaining schedule is: Altar Servers: Wednesday, November 9, 3:30-4:30 pm; in the church. Eucharistic Ministers: Tuesday, November 8, 7-8 pm; in the church. Readers: Tuesday, October 25, 7-8 pm or Thursday, November 3, 7-8 pm; both in the church. If none of the scheduled times work, please call the Parish Office and leave your name and phone number and ministry. FEAST OF SAINTS SIMON AND JUDE We remember two apostles on Friday, October 28: “Simon, who was called a Zealot, and Judas, also called Thaddeus. That is the end of the historical record. But the memory of the Church, which might not meet all the requirements of modern historians, does have a deeper record of these two saints. Sometime after Pentecost the two of them went off to spread the Gospel in Persia. There they freed people from the oppression that comes with worshipping idols and confronting magicians and pagan priests. The magicians of the false gods demanded a showdown with the holy Apostles, challenging them like the Egyptian priests challenged Moses and Aaron in the courts of Pharaoh. Many were amazed and came to know the truth of Christ, but the magicians and pagan priests rushed upon the Apostles and killed them.” (2016 Sourcebook for Sundays, Seasons, and Weekdays, 309) WORD AND COMMUNION THIS WEEK There will be a Word and Communion Service Monday through Friday this week. ALL SAINTS AND ALL SOULS IMAGES We will once again put images of saints and pictures of deceased loved one and friends in the church for All Saints and All Souls (November 1 and 2). If you would like to contribute, bring your images/photos to the Liturgical Ministers Room next weekend or to the Parish Office by Friday at 4 PM. CHRISTMAS IN OCTOBER! Come join the Sacred Heart Chorale in our first readthrough of our Advent and Christmas Music on Saturday, October 29th from 9 AM -2 PM. An opportunity to sing for the Season and no further obligations. Fun Fa-la-la’s for all. Contact Theresa Galvez at or Viki Cunningham at 425-443-2589 to sign up (no audition required). Pastoral Care & Social Concerns NOVEMBER MEALS - HOMELESS MEN 55+ Halloween Luncheon 11:30am, Monday, Oct. 31st in the Narthex, $10/person ~ Advance ticket sales only Thank you for your generous response. The slots are filling up nicely and we still need your help. So, please stop by the sign-up table in the narthex after Mass and help support this vital ministry of helping feed the hungry in our community. Questions: Michelle Bartell Tel: 425-452-8217 or e-mail: Guest speaker: Dr. Hank Williams, Geriatrician on “How the Brain Ages” Costumes & masks encouraged, but not required! ~ Ticket sales after Mass Oct. 15-16 , 22-23 & 29-30 ~ Questions? Mary Dickins, 425-454-3908 or Sponsored by Carpe Diem 55+ Potluck Lunch Thursday, Nov. 17th + Thanksgiving-themed movie 11:30-11:45 -- Arrive in Narthex 12-noon -- Lunchtime! 1pm-ish – Feature Film Food Assignments Holiday Lights, Homemade Soups, Dessert Potluck & Christmas Movie! 4pm, Thursday, Dec. 1st t A–C: salad/side for 8-10, D–I: main dish for 8-10 J–Z: dessert for 8-10 Info -- Mary Dickins, 425-450-3908 or ~ for parishioners 55yrs+ ~ (Rain or Shine, but stay home if it snows!) --Meet in the Narthex by 4:00 to drop off desserts & form carpools. (Must depart from upper parking lot promptly to arrive at Gardens by 4:30pm.) --Take a short stroll through Bellevue Botanical Gardens holiday light display, then head back to the Narthex for homemade soups, dessert potluck & a holiday movie! --It’s O.K. to skip the lights. Just join us in the Narthex around 5:15 for soup, dessert potluck & holiday movie. More info? Contact Mary Dickins, 425-450-3908 or ~ Hosted by Carpe Diem ~ SOCK IT TO HOMELESSNESS Operation Nightwatch. OCTOBER 22nd/23rd Sacred Heart Sock Drive for the Homeless. Next Weekend please bring socks for the homeless! Look for the bins in the narthex. Comfort tired feet. Lift weary spirits. Give Someone Hope! Youth & Young Adult Ministry Register by October 30 For the early registration price* Registration has begun! $75 gets you Contact to register Praise & Worship Powerful Speakers Breakout Sessions Prayer Experiences Fellowship *scholarships are available Sacred Heart School New Families at Sacred Heart School We are thrilled to welcome 43 new families with 68 new students to our Sacred Heart this school year. If you are interested in our wonderful community: SHS Open House Tuesday, November 15th 5:30-7:00 PM Pre-K through 8th grade Contact Susana Knapp to RSVP or if you have any questions at 425-451-1773 ext. 1603 Save the Date for the One Love, One Heart SHS Auction! February 11, 2017 Lenny Wilken’s Foundation On September 29th, Sacred Heart School held a free dress day to benefit the Lenny Wilken’s Foundation. Students were asked to bring $2 or more and earn a free dress day. We collected over $900. Way to go Sacred Heart Spartans! Administration & Stewardship WORLD MISSION SUNDAY 2016 Annually, World Mission Sunday is celebrated in every parish in the world on the next-to-last Sunday in October. As described by Pope John Paul II, this celebration is "an important day in the life of the Church because it teaches how to give—as an offering made to God, in the Eucharistic celebration, and for all the missions of the world." Your contribution this weekend to this collection supports the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, the Church in Latin America, the Catholic Near East Welfare Association which serves the Middle East, India, parts of Europe and North Africa, the Church in Central and Eastern Europe and the Pastoral Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa. Please contribute using the special collection envelope found in this month’s offering envelope packet. Extra envelopes are available in the pews today. You can also donate through the “online giving” link on our parish website, If you’re contributing by check, to assist our transfer of these funds, please make your check payable to Sacred Heart Parish. This special collection is one of several taken up each year. It’s an opportunity to give from the “other half” of your financial stewardship, the percent set aside for “other charities.” REGISTRATION FOR 4th-8th GRADE BOYS AND GIRLS CYO BASKETBALL NOW OPEN Time to get out the basketball gear and register your child for one of Sacred Heart CYO’s hoops teams! This year we will be fielding teams for boys and girls in 4th through 8th grades, and depending on the number of registrants, hope to have enough to field multiple teams in every grade, which means lots of court time for everyone! We're even going to have extra practice court time at the Hidden Valley Boys and Girls club, so if your child wants to play b-ball, this is going to be an epic chance for them to learn the game and develop skills. Registration deadline: November 5th. Registration fees increase after October 28th, so register NOW! Registration Fees – to October 28th $125 (per child); October 29th-November 5th $150. (Note: Discounts on fees applied for more than 1 child.) Sign-up now! Link to Registration site: STEWARDSHIP OF TIME & TALENT COMMITMENT SUNDAY FOLLOW-UP Thank you to all who submitted a Stewardship of Time and Talent Response Form this year. Extra copies are available at the back of the church and the form is also available on the parish website,, under the Stewardship Tab. Every member, seven years and older, is encouraged to make a commitment of how you will use your time and your talent to grow in faith this year and serve as Jesus taught. You can place your form in the collection basket this week or drop it off at the parish office. There are many forms of stewardship, beginning in the home, school, workplace and here at the parish. But, as the United States Bishops teach, stewardship is not optional. “Beginning in conversion, a change of mind and heart, this commitment is expressed not in a single action, nor even in a number of actions over a period of time, but in an entire way of life. It means committing one’s very self to the Lord.” Time, Talent and Treasure – Prayer, Service and Money Stewardship A Way of Living Stewardship of Treasure Summary: Projected Giving Goal July-September 2016$364,000 Contributions Received July-September 2016 $313,514 Please remember the Church in your will! Faith Formation CELEBRATING SAINTS & SOULS: Next Sunday, October 30th, 9:45-10:45am in the school gym. All parishioners are invited to join us as we investigate the spiritual roots of Halloween and explore the importance of the Feast of All Saints (November 1st) and the Feast of All Souls (November 2nd). There will be Coffee & Donuts and activities for all age groups. Come after the 8:30am mass or before the 11am mass. Sacred Heart Parish Men’s Prayer Group meets Thursday mornings at 6:30am in the Youth Room. All men of the parish are welcome. Contact Ignacio Davila for details: SACRED HEART PARENT CIRCLE gathers Sundays in the school library at 9:45-10:45am (during class time for children & youth). Parents are encouraged to join us after dropping off their child to class to meet other parents and parish staff; to discuss timely topics, & to enjoy coffee & donuts together. Younger children are welcome! This week the topic is the virtue of humility. FORMED.ORG is a new internet-based resource we offer to all parishioners this year to provide ways to grow in your knowledge and understanding of the Catholic Faith. When you first log on, you will be asked for our parish code, which is 2RQTQZ. Then you will create your own log-in name and password, giving you 24hr. access to some wonderful programs and teachers. Try it and let us know what you think! Parish Life Our October non-fiction book selection is THE INNOVATORS: How a group of hackers, geniuses, and geeks created the digital revolution by Walter Isaacson. All readers are welcome! We will meet THIS TUESDAY, October 26th in the church hall at 7pm. Please enter through the outside entrance to the hall off 14th street. Questions: Betsy Komarnitsky 425-453-9106 ( Carpe Diem Halloween Luncheon & Guest Speaker: SAVE THE DATE: Saturday afternoon, December 17th we will host a guest chef to teach us how to make lumpia, a traditional Filipino dish, in preparation for the celebration of Simbang Gabi that evening at the 5pm mass. More details soon! Monday, October 31st starting at 11:30am in the Narthex. Advance tickets required: $10 Costumes and masks are recommended, but not required! Please tell these adver tisers you saw them on your Sunday Bulletin 425-454-1400 Gilbert’s on Main Breakfast Daily until 1pm Bellevue Area Realtor Phone: 206-351-9578 � Shop Our Online Store! lleluiaCatholicStore.Com lleluiaCatholicStore.Com Kent Kirkland 253.520.0695 | 425.825.8222 *100,000 Satisfied Customers 206-783-4129 425-455-4773 � � � � “The Plumber People Recommend” � � � 30 Years of Integrity and Skill Which college savings Join Us at a High School Open House plan is right for you? November 16, 2016 and January 4, 2017 Joe Bilsborough � Offices: (206) 783-4129 (425) 455-1310 Gene Hendrickson Local Parishioner 425-324-5592 � “Seattle’s solution to all your plumbing needs.” 1606 Bellevue Way SE (425)454-8888 Congratulations to Holy Rosary on this 100 year anniversary! • Personal Care • Errands/Shopping • Light Housekeeping • Care Management • Meal Preparation • Companionship • Hourly/Live-in • Skilled Nursing 425-455-2004 � � � Financial Advisor, Parishioner � 425-394-0396 LUM B ER M ARKET, Inc Pat Bates 2940 East Valley Road Check in online at 133 106th Ave Bellevue 425-455-1003 Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts, & Probate Downtown Kirkland 425-828-7800 WWW.KRUEGERBECKLAW.COM Renton, WA 98057 (425) 251-8010 Contractor • Retail • Commercial Quality Building Materials ◉ In Home Certified Nursing Assistants ◉ Bathing, Dressing, Toileting, Meal Prep ◉ Meds Reminders, Companion Care & More! Family Homecare 20% OFF 4 hours with AD! 206-465-9200 Premier Retirement Living 933 111th Ave. NE Bellevue, WA 98004 (425) 688-1900 9107 Fortuna Drive • Mercer Island WA 98040-3143 Assisted Living Apartments Memory Care Unit Five Star Skilled Nursing Center 206.268.3052 Fax: 206.268.3260 Email: • Academic Skills K-12 • Exam Prep • Subject Tutoring $100 OFF Academic Evaluation mention this ad 425-643-8098 1915 140th Ave. NE, D3 • Bellevue THE MARKET ST. Restaurant & Bar Open daily at 4pm Sunday Brunch 9am-2pm At Talbot Center $5 OFF Any Purchase of $20 • 100% Employee Owned • Skilled Nursing Facility • Providing a Continuum of care from hospital to home • 24/7 Skilled Nursing and Nursing Assistants 1720 Market St. Kirkland 425-827-4117 4420 Talbot Rd. S. Renton 98055 or more, with this ad. 425-226-4195 Serving West Bellevue's Elite for 40 Years 10133 Main Street in Bellevue 425-777-4451 Est. 1978 Serving the community for 38 years with Catholic values for all of life’s special occasions The Michael Family thanks you. 425.643.2610 • 3500 Factoria Blvd SE. Bellevue, WA 98006 PADDY COYNE’S IRISH PUB Come join us for breakfast every Saturday and Sunday 10am - 2pm MENTION THIS AD and TAKE $5 OFF YOUR MEAL 700 Bellevue Way on the 1st floor of Lincoln Square 425-453-8080 A I R VA N MOV I NG Moving Made Easy Since 1958 (425)629-4112 Parishioner Owned For Advertising Call Nick Thoennes 425-466-1378. Habla Español Jaime Oviedo 509-388-6362 093 - CPI, P.O. 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