West Glocester Elementary School Handbook
West Glocester Elementary School Handbook
Wesi Glocesier Elementary School Parent Handbook & Glocester Public Scfioots Policy j Packet 2012-2013 iiaorL. Inc. GLOCESTER PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2012-2013 SCHOOL CALENDAR MONTH M AUGUST 27 SEPTEMBER [3] 10 17 24 28 4 11 18 25 29 5 12" 19 26 30 6 13 20 27 14 21 28 OCTOBER 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 2431 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 (22) 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 (17) 6 13 20 7 14 21. (15) 27 28 ' 1 [§] 15 22 29 MONTH (days; W 31 7 ( 3) (18) FEBRUARY 4 11 18 25 DECEMBER JANUARY 5 12 19 25 [ 6 13 20 27 . 7 14 21 28' 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 .3 4 1 7 8 14 . 15 21 22 28 (15) 6 13 20 27 (20) 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 2<3 1 8 1 5 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 (17) 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 (22) 6 13 5 12 19 24 6 13 20 25 7 14 21 26 MAY 20 27 (ij 2 7 8 9 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 30 5 12 19 26 (days) MARCH APRIL NOVEMBER ' W M (21) JUNE 10 11 17 18 24 25 31 3 10 17 22 29 4 11 18 23 30 96 1st Qtr. - Aug. 29 - Nov. 2 2nd Qtr. - Nov. 5 - Jan. 23 (10) 84 (45 days) (45 days) 3rd Qtr. - Jan. 24 - April 4 4th Qtr. - April 5 - June 14 (45 days) (45 days) ,i August 28, 2012 - Teachers Report (Orientation) August 2 9 , 2012 - Students First Day of School Schools will close on: Sept. 3, 2012 Labor Day Sept. 11, 2012 Primary Election Oct. B , 2012 Columbus Day Nov. 6, 2012 General Election Nov. 12, 2012 Veteran's Day Nov. 13, 2012 P r o f . Development Nov. 2 2 - 2 3 , 2012 Dec. 24-Jan. 1, 2013 Jan. 21, 2013 ' F e b . 18-22, 2013 March 29, 2013 April 15-19, 2013 May 2 7 , 2013 Thanksgiving Recess Holiday Recess Martin Luther King Day Winter Recess No School Spring Recess Memorial Day School will close on June 14, 2013 (or 180th student day) (Make up days June 17, 18, 19; West Glocester Elementary School 111 Reynolds Road Chepachet, RI 02814 (401)567-0350 Faculty Roster 2012 - 2013 Kindergarten Mrs. Mountford Grade 1 Mrs. Flynn Mrs. Simmons Mrs. Winsor Grade 2 Mrs. McDermott Mrs. Sullivan Grade 3 Mrs. Davis Mrs. Oliver Grade 4 Mrs. Aldous Ms. Dulude Special Education Mrs. Crowley Mrs. Richard Mrs. Queenan Mrs. Greenwood Art Mrs. MacPhee Computer Mrs. Adams Library Mrs. Weber Music Mr. Latendresse Grade 5 Mrs. Peg Fallon-Pelletier Ms. Jordan Physical Education & Health Ms. Gloria Instructional Coach Mrs. Luth Ms. Livingston Literacy Teachers Mrs. Altaian Mrs. Abatecola School Psychologist Ms. Duncan Speech Mrs. Babbitt School Social Worker Ms. Gaudiana Nurse/Teacher & Health Ms. Breen Secretary Mrs. Autiello Special Education Clerical Mrs. Conde Teacher Assistants Mrs. Ashworth Mrs. Brewster Mrs. Clark Mrs. Gervais Mrs. McDonough Ms. Pitocco Mrs. Sevegny Mrs. Smith Mrs. St. Germain Mrs. Ware Custodians Mr. Gauvin Mr. Adams Ms. Paolino Principal Ms. Zambarano Superintendent of Schools Mrs. Dubois Philosophy of Education Glocester School Department's primary purpose is to provide an educational environment, which gives all students a sound education. Recognizing the diversity of student potential and interest, we will persistently strive to meet student needs. Glocester's education can and will provide more than basic and marketable skills. We believe that Glocester's youth have a right to a quality education. This right involves the duty of sincere, responsible, respectful effort and behavior on the part of students and staff. Local government officials, School Committee members, community leaders, parents and staff shall contribute to the attitudes of students by showing respect for each other and demonstrating other qualities inherent in good citizenship. The Glocester School Department shall strive to select and employ the best-qualified people and to assist in the development of each student's intellectual, emotional, social, and physical growth and stability. The resources for obtaining and maintaining excellent educational standards shall be provided. The Glocester School Department will additionally establish high standards for its professional members and will apply fair treatment in all of its relationships with every person inside and outside of the school system. Students' Rights and Responsibilities: You have the right to a safe environment. You have the responsibility to follow safety rules. You have the right to use school books, materials and equipment. You have the responsibility to take care of all school materials. You have the right to fair treatment. You have the responsibility to treat others fairly. You have the right to voice your opinion. You have the responsibility to respect the opinions of others. You have the right to a good education. You have the responsibility to do your best. Daily Schedule The daily school schedule is as follows: Kindergarten AM Session Kindergarten PM Session Grades 1-5 • • • • 9:00 am to 11:45 am 12:30 pm to 3:15 pm 9:00 am to 3:15 pm Students should not arrive at school any earlier than 8:50am when supervision by aides begins. Children who arrive at school after 9:00am are marked tardy. Parents must escort their student(s) into the building and sign in at the office. To release a child before the regular dismissal time, a note should be sent to school. Upon arrival a parent must report to the office at which time the child will be called down from the classroom. No student will be released to anyone other than the parent unless directions to that effect are received. Parents who wish to pick up their child at 3:15 pm should send a note in with their child. At dismissal, parents or other authorized adult must meet children at Door #6 and check their child out with the aid Attendance Requirements It is important that a child be present each day that a school is in session unless serious reasons prevent attendance. Frequent absences interfere with continuity of instruction and reduce a student's ability to maintain a high level of achievement. There are times, however, when it is in the best interest of all concerned that children not be sent to school. It is requested that children not come to school with fevers, rashes, or any illness that might be contagious. When your child is absent from school, it is school policy that parents report such absences to the office before 9am. Family Trips Family Trips that are taken when schools are in session incur loss of instructional opportunities, which can never be recovered. Parents are advised that the school wilt not arrange homework to be taken on such trips. Any resulting absences will be unexcused. Medications at School If it is necessary that a student take medication in school, such medication will be dispensed only when • It is prescribed by a doctor, • It is in the original prescription container • The doctor gives written directions for school officials. No medication, including over the counter medications, will be administered unless these guidelines are met. Further, A PARENT OR OTHER ADULT MUST DELIVER MEDICATIONS TO SCHOOL. It is also helpful if the nurse is notified when a child is taking medication not given at school. Student Residency Children who live outside of the corporate limits of the town of Glocester are classified as non-residents and may not be enrolled in the Glocester Public Schools without prior permission. When a question exists regarding residence, building principals will refer parents to the Superintendent's office to obtain and complete appropriate forms to verify residence. Emergency Information Cards An Emergency Information form is on file for each child attending our elementary schools. They are sent home early in the school year and need to be filled out carefully, completely and returned promptly to school. These forms are especially important when your child is ill or when there are parental restrictions concerning visitation of the child. Please make every effort to keep all of this information current. For emergency and administrative reasons, it is very important that an up-todate student address record be maintained. Notify the school office immediately if you have a change of address during the school year. Access to Records In accordance with federal law, parents have access to all records of their children. Without your prior consent, only you and authorized individuals having legitimate educational interests will have access to your child's records. Should you wish to review such records, please call the school office to arrange for an appointment, 567-0350. Books All basic texts are loaned to students for their use during the school year. They must be properly cared for and covered at all times. Loss or damage to books or other school property will require compensation. Lunch Program Glocester children in grades 1-5 have the option of bringing their lunch to school or buying a hot lunch. Milk is included with a hot lunch purchase. Milk is also available for purchase to those who bring their lunch to school and kindergarten students. A breakfast program is available to students in AM-K and Grades 1-5. Menus will be distributed monthly to each child. Milk and lunch money is collected daily at school. However, to lessen bookkeeping time, it is requested that milk or lunch money be sent in on the first school day of the week. Federal assistance for the lunch program is available to eligible families. Applications will be sent home in September. All information is kept strictly confidential. Prices for 2012-13 Lunch $2.20 Milk .40 Breakfast $ 1.00 Homework Homework will be assigned to your child as a means of reinforcing basic skills which a have been introduced in the classroom and need more practice Minimum homework time allotments are as follows: Grade 1 Not to exceed 15 minutes, twice weekly Grade 2-3 Not to exceed 30 minutes, twice weekly Grade 4 Not to exceed 40 minutes, 4 times weekly Grade 5 Not to exceed 50 minutes, 4 times weekly School Cancellations Cancellation of school takes place only during extraordinary circumstances such as extreme weather conditions, equipment failure, or public crisis. School will not be cancelled unless a significant safety risk has been created by unusual circumstances. On days when there may be a question about school closing, delayed opening, or early dismissal you are advised to listen to a local radio/TV station or log on to htj~p://ww^^ Enter the zip code 02857 to obtain information for this area. Additionally, the region uses the ALERTNOW system, which will send a telephone message to families. In the event of an early closing all children will be sent home in the usual manner unless the office is notified otherwise. Emergency procedures (that is, what to do and where to go) should be discussed with your child so that he/she will know what to do should such a condition occur. The school office cannot phone parents to notify them of school closings. Parent-Teacher Conferences Parent-Teacher conferences are scheduled for November 13, 2012. Conferences can also be arranged directly with the teacher at any time during the school year. Insurance School Insurance will be offered at the beginning of the school year. Parents wishing to take advantage of this service are asked to return the completed application promptly Lost and Found Parents are urged to label all belongings, including wearing apparel, with your child's name. All lost items are placed in a designated location in each school. Encourage your child to claim any missing possessions from the lost and found area. Parents may also check for lost items at any time after checking in at the office. Telephone The school telephone number is 567-0350 and will be answered daily, 8am4pm. Before and after this time period you are welcome to leave a message. Students are allowed to use the school phone only in emergency situations. Cell phones are not to be used by students in school. West Glocester Elementary School Community Organization The West Glocester Elementary School Community Organization (WGESCO) is a non-profit association of interested parents and teachers of children attending West Glocester Elementary School. By means of various fund raising projects, the WGESCO provides enrichment activities and social events for children throughout the school year. Parent involvement in this group is important to its success. You are encouraged to participate as an active member, by working on a committee and attending monthly meetings. School Improvement Team (SIT) The School Improvement Team is a group of parents, teachers, and administrators who represent the school community and who are interested in making the school a better place for learning and teaching. The SIT focuses on improving student achievement. Its work is to gather and analyze information that can be used to make decisions that drive changes in the school. At the beginning of each school year, the team sets goals and objectives based upon that information. We welcome new members to join in the work that is so important to the school. Check the monthly calendar in the newsletter for dates and times of the meetings. Field Trips Field trips within town and to nearby points of interest are scheduled by various classroom teachers throughout the school year to supplement different aspects of the classroom curriculum. Parents will receive notices of field trips well in advance of the trip date and will be required to sign a Field Trip Permission Form in order for their child to attend. Field trips are viewed as an extension of the classroom; therefore, a student whose parent(s) decide that he/she will not attend a field trip shall remain at home that day. Should a field trip extend beyond the regular school day, it is imperative that arrangements be made to pick up children at school at the designated arrival time. It is a School Committee Policy that if a child requires medication on a field trip, the parent is provided with a number of options to satisfy this need; a letter from the school nurse in advance of the field trip lists these various options. All designated chaperones must have a current BCI. Discipline Policy It is the goal of the Glocester Discipline Policy to create a learning environment where children feel safe, secure, happy, and have a maximum opportunity to learn. To accomplish this goal, each teacher implements a classroom discipline plan. In addition, a school-wide discipline plan governs the common areas (cafeteria and playground) of the school. These plans specify rules that cover the behaviors expected of our pupils. The Glocester School Committee believes that a school, like any community, must have rules by which to operate. The School Committee, with the help of students, parents, and staff, sets forth these guidelines and rules by which we can function efficiently and fairly in the community. 1. 2. 3. 4. General School Rules: Follow directions the first time they are given Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself Speak well about yourself and others Respect school property 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Guidelines for the Cafeteria : Walk; do not run. Use an inside voice; do not yell Food and drinks should be consumed at the lunch tables Remain seated until you are instructed to leave Place all trash in its proper place before leaving the cafeteria 1. Guidelines for the Playground : Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself 2. Play safely 3. 4. Use playground equipment properly Take turns on the playground equipment Internet Use Agreement • The internet is a special tool that can help a child learn, communicate and solve problems. It is always the goal of the school to keep children safe and to make their time while accessing the internet fun, interesting and educational. To this end, we would ask the students to follow these guidelines: 3 Treat school property with respect and act responsibly 3 Follow all the instructions given by the teacher and remain on the designated sites -J Use the internet as a learning tool and the information for projects, reports, and discussions Q Tell your teacher if you see something that is inappropriate or makes you feel uncomfortable J Talk to your parent or guardian about your activities on the internet ~][ Be aware that there are consequences for choosing not to follow the internet rules © FableVision, Inc. Glocester Transportation - Important Phone Numbers Bus Coordinator - Mrs. Heidi Whitford 568-6206 ext. 237 email: globusco@fg.kl2.ri.us Hopkins Bus Company - 568-5096 Jaques Bus Company - 568-8433 Bus Policy Safety and efficiency are primary concerns of school bus transportation. Bus routes shall be arranged so as to insure maximum efficiency without sacrificing safety. No elementary student will be required to walk more than .5 of a mile to a bus stop or to school. Students may not change buses except for childcare purposes. All daycare drop off and pick up arrangements must be made for the entire year. Parents must make these arrangements in advance by calling the bus coordinator @ 568-6206 ext. 237 and then sending a note to the school office. There is no transportation for daycare outside of West Glocester's bus district. If you or your child is experiencing any type of problem with a bus, please contact the school Principal to try to get the matter resolved. Waiting at a bus stop to talk or argue, with a driver not only delays the bus, but may also prove upsetting to the driver who has the responsibility of getting children to and from school safely. Bus Drop Off Children in Kindergarten or First Grade must have someone to meet them at the bus stop or they will not be dropped off. If no one is there to greet them the following steps will occur: 1. The children will be brought back to school. 2. If there is no one at the school to supervise, the child will be brought to the bus garage, and the driver will attempt to call you. 3. If no one can reach you, we will ask the police to help. If you miss your child's bus, please call the school office @ 567-0350 to inform them. Bus Behavior Proper conduct is required of all students riding the school bus. The safety of students will not be jeopardized by inappropriate behavior. The bus driver is the authority of the bus; parental support for the driver is essential. Written notices from the Principal keeps parents informed of inappropriate behavior. Students may be temporarily suspended from riding the school bus if the behvior inteferes with the operation of a safe and orderly transportation sysytem. Included in this packet are school bus rules which provides students with bus conduct expectations. Please review these rules with your child. School Bus Rules In an effort to ensure everyone's safety, we ask all students to follow the bus procedures and rules, as outlined below: 1. The bus driver is in charge of the bus and all passengers must promptly obey all directions and instructions 2. Take your seat upon entering the bus and remain seated until you reach your destination; if seats are assigned, use only your assigned seat 3. Use respectful language; no loud talk or noises that may distract the driver 4. No animals, weapons, explosives, or any large object which could cause an obstruction are allowed on the bus 5. Keep aisles clear of objects at all times 6. Do not throw anything out the bus windows 7. No smoking, lighting matches, eating or drinking allowed on the bus 8. Upon leaving the bus, wait until the driver signals that it is safe to cross the street; always check traffic in both directions before crossing 9. In the event of an emergency, emergency exit procedures will be followed ..:.. ; ;, • © FableVision, Inc. Dress Code. West (Slocester Elementary School has developed the following guidelines to assist parents and students in determining appropriate attire for school. Student clothing should allow students to concentrate on their work at school and play safely. The following dress code guidelines will be followed throughout the school year: • • • • • Shorts and skirts should be mid-thigh length or longer No skin should show between tops and bottoms Tops should have wide straps or sleeves; no spaghetti straps, strapless, bare backs or low-cut necklines Shoes should be appropriate for the playground and gym class; sandals without a strap across the heel, flips flops, and high heels are not appropriate and should not be worn 'heelies' are considered to be toys and are not to be worn to school clothing should not advertise alcohol or tobacco products or include foul words or sexual references Students who wear such clothing to school will call their parents to request a change of clothing or may borrow appropriate clothing from the nurse, if it is available. The student may be required to sit out of gym or recess, if no other clothing is available. © FableVision, Inc. Information About Bullying The Glocester School District believes that children learn best in a school environment that is safe and respectful to all. The following is an information sheet to overview the issue of bullying and the responsibilities of the schools. Actual district and state policy are available for you through the district web site. What is bullying? Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school age children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated over time. To be considered bullying, the behavior must be aggressive and include: • An Imbalance of Power - Kids who bully use their power - such as physical strength, access to embarrassing information, or popularity - to control or harm others. • Repetition - Bullying behaviors happen more than once or have the potential to happen more than once. • Types of Bullying: There are three types of bullying: • Verbal - saying or writing mean things. This includes: teasing, name-calling, taunting or threats to cause harm. • Social bullying - hurting someone's reputation or relationships. This includes: leaving someone out on purpose, telling other children not to be friends with someone, spreading rumors and embarrassing someone in public. • Physical - hurting a person's body or possessions. This includes: hitting/kicking/pinching ,spitting, pushing/tripping, taking/breaking someone's things and making mean or rude hand gestures. • What is cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic devices. These devices and equipment include cell phones, computers and tablets. They also include social media sites, text messages, chat and websites. Examples of cyberbullying include mean text messages or emails, rumors sent or posted on social networking sites, embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles. Note: Students shall be prohibited from accessing social networking sites in school. What does At School mean? At School means the places and situations that the school is responsible for preventing and /or addressing bullying issues. These include: • On school premises • At any school-sponsored activity or event • On a school bus • At a bus stop Reporting bullying. The victim of bullying, a witness and anyone who has credible information that bullying has taken place may file a report. Faculty and staff must file a report if they have witnessed bullying. Student report forms will be available in school. Parental/staff forms will be available at school or through the school's website. Once a report has been received the school administration will review the complaint. If the complaint is found credible, appropriate disciplinary actions will be imposed. The district's school psychologist and/or social worker will be available in support of all parties. Media Release Agreement Throughout the school year there are opportunities to capture the many wonderful accomplishments of our students on film. Whether we have representatives from local newspapers, students doing college course work and/or teachers capturing a special classroom moment, children often have an opportunity to be photographed or videotaped. We are proud of our students' accomplishments and the programs offered a our school, and our children enjoy seeing themselves in the photo displays or videos. In order that student confidentiality is maintained, documentation of parental permission to photograph a child is required. Please note; ij a student's photo may be published in a school yearbook, however, no photographs will be published on the school website LI lists of students' names may be made public, either within the school on class lists or in a local newspaper as a result of a special activity Q be sure to check the appropriate items on the Parent Acknowledgement Page ©.FabteVjsjoiL. I nc. Parent / Guardian Acknowledgement Page ***After reviewing the Student & Parent Information Packet, please complete this form and return this page to your child's teacher. Keep the remainder of the packet as a reference. *** Date: Student's Name: Grade: Teacher: I have read and reviewed the following policies with my child: General School Rules, including guidelines for the cafeteria and playground Internet Use Agreement School Bus Rules Dress Code Bullying Information Parent Permission: Yes, I give permission for my child to be photographed or videotaped No, I do not give permission for my child to be photographed or videotaped Yes, I will allow my child to use the internet while at school No, I will not allow my child to use the internet while at school Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: