March - Robert Morris University


March - Robert Morris University
RMUEAGLE.COM Vegetarianism
Issue 16.02
What to do
Around Town
Friend or Foe?
Comics, Games
& More!
March 2012
Arlington Heights • Bensenville • Chicago • Du Page • Elgin • Lake County • Orland Park • Peoria • Schaumburg • Springfield
St. Patrick’s Parade
An Annual Chicago Tradition
New to film
Real Steel
One Pot Meal
Bobby Deen’s Goulash
The first intermission
was the highlight of
the night as Robert
Morris University
inducted three new
members into the
Athletic Hall of Fame”
Restaurant Review
Centro: 3819 N Ashland
Phone Yankers
The trauma of losing your phone
He Says // She Says
Is the Government our Friend or Foe?
Pack the Place
Photo Credit: STC Chicago
Eagle Advisor
Paul Gaszak
Design Advisor
Jacqueline Carter
Campus Faculty
David Belotti
Lake County
Beth Gainer
Nicole Hager
Gerard Wozek
Jane Wendorff-Craps
Advisory Board
Jane Ungari
David Pyle
Mick McMahon
Lindsay Dahl
Art Director
Nate Daubert
Asst. Art Director
Dylan Broll
Graphic Designers
Lidia Rosales
Richard Connolly
Ad manager
Lashondra Graves
Lindsay Dahl
Ann Roche
Kim Martinez
Staff Writers
Blake Whitmore
Joe Looney
Agnes Szczepanska
Marcel Terrell
Glen Pavlov
Sanina Ellison
DeMarco White
Richard Connolly
Maira Sandoval
Stacy Zamskaya
Garrett Nichol
Online Editor
Bianca Hannah
By Ann Roche
RMU is excited to announce a
policy change in its student
housing plans. Right now,
there are about 300 RMU
students living at Fornelli
Hall and 50 in University
Center of Chicago (UC).
But in the fall quarter of
2012, RMU will consolidate
and only use UC for official student housing. The
UC is located right down
the street from the Chicago
campus and also houses students from DePaul, Roosevelt, and Columbia. The
diversity of students is one
reason Janely Rivera, RMU
Student Life Manager, says
she is a fan of University
Center, “At the UC, living
with students from all of
these schools, there is al-
ways something to do, and
the collegiate experience
is on a larger scale.” The
University Center is known
for striving for a sense of
community with its residents.
Resident advisors
...RMU will
consolidate and
only use UC for
official student
plan activities, anywhere
from a Head Phones Disco
and drag show competition
to free Broadway Chicago
tickets, movie marathons,
and volunteering opportunities. RMU students living
at the UC receive ten meals
per week, and around $170
per quarter in “flex dollars.” Flex dollars can be
used to buy cafeteria food to
go, or things like fruit and
ice cream to keep in their
rooms. Other amenities are
the multi-media room, music
rooms, lounges, pool tables,
and a work out facility. There
is also a bicycle storage room
in the lobby and a large laundry room with at least forty
washers and dryers. Robert
Morris residents have double
suites, with two people per
bedroom and a bathroom in
between. Each room also
comes with a refrigerator and
microwave. Staying in RMU
housing also allows them to
participate in Passport Chicago, which sponsors free
events throughout the city,
including going to ethnic
plays, and museums.
The university has received mixed feedback in
response to the upcoming
change, but Rivera says,
“I think a lot of students,
once they see the University
Center and the options they
have, they do get excited.”
The UC is more expensive, at $4,000 per quarter, compared to Fornelli’s
$2,700. However, as part
of this change, the UC has
dropped its rate to $3,500
per quarter, and the value
of the meal plan should also
be considered. If students
living at Fornelli aren’t willing to move to UC, they can
apply to stay at Fornelli, independently of the university.
They won’t be considered as
part of Robert Morris housing and will operate directly
with Fornelli Hall management. Rivera says, “It really
depends on what their specific needs are, and what they
are able to afford. I strongly
encourage them to do their
research and find out what’s
best for them.”
contracts were due March
1st for returning residents,
so the planning for the big
move will begin soon. For
residents without cars concerned about the logistics
of moving, there’s no need
to stress out. The university
has had large-scale moves
like this in the past and will
help take care of it. All you
have to do is pack! F
By Blake Whitmore
The Passport Chicago program at
the Robert Morris Chicago
Campus is a unique opportunity for students in campus
housing to get to know the
exciting city that is Chicago.
The best part is that it’s entirely free to participants!
Faculty member Liz Wheeler
heads up the program and
plans weekend events for students to have the chance to
go out to restaurants, museums, and shows in Chitown.
Wheeler spoke highly of the
fairly new program and said,
“It’s one of the best experiences for RMU students to
get to know their campus,
which is Chicago.”
Students only have one major responsibility, to pick up
their tickets the day before the
event in the bookstore. If you
plan on attending an event,
make sure to get there before
class, because free stuff doesn’t
last long around college students. The most popular event
tends to be the reoccurring
ethnic dinners that give stu-
dents the chance to eat in all
different neighborhoods in
Chicago, including Chinatown, Greek Town, and Little
Italy. Other events include
Broadway Shows and gift cards, which are
redeemable whenever the student pleases.
Recently Passport Chicago
has jumped on the social media bandwagon with a Twitter account. The program has
been doing most of its updates
and communication on Facebook, but is offering students
the chance to know when
tickets are running low only
on Twitter. Special giveaways
are available on both sites if
you “like” or “follow” them on
either site. After all, how can
you pass up the chance to get
free stuff? Check out their fan
page or follow them on Twitter
@RMUPassportChi. F
By DeMarco White
Besides the students, the clubs
and organizations are what
essentially make up Robert
Morris University. The
United Nations Association (UNA) is one organization at Robert Morris
University that focuses on
volunteering and bettering
the lives and environment
around us. Robert Morris was one of the first to
form a UNA-USA. “The
goal is to aid in global
relief efforts and encourages prosperity”, says former UNA President Rachel Story. The UNA-USA
chapter at Robert Morris
has made several contributory efforts in aiding
in the U.N’s Millennium
goals such as, their efforts
to aid in Haiti’s recovery
by constructing a canned
food drive throughout the
campus. The UNA-USA
has an abundance of goals
and efforts that they are
trying to accomplish; but
at this point in time with
the passion and drive of
their recently graduated
President, Rachel Story, the
UNA-USA has guided their
attention toward the promotion of Human Rights; specifically Human Trafficking.
The goal is to aid
in global relief efforts and encourages prosperity”
At Robert Morris the
UNA, headed my Ms. Monique Herard has been
making great exertions
to gain membership from
the students, in order to
successfully move forward
with their projects. The
UNA has big plans this
quarter and for the students at RMU. Although,
some projects are still in
the process, the current
members of the UNA can
assure that the efforts being proposed by the organization will be noticeable
throughout the campus.
The UNA always welcomes new membership, as
well, to those who are enthusiastic about being part
of a change. You get out
what you put in. The organization has an abundance
of benefits for it members.
Such benefits include;
character building qualities, adding Global Experience to your resume, earning credentials, chances to
earn national and global
internships, and most importantly, being part of a
change. The UNA-USA’s
website can be accessed
through the Robert Morris
University webpage. For
answers about how to become a part of the UNAUSA, contact the current
President Janelle Bryan at
edu or the website F
join the revolution
In February, I was able to attend, with other members of the staff, the yearly Illinois College Press Association’s convention. We
were able to listen to different seminars from professional journalists working in the industry. The seminars were enlightening
and I would suggest that anyone in any industry go to conventions to help network and increase your own skill. Also, at the
convention, we were awarded with two awards, one for the design of our paper and one for an article. This convention also
marked the end of my career with the Eagle and was a wonderful end to my time here. I am very excited to see what the
new Editor-In- Chief, Lindsay Dahl, and the new staff will bring to this wonderful program. Good luck!
Epic Magazine is Robert Morris’ Newest Publication. Find out how you can get involved
at Don’t forget to click the “Like” Button!
Sports & Health
By Garrett Nichol
Bensenville Edge Ice Arena, the
home of your RMU Eagles
Hockey team was the place
to be Friday February 3rd, as
the ninth ranked Robert Morris University Eagles hosted
twelfth ranked University of
Illinois Fighting Illini in an
ACHA Division 1 matchup.
The Arena was buzzing as
Eagle fans came from all over
to see their top ranked team
The night not only featured a marquee match-up
between two nationally ranked
teams, it was also Robert Morris University’s annual “Pack
the Place” event. The event
was promoted on campus and
through student e-mail. Fans
were urged to wear white,
and a free white eagles hockey
t-shirt was given upon admission. Students from the Chicago campus even had a fan
bus provided by Chicago Experience. Needless to say, the
arena was packed.
The crowd was amped up
and ready to go as the Eagles
took the ice, the atmosphere
was electrified. Robert Morris cheerleaders, dance team,
and members of the Robert Morris marching band
helped set the stage for the
night. Both the Eagles and Illini came out hard; it was a
fast paced and physical first
period. The Eagles seemed
to be holding their own until the Illini opened the scoring just 2:42 seconds into the
first period. They later scored
a power play goal with 1:29
remaining in the period. The
Eagles went into the first intermission down 2-0.
The first intermission was
the highlight of the night as
Robert Morris University
inducted three new members into the Athletic Hall
of Fame. The first member
introduced was April Rice, a
former women’s soccer player
from 1999 to 2001. The next
member introduced was former women’s hockey player
Crystal Zace. Crystal played
goalie for the Eagles from
2004 to 2007. The third and
final inductee was former
men’s hockey player Tom
Boudreau, who played for
the Eagles from 2001-2005.
He went on to play six seasons of professional hockey
after his time at Robert Morris. The induction ceremony
concluded after an enthusiastic round of applause for the
newest members of the Robert Morris University Athletics Hall of Fame.
The second period began and things did not go as
planned for the Eagles who
gave up two more goals. This
put the Eagles down by four
goals going into the third period. The Illini opened the third
period with a goal giving them
a 5-0 lead, putting the game
out of reach for the Eagles. An
Illini penalty gave the Eagles
their fifth power play of the
game. Despite earlier struggles
with the power play, the Eagles
spoiled the Illini’s hope for a
shutout when RMU forward
Tony Domico scored a power
play goal mid-way through
the third period. The Eagles
Robert Morris
University inducted three new
members into the
Athletic Hall of
struck again with just under
four minutes remaining with an
even strength tally by senior forward Dave Bauer. The scoring
run came too late as the Eagles
were unable to comeback and
tie the Illini. The ninth ranked
Eagles fell to the University of
Illinois by a final score of 5-2.
Though the game didn’t
end how the Eagles fans had
hoped, overall it was a great
day for Roert Morris Athletics. Fans got to see three of our
former Eagle Student-Athletes
get inducted into the Hall of
Fame, and the annual “Pack
the Place” event was a success
with outstanding fan attendance, showing the Edge Ice
Arena a “whiteout” like it has
never seen before. The Eagles
bounced back from the 5-2 loss
with a 2-1 victory of the University of Illinois the next day
to split the two game series.
As the Eagles make their
push into the playoffs you
can find the teams schedule
and game results in the athletics section of the Robert
Morris University website.
The Eagles men’s hockey
team plays a fast-paced, exciting brand of hockey. If
you haven’t been out to a
game it is definitely worth
your while! F
Photo Credit:
an introduction to a meat free diet
By Richard Connolly
The longest tennis match took
place at Wimbledon 2010
when John Isner of the
United States beat Nicolas Mahut of France 6-4,
3-6, 6-7 (7), 7-6 (3), 70-68
in a match that lasted 11
hours and five minutes,
played over three days,
June 22, 23 and 24.
In a nation that is increasingly becoming aware of what’s in
their food, vegetarianism
is becoming more popular
than ever. People are finally
putting down the “quarterpounder baconizers” in place
of more nutritious alternatives. You might ask why?
Well how does the idea of
feeling healthier and more
energetic throughout the
day, saving money, helping the environment, losing weight and living longer
sound to you? It’s quite an
impressive list, but these are
all the things enjoyed by herbivores and it all starts with
what you eat, or rather - what
you don’t.
Being a vegetarian isn’t
just for animal activists and
tree-huggers anymore either; making the switch to a
meat-free diet is something
embraced by people of all
walks of life. Well known
icons to adopt a plant-based
diet include: Ellen Degeneres, Mike Tyson, Albert
Einstein, and Steve Jobs.
Getting started with a
vegetarian life-style is much
easier than you might think.
Here are a few simple steps
to get you started on the
road to a healthier lifestyle:
1. Set goals and go at
your own pace: If you’ve
eaten meat your entire life,
begin by cutting things out
in stages. The best way to
start is to cut out the beef
and pork; next time you go
out to eat and need that
meat fix, order the chicken.
After that, limit it to fish
and occasional poultry. Before you know it you’ll find
yourself enjoying vegetable
dishes more and more, until eventually you don’t even
think about meat any more.
2. If you don’t buy it;
you won’t eat it: It’s really as simple as that; by keeping your fridge stocked with
healthy vegetarian options
and tossing or giving away
all the meat products then
you can’t reach for one of
those frozen beef burritos
in a time of hunger. If you
live with
c a r n i v o r e,
find a vegetarian option you
can’t resist and
keep it in high supply to combat any
craving for meat.
3. Make time to
cook and pack a
lunch: This is the step
that will save you the most
money and if done correctly a lot of time. By setting
aside time once a week to
go shopping and to cook a
lot of food, you can easily
have all your meals for the
week done in a few hours.
The internet is abundant
with fantastic recipes, some
of which are so good you
wouldn’t believe that it’s
good for you.
4. Do your research:
Though making the change
to a vegetarian diet has
many advantages, you need
to make sure you don’t cut
vital vitamins and minerals
out of your
regiment. Meat-based diets provide much essential
protein and iron -- these
can easily be provided by
increasing the amount of
beans, nuts and leafy greens
that you eat.
One of the biggest advantages of becoming a
vegetarian is the variety
you’ll have in your meals.
It won’t be long before
you’ll find yourself strolling through the grocery
store picking out vegetables you never even knew
existed. If you find yourself unsatisfied with a pure
veggie diet, no worries,
there are also a variety of
types of
vegetarian diets. Lactoovo vegetarians eat eggs
and dairy, pescetarians eat
fish, flexitarians eat meat
occasionally and vegans
eat nothing that deal with
animals at all, this includes
honey and gelatin.
Only you can decide what
the best diet for you is, but
the best part about making
the change in your lifestyle
is that it’s just that - your lifestyle. If you fall off the wagon, no one can judge you
except for yourself. When
you add it all up, the benefits of going vegetarian are
something no one can deny,
but it starts with the desire
to live a healthier life. F
Japanese Culture Society
Exploring The Facets Of Japanese Culture
In Room 202
Every Monday From
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Arts & Culture
Arts & Culture
Arts & Culture
Around Town...
Flower & Garden Show St. Patrick’s Day Parade Tour Art in Pilsen
Navy Pier hosts the annual Chicago
Flower & Garden Show where
gardens and flower lovers can
learn about gardening techniques for their backyards,
patios, and balconies, as
well as ideas for landscape designs and green
products for your gardens.
­—Paule Sweeny
Get to know the lively and up and coming neighborhood of Pilsen.
Artists are attracted to Pilsen’s
cheaper rents and budding artist
community and other’s are attracted to it’s eclectic mix of restaurants and businesses. Many
creative-types have set up shop
next to the cantinas, taquerias
and tiendas of Pilsen’s established business-owners. A stroll
down Halsted between 16th
and 18th will reveal some very
unique displays of art.
Chicago CityPASS
Chicago Segway Tour
Chicago CityPASS is the best deal in
the Windy City, giving you discounted admission to five of
the city’s premier attractions.
The Chicago CityPASS ensures you’ll get the most out of
your vacation - yet it is so compact it will fit into your back
pocket. It’s all you need to see
the best of Chicago!
See Chicago’s landmark architecture,
outdoor sculptures and famous
skyline by Segway! This family-friendly guided tour is both
an exciting and educational
way to explore Chicago. Plus,
you’ll save your feet from a day
of walking and instead, quickly
glide along the lakefront soaking in views of the spectacular skyline while seeing some
of the tallest buildings in the
Glessner House Museum
March 7, 14, 21 & 28
Artist you should know
Kendrick Lamar
By Nicole Koskovich
Doing the book reviews for the
Eagle was what I started
doing for the paper when
I joined back in 2010 and
have been writing them ever
since. After I stepped up to
Editor In Chief, I wanted to
make sure I was leaving the
reviews in good hands with
Kim Martinez, which I am.
I wanted to leave you all
with a list of ten books that
I consider must reads for all,
some I have read and others
are on my own list of “to be
Every once in a while there comes a
special artist in the music industry. In country music,
Taylor Swift is the better
Leann Rimes. In Pop, Bruno
Mars is the more hip Michael
Jackson. Now in Rap Kendrick Lamar is the upgraded
Tupac Shakur.
Like Shakur, Kendrick Lamar originates from California as well. However the state
province is not the only thing
that relates the two. Almost all
of Kendrick’s (also known as
K-Dot) songs have a unique
Tupac feel to them. The most
notable reference is in the
song titled “Keisha’s Song”
from his debut album Section
80 released in 2011. “Keisha’s
Song” is an important piece
of work within is present catalogue because it speaks on
prevalent urban issues. The
story reveals the trials and
tribulations of a teenage prostitute. She is lost spiritually,
molested physically, and ironically loves Brenda’s got a baby
by 2pac. She hates what she
does, but she probably feels
lost in this world. Conclusively
this song is important because
it brings to light everyday is-
sues that many people in the
city are emotionless about.
Another reason that Kendrick Lamar is prevalent within hip-hop circles is the humanity that emanates from
his music. He is never afraid
to let loose his true feelings
about himself, his life, or
the world. Songs like “Cut
You Off ” and “Ignorance is
Bliss” gives us a glimpse into
his soul. The fact that an audience can peer into the mind
and soul of a twenty four year
old man, trying to make a better way, makes him great. The
humanization of prose over
intoxicating rhythms is what
makes Kendrick Lamar’s music so attractive.
After his big album release
in 2011, K-dot plans to continue with more success in
2012. He has confirmed that
his next album will be widely
produced by Compton Native
and Dr. Dre, Grammy award
winning producer. Also, he
and J.Cole, a Grammy nominated artist, are working on a
joint album due to be released
this year. If more artist like
Kendrick Lamar keep making
music, then the future of music will be as bright as it ever
has been. F
The Hunger Games Series
by Suzanne Collins
This series is great and is
one that can be read over
and over again. Though it is
a young adult series, many
adults have enjoyed the story
line and classic love triangle.
For those of you who haven’t
seen the movie adaption preview, it is all about life after
the USA with new states,
called districts, and each one
has to send two tributes to
the “hunger games” . The
games are basically a fight to
the death between 24 young
adults. The story is shown
through the eyes of Katniss,
the heroine.
The Heretic Queen by
Michelle Moran
Moran’s follow up novel
to Nefertiti, focuses on the
life of Nefertari, the niece of
Nefertiti, who lost her family in a fire is on journey of
restoring her family’s reputation that had been tainted
by her aunt. Once she moves
into the royal palace to be
tutored by the Pharaoh’s
aunt, she quickly finds herself falling in love with the
crown prince, Ramesses II.
Soon she finds herself fighting against society to become
his wife. Their love is stuff
of legend and can be seen all
across Egypt to this very day.
This is one book I can’t wait
to have time to read and enjoy the world that continues
from her debut, Nefertiti.
The Nerdist Way: How
to Reach the Next Level (In
Real Life) by Chris Hardwick
This book helps the nerd
inside everyone explore
the world outside of the
Xbox games and role playing games. Chris Hardwick
has revolutionized the nerd
world with his creation of The
Nerdist, a weekly podcast that
explores all the nerdy things
that people enjoy, like Doctor Who, and current nerdy
trends that are showing up. I
love the podcast, but have yet
to read this.
The Best of Me by Nicholas Sparks
The author of The Notebook and A Walk to Remember is back with another love
story to make you wish your
love was as tragic and exciting
as the ones in his stories. This
is a story of high school sweethearts that are brought back
together after many years and
kindle their romance.
Game Of Thrones by
George R.R. Martin
This is an epic story of a
fantastic new world that is a
mix of medieval times and
magic. This story is an intense
one that is worth the long
read, because of the details
that bring the story to life.
The series on HBO follows
the series very closely and
helps explore the story in a
new medium.
Miss Peregrine’s Home for
Peculiar Children by Ransom
This novel mixes fiction
and old pictures to tell a story
of children that are a little
more “special” than others
that were basically stranded
in a house on an island. The
story of the children is told
through the eyes of a sixteen
year old boy exploring an
abandoned house on an island. This book has been on
my list of must reads for a
long time and looks so unique
that I can never stop thinking
about it.
Th1rteen R3asons Why by
Jay Asher
A very touching story, but a
tad depressing due to the fact
that it follows the story of a
boy who receives tapes from
a crush that had killed herself.
The tapes are her suicide note
to those who are the reason
she took her life and each person must listen to them and
pass them to the next person
on the list.
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t
Stop Talking by Susan Cain
I am an introvert and am
very proud of it, but sometimes it takes a toll on person’s
social life. This book explores
that many successful people
in history and in the modern
world have been introverts.
A Walk Across the Sun by
Corban Addison
This is a fictional look into
the world of sex trafficking. It
tells the story of two girls that
are sold into the sex trade after losing both parents. Their
story begins in India and continues across the globe.
Onward by Howard Schultz
If you ever want to work in
the corporate world, this is the
best book to read. This book is
an inspiration and should be
read multiple times! F
Loyola Museum of Art
March 6, 13, 20 & 27
Peggy Notebaert Nature
March 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29
M of Contemporary Art
March 6, 13, 20 & 27
Adler Planetarium
March 6,7
top ten must reads
By Joe Looney
“You know you’ve read a good
book when you turn the
last page and feel a little as
if you have lost a friend.”
A tradition for decades now, the St.
Patrick’s Day Parade is the
largest in Chicago and attracts thousands of bystanders
who line up along Columbus
Drive. The festivities kickoff
at 10:45 a.m. when the Chicago River is dyed green, and
the parade officially begins at
12 p.m.
1. Part Of Me
Katy Perry
1. Draw Something by ...
1. The Vow
February 10th
1. The Blood Sugar Solution
Mark Hyman
2. Set Fire To The Rain
2. Midway Arcade
Warner Bros.
2. Safe House
February 10th
2. Catching Fire
Suzanne Collins
3. I Will Always Love You
Whitney Houston
3. Where’s My Water?
Walt Disney
3. Journey 2: The Mysterious Island
February 10th
3. Mockingjay
Suzanne Collins
4. Stronger
Kelly Clarkson
4. Evi
True Knowledge
4. Chronicle
February 3rd
4. The Hunger Games
Suzanne Collins
5. Rolling In The Deep
5. Bejeweled
5. The Woman in Black
February 3rd
5. The Hunger Games Trilogy Boxed Set
Suzanne Collins
new to FILM
By Kimberly Martinez
When I hear Hugh Jackman, I think
X-Men’s Wolverine with huge
claws and ready to rip apart anyone who gets in his way. When
I first heard of Real Steel, the
story line of the film was very attractive, because come on when
have we seen boxing robots? I
wasn’t sure if I was ready to see
Hugh Jackman go from a mad
fighting wolf to a father. I give
props to director, Shawn Levy,
for keeping part of the essentials traits that have made Hugh
Jackman such a famous X-Men
character. He must have known
that Hugh Jackman’s drastic
character change was going to
be accepted with a bit of skepticism by us die hard X-Men
fans. Hugh Jackman’s character
Charlie, an ex-boxing champ, is
a very self-centered and emotionless at the beginning. He
has a very loving and supporting girlfriend, but he takes her
for granted just like he did to
his own son. He spends most
of his time on the road gambling his and his girlfriend’s rent
money on boxing robots. Charlie is so irresponsible that he has
not seen or heard of his son in
eleven years, oh did I forget to
mention his son Max is eleven
years old?
Charlie’s life is drastically
changed when he is given the
news that his son’s mother has
passed away and he is now the
child’s legal guardian. Being the
man that he is, he sold his son
to his wife’s sister for money to
buy more robots. Charlie wanted to get rid of Max as soon
as possible, but finds out that
his son has to spend the summer with him until his aunt and
uncle return from a trip. Handing Max over at first was easy
for Charlie, because he had
never been around Max before.
As the summer furthers in they
begin to bond and realize they
are identical in every way. They
find a trashed robot which no
one has hope for, besides Max.
Charlie puts his faith in Max to
fix the robot, named ATOM,
and Max puts his faith in his
father to teach it how to fight.
This is a beautiful film, because it shows that even the
most believed heartless person
in the world has a soft spot.
Only together, Max and Charlie had the strength to succeed
that they didn’t have when they
were apart. In the end, their
strong bond and love was able to
overcome the boxing audience’s
criticism, transform ATOM into
a boxing champion and create a
strong father and son relationship
which they had always thought
they could go on without. F
Things happen instantaneously in dreams, only.
Yes, this is your birthday month, Happy Birthday;
No, you don’t have to wear your birthday suit everywhere this month.
Don’t count on your eleven fingers giving you accurate
answers for the math exam, since you haven’t accepted
the fact that you have eleven fingers and not ten.
TAURUS ( April 21-May 21 )
Studying works better when you use the books assigned to the course and not the cartoon section of
the Sun Time.
GEMINI ( May 22-June 22 )
Letting go is easier without the crazy glue.
CANCER ( June 23-July 23 )
Of course you didn’t get the grade you wanted,
Roses are Red and Violets are Blue is not a literary piece.
LEO ( July 24-August 23 )
You need to work on your punch lines.
VIRGO ( August 24-SeptEMBER 23)
Loving food is not a crime, being in love with it is.
LIBRA ( SeptEMBER 24-OctOBER 23 )
Since you haven’t learned how to use the school
elevators, use the stairs this month.
Your new hobby for this month is farming. This
way you don’t have to spend so much time at the
Running in circles for two minutes is not considered daily exercise.
Telling the waitress not to drink and drive is not
considered the standard 15% tip. Spend a little.
Arts & Culture
The Walk Out
Photo Credit:
By Lindsay Dahl
From the outside Centro
looks like an upscale, classy
lounge that would be a great
place to spend a long weekend night at. However, once
seated inside this, admittedly
beautiful, restaurant it becomes painfully clear through
the entire experience that
you have made a mistake.
Located on the north side at
3819 N Ashland, Centro is an
establishment that attempts
too much. Management here
has attempted to create some
weird combination of restaurant, bar, wine bar, lounge,
sports bar, and nightclub that
has just failed in almost everyway possible. The drinks,
food and service are all an
embarrassment, not only to
the owners but to everyone in
With any place serving alcohol, especially one like this,
drinks are a key to success.
Even with other problems if
a lounge has good, unique
drinks then people will at least
stay. Centro’s bartender needs
to go back to school; maybe a
lesson on how to shake a mixing cup would help her. One
drink, a pomegranate martini, tasted like watered down
cough syrup. Another, the
melon martini, was so strong
it was like drinking pure
The only good
thing that was
sampled was an appetizer — the fries
vodka with a drop of melon
pucker. A place serving martinis should at least know how
to make them.
Bad drinks might be excusable if the food was at least
great, even though a place like
this should have good drinks.
The only good thing that was
sampled was an appetizer,
the fries. They were the only
good thing about the experience. Served fresh, despite a
thirty minute wait for them,
with parmesan cheese and a
truffle aioli the fries were the
only good thing. Other appetizers like the “Centro Fries”
were not; served smothered in
bacon, an American cheese
sauce, and cheap hot sauce, a
five year old could have made
them. They were out of some
key ingredients, as well, making certain items literally impossible to order, like the flat
breads because they were out
of bread. While some of the
menu items sounded good,
sadly this place is a victim of
terrible management.
Centro has this unique ability to be over staffed but incredibly slow to tend to their
customers. This experience
lasted a painful two hours,
in which the table received
one drink per person and
three appetizers. A lot more
could have been done with
two hours but when only one
server is working on a Friday
night, what else is to be expected. Amazingly, management here over staffed what
appeared to be a wine bar, put
the slowest bartender on the
main one, and had about ten
bouncers. There were more
staff than customers yet the
service was agonizingly slow.
The only server was having a
difficult time keeping up with
two large tables and the rest
of the place so, rather than
help her; the manager chastised her in front of a large
table with two of his bouncers
bearing down on her.
Then, when enough was
enough, it took the manager
twenty minutes to speak to
the table, during which he
admitted that he knew the
drinks were terrible and the
service was slow. Centro is
very deceiving and is definitely a place that should not be
judged based on looks. It looks
chic and modern but is truly
an embarrassment.
One Pot
Bobby Deen’s Goulash
Photo Credit:
By Bianca Hannah
» 2 tablespoons extra virgin
olive oil
» 3 pounds ground beef
» 2 large yellow onions,
finely chopped
» 1 (29 oz) can tomato sauce
» 2 (14.5 oz) cans diced
» 3 cloves garlic, minced
» 2 teaspoons dried basil
» 2 teaspoons dried oregano
» 1 teaspoon garlic powder
» 3/4 teaspoon salt
» 3/4 teaspoon ground
black pepper
» 3 tablespoons soy sauce
» 2 cups uncooked elbow
1. In a Dutch oven, heat the
oil over medium-high heat.
Brown the ground beef in the
oil about 10 minutes, breaking meat up with a fork as it
2. Add the onion, cook and stir
for 5 minutes.
3. Add the remaining ingredients except the macaroni.
4. Reduce heat, simmer, covered, for 20 minutes. Add
the elbow macaroni, stir well,
return the lid to the pot, and
simmer for about 20 minutes.
5. Turn off the heat and allow
to sit about 20 minutes more
before serving.
tight Wallet
Oven Roasted Chicken
The term “soft drink” originally referred to beverages that did not contain
a significant amount of
alcohol (or hard drinks).
» 4 large eggs - slightly
» 1 envelope onion soup mix
» 2 cups grated cheddar
» 3/4 cup chopped walnuts
» 1 cup dry bread crumbs
» Dash of salt & pepper
» Italian seasoning
» Vegetarian broth
1. Add walnuts and bread
crumbs to food processor;
chop finely.
2. In a bowl, mix the grated
cheese, eggs, salt, pepper,
seasoning and onion soup
mix; combine the walnut
& bread crumbs from food
processor. Refrigerate the
mixture for 30 minutes.
3. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
On a baking sheet roll mix-
ture into 3/4 inch balls and
cook for 20 minutes.
4. Upon removing the meatballs from the oven place*
them into a casserole dish
and cover halfway with
vegetarian broth to be
cooked for an additional
* At this point the "meatballs" may be
placed in the freezer for future use.
Photo Credit:
By Richard Connolly
By Bianca Hannah
Photo Credit:
» 2 lbs chicken, whole
» 2 cloves garlic, squashed
» 3 tablespoons butter, at
room temperature
» 1½ teaspoons salt
» 1½ teaspoons black
» 1½ teaspoons thyme
1. Preheat your oven to 450 degrees. Take garlic and put it
under the skin of the chicken, keep it by a meaty area
so the flavor can spread.
2. Combine the butter with
the seasonings and herbs,
mix together. Make sure
the chicken is dry before
slathering the butter mix so
it spreads better. Spread the
butter mix all over the chicken. Place chicken in a roasting pan, and if you don't
have one just make sure the
chicken is lifted away from
the bottom of the pan.
3. Roast chicken for an hour
to an hour and fifteen
minutes, until brown and
crispy. If you have a thermometer stick it into the
joints of the chicken to
make sure the temperature stays at 165 for fifteen
10 Commentary
Customer Service
What Happened To The Customer Is Always Right?
By Sanina Ellison
Have you ever heard these sayings
“let me transfer you to the
right department”, “I’m sorry
I can’t help you, that’s not my
department” or “I know it says
one price on the sticker but
it’s not supposed to be that
price”. Have you ever asked to
speak to a manager and got
the voicemail? If you have ever
heard any of these sayings then
you know how frustrating bad
customer service can be.
There was a time in the service industry where the representatives went out of their
way to make the customer feel
special, needed, and “right”.
Good customer service makes
a person want to come back.
How you handle a bad customer service situation can
impact what the company
does to remedy the situation.
It is n ot wise to combine bad
customer service with being
a “bad customer”. If you continue to treat the person giving
the bad service with respect
and speak in a calm tone, you
have a better chance when the
situation does eventually get to
the manager to have the matter
resolved. Bad customer service
is usually a result of a misunderstanding.
Be specific about your request or complaint and be
compromising about the resolution. If your matter reaches
the manager, offer suggestions and you may be pleasantly surprised to see change
come to an organization because of your request. If no
change occurs, remember
you have the right to use a
different business that values you as a customer. Even
though the customer is not
always right, it sure feels good
when you are treated like it! F
He Says She Says
Government! Friend or Foe?
By DeMarco White
Roughly two hundred and thirty-six years ago a document was
drafted. This document would
set precedent over the land not
just for that period of time but
till the end of time, at least that
is what the creators of the document thought. An
abundance of our founding fathers gathered up amongst each
other and created what we now
know as the United States Constitution. I am aware that this
document was created to store
order in American society. The
U.S Constitution states that it is
here to protect the rights of the
people but excuse me for being a
little ignorant but how can a government protect rights from the
people if they’re constantly striping its’ citizens of their rights.
If the government’s only task
was to protect the rights of people, who is to say that this world
would be a better place. The
government’s policies are not going to satisfy everyone, but they
should be, and are, set in place to
help the majority. Some are firm
believers in the government only
protecting the rights of people.
I do not believe the Constitu-
tion stated that the government
should protect the people’ rights
by striping homosexuals of their
right to get married, forcing
contraception upon religions or
even putting restrictions on one’s
health insurance.
..It would be
foolish to blame
Americans for taking advantage of
what the government has to offer.”
It would be foolish to blame
Americans for taking advantage
of what the government has to
offer. The government is offering
help, who in need would not accept it. It is not a fact that the government is helping those in need
by punishing those in wealth. I
could state my opinions about
taxes but then I would have to
write you a series of novels.
I do not have an issue when
it comes to the government
sticking their nose in other
people’s business, as long as
the end result is effective and
productive. The government
has been installed to protect the
rights of its people. I believe that
aiding its citizens is a part of protecting their rights. I do not see
Social Security, Welfare, Section
8 or any other of the government
funded programs as a hand out,
but as a way to help its citizens.
That being said I am not blind
to the fact that people do, and
are, taking advantage of these
programs but why should society,
as whole, be punished. These programs show are specific examples
of how the government is making
an effort—successful or not—to
aid its citizens.
Maybe there was one point in
time that the government could
successfully do what the constitution stated but that time has
passed. It is nearly impossible
for the government to stop all its
efforts in aiding its citizens and
just strictly “protect” the rights
of citizens. To be honest, we are
not even sure if the government
can accurately complete that
ancient task anyway. I believe
the government is here to
help, although I do not totally agree in all their attempts
to help our American society.
The government needs to acclimate to the time period and
look around, we are not in the
1700’s and times are hard. F
Phone Yankers
By Bianca Hannah
In this time with technology
everywhere and every day there
seems to be a more up to date,
and expensive model, we’ve
all become a bit codependent.
With the diminished number of payphones everywhere
people find that they need to
depend on their cellphones
more often. Often when looking around there are people
everywhere with their eyes on
their phones, sometimes to the
detriment of their own safety.
With all the bells and whistles
on these gadgets today, one
day people may be able to just
have a cell phone instead of
a computer.
Having said all that it is
easy to see why my phone was
stolen in early January, while
in school, I thought my world
was about to end. The first
thoughts that went through
my mind were what in the
world am I going to do? My
second was how in the world
is my brother going to know
to pick me up from the train,
I know, lazy, right? The way
in which we use our phones
today is so varied. I myself
store my passwords, pictures,
and keep up with my bank
account, all on my phone. For
convenience that’s great, but
if another is somehow able to
get into that personal information then there’s a world
of trouble.
I was one of the lucky ones,
my phone was returned to
me the next day by security.
Fast action by myself, school
security guards, and strategically placed cameras helped
to speed up the retrieval of
my phone. I also have great
culinary pals who raced down
stairs and rode elevators to see
if they could find the perpetrator of the phone theft, and
ladies, I thank you, you know
who you are! With all that being said, watch out where you
set your phones because one
moment of forgetfulness can
cost you time, important information, and an insurance
deductible. F
words of the
Flexuous |FLEK-shoo-uhs|, adjective:
Full of bends or curves; sinuous.
Example: Her flexuous and stealthy figure became an integral part of the scene. At times her whimsical fancy would intensify natural processes around her till they seemed a part of her own story.
Business Casualty, noun:
— Maya Angelou
By Ann Roche
Question: What creates debt
and waste, limits freedom, has a
fetish for spying on people, and
Haz jaidbe al tawfeeq
Jia you
Example: The long dressy skirt and polo didn’t look good together, it was a business casualty and
tucking it in didn’t make it look any better.
“Life is not measured by the
number of breaths we
take, but by the moments
that take our breath
Say it in 12 Languages
When someone wears business casual and it looks horrible.
is powered by excessive taxes? Answer: The
U.S. federal government. At
the risk of sounding like an anarchist or simply selfish, I’m just
going to say it: the government is
not your friend, and it is not there
to help people! If that sounds
unpatriotic to you, hear me out.
We’re accustomed to seeing the
government as the primary safety net for people in need, but that
was not what it’s created to do.
It’s job very simple: to protect our
natural rights, including (but not
limited to) life, liberty, property,
and the pursuit of happiness.
Since FDR’s unconstitutional
presidency, the American mindset has drastically shifted. Now
Americans don’t understand or
trust free markets, and they want
t h e
g ove r n ment to take
care of them from cradle to
grave. I could go on and on
about why you should value
your freedom more than a (false)
sense of security from Uncle
Sam, but instead I’ll point out
the obvious: it doesn’t work.
Come up with five things the
federal government does consistently well, I dare you. The
only one I’ve come up with
is the military, which isn’t directly controlled by Congress
The federal
government is like a doctor who
amputates your leg when all you
... Come up with
five things the federal government
does consistently
well, I dare you.”
had was a broken ankle. For example, in the 1930s, they thought
Social Security was a good idea
for a “temporary” program
the elderly. How
could a system where current
workers pay for retirees and
hope to get benefits later ever
be temporary? The system
discourages people from saving up themselves because
they think the government’s
got them covered, but it is
mismanaged and bankrupt.
The states created a federal
government to help protect citizen’s rights, not to intrude on
every aspect of their lives. The
real option here is whether you
want to be mollycoddled by the
government or to make it on
your own in freedom. When it
comes to more government in
your life, just say no! F
What is your lucky
What would you do with
a pot of gold?
Favorite thing about St.
Patrick's Day?
What are you currently
listening to?
Favorite phrase of the
Bonne chance
Viel Glück!
Buona Fortuna
Ganbatte kudasai
Boa sorte
Buena suerte
Lycka till!
“My Sesame Street
“My Blade - Don't
mess with me”
“My Hat ”
“My Phone”
“My Bracelet.”
“I would throw a big
“I would be swimming in it”
“Sell dem coins”
“Buy some awesome
“I would give it to the
first homeless person
I saw”
“I hate St. Patricks
“South Side Irish
“Bailey's Irish Cream”
“Shamrock Shakes”
“The Green River”
“Nero - Promises”
“Empire of the Sun Hot Kiss Sword Fish”
“Stern talking about
300 ”
“Miike Snow - Paddling Out (Jaques Lu
Cont Remix)”
“Cell Dweller”
“I’m on the Edge of
“Mr. Toasty”
“Stern talking about
“Pretty Cool“`
“Can I Come Back to
12 puzzles & comics
Fill the 9x9 grid with numbers so that each row,
and each one of the nine 3x3 blocks
Puzzle 1 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.49)
contain numbers ranging from 1 to 9. Good luck!
By Rich Connolly
Generated by on Sat Feb 11 02:11:48 2012 GMT. Enjoy!
Can you figure out what words these are? Unscramble the
words and fill in the corresponding blanks!
woefrsta _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
oddlonaw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1: Type of weapon in a
Gibson film title
7: Red-coated cheese
11: Chimney output
14: “Where are you?”
response, 15: Little Suckers
16: Presidential term limit
17: Cone on the plains
18: Wayside taverns
19: Maze expert
20: Dawdle
23: One of Chekhov’s three
26: Had something
27: Hard downpour
28: Sharply sarcastic; as wit
31: Puerto _____
34: Cooperation roadblock
35: Southeast Asian nation
37: “The Executioner’s Song”
author (with 64-Across)
41: Take forever, seemingly
44: Respiratory disorder
45: Midge or punkie
46: Crime Center?
47:Food item served in a
49: Murder misteri poison
51: Behold amorously
54: Dijon thirst-quencher
56: Greek peak
57: What “sure and steady”
62: Bunk bed
63: Turner of Hollywood
64: See 37-Across
68: Word with “nouveau” or
69: Soldier’s assignment
70: Pay no mind to
71: Bread or booze type
72: White, in chess
73: Tattered
1: On, as a kerosene lamp
2: Houston-to-Raleigh dir.
3: Not just “a”
4: Quintet plus two
5: Length times width
6: Vichyssoise veggie
7: “Silas Marner” author
8: Many a campaign fundraiser
9: Teen affliction
10: Military meal
11: Entrance courts
12: Eastern guru
13: Place to stay on vacation
21: ______ the run (dine hastily)
22: Village of yore
23: Last Greek letter
24: Bits of business-card art
25: Old four-pence coin
29: Mission in San Antonio
30: Twangy, as a voice
32: Dental filling
33: ______ Mesa, Calif.
36: Succumb to gravity
38: Homer hero of ‘61
39: Some are fatty
40: Site of Hercules’ first labor
42: Heaved, as a football
43: Acquire, as debts
48: Chairman Brezhnev
50: Snooping (around
51: “Sesame Street” grouch
52: “Mine eyes have seen the
53: Lenya of “The Threepenny
55: Marble
58: Addition word
59: Punjabi queen
60: Eastern potentate
61: Tale spanning centuries
65: Ship’s record
66: Before, once
67: Snow White’s sister
Rose _____