Forestry Tasmania Chatlee Quarry EAR
Forestry Tasmania Chatlee Quarry EAR
ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT REPORT Chatlee Quarry Production Increase Salmon River Forest Murchison Forest District Forestry Tasmania Report and recommendations of the EPA Division Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment to the Board of the Environment Protection Authority April 2012 Environmental Assessment Report Proponent Forestry Tasmania Proposal Chatlee Quarry Production Increase Location Chatlee Road, Salmon River Forest, Murchison Forest District NELMS no. EPN 8686/1 DA number N.A. File 112466 Document G:\EEO_Enviro_Ops\EAS_Assessments\EAS_Projects\FTChatlee\AR\EAR Class of Assessment 2A Assessment process milestones 24 November 2011 Notice of Intent submitted 6 February 2012 Application received by Board 11 February 2012 Start of public consultation period 3 March 2012 End of public consultation period N.A. Supplementary information submitted to Board Acronyms Board Board of the Environment Protection Authority EER Environmental Effects Report DPIPWE Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment EIA Environmental impact assessment EMPC Act Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994 EPBC Act Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) LUPA Act Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 SD Sustainable development Environmental Assessment Report – Forestry Tasmania Chatlee Quarry I Table of Contents 1 Approvals process ..................................................................................... 3 2 SD objectives and EIA principles .............................................................. 3 3 The proposal ............................................................................................. 4 4 Evaluation of Environmental Issues .......................................................... 8 5 Conclusion............................................................................................... 11 Appendix 1 Environment Protection Notice 8686/1 ................................. 12 Environmental Assessment Report – Forestry Tasmania Chatlee Quarry II 1 Approvals process As required by 27(1) of the Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994 (EMPC Act), Forestry Tasmania submitted a Notice of Intent to the Board in relation to the proposed Chatlee forestry quarry on Chatlee Road, Salmon River Forest, Murchison Forest District on 24 November 2011. The proposal is defined as a ‘level 2 activity’ under Schedule 2 Subsections 5(a) and 6(a)(ii) of the Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994 (EMPC Act), being the intensification of use of a forestry quarry, currently operating as a level 1 activity. The assessment has been undertaken by the Director, Environment Protection Authority, under delegation from the Board. The proponent submitted an Environmental Effects Report (EER) in support of the application consisting of Forest Practices Plan (FPP) No DRT0207 accompanied by FPP DRT0207-02 (variation to reflect the proposed intensification of use) and a cover report . The EER was released for public inspection for a 14-day period commencing on 11 February 2012. Advertisements were placed in the Advocate newspaper and on the EPA web site. No public submissions were received. 2 SD objectives and EIA principles The proposal must be considered by the Director in the context of the sustainable development objectives of the Resource Management and Planning System of Tasmania (RMPS), and in the context of the objectives of the Environmental Management and Pollution Control System (EMPCS) established by the EMPC Act. The functions of the Board are to administer and enforce the provisions of the Act, and in particular to use its best endeavours to protect the environment of Tasmania, and to further the RMPS and EMPCS objectives. The Director must undertake the assessment of the proposal in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment Principles defined in Section 74 of the EMPC Act. Environmental Assessment Report – Forestry Tasmania Chatlee Quarry 3 3 The proposal The site has been operating as a level 1 quarry since 20 December 2004. The proposed capacity increase at the quarry is due to an expected expansion of harvesting in the region in the next 5 years. The EER states that the site has been selected to allow efficiencies in costs associated with the maintenance and construction of the existing road network on likely cart routes. The main characteristics of the proposal are summarised in Table 1. A detailed description of the proposal is provided in EER. The information contained in Table 1 also includes details presented in the Natural and Cultural Values Assessment conducted for the FPP in accordance with the Forest Practice System (FPS). Table 1: Summary of key proposal characteristics Activity Extraction of a maximum of 19,500m3 of rock per annum and crushing of a maximum of 2,000m3 of extracted rock per annum. Location and planning context Location Chatlee Road, Salmon River Forest Block, Murchison Forest District Approx 33 km south west of Smithton – see following maps Land tenure State Forest Site Area 5 ha Existing site Land Use Current quarry 3 ha. Surrounding area regrowth forest. Topography Moderate slope with a westerly aspect Geology Dolomite Soils Dark clayey with coarse sand and dolomite gravels of moderate soil erodibility Hydrology Nearest stream is 90m from the site boundary Fauna No potential threatened species habitat was identified on the site. Flora Non-forest & tall E. obliqua Local region Climate Annual rainfall is approximately 1000-1250mm. Surrounding land and uses Forestry Species of conservation significance Quolls, Northwest Velvet Worm, Wedge-tailed Eagle. Proposed infrastructure Major equipment Excavators, dozers, drill rig, mobile crushing plant, supporting vehicles Inputs Energy Fuel may be stored on site during operations. Wastes and emissions Liquid Stormwater runoff from extraction and stockpile areas. Environmental Assessment Report – Forestry Tasmania Chatlee Quarry 4 Atmospheric Dust. Solid General litter and oily wastes and scrap from maintenance. Noise From blasting and equipment listed above. Greenhouse gases Not discussed directly in the EER. It is stated the quarry is located close to the road network to be maintained with quarry product. Commissioning and operations Operating hours 0600 to 1700 hours, Monday to Friday Project timetable The quarry is currently operating as a level 1 quarry thus no commissioning period is required. Environmental Assessment Report – Forestry Tasmania Chatlee Quarry 5 Location Map Environmental Assessment Report – Forestry Tasmania Chatlee Quarry 6 Environmental Assessment Report – Forestry Tasmania Chatlee Quarry 7 4 Evaluation of Environmental Issues The FPP was prepared in accordance with the Forest Practice Code 2000 (FPC) and has been developed on the basis of a natural and cultural values assessment of potential impacts on flora and fauna, geomorphology, cultural heritage, landscape, soil and water. The natural and cultural values assessment has been conducted in the context of Tasmania’s FPS specified under the Forest Practices Act 1985. The FPC references the Quarry code of Practice 1999 (QCP) where relevant. It is noted that FPPs are regulated by forest practices officers appointed under the Forest Practices Act. The cover report provided as part of the EER provides a description of proposed operations and summarises the environmental context and the environmental aspects identified in the FPP. Management measures and evaluation The FPP details management requirements in relation to environmental and other aspects of the operation that Forestry Tasmania must comply with. The environmentally relevant management measures are summarised and evaluated below. Forest Practice Code Management measures • All mandatory requirements under the FPC apply to the conduct of the operation Evaluation The FPC provides a comprehensive set of guidelines for the protection of environmental values consistent with best practice environmental management principles. Although the QCP is referenced, compliance with the QCP is not mandatory, therefore condition G4 is recommended. Area of disturbance Management measures • The entire site may be worked. Evaluation The quarry is in the midst of a regrowth forestry area. Soils are of moderate erodibility and the nearest waterway is a significant distance from the site. Restriction of the area of disturbance is not considered merited. Stripping and stockpiling Management measures • All topsoil stripping and overburden will be stockpiled for rehabilitation activities. Evaluation This is consistent with the QCP (condition G2). Drainage and Erosion Control Management measures Drainage and soil water movement from the quarry area will be controlled as per normal practices by the use of culverts, silt traps and silt fences and ripraps where needed. Environmental Assessment Report – Forestry Tasmania Chatlee Quarry 8 Evaluation The required measures are consistent with the acceptable standards detailed in the QCP (conditions G2, G4). Quarry development Management measures • A simple plan for the development of the quarry is included in the FPP. The quarry will be developed in a series of benches no more than 6m in height. Evaluation The FPP does not mandate compliance with the QCP. This is considered necessary (condition G4). Flora Management measures • The FPP does not consider that any specific management prescriptions are required. Evaluation The prescriptions contained in the FPP are considered adequate to protect flora values. Weeds and diseases Management measures • The quarry is currently considered to be free of weeds and Phytophthora cinnamomi. The FPP contains prescriptions to ensure that it remains so. Evaluation The prescriptions contained in the FPP are considered adequate. Fauna Management measures • Standard fauna management prescriptions of the FPC should provide adequate protection for the Northwest Velvet Worm, Spotted Tailed and Easter Quolls. No special prescriptions are required. • The FPP prescribes the procedure to be followed if a Wedge-tailed Eagle nest is located. Evaluation The prescriptions contained in the FPP are considered adequate to protect fauna values. Geoscience Management measures • None proposed. Evaluation According to the FPP no specific prescriptions are required. Cultural heritage Management measures • None proposed. Evaluation According to the FPP no specific prescriptions are required. Environmental Assessment Report – Forestry Tasmania Chatlee Quarry 9 Noise and dust Management measures • The FPP does not consider that noise or dust will be a problem. Evaluation The quarry is in an isolated location surrounded by production forestry areas. The nearest private residence is 7km away. No particular measures are necessary to prevent noise or dust nuisance. Fuels and lubricants Management measures • The FPP contains Forestry Tasmania’s standard requirements for management of fuels and lubricants. Evaluation The required management measures are considered appropriate (conditions G2, G4). Site rehabilitation Management measures • Quarry site will be levelled and drained and stockpiled topsoil used in the final rehabilitation of the site. Additional topsoil will be brought in from elsewhere if the quantity stockpiled is inadequate. • Soils will be respread to a depth of approximately 150mm Evaluation The procedures are consistent with the QCP (condition G4). Recommendations It is recommended that the following conditions be required, as detailed on draft EPN 8686/1 shown in appendix 1 to the report. G1 Quantity limits for the volume of rock extracted and the volume of rock processed. G2 Operations must to be conducted in accordance with the FPP. G3 The Director must be made aware of any changes to the FPP. G4 Operations must be conducted in accordance with the QCP. Environmental Assessment Report – Forestry Tasmania Chatlee Quarry 10
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