cadet handbook - UW


cadet handbook - UW
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Revised: Fall 2012
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
Table of Contents
Cadet Creed
Warrior Ethos
Army Values
History of the Eagle Battalion
Section One: Expectations and Activities
Leadership Training Course (LTC)
How to Enroll in the Military Science Classes
Physical Fitness
Mentorship Program
Leadership Lab
Field Training Exercise (FTX)
Leadership Development Assessment Course
Social Events
Additional Training Opportunities
Section Two: Eagle Battalion
Company Level Leadership
Chain of Command
Cadet Battalion Staff
Section Three: Rank and Military Courtesy
ROTC Cadet Rank
Army NCO Rank
Army Officer Rank
How to Render a Proper Salute
Section Four: Supply
What you will receive as an Army ROTC cadet
Equipment and Dummy Weapons
Section Five: Motorcycle and Bicycle Safety
Section Six: Appearance
Personal Appearance
Wearing of the Uniform
Eyeglasses and Sunglasses
Section Seven: Cadet Awards
Section Eight: Resources
Section Nine: ROTC Scholarships
Campus Scholarships
Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP)
Guaranteed Reserve Force Duty (GRFD)
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
Incoming Freshman or New Cadets
Welcome to the Eagle Battalion.
As a new member in the military, this handbook will
guide you in basic military instruction and policies. You
are encouraged to use this handbook for reference as
well as actual Field Manuals and supplementary ROTC
documents and doctrine. As you read through the
handbook, pay close attention to sections 1-4 and learn
the policies and standards.
Transfer Cadets or Prior Service
Welcome to the Eagle Battalion.
As an individual with some experience in the military,
you have already been introduced to how the military
operates and what standards the Army expects. As you
read through the handbook pay close attention to ROTC
and Eagle Battalion policies and standards located in
sections 1,2, and 4.
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
Cadet Creed
I am an ARMY Cadet.
Soon I will take an oath and become an Army Officer
committed to DEFENDING the values which make this
Nation great.
HONOR is my touchstone.
I understand MISSION first and PEOPLE always.
I am the PAST, the spirit of those WARRIORS who have
made the final sacrifice.
I am the PRESENT, the scholar and apprentice soldier
enhancing my skills in the science of warfare and the art
of leadership.
But above all I am FUTURE, the future WARRIOR
LEADER of the United States Army. May God give me
the compassion and judgment to lead and the gallantry
in battle to WIN.
Warrior Ethos
I will always place the mission first.
I will never accept defeat.
I never will quit.
I will never leave a fallen comrade
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
The Seven Army Values
“Our profession’s ethic remains the foundation of trust which the
American people place in their military”
Bear true faith and allegiance to the U.S. constitution, the Army, and other soldiers.
Be loyal to the nation and its heritage. Leaders who demonstrate loyalty:
• Observe higher headquarters’ priorities.
• Work within the system without manipulating it for personal gain.
Fulfill your obligations.
Accept responsibility for your own actions and those entrusted to your care.
Find opportunities to improve oneself for the good of the group. Leaders demonstrate devotion to
• Fulfill obligations—professional, legal, and moral.
• Carry out mission requirements.
• Meet professional standards.
• Set the example.
• Comply with policies and directives.
• Continually pursue excellence.
Rely upon the golden rule – Treat others as you want to be treated.
How we consider others reflects upon each of us, both personally and as a professional organization.
Leaders who demonstrate respect:
• Treat people as they should be treated.
• Create a climate of fairness and equal opportunity.
• Are discreet and tactful when correcting or questioning others.
• Show concern for and make an effort to check on the safety and well‐being of others.
• Are courteous.
• Don’t take advantage of positions of authority.
Selfless Service
Put the welfare of the nation, the Army, and your subordinates before your own.
Selfless service leads to organizational teamwork and encompasses discipline, self‐control and faith
the system. Leaders who demonstrate selfless service:
• Put the welfare of the nation, the Army, and subordinates before their own.
• Sustain team morale.
• Share subordinates’ hardships.
• Give credit for success to others and accept responsibility for failure themselves.
Live up to all the Army values. Leaders who demonstrate honor:
• Live up to Army values.
• Don’t lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those actions by others.
Do what is right, legally and morally.
Be willing to do what is right even when no one is looking.
It is our "moral compass" an inner voice. Leaders who demonstrate integrity:
• Do what is right legally and morally.
• Possess high personal moral standards.
• Are honest in word and deed.
• Show consistently good moral judgment and behavior.
• Put doing the right thing ahead of being popular.
Personal Courage
The ability to face fear, danger, or adversity, both physical and moral courage. Leaders who demon‐
personal courage:
• Show physical and moral bravery.
• Take responsibility for decisions and actions.
• Accept responsibility for mistakes and shortcomings.
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
Eagle Battalion History
There has long been a duality in the American military tradition, with both citizensoldiers and military professionals playing prominent roles in all of America’s
wars. For most of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, America’s small, profes‐
sional Regular Army was supplemented during times of crisis by large numbers of
state militia and other volunteer forces.
This dual military system worked well until the American Civil War. The Military
Academy at West Point, the traditional source for officers, could not produce enough
officers to lead the huge force fielded during the 1860s. Unskilled volunteer and
militia officers had to become effective leaders overnight. The Land-Grant Act of
1862 (the Morrell Act) therefore gave states federal land to raise capital and establish
colleges that would teach agriculture, science, and military tactics, but the limited
officer training of this act did not produce for the Army enough competent reserve
officers. The National Defense Act of 1916 set up the Reserve Officers Training Corps
(ROTC) as we know it today. By 1928 there were ROTC programs at 325 schools
across the nation. By the time America began to mobilize for World War II in 1940,
ROTC had trained more than 100,000 officers. After World War II ROTC became the
Army’s primary source of officers—for both the Regular Army and the Army’s reserve
The ROTC program at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse was established in
January 1971, with military science classes commencing that fall semester. The
“Indian Battalion,” as it was then named, started with 70 cadets and commissioned
its first two officers in December 1972.
UW-La Crosse’s ROTC program has experienced changes in both name and composi‐
tion over the years. During 1989, the unit was re-designated as the Eagle Battal‐
ion. In 1991 ROTC became available to students at other universities in the La Crosse
area. Over the years, lieutenants from the Eagle Battalion have filled the ranks of
each of the Army’s branches but no branch more so than the Army Nurse Corps. In
March 1996, Viterbo University was selected by the U.S. Army Cadet Command as
one of only 41 schools nationwide to participate in the Partnership in Nursing Educa‐
tion Program.
The Eagle Battalion today continues its proud tradition of producing officers who are
both physically and mentally prepared to lead America’s Army. These officers have
served around the world and have contributed immensely to the defense of our na‐
tion. As the Army transforms to become a more flexible and lethal force for the
twenty-first century, UW-La Crosse Army ROTC will continue to lead the way in
producing quality officers to serve as leaders of character in the United States Army.
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
The ROTC program is open to all students in all colleges and schools within the
university and all partnership schools. All credits earned by taking Military Science
courses can be applied towards a Military Science minor for UW-L cadets or count as
Service Obligation: Once a cadets is commissioned they owe a total of eight years.
This can be done in a combination of at least four years in Active duty (if selected)
followed by service in the Guard (ARNG), Reserves (USAR), or the Inactive Ready
Reserve (IRR) for the remainder of the 8-year service obligation
As a contracted Army ROTC cadet, your continued scholarship benefits in the pro‐
gram rely on meeting the following standards:
All cadets must strive for academic excellence. You cannot become an Army officer
unless you graduate.
Your primary obligation is to excel in your academic studies. The national Order of
Merit List (OML) program allocates the largest percentage of points to GPA (40%) in
determining whether you receive your desired component of service (Active Duty or
Reserve Duty) and your desired branch (Aviation, Infantry etc). Your grades come
first! Probation and/or disenrollment from the program will result unless the follow‐
ing standards are met:
-maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher
-maintain full-time student status throughout the term, not less than 12
credit hours
-earn a grade of at least a “C” in all Military Science courses
-make acceptable progress towards your degree (All cadets will fill out a
form called the 104-R that lays out the classes they plan to take during their college
career to achieve a degree. This shows that cadets understand what classes need to
be taken in order to fulfill degree requirements. The 104-R should be updated each
In order to fulfill ROTC commissioning requirements, cadets are required to com‐
plete courses which satisfy the professional development criteria. These require‐
ments must be fulfilled prior to commissioning regardless of when graduation oc‐
curs. The requirements are:
 Take all MS classes– Basic Course Classes 101, 102, 201, 202, Advanced course Clas‐
ses 301, 302, 401, and 403 (unless attended LTC)
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
 A military history, either MS 402 or an approved substitute. See substi‐
tutes at under course descriptions towards the end.
 Pass all events in the Combat Water Survival Training (CWST)- done
twice a year, in the fall and spring semester
 Fulfill all university degree requirements
Leadership Training Course (LTC): For those students who are unable
to complete the Basic Course by the end of their sophomore year, or who
join the program after their freshmen year can attend LTC. This is a four
week camp at Fort Knox, KY. Completion of LTC qualifies the student for
enrollment in the Advanced Course and may compete for scholarships if
available. The Army pays for travel to and from LTC and while at camp,
the students earn around $960 (before taxes). At LTC, the student gains
an experience of Army life and the responsibilities of being an officer.
The course it meant to instill confidence and decision-making abilities
needed to become a leader, in the Army and in the civilian world.
Enrollment: Freshmen and sophomores enroll in basic courses the same
way they register for any university course. The only restriction is that a
student must normally have completed MS 101 or MS 102 to enroll in 200
level MS courses. Students enrolled in basic courses are not under a mili‐
tary service contract and have no obligation for military service*.
*However, if the cadet is a scholarship cadet they are obligated under a
military service contract once they have contracted and begun there
sophomore year. This is only a freshmen option, if a cadet does not re‐
ceive a scholarship until after their freshmen year, the obligation begins
right away.
Exceptions: Veterans and enlisted members of the USAR/ARNG may
qualify for immediate placement into the Advanced Course if they have
completed two years of college (academic status of a junior). Those who
meet these standards are eligible to enroll in the Advanced Course.
How to Enroll in the Military Science Classes
UW-L Students:
Go to
Sign in with your username and password.
Click on “Enroll” under the Academics tab
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
Type in “MS” next to Course Subject
Type the course number you want next to Course Number
Then proceed by clicking the “Enroll” buttons to enroll in the course
Viterbo Students
Go to Viterbo’s Homepage (
Click on “MyVU” in the top, center of the page.
Click on “VitNet” in the top, right corner of the page.
Click on “Log In” in the bottom, right corner of the page.
Log in with your username and password.
Click on “Students” in the top, right corner of the page.
Click on “Register for Sections” under the Registration bar.
Click “I agree.”
Click on “Search and Register for Sections” (first on the list).
Type in the term you are registering for.
Under the Subject drop-down bar select “Military Science.”
Click the “Submit” button.
Select the MS course you are signing up for.
WSU amd St. Mary’s Students
There is an agreement between WSU and UW-L wherein WSU pays for
their students’ ROTC classes if the student maintains at least 12 WSU
credits and no more than 18 credits WSU and ROTC combined. No
agreement exists with SMU, so their students can expect to pay a 100
dollar registration fee each semester and just under 400 dollars per credit
to UW-L out of pocket. That is assuming the cadet is either a WI native
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
or has MN reciprocity. Out of state tuition is roughly double instatetuition. MN reciprocity is not automatic! You can apply for it at
If a
WSU cadet fails to remain a full time student or exceeds 18 credits, the
same costs apply to them.The first step is to apply on-line at https:// The on-line application is fairly easy to complete,
but note the following necessary entries:
a) Under “Applying as:” WSU students check Winona State
University ROTC Student, SMU students check Undergraduate Special
b) Under “I’m intending to take a course in the following
school/college” find “Liberal Studies (College of)” in the drop down menu
and select.
c) Under “Please indicate your educational goals”, check bacca‐
laureate degree and other, and then write in ROTC at WSU.
d) When asked for an applicant statement, type in the follow‐
ing. “I am a Cadet at Winona State University (or St. Mary’s University)
that is participating in ROTC through the University of Wisconsin–La
To track your admission, go to:
You will receive your username and initial password via e-mail.
Change your password and remember your username and password. You
will need them to register for class each semester. It typically takes two
days or so to get admitted to UW-L.
Once you are admitted, you must go to, find WINGS
under UW-L Quicklinks drop down menu and register for the class you
are taking as described in the previous UW-L Students section. This must
be done before the Friday of the first week of UW-L semester. Since WSU
classes begin 2 weeks prior, plenty of time is available to secure on-line
registration. Do not count on your instructor being willing to sign an
Add/Drop slip after that date.
Physical Fitness
Each cadet is expected to be in a good physical condition. A diagnostic
Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) consisting of pushups, sit-ups, and a
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
2-mile run will be administered prior to the start of the semester. Based on the
cadet’s performance, he/she will be advised as to an individual PT program. All
cadets take three APFT a semester the first two being diagnostic and the third is
for record. If a non-contracted cadet wishes to contract, cadre will set up a PT test
for them, which they must take and pass at that time. During the school year,
cadets will participate in an organized regularly scheduled physical training pro‐
gram two-five days (two at a minimum-Tuesdays and Thursdays) each week. A
high APFT score is required for a cadet to be selected for competitive summer
Physical Readiness Training– Eagle Battalion PRT is conducted 5 days a week
from 0615-0715. Tuesday and Thursday are mandatory for all cadets; Friday attend‐
ance is required of those who fail to meet their class standards, and Monday and
Wednesday PT is for cadets who fail the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) stand‐
Locations for Morning PRT:
Alpha Company– UW-L and Viterbo Cadets (La Crosse)– Mitchell Field house and
Veterans Memorial Stadium
Bravo Company (Winona)– Krysko Commons
Weight Standards
Contracted cadets will maintain weight in accordance with AR 600-9. Cadets will
be weighed after each APFT. If a cadet fails to meet weight standards, he or she
will be taped by cadre . Below are tables that show the minimum and maximum
weight for males and females.
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
The Eagle Battalion has created a mentorship program aimed at form‐
ing cohesion and bonds between different levels of cadets and address‐
ing any issues. Cadets are mentored on a weekly basis with MS IV
cadets mentoring MS II cadets and MS III cadets mentoring MS I ca‐
dets. Mentors cover a range of topics from academics to ROTC to ex‐
tracurricular/social activities to future plans and goals. Cadets develop
the mentor/protégée relationship over the entire academic year. Men‐
tors will accompany protégées to enhanced PT if necessary.
Leadership Development Program (LDP)
As a part of the LDP process, MS IIIs will be expected to train MS Is
and IIs during leadership labs, PT, and training exercises. During train‐
ing, MS IVs are expected to make on the spot corrections of deficien‐
cies, improper performance, and noncompliance with regulations/
policies of the Eagle Battalion. During each leadership rotation, MS
IIIs will receive an initial counseling with their respective MS IV evalu‐
ator to discuss what is expected and at the end receive blue card coun‐
seling. The blue card will touch on different leadership attributes the
cadet presented, their strong points, weaknesses, and an overall sum‐
mary of behavior while in leadership.
The third year in the ROTC program is crucial to a cadet’s develop‐
ment as an Army officer. During the year, cadets are expected to take
on leadership roles and are evaluated on how well they perform as
leaders by senior cadets or MS IVs. Each MS III will have an LDAC
coach that is an MS IV, who will give guidance throughout the year.
The goal of having an LDAC coach is to prepare MS IIIs for the Leader‐
ship Development Assessment Course that they must attend the sum‐
mer between their junior and senior year.
This weekly lab is an integral part of the program for all cadets. The
MS IVs are responsible for the planning of all labs, the MS IIIs are
responsible for executing all labs, and the MS Is and IIs are then
trained by the MS IIIs in military tactics. The table on the following
page shows the various labs that take place over the course of the fall
and spring semesters.
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
Lab Week 1 (Rappelling/M4 PMI)
Lab 1 (Rappelling/M16 disassemble)
Lab Week 2 (Land Navigation PE)
Lab 2 (Land Nav)
Lab Week 3 (PCC/PCI & PMI Training)
Lab 3 (Wpns cleaning training & PCC/
Lab Week 4 (SQD Tactics 1--Patrolling)
Lab 4 (Sqd Tact 1/2- Patrolling & Battle
Lab Week 5 (SQD Tactics 2--Battle
Lab 5 (ACO Sqd Tact 2- Battle Drills)
Lab Week 6 (SQD Tactics 3--RECON)
Lab 5 (BCO Blood Drive)
Lab Week 7 (SQD Tactics 4--Attack)
Lab 6 (Sqd Tact 3– Recon)
Lab Week 8 (SQD Tactics 5--Ambush)
Lab 7 (Sqd Tact 4– Attack)
Lab Week 9 (US Wpn/HG--MS I/II;
Lab 8 (Sqd Tact 5- Ambush)
Lab Week 10 (Class A Inspection)
Lab 9 MS 1/2 US Wpns/HG/MS3
Lab Week 11 (Blood Drive)
Lab 10 (Class A Inspection)
Lab Week 12 (CWST)
Lab 11 Verbal OPORD- MS IIIs
Lab 13 (CWST)-(1500-1700)
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
Field Training Exercise (FTX)- A FTX takes place each fall in which con‐
tracted cadets are expected to participate in. The three day training exercise
consists of: day and night land navigation, basic rifle marksmanship, weap‐
ons cleaning, patrolling (MS IIIs), tactics, Modern Army Combatives Pro‐
gram, confidence course, and an obstacle course.
Leadership Development and Assessment Course (LDAC): LDAC provides
field training and experience in a military environment not possible on
campus. Cadets attend the four-week camp between their junior and senior
year. Emphasis is placed on leadership development and evaluation as a
leader and member of a team. The training and evaluations are conducted
by cadre from other ROTC programs. The Army pays travel to and from
camp and while at camp the cadet is paid approximately $900 before taxes.
(more information page 36)
Military Ball- The military ball is a formal social event held each fall semes‐
ter. It is a formal dinner and dance open to friends and family of cadets.
Guest and family get a chance to join Eagle Battalion for a night out.
Dining In- The dining-in is a formal social event held in the spring. It is a
formal dinner function which includes a period of cocktails, the formal
dinner, and an informal period. During the informal period is used for en‐
tertainment such as skits and the telling of stories of cadets within the bat‐
The Ranger Challenge competition is held annually each fall at Fort McCoy.
This competition is physically demanding and requires additional training
alongside the required ROTC training. The competition is done in teams of
five or nine man (can be males and females) or all female teams. Cadets are
tested on traditional night land navigation; consisting of a series of tasks:
one rope bridge, weapons assembly/disassembly, HWMMV pull, litter carry,
and room clearing. The final event is a 10K forced road march. While this
takes dedication and a commitment for more training, the awards are worth
it. Cadets increase their physical fitness; receive more hands on training all
while forming a strong team bond
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
The Rifle Competition was a combination of M16 and M9 pistol. Teams
consisted of four cadets that were tested on individual skill and a team
inspired event. Cadets begin the competition zeroing the M16 and get‐
ting a chance to familiarize themselves with the M9, this last 30 minutes.
The teams then move outside to do a 1 mile run in ACUs, combat boots,
LBE, and Kevlar. The teams must finish the run together and can only
have less than 15 feet between them. Immediately after the completion
of the run, the teams are taken back inside to the range and start to fire
with the M16 (there is a time constraint). Once time is up, the teams get
a short break as the targets are switched out and the M9 event begins.
Once the M9 portion is completed then the teams move on to assembly/
disassembly and a functions check (cadets can encourage, but cannot
give instruction during this time). The Eagle Battalion participated in
this event for the first time in 2009 and sent three teams, with one team
winning first in the M16 event.
GAFB is held annually each year at the University of Bloomington in
Indiana. The events include pistol shooting, a road march, a 5K run, high
jump, shot put, and a 400 meter swim. All the events have standards or
times in which to qualify and move on to the next day of events. Unlike
other competitions, you compete not against other cadets, but test to see
how far or well you can excel. The event is physically demanding and
also requires additional training time outside of already mandatory
ROTC training. The German Armed Forces Badge of Military Proficien‐
cy is one of a few approved foreign awards for soldiers to wear.
This competition consists of two-person teams made up of either male,
female, or co-ed partners. Cadets will go through a series of events in an
effort to gain the title Best Ranger Buddy Team. The teams will conduct
a 10K road march, take a modified APFT (do pull ups as an event), run
through the hand grenade assault course, do a M16 assembly/
disassembly and functions check, do knot tying, compete in the surprise
event (always kept a secret), and go through the obstacle course deemed
“the crucible.” The crucible consists of a one rope bridge approximately
twenty feet, water can shuffle, the plank crossing, calling up a 9-line
medevac, and after receiving an eight-digit grid coordinate identify the
terrain feature located there. All these events are timed, and the team
with the best overall time will win the title.
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
The Norwegian Road March competition is held at the University of
Southern Indiana in the spring. The competition consists of a 30K (18.6
miles) road march with a 25lb load with time restrictions. Males have 4
hours and 30 minutes and females have 5 hours and 15 minutes to
complete the task. All teams that meet these requirements are award‐
ed the Norwegian Road March Badge. In 2008, the Eagle Battalion had
three four-person teams compete and took first, second, and third
place. The first place team won with a time of 4 hours and 17 minutes,
the second with 4 hours and 21 minutes, and the third team (the only
all female team) with 4 hours and 32 minutes.
Talon Platoon operates as a extra “high-speed” activity and includes training for those who seek an extra challenge.
State Track Meet
Every year the cadets help run the WIAA State Track Meet as part of a
fundraiser for the Cadet Fund. Cadets spend two days selling and tear‐
ing tickets, work as gate security, and help sell programs. This is the
only real fundraiser that is conducted in order to pay for all events
during the school year, all contracted cadets are required and encour‐
aged to bring friends.
Relay for Life
Polar Plunge
Intramural Sports
Veterans Honor Flight
Blood Drives
Bed loft Operations
Local Community and Athletic Events
Military Schools and Programs– Air Bourne, Air Assault etc.
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
The Eagle Battalion is organized to facilitate cadet involvement and partic‐
ipation in ROTC training events throughout the school year. This organi‐
zation allows cadets to receive important information concerning training
and other ROTC related events, and provides cadets with a method of
getting answers to any concerns or issues they may have concerning
ROTC. The Eagle Battalion is run by the senior cadets under the guidance
and supervision of the Professor of Military Science (PMS).
Each freshman, sophomore and junior cadet belongs to a squad. A squad
consists of about 8-10 cadets. Each squad has a squad leader (SL) who is
responsible for sending information regarding ROTC events to each cadet
in his or her squad. The squad leader is also responsible for making sure
that all cadets have the proper equipment for every training event. A
squad leader is the first person that a cadet must contact if he or she has
any questions or needs any equipment.
A Platoon consists of 2-3 squads. Each platoon has one platoon sergeant
or PSG. Squad leaders receive information from their platoon sergeant to
send to their squads. The platoon sergeant works closely with squad lead‐
ers to ensure that the platoon always has the correct uniform and equip‐
ment. Each platoon also has a platoon leader (PL). The PSG receives in‐
formation about all training events from the PL.
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Hand‐
Company Level Leadership
Third year cadets or MS IIIs fill company level leadership positions.(SL, PSG, PL,
1SG) The MS III cadets will rotate through leadership positions every three to
five weeks, four rotations a semester. This allows them to be able to practice
their leadership skills. Each MS III will receive evaluations on their respective
position by an MS IV cadet.
Chain of Command
The chain of command is made up of a series of positions of increasing authori‐
ty. The chain of command is also used to control the flow of information within
the organization. The use of the chain of command is a two way street. Policy
and instruction flow down the chain to each cadet. Cadets also use the chain of
command when they are looking for information or need help with a problem.
This allows the information to be gained or the problem to be addressed at the
lowest possible level. (SL) If the issue cannot be fixed here the information is
passed up the chain of command until it is resolved.
Some personal problems, and academic problems, are best addressed first by the
help of the Military Science Department staff, In cases of personal or academic
problems, your first point of contact is your Military Science Instructor. The
Professor of Military Science and the cadre have an open door policy which
provides that any cadet may see them about matters the cadet deems important.
If they are not immediately available when the cadet wants to see them, a meet‐
ing may be arranged by either contacting the secretary or leaving a message in
the office of the person the cadet desires to see.
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
Cadet Battalion Staff
Senior or MS IV cadets take positions on the cadet battalion staff. Key posi‐
tions are listed and briefly explained below:
Cadet Battalion Commander (c/LTC)- Is the highest-ranking cadet in the
Cadet Corps and is responsible for all cadet activity. He/she interfaces with
the PMS, organizes, directs, and supervises the cadet staff and Company Com‐
manders, and represents the Cadet Corps in greeting and briefing distin‐
guished visitors. The Cadet Battalion Commander may task any member of
the Cadet Corps to conduct special projects as required.
Cadet Executive Officer (c/MAJ)- Coordinates and supervises the cadet staff,
ensuring that the cadet staff operates smoothly and effectively, accomplishing
all assigned tasks. The XO assumes command in the absence of the Cadet
Battalion Commander.
Battalion S1 (c/CPT)- The Cadet Adjutant is responsible for cadet personnel
actions, cadet staff files, cadet bulletin boards, awards, and miscellaneous
administrative duties not assigned to another staff officer.
Battalion S2 (c/CPT)-Nursing coordination: Risk assessments, nurse study
halls, BDE, Nurse Visits and our c/medical advisor.
Battalion S3 (c/MAJ)- The operations and training officer responsible for plan‐
ning, organizing and coordinating training for leadership labs and FTXs, Pre‐
pares and publishes training schedules and letters of instruction, Supervises
and evaluates the conduct of training. Also responsible for physical security
planning and implementation during training exercises, Develops and imple‐
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
Battalion S4 (c/CPT)- The Cadet Logistical Officer is responsible for Battalion S4 (c/
CPT)- The Cadet Logistical Officer is responsible for planning, organizing, and
procuring supplies, billeting and transportation for cadet training and activities.
Responsible for the maintenance and accountability of equipment used during
training exercises.
Battalion S5 (c/CPT)- Responsible for promoting awareness, understanding, and
support of ROTC on campus. Also responsible for media relations and coverage of
all cadet activities. Coordinates and staffs recruiting events and public affairs.
Company Commanders (c/CPT)- Company commanders work closely with MS III
leadership and are responsible for their specific company. Commanders are respon‐
sible for putting out physical training (PT) guidance, a PT schedule, and conducting
weekly training meetings. During these meetings, the commander will brief the MS
III leadership on upcoming events and take care of any issues .
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
Private First
Cadet Second
Cadet First
Cadet Captain
Cadet Staff Cadet
Cadet Major
Cadet First
Cadet Lieutenant
Cadet Colonel
Worn by 1st Semester MSI Cadets
Worn by 2nd Semester MSI Cadets
Worn by 1st Semester MSII Cadets
Worn by 2nd Semester MSII Cadets
Worn by 1st Semester MSIII Cadets
Worn by 2nd Semester MSIII Cadets
Rarely used; by cadets who take senior
Worn by the MSIII cadet who is the
MSL classes prior to Junior MSL classes
current First Sergeant
Worn by the Cadet Operations NCO
(an MSIV cadet position)
Worn by the Cadet Command Sergeant
Major (an MSIV cadet position)
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
Worn by cadets at LDAC or by MSV cadets
Worn by MSIV cadets with a secondary staff
Worn by MSIV cadets with a primary
staff/leadership position
Worn by the Cadet Battalion Executive Officer
(an MSIV cadet position)
Worn by the Cadet Battalion Commander
(the most prestigious cadet MSIV position)
Not used within the Eagle Battalion ROTC
It is important for cadets to learn military courtesies early on. While on
campus it is important to project a disciplined and professional image to
the public. In addition, the courtesies are a vital part of rendering proper
respect to fellow soldiers. When commissioned, lieutenants are expected to
have a mastery of military courtesies.
Some courtesies to know:
During events where cadets of all classes are present (MS Is, IIs, IIIs
and IVs) cadets should address one another as Cadet/ Mr. or Ms. (Cadet
Jones, Ms. Jones)
During times where cadets are only among a group of their peers, they
can address each other by first or last name.
Whenever on a military installation and the National Anthem or “To
the Colors” is played outdoors, all cadets must face towards the music,
stand at attention, and render the proper salute
Cadets in uniform remove their hats upon entering any building.
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
Army NCO Rank
Military Courtesy
Private and Private First Class– addressed as Private
First Sergeant– addressed as First Sergeant
Corporal and Specialist– addressed as Corporal and Specialist
Sergeant, Staff Sergeant, Sergeant First Class , Master Sergeant—
addressed as Sergeant
Sergeant Major and Command Sergeant Major– addressed as Sergeant
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
Army Officer Rank
A proper hand salute should be rendered to officers outdoors when in uni‐
form within 6 paces
Cadets must always address officers as Sir or Ma’am (NOT by rank or
When speaking to more than one officer, address males as Gentlemen and
females as Ladies
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
How to Render a Proper Salute
When wearing headgear with a visor and not wearing glasses, raise the
right hand sharply, fingers and thumb extended and joined, palm facing
down, and place the right forefinger on the rim of the visor slightly to the
right of the right eye. The outer edge of the hand is barely canted down‐
ward so that neither the back of the hand nor the palm is clearly visible
from the front. Then hand and wrist are straight, the elbow inclined
slightly forward, and the upper arm horizontal. (1)
When wearing headgear without a visor and not wearing glasses, execute
the hand salute in the same manner as described above, except touch the
tip of the right forefinger to the forehead near and slightly to the right of
the right eyebrow. (2)
When wearing headgear without a visor and wearing glasses, execute the
hand salute in the same manner as described above, except touch the tip
of the right forefinger to that point on the glasses where the temple piece
of the frame meets the right edge of the right brow. (3)
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
Uniforms will be issued at no cost to the cadet. All scholarship and Advance
Course cadets, as well as cadets participating in co-curricular activities, are issued
uniforms. These uniforms remain the property of the U. S. Army and must be
returned at the end of each school year. The cadet must pay for all items, which
are lost or damaged. Wearing military clothing with civilian clothing is not al‐
lowed. This includes the wearing of a mix of clothing to non ROTC activities.
SMP cadets receive uniforms and equipment from their units. SMP cadets will
receive cadet rank and insignia from ROTC, and any other required items that
their units cannot provide.
The Supply Technician, will maintain a standard clothing issue form that details
what clothing and equipment cadets receive and hand receipts for each cadet.
Each cadet is responsible for the maintenance and safeguarding of her or his
uniform and equipment. Laundry and dry cleaning are the responsibility of the
individual cadet. Alterations may be made only through the Supply Technician.
On the next few pages are equipment lists that show the items that cadets are
At times during the year, cadets are issued other equipment and/or clothing for
specific purposes. This property should be safeguarded from loss and returned in
a clean and usable condition upon completion of training.
Weapons are the property of the Eagle BN and will not be removed from the
supply house except for authorized purposes; i.e., classroom instruction, leader‐
ship lab, or other authorized training exercises.
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
Motorcycles are unlike any other recreational vehicle. Boats, Jet skis, snowmobiles, and others
have their own areas, and environments that allow them to be enjoyed in relative isolation. Motorcycles, on the other hand, constantly interact with the local population. They share the same roads,
and environments that everyone else populates. This puts motorcycles at an extreme disadvantage.
Fifteen percent of Privately Owned Vehicles (POV) accidents in the Army are Motorcycle (MC)
accidents, and these accidents account for fifty percent of Army POV fatalities. Therefore, all
cadets and soldiers who ride a motorcycle are required to be extremely responsible people.
Our ROTC program demands that whoever rides a motorcycle become educated on their twowheeled vehicle and set the standards of conduct while on their motorcycle. All cadets who own a
motorcycle must be licensed to operate the vehicle and have the vehicle insured. Cadets are also
highly encouraged to take a motorcycle defensive driving course approved by the Motorcycle
Safety Foundation (MSF) and taught by certified instructors with hands-on training. One of these
courses is taught at Fort McCoy. For further information on the course contact LTC Johnson.
Whenever cadets ride a motorcycle they must adhere to the Army Policy on wearing Personal
Protection Equipment (PPE), even though the state of Wisconsin does not require the use of such
equipment. Army PPE requirements are as follows:
A helmet certified to meet Department of Transportation (DOT) standards. Helmet must be
properly fastened under the chin.
Impact or shatter resistant goggles or full-face shield properly attached to the helmet. A
windshield or eyeglasses alone are not proper eye protection.
Sturdy Footwear is mandatory. Leather boots or over the ankle shoes are strongly encouraged.
Long sleeved shirt or jacket, long trousers, and full-fingered gloves or mittens designed for
use on a motorcycle.
A brightly colored outer upper garment during the day and a reflective upper garment during
the night are required. Outer upper garment shall be clearly visible and not covered.
As with motorcycles, cadets must also be responsible when riding a bicycle. Cadets who ride
bicycles are required to wear a bicycle helmet with the chin-strap fastened at all times while riding.
Cadets are also strongly encouraged to wear the reflective belt from the IPFU across their chest
while riding bicycles. It is the cadet’s duty and responsibility to ensure they adhere to the Army’s
safety and PPE requirements while riding bicycles or motorcycles.
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
Commissioned officers serve the United States and they are entrust‐
ed by a self-governing society with its guardianship; they hold force
in hand. They are responsible for the vast resources in personnel,
money, and material placed at their disposal by the citizens of our
country in order to keep the nation secure. This is high responsibil‐
ity, and to be worthy of such trust requires a high ethical and moral
The development of high ethical and moral standards is the primary
component of our military education system. ROTC graduates must
have the wisdom and courage to maintain high standards of profes‐
sional conduct. All professional officers subscribe to the basic prin‐
ciple that an officer’s word is his/her bond, and this simple state‐
ment clearly prescribes uncompromising honesty in any endeavor.
Whether in peace or war, professional officers must never waiver in
their devotion to the ideal of integrity in every action. In their rou‐
tine affairs, they must respond truthfully to the requests and needs
of superiors and subordinate alike. They can be nothing less than
completely honest with those who depend daily on the correctness
and accuracy of their actions. Such responsibility is exacting and the
nation will accept no less. Officers’ decisions and actions greatly
influence those around them; they must exercise complete honesty
and be straightforward in every effort.
The Army is a uniformed service where discipline is judged, in part,
by the manner in which a soldier wears a prescribed uniform, as
well as by the individual’s personal appearance. Therefore, a neat
and well-groomed appearance by all cadets is fundamental in ROTC
and contributes to building the pride and esprit essential to an
effective military force.
It is the responsibility of cadet leaders and cadets themselves to
ensure that they present a neat and professional appearance. Con‐
tracted cadets are required to adhere to active duty Army standards.
Cadets must take pride in their appearance at all times, in or out of
uniform, on and off duty. The appearance standards are established
and defined in the Cadet Command Regulation 670-1 (CC 670-1 or
more extensively in AR 670-1). It is the responsibility of each cadet
to learn about these standards.
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
Each cadet will maintain a high standard of dress and appearance.
Uniforms will be properly fitted, cleaned, serviceable and pressed as
necessary. Uniforms will be kept buttoned, zippered, and snapped.
Non subdued metallic devices will be kept in proper luster and
shoes/boots will be cleaned and shined.
ROTC cadets may wear the issued uniform within the United States
during the occasions listed below:
(1) Contracted cadets are required to wear their ACUs to Military
Science class, lab and other training events (FTX).
(2) All cadets must wear the PRT uniform on PRT days with the
issued reflective belt and white socks, without logos, that cover the
(3) All contracted ROTC cadets must wear the ACUs all day on
Tuesday (Bravo Company) or Thursdays (Alpha Company) for lab.
(4) Visiting a military station for participation in military drills or
Attending other functions as authorized by the Battalion
Commander for such wear.
Cadets are not allowed to wear anything displaying logos while in
Mixing military with civilian attire is not authorized.*
*This includes no wearing of civilian jackets or pants over the winter
Improved Physical Fitness Uniform (IPFU).
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
The following shows the various uniforms that cadets must wear for certain
activities in ROTC and how they should be worn.
Uniform for Class, Leadership Lab and other
training events:
ACUs– Army Combat Uniform
Combat Boots (no laces showing)
PC (Patrol Cap) with rank
Rank, Flag, name and ROTC patches
ID tags
Uniform for Physical Readiness Training (PRT):
APFU trunks
APFU shirt
Reflective Belt (worn around the waist or over the right
shoulder across the chest diagonally over jacket)
White socks with no writing that cover the ankles
Tennis shoes
APFU jacket, pants, black hat and leather gloves with
inserts during winter
Uniform for Military Ball, Dining In, Commissioning Ceremony, Spring Awards Ceremony:
Dress Blues skirt (females), trousers (males)
Head Gear: Black army beret.
Long-sleeved white collared shirts are worn to spring awards ceremony, military ball,
dining in, and commissioning ceremony .
Dress Blues black tab- females, four-in-hand tie– males
(worn to less formal events such as spring awards ceremo‐
ny), bow tie– males (worn to military ball with white shirt)
Pumps (females), oxford shoes (males)
Females should always wear nylons and males should wear
black socks.
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
All ROTC cadets must maintain a clean and well groomed appear‐
ance. Hair will be neatly groomed. The length and bulk will not be
excessive or present a ragged, unkempt or extreme appearance. The
following addresses how hair should be kept for male and female
Hair will not fall over the eyebrows or extend below the top edge of
the collar when combed. Extreme or fad style haircuts are not au‐
thorized. Males will keep sideburns neatly trimmed. Sideburns may
not be flared; the base of the sideburn will be a clean shaven, hori‐
zontal line. Sideburns will not extend below the lowest part of the
exterior ear opening. Males will keep their face clean-shaven.
Hair will not fall over the eyebrows or extend below the bottom
edge of the collar. Hair styles will not interfere with proper wearing
of military headgear or protective masks.
Hair holding ornaments (barrettes, pin, clips), if used, must be
transparent or similar in color to the hair, and will be inconspicu‐
ously placed. Beads or similar ornamental items are not authorized
in uniform or in civilian clothes on duty.
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
Cadets may wear a wristwatch, a wrist identification bracelet, and a
total of two rings (a wedding set is considered one ring) with Army
uniforms, unless prohibited by the commander for safety or health
reasons. Any jewelry soldiers wear must be conservative and in good
taste. Identification bracelets are limited to medical alert bracelets and
MIA/POW identification bracelets. Cadets may wear only one item on
each wrist. Ankle bracelets, necklaces, faddish (trendy) devices, medal‐
lions, amulets, and personal talismans or icons are not authorized for
wear in any military uniform.
No jewelry, watches, chains or similar items, to include pens and pen‐
cils, will appear exposed on the uniform. (pens and pencils may appear
exposed on ACUs) Male cadets will not wear any type of earring when
in uniform or when wearing civilian clothing on duty.
Cadets may not attach, affix, or display objects, articles, jewelry, or
ornamentation to or through the skin while they are in uniform, in
civilian clothes on duty, or in civilian clothes off duty (this includes
earrings for male soldiers). The only exception is for female soldiers, as
indicated below . (The term “skin” is not confined to external skin, but
includes the tongue, lips, inside the mouth, and other surfaces of the
body not readily visible).
Females are authorized to wear prescribed earrings :
Earrings may be screw-on, clip-on, or post-type earrings, in gold,
silver, white pearl, or diamond.
The earrings will not exceed 6 mm or 1⁄4 inch in diameter, and
they must be unadorned and spherical.
 When worn, the earrings will fit snugly against the ear.
Females may wear earrings only as a matched pair, with only one
earring per ear lobe.
Females are not authorized to wear earrings with their ACUs or physi‐
cal fitness uniform. When on duty in civilian attire, female soldiers
must comply with the specifications listed above when wearing ear‐
rings, unless otherwise authorized by the commander. When females
are off duty, there are no restrictions on the wear of earrings.
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
Conservative civilian prescription eyeglasses are authorized for
wear with all uniforms.
Conservative prescription and nonprescription sunglasses are
authorized for wear when in a garrison environment, except when
in formation and while indoors. Individuals who are required by
medical authority to wear sunglasses for medical reasons other
than refractive error may wear them, except when health or safety
considerations apply. Cadets may not wear sunglasses in the field,
unless required by the commander for safety reasons in high glare
field environments.
Eyeglasses or sunglasses that are trendy, or have lenses or frames
with initials, designs, or other adornments are not authorized for
wear. Cadets may not wear lenses with extreme or trendy colors,
which include, but are not limited to, red, yellow, blue, purple,
bright green, and orange. Lens colors must be traditional gray,
brown, or dark green shades. Personnel will not wear lenses or
frames that are so large or small that they detract from the appear‐
ance of the uniform. Personnel will not attach chains, bands, or
ribbons to eyeglasses. Eyeglass restraints are authorized only when
required for safety purposes. Personnel will not hang eyeglasses or
eyeglass cases on the uniform, and may not let glasses hang from
eyeglass restraints down the front of the uniform.
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Hand‐
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
The cadet bulletin board for A Co is located next to the lounge in
the lower level of the Whitney Center and is used by the cadet Com‐
pany Commanders to post information. The board contains train‐
ing schedules for three weeks out, excusal forms, mentoring and
counseling forms.
Cadets who attend Winona State and St. Mary’s can find additional
resources in the ROTC office at Winona State. The office is located
in the Wabasha Recreational Center in room LL 127
The ROTC blackboard is meant to give all cadets access to a variety
of different information. Posted under “Eagle BN ROTC” cadets can
then access a multitude of documents. Cadets can access their re‐
spective company’s training schedules, read battalion policies, find a
battalion roster, and see the PRT schedule. Cadets can also view all
Eagle Times Newsletters, APFT scores, and any training guidance
for the academic year. Cadets can print off mentor sheets, prerotation counseling, and excusal forms. The battalion S3 also posts
updated Operation Orders (OPORDs-orders that tell cadets what is
occurring for training, the needed supplies and required uniform)
and the rest of the staff ensures that information is kept up-to-date.
Blackboard is also used by the ROTC instructors to provide cadets
with power point presentations, grades and other documents used
for projects or homework.
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
The cadet lounge is provided for cadet relaxation and study. It has a TV and military
books and magazines for leisure reading. The lounge is located in the Military Sci‐
ence Department, room 60, in the lower level of the Whitney Center at UWL.
AKO (Army Knowledge Online) is a site that offers email, military news, training
and medical information and many other resources. All contracted cadets will be
given an AKO email address and access to the site. Follow these instructions to set
up your AKO account:
Go to
Under New User select Register for AKO
In the next pop up screen, contracted cadets click Create Full Account
Enter your Social Security Number and date of birth
Enter Date of Cadet Initial Enrollment Date in the Pay Entry Base Date ( this is
found in the Student Management Enrollment screen.
The next screen will display the Cadet Name. Follow the directions on the screen.
For Organization enter the ROTC University Name, ROTC battalion address and
phone number.
If you have problems getting an account established, call the AKO help desk at 703704-HELP. If they can resolve your problem, send the Cadet Name, ROTC Universi‐
ty, DOB and POC phone number to
MyPay is a secure site that allows military personnel to receive and view all leave
and earning statements (LES) electronically. After cadets commission as officers,
they will use MyPay to view their statements and update any personal information
such as an address or account number change. MyPay is relatively new to cadets in
the ROTC program, but all contracted cadets should expect to get registered for a
MyPay account in the near future. The link to the website is:
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
If you are an individual that has not received a scholarship, the
ROTC program can offer two, three, and four-year scholarships.
Students interested in these scholarships can compete for these
scholarships by enrolling in Army ROTC Military Science classes,
attending lab, physical training and participating in other ROTC
The Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP) allows an MS II or
MS III cadet to combine ROTC and service in the Army National
Guard or U.S. Army Reserve. In the guard or reserve, the cadet
serves as an officer-trainee in the minimum pay grade of E-5. Cadets
formally holding ranks higher than E-5 will be paid commensurate
to their rank prior to becoming a cadet. The program offers valuable
leadership development opportunity in addition to added financial
Scholarship students, except for Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty,
are not eligible to participate in this program. In the event that
ROTC activities conflict with reserve or guard activities, the ROTC
requirements have precedence. Cadets who have attended Basic
Training and completed AIT are also eligible for benefits under the
Montgomery GI Bill.
Green to Gold cadets may also be eligible for benefits under the
Montgomery GI Bill if they have completed requirements.
The program provides scholarship opportunities to college students
who will be juniors in the fall of the year the scholarship is awarded.
The two-year scholarships available in the GRFD program require
recipients to be in either a National Guard or Reserve Unit.
The U.S. Army ROTC GRFD and Dedicated Army National Guard
scholarships provide 100% financial assistance toward college tui‐
tion and education fees. You will also earn drill pay for participating
in National Guard or Army Reserve training activities.
The ARNG scholarship requires an eight-year obligation served in
an ARNG unit. The individual cannot request active duty.
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook
Obligations: If selected for an Army ROTC GRFD or Dedicated
Army National Guard Scholarship, and you accept, you are obligated
- Agree to serve in the ARNG/USAR for a period of 8 years.
- Join the Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP) and participate
regularly with a National Guard or Army Reserve unit.
- Pursue the academic discipline (if applicable) identified in the
letter that notifies you of your selection as a scholarship recipient.
- Accept a commission to serve on active duty or reserve duty (Army
National Guard or Army
Reserve) upon completion of the required academic and ROTC
- Scholarships are awarded on the basis of Character, U.S. Citizen‐
ship, Age, Motivation, Officer Potential, Academic Excellence, Phys‐
ical Fitness and Medical Fitness.
In addition to the two, three and four year scholarships that are
available to high school seniors, the Army ROTC Scholarships pay
for tuition and provide a cash allowance for textbooks and other
fees (currently $1200 per academic year/$600 a semester), in addi‐
tion to a monthly subsistence allowance during the school year
(September to May). Cadets who do not receive any scholarship,
but who still wish to complete the program to become army officers
can still contract and receive the monthly stipend.
MS Class
Pay (monthly)
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Hand‐
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ROTC Handbook