Sand Pebbles - ABWA Emerald Coast Chapter
Sand Pebbles - ABWA Emerald Coast Chapter
Emerald Coast Chapter American Business Women’s Association Fort Walton Beach, Florida Sand Pebbles June 2004 2003/2004 Chapter Officers President .................…......…..Becky Belcher President Elect.......………..….Kathy Browe Past President...............……….Desley Parker Vice President.......………..….Leslye Brewer Treasurer.................….………Michelle Sears Secretary .................………Terre Dominique Committee Chairs 2003/2004 Hospitality..................……...Becky Dawkins Membership.....………………...….Bev Bain Education...................…………..Gayle Hurst Publicity...................……......Anita Chapman Program………………………….Sandy Duh Ways & Means…..……………..Vickie Edge Poker Run Subcommittee………Mitzi Rowe History............……………………Beth Bish Fall Enrollment…………...…...Kathi Heapy Spring Enrollment....………..…Sandy Duh Woman of the Year….…Sherry Marcolongo Business Associate….……..Carol Ann Love …………………...…………..…...Lori Love Newsletter........………...Sherry Marcolongo Sand Pebbles is a monthly newsletter published by the Emerald Coast Chapter of the American Business Women’s Association for its members. Send inquiries and submissions to: Sherry Marcolongo 1506 23rd Street Niceville, FL 32578 E-mail: Home Phone.......…678-5946 Work Phone. ……..244-7306 Web Site: Chapter E-mail address: Advertise a business card size ad for only: $60.00 for 12 months $35.00 for 6 months $25.00 for a 1 page insert for 1 month Annual and semi-annual ads will be published on the ABWA web site. Volume XXI, Number 11 A Message From Our President Okay – NOW we can relax and take a breather! Our 11th Annual Boating Poker Run came off wonderfully and was enjoyed by all (and I for one, was grateful for the cloud cover). In spite of your incredibly busy lives, we pulled off another successful and fun one. Of course it took an incredible amount of work - probably more than most of us realize - headed up by Mitzi Rowe. Would you believe that this event would have been dropped in 1998 if Vickie Edge had not agreed to be Chair at the meeting where we were about to drop it? I’m so proud of you because this only happens as a team effort, but it would be almost impossible without the “construction supervisor” pulling it all together. The community would have been disappointed without the BPR. It takes many pieces to put this thing together, and no matter how small a piece you were able to help with, it was appreciated. We’ve all heard that the wisdom of not criticizing a husband or child who is helping take care of something, though not in the way you would do it, is to realize that it is getting taken care of. Each year, we try to learn from this event, so please think about ways we can make it better and easier, especially for ourselves and the 2005 Chair – and write it down. I love that in the end, we all worked together and made it happen. After you’ve had time to recover, please contact Kathy Browe to let her know you would like to take on chairing this special event. We also must acknowledge the contributions of our many non-member sponsors. Let’s all make an effort to use them when possible and let them know just how much we do appreciate their support. And if there is any doubt about whether a contributor is included in the list of people to thank, contact Shirley Young to make sure they are on her list and will be extended a proper Thank You. Speaking of Thanks, Gayle Hurst really did a nice job of telling our members, Scholarship Recipients and other guests all about the BPR at our May meeting. Gayle is a Hall of Fame Member of BPR Chairs! Our June meeting is a special one in that our Business Associate of the Year will be announced. This is a meeting where we encourage you all to invite guests that are supportive of you and women in business whether it is a spouse, a co-worker, a friend, or an employer. (Just don’t forget to make their reservation!) Also in June, please consider volunteering to serve on the Audit Committee as I will be appointing 2 or more members for this. The audit must take place in the month of July. My Best to you all, Becky June 1st Meeting Agenda Networking starts at 5:30 p.m. Call to Order is at 6:30 p.m. Invocation & Pledge Dinner & Introductions Program: Business Associate of the Year 2004 Boat Poker Run Wrap-up Door Prizes Benediction 1 Tossed Salad with Ranch and Chef Dressing Chicken Pecan Rice Pilaf Green Beans Almondine Rolls/Butter Coffee/Tea Service Warm Cherry Cobbler Sand Pebbles ABWA, Emerald Coast Chapter, Meeting Minutes for 5/4/04 Medical Center. The Board meeting will be Monday, May 10th, 5:30 pm at Westwood. The meeting was called to order by President, Becky Belcher, at 6:30 pm. The Invocation was said by Gayle Carmichael. Gayle also led us in the Pledge of Allegiance, which was said by all members. Introductions were made during dinner. The program was Scholarships. Gayle Hurst and Daphne Ingram did a fine job. Gayle told how the scholarship process works from start to finish. We were very happy to have eight of the thirteen Scholarship recipients present at the meeting. Gayle and Daphne presented each with their Scholarship and a rose. Bev Bain did Affiliations which included ; Rebecca Freeman (Sponsor - Darlene Dean), Elaine Sheldon (Sponsor - Carol Evans), Brigitte Sullivan (Sponsor Darlene Dean) and Leslie Williams (Sponsor - Jeanne Rief). We then had the business portion of the meeting. The Minutes and the Treasurer's report were approved as published. Becky Belcher mentioned our Top Ten Candidate, Sherry Marcolongo. We are very proud to have Sherry as our candidate. The Benediction was said by Adriane Beckvermit. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm. Respectfully Submitted By, Terre Dominique, Secretary The next Board meeting will be 5:30 pm at the Westwood Retirement Resort on Monday, June 7th, and as always, open to anyone who would like to join us. Elections were held for the 2004-2005 year. Beverly Rasmussen, Chairperson, thanked her helpers. They were Shannon Sapp and Fay Watts. Thank you ladies. Our new Board for the next year will include; Kathy Browe as President, Tonya Nunes as President-Elect, Tammy McDaniel as Vice-President, Kathi Heapy as Treasurer and your current Secretary, Terre Dominique, will proudly serve one more term. Old South Land Title Company We had a short update on how the BPR is going. Mitzi said we have received $4,900.00 in cash donations so far. We also have many weekend packages and prizes. Goody bags will be put together Thursday, May 13th at 3:00 pm at Shalimar Yacht Basin. Alibi is still playing at the BPR party. Advertising is going very well. LAND T I T L E COMPANY Insured Real Estate Closings Gayle Hurst Manager/Co-Owner 1201 N. Eglin Parkway Shalimar, FL 32579 (850) 651-2002 Fax (850) 651-2310 409 John Sims Parkway Niceville, FL 32578 (850) 729-9193 Fax (850) 729-9266 Carol Ann Love and Lori Love asked if anyone had any nominations for Business Associate. This event will be held in June. Bev Bain announced there will be a Dock Workers meeting, May 11th, at Docker's. Please be there at 5:30 pm. Sally Johnson won the Birthday Girl Drawing. There was a Dock Workers only gift given and that went to Andrea Schlapia. Lynda Hammond Owner A Travel Passport Inc. 1180 North Eglin Parkway Shalimar, FL 32579 Phone (850) 651-3222 Fax (850) 651-2717 E-Mail: Ellen Witterstaeter won the ad on the back of the newsletter. The 50/50 was won by a guest, Cindy Lufrano. She won $123.50. The centerpieces were donated by Ellen Witterstaeter of Fort Walton Beach Local Presence, Global Power 2 • • • • • • Certifed Sandals Specialist Aussie & Disney Specialist SuperClubs Super Agent Princess Cruise Expert Holland America Five Star Agent CLIA Master Cruise Counselor Sand Pebbles TREASURER'S REPORT—AS OF April 30, 2004 April 30, 2004 Year to Date Membership Committee New Member Orientation REVENUE 400.26 $ 258.72 Misc. $ 504.05 Dinners $ 1,065.00 $ Dues $ 20.00 $ 2,436.00 Education Committee $ 1,235.00 $ 14.00 $ 141.00 $ Member Education/ Programs 863.00 Poker Run Expenses Bulletin Advertising Name Tag Sales FUND RAISING ACTIVITIES 50/50 & Door Prize Tickets Poker Run $ $ 49.50 1,580.00 12,999.50 $ Name Tags $ 1,580.00 $ - Printing/Postage/Tea $ - $ 505.00 Spring Enrollment Event Ginny Winn Memorial SF FIN - Fund Raiser $ 425.25 Fall Enrollment Event TOTAL REVENUE $ 2,728.50 $ 20,184.75 14.15 $ Business Associate Event $ - 49.65 Scholarships Miscellaneous $ $ 20.55 $ - $ - $ 55.50 $ - Public Relations Committee $ - Ways and Means $ - Member Support EXPENSES TOTAL EXPENSES $ 1,354.30 $ 18,006.20 $ 1,374.20 $ 2,178.55 $ 11,821.74 $ 11,821.74 $ 20,184.75 $ 20,184.75 Less Expenses $ 18,006.20 $ 18,006.20 Checkbook Balance as of 2,382.96 04/30/04 - $ 14,000.29 $ 14,000.29 $ 11,881.74 $ 11,881.74 $ 2,178.55 $ 2,178.55 $ 55.02 $ 55.02 $ 14,115.31 $ 14,115.31 $ 699.69 $ 699.69 $ 60.00 $ 60.00 $ 14,055.31 $ 14,055.31 Bulletin Printing $ 75.00 $ 737.50 Postage $ 48.60 $ 581.16 NET BALANCE Film $ Internet Advertising 60.78 $ - Checkbook Balance as of - 6/30/03 Plus Revenues $ - $ Program Committee Executive Board Stephen Bufton Fund National Convention $ Spring Conference $ FWB Chamber Dues $ P. O. Box Rental $ Panhandle Council Meeting Board-Other $ 219.10 $ 527.47 Adjustment (outstanding - checks) Fund Balance as of 4/30//04 153.26 $ 22.00 ABWA Day 99.00 38.00 Fund Balance as of 6/30/03 $ Woman of the Year $ Hospitality Committee Dinners $ 1,075.50 $ Answering Service $ 14.38 $ Flowers to Members $ 55.02 $ Table Decorations Plus Net Balance Total Ginny Winn Fund 11,735.80 Less Cash on Hand 147.92 Balance at Regions Bank 84.17 $ - Misc. - Respectfully submitted, Michelle Sears VTD, Inc. Web Site Design ~ Hosting Databases ~ Marketing Looking to Hire a New Employee? Have Something to Sell? Place a Classified Ad in the Northwest Florida Daily News... It Works! Sherry Kennedy Phone (850) 651-6959 E-Mail: Internet: Call Dawn Lowe @ 863-1111 ext 1-368 3 Sand Pebbles 11th Annual ABWA Boat Poker Run, 2004 Co-Chair: Mitzi Rowe (W) 882-4334 (H) 862-9383 /Co-Chair: Leslye Brewer (H) 314-0344 (C) 830-1924 managing the T-Shirt Design, Purchase and Sales. Outstanding job expected and delivered. Just need to get those ABWA members who have not purchased one to purchase the extras so we can make more money for our BPR Scholarships! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU Thanks to Terre Dominique and husband for their usual fantastic job in hustling raffle tickets at the BPR Post Party! Thanks to Terry Williamsom, Jeannie Rief, and Dawn Lowe for the GREAT Publicity. We had some coverage from areas we never had before, so with each year we learn better ways to publicize the event. On behalf of Leslie and myself, just want to say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to all the ABWA members for all the hard work and contributions you all made. A few of our 116 member membership were not only generous with their donations, but with their time and efforts as well! Thanks to Tammy McGee, Jeannie Rief, and Leslye Brewer for soliciting and organizing the great food! Tammy, the tents and tables really made a difference and the set up and food service was outstanding! Thanks to Michelle Sears for handling the Captain's Party and getting it set up. I think this really made the difference this year in making the Saturday event run smoothly. Thanks also to Shareen Ketchem and Carol Evans for organizing their registration areas for that day and the Saturday registration as well. And, thanks Shareen for your great work on the preregistration and soliciting grand prizes from Abbott Realty and Casino Magic. All great prizes. Thanks to Kathy Browe and Judy Eglin for taking care of the in-house ABWA Donations. Considering this was a "new committee", you did great in soliciting from the membership. We had some really nice prizes donated. Thanks to Jackie Pilcher for keeping the Party Site cleaned up. You did a great job and there wasn't as much to do afterwards as last year which made things a lot easier this year. I'm glad Steve was willing to take care of the sweep up, hosing down, etc., as I know we were all tired. Thanks Tonya Nunes (and thanks to your secretary) and Sandy Duh for organizing, packaging,delivering and controling the prizes packages. I thought they all looked great! And the recipients seemed pleased to win them! Thanks Angela McCormick for maintaining our donations database. It's good to keep a record of all BPR activities. Thanks to the Grand Prize/Cash Donations/Door Prize Committee for coming up with so many great prizes and cash donations. Particular thanks go out to Ellen Witterstater, Adrian Beckvermit, Pam White, Janice Chambers, Carol Ann Love, Shareen Ketchem and Tara Hammond for the extra hard work you all did. I really appreciated your efforts! Pre-Thanks to Shirley Young who will now be busy with her committee, writing "Thank You" notes all those who contributed. Thanks to all the members who contributed time, money, prizes, hard work (some more than others), but if you contributed anything, we appreciated. If you didn't -- well, you let your ABWA sisters down. But there is still time to solicit or donate $100 in cash donations to be entered in the drawing for a 2 Night Stay in a Casino Magic Deluxe Jacuzzi Suite w/ Dinner for two in Biloxi. All it takes is asking 4 friends or business associate for a $25 donation towards our Scholarship. I know all of you have 4 friends who would help you out! Thanks to Bev Bain and Becky Dawkins for their usual outstanding work on training and organizing the Dock Workers. Didn't hear of any problems -- just some tired workers who worked very hard! Thanks to Tammy McDaniel, Shannon Briggs, and Paula Decker for taking care of the entertainment. Even though we had some miscommunication about the Band, you were able to take care of everything and get it done. Thought the entertainment was great and the Bowlegs Crew showed up and mingled and had pictures taken with the winners -- so it went really well! Finally, thanks to Steve and Paulette Peterson and their staff for the use of the Yacht Basin and all the hard work and support! I thought the event was layed out very nicely, the boat parking went really, well, the food and entertainment was great, the prizes were plentiful, and it didn't rain for which we are all grateful. Thanks Forrest Oliver and Committee for putting together the Goody Bags. You really must have been well organized as it was done in record time! Mitzi & Leslye Thanks Sherry Kennedy and Sherry Marcolongo for 4 Sand Pebbles hotel to register and get ready for our lunch cruise aboard the Naples Princess ship. We soon found out that the cruise had been cancelled. We made an executive decision to console ourselves by what else... shopping and having lunch at Pier 41 where we could see the Naples Princess near by :-( We were able to do some "fun" shopping at Tin City and found some treasures we couldn't do without, which included some clothes, a hat for Becky's husband, and some neat Westie luggage tags in a pet shop. Spring Conference 2004 Naples, Florida The conference was quite informative, and I enjoyed the keynote speaker, Carol Copeland Thomas, about The Empowered Entrepreneur and steps to accomplish and apply for this journey. For lunch we went back to the downtown area and ate at Tommy Bahama's restaurant, which was right next door to their store. The place was packed and there was a waiting period, but the hostess said we could sit on stools by the cooks. This was pretty interesting watching the cooks handle several pans at one time while minding food on the grill. The food was put on ledge right beside where we were sitting. We had a good time visiting with the cooks and servers. On Saturday afternoon, we went to the optional "Night in Paradise" event on the lawn beside the resort and our building which overlooked the Gulf waters. The Island Sounds Steel Band provided some great music as we enjoyed the buffet and ice cream bar. There was a Hula Hoop event and the very popular Limbo that we all had a great time participating and watching . All in all I highly recommend more of our chapter members to go to the conferences and national events. You meet other women who share what their chapters are involved with and make friendships. My tip is to take some business cards along with you to share with other women, plus be adaptable to any changes. Especially having luggage on wheels helps when you are without elevators. The vendors have some very nice selections and being able to see the ABWA items is great and can be purchased right there and they will ship to you so you don't have to find a place to pack them for those that are not traveling by car. Becky Belcher and I had a great trip to Naples for the Spring Conference. We stayed with my daughter Sheryl and her family a couple of nights before going to the Naples Resort where the conference was held. When we checked into the resort we found out that we wouldn't be in the main hotel but would be in one of the buildings within walking distance. As we reached our building, the Patio Wing, this proved to be a challenge when we discovered our room was on the second floor and there were no elevators. Being the troopers that we are, we toted our luggage up 2 flights of stairs. Since we both have been Girl Scouts (plus determined women), we handled the task quite well being winded by the time we made it to our room. Once we were in the room, we went back down the steps and over to the Bev Bain <>< Membership Chair & 2004 Woman of the Year 5 Sand Pebbles ABWA is...Friendship June Anniversaries June Birthdays Jeanne Rief Pat Gross Shirley Young Marilyn Ankeney Faye Watts Lee Ann Backes Sherri Gregory Angie Honda Ellen Witterstaeter Marnie Tate Sherillee Lewis Susan Franssen Beverly Rasmussen Marla Allen Kathi Heapy Darlene Dean 21 Years 18 Years 16 Y ears 14 Years 7 Years 2 Years 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year June 4 June 8 June 20 June 20 June 24 June 26 June 28 Cards and phone calls are fun! If we’ve missed your birthday, please let us know. Congratulations on being a part of one of the finest women’s organizations! Thanks… From Hospitality Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. .. Soren Kierkegaard Thank you Ellen Witterstaeter & Fort Walton Beach Medical Center for the terrific centerpieces at the May Meeting. What a great idea to fill buckets with a First Aid Kit. Also, I’d just like to remind all that if anyone knows of a fellow ABWA Sister who is ill or has a family member who is ill, please let Becky Dawkins at or Kimii Felder at know so we can get a card out to them. Thank you. Complete Monogramming & Embroidery Services Barbara Rose Owner Becky Dawkins 6 Since 1985 (850) 729-1199 Sand Pebbles Congratulations To Our Top Ten Candidate At the May meeting, Becky Belcher presented Sherry Marcolongo as the chapter’s Nominee for the Top Ten Business Women of ABWA program. Through this program, ABWA members can serve as role models for the entire membership, as well as achieve recognition for their accomplishments as 2004 Scholarship Recipients Gayle Hurst presented the 2004 Scholarship recipients to the membership at the May meeting. She detailed all the work necessary to host the Boat Poker Run each year, and she explained that the success of the 2003 event allowed us to award $10,500 in scholarships to these local students this year. businesswomen. Becky explained that Sherry has excelled in her career, enhanced her education, given back to the community, and grown through ABWA. She and the Board wish Sherry the best. CONGRATULATIONS! The recipients pictured above are as follow: Valerie Bogar, Lisa Rhea, Christin Harrison, Brittany Belser, Cecelia Wright, Marina Foot, Rosie Carrilo, Derek Fields. Unable to attend: Justin Carr, Regan Porter, Robert Newstrand, Jessica Urena. Did You Know A Winter Wonderland Is Coming? Each recipient in attendance brought either a parent or friend with them, and one even went so far as to give an Oscar style acceptance speech during her turn at the microphone. It just went to show that ABWA brings out the best in women and future business owners! You are probably asking yourself why, in June, is there an article about a winter wonderland coming? Fort Walton Beach’s MainStreet is planning a 45 day event between November 19 and January 2 that has the potential to move couch potatoes out into the fresh air. Who could resist the opportunity to ice skate outdoors? And in Florida at that? Well, MainStreet is proud to announce Okaloosa On Ice – an outdoor ice skating rink set up at the Landing. Are you interested in how the city will accomplish this unique idea? Would you like more information? You can contact Charlene Greenwalk at 244-5058 or email cbgfree@aol. com for more information on how you can be a part of this upcoming holiday event. Congratulations to all. 7 Sand Pebbles All Work and No Play…Wake Up On Vacation Every Day! your life have you been neglecting? Where have you not made conscious choices or allowed others to make them for you? Rank your level of satisfaction in each area of life with zero (0) being completely unsatisfied to ten (10) completely fulfilled. Along with having a more fulfilling life overall, there are numerous benefits of waking up on vacation every day. These include: by Andrea E. Schlapia AGL Coaching & Development, LLC Human Potential Strategist & Coach Clients and prospects often come to me with a desire to find more time with better balance between their personal and professional life – more fulfillment than what they have currently. Does this sound familiar? If so, invest the next few minutes to explore what “waking up on vacation every day” has done for me personally and how I have helped others catch that same spark of possibility and implement action into their own lives. What does it mean to “wake up on vacation every day”? Does it mean you are mentally checked-out, a beach-bum with no drive or desire, drifting aimlessly through life? Absolutely not! Too many times in life we do things because we think we “should, could or oughta” do them. However, doing what we love to do personally and professionally creates space and time, contributes to balancing life and work and maximizes our chances of being continually fulfilled. Therefore, “waking up on vacation every day” is about choosing life’s course and the pursuit of your dreams with unstoppable energy. The sense of power that comes from choosing your direction is the impetus to keep choosing throughout your life. Sometimes we need to devote a lot of attention to one area of our life, and sometimes we need to pull back and redirect our attention. Let’s look at the areas in life that represent and lead to a fulfilling and well balanced lifestyle: Personal growth, Fun and recreation, Physical environment, Career, Money, Health, Friends and family, Significant other/romance. Which area in • • • • • • • • • Now that you’ve determined your levels of satisfaction in these eight areas in life, it’s time for action! In which area are you least satisfied? Begin by thinking of one thing that you’ve been putting off, something just for you that you truly want and love doing. Commit to doing it at least once a week. Schedule it in and make in happen. This will be different for each of us and marks the beginning of your chosen lifestyle. So what are you waiting for, start your journey and begin “waking up of vacation every day”! As for me I’ve chosen to truly wake up on vacation every day by living with my soul mate and husband on the beautiful turquoise blue waters of the Emerald Coast of Destin, live my passion of giving back to others by helping them catch the spark of possibility, implement actions that fulfill that spark and watch them glow – it’s simply too important for me not to make the choices that create my dreams! To find out more about Andrea Schlapia and AGL Coaching & Development, LLC visit our website at or call to request a complimentary coaching session at 850.862.9434 “ALL-OVER” ENTERPRISES *Gift Baskets *Metal and Wood Fabrication *Hauling and Delivery Ken and Forrest Oliver Owners 81 7th Avenue Shalimar, FL 32579 Phone: 850-651-5384 Email: Focus Doing more in less time Higher quality of work Making better decisions Reduced stress Increased job satisfaction Better health More charisma Sustainable performance Franchised by Paradise Foods, Inc. Kathy Browe 722 N. Beal Pkwy., #K Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32547 Phone: (850) 863-4859 Fax: (850) 864-0991 Crystal Beach Plaza (Next to Barnes & Noble) Destin, FL 32541 Phone: (850) 650-2636 Fax: (850) 650-3656 8 Sand Pebbles Important Bits and Pieces Business Card Drawing ABWA Hotline Update 864-7697 All members should bring their business cards to the chapter meetings for the monthly drawing. The winner will receive a free feature advertisement on the back page of our Sand Pebbles newsletter. Think Networking! Share your cards with ABWA members. Call the ABWA Voice Mail Hotline by NOON on Friday before the dinner meeting for any of the following reasons: • Cancellation of a standing reservation. • “Active no-dinner” and you plan to attend the meeting. • You have a guest you wish to bring. • Cancellation of a guest reservation. • You wish a salad instead of the dinner. 864-7697 Other Chapter Meetings FWB Charter Chapter 2nd Thursday of each month, Two Trees Restaurant at FWB Golf Course 6:00 p.m. Networking • Dinner 6:30 p.m. Entree $15.66 & Salads $11.50 Contact: 314-3010 (leave message) Prime Time Connection The “Been There - Done That” Prime Time Connection Chapter has been formed for retired businesswomen. They meet on the third Wednesday of each month at 12:30 p.m. Meeting locations change monthly. They are looking for new members -- retired or not. Points of Contact: Liz O'Shea 678-7739 and Gloria Walker 651-4008. ——————————————————– Navarre Chapter 2nd Monday of each month, The Zoo—6:00 p.m. Networking • 6:20 p.m. Meeting Contact Kathy Newby 932-2229 ABWA Mission Statement If you cannot attend our chapter meeting, attendance at another chapter’s meeting will count for perfect attendance. The mission of the American Business Women’s Association is to bring together women of diverse occupations and to provide opportunities for them to help themselves and others grow personally and professionally through leadership, education, networking support and national recognition. ABWA Traditional Invocation ABWA Traditional Benediction Lord, in the quiet of this hour, We come to Thee for wisdom, and for power; To view Thy world through only love-filled eyes; To grow in understanding; to be wise And sure to see Thy guiding light; and thus To know each other as Thou knowest us. Amen O Guiding Spirit, Guardian of our days, Be with us as we go our separate ways. Help us to feel those thoughts that lift and bless, To know a closer bond of friendliness; To see Thy beauty always - every day, Translated into living - this we pray. Amen 9 Sand Pebbles Newsletter Networking Member Websites Michelle Janczewski Andrea Schlapia New members and their sponsors at the May meeting. Lynda Hammond Boat Poker Run Goody Bag Fill Party!! Becky Belcher Terre Carr Vickie Edge Ellen Witterstaeter Kathy Browe Sharon Adams Sandy See Sally Johnson Marnie Tate Jeanne Rief and Dawn Lowe Gayle Hurst Paulette Peterson Kathi Heapy Thank you to everyone who helped make the Boat Poker Run such a huge success again this year! Desley Parker Pam White Sherry Marcolongo, Angela McCormick, Beth Bish Sherry Kennedy Kimii Felder Sheila Scott 10 Sand Pebbles Welcome New Members Show Us The Money! Becky Belcher and Bev Bain inducted 4 new members at the May meeting. Welcome Elaine Sheldon, Leslie Williams, Rebecca Freeman, and Brigitte Sullivan. Please introduce yourself to these ladies at the next meeting and do a little networking. Boat Poker Run 2004 Winners Cindy Lufrano was our guest at the May meeting, and she just happened to win the 50/50 while visiting. Don’t we know how to entice ladies to join our great organization? We hope Cindy had fun spending her winnings. Network, Network, Network The winners of the 11th Annual ABWA Billy Bowlegs Boating Poker Run were as follows: 1st Place was Mark Lovering (left), 2nd Place Tomy Graves and 3rd Place Michele Burns & Rocky Smith (not pictured). Lucky Door Prize Winner Beth Bish was a lucky multiple door prize winner at the May meeting. The fun pail and shovel buckets provided by FWB Medical Center contained goodies galore including an awesome First Aid kit. Beth promises that she left goodies for other members! Congratulations, Beth. 11 Jeri Brown, Marcia Wright-Reynolds, Gayle Carmichael, Leslye Brewer, and Joan Fienhold showed everyone the proper way to network at the May meeting. Networking starts at 5:30 at each meeting and continues until dinner begins at 6:30. Expand your business—network! Business Associate Event Lori Love and Carol Ann Love will be cochairing the Buisness Associate Event that will take place on June 1st during our regular chapter meeting. Thank you ladies for working on this event for another year. Sand Pebbles next level in life. 3. EVERYONE has personal challenges. YOU are NOT alone! 4. If you don’t grow, you’ll die on the vine. 5. Women in society are transition. Explore opportunities now open to women. 6. Men in society are in transition. Explore being a 21st century man. 7. The world races at exponential speed. Expect changes constantly. 8. Other people are watching you. Set examples for others to follow. 9. Develop diverse friendships across lines of race, class, religion, gender, etc. 10. Give respect to everyone. You don’t know where your future is headed. 11. Start a personal journal for yourself. It’s a marvelous way to self discover. 12. Exercise to stay fit at least three (3) times a week. 13. Find time for relaxation and meditation. Water, candles, mood music, etc. 14. Write and draw out your life dreams. It’s not enough to keep them in your head. 15. Don’t let other people project their “issues” onto your shoulders. 16. Don’t let anybody steal your joy. Become a hope-filled human being. 50 Tips for the Empowered Entrepreneur by Carole Copeland Thomas Note: This information was provided at the ABWA Spring Conference in Naples, Florida. Permission was granted by Ms. Thomas to publish this information in our chapter newsletter. Professional Keys 1. Know your strengths and build on them. 2. Reassess your strengths every January 1st. 3. Minimize your weaknesses and create selfimprovement milestones. 4. Watch your self talk AND KEEP IT POSITIVE! 5. Take your career into your own hands. Safety nets are gone forever. 6. Build relationships within your network and beyond your comfort zone. 7. That challenging person today may be your boss, client, etc. tomorrow. Treat everyone with dignity and respect. 8. Diversity is here to stay. Become and inclusive, tolerant person. 9. Freely explore computer technology and navigate the Internet. It’s here to stay. 10. Build on the principle of flexibility. The last 24 tips will be shared with everyone in the July newsletter. If you have beneficial information that you would like to share with chapter members, please obtain permission from the author first and then email the article to or call Sherry at 244-7306 ext. 120. Personal Keys 1. Find the time to PRAY or MEDITATE all by yourself. 2. Use your personal mountains to climb to your PRINT SHOP DIVISION Specializing in black & white printing, volume printing, variable data & personalized printing to include statements, booklets, newsletters, invoices, etc. Phone: 850.244.7306 Angela McCormick, Office Manager—ext. 101 • Sherry Marcolongo, Communications Coordinator—ext. 120 • smarcolongo@tsacg. 12 Sand Pebbles JUNE CALENDAR OF EVENTS (ABWA events are in bold) Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Chapter Meeting Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 Board Meeting 6 13 Father’s Day 20 Flag Day Summer Solstice 27 26 Shelter House Maggie Abney & Gertie DeShon are still collecting our donations, and pretty much everything is needed (see list on memo board at meeting). Or you can just think in terms of leaving your home with just what you are wearing, to start a new life. Needed categories include: medical supplies, personal items, children & baby items, household & cleaning items, even food & office supplies. Please keep Shelter House in mind when cleaning out useable excess from your own home. Thank You ~ Richard A. Sheldon, D.C. Complete Wellness Chiropractic & Rehabilitation 350 Racetrack Road, N.W. Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32547 (850) 654-1994 Destin Office (850) 863-1920 Fax: (850) 864-5961 E-mail: DEE & FREDA FIFE (850) 243-5624 (850) 243-0261 Recorder after 5 pm Fax (850) 654-1808 Toll Free (800) 475-9816 151 Regions Way, Suite 5A, Destin FL 32541 Auto ♦ Home ♦ Life ♦ Business (pronounced Yawn-chess-ski) Licensed Agent Desley Parker, MA 243-9726 244-2437 FAX 244-4502 Mon.-Sat. 8-5 Success Coach, Success Unlimited Network® FT. WALTON RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT & FIFE REFRIGERATION SALES—SERVICE SUPPLIES INSTALLATION Michelle Janczewski 850/651.8197 ~ Fax 850/651.6283 Internet: E-Mail: 106 PERRY AVENUE FT. WALTON BEACH FL 32548 13 Guest are welcome. Please call our hotline at 864-7697 to make a reservation by Noon, Friday before the meeting. The Emerald Coast Chapter of ABWA meets on the first Tuesday of each month at the Hurlburt Soundside Club across from the main gate to Hurlburt Field. 14 Networking starts at 5:30 pm Call to order is at 6:30 pm Dinner cost is $15.00 Payable at the door Thanks to our 2004 Sponsors! Admiral Abbot Resorts, Inc. AirTran Airways Casino Magic Labor Finders Lamar Outdoor Advertising Landry's Seafood House Northwest Florida Daily News Shalimar Yacht Basin Captain Cash's Faux Pas CiCi's Pizza Desley Parker, Success Coach Fort Walton Beach Medical Center Howl-at-the-Moon Jetty East Condominiums Newman-Dailey Resort Properties, Inc. Nightown Pelican Beach Resort Silver Beach/Silver Shells Condos Stone Mountain's Carpet Mill Outlet The Allegro Spa The Swamp T-Shirt Connection White-Wilson Medical Center Buccaneer AJ's Seafood & Oyster Bar Auer Marine Armstrong's Printing & Graphics, Inc. Baker and Lindsey, Inc. Dr. Susan M. Guentzel MD Destin Commisary Fleet, Spencer, Martin & Kilpatrick, PA Loretta Menendian, Artist Shalimar Point Country Club The Petermann Corporation TSA Consulting, Inc. Warm Hands Therapeutics Krewe AG Edwards - Nick Barlotta, VP Alibi- The Band ALPHATECH Marine Electronics Bay Café Breeze Boat Lifts Brooks Bridge Marina Carlson Wagonlit Travel City Glass Daltech Marine Service Dockers Diamond Interiors Edward Jones - Matt Ritter Eglin Yacht Club ERA American Realty Fort Walton Beach Bowl Giuseppi's Wharf & Marina Restaurant Harbor Docks Hair For You Judy's Garden Cafe' Old South Land Title People's First Community Bank Schooner Daniel Webster Clements Staff's Seafood Restaurant Deckhand Albertson's Suerpmarket Lenny's Sub Shop Brooks Bridge BBQ & Café Look'n Good In Stitches Burton Golf, Inc. Manhattan Pizza ChemDry McAlister's Deli Crew & Crew, PA Merlin's Pizza Destin Bank Mitzi Rowe Fort Walton Beach Restaurant Equipment Southtrust Bank Godfather's Pizza T-Mobile Heavenly Ham The Wellness Center of Fort Walton Beach, Inc. Image Printing & Digital Services, Inc. Wellington Place Joe Young Insurance Agency Westwood Retirement Center
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