Sand Pebbles - ABWA Emerald Coast Chapter
Sand Pebbles - ABWA Emerald Coast Chapter
Emerald Coast Chapter American Business Women’s Association Fort Walton Beach, Florida Sand Pebbles April 2004 2003/2004 Chapter Officers President .................…......…..Becky Belcher President Elect.......………..….Kathy Browe Past President...............……….Desley Parker Vice President.......………..….Leslye Brewer Treasurer.................….………Michelle Sears Secretary .................………Terre Dominique Committee Chairs 2003/2004 Hospitality..................……...Becky Dawkins Membership.....………………...….Bev Bain Education...................…………..Gayle Hurst Publicity...................……......Anita Chapman Program………………………….Sandy Duh Ways & Means…..……………..Vickie Edge Poker Run Subcommittee………Mitzi Rowe History............……………………Beth Bish Fall Enrollment…………...…...Kathi Heapy Spring Enrollment....………..…Sandy Duh Woman of the Year….…Sherry Marcolongo Business Associate….……..Carol Ann Love …………………...…………..…...Lori Love Newsletter........………...Sherry Marcolongo Sand Pebbles is a monthly newsletter published by the Emerald Coast Chapter of the American Business Women’s Association for its members. Send inquiries and submissions to: Sherry Marcolongo 1506 23rd Street Niceville, FL 32578 E-mail: Home Phone.......…678-5946 Work Phone. ……..244-7306 Web Site: Chapter E-mail address: Advertise a business card size ad for only: $60.00 for 12 months $35.00 for 6 months $25.00 for a 1 page insert for 1 month Annual and semi-annual ads will be published on the ABWA web site. Volume XXI, Number 9 A Message From Our President Spring has sprung! And (ABWA) thoughts turn to our upcoming FUN fundraiser. This is the perfect opportunity for our newer members to work and learn alongside those experienced members as there is much to be done by EVERYONE on our Boat Poker Run. To volunteer and find out where you are needed to help make that event happen, contact the dynamic duo of Mitzi Rowe and Leslye Brewer. Yes, it’s ambitious to try and top the previous year each time, but let’s do our part to help make this a success (and Mitzi & Leslye happy to have volunteered to head it up). Our members continue to make me proud. We had the opportunity to help host an ABWA information table as part of Focus on Women at the mall. You signed up right away to fill the time slots needed to sit at our Panhandle Area Council table. Thanks again Bev Bain, Forrest Oliver, Lora Owens, Leigh Trujillo, Paula Ward, and Becky Dawkins (me too, of course). And while we are giving well deserved Thanks, Sharon Adams really did a great job of helping us all learn about ABWA with her version of “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?” – as did new member Michelle Johnson, who was a wonderful sport about playing the game at our Enrollment Event. It was also our 21st Anniversary, and in addition to the congratulations from our National headquarters and District I V.P. (Sue Huguenin), Sandy Duh made the evening special with the beautiful cake and tribute recognition of past Chapter Presidents in attendance. Our official Membership Campaign enrollment period continues through the end of May, so continue to invite people who would enjoy us and appreciate this special organization. Our new Nominating Committee consisting of Beverly Rasmussen (Chair), Fay Watts and Shannon Sapp, would appreciate hearing from any member with an interest on serving with Kathy Browe on the ’04 – ’05 Board. It really is a fun job, and a great way to be in on the workings of the Chapter year. Please contact them if you would like to serve, and haven’t heard from them yet. As always, I look forward to seeing each of you in April ~ Bev Bain and I will be pumped up about attending the Naples Spring Conference at the end of the month! My Best, Becky April 6th Meeting Agenda Networking starts at 5:30 p.m. Call to Order is at 6:30 p.m. Invocation Pledge Dinner & Introductions Program: Steven Clark, Sales Warrior Topic: Abundant Mentality Boat Poker Run Door Prizes Benediction 1 Hometown Favorite Spinach Salad w/ sliced mushrooms, red onions Sliced Rosemary Roasted Pork Loin Mashed Potatoes and Chef's Vegetables Peach Cobbler Sand Pebbles March Meeting Highlights ABWA, Emerald Coast Chapter Meeting Minutes for 3/2/04 The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by President, Becky Belcher. Sandy Duh recognized Past Presidents. The invocation was given by Sherry Marcolongo and the Pledge of Allegiance was said by all. Introductions were done during dinner. Sandy Duh introduced Sharon Adams who put on a little "skit" for Spring Enrollment that was wonderful. It was a take off from "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" called "Who Wants to be a Member?" Michele Johnson, with Aflac, was the contestant who answered questions about ABWA. She had 3 life lines. There was 50/50, ask a past president and ask the audience for help. She made it all the way to the million and received one million ABWA bucks. It was great and we thank her and Sandy for all their efforts. Shareen Ketchem gave a rundown about all that goes on at the BPR. She explained docks and how the cards are handed out. Leslye Brewer asked if we could get some of our husbands out the day of the BPR. It helps at the docks and at the party site to help keep things going smoothly in case of any problems. In the business meeting part of our program, the Minutes for the last meeting were approved as published. The Treasurer's report was also approved as published. A nominating committee was chosen for elections in May. They are Bev Rasmussen who will act as chairperson. Shannon Sapp and Fay Watts will be the rest of the nominating committee. Spring Conference will be April 30 - March 2 in Naples, Florida. Becky Belcher and Bev Bain plan to attend. Amy Schaffer asked for us to be on her radio program again to talk about the BPR. Christine Yancey reminded us that the Cancer Society Relay for Life is May 17th, which just happens to be the same day as our BPR. What did you miss at the March meeting? Well, besides the “Who Wants To Be A Member” skit, you also missed Shareen Ketchem enlightening everyone on our Boat Poker Run. To get everyone’s attention, Shareen donned an interesting outfit. Thanks for your enthusiasm, Shareen. Attention Because of the rising costs associated with printing and mailing the monthly newsletter, the board has decided to move into the electronic age. Starting in June 2004, Sand Pebbles will be distributed via email and will be posted on our chapter website, for viewing. Printed copies will no longer be mailed. Note: The renewal rate for traditional regular ABWA members for national annual dues, has increased from $40 to $50 (effective January 1, 2004). The next Board meeting will be 5:30 pm at the Westwood Retirement Resort on Monday, April 12th, and as always, open to anyone who would like to join us. Old South Land Title Company LAND T I T L E COMPANY Insured Real Estate Closings The ABWA Scholarship Tea will be at Westwood Retirement Resort April 3rd. Gayle Hurst Manager/Co-Owner 1201 N. Eglin Parkway Shalimar, FL 32579 (850) 651-2002 Fax (850) 651-2310 409 John Sims Parkway Niceville, FL 32578 (850) 729-9193 Fax (850) 729-9266 Vickie Edge announced tickets for sale to help with a baby who needs medical help. She would like people to buy tickets to help the parents with their co-pays that they have to come up with each time the baby has to go to the hospital. Kathy Browe announced a winner for the member questionaire. It was June Davis. Darlene Dean won the newsletter ad drawing. The 50/50 was won by Jeri Brown with the Daily News. The Benediction was given by Jeanne Rief. Lynda Hammond Owner A Travel Passport Inc. 1180 North Eglin Parkway Shalimar, FL 32579 Phone (850) 651-3222 Fax (850) 651-2717 E-Mail: The meeting was adjourned at 8:53pm. Respectfully Submitted By Terre Dominique, Secretary Local Presence, Global Power 2 • • • • • • Certifed Sandals Specialist Aussie & Disney Specialist SuperClubs Super Agent Princess Cruise Expert Holland America Five Star Agent CLIA Master Cruise Counselor Sand Pebbles TREASURER'S REPORT—AS OF February 29, 2004 February 29, 2004 Year to Date Membership Committee REVENUE Dinners $ 1,219.00 Dues $ 12.00 $ 10,887.50 New Member Orientation $ 350.61 Name Tags $ 237.52 Misc. $ 504.05 $ 2,406.00 Education Committee Bulletin Advertising $ 1,235.00 Scholarships $ - Name Tag Sales $ 120.00 Printing/Postage/Tea $ - $ Member Education/ Programs 710.50 Poker Run Expenses FUND RAISING ACTIVITIES 50/50 & Door Prize Tickets Poker Run $ 81.50 $ Miscellaneous $ Ginny Winn Memorial SF FIN - Fund Raiser TOTAL REVENUE $ 1,312.50 - - Fall Enrollment Event $ - $ 15,864.00 - Ways and Means $ - Printing $ 75.00 $ 587.50 Postage $ 49.80 $ 483.36 NET BALANCE Film $ 7.31 $ Executive Board Stephen Bufton Fund $ Spring Conference FWB Chamber Dues $ $ $ 99.00 $ 1,502.10 $ 15,479.36 (189.60) $ - Checkbook Balance as of 6/30/03 Plus Revenues - Less Expenses $ 11,821.74 $ 11,821.74 $ 15,864.00 $ 15,864.00 $ 15,479.36 $15,479.36 $ 12,206.38 $ 12,206.38 $ 11,881.74 $ 11,881.74 99.00 38.00 Fund Balance as of 6/30/03 P. O. Box Rental $ Panhandle Council Meeting Board-Other $ 219.10 $ 384.64 $ 495.47 Adjustment (outstanding - checks) Fund Balance as of 2/29/04 153.26 $ 349.72 $ 12,616.10 Less Cash on Hand $ 60.00 $ 12,556.10 $ 10.00 ABWA Day Woman of the Year $ $ 106.61 Dinners $ 1,140.00 Answering Service $ 14.38 $ Hospitality Committee Flowers to Members Table Decorations Plus Net Balance $ 9,661.66 Balance at Regions Bank $ 115.04 $ 29.15 $ Misc. 384.64 60.78 Checkbook Balance as of $ 2,382.96 02/29/04 $ - National Convention 55.50 $ TOTAL EXPENSES $ - $ Bulletin $ $ $ 6.40 Public Relations Committee EXPENSES Internet Advertising $ 505.00 Spring Enrollment Event $ Member Support Program Committee $ Business Associate Event - 384.64 $ $ 12,616.10 $ Michelle Sears VTD, Inc. Looking to Hire a New Employee? Have Something to Sell? Place a Classified Ad in the Northwest Florida Daily News... It Works! Sherry Kennedy Phone (850) 651-6959 E-Mail: Internet: Call Dawn Lowe @ 863-1111 ext 1-368 3 60.00 $ 12,556.10 Respectfully submitted, Web Site Design ~ Hosting Databases ~ Marketing 349.72 Sand Pebbles 11th Annual ABWA Boat Poker Run, 2004 Co-Chair: Mitzi Rowe (W) 882-4334 (H) 862-9383 /Co-Chair: Leslye Brewer (H) 314-0344 (C) 830-1924 Greetings ABWA Members: Food Committee: Co-Chairmen: Tammy McGee, Jeannie Rief - Leslye Brewer, Paula Ward, Sherry Sheldon Pre-Registration: Shareen Ketchem Captain's Pre-Registration Event Committee: Chairman: Michelle Sears Linda Evans, Lara Owens, Mary Lou Turkelson Event Registration: Chairman: Carol Evans - Terre Dominique, Tiffani Brewer, Michelle Johnson, Forrest Oliver, Judy Faust, Anita Chapman (no email) Party Site Committee: Chairman: Jackie Pilcher - Co-Chairs: Jeri Brown & Lori Love - Becky Dawkins, Shareen Ketchem, June Davis (no email) Event Prize Control Committee: Chairman: Tonya Nunes - Maggie Abney, Sandy Duh, Sharon Briggs, Paula Deckert, Christine Yancey, Dixie Grant, Vickie Edge Goody Bag Assembly Committee: Chairman: Forrest Oliver - Bev Bain, Beverly Rasmussen, Faye Watts, Sharon Adams, Jeri Browne, Lisa Jo Spencer, Kathi Heapy, Lynn Holland, June Davis (no email) Thank-you Notes Committee: Chairman: Shirley Young - Becky Dawkins, Beverly Rasmusen, Faye Watts, Joan Fienhold, Desley Parker Entertainment Coordinators: Chairman: Tammy McDaniel - Shannon Briggs & Paula Deckert BPR-T-Shirt Committee: Co-Chairmen: Sherry Kennedy & Sherry Marcolongo - Bonnie Kempke, Terre Dominique Dock Workers Committee: Co-Chairmen: Bev Bain & Becky Dawkins Becky Belcher, Adrian Beckermit, Pam & Rick White, Debbie Salmon, Judy Faust, Dixie Grant, Marily Ankeny (no email), Jennifer Mauk, Kathi Heapy, Sally Johnson, Anita Chapman (no email), Michi Dunmar, Rai DesGranges, Ginger Walker, Gayle & Larry Charmichael, Linda Arnold, Dawn Lowe, Shannon Sapp I will be TDY from 15 -26 March & 4 - 9 April, then on vacation 10-17 April, but I want to give you all an update on Committee Membership and where help is needed. If you need help with anything while I am gone, please call Leslye Brewer (314-0344 / 830-1924). COMMITTEE UPDATE: If you have not signed up, please select one of the committees that needs help. If you are a chairman of a committee, please contact your members to let them know when you will be meeting or at least make phone contact with them to let them know what they need to do for you and when. SPONSOR/REGISTRATION INFO: I am attaching copies of our SPONSOR FORM and the REGISTRATION FORM to ensure all of you who might want to become a Sponsor either as an individual or as a business will have a form to complete and turn in to Kathy Browe. She is keeping track of all ABWA Membership Donations so please let her know what you are donating. We hope all of you with businesses or who are at the top levels of your own company or another company will make a large CASH Donation from your company and become a MAJOR SPONSOR. Please run off these forms and share them with your friends, neighbors, and business associates. If you are a business or professional, then you must hang out with business and professional folks so print out these forms and make copies to share. We do except individual donations as well as donations from businessess. And, remember you are not doing this for me or for Leslye or for Becky, as I'm sure it wouldn't be done if that were the case. You are doing it for those young people who need our scholarships to help then further their education. They are the ones you are doing it for, so be generous with your donations and encourage your associates to do so as well. I know those of you in the banking, mortgage and real estate fields have a large number of associated who are doing quite well and the banking and mortgage businesses are doing well, so ask your bosses to support our scholarship program. You should try to have your company set aside a yearly donation as part of their budget as many large companies do budget for particular causes. Why don't you check on this! If any of you have monthly billing statements (especially related to boating) we hope you will copy these forms (double sided) and include them in your billing statements - that would help us reach lots of people. Below is the latest list of committees/members. Those in red really need some help so call the chairmen and sign up if you haven't signed up for a committee yet. I put committee descriptions in the last issue of our newsletter so if you are wondering what the committees do, please re-read that as I don't what to type it again. The Donations Committee has been given their Contact Sheets and should be out and about making their contacts. We already have weekends promised for Jetty East, Newman-Daily Properties, Pelican Beach & Silver Beach - I just have to pick up their Gift Certificates. And, Shareen has been working with our contact for Casino Magic and he has kind of promised us 3two night w/dinner packages and perhaps several 1-night w/dinner packages. I am working on the Airtran Tickets and will try to get that again. And, our committee is out getting dinners and spa treatments, sunset cruises, fishing trips, golf packages. So, I think we are going to have some nice prizes. And, if you have some gift certificates for services, salon treatments, or gift baskets like those many of you made last year or whatever, please donate them. If you donate something for our door prizes, look towards vacation/water related activities, beach chairs, beach activity toys, floats, beach towels, golf/ fishing/sports items/ wine & cheese baskets (nothing that melts please), etc. However, please get your gift/cash donation to Kathy Browe at the next meeting, so we can cross some of our tasks off our list! Well, its 10:44 pm and I still have to pack for my trip and I still have to put together something for the newsletter - but it may be a duplicate of this. Just wanted to ensure all of you had copies of our SPONSOR SHEET & REGISTRATION FORM. Committee Memberships: Publicity/Public Relations: Chairman: Terry Williamson - Jeanne Rief, Dawn Lowe, Sherri Lee Lewis Grand Prize/Door Prize Committee: Co-Chairmen: Cindy Karwacki/Mitzi Rowe - Carol Ann Love, Ginger Walker, Andrian Beckvermit, Janice Chambers, Marty Gossman, Andrea Schlapi-Lopez, Paula Ward, Ellen Witterstater, Tara Hammond, Shareen Ketchem, Ginger Walker, Sandy See, Pam White, Sharon Adams, Vicki Edge In-House Door Prize Committee: Chairman: Kathy Browe - Judy Elgin Thanks for your SUPPORT! Mitzi 4 Sand Pebbles Happy Birthday To Us!! Show Us The Money! Congratulations to Jeri Brown of the Daily News for being our big 50/50 winner at the March meeting. How can you have an opportunity to possibly win over $100 at the meeting? Well, you have to buy a door prize ticket! There are usually several ladies making the rounds prior to the start of the meeting. Make sure to purchase your tickets before the meeting starts as the committee will not sell tickets past this time. Thanks to Sandy Duh for bringing the beautiful cake to help celebrate our 21st anniversary as an ABWA chapter. Our chapter was installed as the Playground Area Chapter and was later renamed to the Emerald Coast Chapter. Panhandle Area Council News Our Chapter is a member of the PANHANDLE AREA COUNCIL. Member chapters are not only from Fort Walton Beach, but also Panama City, Pensacola, and Tallahassee. The purpose of this Council is to promote communications between chapters through joint activities and the exchange of ideas, as well as to promote the professional, educational, cultural, and social advancement of businesswomen. Chapters’ membership is voluntary and includes 1 delegate from each chapter and 2 alternates. Chapter dues are $12.50 annually; meetings are quarterly and hosted on a rotational basis. Any chapter member may attend a meeting for the cost of lunch ($12 this time). The next Council meeting will be held at noon on Saturday April 24, at Bluewater Bay Clubhouse Restaurant, Niceville, FL. Please contact Becky Belcher (862-6076), or RSVP directly to Barbara Rogers (243-0266) no later than April 16th. March’s Meeting... Who Wants To Be A Member? Thanks to all the ladies who worked so hard to provide the skit and trivia questions to inform everyone about ABWA during the Spring Enrollment Event. What a fun theme!! Sharon Adams was a wonderful host, and Michelle Johnson w as a gracio us contestant. 5 Sand Pebbles ABWA is...Friendship April Anniversaries Kimii Felder Kay Renfrow Susan Williford Michele Sears Karin Carter Rai DesGranges April Birthdays Linda Evans Karen Rones Denise McDonald Tammy Phillips Terre Dominique Jackie Pilcher Vickie Edge Linda Arnold Andrea Schlapia Carol Evans Fay Watts Lori Love Judy Faust Lisa Jo Spencer Dixie Grant 12 Years 11 Years 11 Years 6 Years 2 Years 2 Years Congratulations on being a part of one of the finest women’s organizations! April 1 April 3 April 3 April 3 April 4 April 6 April 6 April 10 April 12 April 19 April 20 April 25 April 27 April 29 April 30 Cards and phone calls are fun! Business Associate Event If we’ve missed your birthday, please let us know. This chapter activity will be held in June. It is designed to acquaint business associates with ABWA’s value and strengthens support of chapter activities. For additional information, please contact Carol Ann Love or Lori Love. Speaker for April Complete Monogramming & Embroidery Services Steven Clark with Sales Warrior will be our speaker for the April Meeting. Mr. Clark will be discussing “Abundant Mentality.” Come to the meeting ready to absorb some very interesting information! Barbara Rose Owner 6 Since 1985 (850) 729-1199 Sand Pebbles BPR Dock Workers Meeting Scholarship Review This is for all Dock Workers to attend. Also for any one who would like to help and has not signed up. We will be going over what to do at each dock and give you a print out of each dock and the dock workers already signed to the docks. Many of us will be staying and eating. Please join us. Date: Tues. April 13 Place: Tavern on the Sound (formerly Santa Rosa Bay Brewery ) Hwy. 98 FWB downtown Time: 5:30 .… If you have any questions please contact: Bev Bain 862.5375 Becky Dawkins 609.0841 The ladies from ABC Mortgage came to visit us at our March meeting to learn a little more about ABWA through the Spring Enrollment event. Forrest Oliver took the opportunity to invite a couple of guests to the Spring Enrollment event. Don’t forget that if you had a guest at the March meeting, membership chair Bev Bain can help you with the paperwork for your friend(s), It’s A Girl Sophia Roessler made her grand entry to our world on Tuesday, March 2nd, 2004, at 12 noon. She weighed 7 lbs. 5 oz. with a head of black hair. We all send our congratulations to Stephanie and her proud hubby!!! 7 The annual scholarship review will be held at the Shalimar office of Old South Land Title located at 1270 N. Eglin Parkway, Suite C-11, Shalimar FL - in the ERA American Realty and Cheers Pub complex - on Thursday, April 1, 2004 at 6:00 p.m. Pizza will be ordered. This meeting is where the applications are read and initial ratings are noted. The social to meet the applicants will once again be held at the Westwood Retirement Center on Saturday, April 3, 2004 beginning at 9:30 a.m. We will use the Magnolia room off of the atrium area. Business attire is requested. Expect to be there until 1:00, as we will make our final decisions following the social. Please let me know by calling 240-3660 if you will be attending. It is necessary to attend BOTH functions, as your insights and input are combined for the final decision-making process. Thanks to all of you ~ Gayle Hurst ABWA Elections Yes, it is that time again to start considering which office you would like to fill for the coming ABWA year (August through July). The nominating committee is looking for ladies to run for President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. If you are interested in running for one of these spots, please contact Beverly Rasmussen, Nominating Committee Chairman, at 6784973 or one of her committee members Faye Watts or Shannon Sapp. Are you not quite sure what an office entails? Contact one of the current or past board members and they can share their duties and experience with you. Sand Pebbles Social Event Dinner for No Reason! AHOY there BPR DOCK WORKERS Thank you to the ladies who attended the Decorating Seminar. We learned what colors, fabrics and styles are in vogue and what is going out (my ficus tree). Our new conference center really provides a lovely place for these community meetings. Over $1,000 was raised for Breast Cancer Research. There will be a sign up sheet passed around at the Apr. 6 ABWA meeting for those who have not signed up to work at a dock, Sat. May 15. There is still a need for several dock workers. You can contact: Bev Bain 862.5375 or Becky Dawkins 609.0841. At the requests of members in our surveys, I am trying to provide ways that we can get together outside of our regular meetings and get a chance to know one another better. These events are not planned to promote any certain business, they are just for us to meet and visit. I try to find things that are in the Fort Walton Beach area so people don’t have to drive far, things that are family friendly if you choose to bring someone and events that don’t cost a lot. Hopefully by using our e-mail list, everyone will get the invitation and no one will feel left out – we want you all to have a good time. Vickie Edge Our wonderful Sherry Marcolongo has planned many “Dinner for No Reason” evenings. With her advice, we are planning another of these April 20 at the new Tavern on the Sound (formerly the Brewery). More information will follow at the April meeting. We would like to be able to give them a head count. Edge of Paradise Located at 228 E Hwy 98, Destin, FL 32541 Across the Destin Bridge & Next to Fisherman’s Phone: 650-4569 Email: Gift Certificates available!! Call now!! As always, suggestions for future activities are welcome. “ALL-OVER” ENTERPRISES *Gift Baskets *Metal and Wood Fabrication *Hauling and Delivery Ken and Forrest Oliver Owners 81 7th Avenue Shalimar, FL 32579 Phone: 850-651-5384 Email: Franchised by Paradise Foods, Inc. Kathy Browe 722 N. Beal Pkwy., #K Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32547 Phone: (850) 863-4859 Fax: (850) 864-0991 Crystal Beach Plaza (Next to Barnes & Noble) Destin, FL 32541 Phone: (850) 650-2636 Fax: (850) 650-3656 8 Specializing in deluxe facials for your pampering needs. Other services also available. Contact Vickie for more info. Sand Pebbles Important Bits and Pieces Business Card Drawing ABWA Hotline Update 864-7697 All members should bring their business cards to the chapter meetings for the monthly drawing. The winner will receive a free feature advertisement on the back page of our Sand Pebbles newsletter. Think Networking! Share your cards with ABWA members. Call the ABWA Voice Mail Hotline by NOON on Friday before the dinner meeting for any of the following reasons: • Cancellation of a standing reservation. • “Active no-dinner” and you plan to attend the meeting. • You have a guest you wish to bring. • Cancellation of a guest reservation. • You wish a salad instead of the dinner. 864-7697 Other Chapter Meetings FWB Charter Chapter 2nd Thursday of each month, Two Trees Restaurant at FWB Golf Course 6:00 p.m. Networking • Dinner 6:30 p.m. Entree $15.66 & Salads $11.50 Contact: 314-3010 (leave message) Prime Time Connection The “Been There - Done That” Prime Time Connection Chapter has been formed for retired businesswomen. They meet on the third Wednesday of each month at 12:30 p.m. Meeting locations change monthly. They are looking for new members -- retired or not. Points of Contact: Liz O'Shea 678-7739 and Gloria Walker 651-4008. ——————————————————– Navarre Chapter 2nd Monday of each month, The Zoo—6:00 p.m. Networking • 6:20 p.m. Meeting Contact Kathy Newby 932-2229 ABWA Mission Statement If you cannot attend our chapter meeting, attendance at another chapter’s meeting will count for perfect attendance. The mission of the American Business Women’s Association is to bring together women of diverse occupations and to provide opportunities for them to help themselves and others grow personally and professionally through leadership, education, networking support and national recognition. ABWA Traditional Invocation ABWA Traditional Benediction Lord, in the quiet of this hour, We come to Thee for wisdom, and for power; To view Thy world through only love-filled eyes; To grow in understanding; to be wise And sure to see Thy guiding light; and thus To know each other as Thou knowest us. Amen O Guiding Spirit, Guardian of our days, Be with us as we go our separate ways. Help us to feel those thoughts that lift and bless, To know a closer bond of friendliness; To see Thy beauty always - every day, Translated into living - this we pray. Amen 9 Sand Pebbles Newsletter Networking Denise Dorman/WriteBrain Media Wins 3 Silver Addy Awards Member Websites Michelle Janczewski Andrea Schlapia Sandestin, FL--Writer, producer and creative Denise Dorman of WriteBrain Media (Shalimar, FL and Batavia, IL) won 3 Silver Addy Awards at the 2004 Addy Awards Celebration held Saturday, February 28, 2004 in Sandestin, FL for members of Northwest Florida's Emerald Coast Advertising Federation. Becky Belcher Terre Carr Vickie Edge Ellen Witterstaeter Dorman won a silver award for art direction on a magazine print ad for Allied Real Estate, a silver award for Web site copy for and a silver award for copywriting Glass Artists Gallery's e-zine, Glass Insights, which Dorman developed. Kathy Browe Sharon Adams Sandy See Dorman's most recent projects include two i n s t r u ct i o na l v i d e os - - " S u sh i 10 1 " and "Conversational Dance," as well as an interactive and print campaign for the new 64-showroom spectacular, The Design Center of the Emerald Coast, being built in Santa Rosa Beach, FL in 2004. Sally Johnson Marnie Tate Jeanne Rief and Dawn Lowe Gayle Hurst Paulette Peterson PRINT SHOP DIVISION Kathi Heapy Specializing in black & white printing, volume printing, variable data & personalized printing to include statements, booklets, newsletters, invoices, etc. Desley Parker Phone: 850.244.7306 Angela McCormick, Office Manager—ext. 101 • Sherry Marcolongo, Communications Coordinator—ext. 120 • Pam White Sherry Marcolongo, Angela McCormick, Beth Bish Sherry Kennedy Kimii Felder Sheila Scott Submit your site to for publication in this column. 10 Sand Pebbles APRIL CALENDAR OF EVENTS (ABWA events are in bold) Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Scholarship Tea Scholarship Review —— April Fool’s Day 1 Daylight Savings Time Begins Chapter Meeting 4 Easter 11 Saturday 2 3 Good Friday 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 Board Meeting @ Westwood 5:30 p.m. Earth Day 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 Panhandle Council Meeting 24 Richard A. Sheldon, D.C. Complete Wellness Chiropractic & Rehabilitation 350 Racetrack Road, N.W. Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32547 (850) 863-1920 Fax: (850) 864-5961 E-mail: DEE & FREDA FIFE (850) 243-5624 (850) 243-0261 Recorder after 5 pm Desley Parker, MA 243-9726 244-2437 FAX 244-4502 Mon.-Sat. 8-5 Success Coach, Success Unlimited Network® FT. WALTON RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT & FIFE REFRIGERATION SALES—SERVICE SUPPLIES INSTALLATION 850/651.8197 ~ Fax 850/651.6283 Internet: E-Mail: 106 PERRY AVENUE FT. WALTON BEACH FL 32548 11 Guest are welcome. Please call our hotline at 864-7697 to make a reservation by Noon, Friday before the meeting. The Emerald Coast Chapter of ABWA meets on the first Tuesday of each month at the Hurlburt Soundside Club across from the main gate to Hurlburt Field. American Business Women’s Association Emerald Coast Chapter P. O. Box 731 Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32549 12 Networking starts at 5:30 pm Call to order is at 6:30 pm Dinner cost is $15.00 Payable at the door
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