Winter 2015 Newsletter - ABWA


Winter 2015 Newsletter - ABWA
Editor’s Note
Winter | 2015
Hearts, Fashion Shows, and Busy Schedules
member Grace Schwartz’s home
in December, 2014.
As I worked on compiling all
of ABWA Verdugo-Glen’s past
meeting notes, future meeting
topics, and upcoming fundraising information for this issue;
I realized how the year is flying
by already. It seems like only
yesterday I was contemplating my
White Elephant gift for our Annual
Holiday Dinner which was held at
So many great events and
meetings have happened since
our Fall Issue was published.
The Heart of Business Expo and
Brunch was held on February 7,
2015 where speakers Evelyn Gray
and Chellie Campbell shared
their knowledge. We’ve had our
October, November, January,
and February meetings while
our Education and Fund-raising
Committees have been hard at
Our Annual Fashion Show, Step
Into Spring, will be held on
Saturday, April 25, 2015 at the
1 Editor’s Note
2 March Program
3 Conference Connection
4 January & February
5 November
Angeles National Golf Club in
Sunland, CA. The Fund-raising
Committee is still looking for
opportunity prize donations, as
well as assistance with various
duties in an effort to produce a
successful event. There are even
more model spots available so
please find a morsel of time in
your busy schedules to lend a
During our March Chapter
Meeting, the Education
Committee will be announcing
their recommendations for
scholarship recipients who will be
honored during our Anniversary
Celebration in June.
ABWA Verdugo-Glen
5 Woman of the Year
6 Member Education
7 Committee involvement
8 Code of Conduct
8 Save the Date
Meets @ Glendale Elks
120 E. Colorado
Glendale, CA 91205
For membership:
contact Lisa Swain & Teri Chandler
Newsletter Editor:
contact Catherine Praeger
March Program
Stories of Ingenious American Women Inventors
Presented By: Kate Kelly, Author
disposable diaper, and the Mae
And how did these people come
up with these solutions to common West life preserver (vital in World
War II). Included in her talk are a
few humorous “first steps” like the
drunk-o-meter that preceded the
In this talk, Kate Kelly tells the
breathalyzer police use today to
stories behind the inventors of
identify drunk drivers.
everyday things. Audiences meet
Who invented the dishwasher, the
windshield wiper, the refrigerator,
or blue jeans? (Blue jeans were not
invented by Levi Strauss.)
men and women inventors, black
and white, and in the process,
listeners gain a sense of how
creative people came up with
better ways to accomplish dayto-day tasks. Kelly knows the
stories behind the first bra, the
Audiences will be educated,
entertained, and enlightened by
Kate’s engaging talk. And they will
leave feeling inspired by the stories
behind how some of life’s simplest
devices have been invented.
March Vocational Speaker
Loren is a Project Manager with
Ole Henriksen, a LVMH / Kendo
skincare brand, based in Van Nuys,
CA. She received her B.A. in Art
(Graphic Design) with a Marketing
Minor from California State
University Northridge in 2003. She
has enjoyed managing projects
for the last 9+ years in the Beauty
Vocational Speakers
Please contact Kristy Woelful if you would
like to be our next Vocational Speaker;
you will also be highlighted in a blog post
and/or newsletter article.
Industry and overseen many
successful product launches and
promotions. In her spare time, she
enjoys volunteering, swimming,
art and travel. Loren has been
an ABWA Verdugo-Glen member
since 2011.
She can be contacted at
Promote Your Business
During each meeting, businesses have
the opportunity to promote their
businesses with a tabletop display.
Contact Patricia Nelson for more
information and to reserve space for a
future meeting.
Conference Connection
Route 66 runs right through the heart of
Albuquerque—straight to ABWA’s biggest
networking event of the year! If you are in
business—as an employee, employer, business
owner, service provider, consultant, or opportunity
seeker, this conference is designed with you in
Opening keynote speaker Alicia Menendez is
the host of “AM Tonight” on Fusion. Each night,
she delivers her signature brand of witty and
relatable analysis and commentary, leading a
thought-provoking conversation with celebrities,
newsmakers, journalists, experts, and engaging
panel discussions with voices from across the
country. Menendez was dubbed “Ms. Millennial” in 2013 by the Washington Post. America’s
favorite mashup group, The Company Men, have entertained audiences across North America.
Interweaving hits from the last six decades of music, they have created a show like no other,
moving seamlessly between the greatest classic hits and Top 40 on the radio today. Hear Michael
Jackson mashed with the Temptations, Katy Perry mixed with The Four Tops, Bruno Mars with
Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons, and many more.
Visit for more Details
February in Review
Catherine Praeger, Lisa Swain,
and Barbara Williams read the
qualifications for our three
candidates for Woman of the
Year: Grace Schwartz, Kandice
Astamendi, and Ardis Bazyn.
Ballots were passed out to
members, and Ardis Bazyn was
voted Woman of the Year.
Our February meeting was held
on February 25, 2015. Michele
Villagran spoke on ““How to Deal
with Conflicts Effectively in the
Workplace and Life.”
Our February Vocational
Speaker was Catherine Praeger.
Catherine has been an ABWA
Verdugo-Glen member since
2010. Catherine has been on the
Education Committee since then
and has been the Newsletter Editor
for the past 2 years. Catherine
is Corporate Administrative and
Training Manager for a specialty
demolition contractor in Azusa,
CA as well as Marketing Director
for, a Dental
Prosthodontist located in Glendora,
CA. Catherine received her
Bachelor’s Degree in Business with
a concentration in Marketing in
2012. Catherine proudly served in
the US Army from 2003-2007 and
was stationed in Germany.
January in Review
balance, purpose, and great
accomplishments. These traits
have been key to her success in
helping others to achieve their
maximum potential.
Brenda is passionate about
partnering with people and
creating a thought provoking
process to inspire, motivate,
Our January meeting was held on and empower. Her high energy
January 28, 2015. Brenda Ingham
and positive attitude allows
Williams spoke on “How To Set
her to connect & build strong
Healthy Boundaries Without Guilt.” relationships at a deep level.
Brenda enjoys creating a safe and
Brenda is known for her heartrelaxed environment providing
felt and caring attitude. She has
an opportunity for self awareness
a burning desire to help people
and discovery.
uncover their true potential
Brenda has a proven
leading to a life filled with
methodology & process that is
based on Energy Leadership which
is goal oriented and a solutions
driven approach. At home and
at work she can help you create
unlimited possibilities and get
faster results.
Personal & Business Coaching
• Create Balance in Life
• Decrease Stress and Re-Discover
Your Passions
• Build Self Awareness & Thought
• Effective Communications and
Enhance Relationships
• Remove Road Blocks, Establish
Goals, Achieve Results
November in Review
Our November meeting was
held on November 19, 2014. Lynn
announced that ABWA VerdugoGlen won the Best Practices Level
I Trophy at National Conference.
Barbara Williams was awarded as
the Member of the Month.
Our speaker, Lisa Giaffo, Yahoo
Search Business Opportunity
Director, spoke on “Marketing
and Advertising Online for Small
Businesses.” Three of her points:
Choose keywords to raise your
profile, target your audience for
your specific product, and boost
your presence via search engines.
Our November vocational
Speaker was Lisa Suen-Fox.
Lisa has been employed with
AstraZeneca for 7 years and is
currently a cardiovascular sales
specialist. Her career involves
the education and marketing
of AstraZeneca’s cardiovascular
drugs to physicians, hospitals,
nurses and ancillary health care
providers. Lisa received her BS in
Pharmacological Chemistry from
UC San Diego and subsequently
her Master in Healthcare
Administration from the University
of La Verne.
Lisa has had the great fortune to
work with non profits by fundraising through the LA Marathon
and traveling to India. She hopes
to soon be able to dedicate time to
help veterans and shelter animals.
Currently on a long a hiatus, Lisa
still deems herself a runner, having
finished 6 full marathons. At home,
Lisa is blessed with her husband
and her two dogs, Patch and Pipi.
ABWA Verdugo-Glen Woman of the Year
Ardis Bazyn, Author, Speaker, and Volunteer
Member Education
The mission of the American
Business Women’s Association is
to bring together business women
of diverse occupations and to
provide opportunities for them to
help themselves and others grow
personally and professionally
through leadership, education,
networking support and national
Because part of our mission is to
grow personally and professionally,
ABWA Verdugo-Glen plans to
budget funds that members can
use toward their professional
development. Be it a continuing
education course, a requirement
for renewing licenses, or simply
courses & seminars which will aide
in the success of our members.
The Business Skills Reimbursement
will be voted on during an
upcoming meeting. The Education
Committee will be requesting
$500 from the $1,400 member
educational and development fund
to be used for this program.
In addition to the Business Skills
Reimbursement, President Lori
Hartwell has proposed developing
a member mentor program.
Member to
Member Mentor
ABWA Verdugo-Glen members
have knowledge and experience
that can be tapped into in order
to benefit other members in their
effort to succeed.
This mentorship program will
involve ABWA Verdugo-Glen
members filling out a brief form
describing their area of expertise
which will be posted on WIN.
Interested members will contact
the mentor and request a 2 hour
session on the topic of choice and
best timing and location of the
training will be agreed upon.
Upon completion, the mentor
and mentee will fill out a brief
evaluation form in order to
evaluate the program. Mentors
must be active in ABWA for
3 months. Mentors will be
compensated $50 through the
ABWA Verdugo-Glen educational
and development fund. The
ABWA Verdugo-Glen Board of
To Access the Member Skillset and to add your Skillset, login to WIN
and click on ‘Library’. Browse to the Verdugo-Glen Folder, then click
on the ‘Member Skillset’ folder. You can view added skillsets as well
as add your own Skillset.
Directors will propose a budget
to be approved by the full
membership during an upcoming
A sample list of skills:
• Social Media Marketing
• Websites (WordPress etc.)
• Search Engine Optimization
• Microsoft Office
• QuickBooks
• Adobe Photoshop & InDesign
• Business Administration
• Insurance & Tax Assistance
• Resume Writing
• Interview Skills
• Public Speaking
• Writing
• Business & Marketing Plans
This program will provide several
benefits to the group, not only in
developing member’s satisfaction
and knowledge, but will also allow
members to connect and help
fellow members in a meaningful
Mentor and Mentee are required
to notify Lori Hartwell at Lori@ upon initiation of
a session. This will help track and
stay within budget for this new
program. This is a new program
and will be refined as needed. As
with anything ABWA VerdugoGlen does, suggestions are always
Committee Membership
Get Involved, Make a Difference
Standing Committees Education (Scholarships)
Professional Development Vocational Speakers Publicity
Membership and Roster
Special Committees Hospitality Social Media Outreach
Best Practices
Vendor Tables
Sunshine Audit Website
Heart of Business Luncheon
Top Ten
Holiday Party Woman of the Year
Council Delegate
Lynn White-Shelby
Catherine Praeger
Lori Hartwell
Kristy Woelfel
Zizette Mullins
Kandice Astamendi
Teri Chandler & Lisa Swain
Christine Taylor
Kandice Astmendi
Lynn White-Shelby
Linda Van Cleave
Patricia Nelson
Gladys Wymore
Grace Schwartz
Catherine Praeger & Lori Hartwell
Kandice Astmendi
Lori Hartwell
Grace Schwartz
Barbara Williams
Marty Preciado
If you are
in being
involved with
a committee,
contact the
for more
Chapter Officers
Lori Hartwell
Barbara Williams
Recording Secretary
Ardis Bayzn
Vice President
Grace Schwartz
Corresponding Secretary
Get Connected
Anne Marie Johnson
ABWA’s Proud Code of Conduct
1. All members will serve as goodwill ambassadors for the American Business Women’s Association.
2. Members will not allow their personal beliefs and convictions to interfere with the representation of
ABWA’s mission.
3. Members will always treat their member colleagues, guests, vendors and sponsors with honesty, respect,
fairness, integrity, responsibility, kindness, and in good faith.
4. Members will maintain compliance with ABWA National, Chapter and Express Network Bylaws.
5. Members will not use their personal power to advance their personal interests.
6. Members will strive for excellence in their professions by maintaining and enhancing their own business
knowledge and skills, and by encouraging the professional development of other members.
Important Information
• Monthly meeting reservation deadline – Saturday, the week prior to the meeting.
• The meeting starts promptly at 6:30 p.m. and ends at 8:30 p.m. Networking begins at 6:00 for those
who arrive early.
• New member to the chapter? During orientation you can learn how to get involved in one of the
• Do not forget to pay your National dues. National dues are due on your anniversary date. You must
be a member of National to be-long to a local chapter.
• Local dues are due every June, which is the chapter’s anniversary
• No-shows will be billed.
• Donate your old copies of ‘Women in Business’ for new member packets.
• Committees will be putting their information in the newsletter, so look each month for updated
• Bring your business cards to get the most out of your networking.
Save the Date: