i N t h i s ...


i N t h i s ...
in this issue
Important Dates to Remember........2
How Our Addiction to
Work is Affecting Us................................. 4
2014 Regional Conferences.................6
Better New Year’s Resolutions.......13
skill builder
D e c e m b e r 2 0 13
How to Choose a
Financial Advisor
Written by William J. Lynott
Our mission: To bring together
businesswomen of diverse occupations
and to provide opportunities for them
to help themselves and others grow
personally and professionally through
leadership, education, networking
support, and national recognition.
©2013 American Business Women’s Association
The gut-wrenching volatility in the stock
market over the past few years has been a
tough challenge for busy business owners and
professionals. That’s probably why so many
are looking for professional help in dealing
with investment decisions. The problem is
that searching for the right financial advisor
can be almost as difficult as searching for the
right stocks.
In most states, anyone can declare himself
or herself a financial advisor without a license
or any formal credentials, even to the point
of creating an official sounding title. At most
brokerage firms, employees who used to be
called stock brokers are now called financial
consultants or advisors. Whatever they’re
called, it’s important to remember that they
A publication of the American Business Women’s Association
are essentially salesmen who earn their money
by getting you to buy and sell equities.
It is important that investors who feel
the need for professional guidance stick with
licensed professionals with designated titles
awarded only to those who have satisfied strict
requirements by legitimate organizations.
Even after picking a qualified advisor who
seems suited to your needs, there are questions
you should ask such as how much will you
charge me and will it be on a commission or
flat-rate basis. You should also make sure that
your potential advisor is comfortable with
and will respect your personal investment
preferences such as conservative, aggressive,
or capital preservation.
cont. on pg. 2
Express Network News
Choosing a Financial Advisor
The following examples are typical of a
larger number of financial credentials issued
by qualified organizations. For others not
listed here, be sure to research thoroughly
before choosing one as a personal advisor.
Certified Public Accountant/Personal
Financial Specialist (CPA/PFS®)
The PFS designation is awarded and
administered by the American Institute of CPAs
(AICPA) only to those who have first earned a
currently active CPA credential. AICPA does not
license CPAs in the United States. Licenses are
granted only by one of the 50 states or five U.S.
territories and authorize the holder to practice
as a CPA in that jurisdiction. Each jurisdiction
has its own requirements for becoming a CPA
and taking the Uniform CPA Examination.
In order to earn the CPA/PFS designation, a
currently active CPA must pass the AICPA PFS
Exam, a comprehensive exam utilizing case
studies to emphasize the integrated aspects
of financial planning. AICPA offers applicants
two exam-preparation courses covering
both technical topics and the professional
responsibilities of a CPA doing personal
financial planning. (www.aicpa.org)
Certified Financial Planner (CFP®)
To obtain the Certified Financial Board of
Standards (CFP Board) certification applicants
must take a registered course of study
(15 undergraduate/graduate hours plus a
capstone course); have a bachelor’s degree
by the time they are certified; meet the
board’s experience requirement (two or three
years depending on the type of experience);
pass the board’s examination; be subject to
a background check; agree to the board’s
professional standards and ethics, including
agreeing to a fiduciary standard, and be
subject to the board’s enforcement process.
In order to be re-certified, a CFP must also
take 30 continuing education (CE) hours over a
two year period. (www.cfp.net)
Certified Estate and Trust Specialist (CES®)
The Institute of Business and Finance (IBF)
serves students from several hundred national
banks, brokerage firms, insurance agencies
and mutual fund companies. The IBF course
consists of three modules, each accompanied
cont. from page 1
by an online exam. Each exam is 60 minutes
long, covers 50 questions and is pass/fail. The
exams are non-cumulative and there is no
comprehensive exam at the end. Anyone over
the age of 21 who is unrelated to the applicant
can serve as a proctor for these exams.
Upon completion of the three exams the
applicant is required to write a case study
implementing all of the knowledge acquired
throughout the course. The course is designed
to be completed in 15 weeks but since it is selfpaced and self-study the applicant has enough
flexibility to get it done sooner. IBF allows for
a one year maximum completion time before
extension fees are assessed. (www.icfs.com)
Accredited Estate Planner (AEP®)
The AEP designation is a graduate-level
accreditation in estate planning earned in
addition to already recognized professional
credentials (JD, CPA, CLU, CFP, ChFC, and
CTFA) within the various disciplines of estate
planning (accounting; insurance and financial
planning; law; and trust services). It is awarded
by the National Association of Estate Planners
(NAEPC) to recognized estate planning
professionals who meet special requirements
of education, experience, knowledge,
professional reputation, and character. To
apply, one must hold one of the previously
mentioned professional designations, have
been in active practice as an estate planner
for at least 5 years (15 years to be exempt
from the educational requirement), provide
three professional references, and be an active
member in an affiliated local estate planning
council. (www.naepc.org)
Certified Financial Analyst (CFA®)
To qualify for the CFA designation an
applicant must: hold a bachelor’s degree
from an accredited institution or have
equivalent education or work experience,
pass Level 1 of the CFA exam or pass their
self-administered Standards of Practice
Examination, have 48 months of acceptable
professional work experience in investment
decision making, and agree to adhere to and
sign the Member’s Agreement (a Professional
Conduct Statement)as well as any additional
documentation requested by CFA Institute.
(www.cfainstitute.org) ~
A publication of the American Business Women’s Association
Mark your calendars today
and you won’t miss any of
these important dates!
January 1, 2014
•Council Officer Election Report
and administrative fee (liability
insurance) due to ABWA National
January 22
•Last day to participate in twopart payment plan for regional
conference registration.
January 31
•If your league intends to sponsor
an Impact Scholarship, submit your
league’s criteria and contribution
to SBMEF before January 31
•Select your Network’s
Top Ten nominee
February 2014
•Next webinar event; date to
be announced on WIN
March 1
•Nomination form and acceptance
of nomination form for the 20142015 National Board of Directors
is due to ABWA National
March 27-29
•Central Regional Conference
(Districts III and V) in
Fort Wayne, Ind.
National Office Holiday Closings
ABWA National office will be closed on
the following dates:
•December 23-27, 2013
•January 1, 2014
A publication of the American Business Women’s Association
Express Network News
How Our Addiction to Work is
Affecting Us—and How to Change
Written By Dr. Tasha Eurich
Kmart’s recent announcement to open
its doors at 6 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day
sent shockwaves throughout the nation.
Though bargain-seekers were thrilled, many
question the decision. In recent years, such
“Thanksgiving creep” has inspired multiple
protests from employees; with one petition
calling it “inhumane and inconsiderate.”
Unfortunately, this problem doesn’t just exist
in retail establishments around the holidays.
Across all job types and industries, Americans
are working more than ever.
According to a recent Workforce
Management study, since the great recession,
55 percent of employees have seen their
workload increase, and 27 percent say it has
doubled. The constant pressure to do more
with less, coupled with the belief that being
busy means we’re important, is creating an
unsustainable pattern.
For many workers, taking time away from
their jobs feels like an untenable luxury. Most
European countries provide workers at least
four weeks of vacation each year—Germany
and Sweden are quite generous with seven
weeks. However, a Center for Economic Policy
and Research study reveals that 25 percent of
U.S. employees don’t take any vacation at all—
either because they don’t use their accrued
time or their employer doesn’t provide it.
Why would anyone choose not to take
the time away that they’ve rightfully earned?
For many, fear is a factor—fear of missing out
on promotions, topping the layoff list, being
judged by bosses or coworkers, or the work
that will inevitably pile up.
Certainty, anyone can work 50, 60, or 80
hours per week—and take little time off—if
they choose, but as it turns out, there are some
profound consequences:
1.Working too much makes us stupid.
Research has shown that long hours
affect our brains. An American Journal of
Epidemiology study followed British civil
servants over five years to understand
A publication of the American Business Women’s Association
the relationship between long hours
and brain functioning. Compared to
those who worked 40 hours per week,
participants who worked more than 55
hours showed poorer vocabulary and
reasoning skills. In plain English, working
too much actually makes us stupider.
2.Working too much makes us
depressed. Research has shown that
long hours are also a significant risk
factor for depression. A study published
in PLoS ONE examined more than 2,000
workers in the United Kingdom over six
years. They found that employees who
worked more than 11 hours per day had
more than twice the risk of depression
than those who worked seven to
eight hours per day. The relationship
remained even when researchers
statistically removed the influence of
socio-economic factors, chronic physical
disease, smoking, and alcohol use.
3.Working too much hurts our career
advancement. When people think
about how to get ahead in their career,
most have a “more is better” approach.
Just look at the hours worked at many
law firms, tech companies, and Wall
Street. However, more hours does not
always equal better performance and
human beings have an upper limit
for productivity on any given day.
Somewhat counterintuitively, a 2006
Ernst & Young study found a positive
relationship between vacations (i.e.,
fewer hours overall) and performance:
For each additional 10 hours away
from the office employees took, their
performance reviews were eight percent
higher the following year!
4.Working too much can actually kill us.
This past August, a 21-year old Bank of
America intern was found dead in his
London dorm room. During the course
of Moritz Erhardt’s demanding sevenweek internship, he had pulled eight
all-nighters in two weeks. Although
Erhardt’s case is as rare as it is tragic,
it reflects the general trend that
working too much is simply not healthy.
Luckily, when we take time away, these
cont. on pg. 5
Express Network News
Work Addiction
cont. from page 4
effects are mitigated. For example, the
Framingham Heart study (a massive
longitudinal research program started in
1948) reported that when workers take
annual vacations, their risk for a heart
attack is reduced by 30% in men and
50% in women.
Two Tips for Taking Time Off Without
Paying For It When You Return
Hopefully, cashing in some vacation time
feels more important than it did a few minutes
ago, but if the idea of taking time off still feels
difficult or stressful, here are a couple tips:
•First, it’s okay to start small. Short
vacations have similar positive effects
as long ones. One study from Radboud
University Nijmegen in the Netherlands
found that even vacations of just a few
days increased health and well-being.
Frequent, shorter vacations may actually
be better because benefits from most
vacations fade after five days. So, instead
of blocking off two weeks and paying for
it when you return, try a long weekend
every month or two instead.
•Second, it’s okay to check e-mail a few
times while you’re away. The above study
also revealed that people who worked
during vacations still showed increases
in health and well-being, albeit smaller
ones. For many workers, being able to
check in at work eases anxiety. So, within
the bounds of reason, go for it! Just
don’t let things get out of hand, lest your
spouse or partner lock your iPhone in the
hotel safe.
Don’t Miss This Limited Time
Offer from The Business Source!
ABWA has teamed up with The Business Source to offer concise
summaries of books you need to read. Each month, you’ll learn
best practices and gain powerful insights from leading-edge
thinkers, industry experts, and world-renowned business gurus…
and the summaries take just 15 minutes to read or listen to!
Best of all, we’ve arranged a special price especially for ABWA
members: 70% off the regular price (a savings of $91)!
Click here for details about this limited time offer.
Click this link to see a quick video overview:
The Business Source Overview
Look what you missed
Lean In, the National Bestseller by Sheryl
Sandberg, was included in September’s
book summaries. Sign up for the Business
Source program and stay current with
the latest business books.
Whether you’re being forced to work
during the holidays or not, this is a great time
to re-prioritize. It’s important to remember
that family and friends are life’s true gifts. After
all, on their deathbeds, few people are likely to
say “I wish I had spent more time at work.” So
for goodness sake—take some time off! ~
Dr. Tasha Eurich is the author of Bankable
Leadership: Happy People, Bottom Line
Results, and the Power to Deliver Both. For
more information about Dr. Eurich or her books,
please visit www.BankableLeadership.com.
A publication of the American Business Women’s Association
Sign up today!
Express Network News
2 014 A B WA R E G I O N A L C O N F E R E N C E S
You’ll find more to like than ever before
at the 2014 Regional Conferences!
Who should attend?
Two-part Payment Plan
Just complete the registration form,
mark the prepayment plan box and
send your completed form to ABWA
National or fax to (913) 660-0101 by
Wednesday, Jan. 22. We will divide
your payments into two affordable
installments charging your credit
card on Jan. 31 and Feb. 28. Please
note: you cannot register for
the payment plan online.
ABWA provides more than just membership. It allows you the opportunity to
become the leader you have always aspired to be. Regional conferences are the
springboard for members who want to learn more about the Association, Best
Practices in league management, and develop insights about themselves in
managing key moments. ABWA sessions will be presented by Executive Director
René Street and the 2013-2014 National Board of Directors/SBMEF Trustees.
Get a jump start on your travel plans!
At each regional conference, registration will open at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday
with the afternoon session beginning at 3:00 p.m., followed by two full days
of sessions, networking, and recognition. The Friday morning celebration
breakfast and the Saturday recognition luncheon are also included in your
conference registration.
A publication of the American Business Women’s Association
2 014 ABWA Re g i o n a l C o nfe r en c e s
Thursday Line-Up for All Conferences
and Tools
René Street
Executive Director
The focus of this year’s regional conference is to ensure that
league leaders have the knowledge, attitude, skills and habits
they need to manage their group effectively. René Street,
executive director, and the 2013-2014 National Board of
Directors/Trustees will facilitate a series of break-out sessions
intended to support leagues in improving many areas of chapter
management; including membership growth and retention, and
the do’s and don’ts of sponsoring an educational scholarship
through SBMEF.
Meet Your Candidates
for District Vice President
We hope you will join us for an opportunity to meet your
candidates for district vice president immediately following
the Friday session. Take this time to introduce yourself and
ask them about their goals for your district!
Volunteer Opportunities
2013-2014 National Board
of Directors/Trustees
(Back row, l to r: District IV Vice President Tracey
Jackson, District V Vice President Lisa Montross, and
District VI Vice President Barbara Jenkins. Middle row:
District I Vice President Tammy McDaniel, District II
Vice President Laura Morlando, and District III Vice
President Meg Bell. Front row: National Vice President
Nancy Griffin, National President Lorie Burch, and
National Secretary-Treasurer Gaylyn DeVine.
We are looking for 12 members to provide on-site
support for each of the three 2014 Regional
Conferences. This is an excellent opportunity to learn
new skills, expand your ABWA network and work on
a project team. If you are interested in serving as a
conference volunteer, please contact Betty Burns at
bburns@abwa.org or (800) 228-0007 ext. 256.
2014 Regional conferences
Fort Wayne, IN · Sugar land, Tx · Roanoke, va
A publication of the American Business Women’s Association
Express Network News
2 014 ABWA Re g i o n a l C o nfe r en c e s
Friday line-up for all conferences
The Power of
No matter your company, or the role which you play in it, you are
in the business of people. Because of that, leadership is a driving
force behind growing your business. How do you become a
solid leader through influence? How do you become a successful
leader by using influence to engage and inspire others?
Ty Bennett
Author, Speaker, and Entrepreneur
More than 1 million people from 50
countries have learned from Ty Bennett’s
insights on leadership, entrepreneurship,
and communication. When Bennett was
21 years old, he started a business with
his brother Scott, which they built to
over $20 million in revenue while still in
their 20s. Bennett and his brother made
company history as the first of their age
to become million-dollar earners. As a
speaker, Bennett is a young, fresh voice
with a fun, engaging style. His messages
include topics on leadership, influence,
entrepreneurship, and storytelling, and
encourages stronger leadership skills at
every level. Author of The Power of Influence
and The Power of Storytelling, Bennett’s
message is changing lives and reaching
people around the world. Following his
keynote presentation and breakout session,
Bennett will have books available for sale.
Based on his highly rated book, The Power of Influence, Ty Bennett
will share his philosophies, down-to-earth examples, and tools for
increasing your influence and impact as a leader. His humorous,
insightful, and interactive presentation will send you home as
better leaders; making for better and more profitable businesses.
Audiences have described this keynote speech and breakout
session as “entertaining, hilarious, thought-provoking, and
Benefits/Course Objectives
You will come away with:
• How to make your introduction attract
your audience and connect you to them.
• Tips from best examples of influence from
today’s greatest leaders.
• A straight forward path to developing the skills
needed to be well respected and influential
among peers and strangers alike.
2014 Regional conferences
Fort Wayne, IN · Sugar land, Tx · Roanoke, va
A publication of the American Business Women’s Association
Express Network News
2 014 ABWA Re g i o n a l C o nfe r en c e s
Saturday line-up for all conferences
Build Your
League on a Solid
Foundation of Fiscal
Sherry Darden
Sherry Darden is often called “The
Business Plan Lady” because she
has personally coached and trained
thousands of entrepreneurs to business
success, but it hasn’t always been that
way. Darden knows what it is like to
struggle too. She has been an employee,
manager, entrepreneur, and salesperson.
She knows what it’s like to hear both the
words “nice job” as well as the dreaded
“you’re fired.” She is the real deal and the
advice, tips, and techniques she shares
from the podium are worlds away from
feel-good fluff. Darden lives by her
mission statement: “My passion is to
empower clients and audiences with
new ideas and skills to improve their
quality of life both in the workplace and
at home. I love seeing the light bulb turn
on! Regardless of the subject, I make
sure they get it in a way they can relate
to and without talking over their heads.
I build you up without talking down.
That’s how I coach, that’s how I train.”
Did you know that the least favored position on any league’s
Executive Board is the Treasurer or Vice President of Finance?
Even if you don’t have an accounting degree or CPA, Sherry
Darden will give you the straight scoop on how to perform
this job in your Chapter, Express Network, or Council more
effectively. (.3 CEUs)
Benefits/Course Objectives
• Learn generally accepted policies and procedures
for managing and protecting your league’s assets
• Learn the advantages of “being on time”
• Learn where to dot your “I’s” and cross your
“T’s” to reduce your risk of an IRS audit
• Learn lessons from the field and how to avoid the
pitfalls of malfeasance.
Business Skills Tuition Reimbursement
Leagues may choose to sponsor a Business Skills Tuition
Reimbursement (BSTR) for the Saturday morning
session valued at .3 CEUs. A member applying for
a BSTR may be awarded a minimum of $50 and a
maximum of $75 from the Stephen Bufton Memorial
Educational Fund. For more information, contact Jill
Miller at jmiller@abwa.org or (800) 228-0007 ext. 230.
2014 Regional conferences
Fort Wayne, IN · Sugar land, Tx · Roanoke, va
A publication of the American Business Women’s Association
Express Network News
2 014 ABWA Re g i o n a l C o nfe r en c e s
Where You Want to Stay
2014 Housing Information
Central Regional
Fort Wayne, IN
Western Regional
Sugar Land, TX
Eastern Regional
Roanoke, VA
March 27-29, 2014
April 10-12, 2014
April 24-26, 2014
Hotel reservations for ABWA’s
commitment of rooms must be received
by Thursday, March 6, 2014 or until our
room block is full. Please send your forms
directly to the hotel. Reservation code:
Hotel reservations for ABWA’s
commitment of rooms must be received
by Thursday, March 20, 2014, or until our
room block is full. Please send your forms
directly to the hotel. Reservation code:
Hotel reservations for ABWA’s
commitment of rooms must be received
by Friday, April 4, 2014, or until our room
block is full. Please send your forms
directly to the hotel. Reservation code:
Hotel Fort Wayne
305 E. Washington Center Road
Fort Wayne, IN 46825
Main number........................260-484-0411
Main fax..................................260-482-5440
Single (One person/one bed)............... $119
Double (Two people/two beds)......... $119
Triple (Three people/two beds).......... $119
Quad (Four people/two beds)............. $119
*Prices do not include tax:
Call hotel directly for complimentary
airport shuttle
Sugar Land Marriott Town Square
16090 City Walk
Sugar Land, TX 77479
Main number........................ 281-275-8400
Reservations FAX 281-275-5941
Self-parking..................... complimentary on
Sugar Land Town Square
Sheraton Roanoke Hotel
2801 Hershberger Road
Roanoke, VA 24017
Main number....................... 540-563-9300
Reservations.......................... 800-325-3535
Reservations FAX................540-561-7910
Self-parking..........complimentary at hotel
Single (One person/one bed)............... $119
Double (Two people/two beds)......... $119
Triple (Three people/two beds).......... $119
Quad (Four people/two beds)............. $119
Single (One person/one bed)...............$129
Double (Two people/two beds).........$149
Triple (Three people/two beds)..........$149
Quad (Four people/two beds).............$149
*Prices do not include tax:
Super Shuttle … 800-258-3826
*Prices do not include tax.
Complimentary airport shuttle through
the hotel. Call directly 540-563-9300.
ABWA makes every effort to secure the best possible rates for overnight accommodations.
These rates are part of a negotiated overall conference package that incorporates
meeting room rental as well as other services associated with providing the
conference. ABWA saves money if the number of conference attendees staying
at the host hotel exceeds a negotiated minimum (which in turn keeps
registration fees from increasing), so please consider that when making
your accommodation decisions. Go to www.abwa.org to download
individual housing forms or to access online housing links.
2014 Regional conferences
Fort Wayne, IN · Sugar land, Tx · Roanoke, va
A publication of the American Business Women’s Association
Express Network News
2 014 ABWA Re g i o n a l C o nfe r en c e s
Check One ............... Conference Date ............. Conference Location .............................. Districts ........................... Early Registration Date
q ................................ March 27-29 .................. Central: Fort Wayne, IN ....................... Dist III and V............................................ Feb. 20
q .................................. April 10-12 .................. Western: Sugar Land, TX ..................... Dist. II and VI ......................................... March 6
q .................................. April 24-26 ..................... Eastern: Roanoke, VA .......................... Dist I and IV ........................................ March 20
Name:__________________________________________________________ Email:____________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip:___________________________________________________________________ Daytime phone:____________________________________ Name of Chapter or Express Network__________________________________________________________________________________________________
First Name Preferred on Member’s Badge_______________________________________________________________________________________________
Payment Plan:
This form must be received by Jan. 22, 2014. Divide my payments into two parts
charging my credit card on Jan 31 and Feb 28. Early registration pricing applies.
Conference Fee ScheduleOffice Use
Complete Registration
(Celebration Breakfast and Recognition Luncheon included.)
Non Member
*Early and regular rates are available to those ABWA members whose national dues are current.
Food Allergies (please describe):_____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Cancellations: Registrants acknowledge that ABWA will incur expenses as a result of this
registration. Therefore, a fee of $125 will be charged for any cancellation. Two weeks prior to the
start of the conference, the entire registration fee will be forfeited.
Payment Method
q Check/Money Order (payable to ABWA) Check No. ______________ Date of Check _______________
q Visa
q MasterCard
q Discover
Card # ________________________________________ Exp. Date ___________ Security Code __________
Card Holder Signature ______________________________________________________________________
Permissions: Holder grants permission to ABWA to use their image or likeness incidental to any live or recorded
display or other transmission or projection in whole or in part of the event to which the ticket is issued.
Mail with payment to:
ABWA Registration
11050 Roe Avenue
Suite 200
Overland Park, KS 66211
Register online at: www.abwa.org
Or charge by…
Phone: (800) 228-0007
Fax: (913) 660-0101
2014 Regional conferences
Fort Wayne, IN · Sugar land, Tx · Roanoke, va
A publication of the American Business Women’s Association
Express Network News
A publication of the American Business Women’s Association
Better New Year’s Resolutions:
Keep Them Few, Short, and Simple
Written By Leigh Elmore
In business, New Year’s
resolutions can perform
a dual function. They
can actually be helpful
for the people who own
and run businesses to set
and meet goals. Likewise,
they can be equally
useful for the people
who work to make those
businesses successful.
Business owners can use the New Year as
an opportunity to reflect on how to improve in
the year to come. Employees can do the same
in striving to improve their own performance
on the job.
More often than not, however, our list of
resolutions tends to be made up of the one’s
we didn’t keep in the current year.
“If you were to ask Princeton psychologist
Eldar Shafir or Harvard economist Sendhil
Mullainathan for a better New Year’s strategy,
they’d likely suggest that the best resolution
you can make is to do fewer things in the year,”
writes Ray Fisman on his slate.com blog. “The
researchers argue (in their book, Scarcity: Why
Having Too Little Means So Much), that when
busy people get busier, it leads to ignored
deadlines, a cluttered desk, and a vicious cycle
of falling further and further behind. Amid the
disorder, a lot of bad decisions get made, and
the best means of escape from this cycle may
be a moratorium on new obligations.” The
simple lesson: Too many resolutions mean too
many resolutions that aren’t kept.
The advice that Mullainathan and Shafir
have for resolution-makers isn’t that you refrain
from trying to better yourself, but rather that
you lock in commitments to self-betterment
that won’t require super vigilance in the year
ahead. For example, go ahead and increase
the default contribution to your pension plan
or force Outlook to clean up your desktop and
your calendar every Friday afternoon. “Then
use both the time and mental space that
commitments like these can free up to stay
on top of the workload and pressures that are
already part of your daily life,” Fisman says.
So in the spirit of “keep it simple, smarty”
here is a resolution checklist for small business
owners compiled by Megan Totka, chief editor
of chamberofcommerce.com and listed on her
blog at resourcenation.com:
A publication of the American Business Women’s Association
•Go mobile. If you haven’t adopted
a smartphone, the time is now. Most
Internet searches will be made via
mobile devices by the end of this year.
•Learn to delegate and do it more
often. Relinquish control of routine tasks
and you can free up some time to do
what really makes your business thrive:
building revenue.
•Refresh your website. It doesn’t do you
much good to build an attractive and
savvy Facebook presence if it funnels
visitors to a boring and out-of-date
•Prepare for tax season. Organize your
books now to avoid scrounging around
for documents at the last minute.
•Schedule time for yourself. You have
to keep yourself motivated, so reward
yourself for big accomplishments.
Professionals who work for entrepreneurs
and small business owners owe it to
themselves to stay on top of their games and
skill sets, while remaining flexible in times of
constant change in the workplace. Here are
some of the best common-sense resolution
suggestions for people in the cubes from
Alison Green in U.S. News and World Report:
•Stop complaining about your job.
It’s easy to get caught up in complaining,
which only makes unhappiness worse.
Instead, talk to people directly when
you have a beef so that they have a
chance to make things better. And if
your job is really that unpleasant, focus
on finding a new one instead.
•Get involved with a professional
society. Join one and get involved.
By joining committees or attending
meetings, you’ll expand your network,
raise your visibility, and often get
additional accomplishments for
your resume.
cont. on pg. 14
Express Network News
cont. from page 13
Don’t miss the year-end issue!
•Thank people. Has someone made
your life at work easier, connected you
with a helpful contact, or simply been
a pleasant person to interact with this
year? Tell them; better yet write them
a note. Never under-estimate just how
much people value being openly
• Ask for feedback. Lots of managers
aren’t skilled at offering feedback on
their own but will respond well to
specific questions like, “What do you
think I’m best at, and where could I focus
on improving?” Asking the question
could give you some valuable insights.
• Ask for a raise. If you’ve been doing
a great job but haven’t had a raise in a
year or more, resolve to ask your boss for
a salary review. People often shy away
from asking for raises in a tight economy,
but if your value to the company has
increased, it’s perfectly reasonable to ask
for that to be reflected in your salary.
There’s no time like the New Year to
reassess what’s working and what isn’t for your
company and for your career. Whether or not
you own it or work for it, take the opportunity
to set your company up for a successful 2014.
Just don’t make too many resolutions and
focus on what you can really accomplish. ~
Leigh Elmore is a writer for businesses
and for publications based in Kansas
City, MO. www.leighelmore.com.
Link to the digital
magazine will be
posted in WIN
The special year-end issue of Women In Business features highlights from
the 2013 National Women’s Leadership Conference, including a 12-page
photo gallery, the Best Practices Award-winning teams, and your Top Ten
and Woman of the Year. You’ll also find information about the 2014 Regional
Conferences and a preview of ABWA’s biggest event to date!
Connect with ABWA online, anytime!
•Login to WIN: There’s always something new to explore on the Women’s
Instructional Network!
•Become a fan on Facebook: www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/
•Become a friend of Executive Director René Street on Facebook:
•Follow us on Twitter … ABWAHQ www.twitter.com/abwahq
•Contact ABWA National via email … webmail@abwa.org
A publication of the American Business Women’s Association
Express Network News
A publication of the American Business Women’s Association
Express Network News
American Business Women’s Association Membership Application
11050 Roe Avenue, Suite 200 · Overland Park, Kansas, 66211 · 800-228-0007 · Fax 913-660-0101
Benefits of membership begin the date your application and payment are received and processed at ABWA National
Headquarters. For renewal purposes, membership starts on the first day of the month following the date the application
and payment are processed and renews annually. Dues payments are non-refundable and non-transferrable.
First Name:________________________________________________MI:_________________ Last Name:_____________________________________________________
Affiliation Information
Do you plan to join a chapter/Express Network: q Yes q No
If “yes,” your primary chapter/Express Network name:_____________________________________________________________________________________________
Sponsor (please print clearly):__________________________________________________________________________________ Member No._______________________
Note: Membership in ABWA and local Chapter/Express Network is contingent on timely payment of annual National dues.
Address and Contact Information
Home Address:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City / State / Zip:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Primary phone contact:_________________________________________ Primary email address:____________________________________________________________
Note: Your email address is required in order to access your membership information and conduct business online at www.abwa.org. By providing your email
address, you are authorizing ABWA to contact you via email.
Personal Demographics (for statistical purposes only)
Birthdate ( month / day / year ): ________________________ / ________________________ / ________________________ Gender: q Female q Male
Business Owner, Employment, and Education Level Demographics (for statistical purposes only)
Your company’s name:________________________________________________________ Job Title:_____________________________________________________
Are you a business owner? q Yes q No
Description of products/services:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Education Level:
q High School/GED
q Vo-Tech
q Associate’s Degree
q Bachelor’s Degree
q Master’s Degree
q Doctorate Degree
Enclosed is my ABWA National dues payment of…
q $90 … $75 Basic Membership + $15 WIN Technology Fee
q $115 … $100 Express Network + $15 WIN Technology Fee
Membership Discounts
q $50 … $35 Basic Student Membership* + $15 WIN Tech Fee
q $65 … $50 Express Network Student Membership* + $15 WIN Tech Fee
q * To qualify for student membership, include a class schedule reflecting enrollment in 12+ credit hours per semester.
q $40 … 70+ Year Old Discounted Basic Membership**
q $15 … Optional WIN Technology Fee for New Members ages 65+**
q * * To qualify for discount, please provide birth date including year in application information.
Payment Information
q Check … Mail check with application to ABWA, 11050 Roe Ave., Suite 200, Overland Park, KS 66211
q Visa
q Mastercard
q Discover
Card number: ____________________ / ____________________ / ____________________ / ____________________
Expiration Date__________________ / __________________ Security Code (3-digit code on back of card)______________________________________________
Name of card:____________________________________________________ Signature:__________________________________________________________________
The American Business Women’s Association is a non-profit organization which is serviced by ABWA Management, LLC, a company organized for profit. All ABWA income
is received by ABWA Management, LLC and, in exchange, the company provides all necessary services and materials to the ABWA membership. All dues include a one-year
subscription to Women in Business®, ABWA’s official publication. Dues are not deductible as a charitable contribution for Federal income tax purposes; however, they may be
deductible under other provision of the Internal Revenue Code.
A publication of the American Business Women’s Association
Express Network News