April 2, 2015 - Cordova Presbyterian Church
April 2, 2015 - Cordova Presbyterian Church
In this Issue: TONIGHT Maundy Thursday Communion Service 6:30 pm Church Family Pictures continue/Volunteer Work Days April 11th & 18th Choir Cantata April 19th/One Great Hour of Sharing Offering RSVP for Wednesday April 8th Dinner & Program/Did You Know?! Birthdays, Calendar, Prayer Concerns The Bulletin Board—look for announcements, letters and volunteering. Bits & Pieces for April 2, 2015 Holy Week and Easter Sunday TONIGHT Maundy Thursday Service at 6:30 pm In this simple Communion Service we remember the Commandment that Jesus gave us “To Love One Another as I Loved You.” TOMORROW Good Friday, April 3rd Prayer Service at 12:00 pm. THIS SUNDAY Easter Sunday, April 5th Easter Breakfast 9:00 am Worship 10:30 am Easter Egg Hunts 11:45 am One Great Hour of Sharing Offering Eastertide Cantata April 19th Our Eastertide Choir Cantata will be on April 19th. If you would like to join the Choir in the singing, see Lori Kearney or email her at Lkearney@zoho.com. One Great Hour of Sharing Offering This annual Easter special offering will be received THIS SUNDAY Easter Sunday April 5th Since 1949, Presbyterians have joined with millions of other Christians through One Great Hour of Sharing to share God’s love with people experiencing need. Our gifts support ministries of disaster response, refugee assistance and resettlement, and community development that help people find safe refuge, start new lives and work together to strengthen their families and communities. The Presbyterian Hunger Program receives 36 percent of undesignated One Great Hour of Sharing gifts, while the Self-Development of People and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance each receive 32 percent. Please use the special envelopes provided or simply write “OGHS” on your gifts. This offering will be received over the next few weeks. SAY “CHEESE” Please !!!!!!! We will continue to take each individual and family picture over the next few weeks until each person is accounted for. Please be prepared to say “Cheese” while you are at church over the next several weeks. This will allow all of us to learn names and get to know each other a bit better. Thank you for your help! Volunteer Work Days Saturdays April 11th and 18th, 9:00 am Come help make our church grounds beautiful and store rooms refreshed. Bring a pair of work gloves, cheerful countenance & imagination and help us Spring clean Cordova Presbyterian Church! RSVP for Wednesday Dinner… This Sunday’s Fellowship Easter Breakfast 4/12 Open 4/19 Avery/O’Neal 4/26 Open 5/3 Open We need your RSVP for Wednesday dinner by This Sunday’s Nursery Volunteer Melodie Terwilliger 4/12 Corey Morgan 4/19 Pam Spencer 4/26 Melodie Terwilliger 5/3 Corey Morgan April Birthdays MONDAY 10am each week in order for you to be included in the count. RSVP by signing the pew pad, call or email the church office. Please look for an email Monday morning to respond to for your RSVP or you will NOT be included in the count. 4/4 4/7 4/9 4/10 4/13 4/15 4/21 4/22 4/22 4/26 4/28 Jeanette Tipton Kyle Van Hoeck John Howard Qula Kuenzinger Brett Baker Joyce Avery Michael Massey Bob Brasfield Ann Kamper Kimberly Jenkins Whitney Massey Thank you!! Wednesday Night Dinner Menu & Program ... RSVP for Wednesday dinner April 8th. Dinner is at 6:00 pm, Program is from 6:40—7:10 pm. Cost per adult is $5, children under 12 years will be half price. RSVP by signing the pew pads, call or email the church office. Dinner Menu & Program: Apr 8: Chicken broccoli casserole, rice, curried fruit, whole wheat rolls, Scrumptious Pie. Program: “And teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.” Matt. 28:20a, Service 101. (Please bring 4-6 pairs of new solid colored adult size socks to be used in a project). Apr 15: Dixieland pork chops, baked potato, BLT salad, biscuits, strawberry shortcake. Program: Beyond 911. BLTs (Basic Lifesaving Techniques), First Aid, Emergency Preparedness. Apr 22: Bar-b-que chicken, corn, slaw, brown ‘n serve rolls, banana pudding. Program: “And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matt. 28:20b, Spirituality 101. This Week’s Calendar TONIGHT Thursday—Apr 2 Maundy Thursday 6:30 pm Communion Service TOMORROW Friday—Apr 3 Good Friday 12:00 pm Prayer Service Wednesday—Apr 8 6:00 pm Dinner 6:40 pm Program 7:15 pm Choir Did You Know ?!? Saturday—Apr 11 PW Spring Gathering THIS Sunday—Apr 5 Easter 9:00 am Breakfast 10:30 am Communion Worship 11:30 am Fellowship 11:45 am Easter egg hunts Sunday—Apr 12 10:00 am Choir 10:30 am Worship 11:30 am Fellowship 11:45 am Session 12:00 pm Choir Comm. Mtg. Monday—Apr 6 Office Closed We now have a Prayer Board located in the church office copy room on the wall outside Rev. Ruth’s office. Please feel free to pray for those names written on the board and/or add a name(s) in need of prayer. Bulletin Board See Bulletin Board outside Choir Room for Music related Events and Announcements. See Bulletin Board in Fellowship Hall for Fellowship and Flower sign-ups, special Letters for Church members, current event announcements and special recognitions. Prayer Concerns Church Family: Martha Drew Richard Schwam Helen Kintner Cindy Green (heart) Nikkie Patton Bob Brasfield Donna Wilhite Russell Gammon Friends: George Hobaugh (brother of Pat Wainwright) This week we are also praying for** Shelly Kuhl, Harland & Carol Lovell, Steve & Mariann Manly (Stefanie, Brigette), Rob & Judy Martin, as well as their extended families. **We will lift each member in our prayers for two weeks of every year.
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March 26, 2015 - Cordova Presbyterian Church
Our next Wednesday dinner will be April 8th.
Dinner is at 6:00 pm, Program is from 6:40—7:10 pm.
Cost per adult is $5, children under 12 years will be half price.
RSVP by signing the pew pads, call...