Volume 47, Number 3
Volume 47, Number 3
V OLUME 47, N UMBER 3 S T . T HOMAS VOICE OF THE M AY / J UNE 2012 I NSIDE T HIS I SSUE R EAL P RAYER P RAYER 1 T HE P ASTOR ’ S P EN 2 W ORDS OF T HANKS 2 S UNDAY S CHOOL N EWS 3-4 C OMMITTEES & O RGANIZATIONS 5-7 B IBLE Q UIZ Prayer is a direction of life, a focusing of one’s most personal and deepest attention Godward. The purpose is to love God and learn to know him so well that our wills, our actions, will be more and more aligned with his, until even our subconscious reactions and purposes will have the mark of his love, his life, about them. Prayer is no longer an “activity.” It becomes the continuing language of that relationship God designed to fulfill a human life. U PCOMING A CTIVITIES ~ Keith Miller, The Taste of New Wine M AY / J UNE C ALENDARS M ISCELLANEOUS I NFORMATION 6 8-9 10-12 G REETER S CHEDULE 12 A NNIVERSARIES 13 B IRTHDAYS 14 K IDS ’ P AGE 15 Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world ~ Psalm 19:4 P AGE 2 T HE VOICE OF S T . T HOMAS Soon summer will be upon us and lots of great activities will be going on through our Church. VBS is coming up in June along with the trip to T HE Baltimore, the Youth Mission Trip in July and the Picnic in the Park and Day P ASTOR ’ S at Knoebels in August. Those are just a few of the summer events scheduled. P EN The warm weather months are a great time to fellowship together through worship, service or fun events. We are a “Full Service” Church where we don’t slow down in the summer but keep the same great schedule all year long. Now that we have air conditioning our worship environment provides a more pleasant atmosphere as well. So, get involved and join the good times here at St. Thomas or wherever we are going! “How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!” Psalm 133: 1 Rev. Bill Miller . . . to Corrinne Wagner for serving as the St. Thomas Financial Secretary since 1993. The Financial Secretary records individual giving to St. Thomas and provides an annual record of those contributions. In the past, Corrinne’s father, Ralph Muthard, also served as Financial Secretary. When Corrinne began, all records were kept on paper, but a few months later, Ronald Schoener provided a computer for the church. Corrinne thanks her daughter, Michele Davis, and Greg Fisher (Franklin and Irene Cocks’ son-in-law) for helping her learn to use the computer. Weekly Work: Each week, volunteer money counters open the offering envelopes and record what was given by envelope number. [A future Words of Thanks article will feature our money counters.] Corrinne double-checks the envelopes against the money counter records and then posts the data into the computer. Power Church is the software used to record contributions. Corrinne checks subtotals as she works and then checks the final totals for Current, Benevolence, Building, and Special offerings. She also records Simply Giving figures (from recurring electronic transfers used in lieu of church envelope giving) and other giving figures. Corrinne appreciates most the days when the totals match on the first round and they usually do. If not, she checks back until she finds the discrepancy and corrects the data entered. Corrinne’s weekly work usually takes about 1½ hours, but for a big day like Easter, more time is needed. Other Tasks: Corrinne prints and mails contribution statements each year. She also orders boxes of offering envelopes in August and assigns them to church members in November. All of Corrinne’s work is done as a volunteer. She enjoys serving the Lord as the St. Thomas Financial Secretary. Thank you, Corrinne! Betsy Reifsnyder Suggestions for individuals or groups to be featured in future Words of Thanks articles gratefully accepted. V OLUME 47, N UMBER 3 P AGE 3 S UNDAY S CHOOL N EWS S UNDAY S CHOOL S UPERINTENDENT Spring in here. We have celebrated Easter. . .what a joyous time of remembering what Jesus did for us so we can have peace in Heaven, for eternity. Palm Sunday saw lots of smiles on the faces of the children as the Easter candy was handed out. We had a beautiful day for the egg hunt. Many thanks to all who donated eggs, candy, and their time to put candy in the egg and all those who helped with the egg hunt. Everyone seemed to have a great time. Boyer’s helped with the egg hunt this year and their Easter rabbit was a big hit. Thank you to all the teachers and helpers for your efforts in making your Sunday school a very special place on Sunday mornings. VBS is only a few weeks away and Brian and the helpers our putting all the pieces in place to make it the very best VBS. We want to be Jesus’ ambassadors in Bernville and reach out to all of God’s children with His good news. It takes a lot of people and time to make it successful. If you have not yet committed to help, we can still use your help. There are plans in the works for a float in the Bernville Memorial Day Parade. Walkers are invited to join. We are working to have the sign across Rt. 183 replaced. That will give St. Thomas a great place to promote VBS with a large banner. The sign will be 2’ wider than the old one and should make it easier to read. The special programs are in order for this year: Mother’s Day - The Amazing Maji (Rev. Michael Reist), Father’s Day - A Great Bible Story Teller (Mary Boyer), Children’s Day Balloon Artist (Trist’n Shout), and Rally Day - Maranatha Production Drama. On these special days we try to have programs that teach us about our Lord Jesus Christ from a different perspective. It is challenging to have programs that reach out and touch all ages. We repeat some programs because they were well done and worth having again. Your Sunday school teachers and board members decided several years ago to do children’s programs on just Christmas and Easter. That way the teachers will have more time to teach God’s word. I am always thankful for your suggestions of things to have at St. Thomas on special Sundays. My prayer for the special programs is that there will be someone that will be touched with the hand of Jesus in a life changing way. We have had some water problems in the Nursery Sunday school room. So it became a great time to repaint the whole room with different colors. Check it out. . .they picked great colors! We are thankful to the Guild for the shades in the chapel and the Sunday school room facing south to help on those warm sunny mornings. You have honored me by having me be the Sunday school superintendent for a lot of years. This Fall my allotted term as Sunday school representative on Consistory is complete. My St. Thomas faith family has been a true blessing for me. When there are things to get done and I ask for help, you look at me with that look of what does he want now and then you pitch in and help however you can and do it with a smile. It has been a great privilege to help build up our Lord at St. Thomas working together with so many loving Christians of like mind. John Bartsch P AGE 4 T HE VOICE OF S T . T HOMAS L ITTLE F ISHERMAN ’ S C LASS Greetings from our small class. This year our class has been small with 3 children or less most weeks. We were blessed to have the Ark Builders (children under 4 years old and parents) join our class for several weeks while their room was being worked on. We were bursting at the seams for those few weeks. There were lots of new faces and names to learn. One of the parents came up to me after the first week and asked if I know the names of all the children in their class. I had to say no, but I did know the adults, and that helped. We had a fun time together. They learned a few new songs, and I learned a few names. I also learned a lot by listening to the adult lesson in their class. Everyone can learn something in Sunday School. The Bible lessons for the children were about loving one another, showing God's love, and the death and resurrection of Jesus. We hope we were able to show the Ark Builders God's love while they were visiting us. You are welcome to join us again any time. Ruth LaFollette C RUSADER + On April 22, we completed Ray Vander Laan’s Faith Lessons video series, “There’s Hope in the Desert.” Thane LaFollette won our Ray Vander Laan costume contest on March 4. Ask Thane to explain it to you sometime. The previous VOICE entry told of the desert trees being part of God’s unfolding plans for redemption. Next we traveled over rocky paths in search of redeeming water. Isaiah, using desert images of blossoming crocuses, an abundance of flowers, and rushing streams (Isaiah 35:1-7), described God’s coming Shalom, which is the restoration of harmony and peace. The Bible tells us that God is a leader in our wanderings, shaping new paths as we walk with Him. The desert is a teacher, and the 40 years the Jews spent in the desert were a time of molding. Like the wandering Jews, we are led through deserts to avoid the distractions of our material world. We, like sheep, fall prey to temptation when we do not listen to our shepherd. We are to listen, and hear our Shepherd’s voice leading us over the stumbling blocks of temptation and leading us on a straight and righteous path. Proverbs 4:10-13 beseeches us to listen, that we will be kept safe. The desert oasis is greened by a spring of living water. . .God. Revelation 7 informs us that we will never be hungry or thirsty; our shepherd will lead us to life-giving water. As we drink of Jesus’ life-giving water, the Holy Spirit enters us and quenches our spiritual thirst. God asks us to trust Him; life is a walk; life is walking God’s path. God shapes new paths and shapes us as we walk with Him. Psalm 81 teaches that our desert path’s rocks are where we find God, and 1 Peter 2:25 says that “The Shepherd is the guardian of our souls.” Shalom! Carol Troutman V OLUME 47, N UMBER 3 B OY P AGE 5 C OMMITTEES & O RGANIZATIONS S COUT T ROOP 422 The Boy Scouts had a busy schedule helping beautify the community of Bernville. They helped with the cleanup of Stanton Clay Park, Umbenhauer Park, and the Bernville Pool. One of the scouts is setting up an Eagle Scout project in cooperation with the Fire Company to paint the fire hydrants. They also helped work on the trail system around Blue Marsh as part of Take Pride in Blue Marsh weekend. Many of the scouts are working on their first aid and emergency preparedness merit badges. And summer camp is just around the corner. There are 21 scouts signed up to participate in camp this July. We would like to thank you, the members of St. Thomas Church, for your continued support. The chicken bbq, pretzel sales at Boyer's Market, and the aluminum can recycling drop off sites would not be as successful without your continued help. We would especially like to thank the leadership of the Church for allowing us to have our meetings here. With your ongoing help, the scouts will be able to grow into productive young men of the community. E VANGELISM Our next meeting is May 16, at 8 p.m. Please join us as we begin planning for a new initiative in the fall. We have willing hearts, but we need more hands to reach out to the community and beyond in Jesus’ name. “Evangelism is not a professional job for a few trained men, but is instead the unrelenting responsibility of every person who belongs to the company of Jesus.” ~ Elton Trueblood ~ N OTES F ROM T HE L IBRARY Please take a look at the list of newly added titles to the library. These lists are posted above the sign-out desk. Thanks to Millie Graeff and Joan Steffan for updating the lists so you can see the latest additions. Please also note the newly purchased items that are displayed on the top shelf just to the right of the corner shelves. These items include new CDs and DVDs as well as books. Some housekeeping reminders: when you return a book which has a pocket in the back, please just place the book on the sign-out desk. One of the library elves will find the correct card and return the book to the shelf. Also, please remember that any items such as CDs and DVDs that do not have cards and pockets should be signed out in the green notebook on the desk and your information crossed out when you return the item to the desk. Thanks for your cooperation and enjoy our library. P AGE 6 T HE VOICE OF S T . T HOMAS G UILD Is it Spring yet? With many weeks of cool and windy weather in April, we were not sure what season it was. We would like to acknowledge Millie Graeff for serving as treasurer of the Guild for 17 years. Thank you Millie for a job well done. On Sunday, March 25, the Guild handed out daffodils to everyone in church to benefit the American Cancer Society. We recently gave $2,000 to our current window repair project. Have you noticed the new bulletin board in the library, the shades at the chapel windows and the blinds at the windows in Beatrice Hall? These items were made possible because of our apple dumpling sale and the Christmas bazaar. Thank you to all who helped make this possible. At our April meeting, baby gifts were brought for Mary’s Shelter. These gifts were given in connection with Mission Week. Thank you everyone. Betsy Reifsnyder was in charge of our program for April. She showed slides of past Guild events and the 2012 Sweetheart Banquet. It was enjoyed by everyone. Pastor Bill will be in charge of our program for May. Come and hear what he has in store for us. Our meetings are always held on the last Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. We welcome all of you. Jean Luckenbill B IBLE Q UIZ Which of the following is an accurate mother-child match from Scripture? A. B. C. D. Lois and Eunice Rebekah and Joseph Eve and Isaac Hannah and Eli Hint: See 2 Timothy 1:5 The answer is: A V OLUME 47, N UMBER 3 P AGE 7 YUM E VENTS Mission Trip Fundraisers: On May 19, the mission trip team will host a car wash at St. Thomas from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. Baked goods and a BBQ will be available. We will also be selling Reading Roasters Coffee and Krispy Kreme Donuts throughout the month of May. Please support your mission trip team. Important Meetings: The Mission trip team has three important meetings coming up: May 20 at 6 p.m., May 23 at 8 p.m., and June 18, following VBS. Please mark these important dates on your calendar! Coming Together Luncheon: This luncheon for those 60 years or older will be held on June 3 immediately following the 10:30 worship service. This time together will include an awesome meal, fabulous games, and great fellowship. Look for a sign up at the Welcome Center. Attention Graduates: If you know someone who is graduating from high school, college, or another institute of higher learning please submit the following information to the church office: name, school, degree earned, honors awarded, and any future plans. The graduates will be recognized in June. End of School Celebration: The youth ministry will celebrate the end of school with a pizza party and an evening of bowling. We will meet at the church for pizza at 6 p.m. and then head over to Berks Lanes for an evening of fun. The cost per student is $14. Students may also wish to bring additional money to purchase food or play video games. Come Fly With Us: All youth, children, and adults are invited to join us for Vacation Bible School from June 11 through June 21. The days of adventure include fabulous music, inspiring Bible lessons, delicious snacks, and great games. Come and join us at Sky and learn that everything is possible with God! Laser Tag: On June 27, the youth ministry will play three games of Laser Tag at Laser Quest in Wyomissing. We will meet at the church at 6 p.m. and return around 8:30 p.m. Each student should plan to bring $20 for games and snacks. A Day at Creation Festival: On June 30, anyone is welcome to join us as we travel to Creation Festival at Agape Farms in Mt. Union, PA. The day at Creation 2012 will include music by Switchfoot, The Newsboys, The Rocket Summer, Project 86, and Disciple; Worship led by The PLanetshakers; and inspirational speaking from Harry Thomas, Tony Nolan, and Austin Gutwein. Tickets for this event cost $49. You should also plan to bring along lunch and money to purchase dinner. *Permission Slips for any events can be obtained at YUM meetings or on the Church web site. **Be sure you have a medical form on file in the office before attending any of these events. P AGE 8 T HE VOICE OF S T . T HOMAS UPCOMING ACTIVITIES Bernville Yard Sale Saturday, June 2, 2012 Outside our Church is the place to be for food, to sell your “stuff” and meet your neighbors. The Crusader + Class will once again have a food stand featuring Barry Himmelberger’s famous egg sandwiches plus soups, BBQ’s and drinks. Table space is available in the parking lot to sell your un-needed treasures. To rent a space for $5.00 see Barry Himmelberger. Bernville buzzes with activity on yard sale day! Monday, June 4, 2012 3:00 - 8:00 p.m. Appointments are scheduled every 20 minutes Sign up now! There are tickets available for the bus trip to Baltimore to see the Phillies play the Orioles on Saturday, June 9! The Bieber bus will leave the Church at 9:00 a.m. and arrive at the Inner Harbor for lunch. We’ll have free time until going to the game which starts at 4:05 p.m. The group will depart Baltimore after the game and should be back here by about 10:00 p.m. The cost of $61.00 per person includes transportation, ballgame ticket and tip for the driver. Call the Church Office or see Pastor Bill to sign up and remember guests are always welcome! V OLUME 47, N UMBER 3 P AGE 9 Saturday, June 16, 2012 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. $7.00 (includes 1/2 chicken, baked potato, roll and applesauce) Kauffman’s Chicken BBQ Sponsored by the Worship Choir See any choir member for tickets or call the church office. June 11 - 21, 2012 6:30 - 9:00 p.m. Free gift for registering online at www.stthomasbernville.org Knoebels’ Grove Saturday, August 25, 2012 Plan to bring a covered dish to share (meat will be provided) and spend the day in the park. We have our own pavilion reserved for our group. More details will follow, but if you have questions check with Henry Breidegan. P AGE 10 T HE VOICE OF S T . T HOMAS MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION C ONFIRMATION This year three young people will be confirmed into the Christian faith on Sunday, May 20, 2012 at the 10:30 a.m. service. Members of the class have been meeting since October and have completed their course of study. Members of the class are: Hannah Marie Degler Elizabeth Marie Ebling Gage Allen Haldeman L OOKING B ACK A T S ERVICE S ATURDAY Twenty-eight people spread out all over the area to do various work projects on Service Saturday on April 14, 2012. Yard work and painting were the order of the day! Nine different homes were visited to help spruce up their properties. It was a beautiful day to serve our members and neighbors in the name of the Lord. A fall day of service is also being planned. R ECYCLING P ROJECT St. Thomas is going to start recycling used INK CARTRIDGES! “Cartridge World” in Sinking Spring offers Churches and other nonprofits a program to raise money through recycling used computer ink cartridges. A yellow container is now available in the library for your use. The children’s Sunday School classes will use the money from the recycling program to support their Compassion children. The program is simple: collected used cartridges will be picked up by “Cartridge World” and then a check will be sent back to the Church! So, bring in your cartridges and children around the world will benefit through Compassion International. V OLLEYBALL T EAM St. Thomas will once again field a volleyball team for the upcoming season which begins May 14, 2012. Matches are played Mondays and Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. A season ending tournament is scheduled for Saturday, August 11 (rain date is August 18). Any questions about the volleyball team can be directed to Kathy Luckenbill at 610-488-8070. H ERALD If you signed up to receive a copy of the Herald, you can pick your copy up in the library. If you have not signed up but wish to have a copy, we have a limited amount of extras which can also be picked up in the library. V OLUME 47, N UMBER 3 P AGE 11 S T . T HOMAS O FFERINGS AND O FFERING E NVELOPE T IPS In answer to some questions received about offering envelope categories: Current goes to the budgeted (or current) expenses of the church. Benevolence is distributed for mission outreach by the Missions Committee. Building is used for upkeep and maintenance of the church building. Money in the Initial Offering, Christmas, Communion, Easter, Lent, etc. envelopes is listed as Special in your annual giving statement and used for Current. Loose money in the offering plate is used for Current. The following tips will help our St. Thomas money counters ensure that your giving is properly recorded. Please write the amounts you want given to each category on your weekly offering envelopes. You can give to some or all categories as desired. Please use the adhesive tab on the envelopes to close it. No additional tape is required. Please use the small white “Welcome” envelopes in the pews for giving to SOFA, Youth, Bell Choir, the Prison Ministry, etc. This giving is not counted and deposited with the offering envelope money. If you are unable to attend one or several services, you can include your giving for those weeks in the offering envelope for the service you are next able to attend. It can all go in today’s envelope. All giving identified by name or envelope number is included in the record of St. Thomas member giving - sent to you at the end of each year. Thank you for your tithes and offerings to St. Thomas. C ONSTANT AND U NCHANGING Summer’s arrival feels positive to many people but may not be smooth for all. Families who rely on regular school meals for their children must stretch grocery dollars further. Heat poses risks for elderly people who lack air conditioning. Work can be difficult to find in the summer months, and uncertainty looms for recent graduates. Meanwhile, concerns such as wars, natural disasters and health problems don’t take a summer break. St. Theresa of Avila (1515 - 1582) prayed, “May you be blessed forever, Lord, for being constant and unchanging, amidst all the changes of the world.” Her prayer is as appropriate today as nearly 500 years ago. When all around us is unstable and unreliable, God’s love and faithfulness are constant and trustworthy. P AGE 12 T HE VOICE OF S T . T HOMAS S OMEDAY “Someday” is a snake whose tongue has mastered the talk of deception. “Someday,” it hisses, “I’ll take her on that cruise. . .we’ll have time to sit and chat. . .” But you know the truth before I even write it, don’t you? Someday never comes! Wise up! Invest the time. Send the flowers. Write the letter. Make the apology. Take the trip. Purchase the gift. Do it! The seized opportunity brings joy - the neglected one brings only regret! ~ Max Lucado, And the Angels Were Silent S CHEDULES 10:30 Sunday Service Date Main Entrance Library Entrance Elevator Entrance May 6 Gladys Eyer Carol Troutman David Peiffer & Family May 13 Betty Koller Ada Fox Bob & Mim Kripplebauer May 20 Irene Blatt Violet Hartman Fern Wenrich May 27 Dick & Grace Reber Pam Graeff Jason & Heather Leonhard June 3 Jennifer Williamson George Eisenbrown Mildred Neuin June 10 Fritz & Louise Wolf Judy Guthier Linda Pendleton June 17 Eric Bross Family Gail Stamm Jan Keeney June 24 Chester & Jean Luckenbill Donald & Nancy Lynn Forrest & Corrinne Wagner July 1 Ruth Koenig Lynnwood & Helen Mack Tom & Candie Stewart July 8 Arthur & Anna Mae Smith Larry & Bonnie Rentschler Earl & Sandy Bond July 15 Gerry Ruth June Hettinger Robert Luckenbill July 22 Irene Blatt Denise Beissel Carol Zellers July 29 Henry & Sue Breidegan Nancy Luckenbill Millie Lessig V OLUME 47, N UMBER 3 P AGE 13 ANNIVERSARIES MAY 1 - Jim & Kim Stricker (19 years) 2 - Mark & Louise Kiehl (9 years) 3 - Trevor & Nicole Brown (4 years) 6 - Donald & Nancy Lynn (51 years) 7 - Lynn & Barbara Williamson (29 years) 8 - Ken & Donna Heffner (19 years) 9 - Eric & Millie Bross (25 years) Arlan & Mary Bond (14 years) 11 - Roger & Joan Steffen (11 years) 15 - John & Kathi Basehore (36 years) William & Karen Miller ( 30 years) Michael & Mary Harcar (13 years) 22 - Mark & Carol Loy (19 years) 28 - Jason & Heather Leonhard (18 years) David & Dawn Bond (29 years) 29 - David & Anna Mae Lorah (47 years) JUNE 1 - Darrell & Diann Weishaar (17 years) 4 - Thane & Ruth LaFollette (24 years) George & Barbara Eisenbrown (63 years) 5 - Bradley & Corinne Berger (2 years) 6 - Bill & Bridget Brandt (3 years) 8 - Thomas & Candie Stewart (10 years) 11 - Kevin & Connie Zerbe (29 years) 12 - Scott & Alyssa Bond (2 years) 13 - Matthew & Harmony Wentzel (14 years) 15 - Bud & Barbara Wicks (16 years) Henry & Sue Breidegan (44 years) 17 - Karl & Ruth Ann Koenig (12 years) 20 - Adam & Amy Beissel (3 years) 21 - Daniel & Louise Wolf (37 years) 25 - Dennis & Linda Dickinson (17 years) 26 - Brent & Heather Beissel (2 years) Jeff & Jacky Haldeman (19 years) 28 - Barry & Betty Himmelberger (54 years) 30 - Scott & Pam Graeff (33 years) Aaron & Pam Ashman (11 years) P AGE 14 T HE VOICE OF BIRTHDAYS MAY 1 - Ernest Ebling, Jr. Barbara Wicks 3 - Rebecca Soulsby Cody Zerbe Nicole Weidman 4 - Jeff Hirneisen Andrea Hardick 5 - Tyler Hartman 7 - Shirley M. Luckenbill Caidyn Schaeffer 8 - Jacky Haldeman William Miller 9 - Jeffrey Hardick 11 - Kelsi Basehore Jacob Travis 12 - Joel Bond Susan Gernert 13 - Shelly Hirneisen Sylvia Snyder 14 - Sonja Kraatz 15 - Dennis Dickinson 17 - Xavier Raifsnider Mary Groff 18 - Makayla Rioux 19 - John Peter Carmelo V Erma Groff 20 - Pam Graeff Rose Ebling 21 - Jennifer Bieber Anna Mae Smith 23 - Ashley Blatt Marguerite Clay Bud Wicks 24 - Jennifer McCollum 26 - Jacob Hare Earl E. Graeff Janice DeLong 27 - Elizabeth Himmelberger 28 - Joel Jackson Melissa Lockard 29 - Janelle Sterner 30 - Spencer Watts JUNE 1 - Rev. William Miller Marjorie Shiner 3 - Nathan Graeff Nathan Adams 4 - Brian Luckenbill 5 - Donald Wetzel 7 - Thomas Stewart Louise Rubright 8 - Pearl Ebling 9 - Madison Harris Lauretta P. Snyder 10 - Richard Kline 11 - Adam Beissel 12 - Marilyn Kissling 13 - Lynda M. Yoder 14 - Scott Lorah Alex Walton Stephanie Troutman 15 - Megan Zellers 17 - Linda Pendleton Forrest G. Wagner, Jr. June Wenrich Kim Kissling 18 - Richard John Schaeffer 19 - Gregory Dries 20 - Stacy Lorah 22 - Frederick McQuate 24 - Matthew Stewart Scarlett Seifrit Gage Haldeman 25 - Zachary Carmelo 26 - Kristine Stum 27 - Karen Miller 28 - Melissa Messner Brittany Boone Mark Kramer 29 - Eric Hetrick 30 - Mark Kiehl Mary Bond S T . T HOMAS V OLUME 47, N UMBER 3 P AGE 15 K IDS ’ P AGE
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