Invitation - Helsingborg


Invitation - Helsingborg
View of central Helsingborg, with Tropical Beach and Parapeten in the foreground.
History in brief
Aim and vision
Helsingborg’s identity
Competition Site
The site
Site boundaries
The Competition Assignment
Function and content
A vital urban milieu
Diversity and multiple functions
The character of the buildings
A rich and varied urban spatial structure
Spatial structure at city quarter level
Lines of sight and axes
Ångfärjestationen to be preserved
Kungsgatan becomes Kungsparken
Competition Rules
This invitation and competition brief has
been produced by the City of Helsingborg.
City Executive Board, Land and Development Department in
collaboration with the Urban Planning Office 2009-03-05
Photo: Vesna Vrabec, Kith Wig, Bertil Hagberg and the City of Helsingborg photo archives.
Expressions of interest and requests for information
During the pre-competition period
Expressions of interest (EOI)
Submission of expressions of interest
Pre-qualification – assessment of EOI
Pre-qualification criteria
First meeting and competition programme
Submission of proposals
Rights of ownership, copyright and rights of use
Helsingborg City Hall and Magnus Stenbock monument.
Helsingborg in the region.
The Öresund Strait between Elsinore and Helsingborg.
The City of Helsingborg invites expressions of interest in a site
development competition for proposals for new building development on the Ångfärjan site in central Helsingborg.
The aim of the site development competition is to find a longterm financier/property developer and property manager of
new, high-quality commercial and residential buildings whose
architectural character strongly confirms the central site’s significance in the city’s urban plan.
The development shall include congress-centre and hotel
buildings. It will also include shops, restaurants/cafés, and
should also include dwellings and office premises. The design
competition also includes design of the surrounding urban
space. The new building development must enrich the urban
centre and provide attractive space for functionally diverse
and vital urban life.
Site development competition – Å ng f ä r ja n, Helsingborg
After submitting complete proposals, firms invited to compete
in the site design and development competition will each receive remuneration amounting to 350,000 Swedish kronor. The
land in question will be allocated by the City of Helsingborg to
the party with the winning proposal on a site leasehold basis.
Interested parties must submit applications, according to the
terms of this call for competition, to the City of Helsingborg
no later than April 2nd 2009. Applications will be assessed by
a jury of representatives from the City of Helsingborg and experts. After pre-qualification, 3 to 6 applicants will be chosen
to compete. Only the chosen applicants will be entitled to
participate in the competition.
The invited participants will receive a competition programme
at the first competition meeting on May 19th 2009. Participants
will submit their proposals no later than September 28th 2009.
The City of Helsingborg is the client and promoter.
Helsingborg is a centre within the dynamic Öresund region.
Communications with Malmö, Copenhagen and Copenhagen
Airport, as well as with Gothenburg and Oslo, are well developed. A future rapid-transit rail link from Stockholm via Helsingborg to the continent is under investigation. A future fixed
link between Helsingborg and Elsinore will further strengthen
Helsingborg’s position as an important hub in the region and
broaden the city’s role as a regional, national and international
meeting place.
Helsingborg has been in a phase of strong expansion since
the 1990s. This has entailed revitalization of the city core and
development of the waterfront. With the international housing
exhibition H99, Norra Hamnen opened, followed by renewal
of Strandpromenaden northward. Now, in the southern part
of Helsingborg, Södra Hamnen is next in line for renewal. New
building development on the central Ångfärjan site, with its
quayside location, will further intensify the contact between
city centre and water and strengthen Helsingborg’s role as a
national and international meeting place.
Ångfärjan, with its old ferry terminal building, occupies a
central place in the hearts of local residents. The future of this
building was long debated. Local residents were invited to
participate in public dialogue in 2008. It became apparent that
public opinion favoured preservation of the terminal building
and that the site, with new building development, should be
public. By municipal decision, the Ångfärjan terminal building
must be preserved within the site.
In autumn 2008 a study concerning hotel and congress facilities within the Ångfärjan area was presented. The study shows
that the location – in the city centre, with a waterfront view
and close to various local transit and travel modes, as well as
cultural, entertainment and service offerings – is ideally suited
to congress and hotel facilities.
Site development competition – Å ng f ä r ja n, Helsingborg
Norra Hamnen (housing exhibition H99).
History in brief
Aim and vision
Helsingborg is one of Sweden’s oldest cities. There was settlement
on the heights above Helsingborg as early as the 11th century.
From about the 1200s onward the town expanded down towards
the shoreline. Today, the topography is still a characteristic feature
of the city. The defence tower Kärnan, dating from the 1300s, rises
above the brink of the coastal cliff. Below lies the medieval town,
with Mariakyrkan, the church of St Mary, dating from the same
century, and Stortorget, a central town square that is a well-defined urban space with an east-west orientation. Below Stortorget
lies the harbour, with its long history of shipping and passenger
traffic to and from Denmark.
The City of Helsingborg’s ambition is to create, in a superb location, a high-quality, multifunctional urban development complex
that includes hotel and congress facilities of international calibre.
The new building development, together with the surrounding
urban space, must form a well-integrated context that is architecturally excellent and realizes the full potential of the location. The
interesting history and beautiful prospect must be highlighted
through carefully planned and well-executed architecture that
ties past and future together, repairs gaps in the urban fabric,
and establishes new and attractive meeting places. In terms of
form and content, the new building development will enrich and
enhance the life of the city, while introducing landmark buildings
that symbolize Helsingborg’s image as a centre of communications, culture and commerce.
Stortorget and the 700-year-old defence tower Kärnan.
During the 1800s, the town grew mainly along the shoreline, and
in the 1900s, settlement expanded landward. However, the actual
urban core, which extends from the Sound (the Öresund Strait) up
to the heights, is what gives central Helsingborg its unique spatial
character and specific atmosphere.
Since early times, Helsingborg’s strategic position on the Öresund
Strait has made it an important port and mercantile centre. The
town’s role as a centre of travel and shipping was strengthened
with the opening of the railway in 1865, and the ferry terminal
building, dating from 1898, served traffic from the north as well as
to and from Elsinore. During the latter half of the 1800s, the shoreline was widened westward with fill from harbour and railway
construction. On the reclaimed land, town quarters with buildings of stone and brick grew up. Around the turn of the last century, Stortorget was opened westward towards Drottninggatan and
was bordered by urban buildings including the magnificent town
hall from 1898, designed by city architect Alfred Hellerström.
In the 20th century, Norra Hamnen hosted two major exhibitions.
In 1955 the international housing and design exhibition H55 was
held at Parapeten, and in 1999, housing exhibition H99 opened
in Norra Hamnen, featuring newly constructed multi-story residential buildings in a neo-modernist style. The area was complemented in 2001 with Dunkers Kulturhus, a new arts centre. Norra
Hamnen is also the site of Stadsteatern, from 1975, and the functionalist Konserthuset, from 1932, by Sven Markelius.
Site development competition – Å ng f ä r ja n, Helsingborg
Helsingborg’s identity
Strandpromenaden and the popular Gröningen.
Helsingborg’s lively city centre today consists of the historic urban
core at the base of the coastal cliff (referred to locally as Landborgen). The setting is characterized by densely concentrated and
architecturally varied urban structures close to the city’s central
functions, commercial and cultural premises, services and communications. Running north to south are the meandering, medieval Kullagatan, the city’s main commercial street, and the broad,
tree-lined avenue Drottninggatan/Järnvägsgatan. Perpendicular
to them are the many narrow streets and elongated open spaces
that intersect the dense blocks of buildings stretching from the
base of the coastal cliff down towards the shoreline, creating lines
of sight and enabling visual contact with the Sound under varying
light and weather conditions.
In the central parts of the city, many buildings are characterized
by the red Helsingborg brick, among them the medieval Kärnan
and Mariakyrkan, and the town quarters dating from the turn of
the century. The urban scene also features small-scale buildings
from the early-1800s clad in classical stucco. Along the waterfront, the functionalist Konserthuset has inspired a white neomodernism in H99’s high-rise blocks and Dunkers Kulturhus. The
arts centre, Dunkers Kulturhus, was located at Sundstorget, close
to Konserthuset and Stadsteatern, as part of a strategy to concentrate culture venues near the centre of the city. Here, a congress
centre will enhance both the site and the city core, while complementing the cultural institutions.
Site development competition – Å ng f ä r ja n, Helsingborg
Helsingborgs harbour entrance, Helsingörskajen
and the Ångfärjan competition site.
Site boundaries.
The site
The competition site comprises about 40,000 square metres.
Ångfärjan’s two quarters, as well as parts of Hamntorget,
Kungsgatan and the quay promenade, are included. The competition site is bordered to the north by Brogatan, to the east by
Kungsgatan’s east side, to the south by the Inner harbour basin,
and to the west by the North harbour basin. Of the competition
area, about 10,000 square metres will be offered for building site
The Ångfärjan land is now used principally as a parking area. It
lies between the city centre and the shore at the junction of two
thoroughfares. The east-west thoroughfare runs from the Sound
via Hamntorget and Stortorget up to Kärnan and exemplifies
Helsingborg’s topography. The north-south street runs parallel to
Site development competition – Å ng f ä r ja n, Helsingborg
Site boundaries
the park, quayside and parking areas established in connection
with H99 and marks the city’s location on the Öresund Strait.
The former terminal building for trains from the north and to
Elsinore via train ferry stands within the competition site.
The wooden building, in a picturesque national romantic style
by Folke Zettervall, now houses the music venue Tivoli.
Surrounded on two sides by water and directly adjacent to Stortorget/Kärnan, Hamntorget constitutes a fantastic urban space.
Today, much of Hamntorget is used as a parking area. With its
unique situation, Hamntorget has the prerequisites to become
one of Helsingborg’s most attractive meeting places. Preservation of the unobstructed views and openness of this site is a
priority objective.
To the north, the competition site borders on Brogatan and Dunkers Kulturhus. The latter was designed by Kim Utzon and built in
2001. The extension of Brogatan adjoins the Kvickbron bridge, the
main link with Parapeten and one of the many east-west streets
that run through the city core. To the northeast, the competition
site borders on Sundstorget, a square that is surrounded on the
north and south by brick/stone buildings from the turn of the
century and was renewed in the late-2000s by Sven Ingvar Andersson. Beneath the square is a two-level underground car park with
386 parking spaces.
To the east, the competition site is bordered by two eastern quarters on Kungsgatan. Between these blocks of brick and stone
buildings dating from around 1900 runs Badhusgatan, which
today has the character of a backstreet but has great value in the
urban landscape, since it is a line of sight and a link from Helsingörskajen (the Elsinore quay) to Rådhustorget and Kullagatan.
Badhusgatan is a street with great potential for retail and restaurant locations.
To the south the competition site borders on the Inner harbour
basin and Köpenhamnskajen (the Copenhagen quay). This is
Acelink’s terminal for passenger ferries to and from Elsinore,
To the west the competition site is bordered by Helsingörskajen
and beyond it the southern part of the North harbour basin, where
coastguard, maritime rescue, pilot and tug vessels are moored.
Helsingörkajen, the Elsinore quay, was redeveloped in 2002 by
Sven Ingvar Andersson to become today’s vital pedestrian thoroughfare by the water. Stone and simple, long elegant lines give
the quay a solid and distinctive character. Here, Drottningtrappan
(the Queen’s Stairs), is a mooring place for smaller cruise vessels on the occasion of state visits, etc. A monument recalls the
historic significance of the site. Here, Carl Johan Bernadotte, who
became king of Sweden, landed in 1810.
Site development competition – Å ng f ä r ja n, Helsingborg
Kvickbron with Dunkers kulturhus to the right.
Unique site
Participants will present proposals for the placement and design
of buildings for hotel and congress operations as well as for shops
and services. Competitors should also present concepts for residential and office premises. Competitors will also propose designs
for the spaces, squares, park sections, streets and quays included
within the competition site, based on a clear analysis of the unique
location and Helsingborg’s specific conditions. Possible renewal of
public spaces will be funded by the City of Helsingborg.
The proposal must also state how the hotel and congress centre
will be built, the form of ownership and management, and how
the centre will contribute to the city’s competitive advantage. Site
development will be realized via external financing. The City will
not conduct business operations within the competition site.
The competition proposal will also state offered annual site-leasehold rent, in Swedish kronor per square metre gross area, distributed according to the proposed modes of use.
Function and content
Parking areas for all operations will be under ground.
A living urban environment
The congress-centre and hotel buildings must not appear as uninviting, closed volumes that exclude access. They must be arranged
so as to allow a high degree of open access during most times of
the day and night, and in such a way that local residents perceive
them as a part of the public space. Coordination of the building
entrances and lobbies with adjacent exhibition premises, galleries,
boutiques, cafés and restaurants is essential if the congress-centre
and hotel buildings are to function in a way that stimulates interaction with the life of the city.
The long-term strategy in Helsingborg is to concentrate urban
life towards the waterfront and harbour entrance. The Ångfärjan
development must enrich the urban space in the vicinity of the
waterfront and harbour entrance.
The functions and content within the competition site, as described below, will be specified in detail in the competition
Functional diversity
Hotel facilities with capacity for 200-250 rooms, lobby/reception
area, breakfast diningroom, relaxation area, office space, and
service and storage areas. Collaboration between hotel and congress businesses is possible.
As a part of Helsingborg’s urban core, the new development must
offer a diversity of functions that is characteristic of vital and
culturally, socially and economically robust urban milieus. In addition to the hotel and congress functions, this implies some blend
of workplaces, commercial premises, services and different forms
of dwelling.
A congress centre, with an auditorium seating1000-1400 persons,
16 smaller meeting rooms of varying size with seating for 22-75,
lobby, exhibit space, restaurant and office space, and service and
storage areas. Collaboration with the hotel operation is possible.
Retail, exhibit, café, restaurant and entertainment operations at
street level and accessible via the surrounding urban spaces. Some
degree of collaboration with the congress and hotel operations is
The new building development should also include a suitable
proportion of residential and office premises.
Site development competition – Å ng f ä r ja n, Helsingborg
Consideration must be given to the economic, environmental
and social aspects of sustainability in the design and realization
of the new development. The vision is for the site to be designed
according to the concept of ‘the sustainable city’ and based on
human needs and conditions. The new district and its architecture
will be characterized by humanity, social interaction, multiple
functions, architectural innovation and high quality. The design
of the site and facilities must be adapted according to environmental requirements, energy efficiency and the coastal climate of
The character of the buildings
New buildings on the competition site must be architecturally excellent and embody a strong sense of the significance of the place
while manifesting the city’s belief in the future of a sustainable
society. Several separate, preferably sculptural, building volumes
that establish imaginative dialogue with the surrounding milieus
are desired.
man interaction. The public spaces must have features that also
attract visitors who have no connection with the hotel and congress centre. Meeting places will be designed to use to advantage
the unique location in the city and by the water, and will serve as
inviting venues for different activities and events.
Spatial structure at city quarter level
The competition site borders on city quarters structured on the
grid pattern imposed by the orientation of Drottninggatan/Järnvägsgatan and Hamntorget. Competitors are expected to take
this quarter structure into consideration and to strive to create an
urban scene that is continuous and interconnected.
A rich and varied urban spatial structure
The new buildings must create and define an urban space that is
functional, attractive and varied. Adjoining the new building development, Hamntorget and the open quayside spaces and squares
must be designed so as to stimulate the senses and promote hu-
Site development competition – Å ng f ä r ja n, Helsingborg
Lines of sight and axes
Helsingborg’s characteristic east-west lines of sight include Brogatan, Badhusgatan and Hamntorget. North-south lines of sight include Helsingörskajen and
Kungsgatan. This pattern should be respected and preserved.
Lines of sight and axes.
Ångfärjestationen to be preserved
By a city council decision, Ångfärjestationen (the old ferry terminal building)
must be preserved and transferred to a future property manager. The building, which may be relocated within the competition site, will be included
as an element of the overall concept presented in the competition proposal.
Ångfärjestationen will be transferred at current book value (amounting in
2009 to MSEK 2.2).
Ångfärjestationen in
its original form.
Kungsgatan becomes Kungsparken
Green spaces are a vital component of the urban structure. Kungsgatan is
within the competition site. According to the local detailed plan, future development southward will complete realization of the concept of a continuous
park and street corridor that begins north of Sundstorget and is referred to as
Kungsparken. According to plan, all of Kungsgatan will be redefined as ‘street
in park’.
Kungsgatan will be designed for a slower tempo of vehicle traffic than today, but will nonetheless enable good accessibility for traffic to and from the
Kungsparken, Norra Hamnen.
As with all other land designated as street space, the City of Helsingborg will
retain ownership of Hamntorget. The area within the competition site has the
potential to become an important meeting place and must be defined in such
a way that it harmonizes with the new building development. The location
must be an attractive and inviting venue for activities and events. As far as
possible, the square must be considered a car-free zone.
The competition site is within the city centre and close to all types of public
transit. To the greatest possible degree, travel to and from the site must be
via public transit, on foot or by bicycle. However, some degree of motor traffic
will be generated. The congress centre, hotel, and other functions will require
delivery zones as well as zones for arrival/departure and visitor traffic, and
parking will be required. Arrival and departure zones for vehicle traffic, as
well as bicycle parking, will be at ground level, while all other parking will be
under ground.
Site development competition – Å ng f ä r ja n, Helsingborg
Sundstorget and the old power station.
Site development competition – Å ng f ä r ja n, Helsingborg
Ångfärjan competition site and Hotell Marina Plaza, view from north-west.
Final date for enquiries concerning expression
of interest
Final date for expressions of interest
Selection of participants in the competition First competition meeting Final date for enquiries concerning competition
Final date for submission of proposals
Public announcement of competition results
Announcement will be made in Official Journal 2009-03-06
and other publications. The project will be presented during MIPIM,
10/3-13/3 2009.
All competition documentation will be produced by the City of Helsingborg in Swedish and English. The Swedish versions will take precedence
in matters of interpretation. Swedish or English may be used in enquiries
and other correspondence.
Expressions of interest will be open. Competition proposals will be
treated with anonymity.
Expressions of interest and requests for
information during the pre-competition period
Requests for invitation to express interest in the competition are directed
to the competition official:
Enquires are directed to the same address.
Answers to questions received during the registration period, though
no later than 2009-03-31, will be posted on Helsingborg’s website
Site development competition – Å ng f ä r ja n, Helsingborg
Expressions of interest
Pre-qualification criteria:
Expressions of interest may be submitted in Swedish or English and are
open. Expressions of interest must include:
• EOI must fulfil the formal requirements with respect to content as
stipulated in the invitation;
• Description of the consortium or firm of consultants, including contact
information and name of responsible representative;
• Financial and organizational capacity of the firm/consortium,
congress-centre and hotel operator and other partners;
• Financier/property developer;
• Relevant competency of the firm/consortium as a whole; Special
emphasis will be placed on the level of knowledge with respect to
architecture, landscape architecture and urban development.
• Architect, landscape architect and other consultants and partners,
including contact information and name of responsible representatives;
• Congress-centre and hotel operator;
• Presentation of the consortium or firm of consultants’ references from
similar projects: Scope, realization and time. Preferably, an external
reference person.
• Description of special expertise that may be applied in the development
and realization of a congress-centre and hotel project;
• Brief presentation of environmental policy or environmental management system to be applied in the project;
• Signature (original) of person authorized to sign for the company.
Submission of expressions of interest
Expressions of interest are to be submitted, in writing, in sealed
envelopes marked:
“ÅNGFÄRJAN”/Land development department
Competition official, Christel Stenqvist
Stadsbyggnadshuset, Järnvägsgatan 22
Expressions of interest must be received by the City of Helsingborg
no later than 17.00 hrs. on April 2nd 2009.
Pre-qualification – assessment of EOI
Submitted expressions of interest will be assessed by a project jury
of representatives of the City of Helsingborg and external expertise.
Following assessment according to the criteria below, 3 to 6 firms will
be selected and thereby invited to participate in the site development
competition. Only the selected firms will be entitled to submit proposals.
• Competency and capacity with respect to the planning, financing,
realization, ownership and management of projects of similar scope
and content;
• Experience and references of the firm/consortium, congress-centre and
hotel operator, other partners, architects, consultants and experts.
First meeting and competition programme
Firms selected to participate in the competition will be invited to the
official first meeting to be held 2009-05-19. A competition programme
produced by the City of Helsingborg will be made available prior to this
meeting. The programme will be presented by representatives of the City
of Helsingborg at the first meeting. Time will be reserved for questions
and discussion during the meeting.
proposals and to discontinue the competition. If a competition proposal
is completed, the offered remuneration will be forthcoming even if the
competition is discontinued. The winning proposal will be considered
a binding tender. The tender validity period is 12 months from the date
of submission. Amendment/elaboration of the winning proposal, based
on the jury’s recommendations, will be made in consultation with the
promoter and will be regulated by agreement. Land allocation may be
revoked if building construction has not commenced within 12 months
of the local detailed plan gaining legal force and an agreement being
established. The project is intended to be commenced, realized and
completed within 5 years.
Land allocation may also be revoked if it is apparent that the property
developer lacks the capacity, or does not intend, to realize the project
according to the schedule and in the way stipulated under the terms
of the land allocation. Extension may be granted if the delay is due to
circumstances beyond the control of the property developer. Revocation
of land allocation does not entail entitlement to compensation.
Rights of ownership, copyright and rights of use
The promoter retains ownership of premiated competitions entry
material. The competitors hold the copyright and maintain the usufruct
of their proposals.
September 28th 2009.
The City of Helsingborg reserves the right, however, to utilize, in whole
or in part, the submitted proposals with respect to the design of public
spaces. This applies to both original and revised proposals. The costs
for this will be considered to be covered by the remuneration paid to
competitors. Preliminarily, the City of Helsingborg will plan and develop
the public spaces within the competition site according to the future
local detailed plan.
The site development competition is not subject to the Public Procurement Act (LOU 2007:1091). The City of Helsingborg reserves the right to
allocate land for development to the firm/consortium that submits the
best proposal according to the established criteria.
The City of Helsingborg via:
Submission of proposals
Submission requirements will be outlined in the competition programme.
Proposals are to be submitted in Swedish or English and will be anonymous. Proposals must be submitted no later than 17.00 hrs. on
The City of Helsingborg reserves the right to designate one or two winners
and to assign one or two allocations of land for development. The City
of Helsingborg reserves the right to reject all expressions of interest and
City Executive Board /
Land development department,
Attn: Karin Sterte, Manager, Municipal Land Development
Site development competition – Å ng f ä r ja n, Helsingborg
The City of Helsingborg invites
Wiberg & Co.
Expressions of Interest, Site Development Competition