SWeden HelSingborg
SWeden HelSingborg
Sweden Helsingborg Candidate city to host World Senior Championships 2015 2 World Senior Championships 2015, Helsingborg – Sweden Index Supportletters4 Helsingborg – your host city 2015 5 Helsingborg Arena – a home ground for sports 8 Sweden and Helsingborg – easy to reach 12 The beautiful town by the sea14 Legally responsible for publication: Helsingborgs stad, Näringsliv- och destinationsutveckling, Michael Fransson Production: MacNeale AB Text: Helsingborgs stad Photo: MacNeale AB, Peter Werner, Per-Olof Ericsson, Felix Gerlach, Anders Strömvall, Rebecka Lindell, Lars Strandberg, Fredric Berggren, Anders Ebefeldt / studio-e.se, Per Sjöborg / picstop.se, Helsingborgs stad, Helsingborg Arena With reservation for changes and misprints. World Senior Championships 2015, Helsingborg – Sweden 3 Stockholm 130820 5 – Sweden, Helsingborg World Senior Championships 201 national competitions. tion of successfully organizing inter Badminton Sweden has a long tradi national, a tournament on Inter dish Swe d 2013) we have organize During the last 10 years ( 2004 – Championships and this pean year we arranged the 2012 Euro the Badminton Europe circuit. Last sala. Upp in ps nshi mpio Cha on ies Badmint spring the 9th European Universit . Swedish International has players from more than 30 countries All these tournaments have attracted e. glob all over the had participants from countries from players, coaches, officials and always been highly appreciated by Badminton Sweden events have Europe. spectators and also by Badminton tournament with international knows how to run and organize a We have well skilled officials who participants. nships is to further encourage to host the World Senior Champio One of the main reasons wanting ers. on in Sweden among senior play on in Sweden and grow the interest of Badmint of publicity in and around Badmint lot a get ld wou size that of t Additionally, an even org. ingb of course in the City of Hels and especially in Region Skåne and Helsingborg Badminton Club of Helsingborg, Region Skåne and Badminton Sweden with the City ething beyond the ordinary. som nships 2015 in Sweden into will make the World Senior Champio Mats Tibbelin President of Badminton Sweden Svenska Badmintonförbundet Idrottens Hus 114 73 Stockholm 4 World Senior Championships 2015, Helsingborg – Sweden Tel: 08-699 60 00 Fax: 08-699 60 30 E-post: sbf@badminton.nu www.badminton.nu Org.nr: 817601-1495 Bankgiro: 631-0304 Plusgiro: 3 94 91-6 2013-08-28 Badminton World Federation The region Skåne, which include s 33 municipalities, is a leading eve nt region in Sweden. Skåne and it´s cities have a long and solid tradition of hosting events. The hosting of for example European Figure Skating Championship 2003, Solheim cup 2003, Louis Vuitton Acts 6 & 7 of the America’s Cup in 2005, Women ’s European Handball 2006, Europe an Master Games 2008, UEFA under-2 1 Championship 2009, World Sco ut Jamboree 2011and Men’s World Championship Handball 2011 clea rly demonstrates our ambitions and capabilities. Event in Skåne, the region’s offi cial events agency, works to mak e Skåne a leading venue for top Swe dish and international events and we fully support the Swedish Badmin ton Association´s bid for the Wo rld Senior Championships 2015. Yours sincerely Pehr Palm, CEO Event in Skåne World Senior Championships 2015, Helsingborg – Sweden 5 2013 -08-2 ! ! NT OFF ICE E X E C UT I V E M A N A G E M E ! n Badm inton Worl d Fede ratio ! ! ! ! ! World Senior Cha mpions hips 2015 nation by our and is a most appr eciated desti Hels ingborg has much to offer g belie ve in the stron a and ry histo ts, with spor visitors. Culture life combined ts. even er bigg for perfect location futur e makes Hels ingborg a Championship , events such as UEFA under-21 With a tradition of hosti ng big t such as, 2013 and the upcoming even ng Rowi tal Coas of ship s Worl d Champion clear ly demonstrates the city’ 2016 ball Hand ship pion Women´s Euro pean Cham ts. even ng ambition and capability of hosti The City of Hels ingborg fully . Senior Championships 2015 support Badminton Sweden´s bid for the Worl d Your s Sincerely, Johan Lundell Event man ager The City of Hels ingborg ! rg.se 50 00 · helsingborg@helsingbo Swed en · Phone 0046 42-10 Rådhu set · 251 89 Helsingborg 6 World Senior Championships 2015, Helsingborg – Sweden helsingborg.se Helsingborg – your host city 2015 Experience of major events In the last 5 years, 247 big and small events have been held in Helsingborg. The Helsingborg Festival is an annual event that attracts 400 000 day visitors over 3 days. In connection with the UEFA European Under-21 Fotball Championship in 2009, Helsingborg received almost 30 000 visitors. In July 2014, Helsingborg will be hosting a large gymnastic event, Eurogym, which is expected to attract approx 4500 gymnasts to Helsingborg. In August 2015 we look forward to host Europeade. The largest folkdance and folkmusic festival in Europe. Normally this festival attracts about 5000 participants. The City of Helsingborg has an event unit with professional and dedicated staff. The unit has long experience of working with events and help organisers with, among other things: • Advice and support to plan and hold events • A network of professional partners • Project management and marketing • Contact with authorities and administration • The city of Helsingborg together with Region Skåne will assist when it comes to tourist-packaging during the visit in Helsingborg A strong combination of partners! Organizing a World Championship for seniors is a big and demanding task. With around 1000 competitors, or more, from more than 40 nations it will be a challenge for every organization. Therefor the World Championship for seniors 2015 in Sweden will be a joint venture between The Swedish Badminton federation, The City of Helsingborg, the event company Event in Skåne, the regional Badminton Federation in Skåne and the local club Helsingborgs BK. All these organizations are looking forward to meet the challenge as the important local partner who knows where to find what and who does what. World Senior Championships 2015, Helsingborg – Sweden 7 8 World Senior Championships 2015, Helsingborg – Sweden Helsingborg Arena – a home ground for sports Helsingborg Arena is a modern new addition to Sweden´s arenas. This is particularly evident in the exciting architecture, with its striking details. There has been a focus on flexibility and variety; the arena can be used to host big sporting- and congress events. Helsingborg Arena opened on the 30th of November 2012 and has already hosted several events. During a weekend in April 2013 the arena hosted a floorball tournament for 900 young players during three days. The arena is located in a beautiful part of Helsingborg with a number of exciting neighbors. Idrottens Hus has long been the town´s main arena. The current renovation linked Idrottens Hus to Helsingborg Arena. This provides fantastic opportunities with space for five full size courts under one roof. The largest hall has a floor area of 1800 m2 and an audience capacity of 4700 people. The arena is also equipped with 4 kiosks and 12 mobile serving stations. Helsingborg Arena provides our guests with excellent service when it comes to food. The restaurant Dahlbergs with 350 seats is run by top chef Per Dahlberg, who also runs one of Sweden’s top notch restaurants – Gastro in Helsingborg. There is also a possibility of having seated dinners in the arena for up to 1500 people for a gala dinner. World Senior Championships 2015, Helsingborg – Sweden 9 g e a b d 10 World Senior Championships 2015, Helsingborg – Sweden Capacity • Five full-size courts under one roof • Audience capacity of between 100 and 4700 people • Total floor area is 5400 m2 • 25 changing rooms together with Idrottens Hus • Press Arena and facilities for TV and media • Separate rooms for doctors, drug testing, referees, massages, etc. In brief • Walking distance from Helsingborg Central station (10-15 minutes) • Bus and taxi transportation right outside • Opened on the 30th of November 2012 • Restaurant, kiosks, mobile serving stations and gala dinner opportunities • 177 toilets • 14 different lighting functions up to HD-light • LED screens both in roof and along sides of the main arena f c Helsingborg Arena is located in an area filled with other sports arenas. Around the corner you will find an ice rink, a football stadium, a curling hall, a bowling alley and a soccer-and racket hall. Sport Arenas a Helsingborg Arena b Ice Rink c Football stadium d Curling Hall e Bowling Alley f Soccer Hall g Racket Hall World Senior Championships 2015, Helsingborg – Sweden 11 Trondheim Trondheim Sweden and Helsingborg – easy to reach Helsingborg is a communication hub for both national and international road traffic, with the junction of the E4 and E6 european highways only a few kilometres from its centre. Copenhagen airport, Kastrup, is only about one hour away by rail or road. There is a frequent train service over the Öresund bridge, providing convenient link between Copenhagen and Helsingborg. The ferries between Elsinore in Denmark and Helsingborg provide a round-the-clock passenger and vehicle service. The Öresund Region enjoys increasing popularity and every year hosts a number of international events. Helsingborg Copenhagen Hamburg Helsingborg 12 London Copenhagen World Senior Championships 2015, Helsingborg – Sweden Travelling time Copenhagen-Helsingborg: 1 hour Distance 100 km x k g a c o t b f r h n m y e alk W City Locations a b c d e f g h d Helsingborg Arena Kärnan Beach (Gröningen) Tropical Beach Sancta Maria Church Dunker Cultural Centre Fredriksdal City Hall Hotel i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y Elite Hotel Marina Plaza HHHH Hotel Horisont HHH Scandic Helsingborg Nord HHH Comfort Hotel Nouveau Elite Hotel Mollberg HHHH Clarion Grand Hotel HHH Hotel Tornet HHH Best Western Hotel Duxiana HHHH Hotell Kärnan HHH Clarion Collection Hotel HelsingHHHH Hotell Linnéa HHHH Hotell Viking HHHH Park Inn Örenäs slott Sundsgården Kurs & Konferens Hotell Erikslund HHH Hotel Maria HHH Hostel/Apartments/Cottages z å ä ö A i d i ng ist c an mi -15 0 e1 tes nu q s p A l u ö j z å ä Helsingborg has all the advantages of a small town while being able to offer the wide variety of amenities expected of a large town. And you can reach just about evrything on foot hotels, accommodation, restaurants, shops, meeting halls – everything within easy walking distance of each other. Thanks to this, time-consuming transportation is kept to a minimum. In brief • 3 000 hotel beds and total accommodation capacity at schools up to 10 000 participants • 130 000 residents in Helsingborg • 150 different nationali ties are represented in Helsingborg, giving the town a truly inter national character. • Three airports within an hour´s drive • Helsingborg is a popular tourist destination, gene- rating around 500 000 bed-nights per year. • Helsingborg is one of Sweden´s best served towns in terms of restau- rants • One destination – two countries • Pricerange for a double room is 900-1500 SEK for two persons inclu ding breakfast v w Design Hotel and Apartments Mia Miatorps vandrarhem Helsingborg Lodge (Råå Camping) Helsingborgs Vandrarhem Cityvandrarhemmet Knutpunkten/Central Station Walking distance 10-15 minutes H Source: Tripadvisors starrating World Senior Championships 2015, Helsingborg – Sweden 13 The beautiful town by the sea The beautiful town of Helsingborg in in the heart of the dynamic Öresund region, which is home to 3,6 million people and highly advanced system of infrastructure. Helsingborg has all the hotels, restaurants and entertainments you would expect to find in a city, while still being small enough to find your way around easily. The attractive old town spreads out with its winding streets, quaint cobbled squares and historic landmarks. A little further beyond is the shimmering Öresund sound, just four kilometers wide. Beyond which is the Danish coast, with Elsinore and Hamlet Kronborg Castle. Where could be better to host World Senior Championships 2015? Helsingborg has it all: sandy beaches, beech woods, old fishing villages, urban settings and beautiful countryside. It´s easy to 14 World Senior Championships 2015, Helsingborg – Sweden enjoy a visit to Helsingborg. The city centre has a generous number of restaurants, cafés, shops and parks. Or you can just relax and take a walk by the sea or in an nearby forest. In the summer, Gröningen Park is the ideal venue for recreation, with its crazy golf course, barbeque sites, leisure areas and bathing jetties. Helsingborg is close to the top of the league when it comes to choice of eating places and offers an excellent selection of cozy cafés and restaurants with menus from all corners of the globe. You can also enjoy a shopping spree along Kullagatan, the oldest pedestrian street in Scandinavia. With its 500 shops and boutiques there is something for everyone. In a delightful mix and within easy walking distance of each other you can enjoy shopping, swimming and good food. Dunkers culture centre Opened in 2002 with music, art, film and theatre, all under one roof. Here you can also find exhibitions covering the city´s history. www.dunkerskulturhus.se Kärnan Fortress tower dating from the 1300s, part of the ancient Castle of Helsingborg. Kärnan is perhaps Helsingborg´s most important symbol. Sofiero Palace and Gardens Sofiero is at the edge of the city and was once King Gustav VI Adolf´s summer residence. The gardens are a sea of blooms, with the former king´s famous rhododendrons and crown princess Margareta´s magnificent borders still flourishing. Sofiero is one of Helsingborg´s main tourist attractions. www.sofiero.se Ven Island halfbay between Denmark and Sweden with an unusual landscape, best seen from bicycle. Ven is popular for day trips and is well known from history books as the astronomer Tycho Brahe´s island. Elsinore (Denmark) Helsingborg´s Danish twin town, just 20 minutes away by ferry. There are many well preserved 17th and 18th century buildings in the central areas. The Renaissance castle of Kronborg, the home of Hamlet is within walking distance. www.visithelsingor.dk Kullaberg Nature reserve with a rich flora and fauna, situated about 30 kilometres north of Helsingborg. Along the coastline, steep cliffs drop down to the sea or stand as fantastic natural sculptures. www.kullabergsnatur.se Fredriksdal Museums and Gardens A 36-hectare oasis in the centre of Helsingborg, with buildings, landscapes and gardens that depict the history of local nature and culture. Many native species are represented in the field and pastures. www.fredriksdal.se Råå Picturesque coastal community just south of Helsingborg. The old fishermen´s huts along winding lanes remain in good condition. In summer, small ferries run between the harbor and the island of Ven. World Senior Championships 2015, Helsingborg – Sweden 15 Contact information Caroline Nilsson, Helsingborgs stad, caroline.nilsson@helsingborg.se, +46 732 31 59 55 Thomas Angarth, Swedish Badminton Federation, thomas.angarth@badminton.nu, +46 70 574 82 39 Henrik Gidlund, Event in Skåne, henrik.gidlund@skane.com, +46 768 87 19 62 www.helsingborg.se www.badminton.nu www.skane.com
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