New website: “Dogs leave PAW PRINTS on you Heart”


New website: “Dogs leave PAW PRINTS on you Heart”
New website:
March 2016
In This Issue
Board Officers / Bragging Rights
2016 Class Schedule - Yelp for Help
Obediance Class Schedule and registration form
4 -6
2016 Trophy Pledges needed
Agility Seminar with Claudia Bates
Seminar - New Obedience Regulations with AKC Judge, Phyllis Broderick
Rally Course Run-Thrus ~ Summer Mini Session
Obedience Run Thrus ~ Summer Mini Session
Obedience Seminar with Ward Falkner
Handling Skills with Judy Kolva
Looking Ahead
Publication Guidelines
Deadline for all submissions is the 30th of the month
previous to the month of publication (example: Sept 30th
for October’s issue). Send to the editor your brags, items of
interest, training articles (with copyright permission),
original stories, or your reviews of books or seminars.
Editor: Tess Vedilago, , (717-926-9011)
Important Reminder! The Barker is posted at under the “Members Info” link, the
15th of each month. Mark your calendar to look
for the Barker. Keep informed.
They are also mailed and emailed out. Please
remember to update your email & mailing
addresses with the corresponding secretary so you
don’t miss out on any important information.
Content of submissions will not be edited without permission,
except for spelling and formatting. Some articles may be
held for future issues, if space is limited.
Views expressed within the newsletter do not necessarily
reflect the views of the Club or its members or editor(s) and
should not be taken as an endorsement from them.
“Dogs leave
on you Heart”
Property &
Coordinator Campbell
Send us your Braggs from all the fun you are having
with your dogs!
We will post them here!
We need your help!
Want to earn Dauphin Rewards?
Rewards can be used towards taking classes, obedience/agility matches and other club functions.
Help is needed to move agility equipment and set up ring gates and equipment for our upcoming
Obedience and Rally trials.
The Obedience committee needs your help on Wednesday night to move the agility equipment out of
the way and on Friday around 12 Noon to help set up rings, bring in ring gates, jumps, etc.
Any and all help is appreciated!
Contact either Theresa Hylton, or Jane Frantz, for more
questions or to let us know you will help. Thanks!!!!
Our April Spring Agility trial will soon be coming up and once more I am looking for donated items
to be raffled off for our many volunteers during the show.
We look forward to receiving dog treats, dog toys, agility items, personal items, T-shirts, socks,
gift cards etc.. You can leave these things in a marked bag in the club office or bring them to the
Thank you
Becky Campbell
Member of DDTC Agility Trial Committee
AKC STAR Puppy Kindergarten (KPT) is for puppies 2-6 months of age. Topics such as housebreaking, biting,
grooming and destructive behavior are discussed. Puppies learn to socialize with other dogs and people, and
are introduced to basic obedience. Puppies must attend all classes and pass the AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy test at
the end of the course to be eligible for enrollment in the STAR Puppy Program.
Beginning Basic is offered for dogs 7 months and older. Owners are taught how to teach their dogs the basic
obedience commands: SIT, DOWN, STAND, COME and HEEL. Proper dog care is also taught.
Fundamental Obedience - This class is similar to the other Beginning Basic courses in expected outcomes of
sit, down, stand, heeling, recalls and sit and down stays. The main difference is in the delivery of these
skills. While we use the traditional delivery systems of the other classes of basic obedience we add rally and
agility instruction to reinforce the teaching of the skills.
This course is a good overview of some of the other classes the club offers that you may want to try once your
“graduation” requirements have been met.
Advanced Basic is a continuation of what the dogs began to learn in Beginning Basic, so that the dog will be
very solid on the fundamentals of obedience commands. (Dogs must complete Adv Basic before being
evaluated for Agility classes.)
Beginning Novice Titling- (Completion of Adv Basic, Rally ADV/EXC, or instructor’s approval is needed) The next class level after Advanced Basic. Training is geared more toward Competitive Novice Obedience but
all dogs can benefit from a gradual intro to off-leash training. Heeling patterns, stand for exam, recalls and
stationeries are practiced. Beginner Novice titling is an AKC optional titling class which is offered at DDTC
obedience trials.
Advanced Novice, Open and Utility classes are available for the person who wishes to go into or is interested
in learning more about competitive obedience.
Competitive Obedience 1 – For competitive handlers who plan to show. This class is on the Basic Level and
gets your dog started with correct heeling positioning, attention and everything that is needed to prepare for
a competitive career.
Competitive Obedience 3 (Ring Prep) - For competitive handlers who are close to or actively showing. This
class addresses individual training issues and prepares you for the ring.
Freestyle Tricks- IS FUN! This class helps To Develop & Enhance the Bond between You & Your Dog through
Improving Attention and Increasing Focus. Fun tricks will be taught that not only makes obedience enjoyable
and relaxing but is entertaining as well.
Rally Novice (Passing Basic Class is required or approval from the instructor) (Student can only be in one Part
during a training session and it is suggested he/she continues with the same instructor)
Part 1- Fundamentals of Rally. The Novice signs are taught as well as proper heeling, sits, etc.
Part 2- Coursework. This is geared more toward combining the signs and performing an actual Rally course.
Instructors will also go over how a Rally trial works and how to enter. Students will be able to show in Rally
Novice at AKC events after passing this class and be ready for basic off leash work.
Rally ADV/EXC- Advanced and Excellent signs and skills are taught as well as improving on the previously
taught signs. Continuation at this level is a great way to keep your dog in condition for Rally competition.
Rally Course (student must be in or completed Rally ADV/EXC)- A rally course is setup and students go
through the course that features all 3 levels. Combining this and the Rally ADV/EXC class allows the teacher to
work on individual signs that are featured in the course and that the student is having difficulty with.
Dauphin Dog Training Club is presenting a seminar on the
New Obedience Regulations effective as of December 2015.
Phyllis Broderick, AKC Judge will discuss the new procedures and changes to the
current procedures.
Phyllis started obedience in 1976 with her first beagle who went on to become Banjo Travelor, UD,
Canadian CDX. She has trained another 15” Beagle to her American and Canadian Championships and
American and Canadian CDX. She has also shown beagles in breed in Canada earning many
Championships. She also showed a Field Spaniel to her CD.
She has shown 6 English Springer Spaniels to various titles, many HIT, 1 OTCH, 5 UD titles, 2 UDX
titles, 2 RAE titles, 3 RE titles, etc., She has also put an AM & CAN CH on one of her springers.
Three of her springers have agility titles. Her current springer has 2 UD legs and 8 RAE legs.
She has been an AKC judge since 1991, judging in obedience and rally.
She has also taught obedience for various NJ and PA obedience clubs. She taught obedience in her
own school on Staten Island.
The seminar will be held on Sunday, April 10, 2016
Dauphin Dog Training Club (DDTC)
719 Manada Bottom Road
Harrisburg, PA 17112
The seminar will run from 8:30am – 12:00pm. Light breakfast and Lunch provided.
There will be unlimited participants. You do not need to bring your dog. There will be
two demo dogs to demonstrate new procedures.
Registration opens immediately
The fee is: $45.00 which will include lunch
Directions will be mailed with confirmation.
FOR MORE INFORMATION, contact Jane Frantz
email: or telephone: 570-345-6405
or: Sarah Landau – email: Telephone: (717) 979-3934
Send with check payable to DDTC to
Sarah Landau, 516 Lopax Rd, Harrisburg, PA 17112 with any registration questions.
 Participant ($45.00)
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________
E-mail: _______________________________________
Rally Course Run-Thrus ~ Summer Mini Session
Dauphin Dog Training Club
Tuesday, May 31, June 7, 14 and 21
STARTS 6:30PM – 8:00PM
Sign up in advance for all four classes or come to one or more classes on a “drop-in” basis.
Handler Name: ____________________________ DDTC Member? __ Yes __ No ___
Address: ______________________ City: ______________ State: ___ Zip: ______
Phone Number if class is cancelled: ____________________ Email: _________________
No handlers under age 10; handlers between 10 and 15 must have parent/guardian present at ringside.
Breed: ________________________ Age: ____ Gender: ___ Male ___ Female ____
Call Name: ______________________ Last Class Completed by Dog: ________________
Where and When: _______________________________________
Entrance Requirements: Completion of Rally 2 or equivalent
Please make checks payable to DDTC. There is a $25 charge for any returned checks.
Entire session: Members $ 20.00 or 7 Volunteer Rewards per dog
Non-members $ 45.00
Drop-in fee per class: Members $ 9.00 or 3 Volunteer Rewards
Non-members $ 15.00 (Not accepting Non-Member Volunteer Vouchers)
Preregistration deadline is 5/20/2016. Registrar will send out confirmation once registration closes.
As a condition to acceptance of the application, the following agreement must be signed. AGREEMENT TO HOLD
HARMLESS, WAIVER AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK: I understand that attendance at a dog training class is NOT without risk to myself,
members of my family or guests who may attend, or my dog, because the dogs to which I will be exposed may be difficult to control
and may be the cause of damage of injury even when handled with the greatest amount of care. I hereby waive and release DAUPHIN
DOG TRAINING CLUB, INC., hereinafter DDTC, and its officers from any damage or injury resulting from the action of any dog. I
expressly assume the risk of such damage or injury that I or my dog may suffer while attending any training session or any other
function of DDTC, or while on the training grounds or the surrounding area. I understand that by signing or executing this form, I am
releasing DDTC, its officers, members, and agents from any liability for damages or injury even if DDTC, its officers, members, and/or
agents are negligent. In consideration of and as inducement to the acceptance of my application for training by DDTC, I hereby agree
to indemnify and hold harmless DDTC, its offers, members, and agents from any and all claims by members of my family or any other
person accompanying me to any training session or function of DDTC, or while on the premises or the surrounding area as a result of
any action by any dog, including my own. I hereby certify that I am over 18 years of age and of sound mind.
Signature: __________________________________
Date: ___________
Questions: Karen Frese – (717) 673-4057 or Theresa Hylton – (717) 304-2338 or
Mail Registration Forms to: Jane Frantz
977 Deturksville Road
Pine Grove, Pa 17963
Obedience Run Thrus ~ Summer Mini Session
Dauphin Dog Training Club
Four Classes: 9:30AM to 11:00 AM
Tuesday, May 31, June 7, Wednesday, June 15 and Tuesday, June 21
Class size limited to 6.
Members Only
Handlers rotate thru as judge and stewards.
Handler Name: ____________________________ DDTC Member? Yes __ No ___
Address: ______________________ City: ______________ State: ___ Zip: ______
Phone Number if class is cancelled: ____________________ Email: _________________
No handlers under age 10; handlers between 10 and 15 must have parent/guardian present at ringside.
Breed: ________________________ Age: ____ Gender: ___ Male ___ Female ____
Call Name: ______________________ Last Class Completed by Dog: ________________
Where and When: _______________________________________
Entrance Requirements: Preparing to compete in Grad Novice or Higher.
Please make checks payable to DDTC. There is a $25 charge for any returned checks.
Fees: Members $ 20.00 or 7 Volunteer Rewards per dog
Registration deadline is 5/20/2016. Registrar will send out confirmation once registration closes.
As a condition to acceptance of the application, the following agreement must be signed.
AGREEMENT TO HOLD HARMLESS, WAIVER AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK: I understand that attendance at a dog training class
is NOT without risk to myself, members of my family or guests who may attend, or my dog, because the dogs to which I
will be exposed may be difficult to control and may be the cause of damage of injury even when handled with the
greatest amount of care. I hereby waive and release DAUPHIN DOG TRAINING CLUB, INC., hereinafter DDTC, and its
officers from any damage or injury resulting from the action of any dog. I expressly assume the risk of such damage or
injury that I or my dog may suffer while attending any training session or any other function of DDTC, or while on the
training grounds or the surrounding area. I understand that by signing or executing this form, I am releasing DDTC, its
officers, members, and agents from any liability for damages or injury even if DDTC, its officers, members, and/or
agents are negligent. In consideration of and as inducement to the acceptance of my application for training by DDTC, I
hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless DDTC, its offers, members, and agents from any and all claims by members
of my family or any other person accompanying me to any training session or function of DDTC, or while on the premises
or the surrounding area as a result of any action by any dog, including my own. I hereby certify that I am over 18 years
of age and of sound mind.
Signature: __________________________________
Date: ___________
Questions: Karen Frese – (717) 673-4057
Mail Registration Forms to: Jane Frantz
977 Deturksville Road
Pine Grove, Pa 17963
Dauphin Dog Training Club
719 Manada Bottom Road
Harrisburg PA 17112
Link to Our Calendar
Advertising Rates for the Barker
NOTE: All yearly rates are for 11 issues. Help yourself and your
Business Card
$3/month for 25 words, 10 cents
each additional word
1/4 Page
1/2 Page
Full Page
Obedience Open Training
With the implementation of the fob system and Individual
Training Privileges, scheduled Obedience Open Training
time has been eliminated. A list of fob holders is posted
outside of the office at the Club.
Agility Open Training Times
Call contact person 24 hours in advance. If no one shows
up within 30 minutes, the person in charge may close .
Looking Ahead
April 2 -3, 2016
Agility Seminars with Claudia Bates
April 10, 2016
Seminar - New Obedience Regulations
with AKC Judge, Phyllis Broderick
April 22
Judy Kolva Handing Skills
Rally Course Run-Thrus ~ Summer Mini Session
May 31, June 7, 14 and 21
Obedience Run Thrus ~ Summer Mini Session
May 31, June 7, June 15 June 21
June 11-12, 2016
Obedience Seminar with Ward Falkner