February 12, 2015 - Navajo Generating Station – Kayenta Mine
February 12, 2015 - Navajo Generating Station – Kayenta Mine
United States Department of the Interior I N REPLY REFER TO: PXA0-1500 ENV-7.00 BUREAU OF RECLAMATION Lower Colorado Region Phoenix Area Office 6150 West Thunderbird Road Glendale, AZ 85306-4001 FEB 12 2015 MEMORANDUM To: Field Supervisor, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Arizona Ecological Services, 2321 West Royal Palm Road, Suite 103, Phoenix, AZ 85021-4951 Attention: Mr. Steve Spangle From: Alexander B. Smith ~ Chief, Environmental Resource Management Division Subject: Navajo Generating Station and Kayenta Mine Complex (NGS-KMC) Project (Project) -Informal Request: Confirmation of Revised Species List for Section 7 Consultation This letter respectfully request written confirmation of the attached list of species (Table 1) and associated critical habitats (as applicable) that will need to be considered during the Endangered Species Act (ESA) section 7 consultation for the NGS-KMC Project. The Service's response to this request will inform on-going planning efforts for Project compliance with the ESA. Confirmation of the attached list will allow the Bureau of Reclamation to refine continuing efforts to gather information on these species in support of a Biological Assessment (BA) for the Project. A request for formal consultation will be made at a later time. The attached list was developed using the Service's Information, Planning, and Conservation System (IPaC) in combination with Natural Heritage Program data from Arizona, Utah, and Nevada and input received from agency biologists during various meetings and conference calls conducted for the Project. Project Overview Reclamation is developing an Environmental Impact Statement under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for the analysis of potential effects associated with reauthorization of the NGS-KMC Project. Following the end of the current lease period, the Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District and the Peabody Western Coal Company are seeking to continue operations of the Navajo Generating Station (NGS) and the Kayenta Mine Complex (KMC) from December 23,2019, through 2044. The NGS is a 2,250 megawatt coal plant located on the Navajo Indian Reservation near Page, Arizona (Figure 1). The KMC is a coal mine located on Black Mesa approximately 60 miles southeast of the NGS on leased land within the boundaries of the Navajo Nation and Hopi Tribe Indian Reservations (Figures 1 and 2). Federal actions are required to extend, renew, or reissue the NGS plant lease and a number of rights-of-way (ROWs), agreements, and approvals through 2044. Federal approval of a permit revision also is required to the KMC life-of-mine mining and 2 reclamation plan (LOM Plan) for KMC to continue mining through 2044. The following provides a brief summary ofthe proposed Project: NGS • No major changes involving new surface disturbance activities are proposed. • Project components include power generation facilities, water supply pump station and waterline, ash disposal area, rail line, Western Transmission System, Southern Transmission System, and the Navajo portion of the Moenkopi-ElDorado Transmission Line and Moenkopi switchyard. • The NGS portion ofthe'Project will renew two existing transmission line ROWs (Western and Southern Transmission Systems) (Figure 1). No new disturbance would occur for the transmission line ROWs; however, operation and maintenance of these ROWs will continue and be part of the Proposed Action. KMC • Mining areas will continue to be developed/mined and reclaimed in accordance with the proposed LOM Plan for the following Kayenta Mine areas: J-21, N-9, J-21 West, J-28, N-11 extension area, and N-10. As part ofthe NGS-KMC NEPA process and ESA Section 7 consultation, environmental baseline information will be updated for coal reserve areas J-21 West, J-28, N-11 extension area and N-10. • The Kayenta mine boundary will be expanded to incorporate 18,857 acres of the Black Mesa Mine. Eight hundred and forty-one (841) acres containing facilities (including maintenance shops, roads, utilities, impoundments, administrative offices, fuel storage sites, equipment storage areas, monitoring stations, a warehouse, and the company airport) that support Kayenta Mining will be incorporated into the Kayenta Mine permit application package. The remaining 18,016 acres ofthe former Black Mesa Mine area is comprised ofland which was previously mined and reclaimed, undisturbed land, and undisturbed coal resource areas. The land comprising the 18,016 acres is not proposed to be mined or incur any new surface disturbance. Areas previously disturbed within the 18,016 acres as a result of mining, will remain as prelaw or initial program jurisdiction lands. • Indian Route 41 will be realigned for approximately 4.5 miles within the permit area to improve operational efficiency and safety (Figure 2). The preliminary action area for federally listed and candidate species includes the proposed KMC Permit Area (including the proposed incorporation ofthe 18,857 acres ofthe Black Mesa Mine) as well as the conveyor line to the rail load-out site; the railroad ROWs from the load-out facility toNGS; the NGS and ancillary facilities including the water intake, pump house and water line; the ash disposal area and the ash disposal road; the ROWs for the Western and Southern Transmission System corridors and the areas of direct and indirect Project-related impacts around each of these project components (Figure 1). For example, based on initial atmospheric deposition modeling, the preliminary action area includes the area around NGS in which the deposition of heavy metals occurs due to current operations of the coal-fired facility. 3 This area is roughly estimated to be a 20-kilometer (12.4-mile) radius circle centered on NGS (Figure 1). The atmospheric deposition area will be refined and provided to the Service after site specific modeling is conducted and the NGS near-field Ecological Risk Assessment (ERA) is completed. The preliminary action area also includes portions of the Colorado River upstream and downstream of the 20-kilometer radius area (i.e., the NGS "Gap Regions"), the San Juan Arm of Lake Powell, and the San Juan River upstream to the Highway 371 Bridge in Farmington, New Mexico. Note that the exact upstream and downstream extents of the preliminary action area in the Colorado River have not yet been identified; these will be determined based on the results of the Gap Region ERA. The upstream extent of the San Juan River component of the preliminary action area is based on the study area for the NGS San Juan River ERA and may be adjusted based on the results of that analysis. Please review the attached list in light of the preliminary action area described above and let us know if you have any questions, comments, or revisions. If not, please confirm that you concur with the list of species provided in Table 1 to be carried forward in the BA for the NGS-KMC Project. Attachments - 3 cc: Ms. Brenda Smith Assistant Field Supervisor U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Southwest Forest Science Complex 2500 South Pine Knoll Drive Flagstaff, AZ 86001 Mr. Rick Williamson Manager Permitting Branch Indian Program and Washington Program Mines Program Support Division, Western Region Federal Office ofSurface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement 1999 Broadway, Suite 3320 Denver, CO 80202 Ms. Harrilene J. Yazzie, Supervisory Environmental Protection Specialist Bureau of Indian Affairs - Navajo Region Division of Environmental, Cultural and Safety Management P.O. Box 1060 Gallup, NM 87301 Mr. R. Spencer Martin Senior Project Manager/Ecologist AECOM Environment 93 5 Williamstown Court. Park City, UT 84098 Mr. Chip Lewis Acting Regional Environmental Officer Western Regional Office 2600 North Central Avenue, 4th Floor Mailroom Phoenix, AZ 85004-3050 Table 1. List of Federal Species Considered1 for the NGS/KMC Project by Component [ Draft for Discussion Purposes Only] (February 2015) NGS Species Status 2 State/County Occurrence Related to Project Study Area Deposition Area (20 km) NGS Gap 3 Regions San Juan River & Riparian Corridor KMC Lease Boundary N-Aquifer Study Area Southern Transmission System P P P Western Transmission P System Mammals Black-footed Ferret (Mustela nigripes) E Arizona (Coconino, Navajo, Yavapai) Lesser long-nosed bat (Leptonycteris curasoae yerbabuenae) E Arizona (Maricopa) P Birds California Condor (Gymnogyps californianus) E/EN Arizona (Coconino, Mohave, Navajo, Yavapai); Utah (Kane, San Juan, Washington) K K California Least Tern (Sterna antillarum browni) E Arizona (Maricopa, Mohave) Mexican Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis) T Arizona (Coconino, Maricopa, Mohave, Navajo, Yavapai); Utah (Kane, San Juan, Washington) P P Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus) E Arizona (Coconino, Maricopa, Mohave, Ya vapai); Nevada (Clark, Lincoln); Utah (Kane, San Juan, Washington) K P Sprague's Pipit (Anthus spragueii) C Arizona (Maricopa) Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) T Arizona (Coconino, Maricopa, Mohave, Navajo, Yavapai); Nevada (Clark, Lincoln); Utah (Kane, San Juan, Washington) Yuma Clapper rail (Rallus longirostris yumanensis) E Arizona (Maricopa, Mohave); Nevada (Clark) P K K K K P P K 4 K P P P K K K 2 (CH) P P K 2 (PCH) P P P (PCH) P P Table 1. List of Federal Species Considered1 for the NGS/KMC Project by Component [ Draft for Discussion Purposes Only] (February 2015) NGS Species Status 2 State/County Occurrence Related to Project Study Area Deposition Area (20 km) NGS Gap 3 Regions San Juan River & Riparian Corridor KMC Lease Boundary N-Aquifer Study Area Southern Transmission System Western Transmission System Reptiles K (CH) Mojave Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) T Arizona (Mohave); Nevada (Clark, Lincoln) ; Utah (Washington) Northern Mexican Garter Snake (Thamnophis eques megalops) T Arizona (Coconino, Mohave, Navajo, Yavapai) Sonoran Desert Tortoise (Gopherus morafkai) C Arizona (Maricopa, Mohave, Yavapai) C Arizona (Mohave); Nevada (Clark) Brady Pincushion Cactus (Pediocactus bradyi) E Arizona (Coconino) Dwarf Bearclaw-poppy (Arctomecon humilis) E Utah (Washington) Fickeisen Plains Cactus (Pediocactus peeblesianus var. fickeiseniae) E Arizona (Coconino, Mohave) Gierisch Mallow (Sphaeralcea gieris chii) E Arizona (Mohave); Utah (Washington) P Holmgren Milkvetch (Astragalus holmgreniorum) E Arizona (Mohave); Utah (Washington) P Jones Cycladenia (Cycladenia humilis var. jonesii) T Arizona (Mohave); Utah (Kane) P Navajo Sedge (Carex specuicola) T Arizona (Navajo); Utah (San Juan) P (PCH) P Amphibians Relict Leopard Frog (Lithobates onca) K Plants K K P P K K (PCH) P K K K (PCH) (PCH) Table 1. List of Federal Species Considered1 for the NGS/KMC Project by Component [ Draft for Discussion Purposes Only] (February 2015) NGS Species Status 2 State/County Occurrence Related to Project Study Area Deposition Area (20 km) NGS Gap 3 Regions San Juan River & Riparian Corridor KMC Lease Boundary N-Aquifer Study Area Southern Transmission System Siler Pincushion Cactus (Pediocactus sileri) T Arizona (Coconino, Mohave); Utah (Kane, Washington) Welsh’s Milkweed (Asclepias welshii) T Arizona (Coconino, Navajo); Utah (Kane) K Bonytail (Gila elegans) E Utah (Kane) K Colorado Pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus lucius) E Arizona (Mohave); Utah (Kane, San Juan) K Desert Pupfish (Cyprinodon macularius) E Arizona (Maricopa, Yavapai) P Gila Chub (Gila intermedia) E Arizona (Yavapai) K Gila Topminnow (Poeciliopsis occidentalis) E Arizona (Yavapai) K Humpback Chub (Gila cypha) E Arizona (Mohave, Yavapai); Utah (Kane, San Juan) Loach Minnow (Rhinichthys cobitis) T Arizona (Yavapai) Razorback Sucker (Xyrauchen texanus) E Arizona (Coconino, Mohave); Utah (Kane, San Juan) Roundtail Chub (Gila robusta) C Arizona (Coconino); Utah (Kane, San Juan) Spikedace (Meda fulgida) E Arizona (Yavapai) Virgin River Chub (Gila seminuda) E Arizona (Mohave); Utah (Washington) Western Transmission System P P P P K Fish 5 K (CH) 5 K (CH) K (CH) 6 K (CH) K (CH) K (CH) 6 K (CH) 6 K K (CH) K K K (CH) K (CH) Table 1. List of Federal Species Considered1 for the NGS/KMC Project by Component [ Draft for Discussion Purposes Only] (February 2015) NGS Species Woundfin (Plagopterus argentissimus) Status 2 State/County Occurrence Related to Project Study Area E Arizona (Mohave); Utah (Washington) Kanab Ambersnail (Oxyloma haydeni kanabensis) E Arizona (Coconino) Page Springsnail (Pyrgulopsis morrisoni) C Arizona (Yavapai) Deposition Area (20 km) NGS Gap 3 Regions San Juan River & Riparian Corridor KMC Lease Boundary N-Aquifer Study Area Southern Transmission System Western Transmission System K (CH) Invertebrates 6 K P 1 Occurrence Categories: K = Known occurrence based on Natural Heritage Program data, Navajo NHP data, data from the Peregrine Fund (California Condor) and agency input; P = Potential occurrence based on habitat information, agency input, and the USFWS IPaC system. 2 Federal Listing Status: E = Endangered, T = Threatened, PT = Proposed Threatened, PE = Proposed Endangered, PEN = Proposed experimental/nonessential, C = Candidate, C* (Continued Warranted-but Precluded finding on a resubmitted petition for candidate status), EN = experimental/nonessential, (CH) = Designated Critical Habitat within the Study Area, and (PCH) = Proposed Critical Habitat within the Study Area. 3 Two NGS Gap Regions are analyzed for potential risks to aquatic and semi-aquatic wildlife; risks to terrestrial receptors in the gap regions will be based on results of the NGS Near-Field ERA. Southwest Gap Region= lower Colorado River below Lee’s Ferry down to the confluence of the Colorado and Little Colorado rivers; Northeast Gap Region =portion of Colorado River northeast of Lake Powell up to the confluence of the Colorado and Green rivers. 4 Known occurrences are actually 2 miles outside of the lease boundary. 5 A few individuals have been collected recently in Lake Powell as a result of movements from the upper portion of the Colorado River. However, Lake Powell is not considered to be habitat used by the species. 6 Species occurs outside of the 20 km deposition area, however, it is included in the list due to proximity to the deposition boundary or consideration of contamination movement downstream of the area and the cumulative effects analysis.