Newsletter 13 - 21 August (PDF 2.5 Mb)
Newsletter 13 - 21 August (PDF 2.5 Mb)
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O Term 3: 15 July to 20 September - Early finish 2.30pm Term 4: 7 October to 19 December Calendar Dates Tuesday 27th August CHPS Athletics Carnival – Grade 4-6 Wed 11th September School Council Meeting 9th - 11th September 11th - 13th September 3JH & 3RK Grade 3 Camp 3EC & 3DN Grade 3 Camp 18th & 19th September CHPS Annual Wheel-a-thon JSC Meetings 22nd August | 5th & 19th September Q R S T U V W X Y Z Edition 13 | Wednesday 21st August 2013 Clifton Hill Primary School Newsletter Term Dates 2013 P INTERIM SCHOOL COUNCIL REPORT School Council met last night on a range of important matters that will be shared with you over the coming week. A presentation from two members of our parent body assisted Council enormously in gaining more knowledge of the possible health and amenity effects of the proposed east-west tunnel link. Council intends to be pro-active on behalf of our students and the general Clifton Hill community and your views will be canvassed in the very near future. SCIENCE CENTRE After a slow start the new Science Centre is well under way and will still be completed sometime in November. LANGUAGES ROOM Work will commence this week on the two staff preparation rooms on the Organ Factory ground floor that will be totally remodelled into one languages facility for Mandarin and French. BOOK CHARACTER WEEK A lot of scary and ugly characters, together with the odd princess and a horde of animals frequented the school on Wednesday and a wonderful day was enjoyed by all. Thanks mums and dads for giving the children the opportunity to celebrate their love of reading through dressing up as one of their much-loved book characters. JUNIOR SCHOOL COUNCIL Congratulations and thank you to the Junior School Council who do so much creative thinking about how to improve the school and in supporting worthy causes. On this occasion we thank them for their decision to do a Book Week fundraiser to assist with the new Science Centre fundraising efforts. They have raised the grand total of $320…an extraordinary effort! Well done to JSC and the kids at Gold Street. Father’s Day Stall This year we will once again we will be holding a Father’s Day Stall Fundraiser. All students will be given the opportunity to purchase a gift for their Dad, Step-Dad, Grandfather or other special person in their lives. The gifts will be sold for $5 each and all monies raised will go towards our new Science Centre. Date: Friday, 30th August, 2013 Place: Multi Purpose Room Time: Snack time and lunch time Cost: $5 per item We look forward to helping your child choose the perfect gift on the day! Clifton Hill Primary School - 185 Gold St, Clifton Hill, Vic 3068 Main Office 9489 8333 Fax 9481 1910 Kids Club 9486 2675 web: email: Edition 13 | Wednesday 21st August 2013 Science Talent Search On Saturday 10th August our entrants in the state wide Science Talent Search competition presented their entries to the judges. I was judging other entries but later caught up with the relevant judges who were enthusiastic about our students and their work. Our students are to be congratulated for the organisational skills they demonstrated in preparing their entries. They now face a wait for the results! We expect the results early in Term 4. We encourage our entrants to place their entries in our Whole School Science Show in Term 4 so that other students can see their work. Di Nevile. LIBRARY NEWS Children’s Book Week has been a national celebration run by the Children’s Book Council of Australia for well over sixty years. The Awards have grown over this time and are now given in five categories. The winners this year are: Book of the Year: Younger Readers The children of the king by Sonya Hartnett Book of the Year: Early Childhood The terrible suitcase by Emma Allen & Freya Blackwood Picture Book of the Year The coat by Julie Hunt & Ron Brooks Eve Pownall Award for Information Book Tom the outback mailman by Kristin Weidenbach & Timothy Ide For more information see Book Week started early for Gold St, with a visit from Tony Bones Productions who put on a performance of Herman and Rosie based on the picture book by Gus Gordo (Honour book in the Awards) for the entertainment of and delight of Prep and Grade 1 students. Monday saw a visit from local author, Carole Wilkinson, writer of the award-winning Dragonkeeper series, who spoke with Grade 5 and 6 students about the sources of her information and the process of writing her books. Later this week illustrator Andrew Plant will be talking to the students from Grades 2, 3 and 4 about his techniques and his background as a zoologist. Clifton Hill Primary School 185 Gold St Clifton Hill 3068, Phone: 9489 8333 Fax: 9481 1910 Kids Club: 9486 2675 web: Page 2 Edition 13 | Wednesday 21st August 2013 French Corner En France, c’est les vacances! We may be halfway through our third term, and shivering next to the heater at night, but in France at the moment it’s summer and schools are on holidays. What are some of the things we can say about summer? J’aime aller à la plage. Je porte un teeshirt et un short. Combien de mots peux-tu trouver? Je veux manger une glace. Je nage. Je fais de la nata3on. Il fait chaud. J’aime regarder le cricket. T B E E S R E P M Claude Monet Exhibition – Le Jardin de Monet Recently the Grade Five students visited the Claude Monet exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria. In the exhibition there were a range of different impressionist artists represented but the majority of the art works were those of Monet. When we first got to the gallery we met Grace who taught us a little bit about Monet and his art. Then we took a look around while answering questions, in French, about the art. After looking at the paintings, we got to create our own art inspired by Monet. Two of my favourite paintings were “Gros Temps à Étretat” and I also really like his series of waterlily paintings “Les Nymphéas”. We learnt a lot about the ways different colours compliment each other and how a little bit of colour can influence the whole piece of art. We also saw how Monet would use the same scene but paint it multiple times, at different times of the day, to accentuate the changes in light and colour. MONET’S GARDEN The Musée Marmottan Monet, Paris by Sylvia (5SM) Clifton Hill Primary School 185 Gold St Clifton Hill 3068, Phone: 9489 8333 Fax: 9481 1910 Kids Club: 9486 2675 web: Page 3 Edition 13 | Wednesday 21st August 2013 ! ! 中 文 天 地 A SLICE OF MANDARIN "#!$%&'!"#!$%&((!#)*+!,-!./.01'!20.3!431/'!5367!870-19:5!)7.;-:!97./31(!!! ! #!<3=-!536!<.9!.!><.1>-!)3!+.5!?10!<.3@!)3!367!;0+0)37+!873,!367!+0+)-7!+><33:!01!$6.0A-0'!B<01.'!C<3!+).5-9!C0)<!6+!)C3!C--D+!./3E! #!<.9!.!/7-.)!)0,-!-1)-7).0101/!)<-,!.19!<-:=01/!)3!+<3C!)<-,!.73619E!F<-7-!C-7-!GH!38!)<-,!.19!)<-5!A736/<)!8367!)-.><-7+! I)<36/<! +.9:5! 13! 97./31+! 837! ,-! )3! =:.5! C0)<J(! F<-5! 8-:)! ;-75! ,6><! C-:>3,-9! A5! 367! +=->).>6:.7! .++-,A:5! =-7837,.1>-! 367! 8.A6:36+!,6+0>!)-.><-7!K3L!=6)!)3/-)<-7(!!F<-5!.:+3!-1M35-9!,--)01/!367!N.19.701!+)69-1)+!837!:61><-+'!:-.7101/!+3,-!/733;5!9.1>-!,3;-+! 873,! 367! ;-75! A-+)! 9.1>-! )-.><-7'! O-115P! )<-5! 909! +3,-! >33:! .7)C37D! C0)<! 367! .,.L01/! .7)! )-.><-7'! 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Clifton Hill Primary School 185 Gold St Clifton Hill 3068, Phone: 9489 8333 Fax: 9481 1910 Kids Club: 9486 2675 web: Page 4 Edition 13 | Wednesday 21st August 2013 Dear Grade 6 Students GRADE 6 PARENTS On Behalf of CLIFTON HILL PRIMARY Invite You To A PARENTS GOODBYE COCKTAIL PARTY Saturday December 14th 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Royal Hotel 41 Spensley St, Clifton Hill Please SAVE THE DATE Friday 13TH December 2013 For the Grade 6 breakup disco Stay tuned for more party details $35 per person (Delicious Finger Foods & Champagne on Arrival) Please R.S.V.P. with payment to the Office by September 19th )RUDQ\TXHULHVFRQWDFW1DWDVKD0DUOH\¶VPXP RU7DQLD0LD¶VPXP Clifton Hill Primary School 185 Gold St Clifton Hill 3068, Phone: 9489 8333 Fax: 9481 1910 Kids Club: 9486 2675 web: Page 5 CHPS FAIR NEWS Saturday 23rd November 2013 Edition 13 | Wednesday 21st August 2013 Editorial Fair plans are gaining momentum as the days are getting longer and we move into the warmer months of the year. More good news to share with the Friendly Moving Men becoming one of our Fair Sponsors. Their assistance will be invaluable. We are still looking for a few more stall coordinators however if you are unable to donate your time, perhaps you may consider donating materials to some of the stalls or start your spring cleaning early this year by allowing others to love books or second hand music. We will continue to inform you about progress with updates at the various noticeboards around the school and don’t forget to check out our growing list of generous businesses who have already donated by going to our Facebook page -- 100 likes and growing!! Remember, the more funds we raise, the more we have to contribute towards our state of the art Science Centre. Melinda Wilson Fair Coordinator e| m| 0414 278 479 Another New Kid on the Block Clifton Hill Primary School Fair would like to thank Ben from the Friendly Moving Men who has signed up to be a sponsor of our school fair. The Friendly Moving Men have volunteered four and a half days of their time to pick up and drop off the chairs, trestles, marquees etc. that are shared between eight local schools as part of the Fair Collective. The Fair Collective comprises of all the furniture owned and used collectively by these schools for the sole purposes of their respective fairs. The Friendly Moving Men are based locally in Collingwood, and promise to take care of all your Melbourne house moving needs in a stress free and cost effective way. They have years of furniture removals experience and carry all the professional moving equipment to ensure your move runs smoothly. Look them up at Have you got what it takes to tell the world about our School Fair? Are you interested in identifying, creating and communicating promotional material for our School Fair? We need someone with PR skills to prepare and distribute material for local print and digital media. If you do have these skills and are willing to lend a hand, please contact Melinda Wilson, Clifton Hill Primary School Fair Coordinator at e| or on m| 0414 278 479. Clifton Hill Primary School 185 Gold St Clifton Hill 3068, Phone: 9489 8333 Fax: 9481 1910 Kids Club: 9486 2675 web: Page 6 CHPS FAIR NEWS Saturday 23rd November 2013 Edition 13 | Wednesday 21st August 2013 Want to know More? On page 9 of this newsletter, we have included the 2013 CHPS Fair Stallholders List. Each class has been allocated 2 stalls, with the exception of some of the larger stalls; some stalls still need coordinators allocated. Please refer to the stallholder vacancies in this newsletter if you are still keen to assist. A copy of the stallholder lists as well as ongoing Fair updates and communications are available now. Look out for these on the noticeboards outside PNM, and soon in the Prep courtyard outside PAC. 100 Likes & Counting! Fair Facebook page has 100 likes! Check out the increasing list of supportive businesses within and outside the school community who have generously donated so far at Thank you to all! Crafty Contributions Callout One of our most popular stalls is the Craft stall with most items usually bought to give away as gifts to family and friends - such is the high standard!! Once again, we are calling out to the creatives in our school community to assist in making items. If you or your children/child are interested in contributing, Louisa will be running an after school workshop one Friday in mid-October (date tbc). Places are limited so be quick! Contact Louisa at e| or on m| 0412 977 768. Louisa is also looking for helpers to make items from home. Items such as soft toys, key rings or even bracelets or headbands that can be sold to children for under $5 are always popular. If you have any craft material you can drop this off in the labeled box at the base of the stairs, near Lost Property. Organisers are looking for: fabric | paper and images for badge making beads and thread | bracelet/jewellery making material and Little Golden Books Stallholders Unite Stallholders Co-coordinators Callout: Following the success of our last newsletter call out, thank you to the following volunteers who have offered to coordinate stalls: We are lucky to have Mark and his team from Tutti sponsoring our Fair this year by offering homemade pasta and accompanying sauces. To ensure his stall is a success, Mark requires a parent volunteer to co-ordinate the stall for him. Interested? Please contact Koula at e| or on 0416 273 835. Louisa Scott (Zenda 5DT) for Craft. Helene Malavielle (Pascal 1AS) will assist the amazing Lee Lee with Asian Food. Janet Williams (Toby 5KK) for Fairy Floss. Sweet Sweet Jaffa Smasher Always a favourite but this stall can only be Number 1 amongst kids, big and small, if we can convince someone to take on the illustrious position of Jaffa Smasher Coordinator. Interested? Please contact Koula at e| or on m| 0416 273 835. Clifton Hill Primary School 185 Gold St Clifton Hill 3068, Phone: 9489 8333 Fax: 9481 1910 Kids Club: 9486 2675 web: Page 7 CHPS FAIR NEWS Get Triking The Tikes on Trikes stall needs a coordinator. This is a very popular stall particularly for the younger siblings of the school students so it will be great if we can continue it again this year. If you are a parent who is involved with the Collingwood toy library and are willing to help on the day, please contact Koula Neophytou at e| or on m| 0416 273 835. Drop in and Drop off -base of Stairs near Lost Property Drop off any Books, Second-hand Music and Craft collections in the blue wheelie bin at the base of the stairs near lost property. Fair Coordinator for 2014 We are still looking for a Fair Coordinator for next year. Now is a great time to sign up, learn more about the process and get the benefits of a thorough handover for next year. There is a great committee and volunteer community to help - so what are you waiting for! If you are interested, or would like to discuss this opportunity further, please contact Melinda Wilson, Fair Coordinator at e| or on m| 0414 278 479 Saturday 23rd November 2013 Edition 13 | Wednesday 21st August 2013 COMMITTEE Entertainment Co. Howard Kimber LOGISTICS Admin Nicholas Dal Sasso LOGISTICS Ground Ross Opie Collective Coop Roderick Poole SPONSORSHIP Susan Negrau GRAPHICS Emma Stewart FOOD COORDINATOR Melissa Grasso FOOD COORDINATOR Richard Reymond FAIR COORDINATOR Melinda Wilson NEWSLETTER Dora Simeone PERMITS Dean Laffan PERMIT Handover Tim Burke STALLHOLDERS COORD Koula Neophytou BOARDS & distribution Cherry Ching SILENT AUCTION Rosalind Rowlands STAFF REPS Kristy Keenan STAFF REPS Geoff Warren Clifton Hill Primary School 185 Gold St Clifton Hill 3068, Phone: 9489 8333 Fax: 9481 1910 Kids Club: 9486 2675 web: Page 8 CHPS FAIR NEWS Saturday 23rd November 2013 CONTACT LIST - Fair Stallholder List 2013 Edition 13 | Wednesday 21st August 2013 TOYS Carl Walsh PNM PAC EMAIL CLOTHES April Lloyd 1AS 4JG STALL COORDINATOR/S Class Allocated SILENT AUCTION Rosalind Rowlands 1AS 6KK as above Amy Prendergast WASH AGAINST WASTE James Selth 3JH PNM as above Meridith Stevens as above Peta Elston PRESERVES Sophie Gebhardt as above Paul Storm preserves cont'd Melanie White WINE RAFFLE Stephanie Gotlib 3JH CAKES Sue Dalton 3DN LE GRAND BBQ/FRIES Richard Reymond 5DT 3EC CRAFT/Badge Making Louisa Scott 1KW ASIAN FOOD Helen Malavieille 6KK 3EC LOLLIES Claire Bennet 3DN MORROCAN CARAVAN Suzanne Chaundy 5DT 5SM as above Kathy Brown GYROS Ria Andrianopoulos 2CE PPH TRASH AND TREASURE Naomi Kumar as above Chris Round as above Colleen Murphy Strawbs,Scones & Cream Michelle Flood PLANTS Pierre Rebiere PPH as above Elaine McPartlin SNO CONES Jo Press 2SG CLOCKWORK ORANGE Shane Garoni as above Michael Astill CARNIVAL GAMES Fiona & Scott 2VS 2SG 4ML TUTTI I SAPORI 6GB 2SD PAC PJF COFFEE Kathryn O'Connell 4JG LOB THE DUNNY ROLL Ed Broome 4KW CAVALLINI ICE CREAM Juliet Cook 1VG BOTTLE THROW Bridgette Connor 4KW as above Louise Baker MINI GOLF Vicki Gigliotti 1VG DRINKS Sharen Job 5SM SANDPIT DIG Mark Nicholls 2VS DUTCH PANCAKES Michael Filgate 2SD FACE PAINTING Dawn Anderson 3RK as above Mim Lowe Daiquaris & smoothies Melinda Huges 6GB BAR Susan Negrau as above Leslyn Thompson FOOD SAFETY Phillip Montalto as above Clara Pellens 2nd Hand Music Mark Knowles FARM ANIMALS Shona Robertston 5KK CHRISTMAS CAKES Alison Wirtz JAFFA SMASHER as above Amanda Shaw TIKES ON TRIKES BOOKS Heather Eyles FAIRY FLOSS Janet Williams 5KK 4MP 3RK 2CE PJF Clifton Hill Primary School 185 Gold St Clifton Hill 3068, Phone: 9489 8333 Fax: 9481 1910 Kids Club: 9486 2675 web: Page 9 Clifton Hill Primary School 185 Gold St Clifton Hill 3068, Phone: 9489 8333 Fax: 9481 1910 Kids Club: 9486 2675 web: Page 10 <<<A-(*,)551A*53B7;,,43(8.(8,:60>>( EGH!&;,,49!%(8(+,?!#0:>85=!$58:/?!'0*:580(?!ECHI?!";9:8(20( !<<<A7;,,43(8.(8,:A*53A(;!!!!!!!!!!%@JFID!GJII Queen Margaret!%0>>,80( Until the end of August only! You can bring in a copy of the coupon from - school newsletter, - print it off yourself (from the newsletter or school fair Facebook page) - or collect a coupon from the office. Looking for somewhere warm that serves delicious pizza, share plates and Italian food Tuesday – Sunday 5.30 till late? “QUEEN MARGARET” awarded top 10 Pizzeria in Melbourne- 356 Queens Parade are pleased to extend a “Dine In” or “Take away” special to the Clifton Hill Primary School community. You can take advantage of the offer as many times as you like- but only with a coupon, and only for the month of August. For “Dining in” bookings are highly recommended, and for “Take away” (offer not valid Fri and Sat night). CHPS FAIR NEWS Saturday 23rd November 2013 Present this advertisement to SAVE $10 off your initial 60min or 90min massage. Available Monday - Friday by appointment. Offer available until 30th September 2013. Anyone for cricket? Its %me to join us for junior cricket with the Cli5on Hill Cricket Club ü U10 & U12 age groups (club cricket) and In2cricket for beginners ü Girls are very welcome ü The focus is on having fun and learning game skills ü Everyone gets a chance to bat and bowl ü Games are on Saturday morning for 3 hours (parents can sit under a shady tree in the cool summer morning and enjoy the cricket or even read the paper between overs). First match is Oct 12. ü There are many benefits for kids playing a team sport HOW TO REGISTER: To play club cricket go to the website and download the registra%on form under the juniors sec%on. Bring the form to registra%on day on SATURDAY 7th SEPTEMBER 10am -‐12pm at our new clubrooms at the Ramsden St. oval in Cli5on Hill. Email the form to Sharon below if you can’t make it on the day. To join in2cricket (MILO cricket) for girls and boys age 5-‐10, all details and registra%on is online at For more informa%on contact Sharon Lynas on 0438964251 or, or Jeremy Watson on 0417574435 Come and join us and help keep the ashes dream alive in CliRon Hill Clifton Hill Primary School 185 Gold St Clifton Hill 3068, Phone: 9489 8333 Fax: 9481 1910 Kids Club: 9486 2675 web: Page 11 ! Got a question? Contact us via our online enquiry form CHRISTMAS IN FINLAND Friend us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter * 7 days / 6 nights including all accommodation, food, activities & Christmas program Forward to a Colleague Dear Geoff, * Traditional Christmas experience away from the crowds * Great inclusions, especially designed for families with small children How can open data make Melbourne a more liveable city? * Stay in a family friendly hotel with saunas and jacuzzis, free wifi and dvds Changing the way research communities use data and digital tools can transform human discovery. Opening up data can enable us to do more with research data. * Experience a white Christmas with Santa and his elves * Try snowmobiling, and reindeer, horse & dog sledding This public forum brings together government, entrepreneurs and academics to answer the question - how can a city improve its liveability by opening up the data it generates and consumes? The Open Knowledge Foundation in partnership with the University of Melbourne and The Age newspaper are pleased to announce: A public lecture and forum featuring Dr. Rufus Pollock(Open Knowledge Foundation), Prof. Geoff Taylor(physicist at the University of Melbourne with experience of Big Data at the CERN Laboratory) and David Austin (6x Entrepreneur including CEO of NASDAQ listed company) with Master of Ceremonies Marc Moncrief (Editor of 'the Crunch' at The Age newspaper). SANTA, ELVES & GLASS IGLOOS * 7 days / 6 nights including accommodation, domestic flights, most meals, activities & Christmas program * Stay in your own cosy log cabin, and experience a night in a glass igloo * Visit the Christmas Markets in Helsinki, and Santa’s Resort in Lapland This expert panel will discuss what makes Melbourne the "Most Livable City in the World" and how to ensure we remain the most livable city for years to come. * Go on snowmobile and husky safaris * See the magical Northern Lights in Finnish Lapland Is Open Data the key to Melbourne being the most livable city in the World? Speak to our Melbourne based Finnish staff - Taru, Matleena and Minna - and let us help create the White Christmas Holiday of your dreams. CALL 1300 422 821 / 50 Degrees North Suite 203, 7 Jeffcott Street, West Melbourne 3003 Licence 32937 Join us on Monday the 2nd of September at 6.45pm to learn how entrepreneurship, big data and the government are working together to further enhance this standing - and how you can get involved! You can register for the event here. This event is sponsored by the University of Melbourne (the Melbourne Accelerator Program / MAP & Information Technology Services / ITS) and The Age. You can follow The Age's Data Journalism team via twitter@The_Cruch_Blog & follow UniMelb's Researchers as they take on Big Data via twitter @MelbITSResearch. Please note this public lecture will be recorded and broadcast via YouTube. Clifton Hill Primary School 185 Gold St Clifton Hill 3068, Phone: 9489 8333 Fax: 9481 1910 Kids Club: 9486 2675 web: Page 12
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