CHPS newsletter 5 2014 - Clifton Hill Primary School
CHPS newsletter 5 2014 - Clifton Hill Primary School
Our school newsletter Gold Street turns 140 185 Gold St, Clifton Hill, Vic 3068 Main Office 9489 8333 Fax 9481 1910 Kids Club 9486 2675 Edition 5 2nd April 2014 Calendar Term 1 Ends Friday 4th April at 2:30 EARLY FINISH On Tuesday April 1st, we held a special musical assembly to coincide with the day our school opened for business 140 years ago. In addition to some outstanding musical performances from our students, Grace, Camila and Sophie from year 3 introduced the time capsule they had organised to mark the occasion. The time capsule is to be buried for the next 30 years and is hoped to represent life for students at Gold St in 2014. It includes items such as the most recent canteen menu & school newsletter, a school tshirt, a JSC badge, ribbons from swimming, cross country and athletics, an example of a student report, student reflections on grade 4 and 5 camp, a broken iPad, the front page of the newspaper, a copy of the school website and a range of photos that depict day to day school life. Further 140 year festivities are planned for September when we will host a “Back to Gold Street” celebration, inviting some 800 former pupils. Grace, Sophie & Camila (the students who initiated & organised the time capsule) with Mr Warren EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION Students from the JSC burying the time capsule outside the Science Centre 1 Edition 5 EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION 2nd April 2014 Australian Mathematics Competition On Thursday 7th August 2014 the Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC) will be held between 3.45 pm – 4.45pm. Please note there will not be an alternative sitting time. 2014 AUSTRALIAN MATHEMATICS COMPETITION (AMC) PERMISSION SLIP The AMC is a world-wide competition which started in 1978 and is for students of all standards from Grade 3 upwards. The first 20 questions are intended to be directly familiar to students from their classroom experience. The later problems are progressively more difficult until the end when they are challenging to the most able mathematics students. All students receive a certificate acknowledging their performance and a detailed report showing how they went on each problem with wider statistical rankings. Prizes are awarded to the top students. The AMC is administered by the non-profit Australian Mathematics Trust, which has representatives on its Board from the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers, Australian Academy of Science and Australian Mathematical Society. If you wish your child to enter the competition please forward the form below with payment of $6. All forms need to be returned to your child’s class teacher or the school office by Friday 4th April in order for me to have sufficient time to collate and complete the online registrations by the due date. For more information regrading the competition please refer to the Australian Mathematics Trust website Please return THIS section to your child’s school. I give permission for my child of Child’s Name: Class: to participate in the AMC on Thursday 7th August 2014, 3.45pm - 4.45pm Please find enclosed $6 entry fee. All cheques payable to Clifton Hill Primary School. Name of Parent/Guardian: Signature of Parent/Guardian: Date: Thank you Susan Williamson-Petrie Australian Mathematics Competition Co-ordinator 185 Gold St, Clifton Hill, Vic 3068 Main Office 9489 8333 Fax 9481 1910 Kids Club 9486 2675 2 Edition 5 EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION 2nd April 2014 2014 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) Dear Parent The University of New South Wales is offering your child an opportunity to participate in the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS). ICAS assessments have taken place annually in schools for over thirty years and in 20 countries. Educational Assessment Australia (EAA), who design and deliver the assessments, is the not-for-profit arm of the University of New South Wales. 2014 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) Registration Form ICAS: • • • • • • • • • • • is an annual skills development assessment program in key areas of learning for students in Years 2-12; assessments are available in Computer Skills, English, Mathematics, Science, Spelling and Writing gathers performance information through a 30–60 minute supervised in-school test provides a continuous, independent and comprehensive record of a student’s performance, and maps their development over the full period of primary and secondary schooling enables the progress of each student to be mapped in each skill against their previous performance, demonstrating personal improvement no matter the starting point uses fellow students’ results as a reference point; results are mapped against all students sitting at the same year level in Australia provides an excellent preparation for national testing enables students at all levels of ability to participate; ICAS contains questions designed to specifically explore the abilities of students of all standards – this includes those of both lower and higher levels of achievement medals are awarded to the top students in each subject in each school year in each state when sufficiently meritorious and the test was sat on the official test date achievement certificates are awarded to all students at a range of levels: 1. High Distinction to the top 1% of students 2. Distinction to the next 10% of students 3. Credit to the next 25% of students 4. Merit to the next 10% of students 5. Participation to all other students results are available to parents and students online; these online reports and analyses remain available indefinitely. ICAS reports indicate which questions were answered correctly, compare student performance to that of the other students tested and are highly suitable for inclusion in a student’s portfolio for future tertiary entrance or job opportunities entries are administered through the school, so teachers can also access the information Please return this form to your child’s school I give permission for my child Please select the subjects you would like your child to enter: ***Please note Grade 2 students can only sit Science, English and Mathematics Tests. Subject/Paper Computer Skills Science Writing Spelling English Mathematics FRIDAY 4th APRIL. School Years 3 – 10 2 – 12 3 – 12 3–7 2 – 12 2 – 12 Official Sitting Date Entry fee, incl. GST 20 May 2014 4 June 2014 16-20 June 2014* 17 June 2014 29 July 2014 12 August 2014 AUD 8.80 AUD 8.80 AUD 18.70 AUD 12.10 AUD 8.80 AUD 8.80 Students should sit on the official sitting date for each subject to be eligible for UNSW medals. However, your school may choose to sit at another time to fit in with other school activities and routines. * Students may sit Writing anytime in the week beginning Monday 16 June. However, all students in your school should sit on the same day. Yours sincerely Dr Sofia Kesidou Group Executive Educational Assessment Australia Please find enclosed ____________________total entry fee. Amount Susan Williamson-Petrie ICAS co-ordinator Clifton Hill Primary School Name of Parent/Guardian !"#$%&'()%*+,--.--/.)&+,#-&0%*'%+ Educational Assessment Australia PO Box 8020 Alexandria NSW 1435 Australia T: +61 2 8344 1010 F: +61 2 8344 1030 E: W: !"#$%&'()%*+,--.--/.)&+,#-&0%*'%+'-+%)+."#$%&'()+10(#2+(3+4567+8*(9%*+:&;+<'/'&."=+%+)(&>3(0>20(3'&+20(?'".0+(3+."#$%&'()=+&0%')')1+%)"+%"?'-(0;+-.0?'$.-+%)"+%+ @A(**;+(@)."+.)&.020'-.+(3+&A.+4)'?.0-'&;+(3+5.@+6(#&A+7%*.-B+4567+8*(9%*+:&;+<'/'&."+,C5+DE+FGD+HIG+JGE 185 Gold St, Clifton Hill, Vic 3068 Fee enclosed TOTAL For more information about ICAS go to, contact Customer Service on (02) 8344 1010 or send an email to Your child can also prepare for ICAS using Practice Online. Practice Online tests are available for English, Mathematics and Science. Find out more about Practice Online at Class to participate in the following 2014 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS): To enrol your child in ICAS, please complete the registration form overleaf and return it, with your entry fees, to school by of Child’s name Main Office 9489 8333 Fax 9481 1910 Date ________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian Kids Club 9486 2675 3 Edition 5 EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION 2nd April 2014 Library News Book purchasing continues steadily, including a big buy at the Scholastic Book Sale. At the same time Dana and Sian are doing some serious weeding of out-of-date books in the non-fiction area, hoping to be able to get new books next term for some of the more popular topics. To supplement the non-fiction collection, we now have a subscription to WebLinks, which supplies us with current, educationally sound, age appropriate links to web sites. One of the outcomes of this is that students who come to the Library at lunchtime are able to access games. We want to assure parents that these games are all on educational websites and students are only allowed to access sites through our own catalogue (Olly). There is no random googling permitted. We also ensure that children only spend fifteen minutes or so on the computers before we encourage them to go outside and run around and give somebody else a turn. A few games we have removed from the catalogue, as they seemed to encourage far too much excitement! Last Thursday the Grade 3s were treated to a visit from author Belinda Murrell and illustrator Serena Geddes who create the series Lulu Bell. We are very grateful to The Little Bookroom for facilitating this. Wool Request Hi Clifton Hill families, 4SW would like donations of balls of wool so we can make pom poms for decoration. Please drop off any balls of wool you can spare to the office. - Thanks Kitty and Lucy 4SW Lost Property: All Lost property not claimed after 4 weeks will be donated to the Salvation Army at the beginning of each month and then at the end of each term. ALL clothing will be donated at the end of the year. Due to Health Risks all Lunch boxes and drink bottles will also be thrown out at the beginning of each month. This is necessary in an attempt to keep the Lost Property area clean and tidy. Many thanks from the Lost Property Team: Teresa, Linda and Mel. 185 Gold St, Clifton Hill, Vic 3068 Main Office 9489 8333 Fax 9481 1910 Kids Club 9486 2675 4 Edition 5 EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION 2nd April 2014 French Corner Bill et Boule – le film On Sunday 16 March, Madame Webb attended a screening of the children’s film, Bill et Boule, part of the French Film Festival this year. She was so happy to see some of her students from Clifton Hill Primary at the screening and asked some of them to write a few words about the movie. Qui suis-je? - Les réponses le koala le diable de Tasmanie 185 Gold St, Clifton Hill, Vic 3068 l’ornithorynque le kangourou Main Office 9489 8333 Fax 9481 1910 l’émeu Kids Club 9486 2675 5 Edition 5 EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION 2nd April 2014 !"#$%&'"()"*!+,!-%+" $ ! ! "!#!$!%! !"!"#$%&'())!!"#$%&!'()*!(+,!,-.!/0!(+,!(,12!341,3.5&66!!'()*!7,,-!3!08-!(,12!9,((:-9!(/!;-/<!5/8! !" 3-.!*(8.5:-9!=3-.31:-!<:(+!5/8>!'!+/?,!5/8!,-@/5,.!4,31-:-9!=3-.31:-!(+:*!(,1266!!'0!5/8!31,!7/1,.! .81:-9!(+,!*A+//4!+/4:.35*B!+,1,!31,!3!0,<!:C3.!$??*!(+3(!<:44!+,4?!5/8!4,31-!=3-.31:-!(+1/89+!*/2,! 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Term 2, 2014 dates are listed on our website. Tours will end in mid May. Open Morning - 2014 Open Morning will be on Thursday 24 April, 2014, from 9.15 am - 12.00 noon. Information sessions will be held through the morning. A repeat information session will also run at 7 pm on Thursday 24 April. The open morning is a great way to see the school in action. (There is no need to book for this event) ACE Program Yr 7 entry - 2015 Northcote High School's ACE program is now in its 18th year of operation. Applications Close: Thursday 24 April 2014, 12 noon Test Date: Saturday May 3, 2014 Please see our website for details. OPEN DAY: Thursday 1 May OPEN CLASSES & TOURS: 9.30-12.30 INFORMATION SESSION: 6.30-7.30 185 Gold St, Clifton Hill, Vic 3068 Main Office 9489 8333 Fax 9481 1910 Melbourne Girls’ College NORTHCOTE HIGH SCHOOL Kids Club 9486 2675 INFORMATION SESSION & OPEN DAY for 2015 Enrolments into Year 7 YEAR 7/2015 INFORMATION SESSION Tuesday 29 April In the College Lyceum Daughters’ Surnames A – K Arrive 7.00 pm - Finish 8.00pm Daughters’ Surnames L – Z Arrive 7.45 pm - Finish 8.45pm OPEN DAY Wednesday 30 April 9.30am - 2.30pm Melbourne Girls’ College Yarra Boulevard Richmond VIC 3121 Tel: 9428 8955 7 Adult Bi-Weekly Intensive Drawing Workshops WEDNESDAYS: 1 PLACE COMING UP IN TERM 2 Every Second Wednesday, 6.30-9.30pm Dates: 5 classes - 30th April, 14th and 28th May, 11th and 25th June 2014 Price: $350 per Term (make up classes can be arranged on Mondays when available) All materials provided Maximum 3 students COMING UP IN TERM 2 2014: Children's Easter Holiday Workshops at Jika Jika, Westgarth: VERY POPULAR SO BOOK NOW TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT Dates: 15th, 16th and 17th April 2014 Time: 10.30am - 2.00pm Price: $150 or $60 per day Basic materials provided Maximum 10 students per Class Adult Bi-Weekly Drawing Classes- MONDAYS: BOOKED OUT Every Second Monday 6.30-9.00pm Dates: 5 classes - 28th April, 12th and 26th May, 9th and 23 June 2014 Price: $300 per Term (make up classes can be arranged on Wednesdays when available) All materials provided Maximum 3 students per Class 185 Gold St, Clifton Hill, Vic 3068 Children's Drawing Classes @ Collingwood (ages 8-12): 2 PLACES AVAILABLE Tuesdays 3.00 – 5.00pm Starting: Tuesday 22nd April - 24th June 2014 Price: 200 per term Basic materials provided Maximum 10 students per Class Children's Drawing Classes @ Brunswick East Primary School (ages 8-12): PLACES STILL AVAILABLE Mondays 3.45 – 5.15pm Starting: Monday 28th April - 23rd June 2014 Price: $180 per Term Basic materials provided Maximum 10 students per Class To book or for any further information call Mateja on 0403 848 843 or see and get in touch through the Contact page. Main Office 9489 8333 Fax 9481 1910 Kids Club 9486 2675 "#$%&'(#))!*)+,+-$! ./0+)!1-233)!43)+5#6$! • • • ) ! ! !"#$%%"&'()*+,"&$"%-".)/)0.12%-".) 345)6)7745)0,&$8) )3)9"2&':) "&7+,,&0!80370#9$! • ;24<&.29')-=>>"%-$%#)?&.)@29) • 0<''$")A==,')B)6)C)9"2&')24)D2>)/)7E?F,>) • @$%$)!288)3)6)7F)9"2&')24)7F2>)/)7GE?F,>) ) • H<"'.29')-=>>"%-$%#)I45)@29) • 088);42&)A==,')#&2."'),&",)6)?)24)JE?F,>) • @$%$)!288)#&2."')?)6)I)24)BE?F,>) ) .--&$$!:30!.))!.(+)+'+&$! • ;24<&.29')-=>>"%-$%#)?&.)@29) • 77E7B2>)6)7GE?F,>) • K=&)-5$8.&"%)I)6)7I)L$45)',"-$28)%"".') ) K=&)>=&")$%M=&>24$=%)2%.)4=)&"#$'4"&)#=)4=) LLLE-=88$%#L==.EN2'O"4N288E%"4E2<) *%P<$&$"'Q @"#2%)R=<'")FJ73)7FI)JDF) 8 162-170 QUEENS PDE Phone: 03 9486 2740 Email: Experience fine dining in a comfortable friendly atmosphere at affordable prices at our recently opened restaurant Charlie’s would like to offer you a 10% discount of your entire evening meal and drinks bill as an incentive to experience our fantastic restaurant. This offer is valid until 31st May 2014 on presentation of this leaflet 185 Gold St, Clifton Hill, Vic 3068 Main Office 9489 8333 Fax 9481 1910 Kids Club 9486 2675 9 First Class Comedy Circus -‐ Trash Test Dummies Would you like to win a top notch performance for your school, featuring superb slapstick comedy, playful imaginative sketches, and high energy acrobatics? Trash Test Dummies is a quirky, playful, family friendly comedy circus show appearing at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival 4-‐17 April at Comedy on Collins in the heart of CBD. The show is a non-‐verbal, highly engaging 45 mins full of laughter, packed with acrobatics, juggling, slapstick, and stunts, in which the humble wheelie bin is elevated to new heights. Audience members will be able to submit their primary school's name at the start of each show, and the school that receives the most votes will be revealed on 22nd April. The Trash Test Dummies are also setting a fun challenge for kids to do something imaginative using the humble wheelie bin as inspiration, with the chance to meet the cast and get their photos taken with them at the end of each show. Parents can post photos, drawings or poems on‐Test-‐Dummies/461633053952741 or show the front of house staff a photo of their kid’s creativity. A Family ticket is $60. Tues-‐Sat at 7.45pm, Sat and Sun at 3pm. For more event information please visit‐test-‐dummies Further Event Info: Show: Trash Test Dummies -‐ trash-‐test-‐dummies Description: Everyone put your bins out, tonight's bin night and the Trash Test Dummies are on duty! This side-splitting slapstick comedy routine takes the household wheelie bin to new heights, and delivers a dump truck full of hilarity! These highly skilled circus performers showcase a stunning array of slap-stick, acrobatics, juggling and stunt work and invite the audience to take a fresh look at the humble household wheelie bin. These hot new performers on the circus scene can trash-talk with the best of them, and received rave reviews at the Adelaide Fringe Festival. "There's nothing they can't do. Their skills are first class." Adelaide Advertiser Matt Byrne 4 stars "You will laugh, and you will laugh out loud, with the undeniable theme of FUN FUN FUN." Helen Meyer Radio Adelaide Venue: Comedy on Collins (the Hall), 156 Collins St, Melbourne CBD Dates: 4th April – 17th April (Preview 3rd April) Tickets: $60 Family (2 kids & 2 adults or 1 adult and 3 kids), $22 Full, $20 Conc, $14 Child, $18 Group (6 or more). Children under 3 are free. Times: Tues -‐ Fri 7.45pm, Sat 3pm & 7.45pm, Sun 3pm (extra 3pm show on Fri 11). 45 mins Bookings: Comedy on Collins 9017 0104, trashtestdummies/ or at the door If you would like to visit their website too -‐ h4p:// All the best -‐ Sarah Kelly -‐ Seesault Produc@ons -‐ 043 222 9693 185 Gold St, Clifton Hill, Vic 3068 Main Office 9489 8333 Fax 9481 1910 Kids Club 9486 2675 10 Professional Tennis Coaching in Clifton Hill. A complete tennis coaching program is on offer at Mayors Park Tennis Centre, Clifton Hill. (Next to the Collingwood Leisure Centre). Classes are offered Monday to Thursday from 4.00pm and Sundays from 9.00am. The opportunity exists to play Saturday morning junior competition with the Clifton TC. Group Semi-private Private th School Term Coaching Class Structures: 4 students (max.) 30 minutes 8 lessons 2 students 30 minutes 8 lessons 1 student 30 minutes 8 lessons (* early payment fee including G.S.T) $130* $190* $280* School Holidays Programs School Holiday Programs: April School Holiday Tennis Clinics th Monday 7 – Thursday 10 April Monday 14th – Thursday 17th April 9am - 12.00 Cost: $140 ($40 per day) 9am - 12.00 Cost: $140 ($40 per day) Morning tea, drinks and loads of fun are provided. Call to book a place. Numbers will be limited. Priority will be given to students attending all four days. Ladies Tennis Mornings Wednesdays and Fridays 9.30am – 12.00. Fully organised in-house round robin social play and tennis lesson (lesson is optional). Morning cost is $6.00 and $5.00 for a lesson if you choose. Call 9482 5200 for more details. Friday Match Play Put your learning into practice each Friday of each week of term. There will be two sessions: 4 – 5.15pm and 5.15 – 6.30pm. The format is all match play i.e. games of doubles and singles (where possible). Clifton junior teams will be selected from the second session. Term fee is $70. Casual fee is $15. Term 2 coaching 2014, commences Tuesday 22nd April at 4.00pm. All enquiries please contact Jeff Baldassarre (Master Club Professional) on 0418 359 791, 9482 5200 or Exciting New Easter 3 day Exciting New 3 Day Easter Holiday Clinics: Holiday Programs: Brunswick 1 Brunswick: 1stst ʹ 3 ʹ 3rdrd April 14 April 14 st rd st rd Coburg 1 Coburg: 1 ʹ 3 ʹ 3 April 14 April 14 th th th th Kew 8 Kew: 8 ʹ 10 ʹ 10 April 14 We also run Weekly soccer clinics We also run Weekly Soccer across Melbourne!! Clinics across Melbourne!! Check website for Check Website for details details Donʼt forget to like Clifton Hill Primary School Fair 2014 on facebook for up to date info and fair chit chat... Saturday 22nd November 2014 185 Gold St, Clifton Hill, Vic 3068 Main Office 9489 8333 Fax 9481 1910 Kids Club 9486 2675 11 Fitzroy Foot and Ankle Clinic 460 Brunswick St, Fitzroy North VIC 3068 Ph: Web: Email: (03) 9485 8000 Fitzroy Foot and Ankle Clinic believe in providing the best podiatry service to the community. Our podiatrists teach at university level, and have valuable experience treating children with various foot problems. Children can suffer from a range of foot problems as they grow. If you are concerned about your child’s feet, walking, or development, an appointment with a podiatrist can help. Footwear assessments Orthotics Biomechanical assessments Gait assessments Make an appointment online Warts Heel pain Flat feet 185 Gold St, Clifton Hill, Vic 3068 Main Office 9489 8333 Fax 9481 1910 Kids Club 9486 2675 12 Main Office 9489 8333 Fax 9481 1910 Kids Club 9486 2675 13 GREAT CHANCE TO IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS, HAVE FUN AND MAKE NEW FRIENDS! 5, 6, 7, 8 YEAR OLDS – 4:15-‐5:00 7, 8, 9, 10 YEAR OLDS – 5:15-‐6:00 QUALIFIED & ENTHUSIASTIC COACHES 10 WEEK PROGRAM SKILLS, GAMES & MATCHPLAY REGISTER AT SOCCERCAMPS.COM.AU/CLINICS or CALL 1300 562 571 OLYMPIC LEISURE CENTRE, ALAMEIN RD HEIDELBERG TERM 2 FUTSAL CLINICS 185 Gold St, Clifton Hill, Vic 3068 -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ SOCCER CAMPS AUSTRALIA :HGQHVGD\$SULO :HGQHVGD\$SULO 185 Gold St, Clifton Hill, Vic 3068 Main Office 9489 8333 Fax 9481 1910 2UDQJHEOXHJUHHQDQGUHGDUHVRPHRIWKHPDQ\ FRORXUVWKDW\RXZLOOVHHGXULQJ$XWXPQ7RGD\ZH H[SORUHDOOWKHZRQGHUIXOWKLQJVDERXW$XWXPQ 7KH&RORXUVRI$XWXPQ Kids Club 9486 2675 1RSURJUDP 14 )ULGD\$SULO )ULGD\$SULO *HWUHDG\WR +RSWRLW LQDGD\IXOORIHJJFLWLQJDFWLYLWLHV DOODERXW(DVWHU'HVLJQSOD\DQGFUHDWH\RXUZD\ WKURXJKWKHGD\ZKLFKLVVXUHWREH(**VWUDRUGLQDU\ (JJ(JJVWUDYDJDQ]D 7KXUVGD\$SULO %HWKHILUVWWRFURVVWKHILQLVKOLQHLQRXUµ$PD]LQJ5DFH 5XQMXPSDQGZRUNRXWWKHFOXHV:RUNDVDWHDPDQG SOD\\RXUZD\WKURXJKWKHGD\ 7KH$PD]LQJ5DFH 7KXUVGD\$SULO :H UHRIIE\EXVRQDQDGYHQWXUHWRWKHPRYLHVWRVHHWKH ODWHVWFKLOGUHQ VPRYLHUHOHDVH7KH/HJR0RYLH $QGWKDW VDZUDS %HDVFLHQWLVWIRUWKHGD\DQGJHW\RXUKDQGVDPRQJVW VRPH6XSUHPH6OLPHEXLOGURFNHWVWKDWWDNHRIIDQG WHDVH\RXUPLQG<RX UHVXUHWRKDYHDVOLPHRIDWLPH 3OHDVHDUULYHE\$0DVSURJUDPPLQJVWDUWVDW$0 $FWLRQ0RYLH0DQLD 6LOO\6FLHQFH &UHDWH\RXUYHU\RZQFXVWRPGHVLJQHGEDJ7DNHLWZLWK \RXWRWKHPRYLHVOLEUDU\RUHYHQWR\RXUIULHQG¶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