Our school newsletter Co Principals Message
Our school newsletter Co Principals Message
Our school newsletter Co Principals Message 185 Gold St, Clifton Hill, Vic 3068 Main Office 9489 8333 We hope you enjoyed the holiday break. It is hard to believe that term 4 is here and the School Fair is just around the corner. Fax 9481 1910 www.cliftonhillps.vic.edu.au clifton.hill.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au It is another busy term, with not only the Fair on Saturday 22nd November but many other events such as; Chinese Cultural Day Edition 16 The following provides information regarding 2015 class allocations. 15th October 2014 Calendar Chinese Cultural Day and Lunch - 24 October | Prep 2015 Transition Sessions | CHPS Science Show | Great Victorian Bike Ride The dates for these events, and many others, can be found on the school website calendar. 1. Class lists will be forwarded home on Friday December 12. 2. Allocation of teachers to classes cannot be completed and confirmed until late November. 3. We can however confirm the following: The year 4 teaching team will remain the same: Susan Williamson, Aya Schmeisser, Michael Masters, Vicki Gigliotti. CHPS Science Show 27 -31 October Prep teachers are: Jenny Hemphill, Peta Hirschfeld, Nerida Mellerick, Charlotte White, Victoria Sims Great Vic Bike Ride 29 October - 7 November Current Year Prep WILL NOT be mixed. Current Years 1, 2,3, 4 & 5 WILL be mixed. Prep 2015 Transition 31 October - 9:30-10:45 7 November - 9:30-10:45 14 November - 9:30-10:30 Grade 6 Graduation Photos 20 November Grade 6 Graduation Group Photo - 9:30am Should you have a significant matter to be raised in relation to class composition for next year you need to email, write or meet with either Geoff or Megan to discuss before the end of October. It is too late in December to enable changes to be made. Geoff is available Monday from midday til 6pm, Tuesday to Thursday from 8am to 6pm and Friday from 8am – 2pm. Megan is available Monday – Wednesday 8am – 6pm. All matters relating to years 1, 2 and 3 in 2015 should be directed to Megan and for grades Prep, 4, 5 and 6 to Geoff. We welcome back this term Jacqui Francis, Laura Reilly & Kirsty Wain. Both Laura & Kirsty will be providing support to various grades across the school & Jacqui will be replacing George Drew, who is now on maternity leave, 2 days per week in 6KK. Melbourne Cup - 4 November - NO SCHOOL We also would like to welcome Sarah Genereux to our school next year following our recent round of advertisements and appointments. Sarah is a highly experienced grade teacher. Several further positions are currently advertised. Grade 2 - Sleepover 6 November Enjoy your week. Megan and Geoff EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION 1 Edition 16 EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION 15th October 2014 Gateways for Gifted and Talented Students Gateways for Gifted and Talented Students Many of the G.A.T.E.WAYS programs require teacher nomination to be entered into however… CHPS Fundraising Raffle - Winners!! Our CHPS Fundraising raffle was drawn on the last day of Term 3. Congratulations to :- We would like to let you know that there are some programs offered by G.A.T.E.WAYS that parents can directly access via the website. 1st Prize - Karen Lee Enrolments for the end of year festivals will be offered will be opening on October 20. 3rd Prize - Brian Doyle 2nd Prize - Koula Neophytou You can access these programs on their website: Well done to Zac Warnest Knowles from 4VG he sold the most raffle booklets. http://www.gateways.edu.au/ The class that sold the most raffle books was 4SW. Please let your classroom teacher know if you enrol your child into one of these programs. We would like to thank all the businesses and CHPS families for their generous support. Please email Nerida Mellerick if you have any questions about G.A.T.EWAYS. The Fundraising Team - School Council Skoolbag App Trial Complete Thanks to all the families who trialled and provided feedback on the Skoolbag App. We have decided to go ahead with the app which we hope will streamline and improve parent communication. At present the Skoolbag team are building the Android app and upgrading the Apple app to align with recent iOS 8 updates. We will inform you when it is all up and running. If you have downloaded the app for trial, please be aware that we will not be using it until these updates have been made. 185 Gold St, Clifton Hill, Vic 3068 Main Office 9489 8333 Fax 9481 1910 Kids Club 9486 2675 www.cliftonhillps.vic.edu.au clifton.hill.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au 2 Edition 15 EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION 17th September 2014 Science Talent Search Competition Results Congratulations to the following students on their excellent results in the state wide Science Talent Search Competition. Acknowledgement Certificate Merit Certificate: Minor Bursaries: Major Bursaries: Pasqual Basile Josh Tram Monty Winkler Caitlin Storm Abdi Faye Matthew Henry Mia Barrett Alice Brown Charlie Stone Marco Simonelli Mila Webb Raphael Hennessy Roy Read Harper Broome Chloe Rheinberger Annie Opie Simone Roubal Miete Rolfe Dimitri Syrbopoulos Miah Johnson Aristea Andrianopoulos Yianni Syrbopoulos The winners of Major and Minor Bursaries will be presented with their awards at a ceremony at La Trobe University on Monday 27th October. We congratulate all of our entrants on their hard work and persistence. I would like to thank the teachers on the Science Team for mentoring entrants and I extend a particular thank you to Dylan Thomas, who, with me, was a judge at this Saturday event. Di Nevile 185 Gold St, Clifton Hill, Vic 3068 Main Office 9489 8333 Fax 9481 1910 Kids Club 9486 2675 www.cliftonhillps.vic.edu.au clifton.hill.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au 3 Edition 16 EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION 15th October 2014 Fifth Place at Nationals!! Whole School Science Show 2014 When: Monday 27th October - Friday 31st October. Where: Multipurpose Room. Bring your entry to the MPR on 27/10/14 before school and have a teacher write down your name and grade on the list. Who can enter: Prep – Grade 6. Single entry or with a partner. Sections: You can Build a model to show an aspect of science. Invent something demonstrating/using an aspect of science. Create a game demonstrating knowledge of science. Complete some scientific research and show your results. Use photography to demonstrate and record an aspect of science. On the first weekend of the school holidays four grade six girls headed up to Brisbane to compete in the AEROSkools National Aerobics Championships, after placing second in the state. Prizes: Prize for every entry, prizes for sections of the school. The girls were placed fifth in the National competition, an amazing result! Congratulations to: Ava D’Orsonga, Sylvia Gammon, Amelia Simeone, and Caitlin Storm. Your entry will be displayed in the Multipurpose Room for a week so that classes, parents and friends can come and view it. It was a wonderful achievement for the girls and for our school. Any questions to Di Nevile. 185 Gold St, Clifton Hill, Vic 3068 Main Office 9489 8333 Fax 9481 1910 Kids Club 9486 2675 www.cliftonhillps.vic.edu.au clifton.hill.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au 4 Edition 16 EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION 15th October 2014 Sporting News As I am sure you are aware, Maxwell Branov was selected to represent Victoria at the recent School Sport Australia Championships in Bendigo. Maxwell’s under-12 Victorian soccer team won this competition and is currently the National Champion for the first time in 9 years! Well done on this remarkable achievement Maxwell! Congratulations to all 28 students who, last week, competed in the Divison Athletics Competition at Meadowglen Athletics track, Epping. All students competed incredibly well with 21 students placed first or second in their event, qualifying them for the Region level of competition to be held on Wednesday 15th October. Congratulations to all students involved and good luck to those competing again this week. 185 Gold St, Clifton Hill, Vic 3068 Main Office 9489 8333 Fax 9481 1910 Kids Club 9486 2675 www.cliftonhillps.vic.edu.au clifton.hill.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au 5 Edition 16 EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION 15th October 2014 185 Gold St, Clifton Hill, Vic 3068 Main Office 9489 8333 Fax 9481 1910 Kids Club 9486 2675 www.cliftonhillps.vic.edu.au clifton.hill.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au 6 Edition 16 EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION 15th October 2014 Every Stroke Counts On Friday 24th October Aiden (5KW) and Heath (3EC) Eyles are participating in a charity swim called Every Stroke Counts to raise money for the McGrath Foundation. Every cent donated will go to the foundation to support those affected by breast cancer. If you would like to make a donation please use the link below. http://mcgrathfoundation.gofundraise.com.au/page/JasperJohnson Just like Every Stroke Counts, every cent counts. 185 Gold St, Clifton Hill, Vic 3068 Main Office 9489 8333 Fax 9481 1910 Kids Club 9486 2675 www.cliftonhillps.vic.edu.au clifton.hill.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au 7 Edition 16 EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION 15th October 2014 Grade 6 French Corner This Friday 17th October, Grade 6 students have a French excursion to ACMI to see the film Belle et Sébastien. All permission notices should have been returned to class teachers last week. Students will be leaving school at 9am and will return by lunch. They are reminded to bring a small bag with a snack and drink bottle with them for the excursion. The Fashion World of Jean Paul Gaultier - From Sidewalk to the Catwalk Paris to Provence This exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria starts Friday 17 October and will be running until 6 February 2015. For those French fashion lovers, this is a must-see exhibition showcasing the designer’s work throughout his career. For more information, follow the link http:// www.ngv.vic.gov.au/jeanpaulgaultier The Festival Français de Melbourne will be running on the weekend 21-23 November this year. The school fair is that weekend too, but I’m sure you could find the time to visit both! Each year the festival features live music, children's interactive workshops and activities, cultural demonstrations, giveaways including flights to France, roaming performers, curated French open air market, Pétanque and the ever popular Cafe Boulevard with all the food you love from every region of France. The venue is Como House and Gardens in South Yarra. For more information and to purchase tickets, go to the following website : http://www.paristoprovence.com.au 185 Gold St, Clifton Hill, Vic 3068 Main Office 9489 8333 Fax 9481 1910 Kids Club 9486 2675 www.cliftonhillps.vic.edu.au clifton.hill.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au 8 Edition 16 EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION 15th October 2014 A SLICE OF MANDARIN ! 中 文 天 地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The Chinese Cultural Day is run in collaboration with Cultural Infusion and will consist of traditional Chinese artistic and sports activities, such as paper cutting, Tai Chi, lion dance, martial arts and Chinese chess. Students will be divided into groups and rotate between the cultural activities. Date: Friday, 24 October Time: 9.00 – 1:00 Prep – Grade 2 (the school day will end at 3:30 as usual) 9.00 – 3:30 Year 3 – Year 6 Venue: Clifton Hill Primary School Normal recess and lunch times will apply on this day. Your child can choose to have a special Chinese lunch on the day (see attached notice about special lunch orders). We encourage your child to dress in Chinese traditional clothes for the day if they have such clothes available. In any case, please make sure your child is wearing clothing in line with our sun smart policy. Regards, Kevin & Cindy -‐ Mandarin Program 185 Gold St, Clifton Hill, Vic 3068 Main Office 9489 8333 Fax 9481 1910 Kids Club 9486 2675 www.cliftonhillps.vic.edu.au clifton.hill.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au 11 Edition 16 EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION 15th October 2014 Chinese Cultural Day Special Lunch The canteen is offering a special lunch to celebrate Chinese Cultural Day on Friday 24th October. Select from the lunch options below by ticking the box next to the option you prefer. Please attach this order form to a paper bag with a payment of $6. Orders need to be returned to the canteen via classroom lunch baskets by Wednesday 15th October. No orders will be accepted after this date. There will be no other lunch orders available on Friday 24th October. Please note: you will need to send your child with a snack for recess break and their regular drink bottle. Lee Lee will require assistance on this day from a number of parents from 9am-2pm. Please indicate on the form if you are able to help! Asian Special Lunch Day Friday 24th October I would like to order a “Chinese Cultural Lunch” from the canteen on Friday 24th October. Child’sName:__________________________ Class:-_____________________ 185 Gold St, Clifton Hill, Vic 3068 Main Office 9489 8333 Fax 9481 1910 Kids Club 9486 2675 www.cliftonhillps.vic.edu.au clifton.hill.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au 12 Edition 16 EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION 15th October 2014 Canteen News Term 4 is here and it’s all systems go with Lee Lee’s delicious Spring/Summer Menu options for our gorgeous kids! Once again a HUGE thank you to all our volunteers and the roster is out so get in quick so you don’t miss out on your preferred date to be an integral part of Lee Lee’s “masterchef” kitchen at CHPS! Contact Lee Lee directly in the canteen or call or email Bridgette if you would like to help vaughan.bridgette2@bigpond.com or 0438067047 OCTOBER Volunteers Canteen Roster Monday 13th Cathy Stone Friday 24th SPECIAL LUNCH DAY Tuesday 14th Amanda Fegan Wednesday 15th Natalie Yanoulis Thursday 16th Louise Discheria Friday 17th Jodie Munro Kathya Martyres Monday 27th Tamara Zuchowski Tuesday 28th Cherry Ching Monday 20th Jeremy Baskin Wednesday 29th Elaine McPartlin Tuesday 21th Kylie McGregor Thursday 30th Marisa Skok Wednesday 22nd Rita Gruber Friday 31st Lucia Reynolds Thursday 23rd 185 Gold St, Clifton Hill, Vic 3068 Main Office 9489 8333 Fax 9481 1910 Kids Club 9486 2675 www.cliftonhillps.vic.edu.au clifton.hill.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au 13 Clifton Hill Primary School Term 4 Summer Menu 2014 SUMMER SNACKS The canteen is open at recess for purchases from the snack menu (on the reverse side of this page) and at lunch times until 1.45pm. Students should place lunch orders in the class baskets each morning at 9am. Students bringing late (orders received after 10.30am) or forgotten lunches will be given a lunch order at a cost charged to parents. Please assist this process by encouraging students to be responsible for putting their lunch in the basket. TUESDAY: SALAD BOWLS Wholemeal/multigrain sandwiches and rolls are available each day Vietnamese Rice Noodle Salad (Green) $4.50 A fresh summer salad of carrot, With chicken or tofu $3.50 Caesar Salad (Amber) Curried egg and lettuce $3.50 Tuna and salad sandwich $3.50 " Bowl of delicious fresh lettuce, Roast chicken and salad $3.50 Ham and salad $3.50 ! Salad $3.50 Plain roll 80c $4.50 Freshly prepared deli-style Turkish breads Half (Green) $4 - Leg ham, cheese & salad - Roast chicken, avocado & lettuce croutons, parmesan cheese and light caesar dressing (contains egg) With grilled chicken WEDNESDAY: FRESH PIZZA - !Cheese, avocado & salad $7 Also available Low fat mayonnaise. The following items are available only on the allocated days. MONDAY: MEXICAN BURRITOS Vegetarian Burrito (Green) Warm flour tortilla wrapped around a $4.50 filling of beans, lettuce, salsa and cheese. Beef Burrito (Green) Warm flour tortilla wrapped around a filling of minced beef, beans, lettuce, salsa and cheese. Hawaiian – Leg ham, cheese & pineapple (Amber) $3.50 " Margherita – Cheese, tomato & fresh $2.50 $4.50 " Vegie – market fresh vegetables & Nippy Milk - Chocolate, Strawberry, $1.80 Banana (Green) 100% fruit juices 250ml- $1.50 Orange, Apple or Apple & Blackcurrant (Amber) Water - plain 600ml(Green) $1.30 500 ml Flavoured Water (Amber) $2 Flavours include: " Vegie chips (Amber) $1.10 Cheese sticks (Green) 70c Fruit cups (Green) $1.50 Breakfast bars (Amber) $1.10 Pineapple cups (Green) 80c Corn thins/ Flavoured rice 30c thins(Green) Cheese and biscuits (Green) SUMMER TREATS ICE CREAMS, ICE BLOCKS and FRUIT TREATS BBQ Supreme basil (Green) Full 90c Salt and Vinegar Chicken All pizzas made with wholemeal pita bread & cheese DELI-STYLE TURKISH ROLLS Available every day Salt and Vinegar Jumpies (Amber) $2.50 Egg/egg & lettuce DRINKS Raspberry & Lemon Cheese " Cheese/Vegemite/Honey $1.00 Butter with rice noodles and fish sauce dressing. Can be requested without dressing. Toasted available upon request. Students are only able to order one packet of savoury-related foods (eg Jumpies, Popcorn or Vegie Chips). Please support this policy by sending/giving only small amounts of money to be spent at snack or lunch time. " Popcorn – 20g (Green) cucumber, lettuce and mint combined All sandwiches and rolls are green foods. Available every day at recess from the canteen window $1.10 Available every day at recess or lunch from the canteen window Moosies Milk Freeze $1 3 flavours – Chocolate, Strawberry and Banana (Amber) Juicies- 99% fruit juice tubes 80c Flavours- - Orange, Tropical and Wildberry (Amber) ! denotes vegetarian option $3.50 Students not providing their own plastic box or bag will need to include 20c for a bag. Beef lasagne (Green) $3.50 The canteen is open at recess for purchases from the snack menu and at lunch times each day for drink and icy-pole purchases until 1.45pm. Students should place lunch orders in the class baskets each morning at 9am Students bringing late (orders received after 10.30am) or forgotten lunches will be given a standard lunch order, which is a cheese or vegemite sandwich, bottle of water and piece of fruit, at a cost charged to parents. Please assist this process by encouraging students to be responsible for putting their lunch in the basket. " Macaroni cheese(Green) $3.50 " Pasta Twirl with tomato sauce (Green)! $3.50 cheese (Green) THURSDAY: PASTA FRIDAY: SUSHI Sushi – Tuna (Green) $2.20 ! Sushi – Vegetable (Green) $2.20 Sushi - Teriyaki Chicken (Green) $2.20 California Roll (Green) $2.20 ! ! ! 185 Gold St, Clifton Hill, Vic 3068 Main Office 9489 8333 Fax 9481 1910 Kids Club 9486 2675 www.cliftonhillps.vic.edu.au clifton.hill.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au 14 2 Months to go!! !"#$%&'("&$")$***"""""Saturday 22nd November +,&-./,0"11%/"2$34564."""78,59:;5" 10am - 4pm )*$+&"',-$./"'%( !>)1'#+%?1*%$'1*%2))*5@% A)=5B%4))C5B%-()#$+5B%/<508B% A,'5$%DA,+'5<,+% 0+1"%&"'( ),*+,%M,05#N'1*5% 4<=%301+%E'67(+% #08C+#5% !&021%<;%6),%&#'((%E)5#+,5% !FG#$%H))*%&#'(($)(*+,% -).%9++#012% !:'9;+,%>)1'#'#0)1% 4)I+5%01%-('55,))95%% J#$%K%FL#$%% !?F5#%%&+#%<;%% !??1*%HOPE%>OQ% PLEASE NOTE !?R,*%-(+'1%<;% FAIR DONATION % LOCATIONS:- Gold Street Fair 2014! Back by Popular Demand! Limited Offer:! Delicious Homemade Christmas Cakes! Once more a dedicated team of parents from classes across the school have been baking for weeks to produce a limited number of sensational Christmas cakes. This is your opportunity to secure one prior to the Fair and avoid disappointment.! ! These cakes really are special. They are packed full of brandy-soaked fruit and baked slowly to produce a rich, dense cake that is moist and aromatic. Each is attractively wrapped and will make a wonderful gift for the festive season – or simply take one home to enjoy with the family!! 100% of the purchase price goes direct to OUR school! • TOYS FAIR DONATION • BOOKS LOCATIONS:• MUSIC Base of stairs, near Lost Property • TOYS • CLOTHES • BOOKS Multi Purpose Room • TRASH & TREASURE • MUSIC PLEASE NOTE Base of stairs, near Lost Property • CLOTHES Bike Shed Thank you for your assistance. ! For your convenience, we offer 2 cake sizes at competitive prices:! 1. large (round/square) @ $50 each.! 2. medium (log) @ $30! ! To ensure availability we ask that you order and pay for your cakes before Friday 7th November. You will be contacted when cakes are ready for collection.! ! 1. Fill in order form below.! 2. Include payment/cheque (made out to Clifton Hill Primary School).! 3. Place in envelope and drop into school office.! ! ! CHILD’S NAME ……………………………………CHILD’S CLASS ……........................! ! PARENT NAME AND EMAIL…………………………………...........................................! ! No:! ____ Large round/square @ $50 each! ! ! ____ Medium log @ $30 each! AMOUNT ENCLOSED $………………….. Multi Purpose Room • TRASH185&GoldTREASURE St, Clifton Hill, Vic 3068 Bike Shed Main Office 9489 8333 Fax 9481 1910 Kids Club 9486 2675 www.cliftonhillps.vic.edu.au clifton.hill.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au 15 RENOVATING OR FAMILY VISITING FOR XMAS? Extra large and very comfortable furnished house in North Fitzroy opposite parkland and near everything, available from November 30 to January 10. Four bedrooms sleeping up to seven, 2.5 bathrooms, 3 living rooms, rooftop garden with BBQ and city skyline views. The house is owned by a school family and rent is negotiable. Inquiries call 0417 325 985. 185 Gold St, Clifton Hill, Vic 3068 Main Office 9489 8333 Fax 9481 1910 Kids Club 9486 2675 www.cliftonhillps.vic.edu.au clifton.hill.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au 16 GIRL GUIDES Friendship, fun, challenge and achievement! Yarra City District Girl Guides meet weekly during school terms - Junior Guides ages 6-10 (Clifton Hill, Monday evenings) and Girl Guides ages 11-14 (North Fitzroy, Tuesday evenings). Adult volunteer enquiries are also welcome. Our units are open to visitors – come and see how you like it. Positive Parenting Seminars For information contact Gresley Wakelin-King (District Manager) ph. 9482 4584. email: yarra@guidesvic.org.au. Look for us online at www.guidesvic.org.au Information in Chinese, Arabic, Hindi, Indonesian, Khmer, Sinhalese, Somali and Vietnamese is online at www.guidesvic.org.au/Welcome WHEN: Raising children and adolescents is perhaps one RIWKHPRVWLPSRUWDQW\HWGLIÀFXOWMREVLQWKH world. Becoming an effective parent does not FRPHDXWRPDWLFDOO\\HWZHDOOZDQWWRJLYHRXU FKLOGUHQWKHEHVWVWDUWWROLIH3RVLWLYHSDUHQWLQJ VHPLQDUVHQDEOHSDUHQWVWREHPRUHSUHSDUHGDQG DEOHWRHIIHFWLYHO\VXSSRUWWKHLUFKLOGUHQWRWKULYH WKURXJKWKHFRXUVHRIGHYHORSPHQWDQGQDYLJDWH experiences of adversity. Tuesday 21 October, 6pm to 7pm (Drinks and nibbles to follow) WHERE: Clifton Hill Primary School. 185 Gold St Clifton Hill. RSVP: Seminar attendance is free but please RSVP for catering purposes – Elisa e.turco@fgd.com.au ANTIWRINKLE TREATMENT 6HPLQDUWKUHHLQWKHVHULHV¶%XLOGLQJ5HVLOLHQFH·LVDERXW how your family can give your children the support they need to be resilient DQGFRSHZLWKGLIÀFXOWLHVLQFKLOGKRRG3DUHQWVZLOOOHDUQWRROVWRKHOSWKHP raise children who are able to thrive and meet their full potential. Proudly sponsored by Farrar Gesini Dunn and Clever Minds Psychology Topics to be covered: - Preparing children for future challenges - Moving from dependence to independence - Parental modelling - Preparing for and dealing with adolescent issues This 45 minute seminar will be presented by Dr Gemma Russell a Clinical Psychologist from Clever Minds Psychology who specialises in child and adolescent development and mental health. The seminar will be followed by a 15 minute Q & A session. Parents and carers are invited to stay for drinks and nibbles to take the opportunity to meet other parents, and speak with our presenter, Dr Gemma Russell, or our mediation and collaborative law experts from Farrar Gesini Dunn. 185 Gold St, Clifton Hill, Vic 3068 www.clevermindspsychology.com.au www.fgd.com.au Main Office 9489 8333 Fax 9481 1910 Kids Club 9486 2675 www.cliftonhillps.vic.edu.au clifton.hill.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au 17 185 Gold St, Clifton Hill, Vic 3068 Main Office 9489 8333 Fax 9481 1910 Kids Club 9486 2675 Regards Dan Donnelly, Club Coach Royal Park T.C. www.cliftonhillps.vic.edu.au All enquiries & bookings call Dan 0408 991 700. Check out the new website! www.dandonnellytennis.com 18 clifton.hill.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au Mon, Tues & Wed evenings and day time classes. Racquets supplied if required. Beginners & Intermediate classes. Adult Coaching - Parents it’s never too late!!! Places available each afternoon school, Mon - Fri, group lessons & squads. Parents, tennis is a great social and competitve sport. Racquets supplied if required. Junior Tennis Coaching 8 - 16 year olds Free trial lesson for Pee Wees, Saturday October 11, 9am Monday October 13, 4pm Thursday October 16, 4.50pm Pee Wee Tennis 5 - 7 year olds Tennis Coaching Programs Available 4th Term Royal Park T.C. (cnr Park St & The Avenue, Parkville/Brunswick) DAN DONNELLY TENNIS COACHING PROGRAMS
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