Champagne Every Night - How-To


Champagne Every Night - How-To
Financial Freedom for Exotic Dancers Framework™
Financial Freedom For Exotic Dancers
The 5-Steps to Financial Freedom Freedom V™ Structure - see page 60
This book is dedicated to John McMath, and to all the other
like-minded entrepreneurs out there forging your paths to
financial freedom. Let this book be a guide to quicken your
journey and show you that the things you never thought
possible are absolutely within your reach.
Copyright © 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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No portion of this material may be shared or reproduced in any manner under any circumstance whatsoever without advance written
permission from Strip System Productions, LLC.
The Freedom V™ victory dancer logo, tag line and step-by step framework (referred to herein as “Financial Freedom for Exotic Dancers
Framework™”) are trademarks and/or servicemarks of Strip System Productions, LLC and may not be used, reproduced or otherwise
duplicated, without the express written permission of Strip System Productions, LLC. All rights worldwide are reserved.
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No portion of this material is intended to offer legal, professional, personal or financial advice. The information contained herein cannot
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We’ve taken every effort to ensure we accurately represent these strategies and their potential to help you grow your business.
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Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Section 1: Overview Section 1: Table of Contents Exotic Dancing Is…
Exotic Dancing Has Been…
What Are You Really Afraid Of?
Forget What You “Know” About Exotic Dancing
What Else Can I Do?
Section 1: Takeaways
Section 1: Three Things You Should Do Now
Section 1: Resources For Further Learning
SECTION TWO Section 2: Overview Section 2: Table Of Contents Body
Plastic Surgery and Aestheticism
Section 2: Takeaways
Section 2: Three Things You Should Do Now
Section 2: Resources for Further Learning
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
Section 3: Overview Section 3: Table Of Contents Special Introduction to Section 3
Before We Get Started on Finances
Time and Money
Become Wealthy. And Keep It!
Section 3: Takeaways
Section 3: Three Things You Should Do Right Now
Section 3: Resources for Further Learning
What Is Freedom V™?
The 5-Steps to Financial Freedom - Freedom V™ Structure:
What Is Financial Freedom?
What Is In Your Future?
I Sincerely Hope You Enjoyed Reading Champagne Every Night! 66
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
If You Could Have Anything in the World Right Now…
…Can you even imagine it? What would it be?
Sometimes it’s hard to let ourselves think about what we really want, because we are so very
certain we can never have it. It’s easier not to dream, isn’t it?
And so we live out our entire lives hardly daring to dream of what might be - and eventually,
sadly, what might have been will never come to pass.
With this book I am challenging you to dream.
I dare you to answer the question at the top of this page. I dare you to discover and give
a name to your passions. I dare you to believe that you can have all those things you have
been afraid to dream about, or to seriously plan toward having.
This book is Step 1 of your new life plan. This is the doorway to a future of wealth, success
and freedom that you can have if you want it badly enough.
You might be wondering how I can tell you all of this is possible with such complete
conviction. It’s simple: I have done it myself.
I am passionate about what I do, and what I have accomplished for myself in my life since
becoming a professional exotic dancer. I have done well with this path, and now I want to
share all I have learned with you because you can do this, just like me, and benefit just as
much as I have.
Most people simply don’t know how other people become wealthy. Women especially, just
like you, have no idea how much power and opportunity you have, and how much freedom
awaits you if you are willing to follow a few simple guidelines.
This book is about what I have done and how I have learned to become successful in
every way. I want to share my success with you today because you absolutely can have
Champagne Every Night. It all begins when you have the courage to answer that one
essential question: If you could have anything…
I hope you will enjoy this book, and will become as excited about, and successful with,
exotic dance as I have had the pleasure to be. Welcome to my world!
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
You Have the Power — and the Passion.
You Deserve Champagne Every Night!
Before we undertake this journey together, there are some basic things I’d like to talk about
and make sure you understand so that you can benefit fully from the rest of what I’m going
to tell you. These are things you must know in order to fully celebrate yourself, enhance your
life experiences, transcend the limitations of your ingrained beliefs and broaden your scope
of possibilities.
Women - including you - are complex.
Women are far more sexually sophisticated than men. Sex really occurs in your head even
more powerfully than in your body.
Women enjoy the game and the idea of sex even more than the actual physical act - which is
why exotic dancing can be such a turn-on for women, and such a natural avenue to extreme
wealth and success.
Exotic dance is a way for women to use the seductive skills we so naturally enjoy exercising,
and to play this game with a large number of equally willing men, so that we get the sexual
attention from men that we crave without having to “pay consequences”; i.e. have sex with
them. In effect, as an exotic dancer you can be paid extremely well to play that cat-and-mouse
game you love to play with men - again, with no consequences to be paid back.
Narcissism and low self-esteem are often present concurrently in a woman’s psyche;
experiencing success as an exotic dancer can address and balance both of these issues.
The “good girl/naughty slut” personas often coexist quite provocatively in a woman’s
essential nature; again, working in a gentlemen’s club is a virtually safe environment where
you can live out both of these fantasies at the same time.
As an exotic dancer, you can indulge yourself in accumulating a sexy wardrobe and playing
with costuming as a business expense and a tax write-off.
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
The fantasy/play-acting aspects of exotic dance will capitalize and expand upon your core
intellectual eroticism.
Success as an exotic dancer, gained from development of all of your innate erotic skills, will
feed and cultivate your sense of power and mastery as a woman, and as a businesswoman,
while enhancing your life overall. Because frankly, business and sex are not so different in
their basic means of acquisition and expression of success.
This is a book about the exciting, enticing, seductive fantasy world of exotic dancing, and
how you can assume a leading role in this world.
This is also a book about business, wealth and freedom, and how all of that can be yours as
an exotic dancer. The purpose of this book is to introduce you to the immensely successful
gentlemen’s club industry, and to the highly lucrative business of professional exotic dancing,
in a way you have never seen it revealed before.
Champagne Every Night will offer you the opportunity to enter an industry where, if you
work wisely, you can make a ton of money in a relatively short time, have a lot of fun, and
achieve immense personal growth and satisfaction. You can then retire early with a lifetime
of self-perpetuating passive income.
By reading this book, you are taking your first step toward opening the doors to an
opportunity you probably never even knew existed for you.
Come now and let me show you My World The World of Exotic Dancing!
Let’s Get SEXY!
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
SECTION 1 Overview
•• Learn how exotic dancing is a business like any other, and how you can be successful
at it if you want to
•• Establishing your total style and image
•• Alternative opportunities in the gentlemen’s club industry for women and men
SECTION 1 Table of Contents
•• Exotic Dancing Is…
•• Exotic Dancing Has Been…
•• What Are You Really Afraid Of?
•• Forget What You “Know” About Exotic Dancing
•• Fantasy
•• Music
•• What Else Can I Do?
•• Takeaways
•• Three Things You Should Do Now
•• Resources for Further Learning
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
Exotic Dancing Is…
… Passion… Imagination… Seduction… Fulfillment… Fortune. The underworld of exotic
dancing has emerged from a maze of mystery, fantasy and erotica into the mainstream with
coverage from respected media sources such as CNBC, Oprah, Yahoo News and more.
The timing couldn’t be better for this book, and for your introduction to achieving financial
freedom through a career in exotic dancing.
From this book you will begin to learn the benefits of exotic dancing.
This book is about much more than dancing. It is about learning to be successful with any
business venture you choose to attempt. This book is about you. Empowering yourself. Learning
about yourself. Learning about your relationships - personal and business - and mastering the
psychology of selling. You will learn how you can make a substantial amount of money and keep
it – with interest and other passive income always growing!
The flashes of truth I will show you have been kept secret from you in order to keep you
broke, in bondage, and brainwashed by society and corporate America – to keep you
enslaved and living inside of the box, and prohibiting you from reaching your maximum
potential as a human being. That old–school advice about getting a college education,
stacking up degrees and beefing up your résumé is naïve thinking. I can prove to you that
you don’t even need a high school education to start up your own business tonight! To set
your own hours, starting tonight! To take vacations and shop at exclusive high–end stores
whenever you want, starting tonight!
Read this book today and prepare to begin making six figures tonight through the gentlemen’s
club industry and exotic dancing without having to sell your soul or compromise your values.
If you want success, happiness and significant monetary gain, then listen up! If you are
finally fed up with all of the hype about our supposedly horrible economy and you want to
rid yourself of the fear of losing your job, or not having enough money to pay your bills, this
book is for you!
If you are an entrepreneur, if you are educated, or consider yourself to be an elite upscale
person who simply wants to be involved in something new and different which will make you
even wealthier than you already are, this book is also for you!
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
This book will change your life if you are:
•• A woman between the ages of 18 and 45.
•• A man who wants to pursue a lucrative career that is trendy and outside the realm of
humdrum jobs.
•• A married couple that wants to boost your monthly income.
•• A college student who wants to pay your way through college or pay off your loans.
•• An advocate of the American Dream: Buy that house and car that you want.
•• A boyfriend or girlfriend who wants to help your female significant–other succeed.
Right away you may be asking: How is it possible to be respected in this industry? By the
end of this book you will have no doubts, but let’s start with a little history of exotic dancing.
Exotic Dancing Has Been…
Exotic dancing has been around since the beginning of mankind. It appears to have begun
as far back as the Cro–Magnon era. Historically, Ancient Babylon, India, the Orient, and
the Middle East have also practiced goddess worship as part of their cultures, and exotic
dancing has been part of this worship as well. Evidence can be seen in pagan rituals such as
dancing around the Maypole.
Exotic Dancing has been recorded in ancient Egypt, Syria, and Turkey. In some cultures
dance was performed for entertainment purposes, and in others, to appease the gods. In
Egypt, dances were performed for the fertility goddess, Hathor, and in Greece, Aphrodite.
The term “exotic” refers to anything that is extraordinary in an exciting, unusual way. Belly
dancing, with its origins in the ancient Middle East, is considered by many to be an exotic
dance, though some also perceive it as erotic dance because of the focus on hip movements.
Most belly dancers I have known hate this stereotype, because belly dancing is historically
for women to strengthen their back and child bearing muscles, not for men’s enjoyment or
Exotic dancing in varying forms has also been prevalent throughout the history of Western
society. One Western form of exotic dance is American burlesque which grew from earlier
forms of striptease. The art of striptease was introduced into American burlesque shows in
and around the 1900’s. In Paris, France, there was the Moulin Rouge. Some sources credit
the origin of striptease as we know it to an act in 1890s Paris in which a woman slowly
removed her clothes in a vain search for a flea crawling on her body.
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
Currently a very popular exotic dance form is pole dancing which appears to have originated
in Oregon. The popular account is that in 1968 a dancer named Miss Belle Jangles performed
the first verifiably documented pole dance at a club called Mugwumps. Pole dancing
eventually gained popularity in Canada, and from there was performed in Central Europe and
Great Britain, then traveled as far as Russia and Australia. Today pole dancing is performed
widely in and outside the club industry. There are pole dancing classes and competitions. At
this writing, pole dancing is even being considered as an Olympic competitive sport.
How I Got My Start in Exotic Dancing
I was the last person on earth who would ever have become an exotic
dancer. I grew up in a humble Christian home in Jacksonville, Florida.
My parents used to live in their own wild ways, and then they went to the
other extreme and became Jesus Freaks! I was considered among the
most caring and thoughtful of my peers, and for certain one of the most
Godly. I was not even allowed to watch non-Christian movies or listen to
secular music until I was on my own.
I grew up very, very poor. My parents worked hard for what they had and
were so young and broke when they had me! My mom was the thrifty
saver, and my dad, like 99% of all Americans, spent everything he earned.
I wore clothes to school that didn’t fit or that made me look awkward. I wasn’t allowed to
shave my very hairy legs until I was in sixth grade, and kids always made fun of my big feet, my
big nose, my big hands, and my chicken legs!
As you can tell, I was extremely sheltered; I gained an early determination that I would not
have to live through this humiliation for much longer if I had anything to do with it!
Looking back, I am proud of my parents for everything they have gone through, and for
teaching me the benefits of hard work and education. We have struggled in many ways as a
family, and have realized the importance of unconditional love and sticking together through
thick and thin. I was afraid that they would not approve of my exotic dancing career, and
much to my surprise, they embraced it and they see the value in helping so many people to
achieve their wildest dreams through financial freedom, moral dignity, and excellence!
The big question that most people have for me, especially if they know anything about my
past, is, “How on earth did you end up dancing?” It’s simple; I wanted adventure! I wanted
to travel. I loved the idea of being independently wealthy. I loved the prospect of having
all of this money and power at such a young age. And I wanted to implement a legitimate
business system while doing it. However, I was not going to sell myself, or do anything I felt
was morally wrong. As rebellious and progressive as I have always been, I still maintained a
line I would not cross.
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
I admit, the first time the opportunity to try exotic dance was presented to me, I swore I
would never do such a thing. I thought it was wrong - dirty, unhealthy and unsafe. Dancing
around in front of a room full of men was a completely foreign concept to me.
I was modest by nature, but once the subject was presented my curiosities soon led me to
find out more. I had never been to a gentlemen’s club before; the first time I went to one I
remember most vividly walking into the club and seeing tall, beautiful women everywhere. I
thought, “Could I really be one of them someday?” The relaxed atmosphere of the club and
the beat of the music set a foundation for me to experience an ambience of fantasy - and
possibility - that kept calling me back for more. Before long, one night I found myself onstage
for my first song as an exotic dancer, and by the second song, I was so exhilarated by the idea
of my exhibition that I readily gave in to the dance - and the tips kept coming.
Point of Reference: Working at Hooters
Before I became an exotic dancer, like so many young college women today, around my
sophomore year in college I became a Hooters girl.
The truth is that exotic dancing is very similar to a Hooters waitressing job; really there is not a huge
difference between the two. You wear tight clothes, show cleavage, promote a fun atmosphere
– and you get hit on by the clientele quite a bit. At Hooters there are many beautiful women all
working in one place, and men come there seeking interaction and entertainment.
At Hooters, there are beautiful, friendly women working there that men avidly come in to talk to.
These women give men a “GFE”—girlfriend experience—with an attractive young lady who will
simply sit down with them and talk to them about their day. This is exactly what exotic dancers do.
We will show men or women that we are interested in who they are and what they have to say, not
just in selling them our looks, food, or drinks.
There is, however, one major difference: the income! It’s amazing that I worked hundreds of
hours at Hooters during my two–year stay, but within the first few months of being a dancer
I made much more money than I ever could have dreamed of making at Hooters.
This is just one example of how exotic dancing is like any other established, respectable
business. It all comes down to sales and marketing: The business aspect of exotic dancing is
like running and promoting any other company, and it is the best business education you can
get because there is no risk, no overhead and you have no employees. Just you, starting with
the basics and learning how to be independently wealthy without the headache of having to
go into debt or get a business loan on the chance that you might make a profit.
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
What Are You Really Afraid Of?
If you are apprehensive about doing this business I completely understand! This apprehension
happens mostly because society has always trained women to do only what is considered
ladylike, socially acceptable, and polite. However, things are a lot different now than they
used to be, and there are quite a few examples of this.
Consider the following:
Movies have, of course, changed over the last 100 years. They have changed even more
dramatically, however, in the last 10–20 years.
One of my all–time favorite movies is The Sands Of Iwo Jima, starring John Wayne. It is about
World War II, and was made in 1949. War movies back then were completely different than
they are now; especially in the “kill” scenes. For example – If you were watching soldiers in
a bunker get attacked and killed, do you think you would see blood, guts, and carnage in a
movie that was made in 1949?
Absolutely not!
The way the audience knew someone died from enemy fire was by changes in the music:
it would change tempo and then climax in a scary, depressing sort of way. That was it! No
blood or guts onscreen, but lots of tears shed by the audience. If you produced a movie
like that today, not only would it do poorly in the theatres, but the screenplay wouldn’t be
bought by a production company in the first place!
Now, the opposite end of the spectrum is a contemporary movie called Saving Private
Ryan. Most of you have seen this movie and know it has an extreme amount of blood, guts,
and carnage right from the opening scene! Even 20 years ago Nancy Reagan would have
spoken out against allowing movies like this to be produced.
Nowadays, if filmmakers don’t come to the table with at least the visual excitement of
what you saw in Saving Private Ryan – and probably even more graphic violence would be
expected – not only won’t it do well in the theatres, but you and your screenplay would be
laughed out of the production companies’ offices!
Gambling in the United States originated in Las Vegas. Las Vegas was a very obscure town
until the mid 1980’s; a place where you dressed up in a jacket and tie to gamble and dine in
style. No Exceptions; this image was taken seriously and enforced. It was a very formal place
where you would never bring your family. Well – maybe your mistress’ family!
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
For many years, the only two places in the US you could legally gamble were Las Vegas,
Nevada and Atlantic City, New Jersey. With the introduction of the Mirage Super Casino
in 1989, the landscape of Las Vegas, and gambling establishments everywhere in the US,
changed forever. By making casinos “family” destinations instead of “where–I–take–myextramarital–affair” destinations, other states slowly began to consider gambling as a way
to increase their tax revenue. As a result, 13 other states have now legalized gambling. That’s
a total of 450 casinos in the United States generating around 72 billion dollars annually.
Ladies and Gentlemen: In case you missed the point, gambling has gone mainstream. Do
you think this would have been the case 20 years ago?
In California, you may now buy marijuana legally with a license – which is very easy to obtain,
by the way!
There is a bill currently in the House that, if passed, will legalize marijuana in California
so that the state can collect tax revenue on it. That would be a smart move by the state
since the 14–billion–dollar marijuana business is worth over twice the take of the 2nd place
finisher – milk and cream.
Trinkets and Thongs
You see adult novelty stores on practically every corner these days – in neighborhood shopping
centers and even right off the interstates leading into the most obscure towns. The funny
thing is, not only are these “sex shops” open 24 hours a day, but I have driven by these places
at all hours and I have always seen them busy! Amazing! You’d almost think people are having
sex nowadays like it was a natural thing to do. Stores like Victoria’s Secret are in every mall in
this country. Any five–year–old walking in the mall can see a mannequin sporting the latest in
thong fashion!
Job Fairs
This one will surprise most of you. Just recently, because of the recession in the US economy,
a gentlemen’s club on the East Coast held a job fair!
Now, if exotic dancing is truly so outlandish, there is no way that this club would have – or
even could have – hosted a job fair. But they did and it was a huge success! Not only was it
good for the club, it was excellent publicity for the entire industry.
Things have really changed!
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
As you can see, society has made paradigm shifts from multiple angles. This is really good for
exotic dancing as an industry, and for exotic dancers as individuals. With society becoming
more accepting of these “racy industries,” there has never been a better time to get started
in exotic dancing. It just might be time for you to give it a try after all!
Forget What You “Know” About Exotic Dancing
There are some misbeliefs that we need to burst before we immerse ourselves in further
discussion of exotic dancing:
Misbelief 1: All exotic dancers are prostitutes who trade sexual favors for money.
This dangerous and offensive myth is absolutely and positively not true. In every
profession, there are promiscuous women, and exotic dancing is no exception.
However, there are an abundance of educated and respectable women – wives,
virgins, moms and deeply religious women – in this and all other industries. Much
of this issue depends on what club you choose. If it is a high–end club with strict
rules, you will have far less “funny business” going on. Most dancers I know are
absolutely against prostitution; they simply dance, talk and entertain, just like I
do. You do not have to do anything intimately sexual to be successful and make
a ton of money dancing. Just conjure the illusion of fantasy and sex appeal by
using your creativity!
Misbelief 2: You have to have large, fake breasts to dance.
Also not true. At my club the breakdown is about half natural and half fake.
There are women with small, medium, and large breasts, and their bodies are
many different shapes and sizes. There are also beautiful African American
women, Hispanic women, Asian women, Caucasian, and Russian women. No
matter what your “look”, there are men who will appreciate you and give you
their money. You just have to be confident in yourself and believe you are sexy!
The most beautiful dancers rarely make the most money; it is personality and
charisma that wins every time.
Misbelief 3:All exotic dancers have substance abuse issues.
Drugs and alcohol inhibit your judgment and allow you to do things you
wouldn’t normally do – which can destroy your earning potential. I have heard
a few stories about dancers getting drunk and losing their money, losing track
of their VIP time, or discovering their money was stolen by a client or another
dancer because they weren’t paying attention. Mess up here and there goes
your job, and possibly your health. The dancers I know who don’t drink are the
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
most successful. None of the dancers at my club have drug problems and most
are paying their way through college.
Misbelief 4: The money comes easily.
It all depends on what your definition of “easy” is. If “easy” to you is sitting on
the sidelines drinking a beer and munching a bag of potato chips then, no, this
will not be easy. However, what if I was able to show you a clear and certain path
to success? What if all you had to do is follow my program exactly as outlined in
order to attain all of your goals and dreams? In other words, no guesswork! Just
listen, apply and make money. To me – that is easy! If making a six–figure salary
as a dancer was easy, then everyone would be learning how to become a dancer.
You need to know the ins and outs of the trade because knowledge is power. This
book will maximize your potential and significantly increase your nightly income.
Misbelief 5: Exotic dancers cannot be in a relationship.
Of course you can be in a relationship. As long as your partner is understanding
and knows that what you do is business, there is nothing preventing you from
maintaining a relationship. You could cheat any time you want to, no matter where
you work; if you are going to cheat it is not because you work at a gentlemen’s
club, it is because of other completely personal issues. I do recommend that you
tell your clients you are single, because it is part of the fantasy to create the illusion
that you are attainable to them; this, too, is just business.
As a matter of fact, you need an awesome boyfriend (or girlfriend) or husband who
understands you and can be there for you, and who is not jealous, if you are to
be the most successful at this. Someone who can mentor you and help you with
the business aspect. Someone who may be a little older and more experienced,
who wants you to succeed in whatever you choose to do. Just remember, we
are the average of the 5 people we are around most, so the quickest way to get
somewhere in life is to be around others every day who are going places too!
Misbelief 6: Exotic dancers have low self–confidence and crave attention all the time.
On the contrary, I have found that exotic dancing has actually increased my self–
esteem, and I have seen the same thing happen with other dancers as well. It
gave me a solid reason to finally attain my best body ever. After all, your body is
your business in this industry, so the better you look, and the healthier you are,
the more confident you will feel. This means more money from your clients.
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
Misbelief 7: Bartenders, waitresses, and shot girls don’t make nearly as much as dancers.
You would be amazed at how much money a waitress or bartender brings home,
and they don’t even take their top off! Again, it’s all about being confident,
knowing you are the best at what you do, and proving it every night.
Regular clientele is key to your making lots of income, and entertaining them
well is vitally important. You will learn a great deal more about this if you
progress into my Freedom V™: Financial Freedom for Exotic Dancers™
program. Men come to a club for a real human experience and often have
a regular waitress but may choose among multiple dancers. If you can make
them feel particularly special by doing your job well, you will make more here
than at any other job!
Finding a Club
There are three types of clubs and I only suggest working in the top two categories of
1. Upscale Gentlemen’s Clubs
2. Neighborhood Men’s Clubs
3. Lower Tier “Titty Bars”
Upscale clubs will have a high-end clientele. Club services and alcohol will be pricier than the
alternatives. The atmosphere is clean and safe, and rules are vigorously enforced. There is often
a membership requirement as well. This is great because the more money the client is spending,
the more money you will make. In my opinion, it is always best to work at a high-end club.
If you progress from this book into my Freedom V™: Financial Freedom for Exotic
Dancers™ program, you will quickly become the top dancer at your club, so settling
for working in a lower-end club - even in bad economic times - is not necessary. In every
business, the top 20% of earners will make 80% of the money.
The best way to know what a gentlemen’s club is like is to visit one, and yes, women do
go there, just like any other club. Your best resource for finding upscale clubs in your area
is to go to Strippers on The Road. This Web site offers reviews from other girls who’ve
worked at these clubs and have left feedback - good and bad. You can also find clubs at
The Ultimate Strip Club List and Strip Club List.
You can search Google as well by typing in the keyword “gentlemen’s clubs” followed by your
city name. I wouldn’t pay any attention to comments or blogs at non-industry sites, because
most of this information comes from clients and not dancers. My personal favorite source
for gentlemen’s club news and other information about the business is ED Publications .
Freedom V™: Financial Freedom for Exotic Dancers™ pg 60
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
An ideal club should have the following:
ÂÂ Qualified, skilled staff that works efficiently and also maintains a proper balance between
serving the dancers and serving the customers
ÂÂ Bustling locale with upscale clients who aren’t apprehensive about spending
ÂÂ Outstanding security that makes the club a safe working environment, and safe for
customers who are drinking
ÂÂ Must contain VIP or Champagne Rooms, preferably with doors that do not completely
shut and/or do not lock
ÂÂ A strict “no touch” policy (e.g. limits on physical contact are enforced)
Go ahead, grab a friend, locate an upscale club near you, and go check it out for yourself!
Gentlemen’s clubs have a variety of women working in them, not necessarily
airbrushed women you see in magazines.
The other thing I would look out for is the city or area in which the club is located, and also
what industries the city thrives on. For instance, if you are considering working in a city that
thrives on tourism from out-of-towners, then most likely you will have dry seasons and dry
days, and income may vary weekly/seasonally. I prefer to work at clubs in medium-sized
towns with lots of locals coming in. This will keep business consistent.
You can be anyone you want to be as a dancer. This is a world of fantasy entertainment. Both
you and your client know this deep down. It’s no more real – and no more “fake” – than any
other game. Besides, where else can you wear your best lingerie to work - and nothing else?
Establishing your style is fun and completely natural. We don’t ever really think about why
we like the bustier on the mannequin at Frederick’s, or why a particular chemise excites us.
We just see it, go try it on if we have time, and pull our wallets out if we can afford to buy it.
Whether you are shopping for regular everyday clothing or buying for a special occasion,
you go and try a few outfits on at your favorite stores and choose what feels most satisfying
to you. Even when you shop for comfort or affordability, your choices of clothing still matter.
What you wear and how you present yourself is the outward presentation to the world of who you are.
This kind of expression in relation to dancing makes a huge impact on your business. The cut of
your thong, like the cut of your Capri’s, can make your figure look completely different than another
cut might. That bottom piece to your outfit can make you look chunky or it can be slimming.
How well you are groomed speaks miles about how well you take care of yourself, and how
you feel about yourself overall. I find that men in general don’t like a look that is too fake; at
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
the same time you have to put on enough makeup to polish your look, and present yourself in
a way that is stunning from the stage. And remember, what you learn about exotic dancewear
can help you in subtle ways to more attractively present yourself in everyday life (including
your intimate life!) as well.
Finding the right exotic wardrobe especially for you is a lot of fun! As you become more fit
and more tan, your look will change and improve. You will find that you look great in outfits
you never thought you could wear!
If making a six–figure salary and looking better than you ever imagined you could aren’t
motivation enough to get into the best shape of your life through exotic dancing, I don’t
know what is!
I remember the first time I went shopping for dancewear. I had no clue what I was doing. I
went to my local sex store to find some sexy outfits. I soon learned to look for a few basic
types of club wear. What you are allowed to wear will depend on your club.
The basic styles include:
Formal Gowns These are outfits that are skin tight but are the most formal of exotic dance
wear. The most elite clubs will require this attire. Some great examples
include Diva Stripper Clothes and for longer, more expensive gowns visit
Vixen’s Visions and search under “elegant long dresses.”
Dancewear This is a racier and more revealing type of clothing, but it is less
expensive and allowed in the majority of clubs. My personal all–time
favorite website is Snaz 75; in my opinion they feature the best and most
thinning thongs, outfits and shoes.
Lingerie This will include your teddies, corsets, body stockings, garters, and
hosiery. A great source for this kind of attire is Victoria’s Secret or
Frederick’s of Hollywood.
Nothing will substitute for going and trying something on! The best way to get started is to
go to your local exotic wear or sex store and try it out. That’s what I did; for a few months I
had no idea what looked good on me or where to get cheaper outfits. Once you see other
dancers wearing clothing you like, then you will recognize it when you see it in stores as there
are a few main manufacturers who make this exclusive type of clothing for dancers. Once you
know what you are looking for it should be easy to find the styles you want to wear.
Just remember, your outfit should emphasize your best assets, and minimize your lesser
attributes. If you have a killer backside, be sure to wear short skirts or bikini bottoms to show
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
it off. Or if you need some help in that area, you could wear a longer gown or skirt that is
more form–fitting and will create a “bubble–butt” effect. If you have great cleavage, wear
a plunging V–cut top and very long, dangling jewelry to accentuate it. If you have beautiful
hair, grow it out and wear it long and straight, or style it to accent your face. Most men love
long hair! But it only works if it looks good on you.
First impressions are everything in business, and this industry is no exception, so be daring
and show what you’ve got! If you want to look slimmer, wear black, as it is thinning. Neon
colors (green, yellow, pink, orange) make you really stand out above everyone else in the
black light, and also have a slimming effect. It is important to dress your persona though:
for example, I personally prefer neon colors. Since you will be judged initially based on
appearance, it is important to establish your look based on the image you want to create.
You could be:
ÂÂ Graceful
ÂÂ Chic
ÂÂ Temptress
ÂÂ Tiger
ÂÂ Dominating
ÂÂ Innocent
ÂÂ Or mix it up!
Once you have an idea of what styles of dance clothing you want to wear, and know your
sizes from trying things on, you will then be able to go to the above websites and order what
you want with confidence, and without the hassle of having to return something that doesn’t
fit you right. Of course, if you want to be adventurous (or if you’re too shy to try things on
in a store yet) you can try ordering something right now. Just make sure the company has a
reasonable return policy.
Case Study
I recently went shopping in Santa Monica for new dance stilettos at a place called Secret Desires. I
wear a size 11–12 shoe, so finding quality shoes for cheap is a very hard thing for me to do! I walked
in, and – lo and behold – there was a sale! They had the exact shoe styles that you will want for your
dance wardrobe for just $12.99! Normally new styles can range from $40–$70. Needless to say, I
bought about 8 pairs in different colors and heights. This is by far one of the best Exotic/Lingerie
stores I have ever seen. The owners were friendly, the store was clean, and they carry quality outfits
and shoes. This is the kind of store that I love to do business with! Visit Secret Desires .
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
Choosing exotic dance music is vitally important because it aids in setting the appropriate
atmosphere and creating your ultimate image at the club. My education is in Music. I spent
seven years of my life learning about opera, symphonies, art songs, piano sonatas and
concertos, and learning about how music has evolved over time. I can listen to almost any
classical recording and tell you what period in history it came from and most likely the
This education taught me something deeper than just the facts that I memorized. It taught
me that music speaks all languages, and moves deep inner emotions that may never be
touched any other way. I can tell you why the transition from one part of a song to another
will make your client, or even you, feel a certain way. There is much history to consider as
For exotic dancing there are only a few things that you will need to consider:
1. What age group are most of my clients? What ethnicity is prevalent?
2. What music do I feel comfortable dancing to? Am I enjoying this music?
3. What type of music is not permitted at my club?
4. What am I wearing? Is there a “matching” song that can compliment my outfit?
Most high–end clubs have clients who are middle–aged, mostly Caucasian males. The
music I find they enjoy most is Classic Rock. Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughn, AC/DC, Led
Zeppelin, Ozzy Osbourne, The Who, The Rolling Stones, Boston, Def Leppard, Aerosmith,
Van Halen, Guns N Roses, and The Allman Brothers Band – to name just a few! These
groups have lots of high–energy dance songs on many of their albums. You’ll want to search
for a great, danceable beat!
Another very appealing genre is New Rock; particularly Korn, Limp Bizkit, Red Hot Chili
Peppers, Disturbed, Rage Against the Machine, Nonpoint, SRV, Godsmack, Hollywood
Undead, Pink Floyd, System of a Down, Nine Inch Nails, Tool, Primus, and Fair to Midland.
I also have a tendency to like Trance music, but only the best because it can get very annoying
and repetitive. I tend to like trendy pop songs with a melodic line that have been remixed
with a dance beat track. This way, the listener can identify and sing along with a familiar tune
in their head, but you have a great dance beat to go with it. There are some great trance
artists, too, that I recommend, like Armin Van Buuren – especially his album, 10 Years.
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
My favorite band of all time is Coldplay. You can use their original songs like “Clocks,”
“Speed of Sound,” or “Viva La Vida,” plus they have some great re–mixes as well. If you
search for the following online at or on iTunes, you should be able to download
them fairly easily and transfer to CD, IPod or iPhone for your immediate listening enjoyment!
Note: AC/DC is surprisingly not available on iTunes.
Music is the language of humanity. It influences mood and emotions. Setting your image at
your club depends largely on the music you dance to. I always switch my music around so it
doesn’t get old. Something new can be refreshing to you and the audience! And remember
to try to pick music that not many other girls dance to. Most importantly, pick music that your
clientele wants to hear! You can even ask them what they’d like you to dance to: it might
help you get a VIP or lap dances. Make them feel like they have power and importance!
Your Exotic Dancer Name
As an exotic dancer, you get to choose a fun, sexy name for your professional stage image
and persona. To help you choose a name, I have come up with a list of common exotic
dancers’ names that I happen to like. You can choose from this list, or use your own creative
juices to make one on your own!
Some examples of great stage names are:
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
If you feel like being remarkably creative, you can combine the first part of one name with
the second part of another name as long as it makes sense and sounds catchy. You want
your stage name to be memorable so clients will remember who to ask for.
Getting Into the Right Mindset
It is easy to be dragged down by someone else who is unsuccessful or miserable, especially
if you are considering exploring a business like exotic dancing which so few people really
understand. It’s an example of “crab theory;” when a crab tries to escape from a bucket
of water and break free from the others, they will pull him back into the water. The same
thing happens with people - individuals and organized groups - such as clubs, families,
friends, partners, religious groups and even entire cultures. Anyone who goes against what
everyone else is doing will get abused for it. But being different is the only way that you can
ever become exceptional.
Here are some core beliefs you must adopt in order to be successful with exotic dancing.
These will help you stay positive and focused on stage, and off stage, too:
1. My body is a masterpiece; showing it does not make me ashamed or embarrassed.
2. I get to do something exceptional that most people never experience first-hand. I
provide personal, elite-level entertainment and fantasy by graciously sharing my beauty
and charisma with an appreciative audience. I live what others only dream of.
3. I deserve the maximum potential income because I am beautiful, I make people’s
evening an experience like no other, I keep my body in shape because my body is my
business, and I work very late hours.
4. I am a professional performer and as such I deserve to be paid the same as any other
actor, musician or dancer.
5. I am an actress, and my purpose at a club is to provide a night of fantasy and clean fun.
My clients have a movie right in their lap and it is a fantasy performance. It is all make–
believe, and that is understood.
6. I will make my clients feel like a billion dollars: important, special, intelligent, handsome –
because no other woman in his life does this for him. It’s the reason he is here and willing
to spend his money for my company in a Champagne Room. It’s a win–win proposition,
and I will give a man the best night he has ever spent with a gorgeous woman - without
even having sex!
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
What Else Can I Do?
There are many ways for ladies to earn great income at a gentlemen’s club! If you are
reading this book and want to apply all of these principles to your life, but you don’t want to
show your breasts to the world, there’s a chapter in my Freedom V™: Financial Freedom
for Exotic Dancers™ especially for you!
The fact is that every job at a gentlemen’s club earns significantly more money than the
same jobs would elsewhere. The statistics I have listed at the end of this book will prove
that. Here are some other jobs you can consider, their descriptions and their pay: Shot Girl,
Waitress, Bartender or House Mom – maybe even a Manager or Owner!
For the Guys: Other jobs within the club that can make you
There’s also a chapter in my Freedom V™: Financial Freedom for Exotic Dancers™
dedicated to men’s jobs in the gentlemen’s club industry. Without you, it would be impossible
to run a gentlemen’s club. You are there to manage, protect, and facilitate what dancers do.
And we pay you well to do it! There are tons of job opportunities for men in gentlemen’s
clubs. These include Bouncer, Bartender, DJ, Valet, VIP Manager, Assistant Manager, General
Manager, and even Owner. I will give you a brief job description of each in *Freedom V™,
and how you can capitalize on these opportunities to make the most money.
My friend Tom is a bouncer in Florida, and during football season, he was known to make $2500 a week
in cash!
Freedom V™: Financial Freedom for Exotic Dancers™ pg 60
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
SECTION 1 Takeaways:
•• Allow yourself to feel confident about your abilities and your worthiness to succeed
•• Never feel guilty for wanting to explore your true passions. Never feel ashamed to do
anything that you are good at.
•• All kinds of women become exotic dancers - there is no one “type”
Three Things You Should Do Now:
1. Think about the people you “hang” with, the places you go and the activities you spend
your time on. Now, ask yourself, “Is this helping me? If not - you must make some hard
choices about how you spend your time, and who you keep in your life.
2. Look at some of the dancewear and lingerie online and at your favorite sex store, and
find the styles that you like and look best on you. Why not buy something nice and sexy
for yourself and see how wearing it makes you feel?
3. Identify one thing you have always wanted to do in your life, but have never done. Make
a list now of 3 to 5 ways that you could accomplish that thing you always wanted to do.
You will begin to see that you can do this now.
Resources For Further Learning:
Mystic Tan
Carmen Elektra’s Striptease videos
Step 1 and Step 2 of Freedom V ™: Financial Freedom for Exotic Dancers™ (See page 60)
Champagne Inner Circle
Editor’s Note: "Exotic Dancing Has Been..." was modified from an article at Article Alley; The History of Exotic Dancing;
Date Published: 27th October 2008; Author: dtymon;
Freedom V™: Financial Freedom for Exotic Dancers™ pg 60
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
SECTION 2 Overview
•• Understanding exercise: what it is, what it does, and how to make it work for you!
•• Cosmetic surgery and whether it’s right for you
•• Learn how exotic dancers play a vital role in the human hierarchy of need, and how that
defines the reasons men come to clubs - and to you!
SECTION 2 Table of Contents
•• Body
•• Nutrition
•• Enticement
•• Excitement!
•• Accomplishment
•• Takeaways
•• Three Things You Should Do Now
•• Resources for Further Learning
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
The Best Workouts in the World
Let’s face it. We all wish we were in better shape. We are
constantly reminded by the advertising machine what the
“ideal” body is. It is easy to tell yourself that there is no way you
could ever look like that! But you can, and in fact, you will, with a
few time-tested, tried-and-true techniques that I will show you.
As an exotic dancer, you have a huge financial incentive to get
in shape. We are talking about hundreds and even thousands
of dollars a night!
Jennifer McCumber
Here are some general benefits to strengthening your body:
•• When you strengthen your body you also strengthen your
mind. It gets you through life’s tough times and gives you
the desire to make the good times even better.
Golds Gym
•• It teaches you discipline to see something through from
start to finish.
•• Your body will be able to handle the stresses
of dancing with much less impact because it is
conditioned and strengthened.
•• Your self-esteem will go through the roof! This
means greater profits, because the aura that you
will radiate will be so magnetic, no guy will be able
to resist you! Yes, it happened to me and was an
out–of–this–world feeling!
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
Jennifer executes Machine Curls with
good form and concentration.
Exercise in itself is a very broad subject. We are going to break down exercise into two
major components:
1. Strength Training or Weight Training
2. Cardio
There have been hundreds of books written on this subject through
the years and all the newest research points in this direction:
strength training is even more important than cardio in achieving
long–term permanent weight loss!
How can this be? Well, when you build your muscles, here’s what
1. You are doing some cardio in your strength workouts (especially
with circuit training).
2. Your metabolic rate is measurably higher for a couple of hours
after you train your muscles.
3. When you maintain more muscle mass, your overall metabolic
rate rises. For instance, a person with more muscle burns more
calories watching TV than a person with less muscle, all other
variables being the same!
4. Strength training keeps muscles in a constant state of confusion.
They won’t get used to any one daily routine. This is the major
downfall of cardio–only programs; your muscles will get used
to cardio in a matter of days!
Jennifer on the Elliptical
Machine – In the beginning
you will want to hold on to
the hand grips until you get
a feel for the machine. Once
you can let go of the grips,
you will find this machine
really works your core and
stabilizer muscles as well.
These are just a few more noticeable benefits of building muscle through strength training;
there’s a whole list of other, more subtle benefits as well. It’s like preparing a roast turkey:
Look at your strength training workouts as growing, or “building,” the turkey; the foundation
if you will. Doing cardio is like carving the turkey. In other words, if you don’t have muscle
you have nothing to carve!
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
One of the most common questions I get is how often should you do cardio? The answer
depends on what your goals are. If you have a photo shoot in 5 days and you have 5% more
body fat to burn off, then I’d say do as much cardio as you need to get the job done.
For those of us who have done better planning, here is a guideline to follow:
1. Maintenance: 3 times a week for 30 minutes to an hour
2. Lose Fat Gradually: 4–5 times a week for 30 minutes to an hour
3. Extreme Fat loss: 7 days a week plus double days for 30 minutes to an hour
You might ask, “If I am lean, why should I still do cardio three times per week?” Because
lean is not necessarily fit! Cardio helps to tone and tune your body, and doing it as part of
your overall routine simply keeps you in the habit. More importantly, it is a good way to keep
your heart strong. Three times a week is a minimum to ensure of a strong heart. Anything
less than 30 minutes per workout isn’t long enough to burn enough calories, but more than
an hour is reaching the point of diminishing returns and starts taking a toll on your joints
and muscles.
Here are three ways to even get more out of your cardio workouts:
1. Do cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Studies show up to a 300%
fat burn increase on an empty stomach.
2. Do cardio before you go to bed. Your metabolism will stay higher during sleep so you
burn more fat!
3. Do cardio right after your primary workout, but not after a leg workout! Keep the cardio
limited to 30 minutes if you are including it with your other training.
Cardio Machines
As a dancer, you have to pay attention to your tendons, joints, and
general muscle soreness. Dancing itself is hard enough! The last
thing you want is for your cardio to add to your body’s fatigue.
•• The Elliptical Machine – This is my favorite! There is no strain
on my joints and I reach a higher heart rate with less perceived
effort. Precor makes the best machine.
•• Rowing Machine – Really easy on the joints but unfortunately
most people can’t row 30 minutes continuously. My max time is
around 10 minutes if I take it easy.
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
•• Swimming – Same benefits as the rowing machine.
•• Biking – Good choice. If your back and butt hurt for extended periods of time from
sitting, try the elliptical machine. It is hard to get your heart rate high enough without
giving you a leg workout too!
•• Treadmill – Hard on joints but way better than running on pavement, which you should
never do!
Weight Training
All right, before you even say it I know what you are thinking and you are wrong! For the last
time, weight training will not make you big and bulky. The meatheads you see at the gym
and gracing the covers on muscle magazines are guys who have taken massive amounts of
steroids on top of making their own ample supply of testosterone, and who live their entire
lives in the gym!
I work with one dancer who insists on not lifting weights because she believes that she has
a tendency to, “blow up and get big.” It is all in her mind! The truth is, weight training is
your key to gaining flexibility and permanent long–term fat loss - not becoming massively
There are two workout programs you need to consider: one for when you are working, and
the other for if, or when, you take a long time off from work (2–3 weeks or more). Since all
dancers tend to fall into the category of working for long periods of time and maybe never
taking a long term vacation until they retire, we will talk about this workout program first.
It makes no sense to be exhausted after your workout. You will have no strength to work that
night! Don’t feel bad, I made that mistake too! This is why we have a program specifically
for your working schedule, and a different one if you take that long-term vacation.
Here is some basic vocabulary you will need to know:
Rep or Repetition: A “rep” is a single defined movement of an exercise. There are a
predefined number of reps within one given set.
Set: A “set” is made up of however many reps you completed. Most of your sets will contain
a range of 10–15 reps.
You should weight train 3 times a week. No more, no less. I recommend beginning with a
two week acclimation period. What do I mean by that? You will simply test your strengths
and weaknesses by doing a full–body workout, one exercise per body part, 15–20 reps each.
After this period you can adjust your weight and reps depending on whether you want to
bulk up a bit (more weight and less reps) or just tone up (less weight but more reps).
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
Here is the split you will use:
Monday: Back/Biceps/Traps/Rear Deltoids
Wednesday: Chest/Triceps/Shoulders
Friday: Legs
Stick with basic exercises like pull–ups, pushups, bench press, bicep curls, triceps extensions,
ball squats, leg press and core exercises.
Do 5 minutes of abdominal exercise at the end of each workout. Be careful though, as some
abdominal exercises can hurt your lower back. Be mindful of this and if your back hurts
during or after working your abs, then go lighter or change your workout.
You can change the days you work each body part. For example, if Friday is your busy day
at the club, you may not want to do legs that day. I would highly recommend weight lifting
on days you don’t work.
In my Freedom V™: Financial Freedom for Exotic Dancers™ program, I will give you a great
deal more information on exercise dynamics, plus a full–tilt transformational training regimen
in case you get to take a few weeks off from dancing and can go do focused training – which
I highly recommend you do! But these exercises I am giving you here are your maintenance
exercises for while you are working week to week. And I assure you, they will be enough!
Circuit Training
Another form of exercise you can do is circuit training, which is a routine series of exercise
movements designed to alternate fast – and slow –twitch muscle fibers every minute or so.
This causes muscle confusion which stimulates muscle growth and promotes fat loss. This
is achieved by executing 5–10 exercises, performed for 1 full minute each, one at a time,
alternating with 1 minute of cardio between each exercise, for a duration of 50 minutes, with
5–10 minutes of abdominals at the end. It sounds complicated but it’s very simple to do!
What this means in plain English is that by alternating between weight training and cardio
every minute or two, your body does not get used to pulling stored energy (fat) for energy
from any particular area of the body. This is called the “confusion principle” or the “zig–zag
theory.” The best place in the US to experience circuit training in action is a place called
Circuit Works located in Venice, Ca. There is a video at the website that will give you a
great idea of what I am talking about, and just how intense circuit training really is! Of
Freedom V™: Financial Freedom for Exotic Dancers™ pg 60
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
course, most of you probably aren’t in Southern California, but you can get an idea from the
website. Anything you do that alternates between cardio and weight training in this manner
will work.
I know, I know, you think I am going to sound like your third-grade PE teacher telling you to
stretch. I’ve certainly listened to my share of PE teachers scold me because I couldn’t hold a
stretch long or far enough. Later in life my yoga instructor also scolded me, but in a calmer
way. It turns out your third grade teacher was right - except they were telling you how to
stretch the wrong way!
Think of flexibility as elasticity, or being fluid, instead of like a gymnast or some other
contortionist you saw in some movie. Let’s live and think in the real world here! If you have
strong muscles, but your tendons, cartilage, and other connective tissues are not flexible,
one thing will happen: the chain will break at its weakest link - the tendons and connective
I have outlined for you in this chapter how to stretch and become flexible. You will be
absolutely shocked when you find out how long you are really supposed to hold a stretch!
What our third-grade PE teachers and our yoga instructors don’t understand is that not
everyone is built the same. Whether you can touch your toes, or hold some stretch that only
a contortionist can do for 30 seconds is irrelevant. The only thing you need to be concerned
with is that your muscles are pliable enough to easily handle the stresses incurred by dancing.
What is flexible enough? Great question! This will clear it up for you:
Let’s say you are giving a lap dance and the movement requires you to move your pelvis a
total of 20 degrees in range of motion. Think of it as if you were sitting and you had to arch
your back to move your pelvis 20 degrees from the straight trunk of your body. Let’s also say
that your pelvis/lower spine area only has a range of motion of 22 degrees. Is that enough?
Well, yes, but just barely.
Let’s now say you’re a little sore on a particular day, or you accidently move your pelvis more
than 22 degrees, or maybe you slip a little bit on the guys lap? You have little to no room for
error in case the unexpected happens. And it will happen at some point – it always does!
What if we can get your pelvic range of motion up to 30, or even 40 or 50 degrees? What
are the chances of you getting sore or being injured now? Much less! You need to get your
body significantly more limber than what is required of it. You don’t want your body to
barely be able to get the job done, but to get the job done easily!
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
By preparing your body like this you will avoid being injured and unable to work (worse
possible scenario). You will also have more fun since you are not sore, which means you will
have more confidence! This translates into more money, and you will have many more years
you can do this profession.
Finally and most important, you won’t be limping around stiff and in pain like most pro
athletes after you retire. Remember - and never forget this - dancing is a sport and you are
an athlete. You must prepare your body accordingly to be successful at this profession longterm.
The Importance of Stretching
“Why should I stretch?”
“I don’t have time to stretch!”
Excuses? I have heard them all. But I can’t stress enough the importance of stretching.
Stretching makes you more flexible, and flexibility is a huge factor in your overall health and
Stretching also:
99 Improves Range of Motion
99 Improves Circulation
99 Relieves Stress
99 Prevents Injury
99 Improves Posture
99 Improves Coordination
What I have learned is that a stretch should only be held for a few seconds. That’s right! No more
agonizing or painful stretching! You will make incredible flexibility gains in a very short time. You
can get all the information you need to get started at this website Stretching USA.
Stretching is the most effective thing I have done to keep aches and pains away. The trick is
to figure out which muscle or muscles are aggravating you so that you can stretch them. A
massage therapist can also help you with this.
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
Yoga is highly beneficial when done correctly. You want to find a place that caters to athletes,
with instructors who understand the athletic body type and will work with you on that level. I
am personally very athletic, but flexibility has always been my biggest weakness. My muscles
are so firm and tight, they just don’t want to move!
Yoga can replace the hardcore stretching that you might otherwise do daily. You should still
lightly stretch right before you dance, work out, or do any other athletic activity.
Here are some other benefits of yoga that you may not have been aware of:
Calms and soothes your mind
Massages your internal organs
Improve posture
Lubricates your joints
Tones muscle
Increases flexibility
Reconnects mind and body
Tones the core
The key to getting flexible is figuring out what hurts or what is tight. Then you can implement
a stretching program that suits your needs the best. You know your body better than anyone. If
you are in pain and are not sure if you have a real muscle tear or a blown knee, you need to find
out before you do anything listed here. This is for pain alone providing all other tests like blood,
X-Ray, MRI, etc. have shown nothing else is wrong with you. I know, I have been there and it was
deeply frustrating. When employed correctly, however, all of the alternatives listed above will
increase your flexibility more quickly than any other regimen on the planet.
Plastic Surgery and Aestheticism
Plastic surgery is something I have been intimately exposed to for most of my life. I had
my nose done at age 16. I also had laser hair removal at 18. I had breast augmentation at
age 23, Botox injections in my forehead at 25 and Juviderm in my lips at 26. Most of these
procedures were done by my grandfather, who is the premier plastic and reconstructive
surgeon in North Florida. And I’ve seen the results of many other procedures - good and
The most interesting thing about it is that most men and women don’t think I have had any
work done. People tell me all the time that I have a natural beauty and ambiance. You will
learn that this is the key to success with plastic surgery. In order to be the most aesthetically
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
pleasing, you do not want to look fake; i.e. have huge boobs, huge lips, or anything else
that will drastically change your appearance.
I can honestly say that I have made more money by looking natural than if I had gone to
extremes. Men tell me all the time that they are tired of all of the media focus around breasts
that are overdone. I very much agree with this aesthetic; cosmetic procedures should be
more about having your augmentation or reduction proportionate to your body overall.
Being sensible here will also avoid unnecessary stretching of the skin. Trust me, once you
go up to a larger breast size your skin is stretched and can never go back. If you do try to go
back down again, your scar will be nasty.
Historical Development of Plastic Surgery
Plastic surgery originated with the Egyptians, with documentation beginning around 3000
BC. Most of their work apparently centered on facial reconstruction with an emphasis on
correcting jaw and nose disfigurement. Later, around 600 BC, we have documentation
indicating progress in these procedures in India.
More recently the disfiguring injuries sustained by soldiers in WWII drove accelerated
developments in reconstructive surgery in the Western world. Advances in plastic surgery
as cosmetic treatment as well as reconstructive and corrective surgery has increased
exponentially ever since; indeed plastic surgery is considered the most progressive form of
contemporary surgery.
Of particular interest to you would likely be the 1962 creation and design of the first silicone
breast implants by plastic surgeons Cronin and Gerow, which has since become an advanced
and commonplace procedure with a greater degree of aesthetic success and safety than
ever before. Rhinoplasty, face lifts and other facial procedures have progressed at least
as much within this time frame. Most recently, French surgeons have even successfully
transplanted an entire face using advanced microsurgical techniques. With few exceptions,
you may now improve almost any physical imperfection you need to normalize.
To sum up this short history lesson, plastic surgery was originally developed to reconstruct
damaged body parts. Today, women who have had mastectomies are socially relieved by
the availability of breast implants. Cancer patients who have lost their ears and noses to the
disease can also resolve this socially crippling condition. Reconstructive surgery attempts to
restore patients that have been disfigured. Disfigurements can be caused by birth defects,
disease or injury. Cosmetic surgery, on the other hand, attempts to achieve supernormalcy,
like having the crook in your nose “filed down” to soften your look.
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
My grandfather and I believe that plastic surgery is an art. There are so many terrible
surgeons out there; my grandfather has repaired a good amount of bad work.
Any surgeon who is willing to distort and stretch the skin to a point of no return in order
to create oversized breasts on your body does not care about your well being nor the
inherent side effects that having such large breasts could wreak on your back, chest muscles,
shoulders, skin, and nipples. Why would you want to do that to yourself anyway?
Beauty is pain, and these invasive procedures are rather painful. It does pay you in the long
run as a professional dancer to have your boobs done if they need extra size. But please
don’t ruin perfectly great boobs if you already have them, just to be bigger!
Credentials to Look For When Choosing a Plastic Surgeon
Make sure your chosen surgeon has current membership in these groups:
99 American Society of Plastic Surgeons
99 American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
99 The American Medical Association
99 Other Local associations for medicine and plastic surgery
There are many health care providers who perform plastic surgery procedures, but you need
to be aware that they are not necessarily certified plastic surgeons. Only ASPS Member
Surgeons are truly qualified to perform cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries of any kind.
American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) member surgeons have been fully certified
by the American Board of Plastic Surgery(ABPS), or by the Royal College of Physicians and
Surgeons in Canada. The ABPS is approved to certify plastic surgeons for practice by the
American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS), in particular for surgery to the face, but for
other areas of the body as well.
Choosing an ASPS Member Surgeon means that your surgeon will:
99 Have at least 6 years of training and experience in general surgery, with 3 years specifically
in plastic surgery
99 Be certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery
99 Perform surgeries only in accredited medical facilities
99 Adhere to a stringent code of ethics
99 Complete all continuing education requirements, including patient safety techniques
99 Be your partner and work with you personally to help you best achieve your goals
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
Don’t be shy about asking for verification from your potential surgeon regarding his
credentials. Not only is this an appropriate question, but it is expected. It is also a good
idea to ask your surgeon those tough, embarrassing questions that you really need to know;
believe me, he or she has heard them before and will be happy to put your mind at ease. A
good surgeon wants to know you are involved in your own procedure and will be and active
partner toward achieving your best possible results, and to your greatest satisfaction. After
all, this is all about you - this is your body and your business, so it warrants your serious
The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery maintains a helpful website with
current information to help you locate a surgeon near you. Understand that there are no
guarantees that all of these surgeons’ work will be good, or that they will be right for you.
You will have to do your research and decide for yourself from what you discover and learn,
and the surgeons you interview, and accept that this process will take time to do properly.
My advice, then, is to go forward with your exotic dancing career while you generate funds
and do your research. Be Patient! Wait a while. I promise you will have enough money and
more in reserve to get the best results possible from the top doctor in Beverly Hills if you
follow this advice! Although it may not be necessary, I would recommend going to a large
city where the medical community is competitive. Unless you know otherwise for certain, stay
away from smaller towns. Cities with great surgeons include Los Angeles, Miami, Houston,
Jacksonville, and other cities this size or larger.
Common Misbeliefs About Plastic Surgery
Misbelief 1: Silicone breast implants will cause cancer
This has been proven to be untrue. The FDA reversed a 14-year ban on silicone
breast implants In November of 2006. As a result, women in the United States
once again have access to implants that are approved for women in 60 other
countries around the world. You can find reliable, up-to-date information about
silicone breast implants at .
Misbelief 2: Any physician who practices plastic surgery is a certified plastic surgeon
This is something you really have to be careful and watch out for. There are
physicians who have little or no specific training in plastic surgery who claim to be
plastic surgeons, and they perform cosmetic surgeries - and there are no state,
national, or international laws against their making such claims. So you really have
to do your research for yourself and make absolutely certain you don’t compromise
your face or your body to anyone except a certified plastic surgeon. This is why
I tell you to fully check out your surgeon’s training, credentials, and certification
through The American Board of Plastic Surgery.
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
Here’s a tip:
You should note that the average plastic surgeon will be almost 40 years of age or older before
he or she can realistically be board certified to perform plastic surgery. Here’s how it adds up:
Take four years of college, four years of medical school, seven years of surgical training, and the
completion of a battery of written and oral exams, add them all together and see how many
years of training would be required. The oral exams alone involve a panel review of multiple
treated patients, which may take the physician two to five years to finish up after residency. For
a physician beginning college at the age of 18, completion of his required courses and exams
would add a full 18 years to his target date of completion; that physician would be about 38
years old when he finally becomes board certified. You can see this is a long, involved process.
Even with the best training, understand that doctors can still make mistakes, and they still might
not be the best at what they do. As a ground rule, just remember if you find a practicing plastic
surgeon under the age of 30, you will be wise to keep looking.
Misbelief 3: Plastic surgeries are always performed in accredited facilities
You may not realize this, but there are physicians who perform plastic surgery in
non-accredited facilities. It is vital that you make certain your chosen surgeon
is ASPS certified, as these surgeons are required to perform their surgeries
only in approved, accredited facilities. Your safety level improves dramatically
while the risk factor goes way down, and that will highly increase your level of
comfort with the whole procedure.
Misbelief 4:Extreme surgical makeovers like you see on TV are common procedures
I cannot stand the fact that so many people believe everything they see on
TV! Most people are completely programmed to accept all of the hype they
are fed as fact! Contrary to what reality shows portray, extreme makeovers
are far from routine in plastic surgery. Most patients simply inquire about one
particular area of the body that they would like to improve. For instance, if
you want a nose job, or your breasts done, or your ears lowered, you will do
only that one procedure. People don’t just surgically alter their bodies like
changing their clothes!
It is vitally important for you to have realistic expectations for the outcome
of your surgical procedure. Your plastic surgeon should discuss this with you
seriously and in detail to make sure you know the realities of your surgical
results. It is all too common that both men and women often experience
disappointment after their surgeries as a result of not understanding what can
and cannot be realized through surgical means.
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
People often believe that everything in their lives will magically improve after
they have a new look, or that everything will be drastically different and better
for them than before. Plastic surgery is not intended for this kind of scenario
and you will do yourself physical and emotional harm if you think for one
second that you will look exactly the way you have pictured in your mind.
Healing takes time, and in more complex situations, multiple surgeries are
required. So please know what you are getting into in the long term! Also
understand that breast implants will not last forever, and typically they need to
be replaced every ten years.
Misbelief 5: Dancers who have had implants cannot do pole tricks:
For me, this was absolutely untrue! I do some pole tricks regularly! I used
to be much more active on the pole until I grew tired of my legs and knees
always being sore. Pole work, lifting weights, and Yoga are actually great ways
to rebuild those muscles. You can see proof of this with fitness models and
For a list of procedures and details about specific surgeries, go to Lewis J. Obi, M.D., The
Samuel Wells Surgicenter & Renaissance Center for Cosmetic Renewal.
This site will tell you in detail about every surgery possible, the risks and benefits.
My Own Plastic Surgery Recovery Story
My nose job was the most painful of my surgeries. I was also out of school for two weeks and
could only eat pudding and drink liquids for awhile. You can’t blow your nose, go out in the
sun, or allow any risk of something hitting your face. But I was very pleased with the result!
For my breast augmentation, I was out of work for two weeks. I was very nervous when I
went to the hospital! All I remember is having the IV hooked up to my arm and passing out
much faster than I expected. I woke up to the sound of the nurse talking, and I remember
having bandages on my chest.
I was firmly instructed not to move my arms at all. I was immobilized this way for an entire
week! My mom had to help me sit up, bathe me, help me use the bathroom, and eat and
drink. I was even on my period during my surgery and she had to change my tampon!
Now that is love!
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
The second week I could move around and do a little more for myself. At this point my back was
really sore from sleeping in the same position all day and night. I never got much deep sleep for
my first several weeks of recovery.
After the swelling started to go down, I was disappointed because I thought I was going
to be bigger. I think a lot of women experience this. They think they will be bigger, smaller,
more or less full, or they think their nipples should have turned out differently. The best way
I can describe how you will turn out is that your boobs will be larger versions of what you
already have. You should expect scars as well.
Massaging the breasts after surgery is important to prevent capsular contracture, to help
with blood supply and accelerate healing.
All of this pain and suffering is totally worth it though! That is, for a job well done, aesthetically
pleasing and natural. After 2-3 weeks, you forget about the pain and you begin to enjoy the
new you!
I lost all of the strength in my chest and arms from underuse. It took me a year to get it
back completely. Of course, that was before I was on a consistent workout plan. Talk to your
doctor about how you can recover most efficiently and get back to business. With the right
procedures for you, your self-confidence will go way up, and your income will, too. Larger
breasts will also make your torso look leaner, and you will feel sexier - in and out of your
A list of information sources consulted for this Plastic Surgery section are in the Resources list at the end of
Section 2, and in the References and Resources list at the back of this book.
I know after reading about the exercise programs earlier here in Section 2 you are excited
and ready to really focus on getting in better shape. I admire that! However, there is one
small problem. If you follow the exercise programs to a T, you still won’t get results if you
neglect nutrition. Nutrition is 80% of your success. That’s right, 80%!
For those of you that have been active gym members for awhile, you know what I am talking
about. Of all the dedicated people you see there week after week who honestly do train
hard in the gym, most never change, and some may even look a little worse after one, two,
or five years of training. Why is that? Because their nutrition is way off! Don’t worry, though;
your nutrition is going to be spot on!
I am going to give you my basic nutritional philosophies and some points to remember.
These points, listed below, should really begin to tie your understanding together about
what to eat, why, and how.
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
Case Study
Follow These Simple Tips to Achieve Your Best Nutritional Balance:
Five to Seven Meals per Day
*Cook meals ahead of time and freeze them if you are on a tight schedule during the week.
*Eat Breakfast: It is your most important meal of the day.
300 to 400 Calories per Meal
*Exception: 300 calories or less for the last meal of the day
Each Meal Consists of:
40% Protein (Eat most of your protein in the evening)
40% Carbohydrates (Eat most of your carbs in the morning)
20% Fat
Eat 3 or 4 “Cheat” Meals per Week
*Meals that are different from your usual fare are necessary to your nutritional success because they:
a. Keep your metabolism active
b. Keep you from feeling deprived
*The key is to always get right back on your regular eating schedule right after the “cheat” meal.
Drink Lots of Water: 100+ ounces per day
*Pure water, not mixed with other powders or fluids
*Drink even more water on workout days
Last Tip - But Possibly the Most Important:
If you find you have gotten away from your good eating habits for two or three days straight - say, during
various holidays that center around feasting - do not give up and quit! All is not lost and you have not
“failed.” Simply get back on track and move forward. Trust me, you will be fine.
I hope you found this guide to eating helpful and interesting. If you progress into my
Freedom V™: Financial Freedom for Exotic Dancers™, I will give you my personal best
food lists, and then teach you how to choose the natural foods you enjoy in order to develop
healthy and enjoyable eating habits you can stick with long–term.
Freedom V™: Financial Freedom for Exotic Dancers™ pg 60
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
Let’s talk about your financial situation for a moment. Do you feel like you should be doing
better financially? Do you just scrape by from month to month? Maybe you feel like you
waste your money and then have trouble paying rent, or maybe you are simply resolved to
be content and make do with your current paycheck. If you are experiencing any of these
scenarios, I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to live this way!
As an exotic dancer, you are in essence a professional saleswoman. In order to be the most
effective saleswoman possible, you will need to deeply understand the reasons why people
buy. As a dancer your goal is to entice your clients to trade their money for your time,
companionship, attention, and for personal access to your beautiful looks and attractive
I want you to realize that you are the reason gentlemen’s clubs exist. You make these club
owners millions of dollars annually. Many livelihoods depend on the services you provide.
Know that you are doing good things for yourself, for your clients, and for the economy by
being a dancer.
The Psychology of Selling
Before we head into discussing the reasons men will open their wallets, it is important
for you to understand a few psychological facts first. I highly recommend you read Brian
Tracy’s books, several of which I have listed in the Resources list at the end of this Section.
I have learned a great deal from him and you will find much of what his books teach in my
descriptions here.
The most important is this: Making the Sale is what Makes Things Happen. In other words,
you don’t make money until you are physically on the floor or in the Champagne Room
working your magic. There is no amount of time spent putting on your makeup or changing
into different outfits that will make you more money than simply using your time at the club
efficiently, and giving your clients the experience they have come there for.
Remember The Pareto Principle: 80% of the money is made by the top 20% of exotic dancers.
There is yet another level of performance: to be in the top 4% of dancers. In the top 4%,
you will become one of the highest paid dancers in the world. And it is not as hard as you
would think.
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
The Winning Edge Theory: The difference between the top dancers and average ones is
not much at all! There is always just a small difference. Whether it be consistently following
up with your regulars, writing down your appointments instead of trying to memorize them the way you wink at your clients while you give them a lap dance, or walking with them after
you finish in the Champagne or VIP Room, top performers just do certain things a certain
way, a little bit better each day.
Why People Buy
Whenever anyone makes a purchasing decision - Whether it’s for a new pair of shoes or
a new home -they are making a purchase based on their need for a reward, while also
avoiding taking too much of a risk. Your client is also seeking a reward - your company while minimizing his risk - giving you his money. Your objective is to show them that the
reward of spending time in your dazzling, captivating presence is worth their letting go of
a little cash.
During the first few minutes you are with a potential customer you can begin to understand
his needs as a buyer by asking him why he is there. You can do this directly by saying,
“Hi, Tom! So what brings you out tonight?” or indirectly by saying, “So how has your day/
week been?” Use your intuition. Both men and women love attention! Cheer them up by
genuinely complimenting them, and by reinforcing the fact that you are glad they are here
and love to spend time with them. Spoil them by being friendly and showing concern. But
you must be genuine! Men will know you are after their wallets so don’t just jump into a
sales pitch right away, unless they ask you for prices.
Why Men Visit Gentlemen’s Clubs:
•• They want to have an evening that is more lively than right now.
•• They want to be a part of an event where they can socialize and avoid loneliness.
•• They are looking for a beautiful companion for various reasons.
•• They are entertaining their business clients or politicians.
•• They just want to drink and have a good time.
There are different methods of tailoring your presentation to each client, all of which you
will learn in detail if you progress into my Freedom V™: Financial Freedom for Exotic
Dancers™ package. Here you will learn about flirting, mirroring, how to structure your
conversation, and how to tell what your client’s learning style is. You will then learn about
how to develop your most powerful sales personality and have the building blocks to be
creative and fun!
Freedom V™: Financial Freedom for Exotic Dancers™ pg 60
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
All Buying Decisions Are Emotional
The basic and strongest need is to feel secure. Why does everyone want to be rich and have
money? It is because when we have money, we don’t worry about surviving or having our
needs met. Men crave emotional security, too, and you can make your client feel secure. Be
a refuge for him. Let him know by your actions and your body language that it is safe and
okay for him to let his guard down with you.
Another great need of humanity is to be admired. This means respect, popularity, individuality,
etc. You can make a man feel unique and different by pointing out things about his looks
or personality that are real and will truly compliment him. Your job is to make him feel like a
million bucks! Don’t be selfish and talk about your own problems, or give him your reasons
why he should spend money on you. It is all about him and that is what he is paying for.
Here is a sales paradox: if your client gives you a reason for buying or not buying based on
logic, you can bet there’s an emotion behind his decision. I have had numerous men tell me
they might buy--but they want to think about it. I’ll spend time with a client, maybe even
score a lap dance or two from him, and then after my VIP pitch, they will say, “Oh, well, let
me think about it,”or“Come back later when I am drunk and ready to spend money!”
The only thing this means is that you have not adequately aroused this potential client’s
desire to enjoy the benefits of your company. And that is okay. You won’t win every man’s
heart so don’t beat yourself up too much about it. Remember, the success rate in average
retail sales is only 1%. That means one out of every 100 people you talk to would buy from
you. Great retailers still are getting only 2-3%. Top online marketers like Brendon Burchard,
Armand Morin and Mike Koenigs are getting a whopping 7% -10% or so without doing
much, and at live events they get triple that percentage.
As a dancer you can get anywhere between 25% and 100%. That is unheard of! I have
walked into the club on nights that were slow and about a quarter of the guys I talked to
purchased a dance or VIP. I have walked in on other nights and gone straight to VIP for the
entire evening with a 100% rate of return.This leads me to my next point: One of the most
basic rules of selling is that people do not buy a product or service for what it is, but for what
it can do for them, or the way it makes them feel. How do you persuade your client to pay
for all of the benefits of your company, while uncovering his deeper needs to potentially
end up in the VIP room for most of the night? It is a concept called Value Selling which I
cover in detail in my Freedom V™: Financial Freedom for Exotic Dancers™ program.
Freedom V™: Financial Freedom for Exotic Dancers™ pg 60
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
Do whatever you need to do to make yourself feel energetic and excited about going to work!
It is unfortunate that some dancers I have known use alcohol or cocaine to try to accomplish
this. I highly warn against it, because it will send you in a downward spiral of dependency and
financial strain, or worse, raped and stuck with the wrong crowd. You want to go up, not down!
Here Are Some Methods I Have Used To Turn Myself On:
Listen to loud/energetic music
Cardio or a light workout
Pre–stage ritual of visualization
Watch or listen to a motivational show or CD
Read this book!
Blow–dry my hair
Relieve my sexual tensions before work
Put on fake eyelashes
Wear a new outfit
Drink a sugar free energy drink instead of alcohol
When was the last time you felt deeply, completely sexy? You might have been pretending
you were a celebrity, like one of your favorite singers, dancers, or actresses. You might have
received a sincere compliment from a smiling stranger. Maybe there’s a song or dance mix
that really pumps you up. Whatever has made you feel so sexy in the past, you can use it
now to get yourself excited for an evening of dancing.
This is the kind of energy that will draw men to you - and they will be lucky to be able to
share that energy with you tonight. Put yourself in an actively positive mindset. You will be
stunning. You will be sexy. You will make more money than ever before. You are exciting and
you’re irresistible. If you believe it, then they will, too!
Focus On the Best Parts of Yourself
Always be an optimist no matter what. When you are preparing for work, you can give
yourself compliments as you look in the mirror. Really make it a point to love yourself and
accept yourself for who you are. Be okay with you!
After every lap dance, whether you made it to the Champagne Room or not, ask yourself
what you did right. Think about how you would handle the situation differently next time.
If we review what we did right, and think about how it could be better, then that is what we
will automatically do the next time we are in that situation.
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
If you have wonderful eyes, or if your smile is your best attribute, focus on that and work
on the rest. Don’t get in the trap so many women do, staring into the mirror and wishing
that their hips or thighs were smaller, or their nose was a different shape, and wallowing
in dissatisfaction with themselves. Believe it or not, there is a deeper issue here and the
customers will see it. This is also true if you come to work stressed or exhausted. You have
to truly leave your baggage at the door and flip on your dancer switch!
Am I Being Fake?
Don’t ever think you are being fake! Your customers know what they are signing up for when
they walk in the door. The fact is, if there is a market there is a need. If guys were getting
what they need emotionally in their everyday lives, then they wouldn’t feel driven to go to
clubs in droves and pay you freely for that emotional fulfillment.
There is a reason this industry is huge.
Is it insidious that dancers provide an in–demand service for a price that men are obviously
willing to pay? Or is it insidious that our society has made it so difficult for men to meet their
most basic emotional needs that they will pay incredible amounts of money in order to feel
the things they need to feel?
Exotic dance is a business. You are making a sale. This country runs on business, sales,
marketing, advertising, etc. Anybody that doesn’t understand that by now either doesn’t
want to know, or they’re just never going to get it. A tremendous percentage of your
clientele will be businessmen; you know that they know the score. How different is this from
selling clothing, or cars, or wristwatches, or fine wine?
Most women are idealists and may feel this kind of manipulation is wrong, or that you are
being “fake.” Of course, some women manipulate men they supposedly “love” into buying
them dinners and clothing and cars and jewelry, and other “little” things, and think of that
manipulative behavior as normal. Which do you think is less honest?
According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs scale, which you can learn more about if you
progress into my Freedom V™: Financial Freedom for Exotic Dancers™ program, it is
necessary for men to have their needs met for prestige, acceptance, self–worth, etc. or they
cannot reach the top level of the hierarchy, which is where their success, ambition, wealth,
etc. lives. Exotic dancers provide these men with the necessary drive and motivation to do
better, because frankly there are no other women in their lives who let them feel like men –
and that is a fact.
You could make that success and fulfillment happen for many very deserving guys. And
make a lot of money doing it.
Freedom V™: Financial Freedom for Exotic Dancers™ pg 60
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
As Napoleon Hill said in his classic book on success, Think and Grow Rich1, “…no man is
happy or complete without the modifying influence of the right woman.” Your role is to be
that woman for a guy who needs your inspiration desperately in order to become all that
he can be.
That is about as real as it gets!
How to Modify Your Look
There are many things you can do to make yourself look as good as you feel as an exotic
dancer. Of course, if your regimen takes time away from being on the floor or in the
Champagne Room, you should decide if it is worth it. I have tried the following techniques,
and they produce very enhancing effects in the club.
•• Look expensive. You can do this by wearing gowns that compliment your body, and
having your nails and toes manicured. Always make sure your gowns are freshly washed
or at least Febreezed!
•• Tan. I have noticed a huge difference in the attention I attract from my Mystic Tanning.
See my Freedom V™ for more details.
•• Wear expensive perfume. I can’t tell you how often I get compliments on how good
I smell! It makes the men want you even more. Use an expensive brand like Armani or
Gucci, something that will stand out, but not be too overbearing - although I do wear
my perfume just a touch on the overbearing side because of all the smoke at my club.
No one would be able to smell it if I didn’t!
•• Wear false eyelashes. I have had a great time with these! If you get a couple of pair at
Sephora or a nice makeup store, you will find they work well and don’t fall off too easily.
You will be shocked at how much they make your eyes stand out!
•• Apply your eye makeup on the heavy side. You want your eyes to be very noticeable.
Every night I work, I wear brown eye shadow up to my eyebrow bone, thick black liquid
eyeliner, and a non–waterproof mascara.
Be Willing to Pay the Price to Succeed
The main lesson in life that I have learned through my success is that in order to get what I
want, I have to figure out what I am willing to give up to get it. The rewards will only come
after you have paid that price, and not a minute before! So put the time and effort in to be
your ultimate best exotic dancer, or whatever else you may do with your life. You will love
yourself for it!
Hill, Napoleon. Think and Grow Rich. Ballantine Books, 1983
Freedom V™: Financial Freedom for Exotic Dancers™ pg 60
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
The sales process is one of the most difficult to learn, yet is the most rewarding, as well as
the most necessary skill to be successful as an exotic dancer. I have had so many girls ask
me, “How do you do it?” or they make comments like, “Oh, I just don’t have hustling skills
like you do!” Well, you can, and you will after you learn the skills my Freedom V™ will
outline for you!
The sales process is extremely exciting! I have determined the most efficient ways of
successfully selling your time and services as an exotic dancer, and have outlined them for
you in five categories. You can think of it as a Freedom V™ for the exotic dancer’s sales
process! This is the time you invest in speaking with your customer before you close the
deal. And a closed deal should result in multiple VIPs or multiple dances.
Here They Are:
1. Creative Selling
2. Flirting
3. Mirroring
4. Engaging Conversation
5. Value Selling
Using this system will ensure that you are doing everything possible to make the most money
with your client, and maximize your time and income. You will learn each of these techniques
in–depth if you study my Freedom V™: Financial Freedom for Exotic Dancers™.
Here’s a sample of what you will learn:Case Study
One effective technique that you can use is value selling, especially for clients who seem shy or
standoffish. The objective of this technique is simply to get a “yes” response out of them. For
instance, if you were a stockbroker on the phone with your client, you might say something like, “If I
threw a life vest out to you while you were drowning, would you grab it?” The client would say, “yes.”
Then you would say, “Well, then buy 200 shares from me, and I won’t let you down.”
It is unbelievable how many times I have made VIP sales using this simple technique. I will be talking
to a potential client, getting to know them and such, and after they feel like I have been getting to
know them I will say, “So, do you like beautiful breasts?” And of course they will say yes or think it is a
trick question! You can also say, “So, do you like the thought of my warm, sexy body against yours?”
Freedom V™: Financial Freedom for Exotic Dancers™ pg 60
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
“You must like nice, firm butts because you have been checking mine out!”
You can say anything that seems appropriate to your situation that will get your client to say, “yes!” a
few times, and then lead right into, “I would love to spend some private, naughty time with you. Are
you ready to play with me?” And flirt and touch their hand or leg while you say it. This will increase
your current selling rates dramatically!
Why Men Love It When Women Flirt With Them
1. Flirting makes men feel exceptional and attractive
2. Flirting is fun and playful
3. Flirting gets a man’s attention like nothing else
4. Flirting makes a woman even more attractive to a man
5. Flirting is always a nice surprise!
Flirting will also allow men to throw out double entendres, with one meaning more formally
appropriate and another more suggestive. Some double entendres that I have used are, “I
love to rub your head!” or “I could last with you all night!” When men use this technique,
it allows them to be their naturally perverted selves without being too direct and causing
Point to remember: When you get rejected – and you will – don’t take it personally. One
thing that you absolutely have to learn in this business is to let things go quickly and easily.
Don’t look at not selling a given dance or VIP as success or failure. Your goal should be to
make this person feel special without expecting anything in return. When you genuinely
have this attitude, money will come pouring in. The last feeling that a man would want to
experience at a gentlemen’s club is the feeling of being “sold.” They are there for fun, not
to do business.
However, you are there to do business, and don’t forget it! Some of your clients will know
this and respect it more than others. So work smart! Enjoy the process! And have fun flirting!
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
SECTION TWO Takeaways:
•• All of your meals should consist of one fist-sized portion each of protein, carbohydrates
and vegetables.
•• An exotic dancer is an athlete and a performer, and everybody is at the club to create a
beautiful, feel-good fantasy experience. As a dancer, you can have fun and enjoy the magic
you help to create every night!
•• Maintain high standards for yourself, and always maintain belief in your own value so
that no one will ever be able to manipulate you into going against yourself, or to take
away your pride.
Three Things You Should Do Now:
1. Structure your own personalized fitness regimen to produce the high levels of strength,
flexibility and endurance you will need as a professional exotic dancer.
2 Go to a restaurant and try my Simple Tips to Achieve Your Best Nutritional Balance.
You’ll see just how easy it is!
3. If you might consider, or have already had, plastic surgery, what would you have done,
and why? Find out all you can about that procedure and decide how you feel about your
options and possibilities.
Resources for Further Learning:
Web resources for finding clubs:
Strippers On the Road
The Ultimate Strip Club List
Strip Club List
Web resources for gentlemen’s club news:
ED Publications
Sources consulted for the Plastic Surgery section:
American Medical Association
American Society of Plastic Surgeons
The American Board of Plastic Surgery, Inc.
The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Resources for Further Learning (cont):
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
•• U.S. Food and Drug Administration: Medical Devices, Breast Implants
•• Cosmopolitan: Health Articles, “25 Wacky Questions About Plastic Surgery,”
Cosmopolitan Magazine
•• Plastic Surgery Info, Plastic Surgery Facts for Consumers - Authentic and practical
plastic surgery information
•• Cosmetic
•• Lewis J. Obi, M.D., The Samuel Wells Surgicenter & Renaissance Center for Cosmetic Renewal
•• The Healthy Back Institute: Information on resting, stretching, and overall therapy
for the body
•• Yoga for Athletes, Venice, CA - Kimberly Fowler, Owner
•• Tom Venuto’s Burn The Fat: Fat Burning Secrets of the Worlds Best Bodybuilders
and Fitness Models
Recommended Reading:
•• Dr. Lewis J Obi, contributor, Be Your Best - A Comprehensive Guide to Aesthetic Plastic
Surgery Written by the Experts, Rex M. Oppenheimer (Author), Peter Bela Fodor; M.D.
(Editor), Publisher: Insight International Press, LLC; 1st edition (December 20, 2006)
•• Zinczenko, David and Matt Goulding. Eat This, Not That!. Rodale Books, 2009
•• Tracy, Brian. The Way to Wealth in Action. Entrepreneur Press, 2007
•• Tracy, Brian. Advanced Selling Strategies: The Proven System of Sales Ideas, Methods,
and Techniques Used by Top Salespeople Everywhere. place: Simon & Schuster, 1996
•• Tracy, Brian. The 21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionares. Berrett-Koehler Publishers,
•• Tracy, Brian. The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success. Berrett-Koehler
Publishers, 2000
•• Hogan, Kevin and James Speakman. Covert Persuasion. Wiley, 2006
Hill, Napoleon. Think and Grow Rich. Ballantine Books, 1983
•• Step 3 and Step 4 of Freedom V™: Financial Freedom for Exotic Dancers™ (See
page 60)
•• Champagne Inner Circle
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
SECTION 3 Overview
•• Really focus in now on what you want to accomplish in your life, and how exotic dancing
can get you there.
•• Learn how to avoid the trap of “leaving money on the table” by discovering the subtle
ways it happens; you will be shocked.
•• The Rules: Have No Debt, and Spend Less Than You Make. Rule out your financial
SECTION 3 Table of Contents
•• Special Introduction to Section 3
•• Business
•• Time and Money
•• Wealth
•• Takeaways
•• Three Things You Should Do Now
•• Resources for Further Learning
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
Special Introduction to Section 3
Before We Get Started on Finances
If I were to ask you, “How much money do you want to have next month, next year, 5
years from now, 15 years from now, and after you turn 65?” 99% of you would either say
something cheesy like, “Oh, millions!” or most likely, “I don’t know.”
What are your goals? Not just in dancing, but in life! You have to know what you want or you
will never, ever get it.
Seriously, this is something you really need to have nailed down. Without goals you have no
sense of urgency or direction. You are just floating along, hoping something good turns up.
Don’t ever bet on coincidence, happenstance, or luck.
That is a BAD BET!
Go out and make your own luck with a plan of action, and with goals to chart your progress.
Here are the most common scenarios of how most exotic dancers get started - and how
they ultimately end up:
1. Some started because they wanted to pay their way through college.
a. They quit after graduating
b. They started dancing, quit, then came back to it years later
c. They made dancing their career
d. They got a “real job” but still dance part time
2. Some started out in the “real world” and then discovered dancing later.
3. Some started as soon as they turned 18 - even younger in some states - or they used a
fake ID.
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
Now you have an idea about when and why women generally start dancing. With all their
differences, one thing that is common with probably 99.9% of these women is, they did not
have a plan. And most of them still don’t.
What do I mean?
I mean, what do you want to get out of dancing? To pay for college, support your family, or
would you like to get to a point where you don’t ever have to work again?
Maybe you look at it more in terms of dollars per week or per month. How would $500
a week sound? How about $5000 a month, $10,000 a month, $20,000 a month? Well, it
happened for me within 6 months!
Whatever way you want to look at it is fine. Just be sure you have a plan. Know where you
want to go and how you are going to get there.
Time and Money
Money on the Table
Money on the table becomes a scary concept once you realize how much money you are
losing by not managing your time. My co-author, John, had this problem in the boat business
with his salespeople selling the boats for too little money, too often. John started having
them keep a spreadsheet to track the details of their sales.
What they found out was, coming up short on one deal won’t kill you – but if you do 50 deals
like that it turns into thousands of dollars lost. John had one sales guy who left 46k on the
table in one year. Who suffered? Not the sales guy, but John. Now, here is how this applies to
Start tracking your time by taking notice of when you are supposed to be at your job and
when you actually get there. If you are a dancer you will be paid for the hours you are in the
club and working - and only for those hours. Let’s say you make approximately $115 an hour,
and consider what happens if you are an hour late 3 times a week. That adds up to $345 a
week that you are losing, or as we say, money you are leaving on the table. $345 X 4 weeks
= $1380 a month, times 12 months = $16,560 a year. Excuse me, but that is a lot of money!
It’s a lot like your diet; people don’t realize how much they are eating – or in this case how
much money they are losing – until they write it down and analyze it, and really look at it.
Then they are floored when they see the results.
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
Don’t get caught in this trap of leaving money on the table by not understanding how you
are losing it. You might say, “But Jennifer, I made $1020 last night and that is $120 above my
average, so I didn’t lose anything by going in late.”
You did lose money, though, and here is why: The whole idea of growing your business
depends on your becoming more efficient so that you can make more money with less
work. Gaining an average of $500 to $700 a night is like dropping from 20% to 18% bodyfat;
it isn’t that hard, but the next step i.e. gaining from $900 to $1100 a night – like going from
10% to 8% bodyfat percentage – is much harder.
John’s salesmen used to try to tell him all the time that, since they made more money
this year than last year, everything was okay. In the long run, however, it isn’t okay and it
ultimately cost them all lots of money as well as valuable time.
The only way you will keep growing is to use every tool and opportunity that is available to
you, like e-mail and texting, being on time, etc. In the long run it will pay you hundreds of
thousands of dollars over the life of your career, which means you can get out of this industry
sooner, with less wear and tear on your body. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great industry and
you will make a lot of money in it, but you won’t want to do this for life.
How and Why You and Your Co–Workers Look at Your Income
the Wrong Way
The wrong way? What do you mean?
Money Is Money – Right?
No, not exactly. Unless you enter this business to just go through the motions and not be
prepared to retire from dancing, you need to know a little more about money.
Taking a, “how much I make per night,” viewpoint won’t give you the big picture and provides
you no way of monitoring whether your income is going up or down over a period of time,
as it doesn’t account for variables. You then have no way to really test the effectiveness of
your email and texting campaigns without looking at the information usefully. To gather all
of this information you need a precise way to measure your data.
How You Need to Look at Income
The best way to measure your progress is to know how much money you make hourly.
One of the big failures of tracking daily income only is not being able to deal with varying
information. What if one day you worked 10 hours and the other you only worked 5 hours?
How can you see the big picture then?
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
To figure out your average hourly rate:
Take your income - minus house fees, tip outs, etc. - to get your hourly rate.
A simple example of this is, say you work one night from 9 pm -2 am and make $500 after all
of your fees were paid out. How much per hour did you make?
$500/ 5 hours worked = $100 an hour
Tell me how many places you can go to work with relatively little training and can make $100
an hour! When you find that place, please let me know and I will sign up, too.
Why What You Make per Hour is Important
Think about this: Whether you run a Fortune 500 company or a small business, you have to
be able to look at your data in a way that allows you to measure your progress.
Let’s say a company runs a newspaper ad, TV commercial, or an email campaign. Wouldn’t
it be smart to be able to see clearly whether these campaigns are effective or not, so the
company can decide if they should change the campaign to be more effective, or abort the
campaign entirely?
It is not smart business to keep throwing your money at something if it is not giving you
a return on your investment. As an exotic dancer you are in business and the best, most
efficient way for you to track the effectiveness of your promotional business campaigns is to
track what you make per hour.
Let’s investigate this a little further:
I have already demonstrated that you don’t see the whole picture by looking at what you
make per day instead of per hour. Specifically, looking at your income on a per–hour basis
will help you to determine:
1. Effectiveness of your texting and emailing clients, or scheduling specific appointments
with your clients at your club (Note: some clubs do not allow you to make any contact
with your customers outside of work, so do not go against your club’s policies. Most
clubs would agree with me that it is not a good idea at all to see any client outside of
your club, but if you need some marketing methods to get them there, texting and
emailing can be a very good thing. See my Freedom V™: Financial Freedom for
Exotic Dancers™ and Champagne Inner Circle for techniques and tactics to grow your
regular clientele dramatically using these tools. Test: if you already market via texting
and emailing, if you stop doing these campaigns you will surely see your hourly rate go
drastically down.)
Freedom V™: Financial Freedom for Exotic Dancers™ pg 60
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
2. What are your best days at the club to work?
3. What are your best months and seasons? How can you best profit from working during
holidays – e.g. July 4th, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas?
Why Does This Matter?
It matters for a whole lot of reasons!
If you were playing blackjack and you had a crystal ball that showed you which hands you
were going to win, wouldn’t you only play those particular hands? Of course! Why would
you play a hand you knew you were going to lose? What I am going to teach you will be the
closest thing to a crystal ball that you will ever have for predicting your income.
Here is what a dancer I worked with used to do until I helped her to computerize her
You can see she just wrote all this down on scratch pieces of paper. However, she did the
right thing by recording how many hours she worked on what days, and how much she
made. Look at her results:
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
You will notice that this dancer’s 3 best days were Monday, Friday and Saturday. We did her
analysis 3 months into her career. The last analysis she did still showed Monday, Friday and
Saturday being her best days, but with one significant difference: Monday, Friday and Saturday
showed her making almost twice the amount of money they did at first, while her income for
the other days of the week didn’t change all that much.
How to Plan Around Holidays
I also track how much I make per night to help me with another important analysis. Should
I or should I not work on a holiday, or the days leading up to a holiday, or the day after a
holiday? That’s a lot of days to consider!
Let’s say I am considering working the July 4th weekend one year. Wouldn’t it be smart to
see when and if I made money around that holiday in previous years before I make that
What I do first is look at what I made those previous years, for the days I am considering
working this holiday, and if it looks promising I will then dig into my records further to see
what I made per hour to help me make the final decision whether or not to work those days.
More often than not I won’t even get that far before the answer becomes obvious.
For example, last year I was considering working Memorial Day so I looked at what I made the
previous year. I found that I only made a fraction of what I normally make on the nights leading
up to Memorial Day and just after. I stopped right there and decided not to go in as it wasn’t
worth it.
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
I also keep track of money tipped out. Here is why:
Most dancers just tip out at the end of the night based on nothing more than a whim and
emotion. If they had a good night, they are generous. If they had a bad night they hardly
tip anything, which results in the bouncers, the house mom, and the DJ all being unhappy
with them.
It is important to remember that you are being helped and need to show appreciation to
those who help you, or you will find your help quite rightly disappears. If the floor guys or
bouncers connect you with a client or send you in the direction of a potential client that pays
off, it is customary to tip them 20% of the money you earn from that sale. If that client takes
you to VIP for 3 hours at $400/hr, you can figure that 20% of $1200 is $240. Give 20% to the
people that really help you out and they will choose to continue to do so. It’s a win-win for
Be sure the way you figure how much to tip is consistent and easy to calculate. Remember
you will be figuring this out in a loud, gossip–filled locker room, so this process needs to be
simple and easy to execute.
Here is how to figure your tip rate on the spot:
1. Count your money and figure what your profit is after expenses are taken out
2. Multiply that number by the percentage you tip. In my club it is customary to tip around
10% or a minimum of:
– $20 or more to House Mom
– $10 to Bouncers
– $10 to DJ
– $5 to Valet
I would not recommend tipping minimums because no one will help you out that way. They
make a living off of tips just like you do at the club, so let’s make this more reasonable for
them and for you:
•• $20 to House Mom
•• $20-100 to Bouncers (depending on how much you make and how much they help you
to get VIPs)
•• $20-40 to DJ (depending on how much you make)
•• $10-20 to Valet
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
You can use the calculator feature on your cell phone to get the dollar amount you are
going to tip out.
Tipping the people who help you is part of your business operating expense, such as when
the floor guys/bouncers send you in the direction of a paying client, it is customary to tip
them 20% of the money you earn from that sale (of course, if they don’t help you, just tip
them 10%.) So it follows that if the client takes you to VIP for 3 hours at $400 per hour, 20%
of $1200 is $240. Give 20% to the people that really help you out and they will continue to
do so. It’s a win-win! Of course every club has different requirements, but you’re pretty
much safe to use this 10-20 rule of thumb for your ultimate success, and to get yourself into
that top 4% of dancers that will launch you into financial freedom.
The dancer in our previous example was just tipping randomly with no system. Instead of
10% she ended up tipping anywhere from 10.72%, to as much as 25%, which you can see
would make a big difference even over a couple of weeks. Over an extended period of
time that extra percentage tipped out ends up costing you a ridiculous amount of your own
money simply because you did not know you were giving it all away.
Most of the dancers I have worked with tip 15% to 17% and don’t even realize it. Think of
how much money gets left on the table over weeks, months, and years this way!
Now, how do you want to track your own income from now on?
Make Your Money and Keep it!
Decide Where You Want to Go, and Who You Want to Be
What does a millionaire look like? If you were suddenly a millionaire tomorrow, what would you
do differently? How would you dress and act, where would you go and what would you do? You
might be surprised to find out that most millionaires really aren’t that different from other people.
In their book, “The Millionaire Next Door3,” Thomas J. Stanley, Ph.D. and William D. Danko,
Ph.D. tell us exactly what an average millionaire looks like:
•• A 57 year old male
•• Married with 3 children
•• Earns 80% or more of the household income
•• 80% are still working
•• Two–thirds are self employed
•• Three–fourths consider themselves entrepreneurs (most of the others are professionals)
•• Their businesses could be considered “dull–normal”
•• Half their wives do not work outside the home
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
•• Their total annualized (taxable) income is $131,000
•• Household (average) net worth is $3.7 million. [The typical (or median) is $1.6 million]
•• They live (annually) on less than 7% of their wealth
•• 97% are homeowners (half have lived in one home for more than 20 years)
•• Most did not receive an inheritance
•• 80% are first-generation affluent
•• Live well below their means
•• Their wives are planners & meticulous budgeters
•• Have a “go–to–hell” fund. The typical millionaire ($1.6 million) could live comfortably for
more than 12 years without working
•• Have more than 6 ½ times the wealth of their non–millionaire neighbors
•• Are well educated
•• 55% of their children attend private schools
•• They invest
•• Are tightwads
List is from “The Millionaire Next Door,” Thomas J. Stanley, Ph.D. and William D. Danko, Ph.D.
Time management is all-important to your overall success and maximum earning potential.
Making time to eat and refresh yourself is vital, but don’t waste time at the mirror or socializing
unnecessarily. When you aren’t in front of that whale of a client, another dancer is, and she will get
the big sale you could have had. Also make sure you keep sharp with your sales and closing skills
so you can quickly and artfully complete more sales and go home with more money every night.
Remember - Don’t Worry!
Everyone makes mistakes. Failure helps us to become better people and learn valuable
lessons. It is all about the way you deal with imperfect situations that truly defines who you are.
By using the multiple skills that I have outlined (and all of the psychological techniques that
are revealed in Freedom V™: Financial Freedom for Exotic Dancers™,) you will be able
to identify immediately what kind of buyer/client you are dealing with, and then be able
to assess and meet their needs accordingly. In other words, you will have the proper basis
of knowledge you need to convince them to buy your time and the services you provide.
These are the building blocks for your financial freedom and success.
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
You can see by now that your success with clients at your club depends on your knowledge,
planning and preparation. Going to work each day with a plan gives you poise, confidence
and presence. Going in and winging it will mark you as an amateur. Apply what you are
learning in Freedom V™, believe in the program and in your own capabilities, and you
will be the polished professional you wish to be. Your clients will be satisfied, your club will
prosper and you will command lifelong wealth and independence. That is, after all, why
you’re here.
Rule 1: Have no debt. (Pay cash, not interest)
Rule 2: Spend less than you make.
Everything I am telling you here is basic, as you can see. You do not need to be a genius or
have a great idea, marketing plan or patent, or to even work hard or take risks. All you need
to do is have a little self-discipline.
If Someone is Going to Get Rich – Why Not You?
Anyone can become wealthy. It’s not complicated. It doesn’t take brains, risk, or money. It
does take time and discipline. This is where many of you will give up, but if you are patient,
and have the time & dedication, it will work for you, guaranteed. Most want a “Get Rich
Quick” scheme. I don’t have any good ideas on that subject. Mine is more like a “Get Rich
Slow” scheme. Or, as we say from the very beginning of the Freedom V™ program, “Get
More Now.” Get rich quick schemes rarely work, but more commonly they do waste your
money and your equally-valuable time.
Insurance – The Necessary Evil
We all hate insurance until we need it! Everyone has heard horror stories from their friends
and co-workers about how their insurance company didn’t pay an entire claim, or about
having a large claim denied which resulted in someone filing for bankruptcy.
As annoying as insurance companies and their agents can be,
You Can’t Take the Risk of Not Having Proper Insurance!
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
In other words, you can opt not to put up with the annoyance - which would mean you don’t
have insurance, because acquiring and maintaining insurance always carries some level of
annoyance. Or you can just say, “to hell with it,” get the damn insurance and be annoyed,
but at least you will have insurance!
Insurance is one of the few things in life that the annoyance (as bad as it can sometimes be)
always causes less pain than the extreme agony of not having the proper insurance when
you really need it!
What Kind of Insurance Coverage Does an Exotic Dancer Need?
Exotic dancers make way more money than the average wage earner in this country. In
fact, I suspect exotic dancers make more money than the average person in most, if not all
countries where exotic dancing is legal. This is great news for you as long as you manage
your money and protect your assets wisely. Otherwise you will end up just like everyone else
and you will have nothing to show for all your hard work.
The way I approach the insurance game is the same way that I approach the fitness game.
Remember what we said in Section Two about being flexible enough for a lap dance: If you
require 20 degrees of pelvic motion and you have 22 degrees available in your body, is that
enough? It is, but just barely, and it gives you no room for error. Then one day you will go
in a little sore and you might only have 18 degrees of range of motion that day, so then you
are in really big danger of hurting yourself.
Insurance works the same way. Don’t just get the bare minimum required to keep you legal;
get more than what you need to fully protect yourself and your assets! The difference between
getting just enough insurance to scrape by and be legal, and getting enough insurance to do
the job properly, is really only a few dollars per month. In the long run, it is truly worth it.
Will people really risk the whole shootin’ match over a few bucks a month? Yes, they will.
Millions of Americans, probably you as well, do it everyday and most eventually will get
burned by it. Don’t cheap out over a few bucks a month!
There are two sources that I have trusted over the years for financial, and especially insurance
advice. They are authors Dave Ramsey and Suze Orman. In their writings you will find the
following guidelines:
•• Auto and Homeowner Insurance – Choose higher deductibles in order to save on
premiums. With high liability limits, these are the best buys in the insurance world.
•• Life Insurance – Purchase twenty-year level term insurance equal to about ten times your
income. Term insurance is cheap and the only way to go: never consider life insurance a
purchase on which to save money by buying the bare minimum.
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
•• Long-Term Disability – If you are thirty-two years old, you are twelve times more likely
to become disabled than to die by age sixty-five. The best place to buy disability
insurance is through your work at a fraction of the cost. As an independent contractor,
you generally cannot get insurance through your club as a dancer. You must go directly
to an insurance company and pay for your own personal plan monthly. In our Freedom
V™: Financial Freedom for Exotic Dancers™ Champagne Inner Circle we will suggest
some of the best insurance carriers for you to work with, and offer timely advice to meet
your unique insurance needs as a dancer.
Umbrella Policy – As a High Net-Worth Individual, You Have to
Have It!
Here is a quick description of what it is and what it can do to protect you:
“The personal umbrella policy is excess liability insurance that provides protection that is over and
above that provided by auto, home, and boat insurance. People with significant assets need an
umbrella liability policy to cover lawsuits that can sometimes amount to millions of dollars.
The umbrella policy also has broad coverage that covers some claims that wouldn’t be covered at
all by home and auto insurance, such as personal injury lawsuits arising from false arrest, slander
and libel, or rental units that the insured may own. The personal umbrella policy also pays for legal
defense of lawsuits in addition to the policy limit for damages. So if you are sued and held liable for
$1 million, and your legal costs are $200,000, then a policy providing $1 million of coverage will pay
the full claim plus the $200,000 for legal costs.
The personal umbrella policy also covers any damage to the property of others that is held, controlled,
or cared for by the insured, and these losses are covered wherever they may occur in the world.
The amount of coverage usually ranges from $1 million to $10 million, and covers broad forms of
liability. Most insurance companies have required minimum amounts of coverage—typically, you
must have at least $250,000 of protection on your auto policy and $300,000 of protection on your
homeowner’s policy.”
Article source: Personal Umbrella Liability Policy -
Bottom line is this: You know how much I pay a year for a $1,000,000 umbrella policy?
$140 dollars!
Enough said!
Freedom V™: Financial Freedom for Exotic Dancers™ pg 60
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
The Impor tance of Having a Will
Please consult a financial planner for details on how to structure a will for your situation. Before you decide
not to do it please consider that 70% of Americans die without a will. Who do you think gets to decide
what happens to your assets? Not your family but - yes, you guessed it - THE STATE! Do you think the
State has your loved ones’ best interests in mind when they start to divide up your assets? Probably not.
Get a will!
Become Wealthy. AND KEEP IT!
Before you go out and buy something flashy to impress your friends, or buy anything you
don’t really need, remember that it costs you way more money in the long run than you think
you spent today.
Dream big.
This means dream big, don’t spend big. If you dream big, it will fan the fire of your desire to live
at a higher level. Desire is everything! Desire it and you can achieve it, whatever “it” may be.
Goals and desire are symbiotic. Goals feed your desire, desire feeds your goals. Just be sure
you maintain the proper perspective and keep your expectations in check. By not staying alert
and focused on your goals, you will miss some huge opportunities. I am here to tell you that
once you go down that path of abundant success and learn what you are capable of achieving,
nothing will ever be enough.
If you shoot for the stars maybe you’ll come up short, but you’ll catch the moon on your way
down! Always dream big!
My Freedom V™ program will show you surefire ways to maximize your income and keep it.
More importantly, you will learn how to make your money work for you through investments
and passive income streams so that you can retire early, while you are young. The ultimate
goal of Freedom V™: Financial Freedom for Exotic Dancers™, is to teach you how,
through being an outstanding professional exotic dancer, you can start and run your own
business while earning substantial income through ever–expanding passive income streams.
You will know you have attained success when you find yourself in Tahiti drinking a martini on the
beach, while receiving regular paychecks in the mail for doing nothing. Your income will no longer
be tied to hours worked; your money will grow exponentially as though it had a life of its own.
Freedom V™: Financial Freedom for Exotic Dancers™ pg 60
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
SECTION 3 Takeaways:
•• Go out and make your own luck with a plan of action, and with goals to chart your
progress and feed your desire.
•• Realize that ignoring your money habits translates into money lost - i.e. “money left on
the table.”
•• Knowing what you make per hour is far more important than how much you make per day.
Three Things You Should Do Now:
1. Think about how you relate to money and how that relationship keeps you from making
more of it. Then you can start making changes in your thinking to allow you to get and
keep more income.
2. Tie down a solid financial plan to put your income to work for you. Get help with it. This
is the most important step you can take; this is your ticket to Financial Freedom, and the
whole point of Freedom V™ (See page 60)
3. Learn all you can about insurance and wills, and find out where you can get the insurance
you need at the best price and with the best agent.
Resources for Further Learning:
Recommended Reading
Stanley, Thomas J., Ph.D. and William D. Danko, Ph.D. The Millionaire Next Door.
Pocket, 2000
•• Orman, Suze. The Money Book for the Young Fabulous & Broke. Riverhead Trade, 2007
•• Ramsey, Dave. The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness. Thomas
Nelson, 2007
•• Intuit financial software including Quicken Home and Business and
Quickbooks Pro
•• Step 3 and Step 4 of Freedom V™: Financial Freedom for Exotic Dancers™ (See
page 60)
•• Champagne Inner Circle -
•• The Ultimate Calculator - Freedom V™: Step 5, Addendum A (See page 60)
Freedom V™: Financial Freedom for Exotic Dancers™ pg 60
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
I f Yo u A r e S e r i o u s
When you become interested in learning about something, like doing your own taxes,
or starting your own business, or playing blackjack, you generally buy a book about that
subject in order to find out more about it. Champagne Every Night is your introduction to
the world of professional exotic dancers and the gentlemen’s club industry.
If that first book intrigues you enough that you decide to become an educated professional
in the field, you then buy the professional manual in order to elevate yourself to higher
levels of mastery. For mastering professional exotic dancing, we can also provide you with
your next level up. Freedom V™: Financial Freedom For Exotic Dancers™ is a complete
turnkey professional-level business system, and we will introduce you here to what’s in store
for you in the Freedom V™ program as well.
As a professional exotic dancer, you are an independent contractor. This is a business like
any other business, and you are self-employed. You are your own boss, you call your own
shots, and you will do well or not by your own hand. All the fun - and all the responsibility - is
yours. Unlike a conventional job, there is no hierarchy, there is no ladder to climb, and there
are no other “positions” between you and ultimate success. The sky is the limit and it’s all
up to you how far you want to go, and what you want to do.
As in any other business, in the gentlemen’s club industry there are best practices, rules,
and boundaries you must observe in order to prosper. It helps a great deal to have proper
guidance and mentorship from those who have gone before you, to steer you in the proper
directions as well as away from the pitfalls. And there are many pitfalls. But just as a doctor
or a lawyer has books and references and professional organizations they use in their work,
now we present to you the definitive business manual for exotic dancers.
The Freedom V™: Financial Freedom For Exotic Dancers™ program is a thorough,
detailed resource that you will refer to again and again when questions arise throughout
your dancing career. This program is also a solid foundation to our Champagne Inner Circle
mentoring club which provides you with ongoing personal support online, anytime, all the
time. Believe me, you stand to make even more money than a doctor or lawyer, and you
should know how to make that money work for you, for the rest of your life!
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
What Is Freedom V™?
Let’s start with what Freedom V™ is NOT:
88 Freedom V™ is NOT a “Get Rich Quick” Scheme.
88 Freedom V™ is NOT a substitute for hard work and determination.
88 Freedom V™ is NOT a cure for laziness, apathy or dispassion.
Now let’s talk about what Freedom V™ IS:
99 Freedom V™ IS a “Get More Now” plan.
99 Freedom V™ IS a guide that, if followed diligently, can lead to amazing improvements
in your exotic dancing business.
99 Freedom V™ IS a guide designed to help you understand yourself better and lead a
more passionate, meaningful life.
99 Freedom V™ IS a guide for providing you with all the tools and resources you will need
on your journey to financial freedom.
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
The 5-Steps to Financial Freedom Freedom V™ Structure:
PASSION: What Is Exotic Dancing?
It all starts here, where you will discover your true Passion and develop
your plan to live your dreams.
PREPARE: The Whole Package
Create your persona as an exotic dancer - or decide if you’d rather work
in another area of the gentlemen’s club industry.
POWER: Transform Your Body
Personalize your diet, exercise, and anything else you need to create a
sexier body than you ever imagined you could!
POSITION: The Rules of Advanced Marketing Psychology
Become a successful professional exotic dancer by learning core business
skills, advanced marketing psychology, and our exclusive Champagne
Inner Circle tricks of the trade you will never get anywhere else!
NOTE - At this point you should have a higher income than ever before!
PRESERVE: Advanced Techniques to Long-Term Financial Success
Create sustainable wealth for life! Follow the step-by-step program
outlined here for managing your income and expenses, and
understanding how to make your money work for you.
You are now on your way to Financial Freedom!
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
What Is Financial Freedom?
Well, it means something different for each of us.
And while I don’t know your personal definition of financial freedom, I can tell you that if
you don’t know what it means for you or haven’t thought much about it, then you definitely
aren’t financially free!
Freedom V™ will ensure that you are constantly working towards that goal.
In fact, the structure that Freedom V™ provides, along with the techniques, tools and
information contained inside, will be instrumental in your journey towards financial freedom.
While I have created a complete manual for the business of exotic dancing, and have
provided you with the necessary tools in my Freedom V™ program, how you use these
tools and at what speed you use them is entirely up to you.
The case studies, resources and repeatability of Freedom V™ are tried-and-true.
I’ve given you information in a compact and step-by-step process that has taken me years
to perfect, and is structured in such a way that if you just follow the system, you’ll be amazed
by what happens.
All I ask in return is that you give me two things:
1. Your Hunger
2. Your Passion
For most industries, this system is not easy at all. For exotic dancing, Freedom V™ can
change your life overnight if you are willing to work it.
Above all, I want you to know that I have created Freedom V™: Financial Freedom For
Exotic Dancers™ to quicken your journey, to help you create an immediate difference in
your life and in your exotic dancing, and to ultimately create lasting financial wealth that
stands the test of time.
Find out more about Freedom V™: Financial Freedom For Exotic Dancers™ at
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
What Is In Your Future?
By reading this book you have taken the first step to improving the rest of your life. You have
learned about the gentlemen’s club industry, about creating your best possible body, and
you’ll be inspired to create a leaner and meaner you!
Want even more? Then go to www.How–To– and learn about my Freedom V™:
Financial Freedom for Exotic Dancers™ program.
In Freedom V™ I have outlined a step-by-step system that can guide any reasonably
attractive female toward becoming a top–notch dancer, and making six figures per year
within the first month!
With Freedom V™ you can plug into the program wherever you need to, and end up with
the program wherever you want to, if you follow the system and know what your goals are.
If you are already a dancer, following my Freedom V™ will boost your income by $100 –
$1000 per night on top of what you already make, therefore substantially increasing your
club’s income per night.
Other Flashes of Insight You Will Learn :
ÂÂ What is exotic dancing and why you should – or shouldn’t – try it.
ÂÂ Savvy financial facts like this one: If you are making 40k or 50k a year, you can’t keep up
with inflation.
ÂÂ How to prepare before your audition.
ÂÂ How to establish your image and relationships.
ÂÂ The Basics: personality and anonymity.
ÂÂ Successful Marketing: sell those lap dances and promote VIP rooms!
ÂÂ How to acquire and maintain regular clients.
ÂÂ Exotic dancers don’t do sexual favors, nor are they prostitutes. Common misbeliefs like
these about exotic dancers will be corrected.
ÂÂ Urgent to Your Success: managing your money intensified.
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
ÂÂ The Facts: Everything you (and your friends and family) know about eating is wrong:
Learn my tips for eating properly for a leaner and meaner you!
ÂÂ More tips from the experts on the best workouts in the world to skyrocket your looks!
ÂÂ All about plastic surgery and aestheticism
ÂÂ How your body transforms itself: What happens when you bruise and as you heal, and
how you can remedy soreness
ÂÂ When in doubt, use common sense!
ÂÂ Why dancing is not for everyone.
Lots of people don’t realize that gentlemen’s clubs specifically constitute a multi–billion–
dollar industry, far surpassing the revenues and customer attendance of any other segment
of the general nightclub industry.
Here are some interesting statistics for the gentlemen’s club industry from ED Publications:
•• There are more than 3,000 adult nightclubs in the U.S.
•• There are two publicly–traded adult club chains on NASDAQ that have a combined $500
million evaluation on Wall Street (trade symbols: RICK and VCGH).
•• More than 90 percent of clubs serve beer, wine, champagne and liquor.
•• All clubs serve bottled water, soft drinks and energy drinks.
•• More than 1,000,000 customers visit adult nightclubs every day of the year.
•• There are more than 350,000 entertainers and club employees working in adult nightclubs.
•• There are more than 30 club chain operators controlling over 300 adult nightclubs.
•• Adult nightclubs have combined annual gross revenues of more than $7.5 billion.
•• Adult nightclubs are open longer hours and more days than any other type of nightclub.
•• Adult nightclubs sell a higher percentage of high–end liquor and champagne than other clubs.
•• Adult nightclubs reach the most desirable demographic of spenders, ages 18 to 50.
•• Adult nightclubs reach a consumer demographic used to paying top dollar for
•• The adult nightclub industry has a national association with over 30 statewide chapters.
•• The adult nightclub market is untapped and ripe for national promotions by liquor
manufacturers and/or distributors seeking to target this high revenue generating market
You should be benefiting from these statistics.
Isn’t it time for you to become an exotic dancer?
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
I Sincerely Hope You Enjoyed Reading
Champagne Every Night!
As I hope I have shown you throughout this book, you have choices. You have options and
opportunities for wealth and success that you’ve never been shown before. Everything you
have read about in this book can happen for you. I know this because it happened for me,
and I am no more “special” than you.
All I did was decide to try.
If you decide you’d like to try, too, I have more information to share with you. In fact, I will
offer all that I know about exotic dancing to you.
Freedom V™: Financial Freedom for Exotic Dancers™ takes off where this book has only
begun to introduce you to the ways you can prosper in the gentlemen’s club industry. This
industry is immense, and is expanding every day. There is more money to be made in this
industry than almost any other. If you are willing to learn and put in practice what I have
to teach you, you can become financially free for life – just as I have.
Please feel free to contact me through www.How–To– , and tell me what you
think of the book, what you may have wanted to know and didn’t find here, or if you
want to know how to get started yourself as a successful professional exotic dancer without
making any of the missteps so many other dancers do.
Again, I thank you for taking time to read my book, and I sincerely hope you have a much
clearer view – beyond the myths, mysteries and misbeliefs – of what it truly means to be
an exotic dancer.
If you have any questions about the techniques discussed in this book, or about Freedom V™: Financial
Freedom for Exotic Dancers™, please contact me at:
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
Website: www.How–To–
About the Authors
Jennifer McCumber MA is the author of Freedom V™ : Financial
Freedom for Exotic Dancers™, and of the book, Champagne
Every Night. She is President of Strip System Productions,
LLC, and a leading business expert on exotic dancing and the
gentlemen’s club industry. Jennifer’s Freedom V™ is a complete
business system that shows exotic dancers how to capitalize on
their resources and position in the highly lucrative gentlemen’s
club industry. Jennifer is passionate about helping other dancers
to achieve higher levels of success than ever before. In order
to ensure dancers can access the information they need in
each individual’s best learning mode, Freedom V™ employs
multimedia, online resources and coaching, print materials,
testing and certification modules, and one-on-one training
through personal appearances throughout the country. Jennifer’s
Freedom V™ system is the most extensive, contemporary and
authoritative training system of its kind, and is the definitive word on how exotic dancers and
club owners can achieve success. Meet Jennifer at .
John McMath is the contributing co-author of, and coordinator
for, the Freedom V™: Financial Freedom for Exotic Dancers™
business system. He is a successful veteran business owner and
athlete, and is CEO of Strip System Productions, LLC. John is
an expert in business development and engineering, financial
consulting, strategy, investing, and funds management, and
enjoys sharing his expertise through Freedom V™ with
specialty articles and personal appearances. He brings to
Freedom V™ clients his expertise in organizing and managing
projects, diagnosing problems and finding solutions. He is
also a bodybuilder and fitness model who is passionate about
sharing with clients all he knows about training and nutrition,
and leveraging this discipline as yet another business skill of
particular importance to exotic dancers. Meet John at .
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
John McMath is CEO and co-founder of Strip
System Productions LLC; Jennifer McCumber MA is
President and co-founder.
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
First and foremost I want to thank John McMath for being my contributing co-author and
an outstanding writing partner throughout the process of bringing this book together
and making it informative and entertaining. I give John credit for showing me a new life,
meaning, and purpose, and for encouraging me to empower myself to be a successful
businesswoman and exotic dancer. Thanks to him, I can now share all of this wonderful
knowledge with you, so that you, too, can live a life full of passion, and prosper from it. John
has been my mentor throughout this entire process, and I appreciate him for all he is and
Extreme credit is due to Brendon Burchard and Chris Fernandez for their direction, inspiration
and motivation from the very beginning of this project. Chris is a dear friend, and without his
direction it would have taken us years to find our muse; we might never have gotten there. It
is through Chris that we gained exposure to influential people like Brendon, and the people
in his organization, that have influenced us to keep going. It’s just a fact that Champagne
Every Night, and the Freedom V™: Financial Freedom for Exotic Dancers™ program,
might not have existed at all without the energetic influence of these two men.
Broderick Blocker, Karen Wickham, Jason Clough, Megan Durham, Michael Pham and Terri
Romine, who who all worked with us as a cohesive team to help us make sure this book was
attractive and readable.
Finally and enthusiastically, my fellow exotic dancers and my wonderful bouncers and
managers deserve recognition for being exceptionally great people to work with. My
experiences with these people were the basis for the situational material that gives this book
a heartbeat. Most of all, they have given me the inspiration to give back to the gentlemen’s
club industry by writing this book.
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
References and Resources
Please note that all web links were live at the time of publishing. For new links and fresh
resources, go to .
Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich (Northbrook, IL: Ballantine Books, 1983), 175.
Thomas J. Stanley, Ph.D. and William D. Danko, Ph.D., The Millionaire Next Door (Pocket,
Editor’s Note: “Exotic Dancing Has Been...” was modified from an article at Article Alley;
The History of Exotic Dancing; Date Published: 27th October 2008; Author: dtymon;
Hill, Napoleon. Think and Grow Rich. Ballantine Books, 1983
Hogan, Kevin and James Speakman. Covert Persuasion. Wiley, 2006
Orman, Suze. The Money Book for the Young Fabulous & Broke. Riverhead Trade, 2007
Ramsey, Dave. The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness. Thomas
Nelson, 2007
Rex M. Oppenheimer (Author), Peter Bela Fodor; M.D. (Editor), Dr. Lewis J Obi, contributor.
Be Your Best - A Comprehensive Guide to Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Written by the Experts.
Insight International Press, LLC; 1st edition, December 20, 2006
Stanley, Thomas J., Ph.D. and William D. Danko, Ph.D. The Millionaire Next Door. Pocket,
Tracy, Brian. The 21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionares. Berrett-Koehler Publishers,
Tracy, Brian. The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success. Berrett-Koehler
Publishers, 2000
Tracy, Brian. Advanced Selling Strategies: The Proven System of Sales Ideas, Methods, and
Techniques Used by Top Salespeople Everywhere. place: Simon & Schuster, 1996
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
Tracy, Brian. The Psychology of Selling (Pap/CD edition). Nightingale Conant,1999
Tracy, Brian. The Way to Wealth in Action. Entrepreneur Press, 2007
Zinczenko, David and Matt Goulding. Eat This, Not That!. Rodale Books, 2009
Online Resources:
Get the #1 Fitness and Diet Ebook on the Internet, “Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle”
Get Help for Aches and Pains from the Web’s Most Trusted Resource for Back Pain,
Neck Pain, or Sciatica -
For finding clubs:
Strippers On the Road -
The Ultimate Strip Club List -
Strip Club List -
Get the Latest Gentlemen’s Club News:
ED Publications
Plastic Surgery:
My Plastic Surgeon:
Lewis J. Obi, M.D. The Samuel Wells Surgicenter & Renaissance Center for Cosmetic
Renewal -
For more information on plastic surgery:
American Medical Association -
American Society of Plastic Surgeons -
The American Board of Plastic Surgery, Inc. -
The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery -
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada -
U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Medical Devices. “Breast Implants.” -
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
Cosmopolitan: Health Articles. “25 Wacky Questions About Plastic Surgery.” Cosmopolitan
Magazine -
Plastic Surgery Info. Plastic Surgery Facts for Consumers - Authentic and practical plastic
surgery information -
Cosmetic Surgery -
For information on resting, stretching, diet and exercise:
Lose the Back Pain - The Web’s most Trusted Resource for Back Pain, Neck Pain, or Sciatica
Aaron Mattes - The World’s Leading Authority on Stretching -
Kimberly Fowler - The World’s Leading Authority on Yoga -
Tom Venuto’s #1 Fitness and Diet Ebook on the Internet,“Burn The Fat, Feed the
Muscle: Fat Burning Secrets of the Worlds Best Bodybuilders and Fitness Models”
For information on money and finance:
Intuit financial software:
Quicken Home and Business -
Quickbooks Pro -
Champagne Inner Circle -
Other Resources:
Freedom V™:Financial Freedom for Exotic Dancers™:
Champagne Inner Circle -
Special Report Articles -
The Ultimate Calculator: Step 5, Addendum A
© Copyright 2009 Strip System Productions, LLC
Financial Freedom for Exotic Dancers Framework™
Financial Freedom For Exotic Dancers
The 5-Steps to Financial Freedom Freedom V™ Structure - see page 60