Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish School


Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish School
Our Lady of Good Counsel
Parish School
1151 William St.
Plymouth, Michigan 48170
Office: 734-453-3053
Absence: 734-453-3620
Fax: 734-357-5331
Web Page: school.olgcparish.net
John Czaplicki, Principal
E-mail: czaplickij@olgcparish.net
Elizabeth Ross, Assistant Principal
E-mail: rosse@olgcparish.net
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To provide a school environment in which Christ is encountered, and Discipleship is fostered through
the teaching and practice of Catholic Tradition, values, and doctrine, while challenging each student to
academic excellence.
Convinced of the Church’s teaching that Jesus Christ alone fully reveals what it means to be human, our
philosophy at Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish School is to:
• Instruct and nurture our students in their faith journey by promoting a Christian atmosphere of
love, respect, personal responsibility, and social concern.
• Provide a sound Catholic and academic foundation that encourages faith-based intellectual
inquiry for future achievement in all areas of life.
• Challenge each student to use his or her God-given talents to achieve personal excellence.
• Provide a place where children are valued for their God-given uniqueness.
• To lead every member of our school community into a life changing encounter with Christ. OLGC
Parish School will be:
• Known as a place where teachers, staff and parents work together to put into practice the
teachings of the Church to assist students in realizing their full academic and spiritual potential.
• A school with a curriculum that challenges its students to seek knowledge and truth beyond the
• A place where school parents, as the primary educators of their children, model their faith
through prayer, attending Sunday mass as a family, and participating in the Sacraments.
• A place where students continually strive to live their lives as saints by valuing character and
• A place where teachers live their Catholic faith so as to inspire students to grow in their faith and
share their faith with others.
• A place where every student feels respected and safe.
• A school where students are provided with opportunities to achieve success outside of the
classroom in areas such as student council, athletics, music, technology and the arts.
• A Parish community where families and alumni are visible participants in academic, volunteer
and fundraising activities.
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Father William P. Mooney opened Our Lady of Good Counsel (OLGC) in September 1949 for the first
six grades with three sisters of Saint Joseph and two lay teachers.
In 1960 Father Francis C. Byrne doubled the capacity of the school by building an eight-room addition.
Our present church was dedicated on September 9, 2000. Work has been completed on the former
building to give the school four additional classrooms used by the Junior High, an Art Room, Music
Room, and Science Room. The School Office was also expanded to include new offices for the school
administration. Father John Riccardo is our current pastor.
Contributing to the educational advancement of the parish have been four Sisters of Saint Joseph who
have served as principals of the school: Mother Suzanne, Mother Victorine, Mother Christine and Sister
Joyce Marie. In 1969, James Dyer who had served as a classroom teacher took over the position as
principal until he retired in 1986. Mr. Ted Behn served as Principal for seventeen years, from July 1986
through June 2003. Mr. Jack Coury began his career as a teacher in September 1966. He was the first
Assistant Principal at OLGC, retiring in 2008. Mrs. Kay Reilly served as Principal here from September
2003 to June 2012. Mr. John Czaplicki, former Assistant Principal, then became Principal in July 2012.
The Parent Volunteer Committee (PVC) is an organization consisting of all parents of OLGC Parish
School students. The purpose of this organization is to direct and coordinate parental support to OLGC
Parish School through activities, social functions, and fundraisers. The PVC Board meets with the
Principal on a regular basis to assess the needs of teachers and students, and allocates funds accordingly.
A major component of the PVC is the D.O.V.E.S. (Dedicate Official Volunteers Emanating Spirit)
program. This program encourages parental participation within the school environment. Parent
volunteers must meet the guidelines in the Safe Environment Policy, including the Protecting God's
Children Workshop. Each family is required to donate 20 hours (a single parent family requires 10
hours) of volunteer time, which directly benefits the children at the school. A list of volunteer
opportunities along with a sign up sheet will be distributed on the first day of school. As hours are
completed, each family must record their hours on a form for submission to the PVC Vice-President,
preferably on a monthly basis. If a family is unable to complete the required volunteer hours, they have
the option to buy out their hours at $15 per hour. All school volunteers with direct contact with students
are required to complete the Safe Environment Protocol. Packets are available in the school office.
The PVC is able to provide financial support to the school through the Fundraising/Tuition Credit
program. Participation in the Fundraising Program is completely voluntary and offers a wide variety of
opportunities that help each family earn credit toward their tuition while raising funds for the school at
the same time. A packet fully describing this program will be distributed on the first day of school. Of
the total profit earned, $15,000 is allocated to the parish as part of the school budget, thus helping to
keep tuition costs down. The current PVC Board members can be found in the school directory or on
the school website.
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The School Advisory Committee (SAC) is an organization that collaborates with the Principal on
developing school policy. The committee assists in the development of long range planning, which
includes development, marketing, and public relations. The SAC also serves as a voice for parents,
students, and parish members with legitimate concerns and/or questions for administration. The SAC
meets monthly with the Principal to discuss these issues. Agenda and meeting times are posted on the
school web site. Parents are invited to attend open meetings.
The Religious Formation Ministry is responsible for the spiritual formation and education of all the
children of Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish. In the school, religious formation is the collaborative
effort of the school, Pastor, School Principal and the Religious Formation Office.
The goal of catechesis at Our Lady of Good Counsel is to form the children in the Catholic Faith, by
helping them achieve a deeper relationship with the Lord, family, friends, and environment. We strive to
do this by incorporating the four cornerstones of our faith, namely: Scripture, Worship, Discipleship and
Social Ministry, and Outreach.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call 734-455-0326.
The Parish Education Commission provides educational opportunities that respond to the needs of all
persons at all age levels, with special attention to the potential of exceptional persons and the areas of
family life, missions, and justice and peace. The Commission is responsible to the Parish Council for the
activities of the School Advisory Committee, Religious Formation, Adult Education, Family Life, and
Justice and Peace committees.
The primary goal of OLGC's counseling program is to promote and enhance student learning by helping
students with academic development, personal development, social development and career
development. The counselor provides the following services: classroom guidance activities, individual
and small group counseling, consultation with staff and parents, coordination of resources to facilitate
successful student development, and case management of individual student's progress. The counselor
oversees the Archdiocesan Think First and Stay Safe (TFSS) program. Contact Leigh Fitch at 734-4533053.
Many factors are taken into account when creating classroom assignments. Our primary concern is
creating well-balanced classrooms that create optimal learning opportunities for all children, so each
child will have the greatest success. It is impossible to meet all of the individual placement requests, but
if there is an educational concern involving your child, please contact the Assistant Principal by May
15th. This does not guarantee a specific classroom placement. All classroom placement decisions are
made at the discretion of the administration. Absolutely NO MODIFICATIONS to the class lists will be
made after homeroom lists are mailed. NO EXCEPTIONS.
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These professionals are provided by the Plymouth-Canton Community Schools. They provide a great
service to the students of O.L.G.C. because their services are highly specialized. Initial contacts are
made by OLGC administration and staff members. We at Good Counsel feel fortunate to have such
excellent teachers as part-time members of our staff.
1. Speech and Language Therapist
2. Teacher Consultant
To help facilitate a productive and successful school year, it is imperative that we remember the
importance of positive and respectful communication when interacting with one another. Staff is held to
a high standard and it is expected that they will interact professionally and with Christian kindness
towards students and school families. The school also expects that parents will do the same. When we
speak, we must choose our words wisely, and keep the focus on the success of the child. Operating in
an atmosphere of professionalism dictates that these common courtesies be followed.
Parent/Teacher conferences are held after the first report card marking period in November.
Conferences may be requested by either parents or the teachers by appointment, at any time during the
school year Communication between parents and teachers is important. Please do not hesitate to call or
write. Contacts with all teachers must be made by calling the School Office, sending a note to the
teacher, or sending an e-mail. Please do not "drop in" for a conference unannounced. Teachers are not
permitted to leave students unattended. Conference Summary forms should be used for all conferences.
(see Appendix E)
School visitors are welcome at Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish School. Parent volunteers must meet
the guidelines in the Safe Environment Policy (See Appendix L), including the Protecting God's
Children Workshop. Doors are locked after students enter in the morning until dismissal. To help us
provide a safe environment for your child, all visitors are required to stop at the office window and
obtain a Visitor's Pass. They must sign in and obtain a Visitor’s Pass before visiting any classrooms,
cafeteria, playground, or any part of the school. Before leaving, visitors must sign out. This policy
protects the children from intrusion and disruption by unauthorized visitors. For the safety of all
children, no parent/adult is permitted to go to a classroom during class time without first making an
appointment and obtaining a Visitor’s Pass.
During the school day, the teachers' attention must be devoted to the needs of their students. Teachers
will be unable to meet with parents during this time unless a conference has been previously arranged. If
a parent wishes to meet with a particular teacher, a call needs to be made in advance so that a mutually
convenient time can be arranged. Teachers may also be contacted by notes or messages left in the
School Office or by e-mail.
Parents bringing students to school must leave their children at the door. Parents may not
proceed with their child to his or her room. We feel this policy insures the safety of the students
and fosters independence in each child. Exceptions must have a Visitor's Pass.
For purposes of safety, a child will be released only to his/her parents/guardians unless the school has
been notified in writing by the parents that they have granted permission for someone else to pick up
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their child. The parent, or authorized person, must come to the School Office to sign out the child and
have the student dismissed from the classroom. Parents may not pick up their children at the classroom
doors or in the hallways. They should meet their children outside at the end of the school day. Children
can be picked up at the School Office in the event of an emergency.
(See Appendix)
Please check with your child(ren) each day to see if any information has been sent from school. The
primary means of communication is our Digital Family Folder system. Every Friday the digital family
folder will be updated on our web site. All parents can read and download notes, reminders and flyers.
The School Pipeline is an extremely important form of communication and can also be found online at
school.olgcparish.net. This newsletter is updated weekly.
Since we use the bus service of Plymouth-Canton Community Schools, we follow their schedule for
emergency closings. If all Plymouth-Canton Community Schools are closed, then OLGC is also. Since
our students are bussed on the middle school schedule, if for any reason the middle schools are not in
session, we would be closed also.
For weather-related school closings, please listen to the radio or television instead of calling the school
or rectory. We are closed if all Plymouth-Canton Community Schools are closed due to snow or ice
conditions. All before and after school programs scheduled on the day of a school closing are canceled.
An emergency calling system is utilized throughout the school year to notify parents when school is
must close due unforeseen circumstances. Information for this system is taken from a form found on the
school website that is completed online during the first two weeks of the school year. Any changes to
this form must be reported to the office.
Our Lady of Good Counsel has a comprehensive crisis plan. In the event of an evacuation, students will
be taken to an offsite location and parents will be notified. In the event of a lock-down, parents will not
be allowed in the school. In the event of inclement weather, such as tornado, a "take cover mode" will
be instituted. No students will be released until the danger has passed. Parents cannot take students out
of the school.
Latch Key services are provided at the licensed OLGC program before school and school. For complete
information including times, please call our program director, Sue Wiercioch, at 734-751-5877. Packets
are available at the office.
Students in grades 5-8 are assigned lockers for their use. Rules and guidelines for locker use will be
given to the students at the beginning of each school year. The lockers and locks are school property and
subject to search.
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Students will be allowed in the gym at 7:50 am during very cold or inclement weather. For safety
reasons, no student should arrive before 7:50 am when adult supervision begins. Start and End times can
be found on the school website.
A hot meal is available each day provided by the Plymouth Canton Community Schools (PCCS) Lunch
Program and includes a carton of milk. Lunch is pre-ordered one month in advance from a calendarstyle menu, which lists the lunch items for each day. A student can order as little or as much as he/she
wants each month. For students who bring a lunch, milk is available each day for purchase. Snacks are
available for purchase during lunch. Help from parent volunteers is needed to help make the lunch
program successful. A peanut-free table is available at each lunch. For the safety of the students, glass
bottles are highly discouraged. Please pack a nutritious lunch for your child. In order to help promote a
healthy eating environment and to reduce our problems with pests, the students should not bring pop to
school for snacks or lunch. There is a tremendous amount of food discarded on a daily basis. Lunches
brought in after the school day has begun, should be brought to the office where a label with the child's
name and room number will be placed on the lunch and a staff member will take it up to the lunchroom.
It will be placed on a table located by the kitchen.
OLGC uses Hotlunchonline.com for ordering hot lunches. To place an order go to
https://olgc.hotlunchonline.net. The PCCS hot lunch calendar will be posted on this website each month.
By registering an account with them online and using a credit card or Paypal you will be able to order
and pay for your child's hot lunch each month. More information and instructions on how to set up your
account will be in the first day of school packet. If you do not have a Paypal account already,
instructions on how to set up an account with them will also be included. A link to these websites will
also be posted on the school website. In the event you do not have access to a computer, contact Mrs.
Mary Cabble at 734-453-3053.
Online ordering deadlines must be met. No one will be able to order hot lunch past the deadline. It
is the parent's responsibility to check for field trips and not order lunch that day.
OLGC students are expected to partake in daily-supervised outdoor recess. It is the parents'
responsibility to assure that their child is adequately dressed for daily recess. Adequate outer clothing
may include a cap/hat, mittens/gloves, raincoat or warm jacket, long pants or leg covers, scarf and boots
or rubbers. The responsibility for canceling recess for any reason, such as inclement weather, rests
solely with the school principal or the principal's designee. Students will go out for a full recess if the
school weather unit indicates a 10˚ or higher wind chill. Recess will be canceled if the wind chill is 10˚
or below. Please remember, parents, that your child will be exposed to the weather while walking to and
from school and while waiting for busses. Clothing should be marked with the student's name in case of
loss. Lost and found items will be kept downstairs by the library and will be donated to charity if not
The Recess staff is in complete charge of the students during lunch recess. Students are to show them
the same respect that they have for their classroom teachers and each other. The attitude and actions of
the students while on the playground should reflect the quality Catholic education that they receive both
at school and at home. Courtesy and concern for others should be the rule, and not the exception.
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The following is a list of some playground rules and policies. This is not meant to be a definitive list,
nor does it address all areas of concern to the fullest. Our major purpose in reminding parents and
students of these policies is to provide each child with a safe activity time.
• Parents must sign in and speak with the lunchroom or playground supervisors before approaching their
children in the lunchroom or on the playground. Parents should not drive to the playground and talk to
their child from a vehicle.
• Students are to stay within the parking lot area. Students should never leave school grounds including
entering neighbors' yards and climbing fences. Games should be played so that equipment will not go
into the street or on neighbors' property. Fences, lawns, etc. of homes next to the parking lot should
not be damaged in any way.
• Equipment is given on a first come, first served basis; however, all equipment should be shared with
others. Any damaged equipment should be reported so that it can be repaired or replaced. Equipment
maliciously damaged or deliberately lost will be replaced or repaired and paid for by the student(s)
• Safety requires that students never throw snow while or climb on snow piles.
• Fighting is never allowed and any occurrences will incur severe consequences.
• Disputes may be settled with the playground supervisors or by peer mediation. There are many options
open to students in settling arguments, but fighting is not one of them. Students may be suspended for
fighting in class or on the playground. No distinction is made as to "real" or "play" fighting.
• No keep away, or exclusionary games are allowed.
• No games are "locked out" - anyone is allowed to play in any game.
• Students who are injured while playing should report to the volunteer nurse at the School Office. She
will provide treatment for wounds. As usual, parents will be notified of any injury that may need
further attention.
• Food, candy, or gum must not be taken out on the playground at any time, including dismissal. This
can create both a safety and a litter problem.
• In general, we expect that the behavior and language of each child would reflect the Catholic teachings
that parents and teachers try to instill in all of the OLGC children.
A. Students who will be riding the busses during the school year MUST RIDE THE BUSSES
B. In the morning students in all grades will ride busses to the middle schools and then will be
shuttled to OLGC.
C. In the afternoon, students will ride the busses home.
D. You may find out about the bus schedule by:
a. The August Plymouth-Canton School District postcard, which is mailed to each student.
b. Call the Transportation Department at 416-3000.
c. www.pccs.k12.mi.us/district/transportation/busstops/busstops-non-public.asp is their web
E. Students in Kindergarten and Grade 1 will be given a nametag in August. Please fill out the
required information and pin it on your child's outer garment.
F. PLEASE BE PATIENT WITH THE BUS SYSTEM. It takes a couple of weeks to solve all the
problems. Please do not drive students who are waiting on the corner for busses. If one bus is
full, another will be sent.
G. All students are to be cooperative while waiting for the busses, while riding the busses, and
while at the middle schools. AT THESE TIMES ALL SCHOOL RULES APPLY. Students who
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receive bus referrals may be denied bus privileges and may receive disciplinary action from the
Plymouth Canton Community School bus policy - If your student is riding a different bus than their
own, a bus note is needed and must be signed by a staff member in the school office.
Safety practices were initiated in the parking lot areas and are quite effective when used. Please read the
points below and refer to the map.
MORNINGS: (see Appendix A)
1. Cars may enter ONLY from the William Street driveway.
2. Pull up in single file as far as possible to the exit on Arthur St. ONLY LET CHILDREN OUT
3. Cars may exit ONLY from the Arthur Street driveway. Traffic must turn right on Arthur Street.
4. For the safety of the children, please use the sidewalks. Do not cross the parking lot.
5. Unless you are dropping off a PRESCHOOL student, there is NO parking in the school lot.
AFTERNOON: (see Appendix B)
1. Signs on Arthur and William Streets prohibit STOPPING, STANDING, AND PARKING on any
weekday from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
2. No students are to be dropped off or picked up on William, Irvin or Arthur streets, except Preschool.
3. For the safety of the children, there is no parking in the school lot between 10:30 am and 12:30 pm.
Parents are asked to use street parking from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. as playground activities make
entering or leaving the lot dangerous for the children.
4. No students are to enter or exit the school building through the staff parking lot gate. All students
must enter through the front door unless otherwise instructed by a staff member.
5. There is to be no ball playing, horseplay or running at dismissal.
• Be courteous Christian role models when dropping off and picking up students.
• Follow the sign in and sign out procedure for visitors.
• Observe and obey the signs facilitating drop off and pick up.
• Always have children get out of the car on the passenger side.
• Pull all the way forward in the drop off line and exit promptly. One car stops the whole process.
• Park on the street if you need to unload bags, projects, etc.
• Obey the signs and the Safety Patrol members and the adult volunteers.
• Please ask any family members/babysitters who may be in our school parking environment to be
aware of these safety guidelines.
• Be courteous to and respectful of our neighbors by not blocking driveways, being noisy and
observing parking signs.
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PLEASE NOTE: No handbook can cover every situation regarding a uniform code. The school
administration has the final decision as to what is or is not a violation of the OLGC
Uniform Code.
• All students must keep themselves clean and neat at all times.
• Shirts and blouses are to be tucked in at all times.
• All uniforms must be kept clean and neat, must be of appropriate length and size, and must be
worn properly.
• Belts (navy, black, or brown) must be worn with uniform slacks and uniform shorts.
• Gym uniforms must be worn for gym activities. Students must wear the full gym uniform (T–
shirt/shorts and/or sweatshirt/sweatpants with tennis shoes) on their gym day. Students are to
wear the gym uniform to school on their regular gym day.
• From the beginning of school to October 1st, from May 1st through the last day of school, and
on unseasonably warm days, uniform gym shorts and T-shirt may be worn without sweatpants
and sweatshirt. On other gym days, the T-shirt and shorts (if worn) must be covered with the
sweatshirt and sweatpants, and may be removed, if desired, during gym class only.
• Gym shorts should be worn at the waist and at a modest length, falling to within one inch above
the knee.
• Hair should be neat, clean, and natural in color.
• NO EXTREME STYLES ARE PERMITTED. Extreme styles include (but are not limited to):
any shaved area (less than 1/8"); any visible sculpting with a razor or scissors, other than
trimming and tapering around the natural hairline; high spiking or flaring; tails; coloring;
bleaching; corn rows; or beads.
• Hair spray, gels, and other styling products are prohibited on the school premises.
• Students whose hair does not meet the Uniform Code may be excluded from school until they
are in compliance with the Code.
• All students must wear appropriate outer clothing (boots, coats, hats, gloves, rain gear, etc.) to
and from school. Students may be outside during cold or inclement weather for arrival,
dismissal, and lunch recess. (see Lunch Recess Policies)
On out-of-uniform days students are allowed to wear clean slacks, jeans, cords, etc. (no holes,
frayed edges or baggy pants), tennis shoes, sweaters, sweatshirts or T-shirts (no tank tops,
pajama pants, nor logos, pictures, or slogans inappropriate for a Catholic school). Students may
wear athletic style pants. (Please see note regarding immodest clothing below.)
Students may wear knee length shorts from the beginning of school to October 1st, from May 1st
through the last day of school, and on unseasonably warm days.
Girls in grades one through six are the only ones permitted to wear skirts or dresses.
Any part of the school uniform may be substituted for an item of clothing above.
Hair code standards are the same as on uniform days.
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No platform shoes, clogs, heels over one inch high, sandals, “Crocs”, backless shoes, flip flops,
slippers or any other shoe that would endanger the safety of your child while running, playing, or
climbing stairs. No flashing lights, wheels or sounds.
Socks must be worn on out of uniform days.
Bare shoulders, backs, and midriffs are not allowed.
Immodest clothing of any kind is never permitted: i.e. tight fitting, clingy, “yoga type” knit
pants, short shorts, and pants must be at the hips or above at all times. Any tops revealing
or low cut are prohibited. Administration reserves the right to determine what is
The spirit wear hooded sweatshirts may be worn with their gym uniform. They may not be worn
with their regular school uniform.
Students must wear OLGC colors of green and/or yellow, or OLGC sports apparel.
Out of Uniform Days rules apply.
If students do not wear green or yellow apparel, they may be issued a shirt from used uniforms
for the day.
Shoes must be neat and clean.
Shoelaces must be laced, tied and match the color of the shoe.
Dress shoes can be black, brown, tan, cordovan, white, blue, gray or dark green (Junior High
girls only). Other colors are not allowed.
Tennis shoes: the shoes need to be predominately black, white, grey, brown, or navy. Accent
colors are allowed. The shoelace must match the main color of the shoe (black or white).
No platform shoes, clogs, heels over one inch high, sandals, “Croc”, flip flops, backless shoes,
slippers or any other shoe that would endanger the safety of your child while running, playing, or
climbing stairs.
No flashing lights, wheels, or sounds.
• Uniform shorts (with belt) may be worn from the beginning of school to October 1st, from May
1st through the last day of school, and on unseasonably warm days.
• An OLGC logo polo shirt must be worn with shorts.
• Uniform shorts should be worn at the waist and at a modest length, falling to within one inch
above the knee.
• Slacks must be purchased from Schoolbelle's or Land's End.
• Solid navy blue slacks (grades K-6), or solid black slacks (grades 7 & 8) may be worn all year.
• Grades 1-6: Navy logo sweatshirts may be worn in addition to the uniform shirt/blouse.
• Grades 7-8: Hunter/Forest green logo sweatshirts may be worn in addition to the uniform
• Excessive, large, or distracting accessories, beads, and extreme or fancy hairstyles are not
appropriate during the school day.
• Hair bows/bands should be small and unobtrusive.
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• Earrings that hang below the bottom of the ear lobe, more than one earring per lobe, or excessive
jewelry is not permitted.
• Make-up is not permitted in grades K-6.
• Girls in grades 7-8 may wear light make up to school, but may not bring it to school. No
excessive make-up is permitted.
• Colored nail polish is not permitted.
Nylons, footless (Capri) tights, or leggings are not permitted.
Socks must be seen. Crew or ankle style socks are permitted in white or black. “No show”
style socks are not allowed. Knit knee socks, opaque tights are acceptable in navy, white, or
black for grades K-6, and in hunter/forest green, white, navy, or black for grades 7-8.
All girls must wear a regulation uniform purchased from Schoolbelle's consisting of the following:
• Grades 1-4: Blue plaid jumper; light blue OLGC logo polo shirt (short or long sleeved) or light
blue turtleneck or blouse with tailored collar, i.e., oxford, peter pan, or straight pointed collar;
and solid white, black or navy blue socks.
• Grades 5-6: Blue plaid skirt or plaid split skirt; light blue OLGC logo polo shirt (short or long
sleeved); white, black, or navy blue socks.
• Grades 1-6: The uniforms must be worn below the middle of the knee, and must fit properly.
• Grades 7-8: Green plaid skirt or plaid split skirt; green OLGC logo polo shirt (short or long
sleeved); and solid white, black or hunter/forest green socks.
• Grades 7-8: The uniforms must be worn no higher than the top of the knee, and must fit
• Please Note: As a Catholic School our goal is to reinforce modesty in our students. Allow for
student growth when ordering. Skirt/jumper must fit properly from the first to the last day of
• Hair should be worn at an appropriate length. Appropriate length is considered to be not less
than 1/8" (no less than a #2 razor), not so long that it is in the boy's eyebrows, over the top of the
ear, or below the top of his shirt collar. Appropriate hair length must be maintained on a daily
basis. Future hair appointments do not excuse students from the hair length requirement.
• A single necklace consisting of a cross or Catholic medal may be worn.
• A single religious bracelet is permitted.
• No other jewelry is permitted.
• In grades K-6, a light blue OLGC logo polo shirt must be worn.
• In grades 7- 8 a green OLGC logo polo shirt must be worn.
• Pants may not be baggy, nor hang so low that they touch the ground.
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• The waist of the pants should be at or above the hips at all times.
• Solid navy blue slacks (grades K-6), or solid black slacks (grades 7 & 8) may be worn all year.
• Socks are acceptable in navy, white, or black for grades K-6, and in hunter/forest green, white,
navy, or black for grades 7-8.
• Socks must be NO SHORTER than "CREW" length and must be worn at their normal length,
which are two or more inches above the ankle.
I have the right to learn without interference.
I have the responsibility to allow others to learn.
I have the responsibility to work at learning, stay on task, and exercise effort.
I have the right to work and play in a safe environment.
I have the responsibility to care for myself and the environment so as not to endanger others.
I have the right to move without interference.
I have the responsibility to manage my own body so as not to hurt others or myself.
I have the responsibility to go to and remain in designated areas.
I have the right to be touched by another person only when I choose.
I have the responsibility to manage my own body so that I don't touch others when they don't want to
be touched.
I have the right to have my work respected.
I have the responsibility to respect the work of others.
I have the responsibility to take care of my own work area.
I have the right to have my property respected.
I have the responsibility to keep my possessions where they belong.
I have the right to be listened to when I'm speaking.
I have the responsibility to listen and respond to others.
I have the responsibility to speak clearly, honestly, appropriately, and respectfully.
I have the right to get help when it is my turn.
I have the responsibility to wait my turn and to respect others' turns.
I have the responsibility to ask for help when I need it.
I have the right to express my feelings appropriately and to have my feelings respected.
I have the responsibility to express my feelings appropriately.
I have the responsibility to respect the feelings of others.
I have the right to have my opinions respected.
I have the responsibility to express my opinions appropriately.
I have the responsibility to respect the opinions of others.
The primary goal of Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish School is to provide a learning environment,
which fosters each student's Catholic development and academic excellence. We believe it is important
to work with parents and to encourage the development of responsible, respectful students. The main
Page 14
objective of this Student Code is to encourage each student to achieve his/her academic potential, build
upon self esteem, and encourage each student's self growth.
No attempt is made in this Handbook to cover every possible policy, regulation, situation, or its
resulting consequence. It is understood that the administration is empowered to handle situations not
specifically mentioned in this publication. Students and parents are notified and reminded throughout
the school year of policies and regulations through verbal and written announcements.
Parent Communication Forms
A Parent Communication Form (PCF) is used as a means to communicate with parents. A student can
receive a PCF for displaying exemplary behavior. Students can also receive a PCF for inappropriate
Students who choose to violate the school’s Student Code of Conduct will receive a PCF explaining the
infraction and may receive a disciplinary consequence (see table below). Should a student fail to return
the signed PCF form, additional disciplinary action may be taken as well. Parent Communication Forms
for inappropriate behaviors are cumulative over one school year.
If a student receives 2 Parent Communication Forms for inappropriate behavior, we encourage a
parent/teacher contact. If a student receives 3 Parent Communication Forms, it is recommended that a
conference be held.
Detentions, suspensions, and expulsions will be based on the following recommended schedule unless
otherwise determined by administration.
3 Parent Communication Forms…30 minute detention
4 Parent Communication Forms…30 minute detention
5 Parent Communication Forms…30 minute detention
6 Parent Communication Forms…1 day suspension
7 Parent Communication Forms…30 minute detention
8 Parent Communication Forms…30 minute detention
9 Parent Communication Forms…2 day suspension
10 Parent Communication Forms…30 minute detention
11 Parent Communication Forms…30 minute detention
12 Parent Communication Forms…3 day suspension
13 Parent Communication Forms…30 minute detention
14 Parent Communication Forms…30 minute detention
15 Parent Communication Forms…Expulsion
This policy is to be used for academic and disciplinary issues. If OLGC students and their parents feel
the need to appeal teacher and/or administrative decisions, the levels of appeal are as follows:
1st level: Staff member most directly involved
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2nd level: School Administration
3rd level: Pastor
At each level, a meeting shall take place if requested by either party. If all parties to settle the concern
cannot achieve consensus after a wholehearted attempt, either party can appeal the issue to the next
higher level. The responsibilities of the School Advisory Committee do not include reviewing or
reversing the decision(s) of the principal relating to individual students or staff. Please call the School
Office or send a note to set up a meeting. School staff members should not be called at home for
conferences or clarification of incidents.
The request for review at a higher level must be made in writing within five days of receiving the
previous decision. A response will be made within one week of the review of the issue.
Assignments are seen as necessary follow up and extension of daily class work. All assignments will be
deemed acceptable if/when:
1. The assignment is completely finished and has been done as directed. Students should ask parents or a
teacher for help if they do not understand an assignment or if they are having difficulty.
2. The assignment is presented when the teacher requests it and/or the assignment is turned in when the
teacher collects it. A consequence may be imposed if an assignment is missed.
3. The assignment is completed neatly and legibly.
Detentions may be issued for inappropriate behavior at the discretion of the administration. In addition,
if a student receives three Parent Communication Forms, three Out of Uniform Notices, or three inschool tardies, an after school detention will be served. While serving detention students will complete
their reflection assignment and sit quietly. They will not be allowed to do homework, read, listen to
music, etc. Detention will be served on Wednesdays immediately following the end of school. Detention
is 30 minutes in length. Parents will be notified of the specific day and time their child will serve the
detention. Students must be picked up promptly by a parent or authorized adult. If the parent is late
picking up the child, a fee of $5.00 per 15-minute interval will be charged. Students will not be allowed
to leave the building unless a parent signs them out. Students who are absent from school on the day
they are to serve detention will make up the detention on the next scheduled time. These students must
present a written excuse from their parent on the day they return to school. Rescheduling detention
because of family commitments or after school activities will not be permitted.
Morning detentions: will be served for students who arrive late for school three or more times in a
Every new student is admitted on a probationary basis. If there is consistently poor behavior, a poor
attitude or inattention to academics during this probationary time, the student will be asked to leave at
the end of the marking period. A student receiving a "P" in conduct on the report card will be placed on
probation for the remainder of the school year. During probation a concerted effort on behalf of student,
teacher, counselor, and parent will be made to encourage and support appropriate behaviors. If the
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student receives a second "P" in conduct in the same school year, the parents may be asked to withdraw
the child from school.
Exclusion From School
I. Suspension
The administration is empowered to suspend a student at their discretion for inappropriate behavior. In
addition, students will receive a suspension based on the following schedule:
•6 Parent Communication Forms.... 1 day suspension
•9 Parent Communication Forms.... 2 day suspension
•12 Parent Communication Forms... 3 day suspension
While suspended from school, a student is not allowed on school property during school hours; neither
to participate in, nor to attend any school sponsored activity. The student will not receive credit for any
assignment that is due during the period of the suspension at the discretion of administration. All
assignments missed must be satisfactorily completed.
II. Expulsion
The term "expulsion" shall mean the permanent dismissal of a student from Our Lady of Good Counsel
Parish School. Expulsion is reserved for serious or repeated violations of behavior. The decision for
expulsion is reserved to the discretion of the school administration. In addition, expulsion may occur
after 15 Parent Communication Forms for inappropriate behavior or academic problems unless
otherwise noted in this Student Code.
This Student Code does not cover every possible policy, regulation, situation, or disciplinary action. It
is understood that the administration is empowered to handle situations not specifically mentioned in
this publication. Students and parents are notified and reminded throughout the school year of policies
and regulations through verbal and written announcements.
Students may receive a PCF, detention or suspension for the following:
I. Matters pertaining to educational development:
A.Academic matters
a. Failure to complete home assignments as directed
b. Failure to complete classroom assignments as directed
Behavioral matters
a. Cheating
b. Refusal to participate in class without a note of excuse
c. Failure to return papers submitted for parent/guardian signature
d. Failure to have proper school supplies
II. Matters pertaining to public and private property:
a. Misuse of books, materials, and equipment
b. Possession of inappropriate materials (grounds for suspension)
c. Eating in unauthorized areas (i.e. playground, church, parking lots, etc.)
d. Gum chewing on school grounds during the school day
e. Trespassing (unauthorized presence in a building or neighboring property)
f. Forgery
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g. Defacing school property or the surrounding playground
h. Willful malicious destruction of another person's property or school property. (Total
restitution will be demanded.)
i. Theft or stealing, which is taking something without permission.
j. Arson, assault, or bomb threat
III. Matters pertaining to citizenship:
a. Possession of immoral materials
b. Possession of controlled substances - tobacco, alcohol, drugs, performance enhancing
drugs, fireworks, or any smoking materials. (civil action and/or expulsion)
c. Possession or use of dangerous and/or threatening articles - all types of guns, knives,
darts, matches, "look alike" weapons, any device that could potentially harm a student,
etc. (grounds for suspension, civil action and/or expulsion)
d. Violent gestures, drawings of violence, threats of violence either explicit or implicit are
prohibited. (grounds for suspension, criminal action and/or expulsion)
e. Violation of state law, local ordinances, approved safety and fire codes, or laws
pertaining to civil obedience (grounds for suspension, civil action and/or expulsion)
f. Use of profane language or gestures, disrespectful speech to teachers, lunch monitors,
playground supervisors, adult volunteers, or other students. (grounds for suspension)
g. Harassment and/or sexual harassment of individuals (grounds for expulsion)
h. Sexual assault (expulsion)
i. Felonious conduct (grounds for suspension, civil action and/or expulsion)
Matters pertaining to attendance:
a. Tardy to school - A student who is late three (3) or more times in one card marking
period (quarter) will serve a morning detention from 7:30-8:00 am for each instance.
Tardy to school is defined at arriving after 8:05 am.
b. Tardy to class - A student who is late to class during the school day three (3) or more
times in one card making period (quarter) will serve an after school detention for each
c. Violation of attendance rules (grounds for suspension)
d. Skipping school (grounds for suspension)
e. Leaving school grounds without permission (grounds for suspension)
f. Students who arrive after 10:00 am or leave prior to 1:00 pm will be marked half day of
V.Matters pertaining to the safety of self and others:
a. Climbing on snow banks
b. Being outside the playground boundaries during recess.
c. Being in an inappropriate area while waiting to be picked up after school.
d. Throwing food, snowballs, or any other substance (grounds for suspension)
e. Extortion (grounds for suspension)
f. Fighting in the school, on the playground, or at bus stops (grounds for suspension)
g. Physical attacks or threats to school employees or volunteers or other students. (grounds
for suspension, civil action and/or expulsion)
VI. Matters pertaining to the Uniform Code:
All students will comply with the OLGC Parish School Uniform Code. Noncompliance with the
Uniform Code will result in receiving an Out of Uniform Notice. Detentions will be served
beginning with the 3rd Out of Uniform Notice.
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VII. Matters pertaining to the Internet and digital/social media:
a. Students are expressly forbidden from using the school's logo and name and/or the name of
staff on unofficial sites.
b. The administration reserves the right to take disciplinary action including detention,
suspension and expulsion for inappropriate content, including threats, taunts, defamation,
invasion of privacy, phony sites and illegal, immoral, disrespectful and indecent postings
and/or other activity deemed disruptive or detrimental to the school or school community.
c. Reference Appendix J regarding the use of ECDs at school functions and on school property.
d. See social media guidelines in Appendix K.
VIII. Matters pertaining to behavior riding on PCCS busses:
All students are to be cooperative while waiting for the busses, while riding the busses, and
while at the five middle schools. AT THESE TIMES ALL SCHOOL RULES APPLY. Students
who receive bus referrals may be denied bus privilege and/or receive consequences at school,
including and not limited to suspension.
IX. Persistent disobedience and/or breaking of school rules and regulations
(grounds for expulsion)
X. Gross misbehavior: conduct detrimental to the normal functioning of the school or activities:
e.g., persistent interruption of classes or school routine. (grounds for expulsion)
Harassment Policy
Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish School seeks to provide a safe and orderly learning environment,
which fosters each student's Catholic development and academic excellence by establishing a Christian
atmosphere of respect, personal responsibility, and social concern. To accomplish this, we must remove
any interference with the educational process. We are committed to ensuring an emotionally and
physically safe environment in our school community. We will do our best to stop any behavior, which
is threatening, harassing, bullying, or dangerous. If any student, parent, or staff member feels threatened,
upset, or endangered by someone's behavior, that person has both the right and the responsibility to
speak up.
Our goal is to prevent problems whenever possible. To accomplish this goal, the school has the
following responsibilities:
I. We offer a variety of programs to educate our students within our school community
a. Education about the behaviors that constitute bullying
b. Character education
c. Conflict resolution training
d. Peer mediation
e. Self-protection and boundary-setting training within our school community.
II. We will investigate all complaints brought to our attention.
a. If a problem occurs, our focus is on seeking solutions rather than placing blame.
b. We will do our best to deal with problems fairly and effectively.
III. We provide a school counselor who is available to assist students and parents in dealing
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with concerns.
We believe that we as a school community share the responsibility with parents to ensure a safe
environment for our students. We believe our parents have the following responsibilities:
I. Reinforce to your children that they have a right to feel safe at school.
II. Discuss appropriate behavioral expectations with your children.
a. Your children are expected to act in safe and respectful ways to others.
b. Encourage our children to get help from an adult if they are made to feel
uncomfortable or unsafe.
i. If our students feel uncomfortable or unsafe, we don't want them to feel alone.
ii. We want them to have access to adult help in figuring out what to do.
III. If any incidents occur at school or parish activities that make our students feel unsafe or
uncomfortable, parents should contact the school with specific information so that we may
address the incident in an effective and timely manner.
All students at OLGC have the right to learn in a Christian atmosphere of respect, caring, and personal
responsibility. As such, our students have the following responsibilities:
• Behave in ways, which are safe and respectful to others.
• Express to others that their behaviors make you feel uncomfortable or unsafe.
• Tell an adult if anyone behaves in a threatening, harassing, bullying, or dangerous way.
Bullying Policy (See Appendix L for rubric)
DEFINITION: Bullying refers to inappropriate behavior that unreasonably interferes with another
person's participation in or enjoyment of school or school-related activities. Bullying means to alarm,
annoy, abuse, demean or intimidate an individual or group through written, verbal or physical methods. It
includes but is not limited to:
• Pushing
• Hitting
• Kicking
• Damaging property
• Taunts
• Name-calling
• Put-downs or insults
• Shunning
• Extortion
• Hazing
• Stalking
• Threats of physical or emotional violence
• Jokes, stories, pictures, cartoons, drawings, or objects which are offensive
• Cyber bullying - Cyber bullying is defined as using the Internet, interactive and digital technology
to harass, humiliate or embarrass another student or adult. Typically, schools will not be involved
in the resolution of cyber bullying which occurs outside of school unless it is determined by
administration to create a reasonable threat of material and substantial disruption at school.
• Other behaviors at the discretion of the administration that constitute bullying
Sexual Harassment Policy
DEFINITION: Sexual harassment refers to sexually inappropriate behavior that is not welcome, that is
personally offensive to another, and fails to respect the rights of others. Sexual harassment is defined as
creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive educational environment and can be verbal, written, or
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physical in nature. Sexually inappropriate behavior means inappropriate touching, gestures, or language
of a sexual nature directed at another.
Examples of Sexual Harassment include but are not limited to:
• Inappropriate comments of a sexual nature
• Offensive jokes of a sexual nature
• Offensive pictures or cartoons of a sexual nature
• Foul, obscene language or gestures of a sexual nature
• Unwelcome comments about appearance
• Verbal or written threats for sexual favors
• Spreading sexual rumors about another
• Name calling of a sexual nature
• Inappropriate touching of another, including kissing and hugging
• Other behaviors at the discretion of the administration that constitute sexual harassment
Investigative Procedures for all Sexual Harassment reports:
First Occurrence:
• The student who feels he/she is being harassed is encouraged to warn the person who is doing
the harassing very clearly and verbally to stop the behavior.
• If the incident is reported to school officials, a school official will investigate the claim.
• School officials will contact the parents of the student involved.
• If the claim is deemed to be valid, parents of both students will be notified.
• The student who is doing the harassing will meet with our school counselor and administration
to discuss proper behavior and the consequences. The issue of additional occurrences or
retaliation will be discussed.
• A parent meeting may be called at the discretion of the administration.
Second Occurrence:
• If any other incident of harassment is reported or retaliation occurs and school officials are
notified, the new claim will be investigated.
• A parent conference will be called. Appropriate behavior and consequences will be discussed.
Third Occurrence:
• If another incident of harassment is reported or retaliation occurs and school officials are
notified, the new claim will be investigated.
• If the claim is deemed valid, the student and parents will be notified. The student will be
suspended for a period determined by the administration.
Fourth Occurrence:
• If another incident of harassment is reported or retaliation occurs and school officials are
notified, the new claim will be investigated.
• If the claim is deemed valid, a longer suspension may be given.
• All Sexual Harassment reports are cumulative and are part of the student's record while at
Sexual Violence Policy
Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish School believes in a zero tolerance policy regarding sexual violence.
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Any sexual incident brought to the attention of administration will be reported to the proper authorities.
If the incident is proven true, and deemed by administration to be a grievous matter of crime, scandal,
morality, or disruption, participants will be expelled from school.
Our Lady of Good Counsel is a private school reserving the right to determine appropriate and
acceptable behavior.
Students at OLGC are evaluated with special report cards that were designed by the staff at the school.
Kindergarten students are evaluated in specific areas each quarter. In grades 1-3, comments (V: Very
Good; G: Good; S: Satisfactory; N: Needs to Improve; P: Poor) are used, while in grades 4-8, the
students are marked in percentages and comments.
Standardized Testing
The Archdiocese of Detroit mandates testing in grades one, three, five, and seven, but we have always
tested grades two, four, six, and eight also. The tests are used by the faculty as a check on our
curriculum. Each year we review the data to see if any adjustment is needed in classroom objectives.
Honor Roll Criteria
HIGH HONORS (grades 5 - 8)
• Awarded to any student earning an overall average between 93.0% and 100% in all major subject
• Must have a grade of 78% or above in all subject areas including specials.
• Must have a G- or above in conduct.
HONORS (grades 5 - 8)
• Awarded to any student earning an overall average between 85.0% and 92.9% in all major subject
• Must have a grade of 78% or above in all subject areas including specials.
• Must have a G- or above in conduct.
A failing grade is defined as a grade below 70%. The faculty involved and the school administration
determine retention in grades K through 3.
A failing grade is defined as a grade below 70%. Parents are encouraged to contact their child's teacher
at the FIRST SIGN of a student's difficulty in any academic subject. It is the teacher's duty and
responsibility to notify parents through interim reports, conferences, and report cards that academic
problem(s) exist. Parents and teachers will work together in planning possible remedies to the problem.
It is highly recommended that a student in grades 4 - 6 who fails one subject attend summer school. A
student who fails two subjects MUST retake and pass the failed subjects in an approved summer school
program. Students unable to academically perform or fail to attend summer school or the required
remediation will be withdrawn.
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A failing grade is defined as a grade below 70%. A seventh grade student who receives a failing grade
in one subject is encouraged to attend summer school. A seventh grade student who fails two subjects
MUST retake and pass the failed subjects in an approved summer school.
An eighth grade student who receives a failing grade in one subject is encouraged to attend summer
school. An eighth grade student who fails two or more subjects will not receive a diploma until the
failed classes have been made up in an approved summer school program.
Graduation activities are paid from the school budget, and funded by fees collected with tuition.
Included are the framing of the class picture, diplomas, presentation folders, flowers for students and the
church, awards, and the reception following graduation. Not covered are Streamer Day and postgraduation activities, which are planned by a parent committee. Awards are given at graduation based
on student performance.
We believe that good attendance at school is essential to successful current performance, and to future
educational and occupational endeavors. Students who exhibit good attendance generally achieve at a
higher rate, enjoy school more, and are more employable later in life. Parents are expected to help the
school by encouraging their child(ren) to be at school on time, unless an absence is medically necessary.
Students with temperatures above 98.6 must be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school. Each
quarterly report card will show the student's absences and tardies. Students who arrive after 10:00 am or
leave prior to 1:00 pm will be marked half day of absence. Students who ride the Plymouth-Canton
school buses are not marked late in case of bus problems or delays due to weather.
Since class explanations, discussion, peer interaction and instructional continuity are so important;
parents are asked not to take their children out of class for extra vacation days. Every effort should be
made to utilize current, published days off. Schoolwork will not be given out early in advance to
students who are taken out for additional vacation days. Please do not send these requests to the
teachers. Students with more than ten days absence due to non-medical reasons, may receive a grade of
incomplete on the report card.
When a child is going to be absent from school parents must call the school absence line answering
machine (453-3620) and report this absence by 8:00 a.m. If this is not reported, the home of the absent
child may be called to verify the reason for the absence. You can save us the time of calling by reporting
prior to 8:00 a.m. In addition to calling school, a dated note must be sent to the teacher on the day the
student returns to school. All work must be made up following an absence.
If a child has a total of 5 days of absence or 3 tardies in a quarter, a parent/principal conference may be
requested at the discretion of the principal. Administration reserves the right to require documentation
for absences in excess of five days per quarter. Consequence for not showing documentation can result
in no credit for work missed.
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The principal and faculty of Our Lady of Good Counsel want to help each child continue his/her
academic progress. To achieve this goal, the home and school must work together to improve and
broaden the student's learning experience. To provide for continuous learning, it is wise to:
-arrange medical and dental appointments after school.
Homework will be sent home by the teachers only if the child has been absent three or more days.
Work that was assigned prior to the absence is due on the day the child returns to school. The student
has as many days as s/he was absent to make up work. If a child is absent more than five consecutive
days, s/he has as many days as s/he was absent plus three days to make up missed work.
Parents may make arrangements with another family/student to bring home assignments for their child
while they are absent. This "Buddy System" works well in the middle and upper grades. Please do not
call the School Office to make these arrangements for you on the day of an absence.
Please see Appendix C "Release for Dispensing Medication During School Hours".
Parents are called for all medical emergencies, and are encouraged to take the child to a doctor or
hospital for immediate help. If necessary, emergency personnel (9-1-1) are called before parents are
notified. Children who are ill, such as high fever, nausea, etc., will be required to be picked up by a
parent or family member as soon as possible.
Each student must have a signed Concussion Awareness Educational Material Acknowledgement form
on file. Please see additional information regarding concussions in Appendix N.
Supplemental student accident insurance is available through the Michigan Catholic Conference. Go to
www.sas-mn.com for more information
Tuition policy and fees are determined by the school administration and then approved by the Finance
Committee and the Parish Council. Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish School has adopted a tuition
program provided by the Catholic Vantage Financial Federal Credit Union. The Credit Union's
telephone number is (734) 432-0212. Parents have payments deducted automatically from their bank
account. Parents may choose the payment due date that fits their budget - the 1st, 5th, 15th, or 25th of
the month. Tuition may be paid in any of the following ways:
• Pay in full to the school by April.
• Pay the tuition to Catholic Vantage Financial Federal Credit Union by automatic payment.
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To qualify for in parish tuition, a family must be registered at OLGC; they must participate in weekly
attendance at mass (barring the obvious), and participate in parish activities and fundraising. The
measurement for weekly attendance will be the offertory envelopes. In the event there are outstanding
tuition fees, the exams may be held, report cards may be held, late fees may be assessed and it may
jeopardize enrollment for the next school.
Tuitions will be refunded based on a quarterly schedule. Deposits are non-refundable.
All School Liturgies:
Community is celebrated at all school liturgies throughout the school year. Parents and parishioners are
invited to attend these liturgical celebrations, which are published in the school year calendar.
Division Liturgies:
Students attend division liturgy approximately once a week in the gymnasium area. Please check the
school calendar for schedule.
Music Program:
Students in grades K-6 take a General Music class each week. Students in grades 7-8 will take a
semester of music. Students in grades 5 through 8 may elect to participate in an instrumental music
program during lunch recess. Fee and instrument rental information is given at the beginning of the
school year. Students in grades 3 through 8 may elect to participate in choir.
Physical Education:
Physical Education classes are provided to all students. Class meets once per week for all students in
Grades K-8 and twice per week for kindergarten. This is a Shared Time program.
Students in all grades have access to the Library. Homerooms in grades K through 6 are scheduled to
use the library on a regular basis. Library books are purchased with school funds and memorial
Computer Education:
Our Lady of Good Counsel's computer room services all grades. Each class in grades K-8 is scheduled
to use the computer room one period a week. This is a Shared Time program.
Art Education:
Students in grades 1-6 will have an art class once a week. Students in grades 7-8 will receive one year of
art. A small fee may be charged for special projects during the school year. This is a Shared Time
Essay, Art, Speaking, Spelling & Academic Contests
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Students are encouraged to use their literary, artistic and academic skills and to develop these skills
through participation in local and state competitions. As a result, we encourage students to enter many
competitions, including:
Various Essay Contests. Open to Grades 6, 7, and 8.
Rotary 4 Way Test Essay Contest - open to grades 6, 7, and 8
Quiz Bowl
Spelling Bee
Junior High dances are open to current OLGC 7th and 8th grade students only.
National Geographic Geography Bee
Final Exam
Students in grades 5-8 are expected to be present for final exams given in June. Students who are not
present for final exams have until the last day of school to make up the exam. Final exams will only be
given prior to their scheduled date at the discretion of the teacher and administration and requests must
be submitted in writing detailing the special circumstances.
Field Trips
Field trips are taken by classes during the school year. All students must have a valid, signed permission
slip turned in to his/her homeroom teacher the day before the field trip. No calls will be made on the day
of a field trip to obtain a permission slip. Verbal permission is not acceptable.
Field Trip Policy
The following procedures have been put into place to ensure the safety of our students on field trips. We
would appreciate your concentrated efforts in following the procedures listed below. These guidelines
will help our field trips be safe and enjoyable for all involved.
• Parent Volunteers must meet the guidelines in the Safe Environment Policy, including the
Protecting God's Children Workshop and must be at least 19 years of age. A Volunteer Driver
Form must be filled out and given to the school office to be used for one school year.
• Be sure to arrive at school at the designated time.
• All students and parent drivers must check in with the teacher in charge before leaving OLGC and
must check in with the teacher in charge upon returning to OLGC.
• Upon arrival at and before departure from the designated site, students and parent drivers must
check in with the teacher in charge so a student head count can be taken.
• Cell phones should be used for emergencies only. Do not use cell phones while driving or while at
the field trip event. Our focus must be on the safety of our students at all times.
• Do not make any unscheduled stops while supervising students. Students should never be left
• Do not bring or purchase snacks or treats for students. Many students have restricted diet needs
and allergies.
• For unstructured events (e.g. Detroit Zoo, Greenfield Village) teachers will carry a cell phone and
can be reached at any time. Groups will be required to meet at designated times during the day.
• The showing of a movie in the vehicle while driving to a field trip is not allowed.
• Students with consistent behavioral issues will forfeit their right to attend any scheduled field trip
at the discretion of the staff and administration. No refunds will be given.
Photo Policy
We encourage parent attendance at school functions and understand that parents and family members
wish to capture /save those memories through digital media, such as video and photos. We also are
aware that parents are protective of their child's image, which's taking their child's picture, and what will
Page 26
happen to those pictures. In an effort to balance these above listed needs, the following policy has been
implemented. We thank you for your support and cooperation.
• Pictures may only be taken of students whose parents have signed the FERPA form (See
Appendix G).
• Photographs and video taken at school sponsored activities or on school grounds are for private
personal use only and must not be posted on public sites. Access to these photos must be
• Permission from the classroom teacher is required before any pictures may be taken.
The Yearbook is a yearly publication and given out to each student in June. Composed by 8th grade
students, under the supervision of a teacher, it is designed to capture as many interesting school events
of the year as possible and serve as a pleasant memento for all. Parents are encouraged to place patron
ads to help defray the cost of publication.
Because students are involved in every step of its creation other than printing, the Yearbook provides
students with an excellent learning experience. Students must develop a theme, plan the layout, create
artistic designs, take pictures, and prepare all material for printing.
The continued success of the Yearbook can be attributed to the hard work of the students and the
generosity of families and friends who support it through patron and business advertisements.
Our Lady of Good Counsel (OLGC) Parish School is committed to quality education within a Christian
environment. Consistent with this commitment, the OLGC Parish School Committee has established an
admissions policy, which fosters family involvement in the parish.
OLGC Parish School does not discriminate against students in admission or participation in any school
program or activity on the basis of race, ethnic origin, sex, or handicap which is unrelated to the
student's ability to utilize and benefit from the educational opportunities, programs and facilities offered
by the school.
Siblings of currently enrolled students are given first priority. Children of parish members receive first
consideration for admission. Children of other Catholic parishes are considered next. Non-Catholic
children may be admitted when there is space available, but only if their parents agree to their children's
participation in the integrated religious education program offered by the school.
All students are expected to participate in all instructional programs offered by the school. Parents are
expected to support and cooperate with all educational and administrative policies of the school. Parents
who do not abide by school policies or instructional programs and/or who are disruptive in their actions
to such may be asked to withdraw their children from the school.
Every new student will be admitted to our program on a probationary basis for one semester. If there is
consistent poor behavior, a poor attitude or inattention to academics during this probationary time, the
student will be asked to leave.
Admission requirements:
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Ø For kindergarten the child must be 5 by November 1st. (State Law)
Ø For first grade the child must be 6 by November 1st and have completed an approved
kindergarten program.
To qualify for in parish tuition, a family must be registered at OLGC; they must participate in weekly
attendance at mass (barring the obvious), and participate in parish activities and fundraising. The
measurement for weekly attendance will be the offertory envelopes.
Tenure in the parish, as determined by parent date of registration in the parish, shall determine
admission priority.
To be eligible for the school year in August, the application must be received before the preceding
February 5th.
Applicants accepted for admission will be notified by April, at which time a formal registration fee is
A new list for each grade level will be made every year based on parent date of registration in the parish
with all applications received by February 1st of that year and all applications from the preceding years.
For students in grades 4 through 8, parents must submit a copy of the student's latest report card
showing final grades, satisfactory or better conduct, good attendance, copies of any standardized test
scores and/or special support service evaluation reports, and letters of recommendation from the last
teacher and principal. Applications are considered incomplete until these records are received.
Admission may be denied based on a deficiency in academic success, study skills, and/or
Students who were not recommended for promotion in their previous school will not be accepted to the
next grade at O.L.G.C. Students requiring special support services will be considered on an individual
basis and must be able to perform in a regular classroom. The Principal will review their status annually.
We reserve the right to deny admission to any child whose needs we do not have the resources and
ability to meet, or whose parents are motivated by concerns not consistent with the goals of the school
or the policies of the Archdiocese of Detroit. If this is determined, parents may be requested to place the
child in a school elsewhere.
All students shall comply with State of Michigan required Immunization and Health laws prior to
Since it is the prime objective of OLGC to keep families together, children on the waiting list will be
given top priority if it should occur that a sibling be accepted in a given year.
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In order to ensure a more orderly and safe dismissal for our students we have
implemented a new process. Please review the process and discuss it with your child. If
you have any questions please contact the school office. Thank you in advance for your
help and cooperation.
3:20 – Get ready bell. Students pack up to go home.
3:25 – All bus riders are dismissed to the gym. Students will wait there, supervised by
school staff, and be dismissed through the gym onto Arthur when their bus arrives.
3:25 - All car riders in grades 3-8 are dismissed to the Student Pick-up Zone located on
William Street. DRIVERS MUST meet their child in this area and are to walk them to
their vehicle. Car riders in grades K-2 must be picked up from their teacher at the
classroom doors along William street.
Once all of the students have been picked up, cars in the West (Main) Lot will be
released first and then cars in the East (Overflow) Lot will be released. The East
(Overflow) Lot is for overflow of traffic from the Main Lot and for those who are
remaining after dismissal.
3:30 – All walkers will be dismissed. Walkers will exit through the Junior High Building
and proceed east or west on Penniman.
If you need to stay after dismissal, you should plan to park in the EAST (Overflow) LOT.
No cars will be released from either lot until all students have been picked up by their
driver and walked to their vehicle. Students WILL NOT be released from the Pick-Up
Zone without an adult.
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Appendix E
Student_____________________________________ Date ____________Time _____________
Grade ____ Homeroom _____
____ Telephone Conference
Present at conference: ___________________________________
Reason for conference:_________________________________________________________
Requested by:_________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________Conference # ____ on this issue. Follow-up
conference scheduled: __________________
Parent(s) Signature(s)
Teacher(s) Signature(s)
Copies made for Homeroom Teacher, parent, Administration, and student's file while child is enrolled at OLGC.
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Appendix F
Technology Acceptable Use Policy
Students are responsible for good behavior when using school computers and related technology. All
students and staff of OLGC have computer accounts that permit controlled access to the school
computer network and the Internet. Students are given access to applications that facilitate classroom
All student access to the Internet on the local area network (LAN) must pass through a filtering device
intended to block access to materials that the school considers inappropriate. OLGC does not guarantee
that the filtering device will block all offensive sites on the Internet. Blocked websites are logged by the
filter, including the user’s account name and computer identification. The school administrators may
access the filter logs to enforce this Acceptable Use Policy.
The school reserves the right to view, print, and delete any files generated by any user of the school
network, provided those files are stored on school equipment. The school reserves the right to use
software to view computer screens of any school computer at any time.
Individual users of the school computer network are responsible for their behavior and communication
over the network. Students must comply with OLGC standards of conduct when using school
Student Responsibilities
Students are expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette. These include (but
are not limited to) the following:
f a student violates the rules stated in this Technology Acceptable Use Policy, the following actions
shall be taken:
Offense Major Violation
Minor Violation
The student will be assigned to a workgroup with no Verbal reminder and/or
Internet access for a period of 1 month. Parents or parent/guardian notification via
guardians will be notified via a Parent
a Parent Communication Form
Communication Form (PCF). The student's grade for (PCF).
required assignments may be lowered due to his or
her inability to use the Internet to complete a given
No computer access for the remainder of the current Parent/guardian notification via
school academic year.
a Parent Communication Form
3 or more
Parent/guardian notification via
a Parent Communication Form
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Appendix G
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a federal law, requires that Our Lady of
Good Counsel Parish School (the School), with certain exceptions, obtain your written consent prior
to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from your child's education records.
However, the School may disclose appropriately designated “directory information” without written
consent, unless you have advised the school to the contrary in accordance with the School's
procedures. The primary purpose of directory information is to allow Our Lady of Good Counsel
Parish School to include this type of information from your child's education records in certain
school and parish publications. Examples include
The annual yearbook
Student directory
Honor roll or other recognition lists
Graduation programs and other school programs
Videotapes of school functions (including DVDs produced from these tapes)
Sports activity sheets
Articles written for parish publications, including the weekly church bulletin and the PVC
Pipeline which will be posted on the parish and/or school website.
Directory information, which is information that is generally not considered harmful or an invasion
of privacy if released, can also be disclosed to outside organizations without a parent's prior written
consent. Outside organizations include, but are not limited to, local news media.
If you do not want Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish School to disclose directory information from
your child's education records without your prior written consent, you must notify the school office
in writing by September 11th of the current school year. Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish School
has designated the following information as directory information:
Student's name
Inclusion of the student in a group photograph
Honors, and awards received
Grade level
Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
The following information will be provided solely for the purpose of publishing the annual Our
Lady of Good Counsel Parish School Directory:
Name(s) of parent(s) or guardian(s)
Student's name
Grade level
Telephone listing
Electronic mail address
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Appendix H
Weapons Policy for Students
Our Lady of Good Counsel (OLGC) Parish School is a private school reserving the right to
determine appropriate and acceptable behavior.
Students are prohibited from bringing weapons to school/parish and school/parish sponsored
activities or having weapons in school/parish or at school/parish sponsored activities, on
school/parish premises1 or en route to or from school/parish.
OLGC will report possession of dangerous weapons to the local law enforcement agency.
OLGC also will notify the student's parent or guardian.
“Dangerous weapon” includes a firearm, dagger, dirk, stiletto, knife with a blade over three
inches long, pocketknife opened by mechanical devise, iron bar or brass knuckles.
OLGC will permanently expel a student, subject to limited reinstatement, for possession of a
dangerous weapon with the exception of a weapon possessed with expressed permission of school or
law enforcement.
A weapon is any object or “look alike” object which can be used to threaten or injure
another. It includes, but is not limited to, “dangerous weapons” as defined by our policy.
1School/parish premises include school/parish buildings and the adjacent grounds, including,
but not limited to, parking lot and playground.
a. Any student discovered to be, or suspected of, carrying, possessing, concealing or
transferring a weapon in violation of this policy shall be immediately excluded from school/parish
property pending investigation.
b. A search may be conducted to verify the suspicion or clarify the discovery. It may include
without prior warning an inspection and search of student's person, pockets (the student empties
his/her own pockets), book bags, purse, lunch container, locker, automobile, etc. Questioning of the
same purposes may include questioning by the principal, a member of the administrative team, a
school teacher, the pastor or a person acting in the place of any of these.
c. When a body search is conducted, it shall be conducted by a law enforcement officer in an
appropriate place.
d. If a student refuses to cooperate or interferes with a search of a person or possession or
premises, the police shall be notified and additional sanctions, up to and including expulsion, also
may be imposed.
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e. Depending on the nature of the weapon and the results of the investigation, the local police
department shall be notified immediately and if possible, the student detained whenever there is
reason to suspect a student may have a weapon or when a weapon is present on school premises.
f. Any student found to be in violation of the school's policy is subject to disciplinary action,
up to and including expulsion (permanent dismissal).
g. If an injury occurs in school, on school premises or in the immediate vicinity, as the result
of a student carrying a weapon, the principal and teachers shall endeavor:
1. to have students remain calm and avoid panic;
2. to notify the police, the pastor of the parish/inter-parish school;
3. to secure the school.
h. The principal may exercise the options to keep non-school persons out of the school
and/or retain students in the school until police have completed their investigation.
i. Any student determined to have brought a firearm to school may be expelled for a period
of not less than one year. The term “firearm” means:
1. any weapon including a starter gun which will or is designed to or may readily be
converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive;
2. the frame or receiver of any such weapons;
3. any firearm muffler or firearm silencer; or
4. any destructive device.
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Appendix I
Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish Wellness Policy
Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish School is committed to providing a school environment that
enhances the development of lifelong wellness practices that promote healthy eating and physical
activities to support student achievement in academics and overall well-being.
Nutrition Education
Every year, all students, K-8, shall receive nutrition education outlined in the science curriculum.
Nutrition education teaches the knowledge, skills, and values needed to adopt healthy eating
behaviors. Staff members who provide this education will have the appropriate training and teaching
Nutrition Standards
Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish School will encourage students to make nutritious food choices.
The Plymouth Canton Community Schools Hot Lunch Program is available at OLGC. It meets the
nutrition recommendations of the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Hot lunch workers are
trained and abide by Wayne County health code and policies. The staff promotes hand washing or
sanitizing before and after meals/snacks. A clean, safe setting is provided for lunch, with adequate
time to eat. Healthy snacks are sold during lunch. There are no pop or snack vending machines on
the school premises and students should not bring pop to school. The staff accommodates students
with special oral hygiene needs time to brush their teeth after lunch. There is a peanut free area in
the lunchroom for children with known allergies to sit at and eat. Parents sending in daily snacks or
holiday/birthday treats are encouraged to provide healthy choices or non-food treats. Individual
teachers will monitor the classroom snacks that include students with food allergies, diabetes, or any
other food related issues.
Physical Education and Physical Activity Opportunities
Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish School offers a comprehensive physical education curriculum
aligned with the Michigan Physical Education Content Standards and the Exemplary Physical
Education Curriculum to all students. Weekly physical education classes provide students with the
knowledge, skills, and values necessary to understand the benefits of a physically active and healthy
lifestyle. All students, K-8, participate in weekly supervised activities that teach sports, games, and
skill concepts, along with learning cooperation, sportsmanship, and teamwork. In the spring, all
students participate in the Presidential Council on Fitness program and all students receive a
participation award. Daily outdoor recess is scheduled after lunch. The playground activities include
many opportunities for sports, games, and a walking club. Adult volunteers and staff supervise the
playground areas.
Other School Based Activities Designed to Promote Student Wellness
OLGC Parish School participates in a comprehensive CYO Athletic program that offers numerous
sports throughout the year for grades 5-8. An intramural basketball program is offered for grades 34. The school participates in any appropriate program that creates a school environment that conveys
consistent wellness messages and is conductive to healthy eating and physical activity.
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Implementation and Measurement
The school principal will oversee the implementation and the measurement of the wellness policy
and report at least once per school year to the School Advisory Committee.
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Safe Environments Policy
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