FLYING BLIND After thirty minutes, the passengers were getting
FLYING BLIND After thirty minutes, the passengers were getting
3 All Rights Reserved © 2013 FLYING BLIND After thirty minutes, the passengers were getting restless as the plane sat on the tarmac. Then the stewardess announced over the intercom that departure is delayed because they were waiting for the pilots. The passengers look out the window and see two men, dressed as pilots, walking towards the plane. Both men are using guide dogs and appear to be blind. Some of the passengers are alarmed, but most believe it is just a joke. The men board the plane and go into the cockpit. More concerned murmurs and uneasy chuckles from the passengers. The plane taxis normally to the runway and begins it's takeoff. As passengers look out the window they realize they are nearing the end of the runway. The entire passenger cabin begins screaming but the plane lifts off just before the end of the runway. The passengers calm down and chuckle to themselves, at this point believing that they fell for a joke. In the cockpit, the pilot turns to his copilot and says "you know, one day those people are gonna scream too late and we're all gonna die!" PUBLISHED AND DISTRIBUTED WEEKLY BY PASSTIMES OF ARIZONA, LLC - PASSTIMESAZ@LIVE.COM - 480.983.9143 SAY WHAT YOU MEAN AND MEAN WHAT YOU SAY KNOWLEDGE IS POWER DON’T FALL IN THE PIT YOU DUG YOURSELF Kathleen was lying on her bed when I first met her. With whispers she asked for help. She had been diagnosed with Amyothrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) commonly called “Lou Gerhig’s Disease,” a neurodegenerative disease that affects the nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord. As the neurons die off, the brain commands to the muscles is lost. Kathleen’s body had been robbed by this disease over the years and now was limited to blinking, whispering and kind of smiling. Total care from her husband was completely necessary during the past 5 years. “Scratch my nose, move my hand,” are common commands for her daily vegetative state. Yet she smiled and had a sense of humor. I learned that Kathleen’s mother was also terminally ill and the joke was “who ever goes first comes to get the other one.” A few weeks after meeting Kathleen I received a phone call from Keith, He reported to me that Kathleen had passed away during the night. As I started expressing condolences he stopped me and said “Terry, you need to hear this. You know that Kathleen and her mother had a pact, if you will that whoever goes first comes to get the other one.” Yes, Keith I recall that. “Well just before she passed she asked for me to turn her head. As I turned it towards the wall Kathleen started to laugh. I asked “what you are laughing about.” She replied “mom’s here!” She laughed a few more times and then stopped breathing.” I attempted to express my tingling emotion to Keith when he again interrupted me and said “Terry, Kathleen’s mother passed away just a few hours ago, I just found out.” The chills ran up and down my back as the hair lifted on my neck and confirmed to me that the other side is on occasion able to assist those of us still on this side. If we can be of assistance to someone you know please contact Terry at Homestead Hospice 480-5843734 for a free no obligation evaluation. I WAS PLANNING TO WAKE UP EARLY AND GO JOGGING, BUT MY TOES VOTED AGAINST ME 10 TO 1 NATURE... CHEAPER THAN THERAPY Worship 9:30am Children’s church: 10:20 Fellowship: 11am Women’s Outreach Thurs: 9am 520.723.5141 GOD ENTERS BY A PRIVATE DOOR INTO EVERY INDIVIDUAL FORGIVENESS IS MAN'S DEEPEST NEED AND HIGHEST ACHIEVEMENT Q: I recently purchased a toolbox filled with vintage tools from the 1920s and earlier. I have identified several, including a Jack plane by Stanley, a bench level by Davis & Cook, a bow drill, an early handsaw marked Woodrough & McParlin, and an assortment of other smaller tools. I understand that tools have become quite collectible, and I would like to sell the ones I have if the price is right. -- Bill, Shreveport, La. A: The tools you listed are, indeed, collectible. One of the better sources to buy and sell vintage tools is Brown Auction Services, 27 Fickett Road, Pownal, ME 04069. A good basic reference is "Antique Trader Tools Price Guide," by Clarence Blanchard and published by Krause. Q: I have four older duck decoys that were used on my family farm in Wisconsin. I assume they are probably from the 1930s, maybe even earlier. Is there a reference book you can recommend about decoys? Although I have no plans to sell, I would like to find out more about them, especially their collectability. -- Rob, Sioux Falls, S.D. A: Although there are several excellent references, my personal favorite is "Warman's Duck Decoys: Identification and WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT, WHETHER YOU KNOW IT OR NOT, SECRETLY ALL NATURE SEEKS GOD AND WORKS TOWARD HIM THE HEALTHIEST PART OF A DOUGHNUT IS THE HOLE. OF COURSE YOU MUST EAT THROUGH THE DOUGHNUT TO GET AT IT Price Guide," by Russell E. Lewis. Q: I found a presidential calendar at a yard sale and wonder if it is worth any money. If not, I'll save it as a keepsake. I am enclosing a picture of it. -- Margaret, Somerset, Pa. A: I have examined the picture you sent and think it is probably a advertising calendar, which was a popular giveaway by insurance companies throughout the 1970s and '80s. I could not see much detail, so I am unable to date it. Q: My mom collected Bing & Grondahl Christmas plates beginning with ones issued during the early 1950s. I have inherited her collection and would now like to dispose of them. -Susan, Rio Rancho, N.M. A: Collector plates are difficult to sell, especially in our sluggish economy. With that said, I suggest you contact Viking Import House to see if it is a possible place to market your plates. Contact is P.O. Box 386, Windsor, NJ 08561;; 800-327-2297. Write to Larry Cox in care of King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475, or send e-mail to Due to the large volume of mail he receives, Mr. Cox is unable to personally answer all reader questions. Do not send any materials requiring return mail. (c) 2013 King Features I ONLY HAVE A KITCHEN BECAUSE IT CAME WITH THE HOUSE THE HUNGER FOR LOVE IS MUCH MORE DIFFICULT TO REMOVE THAN THE HUNGER FOR BREAD - MOTHER TERESA LOVE IS BUT THE DISCOVERY OF OURSELVES IN OTHERS ¥ On Oct. 17, 1906, Wilhelm Voigt, a German shoemaker, impersonates an army officer and leads an entire squad of soldiers to help him steal 4,000 marks. Voigt humiliated the German army by exploiting their blind obedience to authority and getting them to assist in his audacious robbery. ¥ On Oct. 15, 1917, Mata Hari is executed for espionage by a French firing squad. Her military trial was riddled with bias and circumstantial evidence, and it is probable that French authorities trumped her up as "the greatest woman spy of the century" as a distraction for the huge losses the French army was suffering. ¥ On Oct. 14, 1947, U.S. Air Force Capt. Chuck Yeager becomes the first person to fly faster than the speed of sound. Yeager's X-1 rocket plane was lifted to an altitude of 25,000 feet by a B-29 aircraft and then released through the bomb bay. THE BEST WAY TO CHEER YOURSELF UP IS TO TRY TO CHEER SOMEBODY ELSE UP ¥ On Oct. 16, 1958, Chevrolet begins to sell the El Camino, a combination sedan-pickup truck. In 1964, the company introduced a version built on the brawnier Chevelle platform. Today, the car is a cult classic. ¥ On Oct. 20, 1962, the White House press corps is told that President John F. Kennedy has a cold; in reality, he is holding secret meetings with advisers on the eve of ordering a blockade of Cuba. Kennedy had seen photographic proof that the Soviets were building ballistic missile sites on the island of Cuba. ¥ On Oct. 18, 1974, soul singer Al Green is attacked in his own bathtub when an ex-girlfriend pours a pot of scalding-hot grits on his back. Her actions left Green with severe injuries but also shaken emotionally and spiritually. By 1976, Green had become an ordained Baptist minister and purchased a Memphis church, where he still preaches today. ¥ On Oct. 19, 1982, maverick automobile executive John DeLorean is arrested in a Los Angeles motel with a briefcase containing $24 million worth of cocaine. According to authorities, DeLorean was attempting to make a drug deal in order to rescue his financially ailing DeLorean Motor Company. (c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc. OFTEN A PERSON’S BIGGEST ENEMY IS THEIR INNER SELF PATIENCE BEATS POWER NEARLY EVERY TIME IF I WAS TWO-FACED WOULD I BE WEARING THIS ONE? - A. LINCOLN AGE CAN BE A BAD TRAVELING COMPANION 1. ADVERTISING: When did the United States ban cigarette ads on television? 2. GEOGRAPHY: What nation controls the Madeira Islands? 3. THEATER: Who wrote the play "Man and Superman"? 4. MEDICAL: The lack of what vitamin causes beriberi? 5. HISTORY: Who founded the colony of Rhode Island? 6. MUSIC: What kind of musical instrument is a zither? 7. TELEVISION: What is the longest running animated series on TV in the United States? 8. MOVIES: Who played a bit part in the 2008 movie "The Incredible Hulk" and also played the Hulk in the earlier TV series? 9. ROYALS: How long did Lady Jane Grey reign as queen of England? 10. FAMOUS QUOTATIONS: What famous actor once said, "Always get married early in the morning. That way, if it doesn't work out, you haven't wasted a whole day"? Answers 1. 1970 2. Portugal 3. George Bernard Shaw 4. Vitamin B-1 5. Roger Williams 6. Stringed (c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc. 7. "The Simpsons" 8. Lou Ferrigno 9. Nine days 10. Mickey Rooney, who was married eight times A LIE GETS HALFWAY AROUND THE WORLD BEFORE THE TRUTH HAS A CHANCE TO GET ITS PANTS ON NOT EVERYTHING THAT CAN BE COUNTED COUNTS, AND NOT EVERYTHING THAT COUNTS CAN BE COUNTED HAPPINESS - THE FULL USE OF YOUR POWERS ALONG LINES OF EXCELLENCE - JFK THERE ARE THREE DIMENSIONS TO CREDIT CARDS, LENGTH, WIDTH AND DEBT I'M LIVING SO FAR BEYOND MY INCOME THAT WE MAY ALMOST BE SAID TO BE LIVING APART EACH PROBLEM THAT I SOLVE BECOMES A RULE WHICH SERVES AFTERWARDS TO SOLVE OTHER PROBLEMS PROBLEMS WORTHY OF ATTACK PROVE THEIR WORTH BY FIGHTING BACK BEHIND EVER GREAT FORTUNE THERE IS A CRIME ¥ It was Albert Einstein who made the following sage observation: "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." THREE O’CLOCK IS ALWAYS TOO EARLY OR TOO LATE ¥ Many people believe that one should never remove one's wedding ring. However, one superstition holds that doing so is perfectly acceptable -- as long as the ring is being used to ward off a witch. ¥ There's nothing surprising about the fact that upon the death of British novelist, poet and essayist D.H. Lawrence, the author's body was cremated. What is unusual is that, at Lawrence's request, his ashes were mixed into the plaster used to build the D.H. Lawrence Ranch in Questa, N.M. I WOULD’VE MADE A GOOD POPE - RICHARD NIXON ¥ As Halloween approaches, if you live in New Jersey, Pennsylvania or Iowa, you might want to keep in mind your state's tax policy. If you're buying a pumpkin to carve into a jack-o'-lantern, you'll need to pay tax on the gourd. Pumpkins used for food purposes, however, are subject to no such tax. ¥ In 2009, a Saudi couple who had spent their honeymoon in Malaysia encountered difficulty on the return flight home. It seems that the groom felt the bride was taking too long in the airport restroom, so he boarded the flight back to Saudi Arabia before she did. When he allowed the plane to leave without her, she insisted on an immediate divorce. ¥ The next time you've enjoyed a happy hour out with friends, you might want to consider the virtually unknown adjective "gambrinous," which means "to be content and happy due to a stomach full of beer." Thought for the Day: " My advice to you is to get married. If you find a good wife, you'll be happy; if not, you'll become a philosopher."-- Socrates (c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.
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FLYING BLIND After thirty minutes, the passengers were getting