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This ain`t Hell, but you can see it from here
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Dallas Wittgenfeld
April 23rd,2012
86 people lik
e this. Be the first of your friends.
This guy’s records are a big question mark. He’s wearing a CIB,but according to his records,he was a commo guy in
Vietnam,so there is no way he’s authorized to wear a CIB. He’s also wearing infantry brass with the blue background and a
blue rope which he’s also not authorized to wear. But his FOIA says he was awarded a CIB;
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t Hell,but you can see it from here »Blog Archive »Dallas Wittg... Page 2of28
But then I’ve never seen a FOIA that listed Letters ofCommendation and Certificates ofAchievement,either. So all ofthat
makes me suspicious. Here’s his record ofassignments from his Form 2-1;
The dates ofhis assignments coincide to the history ofhis two Ranger units,according to the 75th Ranger Regiment
Association. But like Isaid,ifhe altered his military records to add the CIB,there’s no reason to believe he didn’t alter his
assignments,too. The fact that he’s listed as a 05B20while he was in Advanced Individual training is suspicious,too. I’m sure
he wasn’t a Sergeant E-5after four months ofservice.
And here’s a picture ofhim wearing a green beret at the Wall,and that’s a Purple Heart and Ranger scroll on his chest;
According to the Special Forces Association membership rules,he’s not eligible to be a member based on his assignments to
Ranger units,so the green beret thing is right out.
You and Iboth know from looking at these records that he’s not authorized all ofthe infantry stuff,but how that CIB got in his
records,I’ll never know,well,unless he gives up the ghost and tells us the truth. Not holding my breath.
Thanks to the folks at Scotty’s Hideaway,for the stuff.
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Posted by Jonn Lilyea in Phony soldiers
84 Responses to “Dallas Wittgenfeld”
1. 1
Jeff Says:
April 23rd,2012at 6:
yeah that is a weird one
2. 2
Right Rev Mr. Wolf Says:
April 23rd,2012at 7:
O5B20-that would be an E-5Radio AIT?NOTunless he had a previous M OS. Iwas an O5C10in AITradio-teletype. Basically,a clerk-typist who could run a radio and type on a flintstone-era typewriter with a hammer.
The Bravos were in class like 4weeks;we had an extra 3for the crypto-gear and teletypes. IFyou had to learn to type
from scratch,you could be there an additional 6weeks j
ust doing that. Luckily,I‘typed out’and went home after
Idon’t see HOW this dude could have been a -20in AIT… .
3. 3
rb325th Says:
April 23rd,2012at 7:
He was a 2O in AITbecause he was a shake and bake NCO…
This guy is a pompous ass,selfabsorbed narcassist,and in general a total douche rocket..
He did serve in Vietnam,was awarded everything on his 2-1…
This guy loves to make threats,and to harrass folks who dare to askquestions ofor about him.
4. 4
Scottys Hideaway Says:
April 23rd,2012at 8:
5. 5
Hondo Says:
April 23rd,2012at 8:
I’d guess this guy is j
ust another lying bastard,and in some respects IM O he has already proven that (I’d love to hear his
“explanation”as to why he’s been photographed wearing the Ranger beret,the Green beret,the purple heart,and the
Infantry cord/discs –none ofwhich his official records show he rates). But the LOCs in his FOIA could be legit,and
there is a way he could legitimately rate the CIB.
Ican’t speakfor the late 60s/
early 70s,but as ofthe late 70s/early 80s some commands were still putting certificates of
appreciation and selected training certificates into the OM PF. Ichecked my electronicrecords on file at DA (they’re still
available to me online) and verified that I’ve got a couple ofthe former and one ofthe latter in my file. Iseem to
remember that GO-level letters ofcommendation could also be filed in the OM PF. So ifWittgenfeld’s personnel clerks
were kinda anal-retentive about things,the LOCs on the FOIA might well be legit.
Further,para 8-6.b ofAR 600-8-22specifically indicates that the 11B M OSneed not be an individual’s primary M OS
for award ofthe CIB. What AR 600-8-22requires is that the individual be (1) assigned to an infantry unit,(2) be
formally trained in and awarded an 11-or 18-series M OS(secondary M OScounts),(3) the individual is assigned and
performing duties in that 11-or 18-series M OS,and (4) the individual participates personally in ground combat while
performing 11-or 18-series duties. IfWittgenfeld was detailed to serve temporarily in an infantry position while
assigned to an infantry unit in Vietnam,participated in ground combat while so detailed,and had previously been
designated as having an 11-series secondary M OS,then he’d qualify. He’s got an Air M edal,so one possibility is that he
got awarded an 11B secondary and detailed to serve as a door-gunner for a while.
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Don’t know how common signal or other enlisted guys in Vietnam getting awarded a secondary M OSofthe 11-series
was. However,ifIrecall correctly a couple ofthe NCOs Iserved with early in my career had 11-series secondary M OS
that they’d been awarded in Vietnam.
Again,the above is only a plausible explanation;I’m not saying that’s what really happened. Indeed,Wittgenfeld’s
photographically documented tendencies to play fast and loose with what he wears and claims argues otherwise. But it
could be the case. Ifso,both the detail to an 11-series duty position and secondary M OSdesignation should be
documented in his records ifthat’s part ofthe basis for award ofhis CIB. Perhaps a second FOIA specifically requesting
redacted copies ofall documents concerning his award ofthe CIB would spell that out.
6. 6
Hondo Says:
April 23rd,2012at 8:
Whoops –scratch my comment above about the purple heart. His FOIA shows he has the Purple heart w/
bronze OLC,
so at this point his wearing the Purple Heart is presumably legit.
7. 7
Frankly Opinionated Says:
April 23rd,2012at 8:
This slimy piece ofshit,Dallas Wittgenfeld,is in my sights. Whether or not he is as phony as he seems;he is a lyin’,
thievin’piece ofsteamin’dogshit. Little to some,but not to me,he snagged a photo from a page ofmine,then not only
claimed it as his,but accused me ofstealing it from him. The O-4SFobject in the photo would like to help me in
bringing him an “awakening”. This is one dish that Iwill enj
oy serving cold. Deland Florida,Skydive Deland,Orange
City,Florida are all places ofwhich Iam very familiar. M y day will come.
8. 8
NHSparky Says:
April 23rd,2012at 9:
Shouldn’t be too hard to locate someone who was in the units this gent was in to verify bona fides. This one is out ofmy
9. 9
Frankly Opinionated Says:
April 23rd,2012at 9:
Re,my comment #7:The photograph in question,taken 10/
26/2011at Rudder DZ,Camp James E. Rudder,Florida;can
be seen here:
10. 10
Strike and Kill Says:
April 23rd,2012at 9:
Dallas is a selfabsorbed asshole who was an RTO type clerkwho was fortunate enough to get sent to an elite unit,
although he was there,he loves to toot his own whistle with comments like “62year old twice combat wounded Army
Vietnam Veteran (real deal) War heroe ofthe Airborne Rangers.”And trys to profit from his Purple hearts. Ifound
some obscure regulation that would support his claim to wearing the Blue Cord,even apologized to him,yet for all
intensive purposes,Iam still not comfortable with his claims. Ispoke to a fellow from his old unit,who was an RTO
too,and he stated that Dallas was there,and because ofsome grandfather reg Dallas was entitled to the CIB,but also in
the same sentence,this fellow (who wishes not to be identified) stated a lot ofthe RTO’s would not wear the CIB
because it “belonged to the Infantry.”This Dallas guy has no honor whatsoever…
11. 11
SJ Says:
April 23rd,2012at 9:
Sure likes to wear an 82nd patch a lot even though he was only in the Div slightly over a year. At least he doesn’t wear
it on right sleeve since he wasn’t there for DomRep or the 3/82nd in VN. Did that many RATToperators get Air
M edals?Guess it is possible.
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t Hell,but you can see it from here »Blog Archive »Dallas Wittg... Page 5of28
12. 12
Tman Says:
April 23rd,2012at 10:01am
This is an odd one. Based on what Iread above it seems like this guy is ‘legitimate’in some claims,maybe not in others.
Problems seems to be more with the guy himself,and a wish that all his claims were totally fake.
13. 13
Frankly Opinionated Says:
April 23rd,2012at 10:04am
@ #12 Tman:
He is legitimate in one facet at least-He is a top-shelfliar and fabricator.
14. 14
bkay Says:
April 23rd,2012at 10:16am
There seems to be a lot ofthis going on. So he is only part ofwhat he claims to be and not all ofit is fake like others I
have seen recently. Why make it up,why not instead be proud ofwho you are and what you have done?
15. 15
SJ Says:
April 23rd,2012at 10:26am
M y error… he wasn’t a RATTop,j
ust a RTO. Still question Air medal. What are the other badges (Irecognize CIB and
parachutist)?Picture isn’t clear.
The left arm fourige (spelling?) looks like what we wore in the 82nd,but only while assigned to the Div since it is a unit
award from WWII. Do Iremember right that the ribbons over the right pocket are also unit awards?Sure are a lot of
them. Guess it helps the bling effect.
16. 16
CI Roller Dude Says:
April 23rd,2012at 10:45am
This one is confusing… .is he wearing ribbons on the right side????— would’nt there be unit cites there?All the years I
was in Iknew you had to hold a grunt M OSto get the CIB.
17. 17
Strike and Kill Says:
April 23rd,2012at 11:00am
He only pays attention to the regs that help his cause,which is himself,the others not so much… ..
18. 18
JarHead Says:
April 23rd,2012at 11:05am
A D.U.Iarrest while flying a plane,you have to be kidding but it was in the news paper. This in it’s selfspeaks volumes
about this “honorable”individual.
19. 19
NHSparky Says:
April 23rd,2012at 11:07am
BTW–memo to Dallas if/when you get here,ifyou’re gonna threaten to sue Jonn,don’t bother. The line is already
around the blockat the courthouse.
20. 20
Hondo Says:
April 23rd,2012at 12:04pm
CIRoller Dude:the ribbons on the right side appear to be unit decorations –though they all seem to be missing their
gold frames. They’re authorized for permanent wear ifyou were assigned at the time the were earned by the unit.
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Looks to be the PUC, VUC, MUC, RVN PUC, and RVN Gallantry Cross.
21. 21
Scottys Hideaway Says:
April 23rd, 2012 at 12:15 pm listing of Dallas Wittgenfeld
22. 22
Jonn Lilyea Says:
April 23rd, 2012 at 12:27 pm
His entry appearing next to the pirate lesbian doesn’t help him.
23. 23
Hondo Says:
April 23rd, 2012 at 12:30 pm
Well, IMO he certainly looks better by contrast. Blackbeard of Lesbos ain’t exactly the most attractive individual on this
planet . . . .
24. 24
Hondo Says:
April 23rd, 2012 at 12:34 pm
Looks like our “buddy” here is modest, too.
“I was proud of what I had done, and when I came back, I thought I was a hero — but no one else did.”
Gee, I wonder why.
25. 25
NHSparky Says:
April 23rd, 2012 at 12:40 pm
Ah, Veterans Today. It’s all starting to come together now.
26. 26
MCPO NYC USN (Ret.) Says:
April 23rd, 2012 at 1:06 pm
You guys got it all wrong. Take a closer look … at the beret and mustache’ … it is MONTY … Gen. Bernard Law
27. 27
teddy996 Says:
April 23rd, 2012 at 1:08 pm
@26- LOL… I knew he looked familiar.
28. 28
NHSparky Says:
April 23rd, 2012 at 1:09 pm
Actually Master Chief, he kinda reminds me of Doctor Bombay from the old Bewitched series…
29. 29
OWB Says:
April 23rd, 2012 at 1:31 pm
Seriously – he really does look familiar. Maybe around some Florida Veterans events??
This ain't Hell, but you can see it from here » Blog Archive » Dallas Wittg... Page 7 of 28
30. 30
Scottys Hideaway Says:
April 23rd, 2012 at 2:36 pm
31. 31
Scottys Hideaway Says:
April 23rd, 2012 at 2:40 pm
Dallas trying to defend himself from Stolen Valor…
32. 32
OWB Says:
April 23rd, 2012 at 2:43 pm
Scotty – could you do a bit of cut and past for us? I really don’t want to increase his traffic by clicking to see what he
But, of course, am curious. Thanks!
33. 33
Strike and Kill Says:
April 23rd, 2012 at 3:24 pm
If he was so worried and cared about todays Vets then why his comments like “NOW LET’S SEE what all you
youngster cry baby Vets have been obscessed with: RA 68037064, Dallas Wittgenfeld, is NOT a POSER” and “Soooo,
let’s all go to the media and let them know how you disabled (non combat wounded) younger Vets (mostly Marines)
treat the older 62 year old twice combat wounded Army Vietnam Veteran (real deal) War heroe of the Airborne
Rangers.” and of course there is a butt load more from Scottys place, this shows what kind of a racist he is:
34. 34
Al T. Says:
April 23rd, 2012 at 5:18 pm
Hondo has it right. One of my SFC instructors had the CIB awarded as he was cross leveled into an 11B slot and OJTed
for the MOS and subsequently awarded the CIB. This was at FT Huachuca circa 1977.
35. 35
OEF_Veteran Says:
April 23rd, 2012 at 6:04 pm
Personally I want this bastard hung out to dry in the media around his HOR. If we can bring him out through the media
it will do more to dropkick his ass than anything else. He thrives on the attention and if that attention suddenly turns
negative it’s gonna hurt him right in his self serving wallet. I think the IRS should also be informed of his schemes.
36. 36
Frankly Opinionated Says:
April 23rd, 2012 at 7:00 pm
I just posted on the Skydive Deland site at facebook, leaving this post:
“Y’all have a guy that jumps out there known as Dallas Wittgenfeld? You might want to let him know that he
has gained a major space in the spotlight this weekend. He is the featured character in this post:“
Perhaps it will bring him out of the woodwork,(or drive him into the Ocala National Forest).
37. 37
Strike and Kill Says:
April 24th, 2012 at 12:41 am
This ain't Hell, but you can see it from here » Blog Archive » Dallas Wittg... Page 8 of 28
I guess the thing that gets me the most is how he talks down to Vets of OIF/AFG like they are nothing, yet he claims to
do all this crap for us, he claims to be 100% disabled, yet still can manage to jump out of planes, I am 100% and can’t
get around without the use of a cane and brace for the rest of my days, and I especially hate how he tries to make a buck
off of his Purple Hearts. I even came to bat for him over him wearing the Blue cord, what did I get??? He called me a
POG, I have 17 1/2 years in as an 11B, while he uses some grandfather clause in the 670-1 to be entitled to wear a CIB,
I earned mine, in my MOS….he ain’t worth the sweat off of any of you guy’s ass to me, a POG wannabe is all he is…
38. 38
Nate Says:
April 25th, 2012 at 11:24 pm
I am soooooo glad he came to our page to run his mouth. Let this be a lesson to everyone. When a stolen valor admin
ask you politely for you to privately email your info do it and don’t be a bitch about it. He did this to himself by running
his mouth. Your a sad sack of shit Dallas.
39. 39
Dallas "windsock" Says:
April 26th, 2012 at 1:16 pm
Dallas and I have exchanged “Words” and insults many a time concerning his “Tribute to every Unit he was in” Class
“A” Uniform he has. He does not wear the 38th Inf Crests which go along with the D-151 patch…He would rather claim
the switch over to “Ranger Unit” than admit he was in D-151 “original” for any amount of time. His 2-1 file, has him
“departing Vietnam” (Casual) meaning PCS to us non Vietnam Vet types, on 15 November, the same time the Royal
Thai Army “Volunteer Force” was being set up. in November of that same year…so there is no fucking way humanly
possible that Dallas could have been with them, yet he makes claims of being attached or leading patrols for the “Thai
Army” as a member RTAVF. He is a “hokey wolf”, a “phoney Bologne” as my Dear Mother would say. There are more
discrepancies with Dallas’s stories and claims than one can shake a stick at. But the proof i in his File, and the time he
spent over in “The Nam”. Which by the way was a total of maybe “8″ months, 4 with the D-151, and “4″ with the Arty
Unit before he PCS’d back to the WORLD…Again…read the 2-1 over, minute by minute and read the Royal Thai
Army Volunteer force Web page time line, and it does not add up together. History according to Dallas points in his
favor. He is a Self promoter like “Wild Bill Hickcock” (and like “Wild Bill” his stories aren’t always based upon fact,
but give an illusion of truth just for credibility and theatrical sack) He exploits his short time in Vietnam to establish a
base of worship among the public, and advance his parachuting career. All he does is salute and jump a lot, salute and
jump, salute and jump, and gives fellow veterans who try to correct him the “Bird”. He wants to be bigger than life, with
his “Bigger than Life” parachutes, and banking on his Purple hearts and membership to “several Military units” to
propel his civilian image, and create Dollars from supporting troops. He is a RTO who left the 82nd Signal Battalion, to
be a LEG in a LRRP unit…A Commo guy playing the “tough guy” 11B image. Ranger Units were never awarded
French Fouregerre this day none of the three RGR BATTs wear them…That is an “82nd Thing” he wears
among all the other Hodge podge bullshit on hs “Tribute Costume”. (can’t call Thunder Chicken’s Clown suit a
“uniform”). He served, earned his purple hearts (from Blanket parties given him by some Gook boot shine boys for
fucking their sisters and not “paying” for it). He was in “Nam”…8 months but still in “the Nam”…and unfortunately, he
lucked out and got a LRRP assignment. I even doubt his “Birth place” since he claims Indiana, and that is also were his
LRRP Unit is from…but nothing Dallas says can be totally believed, as he is a “Self promoter” and it is all about
“Dallas’s image”. Screw him.
40. 40
Rapidly Avenging Ranger Says:
April 26th, 2012 at 1:25 pm
Dallas is 99-44-100% a goof ball. capitalizing on his little stint in Vietnam, as that 8 months was the total sum of his
career, and forget about his “Drill sergeant” time…(or hat). and boy does Dallas love to wear “headgear”. All types,
Ranger, SF, Flight helmets, WWII steel pots, but never a Maroon Beret…NEVER,,,always has to be “Special” and
“elite” with “Dumas Windsock”, the Sky diving Thunder chicken clown from Indiana…what a worthless sack of
Kimshi.. A “Nick Rowe” his is not…but what sort of stories does one expect from a “RTO”? A Commo guy, who
realized a little too late, (like a biker who buys a Sportster instead of a BIG Twin HARLEY) that he picked the wrong
MOS to wuff shit about. so he embellishes and adds too, and over inflates his exploits, and threatens anyone who
questions his Abortion Class “A” photo…lol…
41. 41
Jonn Lilyea Says:
May 9th, 2012 at 12:58 pm
This ain't Hell, but you can see it from here » Blog Archive » Dallas Wittg... Page 9 of 28
Guess who just emailed to threaten me with some nebulous action.
42. 42
NHSparky Says:
May 9th, 2012 at 1:18 pm
Wednesday afternoon lawsuit threat, Jonn?
Guess he didn’t know the quota was filled by 9:15 Monday morning.
43. 43
NHSparky Says:
May 9th, 2012 at 1:21 pm
ETA: Although the emailed threat should move him up a few spots in his bracket when the JMBSV Tournament comes
Seriously, there are so many of these guys falling out of the trees you’re seriously going to have to consider doing a
regular tournament and an NIT-style for all those who just didn’t quite have the game to play with the big boys.
44. 44
Yat Yas 1833 Says:
May 9th, 2012 at 1:40 pm
Jonn, I’ll gladly donate my lunch money to the “Jonn Lilyea Poser Going to Sue You Legal Defense Fund” if that’ll
help!? What a forkin’ LOSER!!!
45. 45
OWB Says:
May 9th, 2012 at 1:47 pm
Oh, goody – another libel/slander deal? Or should the TAH Brigade get our “uniforms” squared away in case we are
called out later in the day?
***OWB getting out the popcorn***
46. 46
This ain't Hell, but you can see it from here » Blog Archive » Dallas Whittgenfeld; the continued conversation Says:
May 15th, 2012 at 7:23 pm
[...] May 15th, 2012 Our newest buddy, Dallas Whittenfeld has been trying to get me to take down my post about him.
He’s a real charmer, trust me. He began by threatening me with a lawsuit, which, I’m [...]
47. 47
Frankly Opinionated Says:
May 16th, 2012 at 7:41 am
Dallas, if you are reading these comments:
You are one lyin’, thievin’, sorry piece of shit. You lifted a photo of mine, and then demonstrated your
dumbassery by telling me that I stole it from you. I don’t give a ratzazz about your service record, whether they
be true or false, none of that. You accused me of stealing, and that will be your statement to suffer for. The
person photographed would like nothing more than for you to stumble in to a certain Ranger Bar and tell the
people in there, (actual school trained Rangers, now Ranger Instructors), that I stole “your” photo.
What was it that Sun Tzu said about a meal best served cold???
48. 48
Z Says:
May 18th, 2012 at 8:19 am
1. Has anyone called the SFA about him? He has a cert saying he is a member but my 3 year old cousin can make one of
those with photoshop. I’ve read where he states he was “awarded an honorary lifetime membership” and also that he
applied for it. His retarded chicken new articles state he is a “former Green Beret”. Umm, why would he get an honorary
membership then?
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2. Fuck this guy. Got some friends at Bragg that would like to meet him. lol
49. 49
Hondo Says:
May 18th, 2012 at 8:22 am
Yeah, Z, the SFA has been contacted. See the new article linked at comment 46.
50. 50
Z Says:
May 18th, 2012 at 10:10 am
He claimed to have been awarded the membership as an honorary member. They wouldn’t do that for someone who
spent a couple of months attached to a SF unit. He was actually PCSing during that time if the dates on his files are
51. 51
Dragonbeast Says:
May 25th, 2012 at 9:31 am
It seems that MR. Dallas Wittgenfeld has decided to post himself as the Phantom Airborne Brigade on Military.Com. If
anyone knows how to contact Mr. Wittgenfeld, I would appreciate that information, as he has never been a member of
the Brigade, and he needs to take down his page representing himself as such.(This guy is a total hero faker) all eyes on
52. 52
mookie Says:
May 31st, 2012 at 4:11 am
This guy looks like/reminds me of general shepard from modern warfare two, mustache beret and everything
53. 53
LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41 Says:
June 9th, 2012 at 2:57 pm
So,it took you “52 brainiac posts” to figure out Dallas Wittgenfeld IS a twice combat wounded Vietnam War Veteran of
the elite Airborne Rangers and a “Special Liaison Section” Advisor for the Special Forces trained, Air America flown,
and C.I.A. funded mecenaries of the Royal Thailand Army SoF.. Just like he said.
You know..? This makes all your posts you ever made seem uncredible from this point on. If you young Veteran “Band
of Bastards” can’t pin a bronze star on him, NOT HEARSAY, You are screwed. Have you got a picture of him wearing
a bronze star..? Didn’t think so..
54. 54
LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41 Says:
June 9th, 2012 at 3:06 pm
Responding to Dragon Breath on comment #51..?
Did you know Ranger Dallas has a USPA D-Rating and round low-level staticline parachutes, too… “Set 10s” Do you
know what that is… I wonder who built them for him… Guest where he jumped them..?
Ohhhh, Yah,on the Phantom Airborne Brigade jumpers manifest..3 times.. Go get a life Mister Phantom Imposture
Yourself… How’s that jumping working out for you right now… NADDA.?
55. 55
NHSparky Says:
June 9th, 2012 at 4:06 pm
This ain't Hell, but you can see it from here » Blog Archive » Dallas Wit... Page 11 of 28
Fuck I hate when the kids are out of school.
56. 56
OWB Says:
June 9th, 2012 at 4:26 pm
He’s jealous of the attention others are getting this week?
57. 57
Hondo Says:
June 9th, 2012 at 4:37 pm
Long Range Patrol 41 (I refuse to act like an idiot and toggle the shift key repeatedly like a spastic): no one here is
debating whether or not Wittgenfeld has 2 PHs or was in Vietnam, dipstick. What is in question is (1) whether his CIB
is legit, and (2) whether he was ever SF. The answer on both, per Army regs in effect when he served, is . . . no.
Informal advisor duty to foreign forces in the RVN entitles him to neither a CIB nor to call himself SF. See the other
Wittgenfeld thread for further details.
That’s especially true since, per his FOIA, he appears to have never done so because he was returning to CONUS at the
time he claimed to have served as an “advisor” to the Royal Thai Army.
And I don’t believe even Wittgenfeld himself has ever claimed to be entitled to wear the Ranger tab – though he has
worn the Ranger beret without authority.
58. 58
Jonn Lilyea Says:
June 9th, 2012 at 7:35 pm
Yeah, folks meet Wittgenfeld who calls himself LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41 here. I guess he thinks he proved something
to us, but I’m still waiting for the orders for his CIB. And, oh, he’s making veiled threats towards Mary at POW
Network because he’s a class A coward along with being a liar and poser.
59. 59
Frankly Opinionated Says:
June 9th, 2012 at 8:09 pm
As I have said before; my personal thing in this is that I don’t give a ratsass about what he did or did not do in ‘Nam. He
has proven himself to be both a liar and a thief. This POS snagged a photo from my wall, (in and of itself, no big deal),
but then claimed that it was his photo= THIEF, and further, that I stole it from him= LIAR; neither of which I tolerate. I
will handle this at a day and place convenient to me, but it WILL get handleds. When he is lying in the Fecal Position,
we will have been served.
60. 60
Marine_7002 Says:
June 9th, 2012 at 9:51 pm
@59 FO: well said. Do you realize you just coined a new phrase – “fecal position”? Gives a different slant to the term
“fetal position”. I like it.
61. 61
NHSparky Says:
June 9th, 2012 at 10:29 pm
Considering what this shit-filled meatsack has pulled, I think fecal position might be more apropriate.
62. 62
Scottys Hideaway Says:
June 10th, 2012 at 8:12 am
LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41 = Dallas Wittgenfeld, The Thunder chickenshit clown that was wounded twice in RVN from a
flying c-rat can hitting him in the ass when a arty round hit the garbage dump on the FOB he was assigned to in May of
1970 when he supposedly got wounded twice within 3 weeks. The wounds had to be minor in nature as he was not
rotated out after the injuries. Dallas Wittgenfeld was a 05B2P & 05B20 during his tour in RVN. Copy that radio man
Wittgenfeld ? You were assigned to two Ranger units as an RTO in RVN. But you were never in Ranger School . You
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also do not have an 11B series MOS listed in your 2-1 files wanna be Grunt.You never trained or led members of the
RTAVF into battle. You are a LIAR & an embellish-er who has spent a lifetime lieing about your tour in RVN. You
have completely dis-respected every American who fought in RVN. I bet you got off the plane , turned around & started
spitting on your fellow comrades as they dis-embarked .You have no honor or pride for the uniform you wore . After all
that .. Thank you & Welcome Home RTO Dallas Witthengeld…~ Scotty
63. 63
Scottys Hideaway Says:
June 10th, 2012 at 8:24 am
64. 64
LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41 Says:
June 10th, 2012 at 8:40 am
Hi Scotty, Are you going to the big combat wounded Military Gala for the PoW Network, too. I am buying a table for
ten. What a wonderful time I will have marching around in my Infantry Blue and my CIB… cause I’ll have my dd214
with me…. I will be showing it to everybody, there. Having a big hoot on you idiots hereon. How about you jack-offs
go and see if all the OTHER Airborne Ranger como guys were issued 11F-2P secondary MOS…. You will see it is
comon knowledge to the knowledgable… NOT dipshit youngsters… I have also chartered my friends helicopter and I
am packing my parachutes today for my big Veterans Day 2012 week in Branson, Mo. I know important people in
important places around Branson.
65. 65
LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41 Says:
June 10th, 2012 at 8:45 am
Hey Frankly Opinionated….#59 Chill out man…. I checked your picture closer… I have one just like it; but yours is
66. 66
LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41 Says:
June 10th, 2012 at 9:05 am
FOR EVERYBODY’S ENTERTAINENT: Scotty has been blasted-off every Face Book page with my picture on it…
his perssonal too.. even Military dot com has zapped his ass. Welcome to this blog… You follow me just like a dog in
heat.. Wonderfull…
67. 67
Scottys Hideaway Says:
June 10th, 2012 at 9:08 am
I would suggest you march around with the FOIA we provided you with dilly Dallas.It actually gives you more credit
then what your dd-214 does. And yes please show up @ Military Gala wearing your costume. You will make a great
example for everyone to know what an idiot embellish-er looks like. Toot Toot your own horn fool. All you did by
requesting to be part of the Military Gala is cause Mary to update your file on their Wall of Shame. Sucks being you
chicken shit clown. Still waiting on that Bronze Star award letter boy. Oh that’s right , You never claimed that huh ?
Tell me did you leave your BS award letter in Ohio ?
68. 68
Hondo Says:
June 10th, 2012 at 9:43 am
Well, I guess I’ll have to start researching just how to go about requesting a formal inquiry into erroneous and/or
fraudulent awards that managed to make it into official records at NPRC. I’m sure the Army and/or NARA has a process
for that.
69. 69
Hondo Says:
June 10th, 2012 at 9:48 am
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By the way, Wittgenfeld: there’s an easy way for you to silence your critics. Post (1) your CIB orders, and (2) either
formal orders to an advisory position with RVN forces (Royal Thai doesn’t cut it) or 11B secondary MOS orders. That
should be enough to satisfy most if not all the folks here that your CIB is legit.
I’m guessing you don’t have any of those, though.
70. 70
Scottys Hideaway Says:
June 10th, 2012 at 11:02 am
Let us know how the Military Gala goes for you dilly Dallas. Pictures or you weren’t there !
71. 71
LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41 Says:
June 10th, 2012 at 2:39 pm
Hey Hondo… You are a johnny cum lately, man. These brainiacs started harassing me for being a military poser… then
they found out I wasn’t… and was decorated more than them… they went crazy… here I am.. Still wearing my Ranger
Beret just like I am supposed to… Infantry Blue too. All real combat Ranger Teamers get C.I.Bs brainiac. Common
knowledge.. except for you. Don’t you guys even FEEL STUPID or what. sooo I am coming to a town near you..
72. 72
JAGC Says:
June 10th, 2012 at 2:47 pm
Not sure how relevant this is, but in response to comment 71. I know a guy who was a 25C and served as an RTO with a
Ranger team in Iraq. I think what he did was extremely rare but he is legit and the real deal. He wears a CAB and is the
first to adamantly state that he did not earn a CIB.
73. 73
Jonn Lilyea Says:
June 10th, 2012 at 2:48 pm
Yeah, Wittgenfeld, all you need to do is show us orders for your CIB and we’ll admit we’re wrong. How many months
have I been saying that? You blow smoke and talk about “historians” who’ll back you up, none of whom have contacted
me, by the way, and still no orders. Put up or shut up. And, yes, we will check the order number.
74. 74
CI Says:
June 10th, 2012 at 3:11 pm
The rule of poseurs is concrete like physics….the blowhards who never stop yammering about how high speed they
are…….never really are.
This rule is doubled for those who walk around looking like a tiger striped Napoleon.
75. 75
Hondo Says:
June 10th, 2012 at 3:21 pm
No one’s debating that your DD214 shows you have a CIB, Wittgenfeld. Your FOIA indicates that, too. However, many
of us question whether or not that CIB is legit – and wonder how it got on your DD214.
Hypothetically speaking, it’s possible that a transition point clerk has been convinced to put something on a DD214
that’s not legit from time to time. Particularly if the soldier ETSing raises Cain, has a plausible story as to why he
doesn’t have proper orders, and spins a convincing but false yarn about why he qualifies for a not-that-well understood
loophole in the regs.
Hell – CSM’s sometimes try to claim Purple Hearts from Vietnam for MACV-SOG service in 1974. And back up their
claims with certificates signed by Nixon dated 4 months after he left office.
Provide paperwork backing your claims, and we’ll shut up. But if you don’t produce paperwork, don’t expect the
questioning to stop.
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76. 76
Yat Yas 1833 Says:
June 10th, 2012 at 3:57 pm
Being a Jarhead I can’t comment on the badges, berets, patches, etc. because we don’t use them. I am now absolutely
certain he’s a phony something. Every poser who is called out threatens to sue when they’re trapped. Also the lack of
providing something as simple as a set of orders say volumes. sheesh!
77. 77
Ex-PH2 Says:
June 10th, 2012 at 5:24 pm
OK, I’m a bit confused here.
On the left side of his jacket, he’s got a National Defense Service ribbon, Vietnam Service ribbon, and Vietnam
Campaign ribbon. On the right side of his jacket he has another National Defense ribbon, another Vietnam Service
ribbon, and what appears to be a Navy Good Conduct ribbon.
Why in the blue-eyed world would an Army guy be wearing a Navy decoration? And if you had two hitches in Vietnam,
you got a star to add to your original service/campaign medals, not two medals. I knew a few guys who had two stars on
their Vietnam medals, but that was the 1970s and that war was not so popular then.
Seriously, some of these pictures that show up are funnier than Lenny Bruce was when he was drunk. Keep up the good
78. 78
Hondo Says:
June 10th, 2012 at 6:02 pm
Ex-PH2: Unlike the other services, the Army wears unit decorations over the right pocket vice the left. If you were
assigned to a unit at the time a unit decoration was awarded (or formally attached for 30+ days or for the duration of the
period for which awarded if shorter than 30 days), they’re authorized to be worn by the individual permanently. If
you’re assigned to the unit later, you wear the unit awards previously earned by your unit of assignment while assigned
and take them off when you leave.
The unit decorations he’s wearing over his right pocket are, starting at the upper right in the photo, the Presidential Unit
Citation; the Valorous Unit Award; the Meritorious Unit Award; the Vietnamese Presidential Unit Citation; and the
Vietnamese Gallantry Cross Unit Citation.
He’s still f-ed up, because the Army wears all unit decorations in a gold frame. And none of them appear to be on his
FOIA, either – so he’s not authorized to wear them permanently. But they’re at least where they should be, and are in
proper order.
79. 79
Frankly Opinionated Says:
June 10th, 2012 at 6:09 pm
@#66LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41 :
Whitgenfeld, first I heard of you copping to being a Liar and a thief. Have you untold your claims on your backtrack?
You accused me of stealing your photo. I have seen nowhere any sort of copping to being a lyin’ assed piece of shit.
Sobbing the blues here over me calling you both a LIAR and a THIEF ain’t saying anything. The guys that you made
that claim with are not here to read your copout.
Your acts will follow you, and I am every bit as chilled out as I care to be as I am calling the time and place on this.
Chilling while the meal becomes cold.
Nuf Sed
80. 80
Ex-PH2 Says:
June 10th, 2012 at 6:59 pm
Thanks, Hondo. That clears that up for me. Navy wears everything on the left side, with very few exceptions…or used
to. Maybe that’s changed since I left USNav in 1974. But thanks for the heads up.
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Still….am I the only who thinks he looks like a bloviating walrus? Gee, I hope I get to meet him in a bar some night.
Maybe I could pull out my United Space Fleet ID and show him my ribbons from the Snake Wars…but that’s another
81. 81
Old Trooper Says:
June 10th, 2012 at 8:06 pm
I don’t want to get in the middle of this whole thing about whatever Witgenfeld has, or hasn’t, done. I just want to make
an observation about Mr. Witgenfeld’s behavior in all of this. I have never seen anyone that is more concerned with his
bling than anything else, which leads me to the conclusion he is a complete narcissist. Yeah, my dad was a LRRP in
Vietnam. Recondo, Airborne, 11B, etc. He only has 1 Purple Heart, but he has 6 holes in him and a scar that runs from
his sternum to just above his groin for that 1 PH. He doesn’t brag or even talk about his bling and hasn’t in over 40 years
(my sister was going to make a shadowbox and put his stuff in it and he refused).
I said that to say this: I find it interesting that someone wearing an 82nd Airborne patch on his left shoulder would be
wearing a Ranger beret. I don’t know of anyone that would do so (I’m sure Jonn didn’t wear his black Ranger beret once
he left the Battalion and if he suited up now wouldn’t wear the tan one, either). Granted, he may wear it all on his
skydiving costume for showmanship, but I find it offensive that he would put on his class A uniform and have it all
cocked up like that (especially with that shit eating grin; there’s nothing to smile about in that photo). Then, to get on
here and denigrate others as being jealous because you have more bling than them goes to the character, or lack thereof,
of the person doing the bragging.
I’ll get off my soapbox now. It’s been gnawing at me all day, since reading the comments from the man, himself.
82. 82
Ex-PH2 Says:
June 10th, 2012 at 8:35 pm
#81 – Old Trooper, the surplus stores, unfortunately, carry loads of decorations and insignia for anyone who wants to
buy them.
I lost my bucket hat through several moves since 1974, but I still have the anchor-on-a-screw pin that went on it, which I
would gladly wear in public.
The sun and moon are not mirrored in cloudy waters. Thus, the Almighty cannot be mirrored in a heart that is obsessed
by the idea of “me” and “mine”. — Sri Kamakrishna
83. 83
NHSparky Says:
June 10th, 2012 at 9:07 pm
CIB, no CIB, this Navy guy doesn’t know one way or the other.
What I DO know is that his attitude and how he treats people sucks ass. Nuff said.
84. 84
Marine_7002 Says:
June 10th, 2012 at 9:17 pm
Interesting contrast between Whitgenfeld and Clarence “Sonny” Szejbach
p=30342&cpage=1#comment-633570 . Here’s what the article said about Szejbach, and what he said:
Article: “Szejbach spent 45 days in a hospital in Japan before he returned stateside. The prospect of receiving a medal
never entered his mind.”
Szejbach: “When I finally got home and was discharged, I was happy just getting out. At 21 years old I wasn’t paying
that much attention to my discharge papers to see if any awards were listed,” he said.”
Article: “Szejbach voiced more than surprise when he learned of the impending — if long overdue — honors.”
Szejbach: “At first I questioned whether it was a mistake, but I will take them at their word,” he said.”
Draw your own conclusions…
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