2015 Sonar Belll Presentation.pptx
2015 Sonar Belll Presentation.pptx
Subsea Asset Loca-on Technologies (SALT) Ltd Introduc*on to SonarBell and its applica*ons Agenda • • • • • Introduc*on to the SonarBell Technology Commercial Markets SALTs Automa*c Detec*on So>ware Case Studies Ques*ons SonarBell an introduc*on to the technology SALT -‐ Introduc*on SonarBell was developed by the UK Ministry of Defence’s Science Technology Laboratories (Dstl) to provide: • • • • • • • Spin out company from UK MoD Exclusive license for SonarBell® technology Core patents owned by MoD – Addi*onal patents owned by SALT – SALT con*nuing to develop applica*ons / technology Company founded in Feb 2008 Based in Portland, Dorset Product in use across mul*ple sectors Wide range of applica*on across a broad range of market sectors SonarBell -‐ provenance Original Idea – Icosahedron Corner reflector (le>). SonarBell Developed by UK MoD Defence Science and technology laboratories (Dstl) to provide: • A highly efficient & non magne*c sonar target • Easy to handle • Cheaper than alterna*ves • Have minimal maintenance. Technology – What is the SonarBell? • • • • • The SonarBell works through the construc*ve interference of sound waves when they meet a>er transi*ng the shell and core It is totally passive and omnidirec*onal Maximum target strength varies from -‐5 dB to -‐30 dB across the frequency range of 4 kHz to 900 kHz* Specific frequencies and target strengths are achieved by changing the thickness of the shell and other proper*es The range depends on SonarBell size and frequency of the sonar * For a 200 mm sphere SonarBell – Technology (con*nued) The SonarBell also has addi*onal features to detect against: • • • • • • • Unique frequency response Two echo's, with an acous*c diameter Phase difference between the two echoes Allowing mul*ple signatures Passive USBL applica*ons Direc*onal response Narrow beam widths, point source SonarBell response Each SonarBell unit can be customised to give the following results: • Calibrated to a target strength at a required frequency • A broadband frequency response • A single / mul*ple frequency response peaks • Coated to only respond at certain frequencies Top Image: Indicates the ability to have a general “broadband” signal response. Bo;om Image: (red-‐ front reflec@on / blue is rear echo) – designed to provide peak response. Typical return from a SonarBell SonarBell has two reflec*ons A Front Echo (lower level) B Focused Return (high level) B SonarBell B A A Tx/Rx B A • • • Dis*nguishing between different SonarBells acous*cally, is made easier by changing the overall diameter of the SonarBell. The acous*c diameter can be found by measuring the *me difference between the front and back echo. The acous*c diameter is larger than the balls physical diameter due to the speed of sound in the core being slower than the speed of sound in water Amplitude (V) Dis*nguishing between different diameters 6 4 2 0 1.10E-‐03 -‐2 1.20E-‐03 1.30E-‐03 1.40E-‐03 -‐4 -‐6 Time (s) 50mm 200mm 1.50E-‐03 1.60E-‐03 SonarBell Alachments • • • • SonarBell can be alached to almost anything The SonarBell comes with a standard net At manufacture the SonarBell can be modified to take a rigid stanchion that can be screwed into the shell material Alachments – – – – – – Standard net Inline net Float and net alachment Rigid stanchion Magne*c stanchion Any single point stanchion to meet your needs SonarBell compared to exis*ng marking / iden*fica*on op*ons Comparison Of Alterna-ve Technologies Corner Reflectors Transponders SonarBell Solu-on Low Capex / Opex Cost ü X ü Omni Direc-onal X ü ü Passive ü X ü Small, lightweight ü* ü ü ü / X X/X ü / ü Iden-fica-on of Assets X ü In development Reliability X ü ü Environmentally Friendly ü X ü Low Interven-on / Life-me Comments Low cost, short term, limited effec*veness: § Suffers from “now you see it, now you don’t” (poor reflec*on from some angles) Poten*ally highly capable but: § Baleries have to be changed at regular intervals – high cost of ownership Low cost, long life , new installa*on op*ons § Cost of purchase reducing, cost of ownership minimal § Cannot differen*ate assets § Lithium baleries -‐ high environmental cost § Long term fit and forget alterna*ve § Easily get “fouled” with marine life giving degrada*on in performance § If Baleries run flat, transponder and equipment it is marking can be lost § Widespread use provides risk reduc*on * Military grade corner reflectors are heavy § Asset differen*a*on /labeling capability proven SonarBell SAILS SonarBell Automa*c Intelligent Labelling System Detec*on so>ware in use Raw sonar data Detec*on So>ware Raw data turned off; detec*ons le> on SonarBell Intelligent Labelling System Raw Data -‐ SonarBell Returns SonarBell Iden*fica*on Palern Matching Nega*ve match Posi*ve match SonarBell Market Opportuni*es Substan-al Mul-ple Industry Market Opportuni-es Oil & Gas Renewables & Power Marine Industrial Defence & Security Fishing & Aquaculture Archaeological Scien*fic & Environmental SonarBell commercial markets through life use of SonarBell technology – Oil and Gas Survey & Installa*on Monitoring & Maintenance Decommissioning • can be used to assist a host of installa*on tasks and provide a low cost and re-‐usable solu*on. • Posi*oning subsea structures on the seabed requires accurate reference points. • Posi*oning a pipe or cable to ensure accurate touch down in congested areas avoiding collateral damage can necessitate considerable extra programme cost. • U*lising SonarBell as part of the posi*oning solu*on could improve the accuracy of such sonar driven opera*ons significantly. • SonarBell can be kept in place for future installa*on opera*ons. • Alaching a SonarBell along a seabed asset will create a series of bright echoes to guide an ROV or AUV to the target area during its inspec*on procedure. • It is possible to create different SonarBell combina*ons to mark different points along the path. • Where a cable, pipe or fibre is buried, SonarBell can assist in monitoring the status of the protec*ve covering to ensure it is maintained in accordance with best prac*ce or contractual obliga*ons. • Decommissioning is a costly process for an asset that is no longer delivering revenue. • If SonarBell units are filed then the *me taken to recover the component parts from the ocean floor can poten*ally be reduced, increasing opera*onal efficiency and reducing costs • Where assets are broken up and le> on the seabed for later recovery alaching SonarBell units ensures all parts are recovered. • The addi*on of SonarBell to the subsea structures may negate need for removal as they will be clearly iden*fiable. Cable Industry Applica*ons • • Cable posi*oning Cable monitoring • • • • • • • • • Monitoring cable during lay process Monitoring a laid cable over *me Marking of duct entrances Marking of cable ends Marking of cable crossover/matresses Marking of wet stored cable Cable repair Accurate prepara*on for cable lay Cable scour monitoring Underwater Roadways • Do you need to know your posi*on underwater? No you don’t • Acous*c posi*oning systems are widely used – provides posi*on informa*on – naviga*on to a new loca*on is supported by moving posi*ons – fundamentally change of loca*on is required not posi*onal informa*on, e.g. home to work • Underwater Roadways provide an alterna*ve method of suppor*ng movement between loca*ons Underwater Roadways • • Predefined, safe routes that provide a simple and intui*ve method of movement between loca*ons underwater Actual Each roadway is marked by a trail of SonarBells – – – – omni-‐direc*onal response maintenance free expected life > 20 years limitless endurance Sonar Response – accessible to all – visible by sonar • Roadway networks contain familiar features – straights, curves, junc*ons • Concept under development by SALT – local water demonstra*on test bed – future SATNAV type display for ROV pilots (basis of AUV guidance system) User Interface Spool ma*ng • Aids final connec*on of spool to flange • SonarBells filed onto ma*ng parts allows rela*ve posi*ons to be observed using sonar • Extension allows ma*ng trajectories to be es*mated • Benefits • real-‐*me monitoring of posi*on and alignment • extension supports alignment trajectories • no requirements for second monitoring ROV • low-‐risk / low-‐cost adop*on strategy – parallel opera*on with current methods • easy removal of SonarBells a>er use a selec@on of Defence and Security applica*ons SonarBell Calibra-on System (SCS) Portable system for the calibra*on and alignment of radar and sonar systems, to provide a coherent mari*me picture above and below water. SonarBell Underwater Mine Marking System – (SUMMS) A totally passive device, non magne*c high acous*c signature -‐ ideal device for marking mines or other objects for destruc*on. SonarBell Performance and Training System – (SPATS) Knowing the effec*ve range of a swimmer detec*on sonar is vital if intercep*on teams are to be effec*ve -‐ SonarBells used as range markers provide that piece of mind. SonarBell Equipment Tracking System -‐ (SETS) Passive tracking of underwater vehicles for in-‐service posi*on monitoring and asset recovery. SonarBell Entry, Exit And Recovery System -‐ (SEEARS) Suppor*ng combat swimmers during the entry, exit and recovery opera*onal phases and marking the loca*on of equipment. SonarBell Case Studies Applica*on: Installa*on And Construc*on Descrip*on • ROVs operated from survey vessel separate to installa*on vessel monitor touch down posi*on and equipment shape in the water column Opera*onal Efficiency • Alaching SonarBells to the equipment at regular intervals during installa*on makes the pipe highly visible to the ROV ensuring the operator keeps the ROV clear of the pipe / installa*on vessel Compe**ve Advantage Value • Tendering advantage due to cost savings as ROV can be run from installa*on vessel • Increased profitability through increased efficiency and less equipment required • Poten*al for no second vessel – (average North Sea day rate of £50,000 per day) Applica*on: Installa*on And Construc*on So>ware can dis*nguish between different sized SonarBell and give each unit a lat/long or range/bearing Raw Data So>ware output showing bolom lock and SonarBell detec*ons Case Study: Monitoring Subsea Cables & Pipelines Client Project Value Fundy Ocean Research Centre for Energy (FORCE) Bay of Fundy *dal power genera*on power cable movement monitoring (strong currents, 19.5m *dal range) Standard survey / installa*on equipment (ROV, trenching machines etc) unable to be used in such strong currents SonarBells enable detec*on of cable, monitoring of movement and posi*oning accurately ploled in GIS system Tidal power generator, power cable and SonarBell GIS map with SonarBell co-‐ordinates ploled Ini*al Survey Subsequent Survey Case Study: Pipeline Marking Demonstra*on Loca-on: Fort William, UK • 12 SonarBell units deployed on a downward gradient – 11 x 100mm (4”) & 1 x 200mm (8”) SonarBell units set 15m apart to simulate a pipeline • Underwater centre’s ROV deployed with Tritech Seaking – ROV able to track SonarBells along seabed to 200mm SonarBell at the end of the string at 60m depth Sonar Gain High Sonar Gain Low Proving SonarBell has a high target strength compared to other reflec*ons on the seabed as they are s*ll visible with a lower gain seung Applica*on: Enabling AUV Opera*ons Descrip*on Opera*onal Efficiency • AUVs require naviga*on control and beacons to track assets and find docking/ charging/data download sta*ons • Exis*ng naviga*on solu*ons lose posi*on and need regular calibra*on • Using SonarBells to mark areas of interest enables permanent and accurate naviga*on and posi*oning • Enables prolonged AUV opera*ons Compe**ve Advantage Value • Cost and *me effec*ve, ac*ve devices / beacons not suitable / too costly for long-‐term development • Enables reliable AUV opera*ons in a broader opera*ng environment – e.g. garaging opera*ons which were not previously possible Aiding AUV/ROV Docking • Output from SALT’s labelling so>ware • Crosses indicate false targets • Plus signs indicate SonarBell posi*ons • The colours denote different sized SonarBells • + = 200mm SonarBell • + = 150mm SonarBell • + = 100mm SonarBell SALT – Customer Por^olio Defence Oil & Gas Sonar Manufacture SALT – Customer Por^olio Environmental Fisheries Offshore Power Operational SonarBells in the world Subsea Asset Loca-on Technologies (SALT) Ltd. 19 Portland Marina Osprey Quay Hamm Beach Road Portland Dorset DT5 1DX Tel: +44 (0) 1305 820 321 Email: info@cesalt.co.uk www.cesalt.co.uk