An all-‐in-‐one measurement tool for applications in gap, flushness


An all-‐in-‐one measurement tool for applications in gap, flushness
Transforming the World of Metrology one Device at a Time
An all-‐in-‐one measurement tool for applications
in gap, flushness, and surface deformation
Index 1. Introduc,on. 2. Process. 3. EZ3D Detail 4. Comparison. 1. Introduc,on A. Technology and Applica,on Proven Stereo Vision Technology 3 Dimensional measurement of deforma,on or displacement of points or op,cal target with respect to a local reference. Applica6on Throughout tes,ng, measure in one single shot evolu,ons of •  Gap & flush •  Part alignment •  Deforma,on under load or pressure •  Elonga,on/Shrinking effects. 1. Introduc,on B. Advantages All in one A single EZ3D unit can replace a collec,on of different gages Added Value • 
Important Timesaving 3D over one dimensional gages Accuracy up to 0.05mm Facility of opera,on Automa,c generated detailed report , with numerical and visual elements. 2. Process • Adhesive labels • Available in different sizes. • Establishes a local 3D reference • The reference can be aligned to match Flush and Gap Direc,ons Target Label Apply Labels Easy to install labels, are placed on the parts to mark the reference and point of interest. Reference Label Step 1: Install Reference and Targets • Adhesive labels • Available in different sizes • Will be measured during different cycles • One Reference can be used for several targets 2. Process Step 2: Aim and Measure Aim Use the two converging laser as a guide for aiming Snapshot AYer applying the labels take a snapshot of the area. Ini6al Cycle Upon taking the snapshot, the exact 3D loca,on of the one or more targets will be calculated. A part test can be composed out of an unlimited number of references, targets and images, and the cycle can be repeated for numerous ,mes. Consecu6ve Cycles When a measurement cycle is repeated, the XYZ delta of the point will be calculated and displayed. 2. Process Step 3: Immediate Visual Feedback Ini,al Cycle Rela,ve loca,on from targets is measured and documented Consecu,ve Cycles Rela,ve shiY from the ini,al images is displayed to observe driY or displacement in the new condi,ons. 2. Process Step 4: Automa,c Repor,ng Comple6on of the session Upon comple,on of the part, aYer n cycles and x posi,ons, the soYware automa,cally generates a excel report of all numerical values •  XYZ Posi,ons •  dX, dY, dZ: posi,onal shiY •  Image with callouts 3. EZ3D Details A. SoYware Easy to use tablet based soAware Setup, Measurement and Repor,ng directly from the plug-­‐in tablet •  Intui,ve App-­‐like Opera,on Session, Cycles, Points… Naming, Commen,ng… Repor,ng •  Touchscreen opera,on •  Real Time Visual Feedback with respect to preset tolerance 3. EZ3D Details Interior Trim Different examples of placement of targets to observe dimensional varia,on. Body and Exterior Trim Label applica,on to observe Gap – Flush -­‐ Deforma,on 3. EZ3D Details All elements integrated in EZ3D unit Features • 
High intensity lights will ensure easy and clear pictures in any circumstances. Laser guided posi,oning Large tablet screen for visual checks 4. Comparison A. Opera,on EZ3D Classic Gages Tools One fits all Different Gages Prepara6ons Labels Manual Markings Readings One reading 3D (Flush and Gap) 1 reading/ 1 dimension Time per Reading 2 seconds 2 seconds Recording Immediate 2 seconds manual Repor6ng Integrated Visual Separate visual addi,ons 4. Comparison B. Time Study / ROI A typical test consists of the following • 1 Part • 30 Inspec,on points (example flush and Gap) • 10 Cycles EZ3D Classic Gages Prepara6ons 15 minutes 15 minutes Total Measurement Time 30 points x10 cycles x2 sec = 600 sec (10 min) 30 points 2 dimensions x10 cycles x2sec = 1200 sec (20min) Repor6ng 2 minutes 20 minutes Total 6me 27 minutes (2x faster) 55 minutes