May - Prairie Lakes Regional Arts Council


May - Prairie Lakes Regional Arts Council
May 2016 Newsletter
Arts and Cultural Heritage Grants Awarded
A total of $105,550 was awarded to 18 Area Organizations
Arts and Cultural Heritage Grantees
Row 1 (L to R): Margo Powell, Cornstalk Festival; Martha Lindberg, Mankato Area Community Band; Paula Anderson,
New Ulm Suzuki School of Music; Joleen Koenigs, Dance Conservatory of Southern MN; Mary Menne, Green Isle
Community School; Rhiannon Johnston, Mankato Area 77 Lancers Marching Band; and Karla Angus, Madelia Area
Chamber of Commerce. Row 2: Amy Newsom, Gaylord Area Chamber of Commerce; Bonnie Jaster, Minnesota “Over60” Band; Jonas Nissen, Fairmont Opera House; Noelle Lawton, Twin Rivers Council for the Arts; Anne Makepeace,
The Grand Center for Arts and Culture; Amanda Feterl, Sibley East Public School; Steve Guse, Rock Bend Folk
Festival; Dale Haefner, Minnesota State University, Mankato, Music Performance Series; Matthew Sanders, Govenaires
Drum and Bugle Corps; Steve Kittelson, Arts ’n More Festival; and Brenda Byron, Executive Director of Prairie Lakes
Regional Arts Council.
The next ACH Grant deadline is August 1, 2016.
These activities are made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a
grant from the Prairie Lakes Regional Arts Council, thanks to a legislative
appropriation from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.
Arts & Cultural Heritage Grants
purchase instruments, and provide scholarships.
Mankato Area Community Band-$4,100, will present
six free outdoor concerts at Sibley Park, Mankato on
Tuesday evenings in June and July 2016. Mankato
Ballet Company-$8,000, will create the sets and
costumes for a new large scale production of “Dorothy”
to be presented at their spring concert, May 20-22, 2016.
Minnesota State University, Mankato, Music
Performance Series-$8,000, will sponsor six music
performances by Minnesota artists as part of their 201617 Performance Series. This will also include three
outreach activities for area K-12 schools and community
members. Twin Rivers Council for the Arts-$8,000,
will fund three projects. The CityArt Walking Sculpture
Tour consists of 30 juried outdoor sculptures in
downtown Mankato and North Mankato, May 2016 to
April 2017. They will conduct an artist enrichment
workshop featuring health and wellness speaker,
Catherine Brennan. A new Playwright in Residence
Program that will support local playwrights who will be
able to teach and mentor other writers; they have
partnered with Tom David Barna to be the first
Playwright in Residence.
The Prairie Lakes Regional Arts Council is pleased to
announce that Arts and Cultural Heritage grants of
$105,550 were awarded to eighteen arts organizations,
community groups, and schools in the region. This
fund was created by the people of Minnesota to support
the arts and preserve our heritage. The Clean Water,
Land and Legacy Amendment, passed by the voters in
Nov. 2008, created new resources for land conservation,
water conservation, parks and the Arts.
Grants were awarded for arts activities in all artistic
disciplines. A variety of activities including arts classes,
art exhibitions, cultural festivals, dance performances,
choral and instrumental music concerts, public art,
theater performances and youth activities were funded.
The next Arts and Cultural Heritage Grant deadline is
August 1, 2016. Organizations can apply once per year
for this grant.
Blue Earth County - $48,100
Arts ’n More Festival, Amboy-$4,000, will present a
weekend arts festival to promote art, music, and dance in
their community, Sept. 9-11, 2016; this year’s focus is on
music. Dance Conservatory of Southern Minnesota$8,000, will maintain their current classes, expand their
summer dance programs, and offer a free summer camp
for children to try dance in 2016. Mankato Area 77
Lancers Band-$8,000, will present their 38th season as
the premier youth marching band for the greater Mankato
area, perform in over 20 community events and parades,
Brown County - $16,000
New Ulm Suzuki School of Music-$8,000, will hire
orchestra clinicians for their annual Summer Pops Camp;
and will pay a portion of the Director’s salary for their
season of rehearsals and concerts in 2016. The Grand
Center for Arts & Culture, New Ulm-$8,000, will
(continued on page 3)
Blue Earth County
Arts and Cultural Heritage Grantees
Row 1 (L to R): Rhiannon Johnston, Mankato
Area 77 Lancers Marching Band; Joleen
Koenigs, Dance Conservatory of Southern
MN; Martha Lindberg, Mankato Area
Community Band; and Brenda Byron,
Executive Director of Prairie Lakes Regional
Arts Council.
Row 2:
Dale Haefner,
Minnesota State University, Mankato, Music
Performance Series; Noelle Lawton, Twin
Rivers Council for the Arts; and Steve
Kittelson, Arts ’n More Festival.
Arts and Cultural Heritage Grantees
Nicollet County - $17,000
Govenaires Drum and Bugle Corps-$8,000, will
perform “Sherlock” in several Drum and Bugle Corps
competitions throughout Minnesota and the Midwest,
perform in several parades, and host the Drum Corps
Expo, August 20, 2016. Minnesota “Over-60” Band$5,000, will perform in parades and concerts in
Minnesota cities during their 2016 season. They will
build a website, purchase music and a conductor stand.
Rock Bend Folk Festival-$4,000, will sponsor a two-day
festival featuring local and regional Minnesota folk
musicians on two stages, and local artists displaying
work, September 10-11, 2016, at Minnesota Square Park,
St. Peter.
(continued on page 4)
continue their 2016 performing arts series which features
a variety of Minnesota artists presenting a variety of
music genres each weekend and small theater
productions. They will also display art exhibitions in their
4 Pillars Gallery.
Martin County - $9,500
Cornstalk Festival, Dunnell-$1,500, will present their
art and music festival, including a children’s theater
activity, June 21, 2016. Fairmont Opera House-$8,000,
will sponsor Rhythmic Circus from Blaine, MN
performing their “Red and Green Show” for the
Subscription Performance Series, Dec. 9, 2016.
Brown County Arts and Cultural Heritage Grantees
Martin County Arts and Cultural Heritage Grantees
(L to R): Brenda Byron, PLRAC Executive Director; Anne
Makepeace, The Grand Center for Arts & Culture; and Paula
Anderson, New Ulm Suzuki School of Music.
(L to R): Brenda Byron, PLRAC Executive Director; Jonas
Nissen, Fairmont Opera House; and Margo Powell, Cornstalk
Festival, Dunnell.
Nicollet County
Arts and Cultural Heritage Grantees
(L to R): Brenda Byron, PLRAC Executive
Director; Steve Guse, Rock Bend Folk Festival;
Matthew Sanders, Govenaires Drum and Bugle
Corps; and Bonnie Jaster, Minnesota “Over-60”
Arts and Cultural Heritage Grantees
Sibley County - $10,950
Gaylord Area Chamber of Commerce$4,000, will sponsor “Music on Main” with
fourteen weekly concerts by Minnesota
musicians in downtown Gaylord, June
through August 2016.
Green Isle
Community School-$3,650, will sponsor an
Artist in Residency where students interview
an elder from the community and work with
local artists to create plays and music based
on the elder’s life. Public performance of
the plays will be May 26, 2016. Sibley East
Public School-$3,300, will host a regional
Elementary Art Show at Minnesota State
University, Mankato Student Union Gallery,
May 2-13, 2016; seven area elementary
schools will be invited to participate.
Sibley County Arts and Cultural Heritage Grantees
Watonwan County - $4,000
Madelia Area Chamber of Commerce$4,000, will sponsor a blues festival during
Madelia Park Days, July 9, 2016.
(L to R): Brenda Byron, PLRAC Executive Director; Amy Newsom, Gaylord
Area Chamber of Commerce; Amanda Feterl, Sibley East Public Schools; and
Mary Menne, Green Isle Community School.
In FY 2016 Prairie Lakes
awarded 201 Grants
totaling $421,125
Here’s a summary of Grants awarded:
$46,000 - McKnight Artist Grants (34 grants)
$82,015 - State General funds (46 grants)
$293,110 - Arts and Cultural Heritage (ACH)
funding (121 grants)
The four categories of ACH grants and the
amounts awarded were:
Watonwan County -$4,000
(1) Arts Programming/Arts Access $223,020
Arts and Cultural Heritage Grantee
(2) Arts Education $43,000, which includes
school & organization grants and
78 Youth Scholarships of $300 each.
(L to R): Brenda Byron, PLRAC Executive Director and Nancy
Grosland and Karla Angus, Madelia Area Chamber of
(3) Arts & Cultural Heritage Festivals $16,500
(4) Legacy Equipment/Facilities grants to arts
organizations (3 grants) totaling $10,590
Artists Survey
We are asking you to participate in a NEW Artists and
Creative Workers study. Yes, it is another survey. But
this one will take less than five minutes to complete!
Five Board Positions Open
Application Deadline Is
June 15, 2016
We hope we can COUNT on YOU!!
ARTISTS COUNT! Let’s Prove It.
The Prairie Lakes Regional Arts Council has
openings on the Board of Directors for
representatives from:
Be a part of Creative Minnesota’s Artists and Creative
Worker’s Study. Creative Minnesota is starting a new
economic impact study of individual artists and creative
workers. Over 170 nonprofit and foundation partners have
joined together with this project to prove the economic
power of artists. This study will be used to generate
public and private support, and to advocate for more
services, for artists and creative workers. The result will
be more attention, respect and funding for artists and their
efforts to make their art and their living in Minnesota.
Martin County
Sibley County
Watonwan County
City of Fairmont
Please complete your survey by May 30th.
City of St. Peter
Make sure that YOU are counted. Just
complete the online survey about your
expenses and income as an artist at:
The deadline for submitting an application is June
15, 2016. Interested persons residing in these areas
should contact Brenda Byron, Executive Director of
PLRAC at (800) 298-1254 or
to find out more about our board. We will
email you a Board Application and a list of
responsibilities. The application can be downloaded
from; click on “PLRAC
Board Application”. The Council seeks to appoint
people who represent a cross-section of art forms as
well as various arts perspectives: artists, art teachers,
and representatives of arts organizations.
For more information and to see the list of partners,
which include Minnesota Citizens for the Arts, the
Forum of Regional Arts Councils, the McKnight
Foundation, Springboard for the Arts, and 166 other great
MN organizations:
Board members serve a three-year term. Monthly
evening meetings are held the fourth Thursday of the
month in Mankato, at Bethany Lutheran College.
Board members are reimbursed for their mileage to
meetings. Attendance at several PLRAC funded arts
events per year is required.
We are especially interested in having dancers or
people who are familiar with dance, musicians,
writers and visual artists apply for the Board.
$28,000 Awarded in Artist Grants
Row 1 (L to R): Julie Johnson-Fahrforth, Melinda Kjarum, Peggy Tauer, Lisa Bierer, Rachel James, Mara Heinze, and Macey Page.
Row 2: Elizabeth Horneber, Megan Flod Johnson, Virginia LaFrance, James Francisco Bonilla, Tice VanderHeiden, Kaitlin
Hohenstein, and Le Ann Gehring-Ryan. Row 3: Charles Putnam, Sean Knickerbocker, Michael Wellner, Joseph Steinbach, James
Hohenstein and Jerry Mollenhauer.
Twenty-eight artists received a PLRAC/McKnight
Artist Career Development Grant of $1,000 each. The
purpose of the grant is to provide financial support to
artists committed to advancing their work and careers.
An alphabetical list of the twenty-eight artist grantees and
a brief description of their projects is listed below. The
next deadline is January 15, 2017.
Marilyn Frank, North Mankato. Marilyn will write
creative nonfiction stories about the Tibetan culture. She
will hire a professional mentor to edit her writing and
meet with Tibetans. She plans to participate in open mic
events and conduct readings.
Le Ann Gehring-Ryan, North Mankato. Le Ann will use
enamel to add color to her silver jewelry designs. She will
use funds to purchase enamel, fine silver, a kiln, and other
supplies; and plans to have an exhibit.
Lisa Bierer, Mankato. Lisa is an acrylic painter and will
use the funds to attend an abstract painting workshop and
complete a body of new work to exhibit.
Mara Heinze, Madison Lake. Mara will create acrylic
abstract paintings to continue her series of farmland and
fields in a variety of stages of maturity. She will purchase
art supplies and have her paintings professionally framed;
and plans to have an exhibit.
James Francisco Bonilla, St. Peter. James will write a
fiction novel about changing demographics in a small
Minnesota town and a non-fiction guidebook “Five
Lenses Approach to Cultural Competency.” He will use
funds to attend coaching and editing sessions and attend a
writers retreat; and plans to conduct readings.
James Hohenstein, Mankato. James will write, illustrate,
and color a comic book, “Vagrants”. He will mat and
frame individual pages for an exhibit and print the
finished book; and plans to have an exhibit.
Carolyn Borgen, New Ulm. Carolyn will continue her
education as a string bass instructor by attending a
training workshop; and plans to perform public concerts
with area orchestras.
Kaitlin Hohenstein, Mankato. Kaitlin will print and
frame her comic illustrations from her “Welcome to
Kateland” series about cake decorating; and plans to have
an exhibit.
Megan Flod Johnson, St. Peter. Megan will use funds to
research and develop a new piece of theatre for very
young youth, ages 5 and under, using a combination of
striking performance visuals and interactive engagement
between performers and children.
A performance
workshop will be held.
Elizabeth Horneber, Pemberton. Elizabeth is a writer and
will continue to edit her manuscript of essays about living
(continued on page 6)
PLRAC/McKnight Artist Career Development Grants
in China and participate in the Loft Literary Center’s
Mentor Series; and plans to conduct a reading.
Steve Pottenger, Eagle Lake. Steve will create large scale
oil and acrylic paintings to continue his athletic series.
He will purchase art and framing supplies and take online
oil painting and figure drawing classes; and plans to have
an exhibit.
Rachel James, Mankato. Rachel will write, illustrate, and
print a mini comic book. She will purchase the Adobe
Creative Suite design software to create the book and
plans to have an exhibit. She will also conduct a
workshop about creating mini books.
Charles Putnam, St. Peter. Charles is a painter and will
purchase supplies to create mixed media pieces on large
wood panels featuring abstract designs of people and
places; and plans to have an exhibit.
Cam Johnson, Mankato. Cam will compose music
recordings. He will utilize studio time to edit his music
tracks, hire Master Engineers to fine tune the recordings,
and purchase an external hard drive. He plans to
complete two albums and work with Bethany Lutheran
College to incorporate the music into student’s short
Patrick Ryan, Mankato. Patrick is a playwright and will
use funds to attend a workshop and present a stage
Joseph Steinbach, New Ulm. Joseph will create ceramic
vessels and forms with common colors and utilize Raku
firing to glaze the pieces. He will purchase tools and
supplies, rent studio space, and take classes. He plans to
exhibit his work at two group shows.
Zachary Johnson, St. Peter. Zachary is a pianist and will
use funds for recording time playing the piano.
Julie Johnson-Fahrforth, Mankato. Julie is a painter and
will create a new body of work featuring vignettes of
local architecture. She will purchase paint, canvases, and
other supplies; and plans to have an exhibit.
Peggy Tauer, Sleepy Eye. Peggy will create a series of
paintings working with transparency, luminosity, and
color. She will purchase supplies, have pieces framed,
and attend a local workshop; and plans to have an exhibit.
Melinda Kjarum, North Mankato. Melinda is a fiber artist
and will attend a workshop. She will create new fiber
pieces with fleece from her own sheep and plans on
having an exhibit and conducting a workshop about
dyeing with natural pigments.
Tice VanderHeiden, Mankato.
Tice will purchase
supplies to create a series of large scale paintings utilizing
stencils, aerosol, and acrylics; and plans to have an
Sean Knickerbocker, Mankato. Sean will attend a
workshop to outline and draw a chapter of his novel,
“Killbuck”. He plans to have his comic published and
conduct a reading.
Michael Wellner, Springfield. Michael will self-publish
his second book of essays. He will utilize grant funds for
editing services and a cover art design; and plans to
conduct readings.
Virginia LaFrance, St. Peter. Virginia will purchase a
press and supplies to create mixed media prints; and plans
to have an exhibit.
Amanda Wirig, Mankato. Amanda will document her
work to apply for gallery exhibits and produce high
quality prints. She will purchase photography lights, a
tripod, and a light meter, and pay studio rent while she
learns to use the new equipment. She plans to sell high
quality prints at area gallery gift shops and have an
Jerry Mollenhauer, Elysian. Jerry will write a fiction
novel about the life of a southern Minnesota farm family.
He will attend a writer’s workshop and plans to conduct
Macey Page, Mankato. Macey will create a series of
large scale watercolor and oil paintings. She will
purchase a quality printer and Photoshop software to print
reference photos, print work to sell, and experiment with
mixed media techniques; and plans to have an exhibit.
Prairie Lakes Regional
Arts Council
will be closed
Barbara Pearson, Blue Earth. Barbara will create a series
of watercolor paintings featuring harvest in rural southcentral Minnesota. She will purchase art supplies and
frame her paintings; and plans to have an exhibit.
May 30, 2016
in observance of
Memorial Day.
The Small Arts Project Grant is available to non-profit arts organizations and community groups sponsoring arts
activities for their community. Arts-In-Education Grants are for public or private non-parochial schools K-12 for artist
residencies, live art performances and arts related field trips. Next deadline: July 1, 2016.
410 Project - $1,750
Bethany Lutheran College - $2,500
Betsy-Tacy Society - $1,500
Lake Crystal Area Community Band - $610
Mankato Area Community Education - $1,750
Maple River Middle & High School - $2,500
Cherry Creek Days Festival, Cleveland - $1,750
Tri-City United Summer Migrant Edu. Program - $950
South Central MN Interpretive Center - $1,170
Minnesota Shorts Play Festival - $2,500
St. Peter Ambassadors Bluesfest - $1,750
String Theory Music Group - $2,500
Healthy Comm./Healthy Youth of Brown Co. - $1,750
Irish Cultural Society of New Ulm - $2,220
New Ulm Film Society- $1,420
Henderson Sauerkraut Days - $1,500
Blue Earth Area Community Education - $1,750
Blue Earth Area High School - $1,490
Waseca Community Education - $1,750
July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017
Organizational Grants - Non-profit arts organizations, community groups, schools, or public organizations producing or
sponsoring arts activities for their community are eligible. Fundable projects may include: community choirs & bands,
dance activities, literary readings, music presentations, theatre productions, visual arts classes and exhibitions, etc.
Maximums for the Arts & Cultural Heritage grants vary as well as matching fund requirements; check guidelines for
details. There are two types of Artist Grants available. Applications will be available on our website,
Arts-In-Education &
Small Arts Project
1st of the Month Deadline
July 1, 2016 to March 1, 2017
Youth Scholarship Grant
Grades 7-12
October 1, 2016 Deadline
Arts and Cultural
Heritage Grant
ACH Education & Festivals
Maximum - $4,000
August 1, 2016 Deadline &
February 1, 2017 Deadline
ACH Legacy Equipment Grant
Tentative Deadline, April 1, 2017
Organizational Grants Link:
Fellowship Link:
Youth Scholarship Link:
Informational Video about PLRAC:
KEYC TV Interview:
Artist Fellowship
September 15, 2016 Deadline
Artist Career Development
Grant - $1,000
January 15, 2017 Deadline
In YouTube, you may search
under “Brenda Byron” or
“PLRAC” to find the videos.
Blue Earth
Arts and Cultural Heritage Grants
Deadlines are: Aug. 1 and Feb. 1
1. Arts and Arts Access – Maximum $8,000.
Proposals are for arts programming by an organization;
defined as maintaining on-going arts programs and
services, and offering new and different activities; and
equipment that enhances the artistic capabilities of the
organization. Equipment may include office equipment
and software, instruments, risers, theater lighting, theater
curtains, sound system, display cases, etc. This also
includes public art, sculpture, murals, etc; and activities
that plan to reach new audiences such as youth, ethnic
groups, senior citizen groups, etc. and engage the public
in new ways. A 50% cash match is required.
Small Arts Project Grants
Non-profit arts organizations, community groups, or
public organizations producing or sponsoring arts
activities for their community are eligible. These are
matching grants up to $2,000 and may not exceed 75% of
the project cost. Fundable activities include: community
bands, choirs, theatre events, dance activities, literary
readings, visual arts exhibitions and classes, etc.
Deadline: 1st of each month.
2. ACH Arts Education:
There are three categories of support.
A. Schools – Maximum $4,000. This is available to all
public or private non-parochial elementary, middle or
secondary schools (K-12) in the nine county area. Grants
may fund Artist residencies, live art performances, miniworkshops or arts related field trips. A 10% cash match is
required for schools.
Arts-In-Education Grants
Grants are for public and private schools. Matching
grants up to $2,000 are available to fund Artist
residencies, live art performances, mini-workshops or arts
related field trips. Deadline: 1st of each month.
B. Non-profit and Community Groups – $4,000
Individual Artist Grants
C. Youth Scholarship for Students (7-12) – $300 For
students in grades 7-12, they have the opportunity to
study their chosen art with a practicing professional artist,
attend an arts workshop, series of classes, etc. This is for
all Art disciplines. Deadline October 1.
These McKnight Artist Grants are for specific projects
that contribute directly to an Artists growth and
professional development in dance, music, theater or
visual art. Funds may be used for matting and framing,
equipment, attending a workshop, studio time, or
studying with a mentor, etc. Deadlines are:
September 15 - Fellowship, $3,000 each.
3. ACH Arts & Music Festivals - Maximum $4,000.
For arts and music festivals and activities that represent
diverse ethnic and cultural arts traditions.
A 50% cash match is required.
Jan. 15 - Artist Career Development Grant, $1,000 each.
Prairie Lakes Regional Arts Council, 105 22nd Avenue NE, Suite A, Waseca, MN 56093
(507) 833-8721, 1-800-298-1254 or
Arts Calendar
(An asterisk* denotes Arts Events funded by a Prairie Lakes Grant.)
*May 1 The Mankato Symphony Orchestra’s Music On
The Hill, Chamber Music Series, “To My Nation”
Concert, 2 p.m. Premium seats are first five rows with
padded seats. In advance, premium $17, general $12; at
the door, premium $20, general $15. At Good Counsel
Chapel, 170 Good Counsel Dr., Mankato. (507) 6258880 or
May 2-18 “Image and the Word” Exhibit, at the Emy
Frentz Gallery, Twin Rivers Council for the Arts, 523 S.
Second St., Mankato. Gallery hours: Mon., Tues., Wed.
and Fri., 12 Noon-4 p.m. and Thurs. 4-8 p.m. (507) 3871008 or
May 4 String Band and Chapel Brass Concert, 7 p.m. At
Trinity Chapel, Bethany Lutheran College, 700 Luther
Drive, Mankato. (507) 344-7000 or
May 1 A Musical Revue: Rock, Pop, and Opera, 3 p.m.
General admission $9, K-12 students and children $7. At
Elias J. Halling Recital Hall, MN State University,
Mankato. or (507) 3895549.
May 4
Watch the Metropolitan Opera’s encore
performance of Elektra, 6:30 p.m. Adults $20, seniors
$18, children $14. At Cinemark Movies 8 in the
River Hills Mall, Mankato. (507) 625-1929 or
May 1 Gustavus Percussion Ensemble Spring Concert,
1:30 p.m., at Björling Recital Hall, Gustavus Adolphus
College, St. Peter. (507) 933-7013 or
May 4 Bethany Lutheran College’s String Band Concert,
2:30 p.m. At Keystone Senior Living, 100 Dublin Road,
Mankato. (507) 344-7000 or
May 1-8 “Body Memory” Exhibit of new fiber works,
ceramics, and imprints by Juana Arias. At the Arts Center
of Saint Peter, 315 S. Minnesota Ave. Gallery hours:
Tues. & Wed. 1-6 p.m., Thurs. 1-8 p.m., Fri. & Sun. 15 p.m. & Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. or
(507) 931-3630.
May 4 Author Cynthia Kraack will discuss her novel
“The High Cost of Flowers”. 6:30 p.m., at Janesville
Public Library, 100 W. 2nd St. (507) 234-6605.
May 4 Author Mary Relindes Ellis will discuss her novel
“The Bohemian Flats”. 6:30 p.m., at Elysian Public
Library, 202 E. Main St. (507) 267-4411.
May 1-8 “5 Annual WheelWorks” Exhibit
partnered with Key City Bike. (Reception, May
7, 6-9 p.m.) At 410 Project, 523 S. Front St.,
Mankato. Gallery hours: Wed., Fri., Sat. 2-6 p.m. and
Sun. 1-4 p.m.
*May 5 Minnesota Filmmaker Series: Film screening of
the narrative thriller “Heart of Wilderness” and discussion
with the film’s director Towle Neu, 7 p.m., $5. At the
Grand Center for Arts & Culture, 210 N. Minnesota St.,
New Ulm. Hosted by The New Ulm Film Society. (320)
May 1-12 Student Art Show. At the Ylvisaker Fine Arts
Center Gallery, Bethany Lutheran College, 700 Luther
Drive, Mankato. Gallery hours: Sun.-Thurs. 1-9 p.m. and
Fri. & Sat. 1-8 p.m. (507) 344-7000 or
May 5 Minnesota Songwriter Showcase. Dick Kimmel,
Lori Jean, and Tony Rook will perform and share their
song writing process, 7 p.m. At the New Ulm Public
Library Meeting Room, 17 N. Broadway. (507) 3598334 or
May 2-4 Senior Show 3, at Conkling Gallery, Dept. of
Art, MN State University, Mankato. Gallery hours: Mon.Fri. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. or (507) 3896412.
May 5, 12, 19 & 26 Thursday’s Open Studio, 5:307:30 p.m., non-instructional studio time, come share
artistic talents, work on projects and socialize with fellow
artists. At Waseca Art Center, 200 State St. N. (507) 8351701 or
*May 2 Blue Earth Valley Concert Assoc. sponsors Link
Union, an eight member band from the Ozarks, 7 p.m.
Series tickets will be sold at the door, adults $45, students
$10, or family $100. At Blue Earth Area High School
Performing Arts Center, 1125 N. Grove St. (507) 8934554 or
Prairie Lakes is on Facebook!
*May 2-13 South Central Regional Elementary Art
Show. (Reception, May 2, 6:30 p.m.) At Centennial
Student Union Gallery, MN State University, Mankato.
Gallery Hours: Mon.-Fri. 6:30 a.m. to 12 Midnight, Sat.
8 a.m. to 12 Midnight, and Sun. 10 a.m. to 12 Midnight. or (507) 964-2292.
“LIKE” Prairie Lakes
Regional Arts Council’
Look for upcoming events, grant deadlines, photos
and other important information to be posted!
May 5-21 Carnegie Art Center’s Juried Exhibition,
featuring 103 works from 87 emerging and established
artists. At the Carnegie Art Center, 120 S. Broad St.,
Mankato. Gallery hours: Thurs. 1-7 p.m., Fri. 1-4 p.m.
and Sat. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. or
(507) 625-2730.
*May 7 The Grand Center for Arts & Culture presents
Andrea Lyn with Bonita & the Gringos performing folk,
county and classic rock music, 7:30 p.m. At the Grand
Kabaret, 210 N. Minnesota St., New Ulm. (507) 3599222 or
May 7 Gustavus Spring Choral Showcase Concert, 7:30
p.m., at Christ Chapel, Gustavus Adolphus College, St.
Peter. (507) 933-7013 or
May 5-21 Student Art Exhibit by K-6 students from
Montgomery, LeCenter and Lonsdale, at the Arts &
Heritage Center of Montgomery, 206 First St. North.
Hours: Thur. & Fri. 2-5 p.m. and Sat. 9 a.m.-12 Noon. or (507) 364-8107.
May 7-29
Senior Studio Art Majors Exhibition.
(Reception, May 7, 4-6 p.m.) At the Hillstrom Museum
of Art, Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter. Free &
open to the public. Gallery hours: 9 a.m.–4 p.m.
weekdays and 1-5 p.m. weekends. (507) 933-7200 or
*May 5-26 Textile Exhibit by Joanna Alberda. At Red
Rock Center for the Arts, 222 E. Blue Earth Ave.,
Fairmont. Hours: Tues., Wed. & Fri. 10 a.m.-3 p.m.,
Thurs. 10 a.m.-6 p.m., and weekends by appointment.
(507) 235-9262 or
May 6 & 20 Open Mic nights, 6-8 p.m. May 6 will
feature musicians. May 20 will feature performing arts
(dance, short plays, improv, comedy). At Curiosi-Tea
House, 529 N. Riverfront Dr., Mankato. (507) 317-5354.
*May 5-July 7 Tickets Please Film Festival
sponsored by State Street Theater Company. The
first Thursday of each month, the theme is
“Presidential Politics in Selected American
Films”. This month view “Dave”, 7 p.m. Discussion will
take place after the film. $30, includes all films and
printed materials. At the State Street Theatre, 15 N. State
St., New Ulm. or (507) 3599990.
May 8 Open Clay Studio, 3-5 p.m. For all ages and
ability levels, under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
An instructor will be available. At Arts Center of Saint
Peter, 315 S. Minnesota Ave. or
(507) 931-3630.
May 8 Woodwind Chamber Ensembles Spring Concert,
3:30 p.m., at Björling Recital Hall, Gustavus Adolphus
College, St. Peter. (507) 933-7013 or
May 6 Concert by Galaxy, 50’s & 60’s Dance Band,
7:30 p.m. In advance $8, at the door $10. At Red Rock
Center for the Arts, 222 E. Blue Earth Ave., Fairmont.
(507) 235-9262 or
May 10 Lunch with the Arts, 12 Noon, bring a bag
lunch. Music by the Fairmont High School Orchestra. At
the Red Rock Center for the Arts, 222 E. Blue Earth Ave.,
Fairmont. (507) 235-9262 or
*May 6 The Grand Center for Arts & Culture presents
Charmin Michelle, Jim McGuire and Rick Orpen
performing jazz music, 7:30 p.m. At the Grand Kabaret,
210 N. Minnesota St., New Ulm. (507) 359-9222 or
May 10 Film screening and discussion of the western
“The Wild Bunch” hosted by The New Ulm Film Society,
6 p.m. At the New Ulm Public Library Meeting Room,
17 N. Broadway. or (507) 3598334.
May 6 Spring Jazz Concert with Gustavus Jazz Lab
Band and Adolphus Jazz Ensemble, 7:30 p.m., at Björling
Recital Hall, Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter. (507)
933-7013 or
*May 13 The Grand Center for Arts & Culture presents
the Amy Manette Trio performing jazz, blues and swing
music, 7:30 p.m. At the Grand Kabaret, 210 N.
Minnesota St., New Ulm. or
(507) 359-9222.
May 6-June 3 Installation Exhibit by Minnesota State
University, Mankato Students. (Reception, May 6, 6:309 p.m.) At 4 Pillars Gallery, The Grand Center for Arts
and Culture, 210 N. Minnesota St., New Ulm. Hours:
Mon.-Fri. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and Sat. 11 a.m.-3 p.m. (507)
359-9222 or
May 13 The Echo’s Concert, performing big band music,
7:30 p.m., $5. At the Kato Ballroom, 200 Chestnut St.,
Mankato. (507) 625-7553 or
*May 13-15 & 20-22
Merely Players
Community Theatre presents “Leading Ladies”,
May 13, 14, 20 & 21 at 7:30 p.m., and May 15
& 22 at 2 p.m. Adults $15, Seniors $13, Youth
12 and under $10. At the Lincoln Community Center,
110 Fulton St., Mankato. (507)
*May 6-June 18 “New Discovery Paintings” Exhibit by
Charlie Putnam, (Reception, May 6, 5-7 p.m.) at Waseca
Art Center, 200 State St. N. Gallery hours: Tues.-Fri. 10
a.m.-4 p.m. and Sat. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. (507) 835-1701 or Charlie received a PLRAC/
McKnight Artist Career Development Grant in 2016 from
Prairie Lakes Regional Arts Council.
May 13-29 Exhibit of works created and curated by
Mankato East High School Students. (Reception, May 13,
7-9 p.m.) At The 410 Project, 523 S. Front St., Mankato.
Gallery hours: Wed., Fri., Sat. 2-6 p.m. and Sun. 1-4 p.m.
May 15 2016 Brassworks Concert, 1:30 p.m., at Björling
Recital Hall, Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter. (507)
933-7013 or
May 15 Gustavus Handbell Choirs Spring Concert,
7:30 p.m., at Björling Recital Hall, Gustavus Adolphus
College, St. Peter. (507) 933-7013 or
May 13-June 12 “Changing Minds” Exhibit of work by
patients at the St. Peter Regional Treatment Center.
(Reception, May 13, 5-7 p.m.) At the Arts Center of Saint
Peter, 315 S. Minnesota Ave. Gallery hours: Tues. &
Wed. 1-6 p.m., Thurs. 1-8 p.m., Fri. & Sun. 1-5 p.m. &
Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. or (507) 9313630.
May 19-June 15 Ode to Water Invitational Exhibit,
(Reception, May 19, 5-8 p.m.) at the Emy Frentz Gallery,
Twin Rivers Council for the Arts, 523 S. Second St.,
Mankato. Gallery hours: Mon., Tues., Wed. and Fri.,
12 Noon-4 p.m. and Thurs. 4-8 p.m. (507) 387-1008 or
*May 14 The Grand Center for Arts & Culture presents
Betty & Ocho performing folk music, 7:30 p.m. At the
Grand Kabaret, 210 N. Minnesota St., New Ulm. (507)
359-9222 or
*May 20 The Grand Center for Arts & Culture of New
Ulm presents Open Mic Night with local artists
performing, 7:30 p.m., at the Grand Kabaret, 210 N.
Minnesota St., New Ulm. or
(507) 359-9222.
*May 14 Artists Exhibition and Meet & Greet for the 14
artists that participated in the guest artist workshop series,
10 a.m.-12 Noon. Each artist will have a piece of artwork
on display along with children’s art created during the
workshops. At Children’s Museum of Southern MN, 224
Lamm St., Mankato. or (507)
May 20 Hot Jazz for Decent People Concert by Adrian
Barnett & Friends, 7 p.m., $10. At the Arts Center of
Saint Peter, 315 S. Minnesota Ave. (507) 931-3630 or
May 21 The Grand Center for Arts & Culture presents
“The Best of Hank & Rita: A Barroom Operetta”, by Joe
Tougas and Ann Rosenquist Fee, 7:30 p.m. Members
$10, non-members $15, call to reserve tickets. At the
Grand Kabaret, 210 N. Minnesota St., New Ulm. (507)
359-9222 or
May 14 Six Mile Grove Concert, 7:30 p.m., at
the Waseca Art Center, 200 State St. N. or (507) 835-1701.
May 14 Gustavus Wind Orchestra & Vasa Wind
Orchestra Concert, 1:30 p.m., at Björling Recital Hall,
Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter. (507) 933-7013 or
*May 21-22 Mankato Ballet’s spring recital, “Dorothy”,
showcasing all levels of dancers, 1 & 5 p.m. both days.
Adults $12, children/students $9, children 2 and under
free. At Nicollet Public High School, 1 Pine St. (507)
625-7716 or
May 14
Philharmonic Orchestra Spring Concert,
7:30 p.m., at Björling Recital Hall, Gustavus Adolphus
College, St. Peter. or (507) 933-7013.
May 22 Concert by Adrian Barnett, 6 p.m., at Children’s
Museum of Southern MN, 224 Lamm St., Mankato. (507)
386-0279 or
May 14-15
“Next Best Steps”, Gustavus Dance
Company Performance. May 14 at 8 p.m., May 15 at
2 p.m.
At Anderson Theatre, Gustavus Adolphus
College, St. Peter. (507) 933-7013 or
May 25 Choir Homecoming Concert, 7 p.m. At Trinity
Chapel, Bethany Lutheran College, 700 Luther Drive,
Mankato. (507) 344-7000 or
*May 14-April 2017 The 2016/17 CityArt Walking
Sculpture Tour artwork is installed in the city centers of
Mankato and North Mankato. May 14 Event: Meet and
Greet On the Street, 3-5 p.m., free, meet the artists at their
sculpture. (507) 388-1062 or
May 25-28 “Vanya and Sonya and Masha and Spike”
theater production, 7:30 p.m. each night, at Andreas
Theatre, MN State University, Mankato. Adults $16,
seniors over 65 and youth under 16 $14. (507) 389-6661
May 15 The Mankato Symphony Orchestra’s “Paris in
the Spring” Concert, featuring Violin Concerto No. 3 in B
Minor, Symphony in D Minor, and Prelude to the
Afternoon of a Faun, 3 p.m. At Mankato West High
School Auditorium, 1351 S. Riverfront Dr. Adults $25,
$20, or $15; children 18 and under $5, purchase online at or the Twin Rivers Box
Office, 523 South Second Street, Mankato, (507) 3871008, or
*May 26 Spring Luncheon Lecture Series: Photographer
Dominique Braud presents his book “Minnesota Wildlife
Impressions” and other photos of nature and wildlife. 12
Noon-1 p.m, lunch provided. Paid reservations due two
days before the event, WCHS members $12.50, nonmembers $16.50. Waseca County Historical Society, 2nd
Avenue NE, Waseca. or
(507) 835-7700.
*May 26 “Elder’s Celebration” Spring Program of plays
and songs by K-6 students of Green Isle Community
School honoring a local Elder, telling their life story,
7 p.m. Plays and lyrics by Tom David Barna and music
by Tara Colegrove. At the Green Isle Community School
gymnasium, 190 McGrann St., Green Isle. (507) 3267144.
May 28 Gustavus Symphony Orchestra Season Finale
Concert, 8 p.m., at Björling Recital Hall, Gustavus
Adolphus College, St. Peter. or (507) 9337013.
*May 30 The Lake Crystal Community Band
will perform at the Memorial Day Service, 9:30
a.m., at Lake Crystal Wellcome Memorial High
School, 607 Knights Lane, Lake Crystal. (507)
May 26 Southern Minnesota Poets’ Society Season
Finale, readings begin at 7:30 p.m. At the Arts Center of
Saint Peter, 315 S. Minnesota Ave. (507) 931-3630 or
Area Wineries have musical entertainment on Friday
and Saturday evenings. Please visit their websites for
times and musicians.
Chankaska Creek Ranch and Winery, 1179 E. Pearl St.,
Kasota. or (507) 931-0089.
Indian Island Winery, 18018 631st Ave., Janesville. or (507) 234-6222.
Morgan Creek Vineyards, 23707 478th Ave., New Ulm.
(507) 947-3547 or
*May 27 The Grand Center for Arts & Culture presents
The Divers performing their original music with rock,
jazz, folk, and bluegrass elements, 7:30 p.m. At the
Grand Kabaret, 210 N. Minnesota St., New Ulm. (507)
359-9222 or
*May 28 The Grand Center for Arts & Culture presents
Reynold Phillipsek & Matt Senjem performing gypsy jazz
music, 7:30 p.m. At the Grand Kabaret, 210 N.
Minnesota St., New Ulm. or
(507) 359-9222.
Arts Event Happening in Your Area?
Minnesota State Arts
Board Grant Deadlines
Please submit the event information to us by the
15th of the prior month to be included in an
upcoming newsletter!
The MN State Arts Board has many upcoming grant
deadlines. Go to to find out
more information and to download applications 6-8
weeks before the grant deadline.
Email the date, time, location, ticket price, and a brief
description of the event to:
MN Festival Support - Due May 13. This
Minnesotans in festivals that celebrate the
arts, build community, and expose
communities to diverse art forms including
folk and traditional arts. $5,000-$75,000.
Prairie Lakes Board of Directors
Blue Earth County............. Gina Wenger
Brown County .................... Denice Evers
Faribault County ............... Carol Soma
LeSueur County ................. Randy Mediger
Martin County ................... Bonnie Taplin
Nicollet County .................. Diane Harms
Sibley County ..................... Dennis Van Moorlehem
Waseca County .................. Jessica Barens
Watonwan County ............. Joe McCabe
City of Fairmont ................ Open
City of Mankato ................. Greg Wilkins
City of New Ulm ................ Charles Luedtke
City of North Mankato...... Dana Sikkila
City of St. Peter .................. Lauren Shoemaker
Artist Initiative Grants - Due June 10.
This program deadline is for literary arts
and performing arts and supports and
assists artists at various stages in their careers. It
encourages artistic development, nurtures artistic
creativity, and recognizes the contributions individual
artists make to the creative environment of the state of
Minnesota. Visual arts deadline is August 5. $2,000 to
$10,000, for both programs.
Folk and Traditional Arts - Due June 24. This program
is designed to support the artistic traditions and customs
practiced within community and/or cultural groups. The
project may be a single event or a series or combination
of multiple events. All projects must have a public
component such as a concert, exhibition, or workshop.
Executive Director ............. Brenda Byron
Program Manager ............. Cindy Lewer
Administrative Assistant ... Pam Trumbull
Arts Opportunities & Classes
Youth Opportunities/Classes
May 3 Club Picasso, 4:30-5:45 p.m.,
explore drawing techniques with
instructor Karen Krause, sketchbook
and drawing pencil kit will be
provided. Grades 4-6, $10. Meets
first Tuesday of the month. At
Waseca Art Center, 200 State St. N. or (507)
May 5 Make and Take Art Class,
create Keith Haring Action Figures,
4:30-5:45 p.m. Grades K-3, $10. At
Waseca Art Center, 200 State St. N. or (507)
*May 12 & 14
Guest Artist
Workshop Series: For ages 6 and up.
May 12: Mixed Media Art, combine
materials such as layered paper,
paint, oil sticks, glue, found objects
and more with Patti Ruskey, 5-7 p.m.
May 14: Figurative Sculptures, work
with tin foil to create a 3D sculpture,
cover with oven back clay and paint
with Alyssa Sauer, 10 a.m.-12 Noon
and 1-3 p.m. At Children’s Museum
of Southern MN, 224 Lamm St.,
Mankato. or
(507) 386-0279.
May 14 Mosaic Butterfly Feeder
with Maggie Schwab, 9:30-11 a.m.,
ages 6-12. Mold and decorate a
feeder with tumbled glass. $20,
includes materials. To register email or call
(507) 359-9222. At the Grand Center
for Arts & Culture, 210 N.
Minnesota St., New Ulm.
May 21 Audition to participate in
the new Youth Wind Ensemble,
sponsored by the Mankato Area
Youth Symphony Orchestra. The
ensemble is for brass, winds, and
percussion players ages 14 and up.
Rehearsals begin Saturday, Nov. 5
and a concert will be held Jan. 14,
2017. Current MAYSO or North
Star Strings members $50, nonmembers $75. Schedule an audition
at: (612)
Individual Art Classes and Mentoring
at the 410 Project, for ages 4-18.
Director, Dana Sikkila, will give
individual lessons based on the
child’s artistic interest, classes can be
scheduled around the parent or
guardian’s schedule. $15 per hour
with student bringing supplies, $20
per hour with the 410 Project’s
supplies, $12 per hour for
students 5 and under. Email for
more information. At 410
Project, 523 S. Front St., Mankato.
Artist & Arts Opportunities
May 1 Register to be a vendor at
ArtSplash, June 18, outside at North
Mankato Taylor Library, 1001
Belgrade Ave., North Mankato.
Booth size is 10’x10’, $20 before
May 1, $25 after May 1. Registration
forms available at the North Mankato
Taylor Library and on Facebook at
“ArtSplash Art Fair in North
Mankato.” (507) 327-8350 or (507)
May 5 Wine and Watercolors with
Ellen Class, create a watercolor
painting “Sails in the Sunset”, with
instructor Ellen Borkenhagen, 6:30
p.m. $25, includes all supplies, bring
your own wine. At Red Rock Center
for the Arts, 222 E. Blue Earth Ave.,
Fairmont. or
(507) 235-9262.
May 5, 12, 19 & 26 Thursday’s
Open Studio, 5:30-7:30 p.m., noninstructional studio time, come share
artistic talents, work on projects and
socialize with fellow artists. At
Waseca Art Center, 200 State St. N. or (507)
May 6 & 20 Perform at Open Mic
nights, 6-8 p.m. May 6 will feature
musicians. May 20 will feature
performing arts (dance, short plays,
improv, comedy). At Curiosi-Tea
House, 529 N. Riverfront Drive,
Mankato. (507) 317-5354.
May 8 Writers’ Critique Group, 35 p.m. Bring work in progress and a
question or two for the group. Read
for five minutes, get critiqued for ten.
Leave with good vibes and new ideas
for moving forward. Hosted by Ann
Rosenquist Fee. All levels welcome,
there is no previous participation
or experience necessary. Held
2nd Sunday of the month. $5, no
advanced registration required. At the
Arts Center of Saint Peter, 315 S.
Minnesota Ave. (507) 931-3630 or
May 8 Creative Juices: Conversation
& Inspiration, 7-8:30 p.m.
creatives and the art-curious to
gather, experiment with materials,
talk, and share mutual support.
Hosted by Laurie Knight. All levels
welcome, there is no previous
participation or experience necessary.
Held 2nd Sunday of the month. $5,
no advanced registration required. At
the Arts Center of Saint Peter, 315 S.
Minnesota Ave. (507) 931-3630 or
*May 10 Alice Lind Play Reading
Society presents its monthly play
reading series, 7 p.m. This month’s
script is “Waiting for Godot.” by
Samuel Beckett. Volunteers will be
asked to read parts throughout the
evening. Small reading parts can be
requested. $5 per script. RSVP to
(507) 359-9990. At the John Lind
House, 622 Center St., New Ulm. or (507) 3598802.
(continued on page 15)
Arts Opportunities & Classes
May 12 Visual Poetry & Collage
Workshop, 6-8 p.m., for beginners to
experienced writers. Learn about and
create visual poems, blackout/erasure
poems, paint chip poems, and more.
$18, all supplies provided. Register
at At the Arts
Center of Saint Peter, 315 South
Minnesota Ave. (507) 931-3630.
*May 20 The Grand Center for Arts
& Culture of New Ulm presents
Open Mic Night for local musicians,
7:30 p.m., at the Grand Kabaret, 210
North Minnesota Street, New Ulm. or (507)
May 20 Pinot & Paint Class with
Robyn Sand Anderson, 7-9 p.m.
Learn the basics of acrylic painting.
$45, includes materials and a glass of
wine. To register: (507) 359-9222 or At the
Grand Center for Arts & Culture, 210
North Minnesota Street New Ulm.
May 30 Registration deadline for
authors, illustrators, publishers and
literary organizations to participate in
the Deep Valley Book Festival, Sun.
June 26, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Participants
may sell books or related materials,
hand out marketing and promotional
items, and reach out to book lovers in
the area. Full table for members $45,
non-members $60; half table for
members $23, non-members $30.
The festival will be held at the Sibley
Park Pavilion, Mankato. For more
information and the application go to
Sponsored by The Betsy-Tacy
Society. (507) 345-9777.
June 15 Deadline for Proposals for
functional, artistic seating that will be
installed in Mankato’s Riverfront
Park. $4,000 will be awarded, which
includes the artist design fee, all
materials, and the installation. The
design should reflect the themes of
fireworks, celebration, community,
river, and/or entertainment. A broad
interpretation will be considered.
Download a proposal request at For more information contact
Noelle at
or (507) 387-2387. Twin Rivers
Council for the Arts, 523 S Second
St., Mankato.
July 1 Twin Rivers Council for the
Arts is accepting applications for the
Emy Frentz Exhibition
Schedule. The gallery space can
accommodate a wide variety of
works including poetry, paintings,
photography, sculpture, installations
and more. Artists will be notified by
September 1. If chosen, there is an
exhibition fee of $25 for the general
public and $10 for TRCA affiliates.
There is no application fee. Email to request
an application. Twin Rivers Council
for the Arts, 523 S Second St.,
Mankato. or
July 1 Registration Deadline to
participate in the Alive After 5
Artisan Fair. The fair is held in
conjunction with the Thursday
evening concerts, Aug. 11, 18, 25 &
Sept. 1, 5-8 p.m. Vendor fee $100,
please commit to all four events.
Forms are available to artists at For
information contact Megan at City
Center Partnership, (507) 388-1062 or
Accepting Proposals for local artists
to exhibit in the History Center
Meeting Room Gallery. All mediums
will be considered. Work must be
able to be hung on a wall and must be
family friendly to be considered. At
Blue Earth County Historical
Society, 415 E. Cherry St., Mankato, or (507)
Accepting Proposals. Twin Rivers
Council for the Arts has partnered
with the North Mankato Taylor
Library and will be accepting
proposals for exhibits at the library.
There will be monthly and bimonthly exhibits. Local and regional
artists can send inquiries to
Rivers Council for the Arts, 523 S
Second St., Mankato. 507-387-1008
Artist studios & music teachers can
rent space for lessons at The Grand
Center for Arts & Culture, 210 N.
Minnesota St., New Ulm. (507) 3599222 or
New Artist Studios at the Plaza.
Functional space for artists and art
organizations to rent. At 108 S.
Minnesota Ave., St. Peter. Contact
through Facebook “Studios at the
or (507) 243-4284.
Career Opportunity
The Grand Center for Arts &
Culture, New Ulm is seeking an
Qualified applicants must have
experience in business, nonprofit
management and/or fundraising
and have community organizing
skills. Past arts related
programming or volunteer
management experience a plus.
Send cover letter and resume to:
The Grand Center for Arts &
Culture, P.O. Box 872,
210 N. Minnesota St.,
New Ulm, MN 56073.
(507) 359-9222
Non--profit Art Centers & Galleries
Arts & Heritage Center of Montgomery, 206 B. First
St. Various events and monthly exhibits. Hours:
Thurs. & Fri. 2-5 p.m. and Sat. 9 a.m.-12 Noon. or (507) 364-8107.
South Central College Lookout Gallery, Room
C167, 1920 Lee Blvd., North Mankato. Gallery hours:
Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Artists can inquire about
displaying their artwork to:
Arts Center of Saint Peter, 315 S. Minnesota Ave.
Monthly exhibits, an extensive variety of children,
youth, and adult art classes and clay classes are offered
at Register for classes at Gallery hours:
Tues. & Wed. 1-6 p.m., Thurs. 1-8 p.m., Fri. and Sun.
1-5 p.m. & Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Contact (507) 9313630, or
Student Union Gallery, lower level of the Centennial
Student Union, MN State University, Mankato.
Gallery hours: Mon.-Fri. 6:30 a.m. to 12 Midnight, Sat.
8 a.m. to 12 Midnight, and Sun. 10 a.m. to 12
The 410 Project, 523 S. Front St., Mankato. Monthly
exhibits. Gallery hours: Wed., Thur., Fri., Sat. 2-6 p.m.,
and Sun. 1-4 p.m. or
Bethany Lutheran College, 700 Luther Dr., Mankato.
Art exhibits are held at Ylvisaker Fine Arts Center.
Gallery hours: Sun.-Thurs. 1-9 p.m. and Fri. & Sat. 18 p.m.
The Grand Center for Arts & Culture, 210 N.
Minnesota St., New Ulm. Music every Fri. & Sat. and
monthly exhibits. Gallery hours: Wed.-Fri. 11 a.m.4 p.m. and Sat. 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Artist studios available
for rent on second and third floor of the Grand.
Contact:, (507) 3599222, or
Carnegie Art Center, 120 S. Broad Street,
Mankato. Artist studios, monthly exhibits and a unique
Gift Shop featuring original art work by local artists.
The Carnegie is closed one week each month for
gallery installation. Gallery hours: Thurs. 1-7 p.m., Fri.
1-4 p.m. & Sat. 11 a.m.-5 p.m.,
(507) 625-2730, or
Twin Rivers Council for the Arts and the Emy
Frentz Arts Guild Gallery, 523 S. Second St.,
Mankato. Artist studios, gallery space, and Ticket Box
Office for arts events in Mankato. Gallery hours:
Mon., Tues., Wed., and Fri. 12 Noon-4 p.m. and Thur.
4-8 p.m. (507) 387-1008,, or Also find other arts events at: Gallery Application
Conkling Art Gallery, 139 Nelson Hall, MN State
University, Mankato. Monthly exhibits are on display.
Gallery hours: Mon. through Fri., 9 a.m.4 p.m. (507) 389-6412 or
Hillstrom Museum of Art, 800 W. College Ave.,
Gustavus Adolphus, College, St. Peter. Events are
free and open to the public. Hours: weekdays 9 a.m.4 p.m. and weekends 1-5 p.m. (507) 933-7200 or
Waseca Art Center, 200 N. State Street. Monthly
exhibits, educational programs, weekly art appreciation
discussions, and fall and spring concert series. Gallery
hours: Tues.-Fri. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and Sat. 10 a.m.2 p.m. (507) 835-1701, or
Red Rock Center for the Arts, 222 E. Blue Earth
Ave., Fairmont. Hours: Tues., Wed. & Fri. 10 a.m.3 p.m., Thurs. 10 a.m.-6 p.m., and evenings &
weekends by appointment. Monthly art exhibitions,
artist receptions, workshops, various events for all ages
and ballroom dances., (507)
235-9262, or
Serving Blue Earth, Brown, Faribault, LeSueur, Martin, Nicollet, Sibley, Waseca and Watonwan Counties
Prairie Lakes Regional Arts Council
105 22nd Ave. NE, Suite A
Waseca, MN 56093-2612
(507) 833-8721 or (800) 298-1254 or
24th Annual Prairie Lakes
Regional Art Exhibition
Entry Date:
Monday, Sept. 26, 3-6 p.m.
Entry Fee of $10 per piece
Cash Prizes totaling $1,300
Artists - Bring original work to:
Arts Center of Saint Peter
315 S. Minnesota Avenue
Dates of Show:
October 4-30, 2016
Gallery Hours:
Tues. & Wed. 1-6 p.m., Thurs. 1-8 p.m.
Fri. 1-5 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m.,
and Sun. 1-5 p.m.
Thank you to all of the organizations and artists that
completed PLRAC’s Needs Assessment Survey.
We gained very useful information
for structuring our grant programs!
Inside the May Newsletter
Art Classes available through these groups:
Mankato Community Education will offer a variety of
ARTS Classes. You can view the Program Guide at and look under either “Adult
Enrichment” or “Youth Enrichment”, or call (507) 3875501. Classes are held at Lincoln Community Center,
Mankato East H.S., or the Emy Frentz Arts Guild.
Children’s Museum of Southern MN, 224 Lamm St.,
Mankato. Hours: Tues.-Sat. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. and Sun. 12 Noon4 p.m. Special art classes are planned each month, check
their website for topic & times.
(507) 995-2242, or
For-profit Gallery that features local artists artwork:
Stones Throw Gallery, 420 North Minnesota Ave., St. Peter,
(507) 934-5655. Gallery hours: Tuesday through Saturday
11 a.m.-5 p.m. and by appointment. The gallery features the
work of many local artists. To browse individual artists’
work and learn more about the artists and the Gallery, go to
Page 1-4
Arts & Cultural Heritage Grantees
Page 4
FY 2016 Grant Distribution
Page 5
PLRAC Board Member Openings
Page 5
Creative MN Artist Survey
Page 6-7
McKnight Artist Career
Development Grantees
Page 8
Small Arts & Arts-In-Education
Page 8
PLRAC Grant Deadlines
Page 9
PLRAC Grant Programs
Page 10-13 May Arts Calendar
Page 14-15 Arts Opportunities & Classes
Page 16
Non-Profit Art Centers & Galleries