Summer Newsletter 2015 - Animal Adoption Foundation
Summer Newsletter 2015 - Animal Adoption Foundation
The Pet Pulse Summer 2015 OUR TAILS ARE WAGGING! The 2015 Waggin’ Tails Charity Auction a Record-Breaking Success! By: Jennifer Karpanty The annual AAF charity auction on March 7, 2015 was a huge success and so much fun! More than 350 animal lovers from all over the area came together to support the homeless pets at the Animal Adoption Foundation. The event was at the Receptions in Fairfield. We are thrilled to announce that the auction raised approximately $42,000, the highest earnings yet! The attendees had a wonderful time and gathered for an outstanding cause. The auction committee began meeting in October 2014 one to two times per month to plan the event and we are proud to say that their planning paid off. The sit-down buffet dinner prepared was delicious. The desserts were out of this world! Sandy Miller baked five pans of cobbler, 200 cookies, and an additional 300 cupcakes. The desserts were all either carnival or pet-themed and were mouth-watering. Sandy and her husband Tom Miller donated their time, money, and talent for the cause and we cannot thank them enough. Carnival was the theme for the auction this year. The atmosphere was celebratory and joyous. There was home made cotton candy at each place setting, carnival decor, and plenty of carnival-themed games throughout the event. There was a lucky duck game with fifty rubber ducks numbered accordingly and floating in water. The ducks were twenty dollars each, and each duck purchase gave the buyer one chance out of fifty to win the live auction item of their choice (excluding the Big Red Machine item). Mason Brown, AAF volunteer, had the winning duck and chose the Easy Rider for Him, a one-of-a-kind Huffy Cruiser designed especially for AAF by Jordan Schank. Also new this year was the Plinko-Take It Or Leave It game. It was ten dollars for three tokens for three chances to win popular gift cards. Plinko was a hit and there was a lot of laughing and cheering going on! There were even consolation prizes for the “losers.” The silent auction consisted of over 200 items donated by various businesses and individuals in the community, including our own AAF volunteers. We cannot acknowledge and thank all of the donors and sponsors enough for their generosity! This includes Amy Miller, AAF board member, volunteer, and auction committee member, who organized and tagged every single item. The live auction had ten incredible items that included: a whitewater rafting trip in West Virginia, a Reds Opening Day experience with Bob and Tom, and a Looney Tunes Lithograph which was authenticated by Major League Baseball and signed by the starting nine players of the 1975 World Series Championship team and manager, the late Sparky Anderson. Another one of the many featured live auction items was a dinner for eight prepared in the winner’s home by a private chef! Continued on page 2. We want to give a million thanks to our two main event sponsors: Matson Money and US Bank! Their generous donations helped to make the auction a smashing success for the pets in need. We are also very grateful to the following sponsors: Bill Spade Electric, Heating & Cooling, Charles Schwab, Mount Pleasant Animal Hospital, Woodridge Veterinary Hospital, and the Law Firm of Sandlowski & Besse. Our friends Jan and Owen Wrassman have also made countless donations and have been extremely involved year after year. Many others helped make the evening a success. They include: Auction Committee Members: Jessica Drew, Karen Hultquist, Carolyn Kahn, Lindsey Kahn, Jennifer Karpanty, Pat Miceli, Amy Miller, Courtney Ress-Schank & Brooke Scheidt * * * * Jim Easton, Auctioneer Chris Geisen, Program Director, WOFX 92.5, Master of Ceremonies David Markesbery, Sound Countless AAF Volunteers SAVE THE DATE: The 2016 Waggin’ Tails Charity Auction will be held on March 5, 2016! Fundraising... “Outside The Box” Like all nonprofit, no kill animal shelters, the Animal Adoption Foundation relies entirely on private funding in order to carry out our mission. Each year, we hold many fundraisers; some big, some small. Each event has its own uniqueness and the purpose is always the same and that is to help those who cannot help themselves. The AAF is looking for some new fundraising ideas. If you have an idea that you would like to present to us, just give us a call or send an can even post it on our Facebook page. We are looking for ideas that are “outside the box.” Things we haven’t done before. If you or if you know someone who has a connection with a local business that might support a fundraising event, please let us know. We would love to hear from you. The AAF has a bright future and we need everyone’s help in making sure we continue to attain our goals. As they say, it takes a village and as a member of that village, you can truly make a difference. Page 2 DOUBLE OR TRIPLE YOUR DONATION TO THE ANIMAL ADOPTION FOUNDATION! Would you like to see your donation to AAF doubled or even tripled? Ask your employer if they participate in a corporate matching gift program. Matching gift programs are charitable giving programs set up by corporations in which the company matches donations made by employees to eligible nonprofit organizations. If your employer does offer such a program, ask your Human Resources department if AAF is on their list of eligible agencies. If not, let us know and we will be happy to contact them and provide them with all of the information they may require. Give your donation to AAF an extra boost by contacting your employer today! HELP AAF GET 5,000 FANS! Please become a fan of AAF on Facebook at Please like and share our page so we can meet our goal to reach or exceed 5,000 likes. More likes on Facebook means more people see our adoptable pets! When more people see our pets, more of our pets get adopted! After all, what’s not to LIKE? Not only will you help our pets by liking us on Facebook, but you can also keep up with what is going on at the Animal Adoption Foundation. We post pictures of adopted pets with their new families, pictures of shelter pets still looking for their forever home, information about upcoming events, information about various shelter needs and much, much more. It’s a great way to stay informed about everything AAF!!! Us On Budding Philanthropists! The AAF has been the beneficiary of many young people lately and we certainly appreciate their generosity. Kids are having birthday parties, inviting their friends, and asking for donations for the shelter in lieu of gifts for themselves. These budding philanthropists are truly incredible kids to be so selfless and we hope the trend continues. If your child is having a birthday soon and loves animals, please suggest collecting donations for the shelter. It is a very rewarding experience for everyone involved! “OPT-to-ADOPT” Page 3 Letters From Home! We love it when folks send us updates and photos of pets they have adopted from the AAF! Here are a few to share with you. If you have made one of our pets a part of your family and would like to show them off, we encourage you to send us a picture and story to or post on Facebook at Loving my new home! I hope my sisters and brother love their new homes too! Sarah Roche We adopted sweet Abby 7 years ago today. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to love her! She is such an awesome addition to our family. Sarah Bosarge And here is Sammy that I adopted the same day as Autumn. He's my big snuggler. Jenni Clark White Update on Elmer (right). He has made himself at home. Hanging out in bed with Max. Kim Brashear Whaley “A Pets Love is Always Unconditional” Page 4 Marco! … Polo! There are some things in life that just go hand in hand, i.e. peanut butter and jelly, Yin and Yang, Abbott and Costello are a few that come to mind. The same holds true in the world of animal rescue. For each and every homeless pet, it’s our contention that there must also be a loving home. This is the story about a dog named Marco and the pursuit of his “Polo.” Marco first came to the Animal Adoption Foundation on March 26th, 2014. The beautiful hound mix had been staying at the Franklin County Animal Shelter before we pulled him and brought him to the warm and friendly confines of the AAF. There was nothing unique about Marco. He was a big, mostly black, goofy dog of about two years of age. Though like all of the pets at the shelter, it didn’t take long for Marco’s uniqueness to come shining through. Volunteers and staff who worked with Marco quickly learned that he was a big cuddle bug once you would take him out of his run. We also learned that Marco did not like to be confined, and spending day after day in a dog run was certainly not his cup of tea. Marco’s behavior inside of his run seemed to deteriorate almost immediately. He was much too smart to live this way for any extended period of time, so the race was on to find his “Polo.” We started off by having students from nearby Miami University take Marco on overnight sleepovers so that we could learn more about his behavior outside of the shelter, and also give him a much-needed break from shelter stress. These sleepovers were very informative and gave us an idea as to what kind of life Marco may have had prior to life as a shelter pet. We don’t think he had ever been inside of a house before and had had very little socialization with people or anything else for that matter. Poor Marco. Our wonderful volunteers at the shelter who work tirelessly with our shelter dogs via many different training programs now had a project. We needed to Marco up to speed on his basic social skills. The volunteers did not take this project lightly, meeting it head-on with eagerness and anticipation. They worked with Marco several days a week, and you could see the progress he was making. Simply put, Marco was a much happier dog, but still did not like staying in his kennel. Days, weeks and months went by, and still nobody had really taken a chance on this sweet boy. Oh, many people inquired about Marco only to move on to the next dog. He did go home with a family, but was brought back the very same day because their dog did not like Marco. We were all very disappointed. Then again at the very beginning of this year, another family fell in love with Marco and took him home. Two weeks later he was returned to the shelter to no fault of his own. Would Marco ever find his “Polo”? Over the years, shelter volunteers have adopted their fair share of pets from the AAF. One day, Cindy Yauss met Marco for the very first time. Cindy had recently gone through the shelter volunteer orientation so she hadn’t much experience with the shelter. Even though she had much to learn about shelter life, one thing you can’t teach and that is love at first sight. Cindy was immediately taken with Marco and his big brown eyes. She wanted to take Marco home for the night so that he could meet her husband and son. We encouraged Cindy to try several overnight visits so that Marco could get to know them at his own pace. Things were a little rocky at first, but Marco won them over and on March 8th, 2015, almost one year after coming to the shelter, Marco was formally adopted by Rick and Cindy Yauss. Marco had found his “Polo.” Thank you to all of the volunteers who worked so hard with Marco to get him to a point where he could flourish in a home and really find out what it’s like to find true love. And a big thanks to the Yauss family for giving Marco a chance and proving once again that there is a home for every homeless pet! Page 5 ROSALEE GATHERS CROWDS AT MY FURRY VALENTINE By: Jennifer Karpanty Attendees and cat lovers at the My Furry Valentine Event on Saturday, February 14, 2015 at the Sharonville Convention Center, would have definitely noticed Rosalee lying on a table, flopped on her back, belly exposed, letting folks come up and pet her at the AAF cat booth. Rosalee didn’t even have on a leash or collar. She just plopped her cute self on the table, purr motor running, as if inviting potential adopters to rub her belly. Rosalee was an adorable sight to see and was lavishing in all the attention and soaking it up. It was like she knew it was her time to shine. Crowds gathered around the AAF booth, shocked at how relaxed she was among all the people. The staff and volunteers wished we could take credit and say we trained Rosalee to do this so she could find herself a home. But we could not take the credit; it was all Rosalee’s doing. It was as if Rosalee sensed Valentine’s Day was her day to show people how cool cats really are, even cats that do not yet have homes. It was also as if she knew deep down in her big kitty heart that her parents were just around the corner, and she was celebrating! Our theory is that the moment Rosalee’s adopters came near the table, Rosalee and her soon-to-be family were lovestruck by Cupid’s arrows. They were also awestruck at how calm and relaxed she was among the crowds. First, they just observed and smiled. They then came up and accepted Rosalee’s invitation for them to pet her belly. She purred and purred. The Assistant Director instantly had a gut feeling that they may be the ones when she saw their eyes light up and ear to ear grins at the sight of Rosalee, especially when they began to inquire about this adorable ball of love. They were smitten. The lovely ladies proceeded to tell the AD that their current cat Nigel was adopted from Petsmart and had the same demeanor as Rosalee. Nigel acted very similar to Rosalee the day they met and adopted him at Petsmart, and they thought it must be fate. It turns out that they had come to My Furry Valentine to possibly adopt, but only if they fell in love, and only if the kitty was right for them. It was crystal clear to everyone how much this family loved their current cat, Nigel, and we were thrilled when they said they wanted a new family member that would love their cat Nigel as much as they did. We knew that Rosalee was a perfect match, because she was buddies with all her kitty roommates back at the Animal Adoption Foundation and clearly enjoyed the company of people and other cats. Rosalee went from to residing at a nice no-kill shelter with people that cared for her to the home that we imagine she only dreamt of in her kitty dreams. Rosalee has scratchers, a myriad of new toys, and especially loves to show off her new catnip toys. She has more toy mice than she can count on all four paws and even likes to bring them to bed sometimes. She has slept in bed with her parents since the first night they brought her home. Rosalee’s parents told us in an update that she is still just the biggest love! Her mommy said that she's a total snuggler, purrs all day, and loves snoozing on their laps. They also mentioned that Rosalee started “a one-woman neighborhood watch to track the birds at the birdfeeder in the backyard.” She loves to be a part of their family at all times and partake in every activity at home. ROSALEE AT MY FURRY VALENTINE In her family’s words: “We really, truly want to say THANK YOU to Cindy Nabors, who we understand was Rosalee's sponsor. We couldn't be more grateful-- or more in love with this little gal. It was honestly meant to be. She's spoiled rotten. :) We can't thank you enough for the work you do and the care you gave to our little baby. We're completely in love with her (and vice versa). She's so beautiful with her little tuxedo markings and she loves, loves us and her home. She's so confident and funny and happy. She's brightened our lives in a thousand ways! We're so lucky and grateful to have her! Thank you for the great work you do caring for these little love bugs. I would tell anyone who's even thinking they may some day want a pet-- to just go do it and make sure you pick a rescue pet. You'll be happier than you knew you could be (and so will they!).” Page 6 What’s up with the Rub Down? Massage...Good for you, good for your pet! By Pamela Daniels, Licensed Massage Therapist Have you had your massage today? What about your dog? Some of the benefits humans receive from massage are the same benefits your pet will also receive. It promotes relaxation, increases range of motion or flexibility, increases blood flow bringing nutrients to the tissue areas and comforts our geriatric friends. Canine massage can last from a few minutes to perhaps a half hour. When your dog is done, he will usually get up and shake and stretch like he’s had a great nap. Canine massage is much lighter than you might like your massage; no deep tissue especially when introducing it. Your dog may wonder what you’re doing at first but will soon realize how wonderful it can feel. I massaged my dog from a young pup until he passed at seventeen; he had some problems with his leg that affected other parts of his body as he aged. I believe massage is what kept him moving and pain-free as far as I could tell. The first rules of massaging your pet include: never force them to have a massage; monitor them and their reaction. Remember they can’t tell you with words if you’re hurting them, so a nip is what they may do. Whatever side is facing you is the side you will work on, and some obvious NO’s are staying away from wounds, skin irritations and lumps. Do not perform massage if the pet has a fever or is in shock (some may think that it may be therapeutic in the event of sickness or injury). Massage is not a substitute for veterinary care. Massaging your dog can be a bonding experience and teach that human touch can be a good thing. Some dogs will take to it right away and others might need some time to get used to it. That’s okay and a few minutes at a time is still beneficial. Start with passive touch, just resting your hand on the dog. Don’t reach over their head when massaging but instead touch their side when they’re laying by you and let the heat from your hands move into the muscle. Passive touch is a great start as is stroking or lightly running your hand over the body. When we go in for a massage we have a full body massage done, but with our dogs it’s okay if we only do the side they are giving to us. Over time you’ll get to do the other side because they will want you to. If we remember to do no harm then our touch can provide health and wellness for our dogs. Tis The Season! Warmer Weather Brings Newborn Kittens The AAF is always seeking new foster homes for any of our pets that might need it but every year between May and September, we need more than usual. The reason? We and other rescue organizations call it “Kitten Season”. Female cats tend to not have kittens during the colder months but once Spring kicks in, we receive no fewer than 15 calls per day from folks who would like our assistance with taking in kittens, whether it be just one or an entire litter. For this reason, we need your help! We are looking for people to foster these homeless kittens that can range in age anywhere from a couple of days old up to six weeks. In many instances, the younger kittens that are still nursing will either need to be bottle fed or if the mother is still with the kittens, fostering the mother cat would also be necessary. The AAF will supply you with all of the supplies you need while you have a kitten in your foster care. Page 7 2015 AAF Easter Egg Hunt An Eggs-citing Time For All! The AAF held its annual Easter Egg Hound Hunt on Saturday, April 4th. Folks from all around brought their adorable pooches in hopes of finding one of the elusive golden eggs. There were dozens of strategically placed colored eggs for the eager pups to uncover, each with a tasty treat inside. The shelter holds this event each year in order to raise money to help out the homeless pets at the AAF and this year we made over $300. Thanks to everyone who attended and we look forward to seeing you again next year. Puppy Love! Everybody loves puppies, right? If that’s the case, the AAF had a lot of puppy love to give recently. The shelter had 24 puppies in its care at one time ...and that’s a lot of puppies! One litter had been found in a trash bag on the side of the road, one litter came from a pregnant mother that we rescued because she was going to be euthanized, another litter we rescued from a bad situation. Despite the less than ideal start to the lives of these adorable pups, they have all had happy ending and are now living with their forever families. We want to thank everyone involved in rescuing these sweet angels. Those who fostered, those who drove many miles to get the puppies to safety, those who took care of the endless cleaning (volunteers and kennel staff) and those of you who donate funds for the care of these animals. Your generosity is always appreciated and we couldn’t do it without you! Page 8 AAF Volunteer and her AAF Foster Pet Go National! Rachel Gideon started volunteering with the AAF in 2011 and has been involved in many of our dog enrichment programs. She and long-time shelter resident turned foster pet “Angie” were recently highlighted in the January/February issue of the Best Friends Animal Society magazine after Rachel submitted an article for publication. Best Friends is one of the most respected and certainly the largest no kill organizations in North America. We are proud of Rachel for all of the work she has done with “Angie” and they are both very worthy of the national recognition. Angie was tied to a tree outside the no-kill shelter where I work. She was emaciated and in horrible shape. The summer before my senior year of college, I participated in an internship offered by a dog trainer who volunteers in order to improve the quality of the dogs’ lives. Each intern was assigned dogs they’d be responsible for exercising and training. Angie was my first pick. We fell in love over the course of that summer. I’d spend nights crying about how much I wanted to rescue her. After some discussion, my family and I decided to bring Angie home on a trial basis. It was a little rough from the beginning, as I expected it would be. (Eventually) my mom insisted it wasn’t working out. My heart was broken. It’s been extremely difficult to continue to see Angie in a kennel every day, when I know she’s my soul-mate dog. At this time in my life, I’m unable to move out of my parents’ home because I have no idea where I’ll be headed when I graduate. Until then, I make sure to shower Angie with as much love as possible. When I graduate and head out to pursue a career in animal rescue, Angie will be coming with me. However, if a family comes along before then and gives her a loving home, I’d be thrilled for her. No matter what happens, she will always be the dog that touched my life by helping me realize that animal rescue is my calling. Rachel Gideon on her soul-mate dog, Angie Hamilton, Ohio Editor’s note: Great news! Rachel is now in the process of adopting Angie. You can also see the article by going to Page 9 Acknowledgements ...Thank You To All! Leadership Level ($1000) Patrons ($50) Family ($30) Honorable Mention Estate of Joseph Cochetti Sandy Allen Cheri Tuerck Regan Henry Sarah and Joe Marcum Scott Beck Aubrey Trenkamp Kathy & Bruce Laake The Patrick W. Ryan Fund Robert & Mary Jo Berry Ella Mohr Lynn Locke Ross Education Associates Marilyn Bird Friends ($25) Elaine & Eric Meeks Cindy & Ernie Pendergrass Robert Bowen Exemplary Level ($500) Ray Boyle Fraser S. Wilkinson M. Carley Maureen Frey Gregory J. Kaiser Charitable Fund Supporters ($250) Mary & Michael Brenner Rae DeBord Maura Hafer Robert Lambert Cindy Yauss PAAIN, Inc. Protectors ($100) Robert & Treasure Chesnut Kristin Day Elizabeth Dobbs Nancy & John Douglas Bruce Enneking Sharon Fernandez Maggie Gonzalez Anne & Paul Hemmings D.L. Bielefeld Robert Buhrlage The Cahill Family Mel & Debbie Colgate Linda Fenzel The Hauser Family William Heinzelman Joan Karwisch Jennifer Kokos Carol Maidens Jack & Diann Marcum Kristen Maybury Diane Heyob Amy Snyder Dianna Johanson Karen Auffinger John & Mary Ann Lang Badin High School John & Pat Hahn Don & Kathy Berkemeyer Susan Kay The Engel Family William Keilholz Benjamin Harris Irene Kleiman Damien Hinderer Penny Lawhorn Julie Jackson Jerry & Diane Levin Kim Schaeper Michelle Maxie Katie Hansen Betty McAdams Arlene Shults Maria Metz Jamie Adkins Meri Miles Kim Shay Schwab Charitable Fund Linda Martin Stef Sherman Jeff Cameron Michelle Sparto Honorable Mention Glenn & Joyce Mundstock The Buckley Family Carole Bono Carolyn Prose Julie Yaeger Debbie Bruns Barbara Rackers Family ($30) Cara Buerger Patti Schopmeyer Bob Seegmueller Angela Smeltz Southern Ohio Dog & Game Shelley Spillane Julie Tallman Jeanine Thomas Krista Wilson Wanda Schumacher Lynn & Glenn Daniel Jaci DeFelice Amy Eldridge Martin Hasenzahl Judy Herren Brenda Merrick Barbara Osholthoff Jean Pater Michele Smith Sharon Tackett Harold Forshey Peter Williams Pete Rosskamm Krista Roth Ted & Sue Schoenling The Schutte Family Billie Spicer Don Threm Richard & Maryann Toerner Tim & Karen Toerner Edna Young Robert & Sharon Medlock Charles Frank Ann Regan Anne Mumpower Karen Miller Sherry Miller Caroline Parrott Melody Pierce Brad Sandlin Bob & Tina Schlegel Sandy Sutterfield Steve & Alisa Miller Terri Ziepfel Diana Thurner D. Wengers Michael Williams Lisa Wintermeyer William & Nancy Zeilman Charles Chernock Curtis Keilholz Janet Clegg Jason Erbs E. Williams Meredith Epperson Joan Espelage Kathleen & Garrett Florea Your donations mean the world to all of our homeless pets. It allows us to provide necessary medical attention, nourishment, training and many other things that are essential to their happiness and well-being. Thank You! Amy Hamlin Page 10 In Memoriam Scott Beck in memory of Julie Stockelman Arlene Shults in memory of Eileen Grieser D.L. Bielefeld in memory of Julie Stockelman Katie Hansen in memory of Eileen Grieser Cara Buerger in memory of Julie Stockelman Jamie Adkins in memory of Eileen Grieser Robert Buhrlage in memory of Julie Stockelman Kristen Day in memory of Julia Marie Chapman Mel & Debbie Colegate in memory of Julie Stockelman William & Nancy Zeilman in memory of Julie Marie Chapman Jason Erbs in memory of Julie Stockelman E. Williams in memory of Julie Stockelman The Engel Family in memory of Julie Stockelman Martin Hasenzahl in memory of Julie Stockelman Judy Herren in memory of Julie Stockelman Diane Heyob in memory of Julie Stockelman Jerry & Diane Levin in memory of Julie Stockelman Michelle Maxie in memory of Julie Stockelman Robert & Sharon Medlock in memory of Julie Stockelman Elaine & Eric Meeks in memory of Julie Stockelman Barbara Osholthoff in memory of Julie Stockelman Caroline Parrott in memory of Julie Stockelman Brad Sandlin in memory of Julie Stockelman Bob & Tina Schlegel in memory of Julie Stockelman Ted & Sue Schoenling in memory of Julie Stockelman Southern Ohio Dog & Game in memory of Julie Stockelman Sandy Sutterfield in memory of Julie Stockelman Cheri Tuerck in memory of Julie Stockelman Lisa Wintermeyer in memory of Julie Stockelman Marilyn Bird in memory of Gayle Stage Jack & Diann in memory of Gayle Stage Elizabeth Dobbs in memory of Scott Wilkinson Meri Miles in memory of Scott Wilkinson Carolyn Prose in memory of Scott Wilkinson Fraser S. Wilkinson in memory of Scott Wilkinson Aubrey Trenkamp in memory of Hunter & Onyx Ella Mohr in memory of Hunter & Onyx Dianna Johanson in memory of Tyler Koo Kathy & Bruce Laake in memory of Tyler Koo Barbara Rackers in memory of Tyler Koo Bill & Jennifer Kokos in memory of Dorothy Carter Penny Lawhorn in memory of Tami Batdorf Jean Pater in memory of Ernie Lauer Melody Pierce in memory of Sharon Hancock Billie Spicer in memory of Rowie Julie Tallman in memory of Sugar & Pepper Diana Thurner in memory of Sue F. Lowery Edna Young in memory of Julie Engel Irene Kleiman in memory of Twiggy Steve & Alisa Miller in memory of Jerry Kristen Maybury in memory of Gayle Stage In Honor Of: Sharon Tackett in memory of Gayle Stage Sharon Fernandez in honor of Foo (Jinx) D. Wengers in memory of Gayle Stage Kim Shay in honor of Leslie Markesbery Carole Bono in memory of Mary McFadden-Smith Dan Threm in honor of Jacob & Caitlyn Debbie Bruns in memory of Ruth Ann Stone The Cahill Family in memory of Ruth Ann Stone Pet Sponsors: Kathleen & Garrett Florea in memory of Ruth Ann Stone Sandy Allen sponsoring Lulu & Sophie John & Mary Ann Lang in memory of Ruth Ann Stone Janet Clegg sponsoring Bill John & Pat Hahn in memory of Ruth Ann Stone Meredith Epperson sponsoring Murphy William Keilholz in memory of Ruth Ann Stone Maura Hafer sponsoring Ernie, Oscar, Bert & Wishbone Susan Kay in memory of Ruth Ann Stone Pattie Schopmeyer sponsoring Tootsie, Lisa, Bert & Wishbone Brenda Merrick in memory of Ruth Ann Stone Karen Miller in memory of Ruth Ann Stone Michele Smith in memory of Ruth Ann Stone Richard & Maryann Toerner in memory of Ruth Ann Stone Tim & Karen Toerner in memory of Ruth Ann Stone Julie Yaeger in memory of Ruth Ann Stone Robert & Treasure Chesnut in memory of Tim Chesnut Lynn & Glenn Daniel in memory of Eileen Grieser Joan Espelage in memory of Eileen Grieser Kim Schaeper in memory of Eileen Grieser Page 11 Presorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Hamilton, OH Permit No. 389 Shelter Location: 2480 Millville-Ross Rd. Hamilton, OH 45013 Address Service Requested 513-737-PETS Visit our Website: “Like” us on Facebook! adoptionfoundation The AAF is solely funded by donations, with no government aid. Please don’t forget about the many pets anxiously awaiting new homes at the AAF. The Animal Adoption Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Please give generously. We need you. Your ongoing support is greatly appreciated! Yes, please let me help the animals! ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ Leadership Level $1000+ Benefactor Level $500 Supporter Level $250 Protector Level $100 ☺ Patron Level ☺ Family Level ☺ Friend Level $50 $30 $25 □Please check this box if you would like an acknowledgement of your donation sent to you via email. Please write down your email address in the space provided below. Thank you for saving a tree (and a stamp). Name_____________________________________________________ Please clip and return to: Address_________________________________________________________________ The Animal Adoption Foundation 2480 Millville-Ross Road City/State/Zip__________________________________________________________ Phone Number/Email ___________________________________________________ Hamilton, Ohio 45013
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