Week of December 27, 2015 (pdf format)
Week of December 27, 2015 (pdf format)
THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY & JOSEPH DECEMBER 27, 2015 MON, DEC 28: TUES, DEC 29: WED, DEC 30: THURS, DEC 31: FRI, JAN 1: 8:30 AM † † † PHILIP SAUCEDO—12TH ANNIVERSARY BY MARY LOU & FAMILY MARY CLAIRE BACHECHI FLORENCE DOUGHTY BY DAN & CHRIS DOUGHTY 5:30 PM EDWARD MC KENNA BY THE FAMILY JOHN NOUWEN BY HIS SISTER MICHAEL KORISH BY PATRICK & KERRIE SENA † † SI 8:30 AM † SI SI NOHEMY ROSALES BARKER FAMILY HEALTH OF IRENE ARAGON BY DEACON JOSE & CARMEN ESCANDON 5:30 PM † † † MANUEL MORA JOSIE MORA EMMA DURAN ARTHUR GONZALES—25 YEARS BY THERESE, ELIZABETH & JOSEPH 8:30 AM † SI SI WILLIAM THOMAS BY THE FAMILY M.J. & BOB SKARSGARD—44TH ANNIVERSARY BY THE FAMILY MIA BY THE FAMILY 5:30 PM † † † BARKER & CHIADO FAMILIES BY THE BARKER FAMILY MAGDALENO ORTIZ ROMERO—57 YEARS BY THERESE, ELIZABETH & JOSEPH TONY VIGIL BY THE FAMILY 8:30 AM † † † BOB DAWSON BY THE FAMILY RIGOBERTO ROSALES MARTY BARKER BY PAT & KATIE ABBOTT 5:30 PM JOSEPH J. FORENCEVICH BY LINDA J. GARCIA MARGARET DAVIDSON—BIRTHDAY BY ELIZABETH DAVIDSON JOHN A. CLAY BY THE FAMILY † † † 8:30 AM † SI SI RUTH MIROMON BY MR. & MRS. JOSEPH GUTIERREZ MSGR. BENNETT J. VOORHIES BY PATRICK & KERRIE SENA LIVING & DECEASED MEMBERS OF THE MARSHALL & GUTIERREZ FAMILIES 10:30 AM SI FOR THE PEOPLE 5:30 PM WILLIAM SAXTON BY RICK & RENEE PAGAN ONOFRE M. HORACASITAS BY THE FAMILY † † SAT, JAN 2: 8:30 AM † † 5:00 PM † † SI PHILIP & ANITA MARSHALL BY THE LEOS FAMILY CECILIA CONNER BY CHRISTINA RIKER MARGARET MONTOYA BY THE PENNINGTON FAMILY BILLY SLIMP BY A. HAAS DOROTHY SLIMP—BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS BY THE FAMILY SUN, JAN 3: 7:00 AM 10:30 AM † † † † SI SI RUSSELL ARENHOLZ BY THE FAMILY STEPHANIE COLE, PATTY FERNANDEZ & CRISTY BARKER JEAN MILLER BY THE DONADLSON FAMILY DIANA BARRERAS BY LANA SCEIFORD JERRY HAYES BY PATRICK SENA MARIA CHRISTINA CARRIED BY THE SCHWANER FAMILY 12:00 PM SI FOR THE PEOPLE 5:30 PM SI SPECIAL INTENTION 9:00 AM THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD JANUARY 3, 2016 IS 60:1-6 EPH 3:2-3A, 5-6 MT 2:1-12 How shall I make a return to the Lord for all the good He has done for me? (Psalm 116:12) The Financial Report is not available this week. The bulletin went to print early due to the Christmas holiday. The reports for this week and next will be printed in the next bulletin. Thank you for your understanding and ongoing generosity. May God bless you in your sacrificial giving. Lord, help me move from comfort to sacrifice. PLEASE NOTE: The Parish Office will be closed on Thursday, December 24th, 2015 and will re-open on Tuesday, January 5th, 2016 at 9:00 AM. Although the Parish Office will be closed, a Staff Member will be available to answer the phone in case of emergencies, such as funerals. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! From the Pastor PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Our Lady of the Annunciation Roman Catholic Parish is a people of living faith rooted in the Gospel, centered on the Eucharist and led by the Holy Spirit. We are inspired by the example of Mary to continue the mission of Jesus Christ by ministering to all. Annunciation Parish Website: www.annunciationparishabq.org FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY In today’s gospel, LK 2:41-52, we find the twelve year old Jesus in the temple teaching and then separated from Joseph and Mary. Ultimately, Jesus is found! The Catechism of the Catholic Church, #534, gives us an important teaching on this: The finding of Jesus in the temple is the only event that breaks the silence of the gospels about the hidden years of Jesus. Here Jesus lets us catch a glimpse of the mystery of this total consecration to a mission that flows from his divine sonship: “Did you not know that I must be about my Father’s work?” Mary and Joseph did not understand these words, but they accepted them in faith. Mary “kept all these things in her heart” during the years Jesus remained hidden in the silence of an ordinary life.” We seek to reflect on the mysteries of the life of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, and to imitate this family with the ideals spoken of in St. Paul’s Letter to the Colossians 3:12, “Because you are God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with heartfelt mercy, with kindness, humility, meekness and patience.” As the Holy Family faced rejection in Bethlehem like those enduring wars today, abandonment in Egypt like refugees around the world today, and misunderstanding in Nazareth like families everywhere today, they persevered in hope, trusting in divine providence even in the darkest of nights. St. Paul continues in Col. 3:13-15, “Forgive as the Lord has forgiven you. Over all these virtues put on love, which binds the rest together and makes them perfect. Christ’s peace must reign in your hearts....” Clearly, these are virtues that our families need today, virtues that we should all desire strongly. Let us pray through the intercession of Jesus, Mary and Joseph in this Holy Year of Mercy that we might not only seek the Lord’s mercy but also be true ambassadors of that mercy right here in our own community and wherever the Lord brings us on the journey of life. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us! CHRISTMAS GRATITUDE Thanks so much to all the staff and volunteers who made this such a blessed Christmas here at Annunciation. So many worked so hard to make this a truly inspirational celebration of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Father Ramos and I want to thank all our parishioners for your kind wishes, gifts and prayers during this holy season. Be assured of our grateful prayers and remembrances in Mass as we thank God for your love and support. NEW YEAR’S DAY New Year’s Day is the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God and a holy day of obligation. The Masses will begin with a New Year’s Eve Mass at 5:30 p.m. On New Year’s Day there will be three Masses: 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Come and pray with Our Lady for blessings and peace for our world in the New Year. Happy New Year 2016! PARISH LIFE & PASTORAL OUTREACH RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS Sr. Cristina Ove era, FdCC, Director cove era annunciationparishabq.org FAMILY CENTERED RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Leslie Monette—Director lmonette@annunciationparishabq.org Phone: 296-0411 “ ne of the goals of family life is harmony among the members. t the event of the loss of the boy Jesus in the temple , Mary and Joseph searched for him with great an iety. uke : . Jesus’ response in uestion form, “Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” uke : , illustrates the reality that birth into a family does not mean that that family is the best one for a person. ome people ask too much of their families and stretch them to the breaking point. nowing that “we are od’s children now” John : makes room for all. Thus, the gathering of the hristmas family, the neighborhood family, the church family, and any other form of family means there is a place for everyone.” - Christmas Greetings Let us go now even to ethlehem and see this thing which has come to pass, which the Lord has made nown to us. That’s what the shepherds said to each other on a hill near ethlehem thousands of years ago. ut what was the thing they went to see It was a child whose birth we celebrate even now all these many years later. The child we see each Advent season is Jesus, the Son of God. He is the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. The Nativity is a concrete demonstration of God’s love for us—a love that given the chance, will fill every need and exceed every expectation. As you experience the oy of the Christmas Season ta e time to contemplate the Incarnate Word and go forth li e the shepherds did glorifying and praising Our Savior, Jesus. In the Holy Family’s presence may you find Christmas Joy Merry Christmas THIS WEEK’S MEETINGS / ACTIVITIES Dec. 28 Monday Dec. 2 Tuesday Dec. 31 Thursday Marianites :30-10:30AM Communion isits to the Sick Homebound Parishioners No RCIA Catechumenate. Enjoy your Christmas celebrations! Sunday Scripture Readings Reflection :30-10:30AM SFH SFH HAPPY FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY, JOSEPH! Than You Parish olunteers I wa nt to t ake t his oppor t unity on t he last weekend of 2015, on behalf of Msgr. oo rhies, to e press ou r heartfelt gratitude to all volunteers in Annunciation Parish Life, Pastoral Outreach and RCIA min istries. We pray for each one of you and you r family , that your generosity and commitment may be rewarded with abundant blessings th is new year. We p ray the Holy Sp irit to give u s the grace to live faithfully this Jubilee Year of Mercy, the theme of which is “Merciful Like the Father”. Th ank you very mu ch, everyone. Keep up the Sp irit! Retreat Opportunities in the Canossian Spirituality Center : 1 J a nuar y 8-15, 2016 will be Journal Directed Retreat, with La Salle Brother Joseph Schmidt and Sister of Charity incentia Roney. This is open also for those who want to attend a 3 -day jou rnal writin g p hase on ly Jan. 8 in the evening to Jan 10 at noon . Please register at 452 - 402 or online at www.canossianspirituality cen ter.org. 2 Frid ay, Janu ary 15, there will be an ev en in g of reflection on Pope Francis’ encyclical “Laudato Si: On Care for our Common Home”, to be facilitated by Franciscan Sister Joan Brown. Information flyers for both retreats are available in the vestibule reading rack. Church estibule Reading Rac I n fa it hful obser va nce of t he J ubilee Yea r of Mer cy, we will provide prayer cards, pamphlets, booklets on Divine Mercy and general topics on Pope Francis’ writings. These will be available during the first week of January, 2016. If you have materials to share, please give to Sr. Cristina in the parish office. Thank you very much. Full of God’s Blessings!! T hank You, Catechists and Adult Faith Formation Facilitators for donating your time and talent to teaching our Catholic Faith to our Parish Community! God Bless You All! Mary Bodelson Anne Claspell Sherry Fila Wendy Fuge Melody Gallegos Thomas Heisel Melissa Holt Bayette Debbie Holzmann John Humbel Hank Koenig Jaclyn Ley Anne Martinez Jac uie Martinez Mike Martinez Kathy Ma well Helen Miyaki Nicole Monette Matthew Morrell Jennifer MurphyDye Louise Padilla Renee Pagan Carrie Perez Lang Ha Pham Caitlin Robertson Robert Rose Sue St. Cyr Denise Tellez J.R. Tellez Maria aughn Jennifer eit Mark illareal Robert Wall Monica Whitford e site: e o site: s: o LECTIONARY READINGS Monday, December 28th, 2015 — Saturday, January 2, 2016 MONDAY: THE HOLY INNOCENTS, MARTYRS 1 Jn 1:5-2:2 Mt 2:13-18 “We praise you, O God, we acclaim you as Lord; the white robed army of martyrs praise you.” TUESDAY: FIFTH DAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD; St. Thomas Becket 1 Jn 2:3-11 Lk 2:22-35 “A light of revelation to the Gentiles and glory for your people Israel. “ ~ Lk 2:32 WEDNESDAY: SIXTH DAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD 1 Jn 2:12-17 Lk 2:36-40 “A holy day has dawned upon us. Come, you nations, and adore the Lord. Today a great light has come upon the earth.” THURSDAY: SEVENTH DAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD 1 Jn 2:18-21 Jn 1:1-18 “The Word of God became flesh and dwelt among us. To those who accepted him he gave power to become the children of God.” ~Jn 1:14a, 12a FRIDAY: THE OCTAVE DAY OF THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD; SOLEMNITY OF MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD Nm 6:22-27 Gal 4:4-7 Lk 2:16-21 “In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets; In these last days, he has spoken to us through the Son.” ~ Heb 1:1-2 SATURDAY: ST. BASIL THE GREAT GREGORY NAZIANZEN 1 Jn 2:22-28 Jn 1:19-28 “In times past, God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets; In these last days, he has spoken to us through his Son.” ~Heb 1:1-2 MUSIC & LITURGICAL MINISTRY Dr. Jane Smith, Director 298-9636 Sr. Betty Rivero, FdCC, Assistant MINISTRY & MUSIC HAPPENINGS MUSIC NO CHILDREN’S CHOIR, PARISH MIXED CHOIR, OR CANTOR REHEARSALS THIS WEEK– Thank you for your beautiful music this holy season and for your hard work throughout the year!!! 5:30 PM Music Ensemble Rehearsal: Sunday, 4:15 pm, in the church MINISTRY Liturgical Ministers!!! Thank you for your generous service on these special holy days. Your service is a great blessing to our parish and is truly a gift to us all. Merry Christmas and have a happy and blessed new year. If you have any changes to make to your contact information or Mass time preference, please fill out a change form and drop it by the Parish Office. We are already working on the next Ministry Schedule that will run through Easter 2016. Please keep the sick and homebound of our parish in your prayers. Anointing of the Sick: Wednesda y, Ja nua ry 27, 2015 a fter the 8:30 AM Ma ss The Liturgical Minister Schedule is a va ila ble o n the Annuncia tio n Pa rish Website: http://www.annunciationparishabq.org/litschedule.html Coffee and donuts will NOT be served on Sunday, January 3, 2016 MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR! .ann nciationyya. ord ress.com .ann nciationYYA nciationyya. ord ress.com Ann 505-293-6760 JAN 1 GET IN OL ED! DAILY I LE READING PLAN Our Youth Need YOU! — It s really uite staggering. Statistics show that 8 of Catholic youth leave the Church during their college years. Scary news Yes. But there is hope! Statistics also show that 5 of high school youth who are actively involved in their Church in their teen years remain in the Church during their college years. Parents, YOU are the KEY and we need your help to turn the tide. YOUTH ministries sees that our teens are busy with many things. We propose to bring the atholic ommunity to them where they are—the soccer field, dance studio, baseball diamond—to feed them in these mo ments, both bodily and spiritually. Will you help us Contact Sr. Lisa Marie to learn more about how you can help. Casa Angelica Project Our Youth Office is partnering with the Canossian Sisters and Casa Angelica to ring hurch to asa Casa Angelica is a home for youth and young adults with developmental disabilities, who re uire specialized care 24 . Our aim is to share the joy of our Faith and the Love of Jesus for everybody, and give our Annunciation kids an opportunity to grow in creativ ity, compassion, community and gratitude. The project will take place on Sundays in January and February. Would you like to help us Contact Sr. Betty to find out how. Sr. Betty Rivero, FdCC; Associate Director brivero@annunciationparishabq.org UPCOMING E ENTS! Frassati Christmas Dinner DE 6:30-8:30pm, C location TBA DEC SUN DAY Haggai Sirach Lu e : - DEC MON DAY echaria Sirach : John : - DEC TUE DAY echaria Sirach : Col : - DEC WED DAY echaria Sirach : Phil : - DEC THU DAY Malachi Sirach : John : - JAN FRI DAY Genesis : - : Matthew : - : Ps : - Prov : - POINT MS Youth Group JAN 6:00- :30pm, Comm Ctr NEW Schedule! JAN SAT DAY Genesis : - : Matthew : - : Ps : Prov : - JAN Frassati Y-Adult Society 6:30-8:30pm, location TBA Spiritual Works of Mercy As followers of Jesus, we are instructed to look after the needs of our brothers and sisters. Jesus said: Matthew Solemnity: Mother of God JAN Mass: 8:30, 10:30am 5:30pm Youth ible Study JAN 6:30-8:00pm, St Francis Hall Youth Confirmation JAN 3:00-5:15pm, Community Ctr. Casa Angelica Pro ect JAN 2:00-4:00pm, meet at CommCtr The Pope’s Mercy Message : - , In this Year of Mercy, we will highlight the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy, asking ourselves, how am I helping my brother and sister? - t. Magdalene of anossa Sr. Lisa Marie Doty, FdCC; Director lmdoty@annunciationparishabq.org