St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church, Huffman, Texas


St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church, Huffman, Texas
Miracle of Holiness by Rev. Richard Barker My dear parishioners, the leadership of Christ is two‐fold. First, consider that Jesus Christ pro‐
ceeds as the new Moses and the new high priest at the head of his pilgrim people guiding them to their heavenly homeland. Our Lord leads us, not to Mount Sinai in the desert, but to his saving cross. He guides us through our temporal existence into spiritual reality. Second, consider that Jesus Christ protects the members of his Church as a shepherd protects his lambs. Christ's love is personal and in mate for all who acknowledge his sovereign rule in their lives. The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ commands all who freely give their love to Christ to accept his headship over the totality of their lives‐‐families, work, recrea on and religion. We advance far in the spiritual life if we accept as our model and exemplar the gospel way of life of Jesus Christ. Make no mistake, to the last man, woman and child, Chris ans are called to spir‐
itual perfec on, for God clothes himself in holiness for the sake of his glory and man's salva on. Christ pleased his Father who transfigured his countenance like the sun and his garments like light. When contrite and humble persons consent to clothe themselves in holiness, love and all other spiritual gi s are ordered to God's jus ce, that is to say, rendering to others what God wills as their due. We cannot cling to our old ways and our old selves. We must be holy as God is holy: "...even as he chose us in him before the founda on of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him". [Eph 1:4] We must consciously strive to receive the miracle of holiness. Created in God's image and likeness, we must die to our old selves in the bap sm of grace and take on the garment of our salva‐
on. The contrite believer should tremble that mankind, awash in its own blood, could not redeem itself in the ocean of its tres‐
passes. Yet, in Christ "we have redemp on through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace which he lavished upon us". [Eph 1:7‐8] God expects of his followers nothing less than that holiness become our all‐encompassing a ribute as he has chosen it for himself. … (con nued on page five)
Advent Thoughts [Excerpt from St. Josemaria Escriva’s wri ngs) The life of Jesus Christ is a summary and compendium of the story of divine mercy: "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy." And on another occasion our Lord said: "Be merciful, therefore, even as your Father is merciful." Many other scenes of the Gospel have also made a deep impact on us, such as his forgiveness of the adulterous woman, the parable of the prodigal son, that of the lost sheep, that of the pardoned debtor, the resurrec on of the son of the widow at Naim. How many reasons based on jus‐
ce could Christ have found to work this great wonder! The only son of that poor widow had died, he who gave meaning to her life, he who could help her in her old age. But Jesus didn't perform the miracle out of jus ce, but out of compassion, because his heart was moved by human suffering. … (cont. on page four) St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church, Huffman, Texas
December 7, 2014 “Ac vely striving to be a holy and loving Family of Faith, serving God and neighbor.”
We welcome you to our parish. If you would like to be‐
come a member please fill out a registra on form located on the counter underneath the glass display case or visit our website: Mass Inten ons and Scripture Readings
Monday, December 8 (Immaculate Concep on) 8:30 am ‐ For the People of Our Parish 7:00 pm ‐ +Repose of the soul of John Pilgreen+ Readings: Genesis 3:9‐15,20; Ps 98:1‐4; Eph 1:3‐6,11‐12; Luke 1:26‐38 Tuesday, December 9 (St. Juan Diego) 8:30 am ‐ +Repose of the soul of Helen Mizgorski+ Readings: Is 40:1‐11; Ps 96:1‐3, 10ac, 11‐13; Mt 18:12‐14 Wednesday, December 10 8:30 am ‐ +Repose of the soul of Hoai Lai+ Readings: Is 40:25‐31; Ps 103:1‐4, 8, 10; Mt 11:28‐30 Thursday, December 11 (St. Damasus I) 8:30 am ‐ Special inten ons of Father Barker Readings: Is 41:13‐20; Ps 145:1, 9, 10‐13ab; Mt 11:11‐15 Friday, December 12 (Our Lady of Guadalupe) 8:30 am ‐ Special inten ons of Windy McMichael Readings: Rv 11:19a; 12:1‐6a, 10ab; Judith 13:18bcde, 19: Luke 1:26‐38 Saturday, December 13 (St. Lucy) 8:30 am ‐ Special inten ons of Sco Walker Readings: Sir 48:1‐4, 9‐11; Ps 80:2ac, 3b, 15‐16, 18‐19; Ma hew 17:9a, 10‐13 Confession Schedule for Advent/Christmas
Thursdays, 12/11, 18 from 7:00 ‐ 8:00 pm
Reconcilia on is one of our seven Sacraments ins tuted by the Church as a means of grace in our lives. During Advent we are providing three addi onal mes for confession. This is in addi on to confession every Saturday from 3:30‐4:30 Feast of the Immaculate Concep on
Monday, December 8th
8:30 am and 7:00 pm
The Blessed Virgin Mary was born with‐
out the stain of original sin and full of grace ‐ the Immaculate Concep on. Thus she was a holy vessel of honor for our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us rejoice and give honor and thanks to our Blessed Mother, Mary Most Holy. Sunday Masses
Saturday, December 13 5:00 pm ‐ +Repose of the soul of Daniel Bielamowicz, Sr.+ Sunday, December 14 8:30 am ‐ +Repose of the soul of Norbert and Ger e Luke+ 11:00 am ‐ For the People of Our Parish Readings: Isaiah 61:1‐2a, 10‐11; Lk 1:46‐50, 53‐54; 1 Thessalonians 5:16‐24; Jn 1:6‐8, 19‐28 Christmas Masses
Altar Flowers Are Given
In Memory of Sophie Howard
By Her Family
Collec ons
Sunday Collec on (11/23/14) $6,277.00 Children’s Collec on 9.00 Debt Re rement (Building Fund) 500.00 Special gi s to savings: 550.00 Second Collec on: Human Development 1,416.00 Dress Standard for All Masses/Adora on
Men/Young Men/Boys (who have made 1st Communion): Shirts and pants. Women/Young Women/Girls (who have made their 1st Communion): Modest Dresses, Coordinated Ensembles, or Shirt/Blouses with Pants. Clothing not proper: flip‐flops, shorts, cutoffs, t‐shirts, body shirts, sloppy jeans, tank tops, & revealing clothing. Please do not bring bo led water, soda, food, candy or
gum into the Sanctuary and Day Chapel of the Church.
Please honor the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
and wear modest clothing.
‐2‐ Wednesday 12/24 Thursday 12/25 Thursday 12/25 5:00 pm 12:00 am 10:00 am Christmas Eve Mass Midnight Mass Christmas Day Mass Second Sunday of Advent — Cycle B; The Year of Grace
When entering and depar ng the Church, please guard the silent prayer of others.
A Women’s Advent Tea by Candlelight
Christmas Poinsettias
Please join us for a special evening for women hosted by Familia and our Women’s Guild. They will gather together on Friday, December 12th from 7:00—9:00 pm. It’s a me sparked with special reflec on, soothing music, sweet des‐
serts and quiet conversa ons among friends old and new. There will be reflec ons given with music provided by Brid‐
get Meyer. Ladies of our parish are invited to host or co‐host a table. The responsibili es of a hostess include providing: Candles and decora ons for the table, place se ngs for each guest, your favorite dessert and invi ng your family and friends to fill a table of eight. If you would like to be placed at tables please call Margarita Rath. There’s no cost to the evening, but reserva ons are required. Reserve your table early as there are a limited number of tables available. To RSVP and for more info please contact Margarita at 281‐989‐9291 or The Women’s Guild will be placing poinse as and three white bouquets on the altar for the Christmas season. Please consider making a dona on to go towards the pur‐
chase of these beau ful plants. SVdP Adopt a Family for Christmas
Christmas will be here very soon and SVdP has received a list of 10 families in the Huffman school district in need of assis‐
tance to provide for their Christmas joy. They consist of 3 families with 2 children, 2 families with 3 children, 3 families with 4 children, 2 families with 5 children. If it is in your heart to bring Christmas joy to one of these families please call 832‐655‐1214 to offer your assistance. Tell us which size family you would like to adopt and we will get the detail informa on to you. The families have given us the clothing sizes and wish list of each child. School closes December 19th for the holidays and we need to have everything delivered by that date. You may choose the method you wish to use to provide for the children, either, purchase the items and deliver them your‐
self or purchase gi cards to cover the items and deliver them yourself. Our Lords Blessings be with you this Christ‐
mas season as you provide for his li le children. Pine Shadows Nursing Home Gift Giving
Every Christmas our youth group takes donated gi s to the Pine Shadows Nursing Home in Porter. Look for gi tags on the Christmas tree in the Church ves bule the weekend of November 29th and 30th. Gi s can be returned and le under the tree the following two weekends (December 6th/7th, December 13th/14th). Our middle and high school youth will deliver the presents to the residents on Friday, December 19th from 2pm – 4pm. ‐3‐ Disciples of Jesus and Mary (DJM) presents
Consecra on to Jesus through Mary
The Disciples of Jesus and Mary invite you to join them in making their annual “Consecra on to Jesus through Mary" by St. Louis de Mon ort. The consecra on book is available in the Women’s Guild Shop. This 33 day prepara on begins December 31st, and we will make our Consecra on February 2nd (the Feast of the Presenta on of the Lord) following the 8:30 a.m. Daily Mass or in the privacy of your home. For more info you may contact Jan Williams at (281) 852‐4389 or Altar Server/Acolyte Party
A en on all altar servers and acolytes! A pizza party is being held to thank you for your hard work and dedica on to your ministry. It will be on Sunday, December 7th at 4:30 pm at CiCi’s Pizza in Atascocita. The address is 7140 FM 1960. It faces Atascocita Rd and the shopping center is across the street from Lowe’s. Please contact Chris an Sparks, our Al‐
tar Server Director, to RSVP at or 832‐564‐5786. Confirmation Class Updates
St. Juan Diego, Pray for Us!
Feast Day: December 9
Patron Saint of Indigenous Peoples
Thoughts on Advent by St. Josemaria Escriva
(from front page)
… What security should be ours in considering the mercy of the Lord! "He has but to cry for redress, and I, the ever mer‐
ciful, will listen to him." It is an invita on, a promise that he will not fail to fulfil "Let us therefore draw near with confi‐
dence to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in me of need." The enemies of our sanc‐
fica on will be rendered powerless if the mercy of God goes before us. And if through our own fault and human weakness we should fall, the Lord comes to our aid and rais‐
es us up. "You had learned to avoid negligence, to flee from arro‐
gance, to grow in piety, not to be a prisoner of worldly ma ers, to prefer the eternal to the passing. But since hu‐
man weakness cannot maintain a steady pace in such a slip‐
pery world, the good doctor has prescribed remedies for not ge ng lost and the merciful judge has not led you to despair of pardon. “ Dear St. Philip’s family, Recently our Confirma on class enjoyed a lesson taught by Jan Williams, teaching team member. She introduced to the class the teachings of St. Catherine of Sienna, a Doctor of the Catholic Church. St. Catherine was an illiterate young woman who entered the convent with a deep desire to serve God. God recognized her love for Him and spoke to her many mes telling her to write down His messages. She obeyed and her wri ngs are recognized by the Mother Church as vital to our understanding of God’s love for us. Jan’s lesson was powerful in explaining the bridge to Heav‐
en we are able to travel if we follow Jesus and not the tempta ons of the devil. St. Catherine was given a glimpse of Hell and wrote of the horrors awai ng those who fall to tempta on. We can reach Heaven by following Jesus and staying on the bridge of His love. The diagram drawn on the white board showed turbulent waters flowing beneath the bridge. This represented the way to Hell. God giving us free will and intellect gives us the freedom to choose good or evil in our lives. Choosing good and doing good means staying on the bridge to Heaven. True evil leads to Hell. We also learned that our Blessed Mother is a “shortcut” to Jesus. It is through Mary that we are able to have a rela‐
onship with Him. Mary leads us to Jesus and asks us re‐
peatedly through her appari ons to pray to Him and follow Him. If we stay on the bridge of life through Jesus, Mary will lead us to Him and to Heaven. Part of the lesson touched on Purgatory. It is appropriate to teach a lesson about Purgatory in November when we pray for and remember our deceased loved ones this month. We understand that Purgatory is a place of redemp on and reflec on. It is not a punishment. Going to Purgatory means we are on our way to Heaven! This is the ul mate goal; Sainthood and life everlas ng. Amen. Please pray for our Confirmandi, teaching team and youth mentors during this Confirma on faith journey. Sincerely in the Hears of Jesus and Mary, ‐4‐ Lyne e Zaunbrecher, Confirma on Coordinator Rosary and Mass for John Pilgreen Miracle of Holiness
(from front page)
A rosary will be offered for the +repose of the soul of John Pilgreen+ on Monday, December 8th, 6:00 pm at Darst Funeral Home, 796 Russell Palmer Rd., Kingwood. The funeral Mass will be at St. Philip the Apostle on Tues‐
day, December 9th, 10:00 am. Yet, in Christ "we have redemp on through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace which he lavished upon us". [Eph 1:7‐8] God expects of his followers nothing less than that holiness become our all‐encompassing a ribute as he has chosen it for himself.… What person lives whose soul does not prompt him to seek deliverance from corrup on, to be restored and renewed whole and en re? What person does not want his life to evidence coherence and meaning? In choosing for God, we discovers our true nature and the spiritual birthright of our freedom. Certain in the knowledge that good prevails over evil, the gi of man's poten al to the service of God is manifested perfectly in the birth of a baby. The miracle of every birth is a resounding rebuke to Satan and his cohorts. No wonder that the birth of a child is honored in every culture and re‐
birth through bap sm is revered by the Church. Thus we seek the sanc fying grace God prepared before the beginning of me for those who love him and delivered to us through the redemp on won by Christ on the cross. And grace consists in this, that God gives us a daily por on of the merits of his divinity by which we are perfected in his image and likeness. "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, with unveiled face, behold‐
ing the glory of the Lord, are being changed into his likeness from one degree of glory to another; for this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit." [2Cor 3:17‐18] Sincerely in the hearts of Jesus and Mary. Your pastor, Reverend Richard Barker. St. Lucy, Pray for Us!
Feast Day: December 13th
Patron Saint of the Blind and Visually Impaired
St. Vincent de Paul Thoughts
In today’s Gospel John the Bap st urges us to “Prepare the way of the Lord,” and this is what Advent is all about. We are called to help prepare the way of the Lord by making the real meaning of Christmas come alive in our own hearts, in our family and to reach out to those in need. Is there a fami‐
ly you know who needs assistance? Please call the Society of St. Vincent de Paul so that together we can help the suffer‐
ing and poor to celebrate Christmas. Safe Environment Training
New Volunteers ‐ Virtus
For all new volunteers: the Archdiocese of Galveston‐
Houston maintains a mandatory educa onal program of protec on for our children consis ng of going to an informa‐
onal class and comple ng required forms. All volunteers, ages 18 and over, who have any consistent and ongoing contact with our children and youth must take the Virtus training program. Upcoming classes in local area are at: St. Mar n de Porras, Barre Sta on,
Saturday, December 13th, 9:00 am‐Noon;
St. Martha, Kingwood,
Tuesday, January 13th, 6:30‐9:30 pm. Praying the Our Father during Mass
‐5‐ One should not walk out of the Mass during the "Our Fa‐
ther" prayer. We call it the Lord's Prayer for good reason. It is the prayer that Jesus Christ himself gave to the Church to pray in his name. The "Our Father" prayer is the most per‐
fect and sublime expression of the very mind of God. The "Our Father" is the "pearl without price". It is the summit of the Church's prayer in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. To pray the “Our Father” prayer in the assembly of God's peo‐
ple is the spiritually mature thing to do. In conscience, it's what the man and woman of faith must do. Receiving Holy Communion
DJM Corner
When you receive Communion during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, it is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ that you are receiving. Holy Communion, in the Catholic Church, is reserved for those who have received the sacrament of First Holy Communion, have been catechized (taught) in our Catholic faith and have made a profession of faith. One should abstain from Holy Communion if they are in mortal sin and have not received the sacrament of reconcilia on. If you are not Roman Catholic or are in need
of the Sacrament of Reconcilia on, we ask that you refrain
from receiving Holy Communion in the Mass. However, you
may go up to one of the ministers for a blessing when Holy
Communion is being offered. By crossing your hands over
your heart, the Priest or Eucharis c minister will know to give
you the blessing. Also, if you choose to receive only the Blessed Sacrament and not from the Chalice, it is fi ng nevertheless to pause for a moment to honor Christ’s presence in the Precious Blood—with an appropriate sign of devo on. We would not think to pass a friend on the street without some acknowledgement. Our Lord Jesus Christ deserves no less, and most assuredly, a great deal more. Disciples of Jesus and Mary (DJM) Fr. Santan Pinto SOLT
Disciples of Jesus and Mary Founder
He called a child over, placed it in
their midst, and said, Amen, I say
to you, unless you turn and be‐
come like children, you will not
enter the kingdom of heaven”
– Mt 18:2‐3
Steps in Li leness
“There are 50 simple steps in li leness. Try them one step at a me. Look at your struggles and tempta ons. You will find one step that will suit you the most at that stage in your life. Do not hurry – remember you’re li le!” Step 10
The Lord’s presence does not depend on your understand‐
ing or your awareness.
“Come to me all you who labor and are weary, and I will give you rest.”  He desires to walk with you—depends on how close you want to be with Him!  Recognize His presence in His countless manifesta ons in crea on.  Invite Him to enter into all areas of your life.  Fill the emp ness of your life with His presence. “May the li le child Jesus bless you and accompany you on your journey” ‐Fr. Santan Pinto SOLT (2011+)
Please pray for our fellow parishioners and loved ones as they face illness and recupera on: George Baker, Millie Lochridge, Rachel Honza,
Charlene Stephenson, Pat Gizinski, Jackie Clark,
Daniel Yarbrough, Robert Murray, David Walts, Rita Long,
Mary Comeaux, Thelma Carrier, Mary Zycha, Noma Sughrue,
Pam Thang, Jeane e Malburg, Roberta Heath,
Wayne Glenn, Margaret Fann, Maria Crowley, Charles Jenny,
Barbara Glenn, Jake Guerrero, Sue Pantalion, Lera Cordova, Joe Lumbreraz, Fritz Kemper, Dcn Bob Keller, Juanita Acosta,
Darren Hilton, Juan Alvarez, Steve McMichael,
Dominic Kasper, Shirley Sims, Preston Fann, Rosie Colle e
For more informa on about DJM Spiritual Forma on contact Jan Williams: or visit our website: www.discipleso 
Please pray for the repose of the souls of:
+Doris Comeaux, Sylvester Leonards, David Banmiller,
Maria Nicolas Palacios, John Pilgreen, Helen Meyer,
Dubelsa Vasquez, Donald Hammes, Lilly Paris,
Delia McMahon, W. E. Nelson, Brenda Carr, James Kirby,
Pete Pantalion, Maureen Mellon, Felix Zaunbrecher,
Bobby Pantalion, Melba Pantalion, Margaret Dennis,
Daniel Bielamowicz, Sr., Anita Huval, Jackie Drewe ,
Frances Jaramillo, Amalia Singler, Colleen Oakes, Bill Sims,
Leo Schweers, Gilbert Shippers, F. Fisher Reynolds, Jr.+
God our Father, we thank you for calling men and women to serve in your Son’s Kingdom as priests, deacons, reli‐
gious, and consecrated persons. Send your Holy Spirit to help us respond generously and courageously to your call. May our community of faith support voca ons of sacrifi‐
cial love in our youth. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God for ever and ever. Amen. ‐6‐ LITURGICAL/OFFICE SCHEDULE
Sunday Masses: Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm; Sunday: 8:30 & 11:00 am First Friday: Chaplet of Divine Mercy First Saturday: Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary Daily Masses: Monday ‐ Saturday: 8:30 am Office Hours: Monday‐Thursday: 9:30 am ‐ 4:00 pm; Friday: 9:30 am ‐ noon; Lunch 12:00‐1:00 pm SACRAMENTS
Saturday: 3:30 ‐ 4:30 p.m. Weekdays: a er 8:30 am Mass (please call in advance) SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Exposi on of the Blessed Sacrament takes place following the Thursday morning 8:30 a.m. Mass in the main Church. Eucharis c Adora on begins at 9:00 a.m. in the Adora on Chapel. Adora on concludes with benedic on on Friday at 4:45 p.m. If you have been par cipa ng ac vely at least six months a er registra on in the parish, you may ask for an appoint‐
ment with the pastor to begin marriage prepara on. Mar‐
riage prepara on requires six months. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM If you have been par cipa ng ac vely at least six months a er registra on in the parish, you may call the parish office to begin bap smal prepara on. Children age 6 or younger; documents are required before bap sm date may be scheduled: parish & bap smal registra ons, birth cer ficate, and bap sm class cer fica ons. FUNERAL SERVICES
To ensure that parish ministers can assist you, please call the par‐
ish office before se ng dates and mes for funeral services. Re‐
garding personal spoken remembrances at funeral liturgies, St. Philip parish adheres to the policies of the Archdiocese of Galves‐
Holy Anoin ng is offered on the first Monday a er the 8:30 am daily Mass for the healing and spiritual strengthening of those who are seriously ill, impaired by advancing age or in danger of death. MINISTRIES AT ST. PHILIP
Pastor ‐ Rev. Richard E. Barker Deacon ‐ John Sarabia (281) 923‐9659 Ins tuted Acolyte/Sacristan ‐ John Comeaux (281) 324‐2044 Ins tuted Acolyte ‐ Troy Hill (713) 336‐3321
Secretary ‐ Windy McMichael Maintenance ‐ Roy Ayala
Parish Mailing Address: PO Box 2363, Huffman, TX 77336 Parish Physical Address: 2308 3rd St, Huffman Parish Phone ‐ (281) 324‐1478 Parish Fax ‐ (281) 324‐2775 Parish E‐Mail ‐ Parish Website ‐ Liturgical
Altar Servers
Father Barker (281) 324‐1478 Eucharis c Ministers
Kathy O’Donnell (832) 276‐3830 Home Bound
Kathy O’Donnell (832) 276‐3830 Sacristan Assistant
Lilia Lee (832) 527‐8006
Debbie Pantalion (806) 584‐4952 Adornment of the Sanctuary
Jan Williams (281) 852‐4389 Music Ministry Geralyn Moulds (281) 540‐4682 Valerie Sivil (281) 324‐6625 Windy McMichael (281) 324‐1478 Usher Ministry Michael Reding (713) 385‐4985 Social Outreach / Concern
St. Vincent de Paul Society
For assistance (832) 655‐1214 Marie Hohmann (281) 360‐9032 Prime Timers (50+)
Claudia Herron (281) 324‐1101 Rosemont Assisted Living
Judy Abdelnoor (281) 360‐9728 Prison Ministry
Josie Angell (281) 324‐1747 Transi ons Ministry
Lane Coco (281) 324‐2163 Con nuing Chris an Educa on (CCE)
CCE Office (281) 324‐1934 Elementary Coordinator Marie Hohmann (281) 360‐9032 First Sacrament Coordinator Lupe Cupples (281) 414‐3705 Middle School Coordinator Becky Pursell (713) 516‐7376 Confirma on/High School Coordinator Lyne e Zaunbrecher (281) 386‐9783 Chairperson and Youth Ac vity Coordinator Becky Pursell (713) 516‐7376 Parish Nursery
Becky Pursell (713) 516‐7376 Spiritual Development
Disciples of Jesus and Mary ‐ Laity Spiritual Forma on
Jan Williams (281) 852‐4389
Order of Carmelite Discalced Seculars (OCDS)
Parish Office (281) 324‐1478 Knights of Columbus
Bill Steed (832) 316‐8191 Women’s Guild
Maureen Rode (281) 852‐4692 Familia for Families Celina Sconochini (281) 797‐3959 Eucharis c Adora on/Holy Face Prayer Group
Janet Hays (281) 852‐3444 Prayer Chain
Parish Office (281) 324‐1478