10 KM
10 KM
E NJ OY AGE T AWAYAL ONGT HEMONT É RÉ GI E WI NEROUT E ! Doy o uf e e l l i k ea d mi r i n gs t u n n i n gl a n d s c a p e s , ma k i n gas t o p o v e rt ov i s i t c h a r mi n gs ma l l v i l l a g e s , a n dt a s t i n gs a v o u r i n gwi n e s ? T heMont é r é gi eWi neRout ea wa i t sy ou! E x p l o r i n gt h eMont é r é gi eWi neRout ei st r u l yap l e a s a n te x p e r i e n c e . T h eRo u t ee x t e n d sa c r o s sb o t hu r b a n a n dr u r a l l a n d s c a p e s , a n dc o n n e c t st h ec i t i e so f S a i n t É t i e n n e d e Be a u h a r n o i sa n dS a i n t Hy a c i n t h eo v e ra d i s t a n c eo fa p p r o x . 1 7 5k m. He r ea r et h r e es u g g e s t e di t i n e r a r i e st oh e l py o ud i s c o v e r t h eMont é r é gi eWi neRout e. T h es u g g e s t e di t i n e r a r i e s c a nb et r a v e l l e db yc a r , b yb i k eo rb ymo t o r c y c l e . T of u l l ya p p r e c i a t et h ee x p e r i e n c e , i ti sr e c o mme n d e dy o u o p tf o rat h r e e d a yg e t a wa y . T h i swi l l g i v ey o ut h eo p p o r t u n i t yt ov i s i tf o u ro rs i xo ft h e1 6p a r t i c i p a t i n gv i n e y a r d s a n dt od i s c o v e ra ni mp r e s s i v ea r r a yo fc o mp l e me n t a r y a c t i v i t i e st op a r t a k ei na swe l l a sg o u r me tp r o d u c t st o t a s t ea n ds a v o u r . Be f o r ee mb a r k i n go ny o u ra d v e n t u r e , c o n s u l tt h eo fc i a l ma po ft h eMo n t é r é g i eWi n eRo u t e ; i ts h o wst h ed i f f e r e n t wi n e p r o d u c i n ga r e a s . Y o uc a ne a s i l yn dt h ema pa t ma r out e de s v i ns . c om Ch e e r sa n dh a p p yt r a i l s ! ITINERARY 2 MOUNTAINS GETAWAYS TOTAL DISTANCE: 21 KM DAY 01 IN THE REGION OF: 10 KM SAINT-PAUL-D’ABBOTSFORD Spend a day in Saint-Paul d’Abbotsford. Nestled on the southern flank of mont Yamaska, Vignoble Coteau St-Paul welcomes you to sample savoury food products in its reception hall of French-inspired design. Afterwards, head over to Rang de la Montagne and fall under the spell of Domaine Le Grand Saint-Charles which is located in an enchanting setting on the eastern slope of mont Yamaska. Finish off your tour of the mountainside with a gourmet stopover at Vignoble Les Artisans du Terroir. Let yourself be tempted by more than 20 transformed food products that are sure to satisfy your taste buds and awaken your senses! Take advantage of your visit and admire the religious buildings that have been classified as historic sites in 2004. The St. Paul’s Anglican Church (1822) and the Abbotsford United Church, their cemeteries, the rectory (1887) and the parish hall (1898) are characterized by their integrity and serve as a reminder of the British occupation during the early 19th century. Vignoble Coteau St-Paul 1595, rue Principale Est Saint-Paul-D’Abbotsford• 450 379-5069 coteau-st-paul.com Domaine Le Grand Saint-Charles 995, Grand Rang Saint-Charles Saint-Paul-D’Abbotsford • 514 971-5653 domainelegrandsaintcharles.com Vignoble Les Artisans du Terroir 1150, rang de la Montagne Saint-Paul-D’Abbotsford • 450 379-5353 artisansduterroir.ca Geopictorial map - The Montérégie Wine Route COMPLIMENTARY ACTIVITIES IN THE VICINITY: Verger champêtre Granby • 450 379-5155 vergerchampetre.com La Pommeraie d’Or Rougemont • 450 469-2345 lapommeraiedor.com Vignoble Coteau St-Paul Domaine Le Grand Saint-Charles Vignoble Les Artisans du Terroir Les vins de la Montérégie Cidrerie Michel Jodoin Rougemont • 450 469-2676 micheljodoin.ca Coteau Rougemont Rougemont • 450 469-3000 coteaurougemont.com Domaine De Lavoie Rougemont • 450 469-3894 de-lavoie.com ACCOMMODATION SUGGESTIONS: Manoir Ramezay Marieville • 1 866 460-3251 manoirramezay.com Gîte le chalet du Mont Yamaska Saint-Paul-d’Abbotsford 613 523-1369 DAY 02 IN THE REGION OF: 11 KM ROUGEMONT AND MARIEVILLE Head off to Rougemont and discover the charms of Vignoble Coteau Rougemont. The estate produces several award-winning wines and ciders. Continue your outing with a stopover at Domaine de Lavoie which is nestled on the south-facing slope of mont Rougemont. The estate invites you to discover its authentic, 100 % Québec-made products, including several wines and perries. Vignoble Le MarieBeauBoi welcomes you inside its century-old barn which houses a country-style boutique. The vineyard boasts 6,000 grape vines of multiple varietals: Frontenac rouge, Frontenac gris and Sabrevois. Let the tasting begin! Vignoble Coteau Rougemont 1105, La Petite-Caroline Rougemont • 450 469-3090 coteaurougemont.ca Domaine De Lavoie 100, rang de la Montagne Rougemont • 450 469-3894 de-lavoie.com Vignoble Le MarieBeauBoi 550, chemin de la Branche du Rapide Marieville • 450 460-2834 mariebeauboi.ca Geopictorial map - The Montérégie Wine Route COMPLEMENTARY ACTIVITIES IN THE VICINITY: Centre des arts Juliette-Lassonde de Saint-Hyacinthe Saint-Hyacinthe • 450 778-3388 centredesarts.ca La Pommeraie d’Or Rougemont • 450 469-2345 lapommeraiedor.com Products of Vignoble Coteau Rougemont Domaine de Lavoie Products of Vignoble Le MarieBeauBoi Wine and cheese pairing Cidrerie Michel Jodoin Rougemont • 450 469-2676 micheljodoin.ca Domaine De Lavoie Rougemont • 450 469-3894 de-lavoie.com ACCOMMODATION SUGGESTIONS: Manoir Ramezay Marieville • 450 460-3251 manoirramezay.com Restaurant Auberge Le Fruit Défendu Rougemont • 450 469-1222 lefruitdefendu.ca Gîte La Maison du Doc Acton Vale • 450 546-7469 lamaisondudoc.com Gîte Aux Portes du Temps : La Costumière Roxton Falls • 450 548-2245 giteauxportesdutemps.com
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