2008 Annual Report - Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History


2008 Annual Report - Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History
Stephen M. Hicks, President
Janet Dowling Sands, Vice President Finance
Joan T. Seaver Kurze, Ph.D., Vice President Governance
Carolyn Chandler, Vice President Development
Glen H. Mitchel, Jr., Vice President Audit
Christopher Jacobs, Secretary
Patty MacFarlane, Immediate Past President
Dennis Allen
Patty Bryant
Aaron B. Budgor, Ph.D.
Bruce R. Culver
Douglas C. Dreier
Elisabeth Fowler
Lucie C. Greer
J.J. Hollister
Palmer G. Jackson, Jr.
Kathleen Kalp
Bobbie Kinnear
Bob Knight
Angel R. Martinez
John R. Powell
Paul J. Russell
Niki Sandoval, Ph.D.
Brian Sarvis, Ph.D.
Norman F. Sprague III, M.D.
Bruce H. Tiffney, Ph.D.
David H. Anderson
John B. Hundley, Ph.D.
Alexander M. Power
F. Brian Rapp
Brooke E. Sawyer, Jr.
Arent H. Schuyler, Jr., Ph.D.
Virginia Sloan
Karl L. Hutterer, Ph.D.
L etter from the 2008 Pres ide n t of t he Board
& E xec ut i ve Di re ctor
Dear Friends,
It is with great pleasure that we report to you that, in the midst of
The foundation of the strategic plan rests on three guiding principles:
doom and gloom, the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History ended
1) Inspiring awe for nature and a thirst for discovery; 2) Promoting
the year 2008 by looking back on several important achievements.
sustainability; and 3) Connecting our communities. From now
True, the Museum was affected by the extraordinary economic crisis
forward, these principles will determine how we define ourselves
as well, but hard work by our great staff, unflagging support by our
as an organization and how we measure success. They will not only
wonderful friends, and a firm focus on the long term accounted for
guide how we develop programs and engage in partnerships, but,
both stability and progress.
most importantly, they will also be our lodestar as we endeavor to
We are proud of many accomplishments over the year: we opened the
plan for the physical renewal of our campus.
fabulous new Dennis M. Power Bird Hall; several of our educational
Few members of the communities we serve have escaped feeling
programs were recognized nationally as exemplars of outstanding
the hardships that the recent economic downturn has inflicted. It is
learning in museums; we instituted a strong program to foster
in times like these that our Museum seems doubly important—by
sustainability; and our scientists continued to discover dozens of new
maintaining a focus on lasting values, by offering repose in the midst of
species and contributed to the understanding and restoration of local
turbulence and trouble, and by being a center for the community.
and regional environments.
We are profoundly grateful to all the many friends and donors who
Perhaps most important, we completed a long-range strategic
have assisted us in this great endeavor in 2008. Your commitment
plan to guide the Museum into its second century, and we laid the
allows us to continue to inspire a passion for the natural world. Thank
groundwork for planning a comprehensive renewal of the physical
you for your support!
facilities of our 93-year old institution.
Stephen M. Hicks
Board President
Karl L. Hutterer
Executive Director
Bones of the extinct Pleistocene deer mouse
(Peromyscus nesodytes) were recovered in
great abundance at the edge of an ancient
marsh near where the bones of Arlington
Springs Man were originally discovered.
I nspiring Aw e for Nature
a T h i rst for Discovery
Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History aims to spark curiosity and
ignite a passion for nature. We strive to expand our understanding of
the natural world, share the process of discovery, and communicate
the interconnectedness of all species.
The spirit of discovery drives our research, exhibits, and educational
programs. We encourage involvement by making science fun and accessible,
inspiring our audiences to explore the vast mysteries of nature.
During the past year, this inspiration was evident in every project and
exhibit held at the Museum and around our community. On Santa
Rosa Island a team of archaeologists, geologists, and paleontologists
continued excavations at the Arlington Springs site, where 13,000-year
old fragmentary human remains were first discovered in 1959.
Anthropology Curator John Johnson, supported by donor Scott
Newhall as well as a grant from the National Geographic Foundation,
established the importance of this site for understanding the earliest
human colonization of our continent.
Teens from our award-winning Quasars to Sea Stars education
program assisted Associate Curator of Anthropology Dr. Ray Corbett in
excavations at the Rancho Aldea Antigua site in Carpinteria. Four
radiocarbon tests were undertaken that date the site to 4,500 to 5,100
years ago. This period in Santa Barbara prehistory shows a dramatic
shift in Native American subsistence practices that was reflected in a
change of the types of milling instruments used. The artifact collection
generated by the fieldwork will contribute to our understanding of
these cultural transitions.
The Museum education staff undertook an important initiative to
help bring Santa Barbara children “back outside.” Over 2,000 students
attended the Outdoor Nature Exploration program, as we kicked off
our commitment to reconnecting children with the flora and fauna
of our natural world.
Carefully redesigned with oversight from the Vertebrate Zoology
Department, the new Dennis M. Power Bird Hall opened in the Fall
with more than 300 bird mounts innovatively grouped according
to feeding guilds and carefully arranged in colorful landscapes
aquatic in one case, terrestial in the other. The $1.8 million remodel
was the initial task in the Museum’s Strategic Plan to update its
exhibits. Several traveling exhibits were also presented including
GIANTS: African Dinosaurs and, from the Body Worlds exhibition,
The 6 Meter Woman.
The Invertebrate Zoology Department was highlighted in a
show on the Discovery Channel featuring a rare specimen
Giant Squid discovered at Monterey Bay. During the episode,
Dr. Hochberg, Associate Curator Patricia Sadeghian, and renowned
marine videographer Mike DeGruy conducted a dissection and
accessioned the specimen into the Museum’s scientific collection.
Prom oting Susta i n abil it y
The Museum promotes the preservation of the Earth’s natural systems
as an urgent priority and fosters a sense of collective responsibility,
necessary for maintaining biodiversity and for the well-being of our
own species.
We embrace sustainability as a critical element in all we do. We recognize
that society’s long-term success requires an understanding and respect
for nature’s limits, and we strive to lead by example, illuminating the
connections between research, policy, and personal responsibility.
Some examples of the Museum’s commitment to the long-term health
of our environment were seen with outreach activities at the Museum’s
marine science education facility, the Ty Warner Sea Center. The
Ocean Awareness Festival, conducted in partnership with Community
Environmental Council, promoted “World Ocean Day” to more than
300 participants. The Sea Center is a leader in our community in
promoting the use of sustainably harvested seafood. The Sustainable
Seafood Program recruited many new restaurants which serve oceanfriendly seafood and conducted training for staffs to further their
understanding of the impact of food choice on ocean health.
The Museum staff created a Green Team to help find opportunities to
save energy, recycle, and reduce waste on our own campuses. Based
on one of the Green Team’s policy recommendations, the Museum
eliminated the use of plastic water bottles and now uses glassware
at all meetings.
The Museum’s popular Town Hall series continued in 2008 with a topic
that brought out representatives from both sides of the issue. A panel
discussion on “Oil in the Channel: Contentious Solutions” addressed
the issue of oil drilling in the Santa Barbara Channel and proved
that there are no easy answers to the need for fuel and moderating
its effect on our environment.
While the Museum does not endorse any political candidate or
party, we hosted a panel of speakers to discuss controversial
environmental topics. Presidential Candidate Senator John McCain,
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, former CIA Director James
Foley, UCSB Dean of Engineering Matthew Tirrell, and Executive
Director of the Land Trust for Santa Barbara County Michael
Feeney presented their views on current energy policy and
environmental issues.
A noteworthy component of our collections management
program was the continued growth of the ability for our visitors
to review and research our collections online. Invertebrate Zoology
provides specimen-level data for nearly 200,000 collection
objects through www.sbcollections.org. About 90% of these
specimens are associated with geographical coordinates and
may be mapped by online visitors. Improvements in the state
of curation of the collections (level and accuracy of identifications,
organization, security, and accessibility) were an essential part
of making reliable data accessible online.
Rare Chumash presentation
basket with Spanish coin
designs, woven by Juana Basilia,
Mission San Buenaventura, c. 1820.
SBMNH Anthropology Collection.
Connecting O ur
Comm uni ties
The Museum is a community resource and a welcoming, accessible
center for community engagement. We use the full range of the human
experience to reach and connect people of all ages and backgrounds,
transcending geographic, economic, and cultural barriers.
We pursue a broad web of relationships and partnerships to facilitate
communication and mutual understanding, leveraging our resources
and technology to bring the Museum into the lives of the widest possible
range of professional and community groups.
Our efforts connect communities both nationally and locally. Curator of
Ethnography Jan Timbrook and Curator of Anthropology John Johnson
accompanied Chumash community representatives Niki Sandoval
and Ernestine De Soto to Washington, D.C. in March to consult with
the National Museum of the American Indian regarding a New York
exhibition which will feature outstanding objects from that museum’s
collection. One of the selected objects for special treatment in the
exhibit will be a Chumash presentation basket by the same weaver
who made a basket held in the Museum’s collection.
As community partners in “Science Matters,” we participated in the
program’s Summer Institute in August. This was the second year of
the CaMSP (California Mathematics and Science Partnership)-funded
Community Science Initiative for 4th, 5th and 6th grade teachers in
the Carpinteria and Santa Barbara school districts. School and Teacher
Services Manager Kathy Harbaugh assisted the 4th grade teacher
group in developing new inquiry-based lesson plans based on our
local ecosystems. She and School Specialist Elaine Gibson also led
the group on a field trip at the Mission Canyon campus to explore our
riparian habitat.
Following the 2007 City of Moorpark donation of a female Southern
Mammoth, the fossil was put on display while it was being prepared
so that visitors could watch removal of the fossil bones from the
sedimentary rock matrix in which they were encased. The Museum
will eventually incorporate the mammoth into a redesigned and
expanded geology and paleontology exhibit hall.
From April 16–18, the Museum played host to the Flower Show of the
Santa Barbara Garden Club. Gorgeous flower arrangements were on
view in the Courtyard and most of the galleries and corridors of the
eastern wing. The charm of our architecture and exhibits combined
with the beauty of the flower settings to provide a unique and
inspiring experience for all who attended.
S upport i ng t h e Museum
Museum activities were supported through admissions to the Museum
and Sea Center, membership, donations, and the purchasing of tickets
to support special events, many of which were designed to attract
people that might not otherwise visit the Museum or Sea Center.
The annual Mission Creek Gala raises funds each spring to support
free educational programming for schoolchildren at the Museum and
Sea Center. Chaired by Patty MacFarlane, Earth Air Fire Water:
A Celebration of the Elements was a sell-out event that raised over
$280,000. The popular annual Santa Barbara Wine Festival™ hosted
1,000 visitors creek side to sample regional wines and appetizers
from more than 50 wineries and restaurants. Held in September,
another popular event was the annual Santa Barbara ArtWalk™, which
is organized every year by the volunteer Museum League.
Festivals like Dino Fest and Winter FUNderland brought hundreds
of families to the Museum to celebrate the summer exhibit and
the holidays.
2008– 2016 S trate g ic Pla n S um m ary
The Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History inspires a thirst for discovery and a passion for the natural world.
Guiding Principles:
• Inspiring Awe for Nature and a Thirst for Discovery
• Promoting Sustainability
• Connecting our Communities
Strategic Plan:
I. Education Anchored in Nature
Blessed by a Museum facility set in the midst of an incomparably
beautiful environment, we want to utilize this great asset to the
fullest in our educational programs by not only teaching about
nature but by using nature itself as a powerful agency to engage
mind and soul.
II. Collections and Research Focused on our Endangered World
We want to employ our large collections of more than three
million objects and our staff of 14 scientists as effective resources
to expand our knowledge and understanding of the natural
world and the crises it faces through human impact.
III. Connecting our Communities
We want to use contemporary technology to help us reach the
widest possible audience. We want to ensure that we serve the
differing needs of all segments of the community, and we want
to foster human connections and understanding.
IV. A Model for Sustainable Living
We want the Museum itself, in its operations and programs, to be
a model of sustainable living and to offer our efforts of behaving
sustainably as an educational experience to the community.
V. An Example of Organizational Sustainability
We want to ensure that our organization has the resources to fulfill
its mission, that it uses its resources effectively and efficiently,
that it is fiscally stable, and that it remunerates its employees justly
and fairly.
VI. Physical Revitalization
We want to revitalize our aging campus so that we protect historic
values, bring our facilities up to standards regarding building codes,
and ensure that they effectively serve the mission and programs of
the Museum.
Staff Publicat ion s - 2 0 0 8
Barbosa, Andre F., Valdemar K. Delhey & *Eugene V. Coan
2008. Molluscan names and malacological contributions of
Wolfgang Karl Weyrauch (1907-1970) with a brief biography.
Malacologia 50(1-2): 265-277.
Caterino, Michael S. & A.K. Tishechkin.
2008. A review of Hippeutister Reichensperger (Histeridae:
Hetaeriinae), with new species from California and Costa
Rica. Zootaxa 1895: 39-52.
Caterino, Michael S. & Stylianos Chatzimanolis
2008. Phylogeography and conservation genetics of
Californian coastal terrestrial communities: A comparative
study using three beetles. Insect Conservation and Diversity
1: 222-232.
Caterino, Michael S., R.A.B. Leschen & C. Johnson
2008. A new genus of Caenoscelini (Cryptophagidae:
Cryptophaginae) from California, with two new species.
Coleopterists Bulletin 64: 509-523.
Chatzimanolis, Stylianos & Caterino, Michael S.
2008. Phylogeography of the darkling beetle Coelus ciliatus
in California. Annals of the Entomological Society of America
101: 939-949.
*Clark, Roger
2008. Mopalia kennerleyi Carpenter, 1864, a forgotten
species and its southern analogue Mopalia ciliata (Sowerby,
1840). American Malacological Bulletin 25: 71-76.
*Clark, Roger
2008. Two new chitons of the genus Tripoplax Berry, 1919
from the Monterey Sea Canyon. American Malacological
Bulletin 25: 77-86.
*Coan, Eugene V.
2008. Publication dates of Malacologia volumes and issues.
Malacologia 50(1-2): 361.
*Coan, Eugene V. & Alan R. Kabat
2008. The publications of the American Malacological Union/
Society. American Malacological Bulletin 23(1/2): 1-10.
*Coan, Eugene. V., Alan R. Kabat & Richard E. Petit
2008. 2,400 years of malacology, 5th ed., December 9,
2007, 775 pp. + 24 pp. [Annex of Collations]. American
Malacological Society: http://www.malacological.org/
*Coan, Eugene V. & Paul Valentich-Scott
2008. Three Nomenclatural Notes on Panamic Bivalves.
The Festivus 40(4): 49-54.
Collins, Paul W.
2008a. Catalina California Quail (Callipepla californica
catalinensis) In W.D. Shuford & T. Gardali (Editors) California
Bird Species of Special Concern: A Ranked Assessment of
Species, Subspecies, and Distinct Populations of Birds of
Immediate Conservation Concern in California. Studies of
Western Birds 1. Western Field Ornithologists, Camarillo,
California and California Department of Fish and Game,
Sacramento. pp. 107-111.
Collins, Paul W.
2008b. Island Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus
anthonyi), op. cit. pp. 278-283.
Collins, Paul W.
2008c. San Clemente Spotted Towhee (Pipilo maculatus
clementae), op. cit. pp. 365-370.
Collins, Paul W.
2008d. Santa Cruz Island Rufous-crowned Sparrow
(Aimophila ruficeps obscura), op. cit. pp. 371-376.
Collins, Paul W.
2008e. Channel Island Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia
graminea), op. cit. pp. 425-431.
Fahy, Krista M.
2008. The Effects of Habitat Choice, Density and Distribution
on Breeding Snowy Plovers. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of
California, Santa Barbara, CA. xv, 119 pp.
Geiger, Daniel L.
2008. Book review: Kantor & Sysoev, 2006. Club Conchylia
Mitteilungen 8: 47-48.
Geiger, Daniel L.
2008. Book review: Light’s Manual. Club Conchylia
Mitteilungen 8: 48-49.
Geiger, Daniel L.
2008. Haliotidae, S cissurellidae & Anatomidae.
In: Philippine Marine Mollusks (G. Poppe, ed.). Conchbooks,
Geiger, Daniel L.
2008. Monographing micromolluscs: a case studies on
Scissurellidae s.l. (Vetigastropoda). In: D.L. Geiger & B.
Ruthensteiner (Editors). Micromolluscs: Methodological
Challenges - Exciting Results. Zoosymposia 1: 133-145.
Geiger, Daniel L.
2008. New species of scissurellids from the Austral Islands,
French Polynesia, and beyond (Mollusca: Gastropoda:
Vetigastropoda: Scissurellidae, Anatomidae, Larocheidae).
The Nautilus 122: 185-200.
Geiger, Daniel L., Alexander Nützel, & Takenori Sasaki
2008. Vetigastropoda. Phylogeny and Evolution of the
Mollusca (W. Ponder & D. Lindberg, eds.). University of
California Press, Berkeley. pp. 297-330.
Geiger, Daniel L. & Bernhard Ruthensteiner (Editors.)
2008. Micromolluscs: Methodological Challenges - Exciting
Results. Zoosymposia 1: I-vi, 1-308.
Geiger, Daniel L. & Bernard Ruthensteiner
2008 Micromollusc proceedings volume published. Unitas
Malacologia Newsletter 27: 7.
Geiger, Daniel L. & Bernard Ruthensteiner
2008. Editors’ preface. In: D.L. Geiger & B. Ruthensteiner
(Editors). Micromolluscs: Methodological Challenges - Exciting
Results. Zoosymposia 1: iii.
Geiger, Daniel L. & Takenori Sasaki
2008. Extraordinary radula morphology found in new
species of Anatomidae (Mollusca: Vetigastropoda) from
the Mascarene Islands (Indian Ocean). In: D.L. Geiger &
B. Ruthensteiner (Editors). Micromolluscs: Methodological
Challenges - Exciting Results. Zoosymposia 1: 247-264.
Geiger, Daniel L. & Takenori Sasaki
2008. Four new species of Anatomidae (Mollusca:
Vetigastropoda) from the Indian Ocean (Reunion, Mayotte)
and Australia, with notes on a novel radular type for
the family. In: D.L. Geiger & B. Ruthensteiner (Editors).
Micromolluscs: Methodological Challenges - Exciting Results.
Zoosymposia 1: 247-264.
Geiger, Daniel L. & Christine E. Thacker
2008. Micromollusks in molecular systematic: experiences
and best practices. In: D.L. Geiger & B. Ruthensteiner
(Editors). Micromolluscs: Methodological Challenges Exciting Results. Zoosymposia 1: 39-45.
*Glassow, Michael A., Jennifer E. Perry, & Peter F. Paige
2008. The Punta Arena Site: Early and Middle Holocene
Cultural Development on Santa Cruz Island. Santa Barbara
Museum of Natural History Contributions in Anthropology
3. xiii, 101 pp.
*Hertz, Carole M. & *Carol Skoglund
2008. An undescribed Panamic Cyclostremiscus (Tornidae:
Vitrinellinae: Gastropoda). The Festivus 40(8): 93-94.
Hochberg, Eric
2008a. Book Corner: Lithograms of the Ferns of Queensland.
Nature Printing Society Newsletter, 31(1): 2 [Winter].
Hochberg, Eric
2008b. Book Corner: How to Do Nature Printing: Printing with
Leaves, Grasses and Mosses on Textiles, Wood and Ceramics.
Nature Printing Society Newsletter, 31(2): 2 [Spring].
Hochberg, Eric
2008c. Book Corner: Creating Art from Nature: How to
Handprint Botanicals. Nature Printing Society Newsletter,
31(3/4): 2 [Summer/Fall].
Johnson, John R.
2008. Channel Islands National Park. Frances H. Kennedy
(Editor) In: American Indian Places: A Historical Guidebook,
York: Houghton Mifflin Company. pp. 241-242.
Kennett, Douglas J., James P. Kennett, G.J. West, J.M. Erlandson,
John R. Johnson, I.L. Hendy, A. West, B.J. Culleton, T.L. Jones,
& T.W. Stafford, Jr.
2008. Wildfire and abrupt ecosystem disruption on
California’s Northern Channel Islands at the Ållerød-Younger
Dryas Boundary (13.0-12.9 ka). Quaternary Science Reviews
27: 2530-2545.
Miller, Linda S.
2008. The Illustrated Bird. Exhibition Catalog: John and
Peggy Maximus Gallery.
Timbrook, Janice F.
2008. Chumash Ethnobotany. Ph.D. Dissertation, University
of California, Santa Barbara. xii, 329 pp.
Valentich-Scott, Paul & Piyoros Tongkerd
2008. Coral-boring bivalve mollusks of southeastern
Thailand, with the description of a new species. The Raffles
Bulletin of Zoology 18(supplement): 191-216.
Valentich-Scott, Paul
2008. Book Review: Seashells of Southern Florida: Living
Marine Mollusks of the Florida Keys and Adjacent Region.
Bivalves.The Festivus 40(5): 69-70.
Zelaya, Diego G. & Daniel L. Geiger
2008. The identity of the enigmatic Scissurella dalli
Bartsch, 1903 (Gastropoda: Scissurellidae). In: D.L. Geiger
& B. Ruthensteiner (Editors). Micromolluscs: Methodological
Challenges - Exciting Results. Zoosymposia 1: 265-269.
Nolt, Jaya M.
2008. A new species of Scissurella from the Azores with
discussions on Sinezona semicostata Burnay & Rolán, 1990
and Sinezona cingulata (O. G. Costa, 1861) (Gastropoda:
Vetigastropoda: Scissurellidae). Zootaxa, 1678: 51-62.
Petit, Richard. E. & *Eugene V. Coan
2008. The molluscan taxa made available in the Griffth &
Pidgeon (1833-1834) edition of Cuvier, with notes on the
editions of Curvier and on Wood’s Index Testaceologicus.
Malacologia 50(1-2): 219-264.
*Skoglund, Carol
2008. New distributional information for Panamic Province
Pyramidellidae (Gastropoda). The Festivus, 40(1): 3-5.
Sirenko, Boris & *Roger Clark
2008. Deshayesiella spicata (Berry, 1919) (Mollusca:
Polyplacophora), a valid species. Ruthenica 18: 1-7.
Ant-loving Beetle Hetaerius californicus
Beetle size: 3.5 mm long
*Research Associate
Presen ted Papers
Johnson, John R.
2008. [Paper] Momonga and other Native American Places
in the vicinity of Santa Susana Pass. Society for California
Archaeology 42nd Annual Meeting; Burbank, CA; April 19.
Johnson, John R.
2008. [Paper] The Tejon Indians in the early Twentieth
Century. American Society for Ethnohistory Annual Meeting;
Eugene, OR; November 15.
Johnson, John R., & G. James West.
2008. [Paper] Analysis of an unusually well-preserved
midden at Cueva Escondida, a Chumash fishing camp on
Santa Cruz Island. Seventh California Islands Symposium;
Oxnard, CA; February 5-7, Abstracts, p. 42.
Johnson, John R., Thomas W. Stafford, Jr., G. James West,
and Thomas K. Rockwell.
2008. [Paper] Environmental change at Arlington Springs
before and after the Younger Dryas. Society for American
Archaeology 73nd Annual Meeting; Vancouver, BC, Canada;
March 28, Abstracts, pp. 293-294.
Kennett, Douglas J., James P. Kennett, Allen West, G. James
West, Ted E. Bunch, Brendan J. Culleton, Jon M. Erlandson,
Shane S. Que Hee, John R. Johnson, Chris Mercer, Marilee
Sellers, Thomas W. Stafford, Jr., Adrienne Stich, James C.
Weaver, James H. Wittke, & Wendy S. Wobach
2008. [Poster] Impact-shocked diamonds, abrupt ecosystem
disruption, and Mammoth extinction on California’s
northern Channel Islands at the Ållerød -Younger Dryas
Boundary (13.0-12.9 ka). American Geophysical Union Fall
Meeting; San Francisco, CA; Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall
Meeting Supplement, Abstract pp. 23D-04.
Stafford, Thomas W., Jr., John R. Johnson, & G. James West
2008. [Paper] New chronological and geological data
from the Arlington Springs Site. Seventh California Islands
Symposium; Oxnard, CA; February 5-7, Abstracts, p. 73.
Timbrook, Jan
2008. [Paper] Chumash basketry then and now. Society
of Ethnobiology 31st Annual Conference, “Indigenous
Ethnobiology, Past and Present,” University of Arkansas,
Fayetteville; April 16-19.
T ec hn ical Reports
Corbett, Ray
2008. Chumash Mortuary Practices: An Analysis and
Summary of Ethnographic, Ethnohistoric and Archaeological
Information. Report prepared for Channel Islands
National Park.
Corbett, Ray
2008. Excavations at SBA-3587, Rancho Aldea Antigua, by the
Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. Report prepared
for David Anderson, Santa Barbara, CA; November.
Fieldwork at Arlington Springs in 2008 uncovered valuable
information about the original landscape and environmental
conditions on Santa Rosa Island at the end of the Pleistocene.
Here geologist Dr. Thomas Stafford and archaeologist Dr. G.
James West work to expose an ancient in-filled stream channel
near the location where Paleoindians camped 13,000 years ago.
Financi al S umm ary for t he F is c al Year 2 0 0 8
Revenue by Source
Operating Costs
Endowments/Funds Draw
Collections and Research
Exhibits and Visitor Services
Museum Store
Management and General
Special Events
Museum Store
Rental Income
Special Events
Education Fees
Contributions and Sponsorships
Audited financial statements available upon request
Contributions and
Sponsorships 36%
Collections and
Research 32%
Education 14%
Funds Draw 28%
and General 12%
Fundraising 5%
Exhibits and
Visitor Services 25%
Earned Income 36%
Admissions 8%
Museum Store 7%
Education Fees 2%
Memberships 6%
Rental Income 4%
Other 2%
Special Events 7%
Membership 2%
Special Events 5%
Museum Store 5%
Museum Staff
Karl Hutterer, Ph.D., Executive
Jenny Theodorou, Deputy
Executive Director
Michael Williams, MBA, C.P.A,
Chief Administrative Officer
Diane Wondolowski, Interim
Director of Finance
Janessa Schueler, Director’s
Executive Assistant
Soj Aronson, Finance Manager
Alice Bourland, S.P.H.R., Human
Resources Manager
Phillip Morones, Information
Systems Manager
Collections and
Research Division
Henry W. Chaney, Ph.D.,
John Johnson, Ph.D., Curator
Jan Timbrook, Ph.D., Curator
of Ethnography
Ray Corbett, Ph.D., Associate
Curator of Archaeology
Amy Miller, Ph.D., Grant
Jennifer Alvarado, Office
Jessica Hennessey, Office
Brittany Bankston, Curatorial
Quentin Bylund, Curatorial
Lori Santoro, Curatorial
Elizabeth Sutton, Curatorial
Lisa Weber, Curatorial
Danielle Welch, Curatorial
Dibblee Geology Center
John Minch, Ph.D., Dibblee
Map Editor
John Powell, Dibblee Map
Cody Chambers, Dibblee Map
Invertebrate Zoology
Michael S. Caterino, Ph.D., Curator, Schlinger Foundation
Chair of Entomology
Henry W. Chaney, Ph.D., Curator, Howard/Berry Chair of Malacology
F.G. Hochberg, Ph.D., Curator of Invertebrate Zoology
Paul Valentich-Scott, Curator of Malacology
Patricia S. Sadeghian, M.A., Associate Curator
Daniel Geiger, Ph.D., Research Curator of Electro Microscopy
Maxi Polihronakis, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Researcher
Andrew Short, Ph.D.,
Postdoctoral Researcher
Jaya Nolt, Curatorial Assistant
Hannah Kistner, Curatorial Assistant
Iliana Ouzounov, Curatorial Assistant
Rachel Weber, Curatorial Assistant
Jodi Brown, Curatorial Assistant
Vanessa Gamaro, Curatorial Assistant
John and Peggy Maximus Gallery
Linda Miller, Curator
Elizabeth Soriano, Exhibit Designer
Terri Sheridan, Librarian
Eugenia Fernandez, Library Assistant
Katherine Lowe, Archive Assistant
Vertebrate Zoology
Paul Collins, M.A., Curator
Krista Fahy, Ph.D., Associate
Michelle Berman, M.S.,
Associate Curator
Laura Wilson, Curatorial
Trevor Lindsey, Fossil
Development Division
Caroline Grange, Director
Nicole Gulotta, Development
Nicole Ketterer, Development
Carrie LeBlanc, M.A.,
Development Officer
Meridith Moore, Special
Events Manager
Jeremiah Campbell, Special
Events Coordinator
Marketing and Design
Marie Murphy, Art Director
Easter Moorman, Marketing and PR Manager
Juan Minera, Senior Graphics Designer and Webmaster
Jeffery Grossman,
Membership Manager
Janessa Schueler,
Database Coordinator
Education Division
Heather Moffat M.S., Director
Karleen Cowan, Education
Krissie Cook, Astronomy Programs Manager
Javier Rivera, Astronomy Programs Manager
Samantha Thompson, Astronomy Assistant
Teen Programs
Monica Ballon, Teen Programs Manager
Children’s Programs
Lee Anne Bastian, Children’s Programs Manager
Tabatha Bruce, Children’s Programs Manager
Quasars to Sea Stars
Hilda Barriga, Nattaly Bautista,
Nathaniel Block, Alexis Diaz,
Leanne Fretz, Blanca Garcia,
Marvin Gonzalez, Ceci
Guadarrama, Rohun Heesen,
Skyler Ilenstine, Jacob Knauss,
Karla Lara, Peter Lewis, Shirin
Makaremi, Zaynah Orali,
Corinna Palmer, Eryn Parks,
Susan Pasternak, Christina
Perez, Colin Ristig, Jonathan
Stowe, Austin Wood, Claire
School and Teacher Services
Kathy Harbaugh, School and
Teacher Services Manager
Elaine Gibson, School and
Teacher Services Specialist
Judith Keim, School and
Teacher Services Assistant
Rebecca Fagan Coulter, School
Programs Registrar and
Volunteer Coordinator
Julia Laraway, Assistant
Volunteer Coordinator
Heather Lahr, Adult and
Family Programs Manager
Exhibits Division
Brian Weber, Director
Simon Allen, Exhibits Manager
Tony Mangini, Exhibits
Technician; Mike Carpenter,
Exhibits Technician, Designer;
David Bomer, Animal Care
Specialist; Tristan Oliver,
Exhibit Technician
Exhibit Gallery Attendants:
Carl Delsie, Chester Altman,
Shane Healy, Thomas Coffey,
Colin Kennedy
Facilities Division
Gary Robinson, Director
Thomas Bregante, Senior Custodian
Larry Bregante, Senior Groundskeeper
Custodians: Zenon Moran,
Frank Pulido, Matt Davis, Sam
Fluitt, Sal Reyes
Bill Clausen, Watchman
Barbara Barker, Project
Coordinator, Master Planning
Visitor Services Division
Amy Carpenter, Director
Store Assistants: Mary Ann
Prince, Rosa Defreitas, Rian
Visitor Services: Alexandra
Seltzer, Adrianne Calbreath,
Stephanie Calkins, Tori Larrick,
Michelle Chaves, Lindsay
Downing, Michelle Klonsky,
Stacey Neldon, Troy Roeber
Ty Warner Sea Center
Jenny Theodorou, Director
Kenneth Freeland, Manager
Amanda Hendrickson, Manager
Leeza Charleboix, Volunteer and Interpretation Manager
Programs and Exhibits
Maria Petueli, Education Coordinator
Jackie Hunt, Programs Coordinator
Dana Murray, Programs Coordinator
Sarah Green, Aquarist
Heather Lahr, Aquarist
Monica Cavazos, Sea Center Coordinator
Cali Moreno, Custodian
Sea Center Interpreters
Monica Cavazos, Ryan
Denton, Kristen Edwards,
Conni Griffith, Sophie Busch,
Lindsey Connolly, Courtney
Dohl, Tyler Haven, Chelsey
Visitor Services
Jose Lobato, Cory Meeks, Troy
Roeber, Kevin Shields, Stacy
Ranck, Annie Wilson
CALifornia Indian
Advisory Committee
Ernestine Ygnacio-De Soto,
Beverly Folkes, Penny Pierce
Hurt, Carmelita Lemos, Frank
Lemos, Deborah Morillo,
Kathryn Morgan, Lei Lynn
Olivas Odom, Adelina Padilla,
Alan Salazar, Niki Sandoval,
Elise Tripp, Julie TumamaitStenslie
Museum Docents
Ann Allen, Bonnie Araluce,
Anne Barnes, Hebe Bartz,
Dawnielle Burich, Helga
Carden, Karleen Cowan, Gloria
Decker, Bart Francis, George
Gilmour, Sarah Gilmour, Anne
Gonski, Linny Herington,
Rachel Johanson, Shirley
Kodak, Marge Lageman,
Sharon Lang, Loyda Solis
Marquez, George Matthaei,
Terri Miller, Cathy Molholm,
Marty Moriarty, Jane Murray,
Paul Nay, Robert Nieder, John
O’Brien, Donley Olson, Caren
Paulson, Roz Perry, Betsy
Roberti, Marian Rothstein,
Sandy Russell, Carol Sawyer,
Donna Small, Cindy Somers,
Rodrigo Soria, Irene Stone,
Colin Taylor, Lee Weinberg,
Randee Winitzky
Anne Murray, President
Terry Behrens, Beverly Brovsky,
& Dorothy Dearman, Vice
Randee Winitzky, Recording
Secretary & Membership
Diane Seidler, Corresponding
Beverly Brovsky & Jean Vroman,
Patty Ottoboni & Sue Adams,
ArtWalk Co-Chairs
Mary Garton, ArtWalk Treasurer
Loyda Marquez, Past President
Kay Abbott, June Ahlers,
Marilyn Barr, Jeri Beck, June
Behrens, Claire Chytilo,
Claudia Cook, Vaughn
Greditzer, Eleanor Golden,
Beverly Hanna, Mary Anne
Harrison, Rosemarie Harrison,
Elaine Hovind, Ruth Johnson,
Shirley Kodak, Lillian
Kornbluth, Lisa Lunsford, Joan
Marks, Maureen Masson, Liz
Meinzer, Nan Mills, Pandra
Moriarty, Megan Moyer,
Nancy Pierson, Joann Rounds,
Sandy Russell, Louise Shaieb
Sagady, Barbara Sawyer, Judy
Schweid, Diane Seidler, Anne
Sinclair, Ann Steinriede, Jill
Vander Hoof
On behalf of the Board of
Trustees and staff of the Santa
Barbara Museum of Natural
History, we wish to recognize
and thank those who made a
donation between January 1
and December 31, 2008.
President’s Circle
($5,000 +)
Adams Legacy Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Anderson, Esq.
Mr. Adolphus Andrews, Jr.
Mr. Victor K. Atkins, Jr.
Estate of Dr. Isabel H. Beck
Mrs. John C. Bowen
Mrs. Judy Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Browne
Henry W. Bull Foundation
Andrew H. Burnett Foundation
Mrs. Phila M. Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carone
Ms. Marcia Carsey
Ms. Carolyn Chandler and
Mr. Randal Leffingwell
Dr. Henry W. Chaney
The Cheeryble Foundation
Mr. Daniel R. Conlin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Crawford, Jr.
Estate of Dr. Peter M. Dearden
Mr. Peter DeSorcy
The Dreier Family
The Dreier Group
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Fowler
Dr. Larry Friesen
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Howard N. Gilmore
Miss Lucie C. Greer
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. Hammett
William Randolph Hearst
Mr. James H. Hecht
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Hicks
Hollis Norris Fund
Mr. Steven G. Horowitz
Hutton Foundation
The Ann Jackson Family
Elizabeth Bixby Janeway
George Frederick Jewett
Dr. Joan T. Seaver Kurze
Mr. and Mrs. Jon B. Lovelace
Mr. Steven J. Luttrell
Mr. and Mrs. John MacFarlane
Marisla Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Marquez
Mr. and Mrs. Angel R. Martinez
Mericos Foundation
Mr. Paul Mershon, Jr.
Mr. Lawrence Reed Miller
Mrs. Cynthia C. Mitchel
Mrs. Jan M. Montgomery
Samuel B. Mosher Foundation
Seeley W. Mudd Foundation
Museum League
Mr. David F. Myrick
National Geographic Society
Mr. Scott Newhall
Mr. and Mrs. Ed O’Donnell
Orfalea Foundations
The Outhwaite Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Peteler
Mr. Alexander M. Power
The RORD Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Russell
Santa Barbara Flag Project
Santa Barbara Foundation
The Schlinger Family Foudation
Dr. and Mrs. Arent H. Schuyler, Jr.
Caryll M. and Norman F. Sprague,
Jr. Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Norman F. Sprague, Jr.
John and Beverly Stauffer
Mr. Bill Stewart
Mrs. Marilyn S. Tennity
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Thomson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Towbes
The Towbes Foundation
Turpin Family Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Valentich-Scott
Volentine Family Foundation
The Wharton Foundation
Williams-Corbett Foundation
The Wood-Claeyssens Foundation
Director’s Circle
The Allergan Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Aaron Budgor
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Byrne
Dr. Eugene V. Coan
Roy E. Crummer Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Culver
Ms. Carrie Ohly-Cusack and
Mr. Tom Cusack
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin W.
Ms. Heidi S. Hattenbach
Ms. Cynthia D. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Jacobs
Ms. Sandra L. Lynne
Prof. and Mrs. George L. Matthaei
Mr. Glen H. Mitchel, Jr.
Mrs. Raymond King Myerson
Mr. Thomas W. Schoener
Mr. Jeffrey M. Siegal
Ms. Beverly Smaniotto
Sidney Stern Memorial Trust
Zwick Foundation
Leigh and Carrie Abramson
Alger Chaney Charitable Trust
Dr. Mortimer Andron and Mrs.
Bernice Scott-Andron
Estate of Dr. Ruth Appleby
Ms. Bernadette Bagley
Mrs. June Behrens
Dr. Lurleen Benzian and Dr. Jim
M. Benzian
Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Bernstein
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Bliss
Mr. and Mrs. C. Akin Blitz
Miss Gretchen Boone
Ms. Susan E. Bower
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Bryant III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Bryant
Mrs. Dorwin Cartwright
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Casey
Miss Carnzu A. Clark
Mr. Gordon B. Crary, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Dalzell
Ms. Nan H. Deal
Mrs. Elizabeth Denison
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Doheny
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Douglas
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Drasdo
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Egan
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Elder
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Eubanks
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fish
Dr. Anabel Ford and Dr. Michael
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Funsten
Mrs. Janet A. Garufis
Mrs. Marilyn Gevirtz
Ms. Eleanor Appel Golden and
Mr. Benjamin Hitz, Jr.*
Mr. Lindsey A. Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Hamann
The Hamister Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C.
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Hammock
Mrs. Donald H. Harcourt
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Harding
Mr. Kent Hodgetts
Mr.* and Mrs. William B. Horton
Dr. and Mrs. Karl L. Hutterer
Mr. Saul P. Jacobson
Mr. and Mrs. Josiah C. Jenkins
Ms. Louisa Jane Judge
Ms. Kathleen Kalp
Ms. June Kelley
Mrs. Madge L. Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kennon
Ms. Joyce Knoble
Mr. and Mrs. Arne Lunde
Ms. Hillary Hope and Mr. David
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Magid
Ms. Kim Haney and Ms. Nancy
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marschak
Ms. Maureen M. Masson
Mr. and Mrs. John T. McCann
Mr. and Mrs. John McGovern
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Metsch
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. B. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence K. Miller
Mrs. Helen M. Miller
Montana Yellowstone
Expeditions Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Moriarty
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen I. Murdoch
Ms. Janice Newlon and Mr. Bill
Mr. and Mrs. Chapin Nolen
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. O’Connor
The Pacer Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William Ramsay
Mr. and Mrs. F. Brian Rapp
Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Rice III
Ms. Caroline J. Robillard and Mr.
Roger Freedman
Ms. Catherine M. Rose
Rotary Club of Santa Barbara
Sunrise Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James F.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Sands
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Savage
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Schall
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schiffmacher
Mr. Peter Schuyler and Dr. Lisa
Mr. and Mrs. William N. Shattuck
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Skinner
Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Sloan
Smith-Walker Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Spivey
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stapelmann
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Stinson
Mr. John Storrer
Mr. Billy Taylor and Mrs. Brook
Mrs. Janet Uribe
Mrs. Eric R. Van de Water
Mrs. Jo Beth Van Gelderen
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Wallin
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas N. Weber
Ms. Judy L. Weisman
Dr. and Mrs. Adrian M. Wenner
Dr. M. Michelle Woodhouse and
Mrs. Jane Zonka
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Yardi
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Adams
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Addison
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Aggeler
Mr. and Mrs. John Ahlman
Mr. and Dr. Michael Ainsa
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Akin
Ms. Alison Allan and Mr. Chuck Blitz
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Allard
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Allebrand
Mr. Dennis Allen and Ms. Jennifer
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Alpert
Mr. Eric Amador and Mrs. Julie
Mr. Randall G. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. L. Dwight Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Andren
Mr. C. E. Armi
Mr. and Mrs. Ugo Peter Arnoldi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Arthur
Dr. Tanya Atwater
The B and B Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Babineau
Ms. Alexis R. Bagley and Mr. Isaac A. Goe
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bailard
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. David Ball
Mr. John H. Ballantine
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bard
Mrs. Jack Barnard
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Baron
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Barrymore
Mrs. H. J. Bartz
Ms. Sydney Baumgartner
Ms. Ruth M. Beach
Mr. and Mrs. J. William Beaver
Ms. Christel Bejenke
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Belden
Mr. Bruce Belfiore and Ms. Gloria
Mr. and Miss Ronald Beltran
The Arnold & Jill Bellowe Family
Mr. and Mrs. Peter K. Benbow
Ms. Ellen Benner
Mrs. Susan A. Bennett
Mrs. Vera Bensen
Mr. and Mrs. Les Benson
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Benson
Ms. Mary Bergen
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Bernick
Mr. Robert D. Bernstein
Mr. David G. Bertrand
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beust
Mr. and Mrs. Lanny Binney
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bishop
Ms. Mary A. Bittle
Mr. and Mrs. David Blankenhorn
Mr. and Ms. Rich Block
Dr. Eric H. Boehm, Ph.D.
Mrs. Celia W. Book
Mrs. Jorgia Bordofsky and Ms.
Josanna Kawakami
Mr. and Mrs. David Borgatello
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Boyle
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Brace
Mrs. Jane Bragdon
Ms. Dahli Brant
Mr. and Mrs. John Brelsford
Mr. Thomas Brennan
Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Brillhart
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Brinker
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Brittingham
Mr. S. Robert Bronfen and Ms.
Joan H. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brovsky
* Deceased
Mr. Richard Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Brown
Mr. Joshua Brown and Ms. Cindy
Mr. and Mrs. Roland F. Bryan
Dr. and Mrs. Van Dyk Buchanan
Mr. and Mrs. Peyton Bucy
Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Burns
Ms. Gale E. Busch and Mr. Ronald
E. Busch
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cameron
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Cantu
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Cappel
Mr. and Mrs. A. Barry Cappello
Hon. Lois G. Capps
Mr. and Mrs. Tom B. Carvey
Mrs. John M. Case
Mrs. Jackie Cavaletto and Mrs.
Ruth Cavaletto
Mrs. Barbara K. Chaney
Mrs. Marjorie Chaney
Dr. and Mrs. Charles G. Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. David Chenoweth
Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Christopher
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Clare
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley J. Clark
Mr. William Clinkenbeard, Esq.
Ms. Janice Cloud
Ms. Nancybell Coe and Mr.
William Burke
Mr. David M. Collier and Mrs.
Marilyn F. Collier
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Collins
Dr. Roger H. Colten and Mrs.
Sarah Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Comati
Mr. Joseph Connell and Mrs.
Margaret A. Connell
Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael Cooney
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Cooper
Mrs. Chris Copass and Mr. Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Copelan
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Coppejans
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Coulter
Mr. and Ms. Chris Crabtree
Mr. and Mrs. Lue D. Cramblit
Mr. Steven Crandell and Ms.
Kathleen Clancy
Mr. Peter Crawford-van
Meeuwen and Mr. Pieter
Crawford-van Meeuwen
Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Crosby
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Crossland
Ms. Christine Culver and Ms.
Jennifer Culver
Mr. Richard J. Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cushman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dallett
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Damron
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Darke
Mr. Charles H. Dart, Jr. and Ms.
Beverly E. Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Sudeepto Datta
Mrs. Lori Ann David
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Davis
Estate of Mr. Fenton G. Davison
Ms. Margaret Jo Dawes and Ms.
Della Jean Elden
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Dawson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen De La Vega
Mrs. Albert de L’Arbre
Mr. and Mrs. Peter De Tagyos
Mr. and Mrs. Scott T. Deardorff
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Deardorff
Mrs. Yvonne DeGraw and Dr.
Craig Prater
Mr. and Mrs. Michael deGruy
Mr. Gary Delanoeye and Ms. Jill
Mr. and Mrs. Steven DenBaars
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Denison
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Denison
Ms. Louisa Dennis
Ms. Sara G. Dent
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Derr
Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Dewhirst
Mr. Thomas E. Dimock
Ms. Sarah S. Dobbs
Mr. and Mrs. William Doering
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Doerner
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Doolittle
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Dore
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Doutt
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Downing
Mr. and Mrs. Harrington Drake
Ms. Ann Dusenberry and Mr.
Brad Fiedel
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Dwelley
Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Eagle
Dr. and Mrs. Sean D. Early
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Edebo
Ms. Sylvelin Edgerton and Mr.
Kalon Gronquist
Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Edwards
Mr. Norman Edwards
Mrs. Mercedes Eichholz
Mrs. Monica Eiler
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick B.
Emerson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Emmeluth
Mr. and Mrs. Andreas Engberg
Dr. Linda D. England
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Erburu
Mr. and Mrs. Donnelley Erdman
Mr. Peter Erskine and Ms. Laura
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Esposito
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Blair Everett
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Everhart
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Eversoll
Mr. and Mrs. Lendon R. Everson
Mrs. Carin Ezal and Mrs. Marilyn
Mr. Richard Faggioli
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Failing
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Fareed
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Faulstich
Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Ferry, Jr.
Mr. Doug Fischer and Mr. Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fischer
Mr. Gregory Fish and Ms. Mary
Mr. Ian Fisher and Ms. Michelle
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Fishman
Mr. David J. Fishman and Ms.
Cynthia Manzer
Mr. Richard FitzGerald
Mr. and Mrs. Brice N. Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Flood
Dr. Brian Foley and Dr. Yuen Hao
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Ford
Dr. Charles W. Forslund
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Foss
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Foster
Mr. Glenn Fout and Ms. Lorraine Lim
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bartlett Francis
Mr. James A. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Paul N. Franz
Leah Freiwald
Ms. Mary Ann Froley
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Frolli
Drs. Frank and Amanda Frost
Mrs. Colleen Fry
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Fujita
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Fulton
Dr. and Mrs. William R. Gallivan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Galvan III
Mr. Marc Ganzi and Mrs. Melissa
Ms. Lia Garcia and Mr. Wes
Dr. and Mrs. Don Garcia
Garden Club of Santa Barbara
Ms. Mary Garton
Mr. and Mrs. Georges Gaynes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gerity
Mr. David Gersh
Mr. and Mrs. Russell R.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe G. Gibbs
Mr. and Ms. Mark L. Gilkes
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gillette
Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Gillies
Dr. and Mrs. George Gilmour
Mr. and Mrs. John Glanville
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Glenn
Mr. Ron Glover
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Godfrey
Mr. Thomas Goodman and Ms.
Cathy Hodgson
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Gordnier
Mrs. Eve Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gough
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Grange
Ms. Joan Grasty and Mr. John
Mr. and Mrs. William Green
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Greene
Ms. Mary Greer
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight E. Gregory
Mr. and Mrs. David Grill
Mr. Thomas L. Grose
Ms. Lily Guild
Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Gulbransen
Mr. Ara Guzelimian and Ms. Janet
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Halenbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Herb A. Halkovich
Ms. Judy Hallberg and Ms.
Jessica Hallberg
Ms. Melissa Hamilton
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Hammond
Ms. Susan Hansen
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Harbaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Les Hardie
Mr. and Mrs. David Hardin
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hardy
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Harrigan
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Harris
Dr. and Mrs. J. Chris Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Hartloff, Jr.
Mrs. Victoria Hartmann
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hartmann
Ms. Phyllis Archer Haskell
Mrs. Helen L. Haskell
Ms. Cynthia Hawkins
Mr. Thomas Heck and Ms. Anne
Mr. Matthew Heckert and Ms.
Kelsie Sue Kerr
Ms. Lorna S. Hedges
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Heinze
Mr. and Mrs. Erik M. Hellman
Ms. Amanda Hendrickson and
Mr. Layth Hakim
Ms. Alice Henry
Mrs. Marjorie Henshaw
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Henzell
Dr. Frederic V. Hepp, D.D.S. and
Ms. Jill Petersen
Mr. and Mrs. Howie Herbert
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Heyman
Mr. Eugene B. Hibbs, Jr. and Ms.
Karin Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hieshima
Mr. Jed Hirsch
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Hixon
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hjelm
Mrs. Louis S. Hochman
Mrs. Judy Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln S. Hollister
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hollstien
Mr. and Mrs. Honikman
Mr. and Dr. Gary M. Hoover
Hazel Heath Horton
Philanthropic Trust
Mr. and Mrs. John Housh
Mr. and Mrs. Einar Hovind
Dr. Randall H. Howard and Mrs.
Anne S. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Howe
Dr. Mary Howe-Grant and Dr.
Peter Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Roger M. Hubbard
Ms. Pat Hudson and Ms. Cheryl
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hull
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy D. Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Derk K. Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hurley
Ms. T. Jacqueline Huth and Mrs.
Melisa Irwin
Mr. Eric P. Hvolboll
Ms. Sharon Iberti
Mr. and Mrs. John Illgen
Dr. Joseph P. Ilvento and Dr. Judy
Mr. and Mrs. David Irwin
Dr. and Mrs. Vincent Jaccarino
Mr. and Mrs. Palmer G. Jackson, Jr.
Mrs. Eleanor H. Jacobs
Mr. Gerald H. Jacobs and Ms.
Christine Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Jameson
Mr. and Mrs. John Jamieson
Ms. Jeanette Jarvis
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus R. Jeffris, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Jennings
Ms. Marjorie J. Jeter and Ms.
Mary Beth Gilliland
Mrs. Ruth M. Johnson
Ms. Sharyn Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Chris Johnson
Mr. David P. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jordano
Ms. Susan Jorgensen and Ms.
Alice Gillaroo
Mr. Shel Kaganoff and Ms. Rachel
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kaltenbrun
Mr. John Kamps and Mrs. Louise
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Kanowsky
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kaplen
Mr. and Mrs. Vijay Kapur
Ms. Judy Karin and Mr. Dan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kates
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Kaufman
Ms. Ginny Keep
Ms. Judith Keim and Mr. Don
Ms. Patty Kelley and Mr. Jim
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kelley
Mrs. Janet I. Kelly
Mr. Don Kendall
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Kennelly
Dr. and Mrs. James P. Kennett
Ms. Deirdre D. Kieckhefer
Ms. Carolyn Kincaid
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Kinnear III
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Kinsell
Mr. and Mrs. Terance Kinsky
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Kirchmaier
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Kistler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knight
Mr. Larry Knorr and Ms. Mary Pat
Mr. Richard Knowles
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Knowles
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Kodak
Mrs. Ann Koepfli
Ms. Eralda Kogan
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Komp
Dr. and Mrs. Brian Kopeikin
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kornahrens
Ms. Lillian Kornbluth
Dr. Homan Kotobi and Mrs.
Nazaain Amirghahari
Ms. Barbara Krantz
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Kriech, Jr.
Mrs. Jeanne L. Kubes
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Kuhn
Mr. Robert Kupiec and Ms. Ann
Dr. Armand Kuris and Ms. Bari
Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Lafferty, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Lagerquist
Dr. Jonathan Lang and Ms.
Sharon Steward
Professor and Mrs. Frederick F.
Dr. and Mrs. James S. Langer
Mr. and Mrs. William D.
Ms. Patricia A. Latham
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lauderdale
Mr. Jeff Lawton and Ms. Karen
Ms. Carrie LeBlanc
Mr. I. Lee and Ms. J. Pang
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Lee
Mr. Nathan Leight and Dr.
Elizabeth Leight
Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Lemp
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert W. Lentz
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lettieri
Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Levee
Mr. and Ms. Benjamin Levi
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Levine
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Levine
Dr. John Lewis and Dr. Carrie
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Lincoln
Ms. Sarah J. Lind
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Lipson
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Little
Mrs. Sheila Lodge
Mr. George F. Logan, Jr. and Mrs.
Brecia C. Kralovic-Logan
Mr. Peter A. Loos
Mr. Richard Lopez and Ms.
Crashena Lopez
Mr. and Mrs. John Lorenz
Mrs. Ann Lorimer
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Loster
Mr. and Mrs. Shea Lovan
Mr. Joe F. Luciano and Ms.
Nancy Maher
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lufkin
Ms. Jacqueline Lunianski
Mr. Michael R. Lunsford and Ms.
Sheila J. Lunsford
Mr. Barry Lunt and Dr. Donna
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lynn
Mr. Robert W. Lyon and Ms.
Evelyn Walker
Mrs. Madeleine MacHarg
Mr. and Mrs. John Mackall
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Madrigal
Mr. and Mrs. Luc Maes
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R.
Mr. Bill Malis and Dr. Bonnie
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Mandle
Ms. Mary Mantuani
Mr. and Mrs. John Markham
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Markham
Mrs. Antonio Marquez
Dr. and Mrs. John Marsh
Ms. Kathleen Marshall and Ms.
Teresa Lopez
Mr. and Ms. Richard Martin
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry P. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Martinich
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Marzicola
Mr. and Mrs. William Master
Dr. Tove Matas and Ms. Mary
Mr. Brett Matthews and Mrs.
Ginger Salazar
Mr. and Mrs. John Matuszeski
Mr. Keith J. Mautino
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Maxwell
Mr. and Mrs. David L. McClure
Mr. and Mrs. Don McCorkell
Mr. and Mrs. Bill McCullough
Mr. James W. McCutchan
Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McDonald
Mrs. Milbank McFie
Mr. Adam McKaig
Mr. and Mrs. Richard I. McLaren
Mr. Richard D. McMullin and Dr.
Julie Hemingway
Mr. and Mrs. Mark McNees
Mr. and Mrs. Greg McPhee
Mr. Bruce McRoy
Mr. and Mrs. Brian McWilliams
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Meadows
Ms. Charleen F. Mee
Mrs. Elizabeth Meinzer
Dr. and Mrs. Duncan A.
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Menth
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Merenbach
Mr. James Merrick and Ms.
Elizabeth Matthews
Miss Golda Messer and Mr.
Chad E. Messer
Mrs. Janet Millar
Mr. and Mrs. Derek Milton
Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell III
Mr. and Mrs. William L.
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Mochi
Money/Arenz Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Moore
Mr. Bruce D. Morden and Ms.
Andrea Adams-Morden
Mr. and Mrs. John Moreno
Mr. George A. Moreno
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Morez
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Morouse
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Morphy
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell P. Morse
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moschitto
Ms. Maryanne Mott
Ms. Helen Mountford and Ms.
Hilary Paty
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moyer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Munger
Mr. and Mrs. James Munroe
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Muraoka
Ms. Joan Murdoch
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. David Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Rod Murray
Dr. and Mrs. Spencer Nadler
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Naiman
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Najera
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Nardo
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Nasif
Mr. Zev Nathan and Mr. Neal
Mr. Donn Nauert and Ms.
Bonnie Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Riley Neel
Mr. and Mrs. David Neubauer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newman
Mr. Robert Nieder and Dr.
Phillip Conrad
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Norris
Mr. and Mrs. John Nygren
Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. O’Dowd
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Offen
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ogella
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Oliver
Ms. Kim Olsen and Ms. Carol
Jean Olsen
Mr. and Mrs. Donley R. Olson
Mrs. Helen C. Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ortega
Ms. Virginia Ortega and Ms.
Becca Sandoval
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Osborn
Ms. Gail Osherenko and Mr.
Oran Young
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ostendorf
Mrs. Wilhelm G. Overeem
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Palonen
Mr. Quentin Panek and Ms.
Denise Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald B. Parent
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Parke
Mr. G. Vaughan Parker
Mr. and Mrs. William Parris
Mr. and Mrs. Bejon Parsinia
Mr. and Mrs. David Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paul
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Payatt
Mr. David A. Payne and Ms. J.
Elaine Fowell
Mr. and Mrs. John Pearcy
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Pease
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Peixoto
Deborah S. Pelissero
Mr. and Mrs. Godwin J. Pelissero
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Pellegrin
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Perlin
Mrs. Patrick J. Perrett
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Perry
Ms. Lanette R. Perry
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Petersen
Dr. and Mrs. Fletcher R. Phillips
Ms. Nancy C. Pierson and Mr.
Alan Nonemacher
Mr. and Mrs. Bruno H. Pilorz
Mr. and Mrs. Don Pinkerton
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Platt
Ms. E. Joanne Plo
Mr. and Ms. Cameron J. Porter
Mr. and Mrs. David Posnick
Ms. Eleanor H. Povah
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Powell
Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Prachar
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Prince
Mr. Bradley Proffitt
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Proft
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Purdy
Dr. and Mrs. William A. Radasky
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Rai
Ms. Virginia Randolph
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Wade H. Reese
Ms. Nerella Reginato
Ms. Jean M. Reiche
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Reichel
Mr. Richard Renaldo and Ms.
Dorssy Bethune
Dr. and Mrs. David Renshaw
Mr. Robert Rheem and Mr. Liam
Mr. Craig W. Rice and Ms. Merrie
B. Rice
Mr. Tom Richard and Ms.
Rochelle Terry
Mr. Daniel V. Richards and Ms.
Sarah Chaney
Dr. Mark Richmond and Dr.
Susan Zapalac
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Rickborn
Ms. Judy Ricker and Mr. Bill
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.
Rickershauser, Jr.
Ms. Mara Riedel and Mrs. Ellen
Mrs. Marc A. Rieffel
Mrs. M. W. Rindlaub
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rink
Mr. and Mrs. Noel Rivas
Ms. Rebecca Roberts and Ms.
Linda Kiefer
Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Roberts
Ms. Pamela J. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Kilburn H. Roby
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Rodgers III
Ms. Robin Roe
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roehm
Mr. and Ms. Tom Roerich
Mr. David L. Rogers and Ms.
Connie Russell
Mrs. Theresa Rohter and Mrs.
Andrea Rohter
Mr. Joe Romo and Ms. Jennifer
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Romo
Mr. and Mrs. John Romo
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Roney
Mr. and Mrs. William Rosen
Mr. Shane Rosenheim
Dr. and Mrs. Ian K. Ross
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Ross
Mrs. E. Walton Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Rubin
Ms. Elissa Rubin and Mr. Gary
Ms. Lauren Ryan and Mr. Silas
Mrs. Christine Ryerson
Ms. Judy Sahm
Mr. and Mrs. John Saindon
Mr. and Mrs. Kurtis Sakai
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Salberg
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Samuels
Ms. Nicolasa I. Sandoval and Mr.
John Gustafsson
Mr. and Ms. Sam G. Sanregret
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sapienza
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sarrasin
Dr. and Mrs. Brian Sarvis
Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Sasso
Dr. and Mrs. Terry C. Sawchuk
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sawyer
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Scalapino
Mrs. James D. Scheinfeld
Dr. Karen G. Schilbrack
Mrs. C. William Schlosser
Mr. Ken Schmidt and Mrs.
Nancy Porcella
Mr. Todd Schmidt and Rev.
Hillary Chrisley
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Schoell
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schonauer
Ms. June H. Schuerch
Mrs. Erin Schulz and Ms. Ajabu
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schwartz
Ms. Ruth A. Schweitzer and Mr.
Daniel Gillis
Mr. Stephen Schweitzer and Ms.
Judith Bennett
Ms. Susanne Schwinning
Mrs. Harold Scollin
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. David Self
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Senning
Dr. Joseph E. Shaieb and Mrs.
Louise Sagady-Shaieb
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Shelburne
Mr. Stephen Sheld and Ms.
Nancy Sheld
Mr. David Sherman and Ms.
Heejung Kim
Mr. and Mrs. Lanny Sherwin
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shevitz
Ms. Stephanie Shields
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shima
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shlens
Dr. Sylvia Short
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shreve
Mr. John C. Shute
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Sinclair
Ms. Carol Sirott
Sisters of the Holy Nativity
Mr. and Mrs. Arlie M. Skov
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Slosser
Mrs. Nancy P. Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Scott A. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. P. Gene Smith
* Deceased
Mr. Brian Smith and Ms. Laura
Mr. and Ms. Timothy D. Smith
Ms. Nancy R. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Smith
Mrs. Brian F. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Smith
Ms. Dianne L. Smyth and Mr.
Greg W. Cannaday
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Sokol
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence H.
Mr. and Mrs. Dunny Sorensen
Mr. and Mrs. Rodrigo Soria
Ms. Janette Sosothikul and Ms.
Suzanne Sosothikul
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Spiegel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spinner
Mr. and Mrs. Middleton Squier
Ms. Nancy B. States
Mr. and Mrs. Brett C. Stearns
Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Steckel
Ms. Nancy Steele and Mr. Paul
Mr. and Ms. Ronald W. Steele
Mr. Doug Steigerwald and Ms.
Julia Lowell
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Steiner
Mr. Christian Stepien and Ms.
Melissa Riparetli
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stetanski
Mr. and Ms. K Martin Stevenson
Ms. Coleen Stewart
Mr. James Stock
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stoll, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Stone
Dr. and Mrs. Owen Stormo
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Straede
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Straehley
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Suchman
Mr. Steve Sunamoto and Mrs.
Kathy Otani
Mr. and Mrs. Cochran B. Supplee
Mr. and Mrs. John Sweetland
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore P. Swift
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Sylvester
Dr. and Mrs. Ernie Tamminga
Mr. Benjamin B. Tapia
Mr. Dale E. Taylor
Ms. Christine Taylor and Mr.
Leroy Wilsted
Ms. Kristin Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Telleen
Ms. Patricia L. Tenney
Mr. Bill Terry
Ms. Jenny Theodorou
Mrs. Maren B. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G.
Mrs. Murray Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomson
Ms. Carolyn Thresher
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tieso
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Tiffney
Mr. and Mrs. John Tilson
Dr. and Dr. Steven Timbrook
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Tkac
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Todd
Miss Shirley A. Toeppner
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Togami
Mr. and Mrs. Donn V. Tognazzini
Ms. Justine Tompkins
Mrs. Sally B. Torgeson
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Totheroh
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tourville
Mr. and Mrs. Corwin M. Toyama
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Tucker
Ms. Patricia J. Tunnicliffe
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Turicchi
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Tustin
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Twichell
Ms. Elena Urschel
Ms. Kay Utterback and Mrs.
Tracy Blakeley
Mrs. Edward R. Valentine*
Mr. and Mrs. John Van Aken
Dr. and Mrs. Glenn F. Van
Ms. Marilyn M. Van Donge
Ms. Patricia J. Van Every
Mr. and Mrs. David Van Horne
Mr. Petra Van Koppen
Mr. and Mrs. Erik J. Van
Mr. and Mrs. Sander Vanocur
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Vaughan
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Villa
Mr. James R. Vincent and Mrs.
Janet L. Wingate
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Violich
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vizcarra
Ms. Mary Vogel
Ms.Terry Walker and Ms.
Michele Mollkoy
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Gert Walter
Mr. and Mrs. John Walton
Dr. and Mrs. James M. Warren
Mr. and Mrs. William Wayne
Mr. and Mrs. John Weaver
Mr. John Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Webb
Mrs. Ruth I. Weber
Ms. Marjorie K. Webster
Mr. and Mrs. Stephan J. Weeks
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Weinsoff
Dr. Alex J. Weinstein and Dr.
Betty A. Helton
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Weis
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Weisenburger
Ms. Frances P. Weismiller
Ms. Roberta Weissglass
Mr. and Mrs. John Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Werner
Mr. and Mrs. Derek A. Westen
Dr. and Mrs. Albert Wheelon
Mr. Thomas Whittemoore and
Ms. Maureen O’Rourke
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Widiner
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Wiener
Mr. and Mrs. John Wilczak
Mr. and Mrs. Anson Williams
Dr. and Mrs. Derrick Willsey
Ms. Marjorie Wilser
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Wilson
Mr. Gordon Winkler
Mr. and Mrs. Alastair Winn
Mr. and Mrs. Al Wintringham
Dr. and Dr. George Wittenstein
Mr. and Mrs. William Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wolff
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin N. Woods
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S.
Ms. Elizabeth Woodworth
Ms. E. Pia Woolverton
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Wopat
Ms. Margaret W. Wright
Mr. Gordon R. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. John Wurzel
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Xanthakis
Ms. Wendy Yager
Mr. and Mrs. Shogo Yamamoto
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yee
Mrs. Barbara T. Young
Mrs. Fred A. Zannon
Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Zappala
Mr. and Mrs. Hani Zeini
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zemeckis
Dr. and Mrs. John Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zittel
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Zucherman
Business Sponsors
In Memory of
American Association of Zoo
Keepers, Inc.
The Biltmore Santa Barbara
Bryant and Sons, Ltd.
Capital Group Companies
Citrix Online
Condor Express
Cox Communications
Deckers Outdoor Corporation
Destination Wine Country
ExxonMobil Foundation
ExxonMobil Production
Fess Parker DoubleTree Resort
Kaleidoscope Flowers
KEYT Channel 3
KLITE 101.7 FM
KTYD 99.9 FM
KOCP 95.9 FM
KFYV 105.5 FM
Michael’s Catering
Moby Dick Restaurant
Montecito Bank & Trust
Northern Trust Bank of CA
Orchid Society of Santa Barbara
Riviera Insurance Services
Rusty’s Pizza
Santa Barbara Bank & Trust
Santa Barbara Cellars
Santa Barbara Daily Sound
Santa Barbara Independent
Southern Wine and Spirits
Tejon Mountain Village
The Tent Merchant
Town and Country Women’s
Toyon Research
Toyota of Santa Barbara
Travel Host Magazine
Venoco, Inc.
Dr. Dorwin P. Cartwright
Ms. Christina T. Cavallero
Mrs. Margery Cronshaw
Mr. Bertand H. Hattenbach
Mr. Robert Kelley
Dr. John F. Merritt
Ms. Selma Raskin
Dr. Charles D. Woodhouse, Jr.
In Honor of
Mr. Jeffery Grossman
Mrs. Patty MacFarlane
Ms. Michelle McCutchan and
Mr. Bruce Kendall
Ms. Megan Marble and Mr.
Chipper Bro
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Ross
Mission Creek Society
Recognizing those who have
remembered the Museum in
their estate plans
Mr. David F. Myrick
Mr. and Mrs. Donley R. Olson
Mrs. Margot Reppy
Dr. Richard Ross
Dr. and Mrs. Brooke E. Sawyer
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schuyler
Dr. Joan T. Seaver Kurze
Mrs. Virginia Sloan
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Thomson
Mrs. Josephine Van Gelderen
Ms. Susan J. Williams
Dr. and Dr. George J.
Ms. E. Pia Woolverton
Mrs. Georgia M. Young
With a large list of donors,
errors and omissons can
inadvertently occur. Please let
us know of any you may find.
Design by: Juan Minera
Mr. Victor K. Atkins
Mrs. Leinie S. Bard
Mrs. Lila Anne Bartz
Mrs. Dean Hobbs Blanchard
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander A.
Mrs. Virginia V. Chennell
Dr. Eugene V. Coan
Mrs. Marcia Hodges Constance
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Doutt
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Eubanks
Mrs. Corinne H. Gallagher
Mr. Lindsey A. Goodman
Dr. and Mrs. Lincoln S. Hollister
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hugunin
Dr. and Mrs. Karl L. Hutterer
Ms. Kathleen Kalp
Prof. Albert Kaspin
Ms. June Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. John Kinnear
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Knowles
Dr. and Mrs. Larry Koppelman
Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Lentz
Ms. Maureen M. Masson
Mr. and Mrs. George Matthaei
Mrs. Jan M. Montgomery
Ms. Meridith Moore
* Deceased
2008 Atte ndanc e &
Volu nteer S upport
Main Campus: 58,000
Sea Center: 75,124
School Tours: 24,000
Total: 157,124
Museum Main Campus: 599
Ty Warner Sea Center: 302
Total hours: 25,501
Full-time Staff Equivalent: 12.26
Membership: 5,083