february newsletter - Riverton United Methodist Church
february newsletter - Riverton United Methodist Church
Riverton United Methodist Church “Receiving the Bread of Life to Give the Bread of Life” Website:www.rivumc.com 1116 W. Park Ave Riverton, WY 82501 e-mail: rivumc@wyoming.com phone: (307) 856-2544 / fax: (307) 856-7138 February 2015 Volume 10 Issue 2 FROM THE PASTOR The Yellowstone Conference of the United Methodist Church is in the midst of a time of change. Last spring at Annual Conference in Billings we eliminated one of our two District Superintendent positions in Montana, leaving us with a single D.S. in Montana and a single D.S. in Wyoming who covers every UM church in our State regardless of their conference affiliation. Then last fall a study committee brought back a recommendation that the Yellowstone and Rocky Mountain Conferences merge. Bishop Stanovsky has recently formed a taskforce to examine that possibility and help us figure out how that might come about. Primarily as a result of the first change (the elimination of a District Superintendent), the Pastors of the Yellowstone Conference have now been divided into smaller groups led by a Circuit Elder who receives special training from the Conference. Our Circuit group has been meeting at least every other month, and besides spending time “checking in” with and praying for one another, we’re studying Phil Maynard’s book Shift: Helping Congregations Back into the Game of Effective Ministry. The book, as its title suggests, is highlighting the “shifts” that churches need to make to become vibrant again, particularly in light of the changes that have taken place in our culture. All of which leads me to my real point! If you’re in a leadership position within our congregation, chair a committee, or simply have an interest in seeing our church remain a vibrant and vital part of our community, we have several upcoming trainings aimed at helping us learn how to make our way in today’s world. Jeremy Scott, Vital Congregations Developer for both the RMC and the YAC, will be conducting a Vital Congregation Workshop here at Riverton UMC on Saturday, February 28th, from 9:30 am – 3 pm. Lunch will be provided, and there’s no cost to you besides your time! This workshop is designed to help “jump-shift” churches forward and push them away from established patterns which might not be as effective as in the past. Registration is through our church office. Two weeks later the All Wyoming Round-Up will be held on Saturday, March 14th, at First UMC in Casper from 9:30 am – 3:30 pm with Phil Maynard, the author of Shift speaking. This workshop will build on the information received in the Vital Congregation Workshop. It is recommended that the same people attend both events. Participants will build relationships, exchange ideas and gain motivational support to build new life into the churches they serve. I believe that this event will also be funded by Mission Share dollars and that, if there is any cost, it will likely be only for the noon meal. We’re hoping to have a group in attendance! If you’re interested in going please let me know a.s.a.p. I think that these are incredibly exciting times to be in ministry! Church historians tell us that every five hundred years the Church has experienced the sort of dramatic change that leads to the creation of what may look, too some, like an entirely new creation. Five hundred years ago it was the Protestant Revolution. Today…well, we’re not really sure what’s coming yet, but we do sense that we’re a part of it. Exciting times indeed! In Christ, Riverton United Methodist Church Page 2 FEBRUARY LOOSE CHANGE OFFERING Riverton Middle School FOOD FOR BREAK For the past several years, the Parent’s Advisory Committee and the community have joined together to make sure that Riverton Middle School students in need have food to take home over the long holidays. Of the 540 students at the middle school, more than half of them qualify for free or reduced lunch. School age children whose families qualify are able to eat a hot breakfast and lunch at school when school is in session. But weekends and school holidays can be tough! Assistant Principal Brandt Nyberg said that the latest State Department report indicated that the Riverton schools have the highest poverty levels in the state! Mr. Nyberg told of a student with diabetes who was very concerned about having food for the frequent snacks he is required to eat over the Christmas break. This student is living with two families in a shared household of more than 10 people. He asked if he could take more than one food bag home with him and was so appreciative of the help that was available. This project is a community effort with several churches, student groups, and individuals donating food and money. At Christmas, 275 bags were put together by middle school student volunteers. “I’m so proud of our students”, Mr. Nyberg said. “They take a lot of pride in helping out their classmates who they know don’t always have enough to eat”. Our Missions Committee is committed to continuing to support this effort. The February Loose Change offering will go towards purchasing cereal for the spring break which begins on March 30. Whatever funds are left over will be applied towards the 2015 Christmas break. If you like, you may also donate by putting cash or a check in an envelope and designating it for Food for Break and dropping it in the offering plate. For the past two years, our congregation’s generous support has made a huge difference for this project. Thanks so much for helping out our local school children! JANUARY Loose Change Offering The 2015 Loose Change Offering Project for January was the Eagles Nest Lodge. The total offering received in January in support of this mission was $531.18. Thanks to everyone who so generously contributed to this mission project. PASTOR RADER’S HOME TELEPHONE NUMBER 307-463-0543 Riverton United Methodist Church Page 3 UNITED METHODISTS SERVING OUR COMMUNITY FAITH IN ACTION “Once a scholar, always a scholar”. What an appropriate description for Professor Emeritus, Barbara Gose, who has a lifelong passion for reading, learning and teaching. After teaching Political Science, American History and Women’s Studies at Central Wyoming College for 23 years, Barbara has continued to pursue her interest in helping others learn. For the past 15 years, she has led the Humanities Council book discussion group at the library. She also leads the adult Sunday School Book Group, and she enjoys reading short stories to the residents at Homestead twice a month. Barbara has shared her expertise in education by serving two terms on the District 25 School Board and the Fremont County Library Board. She is currently a member of the CWC Foundation Board. Barbara’s most recent volunteer activity is working two hours each week at the Riverton Help Center located at St. James Episcopal Church. The Help Center offers emergency assistance through the After Before Salvation Army to those in need. Someone may need a voucher to purchase groceries or prescription drugs or need a bus ticket to help re-locate. Others may need help paying a utility bill or a car repair. Our congregation has supported this mission by being Salvation Army bell ringers, donating our July loose change offering, and the UMW has purchased supplies with their “tea money”. When asked why she chose to get involved with the Help Center, Barbara replied, “I’ve led a fairly privileged life, so this has really opened by eyes to the world we live in. You just don’t always know another person’s story, so I’m quickly learning not to judge. Volunteering at the Help Center makes you feel like you are doing something that is helping another member of our community to survive and improve their life.” Help Center volunteers are still needed. If you feel called to help with this ministry, contact Sue Rector or Dianne Carlton at 463-0799. FINANCIAL INFORMATION Budget income to date : $184,500.00 Actual income to date: $189,045.47 Budgeted expenses to date: $186,946.28 Actual expenses to date: $179,884.13 PLEASE REMEMBER Articles and items for the monthly newsletter need to be into the church office by the 20th of each month in order for the newsletter to be bulk mailed promptly. Thanks to everyone who promptly sends in article and information. Mary Lynn. THANKS SO MUCH to all the ladies who kindly volunteer to assist with assembling the monthly newsletter. The January newsletter was assembled by Lynne Hawk, Connie Gaskell, and Mary Campbell. Riverton United Methodist Church Page 4 FELLOWSHIP CARRY-IN DINNER The January Fellowship Dinner was changed a little and had a twist to it. Jack Schmidt offered to share his recipes and show us how to do Dutch oven cooking. Between the two services he prepared 3 different fruit cobblers and cornbread for everyone. Some of the cooking was done outside in the ovens and some were baked inside. While a group watched his preparation, he also entertained us with cowboy poetry. The ovens cooked during second service and were ready to serve after the service. Several crock pots of soups and beans plus many other yummy dishes were also brought. The dinner was hosted by the Finance Committee. Thanks to Jack, the Finance Committee, and everyone who helped. Over 70 people enjoyed the fun, cooking, and fellowship. February Fellowship Carry-in will be hosted by the Chancel Remodel Committee. Don’t forget to come & join us for fellowship and fun! FELLOWSHIP CARRY-IN DINNERS FOR 2015 Below is the 2015 Schedule of the monthly Fellowship Carry-in Dinners. Please clip out this schedule and keep it to refer to during the year. If you are a member of a hosting committee, please feel free to add a new twist or include a holiday, such as Valentines or St Patrick’s Day, to make the meal special. We are asking the committees that host each month to please be in charge of setting up and cleaning up. The carry-in dinners are the second Sunday of each month unless there is a conflict. The host is not responsible to prepare the meals unless the group would like to do so. Please scrutinize the times, dates, and hosts listed on the schedule to be sure the assigned month works for the hosting group. If it does not work, feel free to trade with another group and let the office know. If you have any questions, please call Lynne Hawk @ 8513752 or Kathy Brown @ 856-2533. Thanks for your support! . COMMITTEES TO HOST January 11 - Finance February 8 - Chancel Remodel March 8 - Martha Ruth and Joanna April 19 - UMW May 3 - Trustees (Mother’s Day on second Sunday) June 14- Fellowship & James Brothers (Outdoor Barbeque) July 12 - Missions & RUMCOR (Brunch between services) August 9 - Lay Leadership September 13 - Choir October 11 - Worship Committee (Brunch between services) November 8 - Ad Council Thanksgiving Dinner (Bring items to go with turkey) December 13 - Staff-Parish Beep! Beep! SHUTTLE SERVICE DRIVERS NEEDED HELP WANTED: Drivers are needed for the following dates: Owl Creek -- March 1/March 8/March 15/ March 22 and March 29. Homestead -- February 15/ February 22/ March 15/ March 22 and March 29. Pick up waiting residents at the front door of their respective facility at 9:00a.m. and return them after second service. Please consider helping with this ministry as it allows our senior members to continue to attend Sunday School and Sunday worship. The sign up board is located just inside the front doors of the church. Page 5 Riverton United Methodist Church LIVING LAST SUPPER We are looking for a few good men. This means You! This year’s Holy Week observance will include a presentation of the “Living Last Supper” on Thursday evening, April 2 @ 7:00 p.m. There are speaking parts for all 12 disciples, Jesus, and a narrator. Gary Campbell will be pulling this together upon his return from Arizona. Interested men may contact the church office for more details. LENTEN STUDY Lent is the forty day period that runs from Ash Wednesday until Easter, not including the Sundays that fall during that time.While you won’t find the word “Lent” in a concordance, or in a Bible dictionary, it parallels the forty years that the Israelites spent journeying to the Promised Land and the forty days and nights that Jesus spent in the wilderness between his baptism by John and the launch of his public ministry. For those of us in the church, it’s a season of evaluation and preparation, of penitence and surrender, as we seek to be made new again to welcome and receive the risen Christ. This year we’ll be offering a Wednesday night study during Lent built around Michael Slaughter’s new book Renegade Gospel: The Rebel Jesus. Abingdon Press advertises Slaughter’s newest book as follows: Central to the Christian faith is a man who denies all our pre-conceived notions about what God should look like. Joining his movement will mean coming to terms with the real Jesus, the rebel Jesus. Jesus didn’t come to start a religion. The rebel Jesus came with a renegade gospel to start a revolution. You and I are invited to be a part. In Renegade Gospel, pastor and author Mike Slaughter presents Jesus and his challenging message to inspire us during Lent, Easter, and through the year. Read the red letters and discover Jesus all over again. The books are available in paperback and also for Kindle Readers at a cost of approximately ten dollars. If you’d like to participate in this study and would like us to order a book for you please contact the church office right away! A SPECIAL THANK YOU! The church would like to recognize all the ladies who so graciously volunteer to assist on Monday mornings with the counting of the church’s offering and the preparation of the weekly deposit. Thank you for your service. It is greatly appreciated. FEBRUARY CALENDAR OF EVENTS FEB. 1, SUNDAY: CWC “The Table” DINNER, 6:00 P.M. FEB. 3, TUESDAY: MISSIONS COMMITTEE, 7:00 P.M. FEB. 4, WEDNESDAY: RUMCOR, 9:30 A.M. FEB. 5, THURSDAY: UMW, 1:30 P.M. FEB. 8, SUNDAY: FELLOWSHIP CARRY-IN DINNER, 11:30 A.M. FEB. 8, SUNDAY: CWC “The Table” DINNER, 6:00 P.M. FEB.16, MONDAY: JOANNA CIRLE, 7:00 P.M. FEB.15, WEDNEDAY: CWC “The Table” DINNER, 6:00 P.M. FEB.17,TUESDAY: TRUSTEES MEETING, 7:00 P.M. FEB.19, THURSDAY: MARTHARUTH CIRCLE, 1:30 P.M FEB.19, THURSDAY: FINANCE COMMITTEE, 7:00 P.M FEB.22, SUNDAY: CWC “The Table” DINNER, 6:00 P.M. RECURRING EVENTS SUNDAYS AT 8:00 AND 10:30 A.M. - WORSHIP SERVICE SUNDAYS AT 9:15 A.M. - ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL & BOOK STUDY GROUP SUNDAY AT 6:00 P.M. - CWC “The Table” STUDENT DINNER TUESDAYS AT 10:00 A.M. - PASTOR’S BIBLE STUDY WEDNESDAYS AT 5:30 P.M. - UPPER ROOM BIBLE STUDY AT HOMESTEAD ASSISTED LIVING WEDNESDAYS AT 6:30 A.M. - JAMES BROTHERS BREAKFAST AT TRAILHEAD RESTAURANT THURSDAYS AT 7:00 P.M. - CHOIR PRACTICE Riverton United Methodist Church 1116 W Park Ave Riverton, WY 82501
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