The Riverton Gathering - Riverton Chamber of Commerce


The Riverton Gathering - Riverton Chamber of Commerce
Gathering Together for a Prosperous
The Riverton Gathering
Riverton Chamber of Commerce
Inside this Issue:
 Message From…
 Statistical Data
 Coaches Corner
 Porter’s Alive at Five
 Calendar of Events
 October Events
 White Pine Resort
The Night of Halloween
-By Sandi VanderSluis and Corky Ferguson
The Harvest moon fills the sky
A wicked witch goes flying by
 Pet of the month
 In the Community
 Trick or Treat Main Street
 AAA Self Storage
Ghosts and goblins..skeleton’s too.
Moaning and groaning, waiting for
 St. Margaret’s
 Devon Energy Ribbon Cutting
 Super 8
 Motel 6
 Platinum & Gold
Black cats prowl the graveyard
Witches cook in cauldron pots
Cemetery ghouls roam the ground
Not one unopened grave is found
Tombstones are an eerie sight
Shadows dance in full moon light
The haunted house on the hill
Walk in there and you get a chill
Thank You for you
continued support!
Jim Davis, Director
Chelsea Busher,
Admin. Assistant
Jack-o-lanterns eyes so bright
Trick or Treaters scream in fright
It’s a time like you’ve never seen
Tonight’s the night of Halloween.
Gathering Together for a Prosperous Community
We are starting to get ready for Trick-or-Treat on Main Street! It will be on Satruday, October 31st this year, starting at 6:00pm. We will need your help again
this year with donations of candy to hand out. Please give what you can; this is a great program to keep our kids safe on Halloween. I’m hoping this nice
weather hangs in here to we can have another great turnout. Thank you all for your past participation in this project- without your support this project would
not be the success that is has been.
On September 22nd, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) delivered the following remarks on the Senate floor calling on the Obama administration to work with
Congress to end to the ban on U.S. crude oil exports. The following is a transcript of remarks made by Senator Barrasso:
“Last week a bipartisan majority of Senators, members of this body, voted to try to stop President Obama’s dangerous and desperate deal with Iran. The president
wants to give Iran relief from economic sanctions that the world had imposed. I believe that President Obama traded away these sanctions—he traded away them
too readily – and he got too little in return.”
“The president ought to be focused on helping America's economy, not Iran’s economy. Right now, American producers export about 500,000 barrels of oil a day.
Where does it go? It goes to Canada.”
“Iran is exporting about one million barrels a day, but once President Obama lifts the sanctions, that number is going to jump to almost two million barrels a day.”
“If the export ban is lifted, U.S. energy producers could export another 1.6 million barrels a day. Our daily oil exports would jump from half a million barrels to
about two million barrels—that’s what we want—lift the sanctions.”
“The Brookings Institution looked into this in September 2014, they came out with a report. They looked at a variety of different scenarios for how much oil America might export. They found that for every scenario they looked at, ‘there are positive gains for U.S. households’ by the United States being able to export more
crude oil. The Government Accountability Office said the same thing last year. It said that ‘Removing export restrictions is expected to increase the size of the
economy, that’s the U.S. economy, with implications for employment, investment, public revenue, and trade.’ Those are key for America. These studies and others predict that adding American crude oil to global supplies could ultimately reduce gasoline prices right here at home. By how much you ask? Well, one study
estimated that it would save American consumers an average of almost combined $6 billion a year. This study found that the savings would help increase the U.S.
economy by about $38 billion by 2020. New oil exports could support an additional 300,000 jobs by 2020. These are huge benefits for the American economy,
American families – all because we free up American energy, we allow it to compete on world’s markets. There would also be benefits for America’s foreign policy. More oil would reduce prices worldwide. That means that the other countries that export a lot of oil won’t be able to make as much money off of their own oil
sales—they’d have to compete with us. “
“If the Israelis had the opportunity to buy from American oil producers instead, now that would be a big help to make sure that their oil supply is stable and secure. It would also help repair some of the significant damage that the president’s Iran deal did to relations between our two countries. This should be an easy
call. Ending the ban on U.S. oil exports would be good for American families, good for our national security, and good for our allies. The Obama administration
should change course now. The Obama administration should work with Congress to end this ban on American energy exports as quickly as possible. This past
Saturday marked seven years since a Canadian company filed its application to build the Keystone XL pipeline. It has been buried in the bureaucratic limbo of the
State Department ever since. That pipeline would provide American jobs just like more oil exports would. Americans should not have to wait another seven years
for Washington to lift the oil export ban, and unleash the power of American energy.
Inventors Conference coming in October
By U.S. Senator Mike Enzi
From a single idea or invention, a business can rise up and find success. But it is hard to be successful without knowing how best to patent,
market and sell your invention. That is why I am proud to sponsor this year’s Inventors Conference, which is being held in Cheyenne in the
Laramie County Community College (LCCC) Theater on Saturday, October 3rd.
I am committed to helping Wyoming's small business owners and inventors succeed in today's rapidly changing marketplace. That means
bringing information about the patent process, business planning and marketing to people’s doorstep. This conference connects you with
resources available across the state. You’ll learn from the pros and hopefully move closer to creating new products and new jobs for our state.
Every year I host a couple of conferences that will help open doors for your business or help make your idea a reality. I highly encourage Wyoming citizens to register and take advantage of the knowledge and opportunities this conference can provide. Regardless of background or
experience, everyone is welcome to attend and learn how to build on their ideas. We will have a day full of speakers and inventors who will
share words of knowledge, expertise and wisdom on securing patents, developing business plans and marketing products. Admission to the
conference is free. The room opens October 3rd at 7:45 a.m. and I will lead off the day’s events at 8:30 a.m.
Pre-registration is available now by contacting my State Director Karen McCreery, at (307) 527-9444 or If
you’re unable to pre-register, registration will be available the morning of the conference. I look forward to seeing you there.
Gathering Together for a Prosperous Community
Chamber Chatter
October 2015
Riverton Chamber of Commerce
2015 Board and Staff
Bruce Kamminga– President
Specialty Marine & RV Repair
Mike Becker-V President
Gale’s Carpet One
Barbara Hodson—Treasurer
Comfort Inn
Riverton Chamber of Commerce
and Visitor Center
213 W Main St., Ste C
Phone: 856-4801
Fax: 307-857-0873
It is critical that people know how to find you in
today’s economy. The best way to do this is by making
sure your contact information is current and this includes
your email address. We get returns daily on accounts of
Your Chamber is your gateway to our community. We email addresses that are no longer in use. We want your
are information central. We have the information to customers to find you and with today’s technology a webshare with those in the area. PLEASE, if you have infor- site and correct email address is crucial!
mation or an event planned, we want the news dished
Stay Informed!
to us too.
Bruce Loftus
Jackie Dorothy
Northern Arapahoe Tribe
Julie Hill
Mountain Ledge Baking
Mick Pryor
Edward Jones
Mary Bouchard
Ace Hardware
Ryan Preston
Hampton Inn & Suites
Ron Schwindt
Bloedorn Lumber
Steve Dodson
Update Your Contact Information
See Statistical Data
Did you know you can sign onto the
Member’s Only area of the Chamber website
and get a wealth of information for your business? If you need your log in information,
please call us and we can get you set up.
Connect with People Relocating and
Vacationing to Riverton!
Imagine the surprise of someone
that gets a relocation or vacation packet from
the Chamber and then ALSO receives a letter
from you welcoming them to Riverton, and
why not WOW them with a little coupon to
your store. We provide you with their name
We want you to stay informed with what is
happening in Riverton and with your business. By logging
onto your Members Only area of the website we can keep
you up to date with all aspects of Riverton that may affect
your business and your personal life. If you need to know
what businesses are located in a particular area, you can
do this by logging in. If you need to know what events are
taking place—log in. Everything we know, is located in
your log in database.
Referral Database
We often surprise and sometimes impress our
businesses with the number of referrals we have given to
their business! You can check this information out 24/7 in
the Member’s Only area of the website. This will let you
know what is working for you, what you may need to do to
advertise more, or even where you may be able to save
some money.
and address information online 24/7.
Wyoming Financial Insurance
Rowena Bland
Chamber Staff
Newsletter Deadlines
for Advertising & Articles
October– Blue Cross/ Blue Shield
Jim Davis
Executive Director
Chelsea Busher
Administrative Assistant
Chamber Socials
I don’t have a “deadline”, but it
would be helpful to have any flyers
or information you want put in the
newsletter by the last week of the
November—Rock Solid
Gathering Together for a Prosperous Community
Statistical Data
October 2015
Riverton Chamber of Commerce
Riverton Chamber of Commerce
Statistics September2015
Top 10 Members Displayed on Website
1838 Rendezvous
Rocky Mountain Sports
High Country Sporting Goods
Jerry’s Flowers
Radio Shack
Top 10 Members Websites Clicked on Through Your Chamber Website Referral Program
Paintbrush Motel
Holiday Inn Lander
Pizza Hut
Comfort Inn
Hampton Inn
Wind River Hotel & Casino
Sundowner Station
1838 Rendezvous
Super 8
Welcome New Members
Wind River Job Corps
White Pine Ski Resort
Gathering Together for a Prosperous Community
Statistical Data
Riverton Chamber of Commerce
Your Chamber at Work
YTD-JUL 2015-July2016
Relocation Packets
Vacation Packets
Welcome Packets
Walk-in Visits
Phone Calls
Website Referrals
Chamber Bucks Issued
$ 225
$ 475
Sales Tax Disbursements
YTD-JUL 2015-June2016
YTD-JUL 2015–
- County
- Riverton
Use Tax Disbursements
YTD-JUL 2014-June2016
- County
- Riverton
- County
- Riverton
Lodging Tax Disbursements
Happy Anniversary To the Members for October
36 Years— Sundowner Station
10 Years— Winter Law Firm
32 Years-Wind River Mercantile
9 Years— United Presbyterian Church
22 Years— Reach Foundation
6 Years— Help for Health Hospice Home
21 Years— Pizza Hut
19 Years— Taco John’s
5 Years— AmeriGas, St. Margarets Catholic
17 Years— The Wherehouse
4 Years— Injury Prevention Resources
15 Years—High Country
Sporting Goods
13 Years— Encana Oil & Gas,
Legacy Molding Corp.
1 Year— Christian Church of Riverton, Nuclear
Care Partners, Professional Home Design INC,
Riverton Garden Club
10 Years— Union Wireless
Thanks to ALL of
our members for their
continued support
and dedication in
helping your
Riverton Chamber of
Commerce work for
your community!
Gathering Together for a Prosperous Community
Coaches Corner
October 2015
By Sabrina Schleicher, PhD, PCC
The Missing Link to True Profit & Freedom
Sabrina Schleicher, PhD, PCC, BCC
Dr. Sabrina Schleicher
America’s leading growth
strategist for rural business owners,
Dr. Sabrina Schleicher
specializes in showing rural business
owners how to solve their #1
"How to hire and keep greatquality people!"
Dr. Sabrina applies her knowledge
and experience
as a business growth strategist to
entrepreneurs who have survived
the critical first
5 years in business to take their
companies to new
levels of reach and revenue, while
freeing up their
time and energy. Rural business
owners who work
with Dr. Sabrina know they won't
get away with playing small
(and she makes them take a vacation)!
Dr. Sabrina may be reached at (307)
856-4662 or
1 (800) 975-9440 ext. 725
One business owner recently shared with me that her business feels like a treadmill that keeps speeding up on her, demanding more and more of her. From the
outside looking in, she appears successful and her business is growing continually. But she has reached the point where she is maxed out, feeling like she can no
longer keep up with the demands of her growing business. What’s gone wrong?
It’s a trap that most successful business owners unwittingly fall into, unless they
get solid strategic guidance as they grow the business.
Businesses surviving the critical first 5 years in business tend to do so by experimenting…trying a little bit of this and a little bit of that to see what works. The
problem is too many things work a little bit.
If you’re honest with yourself, it’s taking a lot of effort to maintain your business
by spreading your energy and resources around, tending to all of the things that
are working a little bit. You may be getting by, but you’re not thriving.
To thrive, you must zero in on your ‘Sweet Spot’— what your Ideal Clients and
Customers want most from you, that your business can be the best in the world
at delivering, and that can by systemized.
To thrive, we must free up our precious resources so we can take care of our
best clients and customers. We can’t do that if we allow ourselves to become
bogged down in serving clients and customers who are less than our ideal and
delivering products or services outside our Sweet Spot.
Imagine yourself as a tourist backpacking across the country. If you take a souvenir from each location, and you're on a long journey, sooner or later, you have
to leave some souvenirs behind, or your load becomes heavy. You get bogged
down and tired. You quit enjoying the journey. If your business is the journey,
this is the point where you begin asking yourself, “Why do I get up every day
and do this? What’s the point?”
With each step forward we take in our businesses, new vistas open before us. If
we continue carrying all the "baggage" from the previous steps forward, our
loads become awfully heavy. We get bogged down. It becomes harder and harder to move forward.
If you’re recognizing your business has become cumbersome, not nearly as
profitable as you’d like, and no longer fulfilling, it’s time to lighten your load.
Zeroing in on your ‘Sweet Spot’ does this for you. This begins with an honest
assessment of what’s really working in your business, and what’s not working.
Strategically letting go of the “energy drainers” (i.e., your Profit Suckers!) frees
up your energy to focus on and leverage on your Sweet Spot.
This translates into more free time for you, lots more fun doing what your business does best, and a dramatic increase in profit. If this sounds like exactly what
you need to do, but you don’t know where to start, check out my ALL-NEW
Discover Your Business ‘Sweet Spot’:
The Missing Link to True Profit & Freedom
Dr. Sabrina Schleicher recognizes that employee problems can be one of the
biggest stumbling blocks for any business owner. With her background in psychology and years of driving profit in small businesses, Dr. Schleicher knows
what it takes to find, keep and get exceptional performance out of your biggest
investment-your employees..
Access her comprehensive video training 5 Secrets to Exceptional Employee Performance (her gift to you!)
Gathering Together for a Prosperous Community
October 2015
Enjoy these pictures from the Alive at Five for Porter’s! The
celebration went very well, and everyone had a lot of fun.
Warm summer weather is perfect for a
dunk tank!
Everyone watches to see who has good aim—
and who gets dunked!
A giant bouncy house and slide provided plenty
of fun for kids at the party!
Delicious food was provided by The Caterers!
Calendar of Events
Riverton chamber of Commerce
Riverton Lions Club every Monday @ 6pm– meet at Riverton Elks Club
Every Tuesday-Riverton Rotary – 12:00 PM – Central Wyoming College
1st & 3rdTuesday – Riverton City Council Meeting – 7 PM
1st Tuesday– Survivors of Suicide Loss Support– Riverton Library 6:30 pm8pm
3rd Tuesday –Survivors of Suicide Loss Support– Lander Library 6:30pm8pm
1st Wednesday - Friends of the Library Book Sale – 1-8 PM – Library
3rd Wednesday– 1838 Rendezvous Meeting @7 PM– Wind River Heritage
2nd Wednesday– Riverton Garden Club : more info call 851-2966 or email
1st Thursday – Riverton Chamber of Commerce Board Meeting – 5:30 PM
– Chamber Office
1st Thursday – WRHC Board of Directors Meeting – 7 PM – Wind River
Heritage Center
3rd Thursday – Riverton Chamber of Commerce Social – contact the chamber for the location
1st & 3rd Thursday– Soroptomist– 12 PM @ the Roost
Every Thursday—Kiwanis – 12 PM – Riverton Country Club
3rd Friday – American Legion Auxiliary Post 19 Meeting – 11 AM – Senior
In the Community
Smile! With and donate
to a local charity, Like CES in Riverton!
Online-shopping tycoon Amazon has come up with a brilliant
way to get people donating to charities! By using, you can choose a non-profit of your choice ,
and Amazon will donate 5% of your purchase to that charity. It’s
the same Amazon we all love, with the same items.
Why not put that to good use, and donate to CES? CES exists to
help out our community members living with disabilities.
They’re a wonderful organization helping out our community; if
you’d like to donate to them using, choose
Community Entry Services, Inc. when they ask for your choice of
Riverton chamber of Commerce
Help Wanted for the Festival of Trees
CES is looking for volunteers for the 11th annual Festival of
Trees! The event is set to take place on Dec. 3rd and 4th in
Fremont Hall located at the Riverton Fairgrounds. The theme
will be “Ridin’ the Rockies”. If you or anyone you know would
like to help with the event, please contact Cindy Keele or Cassie
at (307) 856-5576.
Night at Noon!
Although it’s a bit far away, the upcoming total eclipse in August of 2017 is sure to be an exciting time for Fremont County. Wyoming, with Fremont County in particular, has been coined as the best viewing area for the eclipse. According to an article distributed by
the Wind River Visitor’s Council…
“It’s the first total eclipse to span the United States in nearly 40 years, and it offers a great opportunity to Fremont County businesses to
plan ahead and attract new visitors.
The center of the eclipse path (where the moon completely blocks out the sun creating a few minutes of night in the daytime) will pass
slightly south of Dubois, just north of Crowheart, through Kinnear and Pavillion, north of Lander and Riverton, through the middle of the
Wind River Indian Reservation, and just south of Shoshoni just before noon on Monday, Aug. 21, 2017.
Many Americans will be able to see at least a partial eclipse without leaving home. But skygazers elsewhere in the world are already
planning travel to the United States to share the eerie experience.
An astronomer described it this way in 1878: “As the last ray of sunlight vanishes … the moon, black as ink, is seen as if it were hanging
in mid-air, surrounded by a crown of soft, silvery light … Besides this ‘corona’, tongues of rose-colored flame … shoot out from various
points around the edge of the lunar disk.””
Sounds like an exciting event! So mark it on your calendars—Darkness at noon will be quite the sight to see! We would like to thank the
Wind River Visitor’s Council for emailing us the article.
Trick or Treat
Need your help!
We are currently
Accepting candy
On main street!
Brought to you by local business efforts and the
Riverton Chamber of Commerce.
St. Margaret’s School
Riverton chamber of Commerce
“Fifty Years of Excellence”
This fall marks the fiftieth year of operation for St. Margaret’s School. The
school opened on August 30, 1965, with an enrollment of almost 100 students in
grades one through four. The original building was constructed by A.N. Nelson
Construction for $143,121.00. In the mid-eighties, an addition was built which
contained a full-sized gym, classrooms, a library, kitchen and a parish hall. The gym
is utilized for many parish functions as well as community events. The golden
anniversary of the school will be held on October 10 beginning with Mass at 5 p.m.
St. Margaret’s School Foundation will hold a free dinner with entertainment
immediately following Mass. This will be an excellent opportunity for alumni, past
staff, pastors, parish and community to get reacquainted and rekindle memories by
viewing pictures and mementos from the past. Today St. Margaret’s educates
students from preschool through fifth grade. Due to increased enrollment, the school
was able to offer separate classes for second and third grade rather than a
combination classroom. Therefore, the only combination remaining is the 4th/5th
grade room. Thanks to the generosity of Wyoming Catholic Ministries, St. Margaret’s
has entered the world of technology. The chalkboards that debuted in 1965 were
removed and replaced with interactive SmartBoards and projectors. In addition, each
teacher now has the use of a new laptop and document camera. The PTO also
purchased two large dry erase boards for each classroom. Our library received an
infusion of new books courtesy of a 1st Interstate Bank grant. Our hope and prayer is
that St. Margaret’s School will serve the Riverton community for another fifty years.
Gathering Together for a Prosperous Community
October 2015
Riverton Chamber of Commerce
October 2015
Gathering Together for a Prosperous Community
October 2015
Riverton Chamber of Commerce
October 2015
Governor Matt Mead at Devon Energy’s ribbon
cutting September 23rd.
Governor Matt Mead speaks about the new C02 oil
field injection facility out at Big Sand Draw.
A crowd of onlookers and dignitaries listens to the
talks about the new facility.
Gathering Together for a Prosperous Community
Sr. Superintendent Bill Skelton opens the discussion
about the new fields.
The actual ribbon cutting took place out side with
Governor Mead.
Many other important individuals attended the
ribbon cutting event, including quite a few elected
White Pine is currently accepting job applications for help in the following departments—
Lift attendants
Ski School Instructors
Ski Patrol
Snow Plow & Grooming
Full-time and part-time (Saturdays essential!) White Pine operates Thursday thru Sunday plus
holidays. (Continuous from Dec 19 to Jan 3rd). As well as a White Pine Season Pass, employees
are eligible for deep discounted skiing at a huge number of Wyoming, Utah and Idaho ski areas.
Job Application form is online at
Please complete and email to
PAWS Pet of the Month
Riverton Chamber of Commerce
This little girl is Little Bit!
Little Bit is a 5 year old Chihuahua who wants nothing more
than to be your best friend! Little Bit is potty trained, and will
steal your heart with her big toothy smile; she gets along with
other dogs, as long as they’re bigger than her, which shouldn’t
be hard to do. Little Bit is a great hunter, and will definitely
keep your house rodent-free! Her adoption fee is only 100$,
which includes her spay, vaccinations, de-worming, and microchip.
Chamber Bucks
Looking for a Gift for that
special Someone?
Chamber Bucks
Gathering Together for a Prosperous Community
Platinum Membership
Gold Membership
“Where the Winners Play”
Open 24 Hours
213 West Main St., Suite C
Riverton, WY 82501