Gathering - Riverton Chamber of Commerce


Gathering - Riverton Chamber of Commerce
Gathering Together for a Prosperous Community
August 2016
In this issue....
● Chamber Chatter
● Wyoming’s Voice in Washington
● Statistical Data
● Coaches Corner
● Bloedorn Lumber Chamber Social
● Denver Air Connection Kickoff
● Daylight Donut & Ice Cream Ribbon
● Alive @ Five
● Jr Livestock Sale
● Calendar of Events
● Help for Health Hospice
● Frontier Home Health and Hospice
● AAA Self Storage
● Super 8 & Motel 6
The 103 rd Fremont County Fair and Rodeo is starting, and
there are some great new attractions! On July 31st is the
Fremont Family Fiesta; Aug. 3rd, the West Texas
Rattlesnake show; Aug 4th, Monster Truck Insanity tour,
and Aug. 5th, the Western Grand
National Truck Pulling Series. Get
out there and see the new and
old attractions at the Fremont
School starts
County Fair - It’s always a good
on August
time! Our next Alive @ Five is on
23rd, so be
Aug. 18th at The Depot; come
careful around
out and enjoy the music of the
Lost Springs Band, food and
the schools!”
drink, and a Bounce House for
the kids. You may be asking
yourself, “What’s next?” School
starts!! So be careful around the schools, because the kids
will be back the 23rd of August.
“Thank you for your continued support!”
-Riverton Chamber of Commerce
Gathering Together for a Prosperous Community
August 2016
2016 Board and
Bruce Kamminga– President
Specialty Marine & RV Repair
Riverton Chamber of Commerce
and Visitor Center
213 W Main St., Ste C
Phone: 856-4801
Fax: 307-857-0873
It is critical that people know how to
find you in today’s economy. The best way to
do this is by making sure your contact information is current and this includes your email
address. We get returns daily on accounts of
Your Chamber is your gateway to our com- email addresses that are no longer in use. We
munity. We are information central. We want your customers to find you and with
have the information to share with those today’s technology a website and correct email
in the area. PLEASE, if you have inforaddress is crucial!
mation or an event planned, we want the
Submit your events!
news dished to us too!
Mike Becker-V President
Gale’s Carpet One
Barbara Hodson—Treasurer
Comfort Inn
Bruce Loftus
Mick Pryor
Edward Jones
Update Your Contact Information
Newsletter Deadlines
We would like to remind everyone that if you’d like
to have information or advertisements added into
the Chamber newsletter, the deadline is the 20th
of each month. This gives us much needed time to
proof everything and make sure you get the best
Did you know that you can submit
your events onto the Chamber’s website calendar? Every Chamber member has a unique login and password to the Members Only section
of the website—call us if you need that information! From the Member’s Only section, you
can submit as many events as you want to our
Chamber website calendar!
Mary Bouchard
Ace Hardware
Ryan Preston
Hampton Inn & Suites
Ron Schwindt
Bloedorn Lumber
Steve Dodson
Wyoming Financial Insurance
Rowena Bland
Martin Cannan
City of Riverton
Connect with People Relocating and
Vacationing to Riverton!
Imagine the surprise of someone that gets a
relocation or vacation packet from the
Chamber and then ALSO receives a letter
from you welcoming them to Riverton, and
why not WOW them with a little coupon to
your store. We provide you with their name
and address information online 24/7.
Jean Marlatt
The Ranger
Referral Database
We often surprise and sometimes
impress our businesses with the number of
referrals we have given to their business! You
can check this information out 24/7 in the
Member’s Only area of the website. This will let
you know what is working for you, what you
may need to do to advertise more, or even
where you may be able to save some money.
Remember, there is always
something to do in Riverton!
Jackie Dorothy
Northern Arapahoe Tribe
Chamber Socials
Chamber Staff
Jim Davis
Executive Director
Chelsea Busher
Administrative Assistant
July 21st—n/a
August 18th— OPEN
September 15th
If you’re interested in hosting a
Chamber Social at your business, or
would like more information about
Chamber Socials, please call the
Chamber to claim your month!
Gathering Together for a Prosperous Community
August 2016
Wyoming’s Voice
In Washington
We were up late into the night several times this week to complete consideration and passage through the House of the
first Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act in seven years. This is the single most important appropriations bill to Wyoming. It covers the Department of the Interior, the Environment Protection Agency, the Bureau of
Land Management, the National Park Service and the Forest Service, among others. To ensure Wyoming’s voice was heard on this bill,
I worked as Chairman of the Congressional Western Caucus and Vice Chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee to advance
Wyoming provisions within the legislation. These include returning the gray wolf in Wyoming to state management, protecting our
state’s uranium producers, rolling back EPA overreach, and securing state and local water management.
Stewardship of public lands has suffered under the Obama Administration’s neglect and anti-West agenda. But this legislation marks a
renewed effort to reinstate and reinforce state and local stewardship of our land, our water, our energy, and other natural resources
crucial to our way of life.
What the bill does:
Sets the budget and policy for the Forest Service and Department of the Interior, who collectively own or manage roughly 49 percent of the State of Wyoming and nearly half of the Western United States. The bill also sets the budget and policy for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which under nearly eight years of the Obama Administration has inflicted billions of dollars in
economic damage on the American economy.
Cuts spending by $64 million, setting it at $1 billion below the President’s budget request, while still fully funding the Payment In
Lieu of Taxes (PILT) program. The total also provides sufficient funding for the Department of the Interior to match privately
raised funds and finally fulfill its longstanding obligation to purchase the Antelope Flats state school trust land parcel in Grand
Teton National Park.
Reissues litigation-blocked rules delisting the gray wolf in Wyoming and the Western Great Lakes.Prevents the Obama Administration from carrying out its campaign to keep energy in the ground by:
time-limiting the indefinite federal coal lease moratorium, and
stopping efforts to increase taxes on federal coal, oil, and gas production
Prevents the BLM from implementing duplicative rules on hydraulic fracturing and methane emissions, which are already subject
to robust regulation by the State of Wyoming.
Prevents the EPA from implementing greenhouse gas regulations on new and existing coal plants as well as the Waters of the
United States rule which would seize authority over waters historically managed by the states.
Protects private water rights from federal water grabs in federal permitting processes.
Funds more effective wildland fire prevention.
Prohibits funding for the so-called “social cost of carbon” to be used by federal agencies to hold up crucial energy and infrastructure projects.
Prohibits funding for the EPA’s In Situ Uranium rule to inflict unnecessary costs on Wyoming uranium production already struggling to offset our nation’s nearly 90 percent dependence on foreign uranium.
Simplifies the process for the BLM to transfer wild horses and burros to federal, state, and local agencies for use as work animals.
Gathering Together for a Prosperous Community
August 2016
Statistics: July 2016
Top 10 Members Displayed on Website
1838 Rendezvous
Rocky Mountain Sports
High Country Sporting Goods
Radio Shack
Top 10 Members Websites Clicked on Through Your Chamber Website Referral Program
Comfort Inn Riverton
City of Riverton
1838 Rendezvous
Wind River Hotel & Casino
Holiday Inn Lander
Sundowner Station
Hampton Inn & Suites
Welcome New Members
The Stock Doc
Gathering Together for a Prosperous Community
August 2016
Your Chamber at Work
YTD-JUL 2015-JUL2016
Relocation Packets
Vacation Packets
Welcome Packets
Walk-in Visits
Phone Calls
Website Referrals
Chamber Bucks Issued
Sales Tax Disbursements
YTD-JUL 2015-June2016
- County
- Riverton
YTD-JUL 2015–June2016
- County
- Riverton
YTD-JUL 2015-June2016
- County
- Riverton
Lodging Tax Disbursements
Use Tax Disbursements
Happy Anniversary to These August Members!
27 Years—Fremont County School District #25, Wind River Electric
20 Years—UW West Central Regional
19 Years—Intermountain Electric Service, Inc.
7 Years—Java Java Espresso
5 Years—Western States Propane
4 Years—Prevention Management Organization of Wyoming
2 Years—Small Business Development
Center (SBDC)
Gathering Together for a Prosperous Community
August 2016
Coaches Corner
By Sabrina Starling, PhD, PCC
1 Surefire Strategy to Attract Top Performing Employees
Dr. Sabrina Starling
Dr. Sabrina Starling, The Business
Psychologist ™, is the author of
How to Hire the Best: The Rural
Small Business Owner’s Ultimate
Guide to Attracting Top-Performing
Employees. The strategies Dr. Starling teaches work consistently
across industries, even for business
owners who have struggled for
years being understaffed.
Dr. Starling recognizes that employee problems can be one of the biggest stumbling blocks for any business owner. With her background in
psychology, and years of driving
profit in small businesses, Dr. Starling knows what it takes to find, keep
and get exceptional performance out
of your biggest investment--your
employees. Access her 5 Secrets to
Exceptional Employee Performance
(her gift to you!) at
Dr. Sabrina may be reached at
1 (800) 975-9440 ext. 725
Rural small business owners are often disappointed in the
results they get when working with recruiters to hire new
employees. Recruiters are expensive and often employees
brought in by recruiters don’t stick around long enough to justify
the expense of using a recruiter.
There’s an alternative! It’s a lot less expensive and much
more effective as a long- term recruiting strategy. An Employee
Referral Incentive Program shared with your best employees is a
surefire strategy to attract more top performing employees.
Let’s look at an example of how an Employee Referral
Incentive Program might work. Your employee, Joe,
recommended Tim to work for you. Tim turns out to be a real APlayer. You hire Tim and give Joe a gift certificate to take his wife
to dinner at a fancy restaurant on Valentine’s Day. You did this
because Joe is a newlywed. Joe is thrilled! You’ve made him look
really good in his new wife’s eyes.
Six months go by and Tim is rocking and rolling. He’s now
fully trained and doing the work of four employees whom you let
go because they had been doing just enough to get by and made
a lot of mistakes. You drop a note in Joe’s box telling him how
thrilled you are with Tim, thanking him again for bringing Tim to
the company.
Joe reads the note and checks in with Tim. Joe is now very
invested in making sure his buddy Tim is happy with working for
you. Plus, Joe likes working with Tim. Joe was fed up with those
other four employees who always created more work for him.
With Tim on board, Joe’s life at work has been a lot easier!
Gathering Together for a Prosperous Community
August 2016
Coaches Corner
By Sabrina Starling, PhD, PCC
Another 6 months go by. Tim has been with you for a year. Plus, with your employee referral incentive program, he has recommended two more A-Players whom you have hired. You are kicking back,
pleased with yourself that in one year’s time, you’ve let four really bad employees go and replaced them
with three A-Players. Your profits have doubled because you have been able to go after 3 times the
amount of work you had in the year prior and are generating a lot more revenue—with fewer employees—who are making a lot fewer mistakes.
You reflect on all of this and decide you want to do something really nice for Joe. After all, Joe
helped you get the ball rolling in the right direction by recommending Tim to you. You’ve noticed Joe
looking at travel magazines on his breaks. You ask him about that. Turns out, he wants to take his wife
away for a nice weekend for their anniversary. This gives you an idea. You surprise Joe with a weekend
getaway at a resort a few hours from town. This costs you less than $500 because it’s the off- season. Joe
is thrilled. He feels extravagantly well taken care of by you. You consider this gift a nominal token of appreciation. After all, your profits have doubled in the last year!
Joe now sings your praises to everyone he encounters. Tim and his buddies do the same because
they’ve all benefitted from the Employee Referral Incentive Program. You have great applicants chomping
at the bit to come to work for you. But, you are selective. You only hire the best.
Employee Referral Incentive Programs are easy to implement and produce quick results. If you are
in need of employees right now, I recommend you start with this relatively inexpensive recruiting strategy. I’ve seen it work time and again. It’s a great strategy to quickly fill open positions with very good employees!
For more tips to attract top performing employees, text EMPLOYEES to 44222.
Be Wise—Shop Riverton!
Looking for the perfect gift? Chamber Bucks are a
great present! Buy them at the Chamber of
Gathering Together for a Prosperous Community
August 2016
Of events
Riverton Lions Club every Monday @ 6pm– meet at Riverton Elks Club
Every Tuesday-Riverton Rotary – 12:00 PM – Central Wyoming College
1st & 3rdTuesday – Riverton City Council Meeting – 7 PM
1st Tuesday– Survivors of Suicide Loss Support– Riverton Library 6:30 pm-8pm
1st Wednesday - Friends of the Library Book Sale – 1-8 PM – Library
3rd Wednesday– 1838 Rendezvous Meeting @7 PM– Wind River Heritage Center
2nd Wednesday– Riverton Garden Club: For more info call 851-2966
4th Wednesday—Riverton Economic and Community Development Association
(RECDA) Sundowner Station Restaurant 7AM-8AM
1st Thursday – Riverton Chamber of Commerce Board Meeting – 5:30 PM – Chamber Office
1st Thursday – WRHC Board of Directors Meeting – 7 PM – Wind River Heritage Center
2nd Thursday—Lower Wind River Conservation District Board of Supervisors—7PM @ USDA
Service Center Conference Room, 508 N Broadway Ave
3rd Thursday – Riverton Chamber of Commerce Social – contact the chamber for the location
1st & 3rd Thursday– Soroptimist– 12 PM @ the Bull & Bistro
Every Thursday—Kiwanis – 12 PM – Riverton Country Club
3rd Friday – American Legion Auxiliary Post 19 Meeting – 11 AM – Senior Center
Gathering Together for a Prosperous Community
August 2016
Spectacular Summer
Apricot and Peach Fried Pies
Recipe by: Elaine
4 cups all-purpose flour
8 ounces dried apricots
2 teaspoons salt
1 (6 ounce) package dried peaches
1 cup shortening
3/4 cup white sugar
1 cup milk
water to cover
2 cups vegetable oil for frying
1. To Make Crust: In a large bowl, mix together flour and salt. Cut in shortening until mixture is crumbly. Mix in milk and stir until dough forms a ball. Roll out dough
and cut into 18 6-inch circles. Set aside.
2. To Make Filling: In a large saucepan, combine apricots, peaches, and sugar.
Add enough water to cover fruit. Cover pan and cook over low heat until fruit is
falling apart. Remove lid and continue to cook until water is evaporated.
3. Place oil or shortening in small high-sided skillet. Place over medium heat.
Spoon equal amounts of filling into each pastry circle and fold in half. Seal pastry with a fork dipped in cold water.
4. Fry a few pies at a time in hot oil, browning on both sides. Drain pies on paper
Gathering Together for a Prosperous Community
August 2016
Pet of the Month
We called this little girl "Wanderer," because she
hitched a ride from Thermopolis in a work truck!
Thankfully the man heard her meowing and
when he discovered her, he brought her to us.
We posted ads on social media in that town, but
with no success.
We think she is a little over a year old, and such
a sweetie! She is more than ready for a home to
call her own. Her adoption fee is $50 and she is
spayed, microchipped, up to date on her shots,
and de-wormed!
August 2, 1776 — In Philadelphia, most of the 55 members of the Continental Congress signed the parchment
copy of the Declaration of Independence.
August 2, 1939 — Albert Einstein wrote a letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt concerning the possibility of
atomic weapons. "A single bomb of this type carried by
boat and exploded in a port, might very well destroy the 
whole port together with some of the surrounding territory." Six years later, on August 6, 1945, the first Atomic
Bomb, developed by the U.S., was dropped on the Japanese port of Hiroshima.
August 7, 1964 — Following an attack on two U.S. de
stroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin off North Vietnam, the
U.S. Congress approved the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution,
granting President Lyndon B. Johnson authority "to take
all necessary measures to repel any armed attack
against the forces of the United States and to prevent
further aggression."
August 91 1974 — Effective at noon, Richard M. Nixon resigned the presidency as a result of the Watergate
scandal. Nixon had appeared on television the night
before and announced his decision to the American
people. Facing possible impeachment by Congress, he
became the only U.S. President ever to resign.
August 13, 1860 — Wild West performer Annie Oakley
(1860-1926) was born in Darke County, Ohio. Famous
for her shooting ability, she joined Buffalo Bill's Wild
West Show in 1885 and was one of the star attractions
for 17 years.
August 15, 1969 — Woodstock began in a field near
Yasgur's Farm at Bethel, New York. The three-day concert featured 24 rock bands and drew a crowd of more
than 300,000 young people. The event came to symbolize the counter-culture movement of the 1960's.
For more history, visit:
Platinum Membership
“Where the winners play ”
Open 24 hours
( 3 0 7 ) 8 56 - 39 6 4
213 West Main St., Suite C
Riverton, WY 82501
Interested in advertising something in next month’s newsletter? Inquire with the chamber for advertisement pricing!
Call (307)856-4801 or email