Maties Rugby is “killing residence rugby” - WWW0


Maties Rugby is “killing residence rugby” - WWW0
Crime on campus
increased during
the past month 3
Botman ontevrede
met tekort aan
swart studente
Get your hands dirty
and learn to fix your
own car
Punk Rock
explores teen
28 MAART 2012
Cruy wagen:
University’s swimming pool has
been closed since May 2010,
after it was emptied to repair
leakages. In September 2011,
Die Matie reported that SU was
in the “advanced stages” to build
a new swimming pool. In September 2011, Mohamed Shaikh,
director: Communication and Liaison, said the pool is still empty
because it is not “cost-effective”
to fill the pool as there is “structural damage”. Unfortunately, no
progress has been made since.
Students decided to take action
by protesting at the semi-final
Varsity Cup game on Monday 26
March. Here Malan du Toit (left)
and Stephen Murdoch (right)
pose with their banner.
Six residence Rugby HK’s are willing to boycott Maties Rugby games if demands are not met
Maties Rugby is “killing residence rugby”
hile the Maties rugby team
is still undefeated in this
year’s Varsity Cup, Rugby
House Committee members are becoming increasingly concerned about
the Maties Rugby Club’s treatment of
residence players.
Simonsberg HK: Rugby, organized
a meeting, which was attended by
rugby representatives from six other residences, including Eendrag,
Dagbreek, Wilgenhof, Helshoogte,
Huis Visser and Huis Marais.
During this meeting grievances
held against the Maties Rugby Club
were discussed and it was stated in
the minutes: “We want them [Maties
Rugby Club] to treat us as they treat
the Maties teams. There is no reason
why they should be treated better than
us; we all pay club fees”.
After the meeting, Conway drafted
a plan of action. In this document the
concerns raised during their meeting
were listed. They are especially upset
about the way in which the Maties
Rugby Club is managing funds.
According to Conway in an e-mail sent
to some of the HK’s of rugby, players
pay R550 a year to become members
of the Maties Rugby Club, which
ensures that they are provided with
jerseys, socks, pants, referees during
games, a man of the match award and
a case of drinks for the team.
Conway, however, says that
clothing is “probably provided” by
sponsors and that the Maties Rugby
Club does not even give them rugby
balls, tackle bags or contribute to the
paying of their coaches.
Ultimately, the residences feel that
the “Maties Rugby Club is killing
residence rugby” in Stellenbosch,
“something Stellenbosch holds close
to its heart and has been known for for
many years”. The document does go
w w
on to describe possible solutions to the
problem. It is clear that the involved
rugby HK’s want to build a better
relationship with the Maties Rugby
According to the document,
however, the residence representatives
are willing to boycott games if their
demands are not met. and if Maties
Rugby Club does not start to treat
them better.
Mr Chris de Beer, Chairperson:
Maties Rugby, said that it is clear
that residences have a misconception of exactly how much money is
spent on them. He says that the money
spent on residences easily amounts to
more than R800 000, while they only
accumulate around R400 000 from
residence player’s club fees.
De Beer also says that he did have
a conversation with Conway about
their needs for equipment and that he
is currently helping them to bargain
for discount prices.
In the document compiled by
Conway, complaints are raised
regarding the fact that players often do not have fields to practice on
– sometimes as many as three teams
have to share the same field and these
teams might even be from different
– continued on page 2
- Adriaan Steyn
Shofar gekant teen
“drogbeelde” op kampus
KEEP OUT On 19 March a pipe burst in the J.S. Gericke Library. Consequently, the lower level was closed
and was kept closed due to the stench caused by the wet carpets.
Spelers wat vir Maties gekies is, kan nie vir koshuis speel
Beleid bevraagteken
ommige rugbyspelers is ontstoke
omdat hulle nie ’n aanbod om
vir Maties rugby te speel van
die hand kan wys sonder om ook die
geleentheid te verbeur om vir hul
koshuisspan uit te draf nie.
Die spelers was bereid om
met Die Matie te praat oor hul
ongemaklikheid met die Stellenbosch
Artikel 5.11 van die 2011
“Koshuisspelers wat nie vir die
Stellenbosch Rugbyvoetbalklub se
klubspanne beskikbaar is nie, mag nie
in die koshuisligas vir hulle koshuise
speel nie”.
Een van die spelers, wat graag
anoniem wil bly, het gesê hy wil nie vir
Maties speel nie omdat hul benadering
te ernstig is, maar dat hy tuis voel in sy
eie koshuisspan.
Bestuurder: Maties Rugby, het
koshuise self hierdie beleid help
opstel. Hy sê: “[Dit word] in die
algemeen as ’n weldeurdagte besluit
dat dit sy ervaring is dat “die oorgrote meerderheid spelers dit as ’n
eer beskou om vir die onderskeie
Matiesspanne gekies te word en dat
dit slegs in enkele, geïsoleerde gevalle
gebeur dat spelers nie vir die klub wil
speel nie”.
’n Eerstejaar het vertel dat hy gekies
is om aan proewe vir ’n Matiesspan
deel te neem. Hy het egter tydens oefeninge “so min as moontlik gedoen”
en sy naam is van die lys geskrap. Hy
kan nou weer vir sy koshuis speel.
Potgieter sê die eerstejaar se vertelling kan nie waar wees nie, “aangesien
spelers wat nie hul kant bring nie, se
name ook op die sogenaamde ‘nie
beskikbaar nie-lys’ aangebring word,
wat beteken dat hulle dan ook nie vir
hul koshuise mag speel nie”.
Die eerstejaar het genoem dat hy
baie eerder vir sy koshuis se eerstespan
wil speel as om vier keer ’n week vir
’n uur en ’n half te oefen en dan die
kans te staan om die Saterdag op die
reserwebank te sit of dalk om nie eers
die span te haal nie. “Oefeninge by
die koshuise is minder gereeld, dis
minder intensief en dis ook nie so formeel nie.” Hy maak verder melding
daarvan dat dit baie makliker is om ’n
koshuis-oefening mis te loop as ’n oefening by Maties.
’n Paar van die spelers wat
ondervra is, het gesê hulle sou verkies om by hul koshuise te speel omdat
koshuisspanne minder oefen.
Van die spelers glo hul akadamie sal daaronder ly as hulle vir ’n
Matiesspan speel. Potgieter antwoord
egter dat dit sy ervaring is “dat spelers net soveel tyd aan oefeninge vir
koshuisrugby afstaan as wat die geval
sou wees vir oefeninge op klubvlak.”
– continued from page 1
De Beer does agree that residence rugby is pulling at the shortest
end when it comes to the availability
of fields to practice on. He says that
since the Stellenbosch Academy for
Sport was created, the Maties Rugby
Club has lost three of their fields.
Currently they have control over only
three fields. The rest of the fields are
managed by the university and since
the cricket season is still in process,
other fields are not available.
According to the drafted document, rugby HK’s are also unhappy
about the fact that Derby Day was
cancelled only two days before these
matches would have taken place. Mr
Belius Potgieter, Manager: Maties
Rugby, justified this decision by explaining that the playing areas needed
to be protected due to its constant facing of pressure.
According to Potgieter, this was
considered especially important in the
light of the then up-coming Varsity
Cup games as well as the 2012 Junior World Cup Tournament that will
be taking place on the Danie Craven
Stadium in June 2012.
The rugby HK’s argue that they
had no part in causing the problem and
that it is unfair that they had to suffer
because of it.
In Conway’s document, it is stated
that they want the Maties Rugby Club
to realize that the problems faced by
Maties teams are not the residences’
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Die Matie
SHOFAR het op Maandag 26
Maart aan sy lede ’n e-pos gestuur
waarin hulle versoek word om ’n
petisie teen die kunswerke wat op
kampus en in Stellenbosch se strate
uitgestal word, te teken.
Hierdie petisie is geadresseer
aan die Munisipaliteit van
Die opstellers van die petisie
maak dit duidelik dat hulle ten
gunste is daarvan dat van die
kunswerke uitgestal word.
Hulle is egter ontevrede met die
aard van sekere van die kunswerke
wat in die dorp uitgestal word.
Die petisie lui: “Ons is
ongelukkig oor die voortdurende
tentoonstelling van sekere beelde
wat vir die gewone oog liewer
na onooglike drogbeelde as
kunswerke lyk”.
Shofar is van mening dat die
breër publiek se belange nie in
aanmerking geneem is toe die
kunswerke gekies is nie.
Hulle is veral besorg oor
gesinne met kinders wat gedwing
word om na hierdie kunswerke te
kyk as hulle verby dit stap.
Shofar glo dat dié kunswerke
veel eerder in kunsgallerye tuis
hoort waar mense uit vrye keuse
daarna kan kyk.
Die petisie word afgesluit:
“Ons, die ondergetekendes, vra dat
spesifiek die naakte, verwronge
half-mens, half-dier beelde op
die Braak en op die Rooiplein,
genaamd Male Trans-Figure I en
Male Trans-Figure II asseblief
onmiddellik van die publieke
platform verwyder word en dat
die publiek in die toekoms eers
genader word voordat verdere
uitstallings beplan word”.
Biblioteek oorstroom
OP 19 MAART het ’n pyp in die
J.S. Gericke Biblioteek gebars. Dit
het daartoe gelei dat die onderste
vlak van die biblioteek afgesper is.
Daar is gevrees dat toestande
onveilig vir studente en personeellede is.
Volgens mnr Martin Viljoen,
US Senior Mediapraktisyn, is dit
nog té vroeg om te bepaal presies
hoe groot die skade is.
Huidige aanduidings toon dat
boeke, dokumente en rekenaartoerusting onbeskadig is. Sommige
boekrakke is egter beskadig en die
mat op die onderste vloer sal ten
volle vervang moet word.
Viljoen het sy versekering gegee
dat daar tans hard gewerk word om
die area so gou as moontlik weer
oop te stel. Volgens Viljoen sou dit
heel moontlik alreeds op 26 Maart
oopgestel geword het, maar dat
“die reuk van die nat matte” die
oopstelling sou kon vertraag.
waardering uit teenoor studente
en personeellede wat hul begrip en
geduld met die situasie getoon het.
Wat die oorsprong van die
oorstroming betref, is daar steeds
’n ondersoek aan die gang.
Viljoen sê dat daar tans nie
meer inligting beskikbaar is as dat
’n gebreekte waterpyp die oorsaak
van die oorstroming was nie.
New SU Council
members elected
ON 15 MARCH, it was announced
on the MyMaties-website that
the Stellenbosch University (SU)
Convocation elected three new
members to serve on the Council
of the SU for the period 2 April
2012 to 1 April 2016.
Dr JP Bekker, Prof DP du
Plessis and Mr PJ le Roux were the
three succesful candidates.
These vacancies arose after
Bekker and Dr Adelbert Scholtz’s
terms ended and also due to Dr
Rhoda Kadalie’s resignation from
the council at the end of last year.
Six representatives serve on the
University Council.
According to Prof Russel
Botman, SU Rector and ViceChancellor, cited on the MyMatieswebsite, said: “The University appreciates our alumni’s willingness
to serve the University in this way,
and Management is looking forward to productive cooperation.”
A total of 4 562 members
of the Convocation voted either electronically, via fax or by
handing in ballot papers at the office of the electoral officer.
Van Zyl Slabbert word
tydens erelesing vereer
’N ERELESING is op 20
Maart deur die Frederik van
gehou ter nagedagtenis aan die
politieke leier na wie hierdie
instituut vernoem is. Van Zyl Slabbert was ook Kanselier van die
Universiteit Stellenbosch (US).
politieke joernalis en kommentator was die gasspreker tydens hierdie geleentheid wat in die Wallenberg Navorsingsentrum by die
Stellenbosse Instituut vir Gevorderde Navorsing (STIAS) gehou
Die digter Breyten Breytenbach
was een van die bekende gaste wat
hierdie erelesing bygewoon het.
Pakendorf het tydens sy
toespraak op ’n uitdagende wyse
verskeie aspekte van Suid-Afrika
se politiek bespreek.
Die FVZS Instituut is die eerste
van sy soort in Suid-Afrika in hoër
onderwys. Die doel van hierdie instituut is om etiese leierskap te bevorder en ook om leiers toe te rus
met kommunikasie-, leierskap- en
Volgens die MyMatieswebtuiste was Van Zyl Slabbert se
intellek, integriteit en sy toewyding
tot demokrasie die inspirasie agter
die vestiging van hierdie instituut.
Dr. Leslie van Rooi, Hoof: Frederik Van Zyl Slabbert Instituut vir
Studenteleierskapsontwikkeling ,
word as volg op die MyMatieswebtuiste aangehaal: “Die doel
van die lesing is om die nagedagtenis van Van Zyl Slabbert te eer
en om na sy voorbeeld medewerkers te wees aan die realisering van
’n beter Suid-Afrika.”
Studente beroof op
pad na Eikestad Mall
’N DAGBREKER en sy vriendin is
Saterdagaand deur vier mans oorval
en beroof in Ryneveldstraat.
Volgens Danny van Wyk is hy en
Madelé van Niekerk, beide derdejaar
regstudente, deur vier jeugdiges met
’n mes gedreig toe hulle om 20:30 op
24 Maart na die Eikestad Mall op pad
Hul selfone en kontant is gebuit,
waarna hul aanvallers gevlug het.
“Ons is toe terug op met
Victoriastraat na Dagbreek. Op pad
Mall toe en terug, na die aanval, het
ons nie één USBD-wag gesien nie.
“Ons voel dis onaanvaarbaar omdat ons wel op die Groen Roete was.
Ons het so onveilig gevoel.”
By Dagbreek het hulle ’n USBDvoertuig gewaar, maar die veiligheidsbeampte kon hulle nie help nie,
aangesien hy nie die voertuig aan die
gang kon kry nie.
Hy het voorgestel dat hulle na die
USBD-kantoor stap om die insident te
Nadat Van Wyk daarop gedui het
dat hulle onder die omstandighede nie
ten gunse van só ’n oplossing is nie,
het hy uiteindelik ingestem om hulle
na die kantoor te vergesel.
Later die aand is hulle deur die
polisie gekontak om twee verdagtes
te identifiseer wat vasgetrek is nadat
hulle in dieselfde omgewing ’n ander
man beroof het.
Van Wyk sê dat die aanvallers
hoodies gedra het en dat hul monde
agter T-hemde verskuil was tydens die
Van Niekerk kon egter onthou dat
een van die aanvallers in rooi geklee
Van Wyk en Van Niekerk kon ook
die wapens identifiseer waarmee hulle
gedreig is.
Van Wyk het gesê: “Emosioneel
het dit nogal redelik ’n impak op ons
altwee gehad.
“My vriendin is baie erg getraumatiseer deur die voorval.
“Een van ons vriende is ’n tydjie
terug helder oordag voor ’n eetplek
met ’n mes gedreig.
“Ek weet nie of die veiligheid
verswak nie, maar ek weet vir ’n feit
dat ek nie meer veilig voel hier nie en
ek weet ook nie of ek weer veilig gaan
voel nie,” het Van Wyk bygvoeg.
ERELESING Op Dinsdag 20 Maart, is ’n erelesing ter viering van wyle dr Frederik Van Zyl-Slabbert aangebied. Dié lesing met Harald Parkendorff as gasspreker is deur die Frederik Van Zyl Slabbert Instituut vir
Studenteleierskaps-ontwikkeling (FVZS) georganiseer. Hier is Jane Slabbert (links), eggenoot en digter,
Breyten Breytenbach (regs).
Car theft on campus
IT SEEMS that many students these
days do not only have to worry about
where to park their cars, but also
whether it will still be there when they
get back.
Andrew Theunissen, a fourth year
Engineering student, has suffered
not only at the hand of criminals, but
also from a lack of support from the
His car was stolen twice in less
than a year from a place that is
supposed to be under permanent car
guard surveillance.
His first car was stolen in the
second term of 2011. He clearly
recalls his bewilderment finding his
parking bay open as he was rushing
out in the rain.
“It is the worst feeling – being
entirely powerless. The USBD was of
no help at all. They tried to use their
cameras to track the car, but only
managed to see when I parked my
car there and not when it was stolen.
So much for their high-tech security
The second theft, according to
witness reports, occurred between
19:15 and 20:00 on 20 March 2012.
Theunissen only realised this the
following morning.
This time, however, he could not
Xhosa Nuus |
Xhosa News
Phelokazi Ntabankulu
iMaties Rugby icinezela umbhoxo wase Hostele
Njengokuba iqela lombhoxo le
Maties lisaphume phambili kwi Varsity Cup, kukho ukruthakruthwano
phakathi kwamaqela ombhoxo asehostele. Abafundi abaphetheyo baxhalatyiswe yimpatho-mbi yabadlali
U-john Conway, ongumfundi
ophethe iqela lase Simonsbarg
ubize intlanganiso equka abamele
umbhoxo kweizinye iihostele ezintandathu.
Eyona nto ixhalabisayo yindlela
ephethwe ngayo ingxowa-mali ye
Maties Regby Club. U Mnu. Chris
De Beer ongusihlalo we Maties rugby uthe la maqela anokungaqondi
even find the guard that was supposed
to patrol the area. He immediately
went to the USBD office with the hope
that they could track the car on their
CCTV camera system. There he was
told that the Merriman camera was out
of order and that they were unable to
help him.
After enquiring if any information
could be retrieved from the guard
on duty, he was told that the guards
changed shifts at 06:00 and that such
information would no longer be of
“This proved to me that the guards
are basically only paid to sit around
and wait for their shifts to end.”
According to Mr Viljoen van der
Walt, Director: Risk and Protection
Services, schedules of which guards
are on duty are kept on record, but
that one guard patrols more than one
parking area at a time.
Asked what he thought about the
university’s Mobility Plan, Theunissen
replied: “I think the university’s plans
of providing parking areas far off
campus will only increase the risk
of parking there. As the police sergeant told me, the cars are stolen by
organised crime units and they merely
come and pick up the cars that they get
orders for.”
Theunissen admits to being
disgusted in the university’s “lack of
security. I don’t think it is too much to
ask just for security!”
okuthile ngobuninzi bemali echithwa kuwo. Uqhube wathi bachitha
ama R800 000 ngonyaka nangona
imali yokuzibandakanya yabadlali
ingama – R400 000 kuphela.
U-De Beer uyavuma ukuba iMaties Rugby Club itsala nzima
kwicala la mabala okudlala/okuzililolonga yaye wongeze wathi unobangela wa loo nto kukuvulwa kwe
-Stellenbosch Academy for Sport,
kuba emva koko baphulukana
namabala amathathu. La mabala
alawulwa ngabo ngoku.
Ku la mabala ashiyekileyo,
babolekisana ngawo ne qela le
qakamba kuba iseli xesha lalo okwangoku.
iMail &Guardian Kumba wocalucalulo e-SU
Ngomhla wama-23 kweyoKwindla kwa vela indaba kwiphepha
ndaba i- Mail & Guardian ezinesihloko esithi: “Stellenbosch faces up
Talle studente slagoffers van misdaad die afgelope maand
Kampus is nie veilig nie
ie kwessie van veiligheid
op kampus is weer onder
bespreking nadat ’n reeks
misdaad verwante insidente oor die
afgelope maand op kampus plaasgevind het.
Nico Ruppel, ’n regstudent, was
in die omvang van twee weke twee
keer die slagoffer van geweldadige
aanvalle. Op 23 Februarie, omstreeks
05:00 die oggend, is hy deur ’n groep
van twee of drie mans oor die kop
geslaan en van sy besittings beroof. Hy
is bewusteloos in Victoriastraat, waar
die insident afgespeel het, agtergelaat.
Tydens die vroeë oggendure van
4 Maart het Ruppel oor die Rooiplein
na die BP-petrolstasie in Merrimanlaan gestap. By die oostelike ingang
van die Kamer van Mynwese-gebou
is hy, binne tien meter van Merrimanlaan en in ’n goed-beligte area, deur sy
aanvaller bespring.
“Dit was ’n man met tatoeëermerke
op sy arms. Sy bedoeling was nie
om my te beroof nie, maar om my te
vermoor of ernstige beserings aan te
to discrimination”. Esi sicatshulwa
besiphonononga umba wobuhlanga
nocalulalulo olujoliswe kubantu
besini esinye abathandanayo.
Ezingongoma ziqhuba zithi,
abafundi abaphetheyo bayila imithetho ezakukhawulelana nale ngxuba-kaxaka.
Eli cebo livele emva kwezityholo ezininzi zeziganeko ezibonisa ubuhlanga kwanocalucalulo. I
SRc izakuzama ukuwuphumeza lo
mthetho kweyeNkanga kwakulonyaka, kwaye ikwazama ukuqeshwa
komntu ozakumela ukupheliswa
kolu calu-calulo.
I- Mail & Guardian, ityhole
abaphethe i-SU ngokudelela umba
IDindala labafundi u Gqir.
Llewelynn Macmaster uthe “sizibophelele
ukuza sesifikile, asikatshintshi
ngokupheleleyo, kwaye sisoyisakala pha naphaya kodwa, ndinethemba
lokuba i-Stellenbosch izakuphumelela”.
doen.” Ruppel maan ander studente
om versigtig te wees, veral noudat die
universiteit se Mobiliteitsplan baie
meer studente gaan dwing om saans
te loop of fiets te ry. “Dit sal baie
meer mense kwesbaar vir sulke tipe
aanvalle maak.”
In nog ’n voorval is ’n student op
2 Maart in die parkeerarea van die
Eikestad Mall met ’n mes aangeval en
beroof. Drie mans het hom genader en
sy beursie en selfoon geëis. Ten spyte
van sy samewerking het een van die
aanvallers hom in die lies gesteek en
daarmee sy dyslagaar net-net gemis.
Op 17 Maart, om 20:45 het ’n
20-jarige man in Ryneveldstraat saam
met ’n vriend van sy koshuis na die
dorp gestap. Hulle is deur vier mans
gekonfronteer, waarvan een ’n skerp
voorwerp uitgepluk het en hulle
beveel het om hul selfone en kontant
te oorhandig.
Omstreek 21:30 op dieselfde aand
is ’n manlike student in Neethlingstraat
deur twee verdagtes genader terwyl
hy na KFC op pad was. Beide verdagtes het skerp voorwerpe onthul en
die slagoffer se selfoon en kontant
geëis, waarna hulle gevlug het. Die
slagoffer het ’n USBD-wag genader
en hulle het die rowers agterna gesit.
Hulle is uiteindelik vasgetrek, met die
slagoffer se eiendom in hul besit.
Beskermingsdienste, het gesê dat
dit kommerwekkend is dat daar
steeds studente is wat as sagte teikens vir misdaad dien, ten spyte van
die bewusmakingspogings van die
“Dis belangrik om te onthou dat
die Stellenbosch-kampus oop en met
die dorp verweef is, maar die voordeel
van vryheid van beweging wat ’n oop
dorpskampus bied, skep eiesoortige
“Daarom doen die bestuur weer
’n ernstige beroep op studente om
nie saans alleen op kampus en in die
dorp te loop nie, swak verligte areas te
vermy en van die Groen Roete gebruik
te maak.”
Te oordeel aan die studentegemeenskap se trae ondersteuning van
die veiligheidsbewusmakingsweek,
sê Van der Walt, kom dit voor asof
studente nie genoeg erns maak met
misdaadvoorkoming nie.
nuus / aktueel
Deelnemers beloon met kultuurpunte
Misnoeë oor
direkteur, sê egter: “Omdat spel en
kreatiwiteit vir die fees belangrik­is en
daar ook heelwat aandag gegee­word
erskeie koshuise en PSO’s aan die visuele kunste, is Mensverf ’n
het op 10 Maart deelgeneem sinvolle studentebydrae­.”
Die HK-lid redeneer verder dat
aan die jaarlikse Mensverf
Groen Mensverf nie baie belangstelling lok
Maskerade-optog wat as deel van die nie en koshuise moet geforseer word
om deel te neem. Hy sê dit beteken
Woordfeesprogram­aangebied is.
’n Kultuur HK-lid, wat verkies in praktyk dat ’n kultuur HK-lid vyf
om anoniem te bly, van ’n koshuis op eerstejaars op sy/haar komitee moet
kampus het met Die Matie in kontak verplig om deel te neem.
Naomi Bruwer, SR: Kultuur,
getree weens sy ontsteltenis rakende
die feit dat koshuise en PSO’s wat aan ontken­dat studente gedwing is om
hierdie aktiwiteite deelgeneem het met aan hierdie optog deel te neem. Sy sê
dat PSO’s of koshuise nie noodwendig­
kultuurbekerpunte beloon is.
Hy argumenteer: “Al rede aan alle aktiwiteite hoef deel te neem
hoekom­enige huis aan hierdie nie.
Die anonieme HK-lid sê egter dat hy
, is omdat daar
optog­sou deelneem­
kultuurbekerpunte­op die spel was. enige sprake van kultuurbekerpunte­as
Deelname aan Mensverf het vir ’n dwang beskou. Hy glo dat aktiwiteite
koshuis twintig kultuurbekerpunte­be- soos hierdie van só ’n aard behoort te
wees dat studente vir hulself­moet kan
aan besluit of dit sinvol is al dan nie.
“In gevalle soos hierdie mistwee
debatspanne se deelname aan die bruik SR-lede kultuurbekerpunte
Interkoshuisdebatskompetisie­of om om belangstelling­te lok na goed wat
’n afdeling by die Skrywerskompetise­ dit nie verdien nie. Daar is in die
meeste huise hoë verwagtinge van
te wen”.
Verder redeneer hy dat Mensverf HK-lede in terme van bywoning. Die
van hierdie jaar se Woordfeesprogram­ Groen Maskerade-optog­is ’n goeie
geskrap is omdat “mense besef het voorbeeld­van ’n middelmatige inidat dit nie ’n sinvolle aktiwiteit is siatief met kunsmatige hoë belangstelnie, maar daar is toe besluit dat dit ling.”
Van Zyl beskryf die Groen
kunsmatig aangeplak gaan word aan
Maskerade-optog as sinvol en baie
’n halfgebakte groen-inisiatief.”
Prof Dorothea van Zyl, Woordfees- suksesvol.
EXPERIMENTING! The Library and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA) celebrated the South African Library Week (SALW) from 17 to 24 March. Joining in the festivities, the JS Gericke library hosted lunch
hour talks, a photo competition and an Open Access seminar. The famed environmentalist Dave Pepler is
seen here at a talk titled “Sniff in the nose: perfume adventures”. This year the Library Week’s theme was
“Develop@YourLibrary”. An unforeseen development was the closing of the lower level of the library due to
flooding caused by a burst pipe during the SALW.
M&G reports on discrimination at SU
in January, during which a Dagbreek
HK member stated that he was “not a
supporter of gays”, the Mail & GuardON 23 March, an article appeared­ ian reported that a number of students
in the Mail & Guardian with the told them that this incident was merely
title: “Stellenbosch faces up to the tip of the iceberg.
”. In this article the
A journalism lecturer, Hannelie
depth of racism and homophobic Booyens, is cited saying: “There is
behaviour­on Stellenbosch campus is still very much a dominant macho koexplored.
shuis [residence] culture, with all its
According to this article student prejudices and heteronorms”.
leaders from Stellenbosch University­
In the Mail & Guardian, SU
(SU) have started to draft policy, leadership­is accused for not taking
which will enable the university to the issue of transformation as serious
deal with issues of discrimination.
as the University of Free State rector,
This came as a response to the Prof Jonathan Jansen.
many allegations of racist and homoA homophobic attack on a lesbian
phobic incidents, which has recently resident from Stellenbosch is also
been raised. The SRc will try to have mentioned. She was abused during a
the policy document completed in night out with her coloured girlfriend
November­2012. The SRc is also about a month ago. Guys were making­
lobbying­for the appointment of a dis- racist comments about them and she
crimination officer.
and her partner left the pub and walked
Regarding the Dagbreek incident to their car. They discovered­that the
Deur: Megan Damon
Foto’s: Franco Theron
three men had followed them. “The
one guy wanted to hit my girlfriend,
but luckily his friends held him back.
The situation is getting out of hand
in Stellenbosch­,” she said to Mail &
Prof Amanda Gouws, chairperson
of the university’s sexual harassment
advisory committee, is also cited in
this article. She narrates an incident
during which a foreign student was
physically assaulted by three white
men in a “race-based attack” last
month. The student was kicked and
beaten, because he failed to respond
to the drunken perpetrator’s shouts in
A white law student is also
mentioned­, who was victimised by the
other white students in his residence
because he had a black girlfriend.
The university’s Dean of Students,
Dr Llewelynn Macmaster, said: “We
are committed to transformation”.
What do you think?
Do you think the University does enough to enrol black students?
Adams BEng
2nd year
“Yes, Stellenbosch University is,
because­the Open days at tract all
BSc Molecular
Biology and
(First Year)
“There’s not much balance between
blacks and the other races. They are
doing­bet ter than previously.”
and Hearing
Therapy (First
“Most black students prefer other
universities, because they may think
Stellenbosch is a ‘white’ university.”
BA Humanities
(Third Year)
“We need to consider how many black
students apply.”
Carryn James
and Hearing
Therapy( First
Yes, they are doing enough, because the
university has recruitment bursaries for
black, white and Indian students.”
BA PPE (Final
“[...] for black students the only set
back at Stellenbosch University would
be the Afrikaans.”
current affairs
Interkampus | Inter campus
- Malherbe Nienaber
3D product development
launched at CPUT
the Cape Peninsula University of
Technology (CPUT) will now be
trained at a high-tech addition to
the Bellville campus.
Management­ Competency Centre­
(PLMCC) has recently been
launched in cooperation with the
French Ministry of Education, the
French company Dassault Systems
and the Technology Innovation
Agency (TIA).
According to the CPUT
website­, the PLMCC is the first
centre of its kind in Africa and the
fifth in the world. Here students
will be trained in virtual product
design, development and manufac-
turing using specalized software.
The apparent aim is to increase
the cost-efficiency of the product design industry, reports Die
Burger­. At the launch a representative from Dassault Systems said
their investment­at CPUT will
hopefully place them in a position
to address the shortages facing the
engineering sector in South Africa.
By providing students firsthand experience with the software
used by professional engineers, the
PLMCC surpasses the capacity of
most South African universities,
according to CPUT’s website.
French professor Stéphane
Bouyé will be at the head of the
UJ student dood gevind
’N student by Universiteit
Johannesburg­(UJ) is dood gevind
in haar koshuiskamer as gevolg
van vermoede komplikasies na ’n
onwettige aborsie foutgegaan het.
Volgens Beeld was Ayanda
Masondo­(20) ’n tweedejaar
student­in menslike hulpbronne
vanaf Newcastle, KwaZulu-Natal.
Masondo was blykbaar in die
Benjemijn-koshuis in haar kamer
gevind waar sy teen die deur
geleun­ het.
Paramedici is daarna ingeroep,
maar het Masondo op die toneel
dood verklaar.
Die Brixton polisie­het by
monde van Konstabel Michael
Kgatle laat weet dat ’n geregtelike
ondersoek ingestel sal word oor dié
onlangse sterfte.
Professor Marie Muller, UJ
registrateur, het bevestig dat
selfmoord­as ’n moontlike oorsaak
vir Masondo se dood buite rekening gehou word.
Volgens Kgatle is ’n onwettige
aborsie die waarskynlike oorsaak
van die sterfde op hierdie stadium.
Dit is die tweede keer vanjaar
dat UJ geruk word deur ’n sterfgeval. In Januarie is ’n student se
ma oorlede tydens ’n stormloop vir
laat registrasies.
UCT admissions policy
under fire
A Statement by the DA Student
Organization (DASO) has brought
the University of Cape Town’s
race-based admissions policy back
to the fore.
DASO made a submission to the
commission into UCT student admissions, rejecting the university’s­
policy whereby race is used as an
indicator of disadvantage.
The Cape Times reported tha
DASO was responding to a call
by UCT for public comment on its
admissions policy, which is being
A statement by Amanda
Ngwenya, DASO representative, was distributed on the UCT
campus­outlining their stance on
the admissions policy. In this state-
ment Ngwenya demands that “the
aim of the Admissions Policy needs
to shift from trying to artificially­
achieve predetermined racial outcomes and should aim instead at
achieving equality of opportunity”.
Varsity, the UCT student
newspaper­, reported that Lindiwe
Mazibuko, DA parliamentary
, recently addressed UCT
students on the issue. “UCT’s
policy­must be stamped out. By
replicating­racial groups you run
the risk of returning to the dark
days of Apartheid,” said Mazibuko.
Gerda Kruger, executive director: communications and marketing, said UCT used applicants’ voluntary disclosure of their racefor
effecting redress.
VOOR OP DIE TAALWA AfriForum Jeug nasionale voorsitter, Charl Oberholzer, spreek die media tydens ’n veldtog
ter bekendstelling van dié studente organisasie se stigting by Universiteit Stellenbosch. Die geleentheid het ’n
“vrystellingsaksie” ingesluit waartydens 500 ballonne losgelaat is as ’n “pleidooi wat ons uitstuur dat jong mense
op Maties vrygemaak moet word van politieke inmenging in taal” asook beleide soos regstellende aksie volgens
Oberholzer. Dié vrystellingsaksie het terselfdertyd by Universiteit Pretoria, Universiteit van die Vrystaat en Noordwes-Universiteit plaasgevind.
Afri-Forum Jeug bykans as vereniging geregistreer
DASO pak Afri-Forum
malherbe nienaber
oewel AfriForum Jeug steeds
wag op goedkeuring vir hul
grondwet deur die Universiteit­
Stellenbosch Studente Hof en die
Verenigingsraad­, het dié burger-regte
organisasie reeds omstrede kwessies
in hul visier. Beide regstellende aksie
en die taaldebat op Stellenbosch gaan
fokuspunte wees indien AfriForum
Jeug as studentevereniging­op kampus
erken word.
Sedert Die Matie vroeër dié maand
berig het oor AfriForum Jeug se
planne op kampus is die Stellenbosch­
tak­se bestuur verkies en bekendgestel­
tydens ’n simboliese ballon-vrystelling­
aksie op die Rooiplein.
Maties se reaksie op AfriForum
Jeug se voornemings is egter nie in
geheel positief nie. Conrad Basson­
, vertel dat hy onlangs
een van die “politiese organisasies”
op kampus se jaaropenings funksies
bygewoon het waartydens daar gesê
Sculpture falls prey to vandals
Megan Damon
Another of the 20Stellenbosch
public sculptures has been vandalised. Angus Taylor’s “earth men”
, Gegrond I and II were
badly­damaged and the torso destroyed­
according to Andi Norton, 20Stellenbosch project manager. The sculptures
were situated opposite Nu Bar in Plein
Since the launch of the
20Stellenbosch­exhibition in 2011
there have been various incidents of
art vandalism in and around campus.
In February, Die Matie reported on yet
another 20Stellenbosch sculpture that
was vandalised infront of the Sasol
Arts museum.
20Stellenbosch­exhibition gives artists
a platform to inspire and deliver­social
The 20Stellenbosch­Exhibition
has been running since October 2011
and will continue to be exhibited until
September­this year.
Taylor is a renowned sculptor
who has exhibited at several art museums in the country, as well as being
publicly­ displayed.
A similar artwork by Taylor
is exhibited­a­t the University of
Johannesburg­according to Norton.
This recent incident, however, is
the first time that his work has been
Taylor has expressed his
displeasure­with vandals’ apparent
perception that “art is created to be
re-created or destroyed”.
A disappointed Taylor relates this
incident to that of a “monkey using
high technology”, a discontinuity as
vandals “simply have no idea what to
do with art”.
Taylor says that it may be difficult
for South Africans to appreciate art.
According to Taylor South Africans­
do not have a culture of visiting­art
museums, and therefore seldomly
learn to appreciate art.
In this context Taylor says it is difficult to communicate artistically to
South African audiences.
Furthermore, Taylor is also unsure
whether he will exhibit his work in
Stellenbosch again.
If the opportunity arises he
will consider it, as a small group of
intellectually­challenged vandals will
not take away his love for art, affirms
According to the 20Stellenbosch
Facebook-page, R20 000 has been
collected as a reward for any information that will lead to the apprehension
of the culprits who are responsible for
the damaging of Taylor’s sculpture.
Stellenbosch Municipality contributed R5 000 to this reward. An
anonymous­patron also contributed
another R5 000.
Information about the vandalism
can be sent to
is dat rassisme van AfriForum Jeug
nie verdra sal word nie. Basson vind
dit skokkend dat AfriForum Jeug as
’n ver-regse organisasie uitgemaak
word en hou vol “dis glad nie wat ons
is nie”.
Die DA studente organisasie (DASO) Stellenbosch het ’n
verklaring­uitgestuur waarin hul
Basson vind dit skokkend
dat AfriForum Jeug as ’n verregse organisasie uitgemaak
word en hou vol “dis glad nie
wat ons is nie”.
AfriForum­Jeug verwelkom na Universiteit Stellenbosch­en vertrou
dat die prosedures­en reëls van die
Verenigingsraad­(VR) nagevolg sal
word in hul registrasieproses.
Nietemin gee DASO uiting in die
verklaring aan hul besorgheid oor
AfriForum Jeug se standpunt oor US
se taalbeleid. Boonop beskou DASO
die vermeende ver-regse politiek van
AfriForum­Jeug as “ ’n bedryging vir
die grondwetlike demokrasie”.
Verder is DASO agterdogtig
oor AfriForum Jeug se teenwoordigheid op kampus sonder dat die
organisasie­’n geregistreerde studentevereniging is. Veral AfriForum
Jeug se bekendstellingsaksie­is rede
tot kommer­vir DASO, siende dat dit
op die Rooiplein plaasgevind het waar
politieke en gelowige organisasies nie
gewoonlik toegelaat word om uit te
stal nie, lui die verklaring.
voorsitter­, hou vol dat nóg die VR nóg
enige ander liggaam AfriForum Jeug
se reg tot assosiasie of vreedsame
byeenkoms­kan weier. “ ’n Vereniging
se registrasie beteken dat hulle slegs
bykomende voordele sal kry deur
hierdie­sistemiese erkenning van die
groep” sê Hanekom.
Sulke voordele sluit in, maar is nie
beprek tot, aansoek doen vir ’n kantoor of ’n kostepunt, om ledegelde van
studenterekenings af te kan trek of om
sekere lokale op kampus te kan huur.
Presentasie swart studente toegelaat daal vanjaar
Teikens nie bereik
anneer dit kom by diversiteit met voorgraadse toelatings vir 2012 het die
universiteit veel om op te verbeter.
Vir die ontwikkeling van ’n dinamiese en multikulturele universiteit
is daar sekere teikens gestel vir
toelatingsyfers per rasgroep.
Tydens verlede week se
studenteparlement op Donderdag 22 Maart het die rektor, Prof
Russel Botma, verwys na die
universiteit se pogings om swart
studente te lok vir 2012 as ’n
“treurige stand van sake”.
Inderdaad het die persentasie
toelatings onder swart studente
vanjaar gedaal.
Die rektor het tydens sy
toespraak dit duidelik gemaak
dat die universiteit homself wil
trots op uitnemendheid en die
volgende generasie leiers as “aktiewe burgers” wil aanspoor.
Diversiteit onder die studentekorps speel vir Botman
’n belangrike rol om hierdie
doelstellings te bereik.
“Jy kan nie ’n leier wees
sonder dat jy in kontak met die
gemeenskap kom nie. Jy kan nie
vertrou word met ons toekoms as
jy nie die geleentheid gehad het om
multikulturele vriende en leiers te hê
nie,” beaam Botman in ’n poging om
die universiteit se klem op diversiteit
HARDCORE Dr Cobus van Staden (right), a post doctorate fellow, and
Johan Abrahams (left), former producer of Special Assignment, discussed investigative journalism at a seminar by the Department of
Political Science. The talk was titled “What is so special about Special
Assignment?: Investigative Journalism and the Post-Apartheid state”.
TEENSPOED het weereens die
Departement van Elektriese en
Antarktika-projek getref. Die projek
val onder die Suid-Afrikaanse
Antarktiese Windenergie Program
(SAAWEP) in samewerking met
Die Matie het op 7 Maart berig oor
die beskadiging van een van die projek
se windkragtorings na ’n storm dit losgeruk het. Ten tyde van dié voorval
is aangekondig dat die beskadigde
onderdele na Stellenbosch geneem sou
word vir herstelwerk.
Die projekleier Prof Maarten
Kamper het egter bevestig dat
befondsing vir die projek opgedroog
het na vyf jaar, hoewel dit nie verband
hou met die onlangse skade nie.
Die windkragtoring het as ’n
navorsingsprojek gedien om die SuidAfrikaanse Nasionale Antarktika
Ekspidisie (SANAE IV) basis met
krag te voorsien. Geen inkomste is
hierdeur gegenereer nie
Daar is wel aangesoek gedoen by
organisasies vir finansiering, maar tot
op hede is die projek gestaak.
14.8 1.6
die universiteit se Institusionele Plan
vir 2012 tot 2016 moet hierdie teikens
opgeskuif word na 34% vir 2015.
Dit is noemenswaardig dat die
universiteit se definisie van “swart” ’n
samestelling van bruin, swart en indiër
studente getalle verteenwoording.
Dit kan lei tot misverstand, veral
siende dat bruin studente die grootste
meerderheid uitmaak van hierdie
“swart” raskategorie wanneer dit by
toelatings kom.
Die Adjunk-Registrateur, Neels
Fourie, het op Botman se toespraak
gevolg en het dieselfde kwessie
Volgens Fourie is dit nie duidelik hoekom US nie die teikens vir
die onderskeie rasgroepe bereik het
nie en daar word tans ondersoek
ingestel oor die kwessie.
“Dinge lyk nie goed vir 2015
nie, ons weet nie of dit slegs ’n
tydelike insinking is nie” het Fourie
aan studente gesê oor die onlangse
toelatings statistieke wat swakker
vertoon as die vorige twee jaar.
Hoewel daar nie beoog word om
aansienlik meer studente in die toekoms toe te laat nie, gaan die universiteit aanhou om die persentasie
profiel van sekere rasgroepe aan te
spreek, meen Fourie.
Met verwysing na die tekort aan
swart studene sê Fourie dat meer as
7 000 was toegelaat hoewel 3 000
van die voornemende studente nie
opgedaag het nie.
Dit gaan die US se voortdurende
uitdaging wees om hierdie verskynsel
te verstaan en aan te spreek indien diversiteit op kampus gaan verbeter.
HK houses desire improved security
Antarktika-projek op ys
in konteks te plaas.
Botman beskou die getal swart
studente en personeel by US as
onvoldoende. Tans is 23% van
voorgraadse studente swart, terwyl
die teiken 28% vir 2012 was. Volgens
A LETTER in the previous edition of
Die Matie (7 March) from the Silene
HK brought attention to burglaries
at the PSO houses surrounding the
Engineering faculty.
In the letter it is mentioned that
the Silene house has been broken into
five times since January and adds the
suspicion that most PSO HK houses in
the area are targeted by robbers.
The letter also states that requests
for additional security measures such
as alarms and extra burglar bars were
not allowed by the university, even if
the PSO carried the costs themselves.
The Pieke HK house, closeby
the Silene HK house, has also been
affected by the crime in the area.
Philip Parrock, HK: Social, can recall
at least 4 recent incidents where the
Pieke house had been burgled.
Parrock admits, however, that it
is often the case that burglars simply
enter the house while the HK members
in the house are unaware. To Parrock’s
knowledge the Pieke house has been
robbed of their property to the value
of R15 000.
After repeated attempts to bring
the crime situation to the university’s
attention a security gate had been
installed to manage access to the Pieke
house. The gate is in need of further
work and Parrock has said that the rest
of the house will also be made safer
in time.
The Silene HK has informed Die
Matie that since the publishing of their
letter the university has responded
to the security situation at their HK
house and security measures have
been installed.
Dr Munita Dunn, Vice Director:
Centre for Student Communities
(CSC) wants to ensure students that
their safety is an on-going concern and
that the CSC is aware of the problems
facing LLL and PSO houses in the area
of Joubert Street, Merriman Street and
Banghoek Road especially.
“We are confident that the new
security additions to these high
risk areas combined with proactive
vigilance by students will resolve the
security issues” said Dunn. These
additions include “enhanced patrol
patterns” by USBD officers and other
measures scheduled for installation.
According to Dunn the CSC is
currently discussing the installation of
panic buttons and fencing for LLL and
PSO houses.
Mr Hein Swanepoel, Director:
Commercial Services, wants to assure students that university security
measures are subject to continuous
evaluation, while their improvement
is approached as an overhead project.
“With regards to the specific area
the safety has been investigated and
the shortcomings are being addressed”
says Swanepoel. With the increased
safety risks in the area Swanepoel prefers not to provide further
information to the public.
Clinton du Preez, Chairperson:
Prim Committee, says one must be
aware that “break-ins” often occur because of unattended doors
and possessions left close to opened
No hitch during COSATU strike
peaceful demonstration took
place on Wednesday 7 March
on Stellenbosch University
The demonstration on campus
took place amidst other nation-wide
protests organized by COSATU to
protest against the proposed open road
tolling system and the use of labour
University’s Director of Commercial
Services, Mr Hein Swanepoel, the
local branch of NEHAWU (one of
the trade unions affiliated with COSATU) decided to organize a march in
Stellenbosch, but as they were unable
to obtain permission to do so they had
to resort to staging one on campus.
The majority of staff members who
took part in the march are not employees of the university, but are instead
employed by various cleaning services
and catering companies that serve the
university’s residences.
According to the University’s website, the decision to commercialize several of their services was undertaken
as a means of reducing the university’s
operational costs. The commercial services are independent businesses, thus
they receive no funding or financial
support from Stellenbosch University.
The catering staff members are upset with the move, as they say that it has
left them suffering financially. They
claim that they are no longer earning
enough money and are unhappy with
their employment situation.
“We work very hard,” one
employee said, going on to explain
that they do not have enough staff to
help them, adding to their woes of
earning a low income.
One of the main reasons for their
participation in the protest was to
bring to attention one demand: they
want to work for the university again.
“We want the university to take us
back,” they said.
“There are so many things,” one
woman said when asked about her
grievances with the university.
But she added that participation
in the demonstration was largely in
solidarity with COSATU’s strikes, and
that she didn’t voice any of her own
The staff say that they are as of yet
uncertain whether or not their protest
was a success and managed to gain the
university’s attention, as they are still
waiting for a response.
Swanepoel said that the organizers
of the march did not hand over any
documentation to the management of
the University outlining the protestors’
He added that the University supports the right of workers to strike as
long as it meets the requirements of
the law.
current affairs
SR-lid praat mond verby
malherbe nienaber
nie. Dit het Havenga genoop om sy
stelling te herhaal ter verduideliking.
Dit wil blyk dat Havenga bedoel dat
se ras arbitrêr bepaal word en indien die
studenteparlement­was ’n samekoms­ universiteit bloot daarin belangstel om
en groter getalle van ’n sekere rasgroep
verteenwoordigers­op kampus. Van te lok kan studente reageer met ‘n ardie staanspoor was dit duidelik dat die bitrêre aksie.
onderwerp van ras in toelatingsteikens
Die DA studente organisasie
by die universiteit ’n hetige kwessie vir Stellenbosch het hul misnoeë
onder studente is.
uitgespreek­oor Havenga se stelling
Nêrens anders het die gevoelig- in ’n verklaring waarin die “SR se
heid van die saak duideliker geglim reaksie op diversifikasie op kampus”
as met die tongval van Marnus Ha- veroordeel word. “DASO is, in kort,
venga, SR: Kritiese betrokkenheid en geskok deur dié stelling van ’n SR-lid,
Aktuele sake. Tydens Adjunk Reg- verkies deur die studentekorps van die
istrateur, Neels Fourie se vraag-en- universitei,” lui die verklaring.
antwoord sessie teen die einde van sy
Volgens DASO sal Havenga se
spreekbeurt het Havenga die vraag voorstel net fop-diversiteit bevorder
gestel of studente nie net hulself as op kampus. Havenga het na die stu“swart” moet afmerk op universiteit denteparlement benadruk dat dit nie ’n
registrasievorms­in die toekoms om voorstel was nie, maar eerder ’n vraag
transformasie ’n hupstoot te gee nie.
aan Fourie. “Alhoewel ek alles in my
Fourie se reaksie was dat Haven- private hoedanigheid sê, sal ek graag
ga se stelling “absurd” is. Sommige onder my SR portefeulje, geleenthede
studente­by die geleentheid se reaskie wil skep waar daar oor hierdie saak gewas nie ver verwyder van Fourie s’n praat kan word”.
-Malherbe Nienaber
Sarkozy to ban imams
France’s President Nicolas­
Sarkozy has announced his
intentions­to refuse some Muslim
preachers from entering France.
According to Reuters several
Muslim imams are heading to
France for an Islamic conference.
The intended banning follows
the notorious recent shootings by
an al-Qaeda-imitating extremist.
Sarkozy has taken a hard
stance, announcing plans to inflict
penalties on those viewing Islamist websites and travelling abroad
for indoctrinations, since recent
Sarkozy is currently running
for re-election. Speaking to French
radio­he said: “I have clearly
indicated­that there are certain
people­who have been invited to
this congress who are not welcome
on French soil,” reffering to the
imams that he intends to ban from
the country.
Sarkozy has been facing
criticism­since the recent shooting­
in France by Mohamed Merah
(23). Merah was reportedly a petty
criminal returning from Afghanistan. In the previous week he killed
seven people, holding out for ten
days in south-west France. Merah
was later killed by police. Ever
since security has claimed the top
of the poltical agenda in France.
Cosatu: SA bows to USA
The USA has BEEN placing
pressure on its allies to follow
its foreign policy on Iran. South
Africa­has been no exception, with
deputy foreign minister Ebrahim
Ebrahim announcing that South
Africa would reduce its oil imports
from Iran.
Ebrahim confirmed that the decision to cut oil imports from Iran
is based on the wish to comply­with
the USA. The USA has long been
critical regarding Iran’s nuclear­
ambitions and its relations with
Israel. Iran has maintained that its
use of nuclear energy will be for
peaceful civilian uses.
Announcing South Africa’s
policy, Ebrahim made an erroneous
statement regarding South Africa’s
reliance on Iran’s oil.
After stating that imports
from Iran were
the Department­of International
Relations­and Co-operation later
confirmed that more than 25% of
South Africa’s oil is sourced from
Iran, reported City Press.
Cosatu has denounced the
government­for “partaking in
blackmail sanctions” against Iran
while supposedly pandering to the
United States. The US has warned
of sanctions for those who do not
join on the oil embargo against
The European Union and the
US started banning oil imports
from Iran in Febuary. The US
government­placed sanctions on
Iran in a bid to force it to abandon
its nuclear programme.
Pope visits Cuba
In an unlikely union, Pope
Benedict­XVI arrived in Cuba this
week. The Catholic spiritual leader
visited the communist country, telling the government that they do not
have to be suspicious of the Catholic Church’s demands for greater
civil freedoms, according to Reuters.
The Pope aimed to boost the
Church’s presence on the island state and consequently met
President­Raul Castro, brother of
the longtime former president and
revolutionary Fidel Castro.
Though the Pope attempted to
calm the Cuban government, he
did not relent from criticising the
country’s record on human rights.
Former Pope John Paul II
visited­Cuba more than a decade
ago, during a landmark visit which
sought to mend the rift between­the
Church and the Cuban government
since its revolution in 1959.
While their relations seemed to
have warmed up, the Church has
not forgotten about communism’s
stance on religion. According
to Reuters the Pope commented
that “many areas remain in which
greater progress can and ought to
be made, especially as regards the
indispensable public contribution
that religion is called to make in
the life of society”.
The Pope also visited Mexico
over the weekend.
MARCH The Kairos Southern Africa Initiative organised a peaceful demonstration on 5 March.Photo: GIANINA CICIONE
Organised in support of “equal rights” in the Middle East
March held for Palestine
Nicole boucher
or turned to watch with interest and curiosity the procession moving quietly­
past them, a few pulling out mobile
n Monday 5th of March, phone cameras to record the scene.
students from Stellenbosch
Once the group reached the TheolUniversity participated in a ogy faculty, they found themselves at a
peaceful demonstration organized simulated Israeli military checkpoint.
by members of the Kairos Southern A staged confrontation arose between
Africa­ Initiative.
the demonstrators trying to enter the
The march, which went from the Theology grounds and the gun-toting
Arts and Social Sciences building “Israeli soldiers” who were barring
to the Faculty of Theology, was held them from doing so. This was meant
in support of equal human rights in to illustrate to the students the difficulIsrael­and the Palestinian Territories. ties Palestinians face in having­many
The aim of this initiative is to cre- aspects of their lives run and regulatate an awareness of the injustices ed by a firm and continuous military
experienced­by Palestinians in the presence. At approximately 13:40, the
occupied territories­. The hope was to gates were opened and the guards alspark critical debate on the subject on lowed the group to pass through.
Inside, a document, The Bethlehem
At about 12:40, a sizable crowd Call, which had recently also been
of students gathered with the translated into Afrikaans, was handed
organizers­outside of the Arts build- over to the Beyers Naudé Centre­for
ing. Participating­students were Public Theology. The document was
encouraged­to wear red, white, compiled in 2011 as an appeal to
green and black representative of the people­all over to speak out against the
Palestinian­ flag and given placards Israel’s transgression of international
upon their arrival, on which were humanitarian law in the Palestinian
written­slogans in solidarity with the Territories.
Palestinian cause such as “Human
One of the organizers of the event,
Rights”, “Freedom 4 All” and “Justice Marthie Momberg, said that peo4 All”.
ple in Stellenbosch should be made
At 13:00, the group set off for aware of and encouraged to discuss
the Faculty of Theology in silence, the Bethlehem­Call. When asked how
walking­behind a large white banner­ the issues of Israel and Palestine conbearing the words “Injustice No cern students in Stellenbosch, as well
More”. Members of the public stopped as what the significance of such an
event taking place in Stellenbosch is,
Momberg said that people needed to
look at the situation critically: “We are
supposed to stand up for human rights.
We belong to post-apartheid society.
We cannot afford to maintain or even
sustain human rights abuses in other
parts of the world. Israel’s occupation
of Palestine has been linked to apartheid in accordance to what the law
says about apartheid. Therefore as
South African students, we cannot turn
a blind eye.”
international­community should be
more involved in the situation in the
occupied territories­
, stating that, as
the international­community had
put pressure­on South Africa­to end
Apartheid­, so they should do the same
with Israel/Palestine. She said, “The
illegalities of the occupation, and the
occupation itself, should end.”
The initiative believes that the
starting point to addressing the Israeli/
Palestinian issue is for the State of
Israel­to abide by international law on
human rights, as well as international
humanitarian law.
The Bethlehem Call document outlines specific actions that it believes
should be taken, including the right of
return for Palestinian refugees, free access to sanitation and water, that people live side by side within pre-1967
territorial borders and that Jerusalem
should be shared.
Gratis Wifi tans in toetstydperk
Carlin van zyl
Die pype se breedte­is nie
onderhandelbaar­nie. Tog is die
inkomende­volume van data baie
VOLGENS Mnr Helmi Dreijer, minder as die uitgaande data. Die
Senior­Direkteur: IT van Universiteit­ uitgaande­data gebruik die hele pyp se
Stellenbosch­ gaan “[gratis­ Wi- breedte as kapasiteit.
Fi oor die bemagtiging van
Wat die inkomende data vloei
minderbevoorregtes­, eerder as wat die aanbetref, gebruik MXIT slegs ’n
diens gratis is”.
klein hoeveelheid van die kapasiteit
Dreijer verwys na die nuwe waarvoor­hul betaal.
gratis Wi-Fi projek wat tans in sy
Dreijer verduidelik MXIT het dus
proeftydperk­in Stellenbosch en in ’n sin ekstra bandwydte wat hul
omliggende­areas is.
nie gebruik. En dit is hierdie bandDié gratis Wi-Fi is nie net vir wydte wat dan, in samewerking met
studente­bedoel nie. Die diens sal die Stellenbosch­Munisipaliteit en die
strek tot sover­as Pniel en Kayaman- Universiteit van Stellenbosch, gebruik
di en dek ook die Straat Plein, waar word om die dorp en omliggende areas
informele­gebruikers­en toeriste van met gratis internet te verskaf.
die diens gebruik kan maak.
MXIT deel sy kapasiteit deur van
MXIT sy oorbodige internet aan die dorp oop
betaal aan sy internetverskaffer ’n te maak. Die Universiteit Stellenbosch
hoofbedrag­vir twee ‘pype’ van inter- deel sy kapasiteit, wat nie in internet
GB lê nie, maar wel in mannekrag en
Dit word tog benadruk dat hierdie
gratis Wi-Fi nie in konflik wil kom met
die plaaslike diensteverskaffers nie en
daarom sal hierdie Wi-Fi nie huidige
bandwydte kan vervang nie.
Wat die veiligheidsapekte van
hierdie­netwerk aanbetref, is die
nodige enskripsie in plek. Dreijer
meen “die veiligheidsaspekte [gaan]
aangespreek word as die netwerk
reeds in plek is”.
US is tans besig om ’n nuwe FireWall by die netwerk te installeer om
sodoende veiligheid te versterk.
Dit blyk die US het ’n visie om
die fokus van die dosent na die
student­te verskuif. Verskeie maniere,
waarvan die hooffokus Telematiese
dienste, Eleer metodes en Eleer objekte is, word ondersoek. Goedkoper
internetgebruik­word ook ondersoek
om studente te ondersteun.
Sakpas goeie wyn is beskikbaar
Klein bietjie wyn
BONJOUR! The Stellenbosch Alliance Française hosted a weekend of activities to celebrate the Festival of
the Francophonie, including a traditional French market on 14 March 2012.
Cosy Coffee Corner
ON THE corner of Mill and Dorp
Street lies Mill Coffee House. An
understated, simplistic coffee shop
and eatery open for breakfast and
The coffee house is busy throughout the day, especially early in the
morning. They have a wide variety of
breakfast and lunch options as well as
a collection of delightful smoothies
that are written up on the blackboard.
Specials change every day and freshly
baked croissants, muffins and pastries
occupy the counter.
Breakfast ranges from the
traditional bacon and eggs to the more
curious omelette combinations and
waffle toppings.
The waffle covered in fresh fruit,
Bulgarian yoghurt and honey or maple
syrup is a must-try for everyone (not
only the healthy-conscious) and it is
reasonably priced at R29.
Although some might find the
yogurt portion too generous, it is
definitely very creative and delicious.
For the conservative breakfast
goer, a selection of bacon and eggs or
omelette combinations is available.
A full breakfast of bacon, eggs,
mushrooms, roasted tomato, sausage
and toast goes for R55. Smaller
options are also available like the
eggs-of-your-choice on toast-of-yourchoice at R22 (bacon and Cheddar
cheese are optional at R10 extra).
The flapjack with syrup is priced at
ie meeste studente assosieer
die woord “Stellenbosch” met
swot, klasloop en akademie,
maar vra ’n bietjie die res van die land
en Stellenbosch word gekoppel aan
een ding: wyn.
Stellenbosch-studente is geseën
met ’n kampus wat diep in die hartjie
van die Kaapse Wynlande lê, met
’n verskeidenheid wynsoorte soos
Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz en Pinot
Dié wyne word in die Stellenboschomgewing geproduseer en ding mee
op die wêreldmarkte. Die Paarl- en
Stellenbosch-area beskik na raming
oor 17% van die totale aantal SuidAfrikaanse wingerde, met slegs die
Worcester-distrik wat met 19% ʼn
kortkop voor is.
’n Wingerd produseer na drie jaar
sy eerste oes en is na vyf jaar ten volle
Na die druiwe geoes is, word die
druiwe fyngetrap en gis die sap tydens
die fermentasieproses, ten einde die
alkohol te produseer.
Hierdie fermentasietydperk kan
enige iets van drie dae tot drie jaar
duur, met die wyn wat tipies óf in eikeóf in staalvate fermenteer.
Na gelang van die tipe vaatjie,
sal die wyn anders verouder en ’n
kenmerkende smaak ontwikkel.
wingerd word gemiddeld na 25 jaar
vervang. Die lewensduur van die
wingerd is egter relatief, want daar is
wingerde in Suid-Afrika van meer as
honderd jaar wat steeds in produksie
Rooiwyn staan as ’n meer
komplekse wyn bekend en word
beskryf as kragtiger van geur. Witwyn
word oor die algemeen gekenmerk aan
die ligter smaak.
Dié verskille word aan die
toegeskryf. Tydens witwyn se
druiwepitte, -steeltjies en -velletjies
noukeurig vanuit die druiwesap
verwyder sodra die sap deur die
druiwepers is. Rooiwyn se pitte,
velletjies en steeltjies word egter in
die sap gelaat tydens die proses, ten
einde dit die besonderse pigment en
komplekse smaak te gee.
Volgens Karlin Nel (BSc Agric
Wingerd & Wyn) hoef studente nie
hul beursies heeltemal leeg te maak
om goeie wyn te geniet nie.
Nel reken Pierre Jordan Wyne, wat
teen die hange van Franschhoek lê,
bied ’n semi-soet wyn wat die perfekte
pasmaat vir alle geregte is.
’n Du Toitskloof Chardonnay, met
’n romerige nasmaak as gevolg van
die lemmetjie-, gedroogde perske- en
vanieljegeure, is ook ’n móét, meen
En moenie die studente se getroue
vriend, Robertson Wineries, onderskat
nie. Dis nie net beperk tot Bohemia se
boksies wyn nie. Robertson se wyne
bied spesery-, blomme- en mentgeure
wat aan dié wyne ’n unieke smaak gee.
Volgens Nel is die delikate
swartbessie- en pruimgeure van
Robertson se Cabernet Sauvignon ’n
noodsaaklike wyn vir elke studente
wat sy wynvernuf wil opknap.
Win Botman’s parking!
a mere R19 and bacon can be added at
a small cost.
The Spicy Omelette and The
Italian Omelette are also definite favourites. The Spicy is uniquely served
with Arabiatta sauce, bacon and mushrooms and The Italian with basil pesto,
mozzarella and fresh tomatoes.
Although lunch is served, it is not
as exciting as the breakfast options.
Lunch is more conservative with
sandwiches, wraps and salads.
The Red Pepper Soup is also a
delightful choice and a big helping is
served that will fill any student. Lunch
is priced at anything between R30 and
Fresh juice is also served at R16.
From orange to beetroot to mixed
combinations, every need is catered
Fixed combinations or Designa-Juice are served at R22 for a
350ml and R28 for a 500ml. The
smoothies are slightly disappointing
in comparison to the juice but they are
quite well priced at R25 or a 350ml
and R35 for a 500ml.
The Italian imported coffee is
well made. An Americano will set
you back R14 and a Cappuccino R17.
Although the coffee is good, in comparison to other coffee shops, this is
They also serve a
Lindt Hot Chocolate
at R25 – completely
worth the money!
The counter with
the coffee machine
and the display of
pastries creates a
warm and cosy feel.
Furthermore, the
atmosphere at Mill
Coffee House is
quiet and tranquil.
One could spend
hours there just
sitting and reading.
In the mornings, one might notice the
regular crowd grabbing a coffee and
settling in to read the paper.
Tourists also visit the coffee shop
frequently as it is situated next to the
Oude Meul Guesthouse.
On the whole, the service is
PARKING (or lack thereof) is an
old and tiresome topic on campus.
However, there might just be a
solution – at least for one of us.
A mere raffle ticket can give you
a possible chance to park on Prof
Russel Botman’s parking bay (in front
of Admin B) for an entire month, from
12 April to 12 May.
This not only means that you will
become part of the elite on the other
side of the boom-gates, but it will be
free, prime parking and of course, no
parking fines guaranteed.
This raffle is part of the university’s
HOPE project, which was launched
in July 2010. The project aims to
create sustainable solutions through
stimulating knowledge and research
that will address some of the most
pressing challenges in South Africa
and Africa.
The Hope Project recently
launched a series of competitions
which intend to raise awareness about
their campaign on campus as well as
encourage student participation.
In April of this year, the many
successes of the HOPE Project will be
celebrated with a HOPE Week which
will be filled with exciting events to
showcase these successes.
Coupled with the celebrations are
three competitions of which one is to
win the Rector’s parking space for a
month. The various competitions also
include a piece of writing or a visual
portrayal of the HOPE initiative in the
most creative way possible. The raffle
is, however, the one that might get the
most students excited this week.
Students and staff can purchase
raffle tickets until 10 April at Admin
B’s reception and at the SRc Office.
The more tickets you buy, the greater
your chance of winning!
TOP 10
quick and friendly and the owner
is always ready to help and give
recommendations on what to have.
The portions are large and well priced.
Mill Coffee House is open from
7am, Monday to Saturday. You can
contact them at 021 887 7085 or at
Win one of four
voucher of R120
each to Mill Cof fee
House! E-mail your
name (Cof fee in the
subject line) to
kompetisie@ by
Friday 30 March.
student life
Perfect Night(mare) out
Sasha Stone
AAN DIE WOORD Ongeveer 20 spanne het aan die finale US-rondte van die ATKV Universiteite debat
kompetisie­tydens Woordfees deelgeneem. Die US Debat Vereniging se span, bestaande uit Christiaan
van Zyl (heel regs), Clinton du Preez (regs), Phillip de Beer (links) en Jana Roos (heel links), is as die
wenners­aangewys. Dié span dring deur na die landwye finaal in Pretoria later vanjaar. Foto: YOLANDI MARITZ
A how-to-guide to change a tyre and jumpstart your car
Having car troubles?
monique mortlock
ar trouble is never fun. It is even
less so if you can’t help yourself. There are of course many
who can change a tyre blindfolded,
however for the ladies who are tired of
being the helpless victims and the men
who secretly don’t know the tricks of
this trade, here are a few helpful steps.
Sick and Tyred:
There is nothing as frustrating as a
flat tyre, especially if you are stranded
alone at the side of the road and you
have no idea how to change it.
1. Firstly, ensure that the car is on
a flat and steady surface as you don’t
want it to roll while you’re changing­
the tyre. Get your spare wheel and
jack ready.
2. Place the jack
under the frame
near the tyre that
you are going
to change.
Ensure that
the jack is
in contact­with the
metal portion of
your car’s frame.
Raise the jack until it is supporting
the car.
3. Loosen the
hub cap and nuts
by turning it in
a counter-clockwise
by using a wheel
brace or wrench (Remember: RightyTighty and Lefty-Loosey!).
4. Crank up the car using the jack
and remove the tyre (This often needs
s o m e muscle power!)
5. Place the spare
tyre on the hub. Take
care to align the rim
of the spare tyre with the
wheel bolts and then put on the
lug nuts.
6. Tighten the nuts using
your hand, and then once they
feel secure, use the wrench to
tighten them as much as possible.
7. Lower the car without applying full weight on the tyre.
Tighten the nuts further untill it
is entirely secured on.
8. Fully lower the car and remove
the jack. Finish tightening the nuts and
replace the hubcap. Congratulations­,
you changed a tyre!
Tip: Always drive with a spare
tyre and regularly check that it has
air in it. Also make sure that you
have a warning­triangle, jack and the
necessary­wrench. It is also a good
idea to know beforehand where the
jack fits in your car to save time.
Jump and Jive:
This process of jumpstarting a car
involves two cars – the car with a dead
battery as well as another car with a
good battery. By connecting the two
batteries, the dead battery will gain
power and set you on your way again.
1. Pop the hoods of both cars
(the two cars should be close to each
2. Make sure both cars are switched
off! Then locate each car’s battery and
their positive and negative sides (these
tend to look like big bolts).
3. Grab a set of jumper cables
(make sure they are in good condition­).
Connect one end of the red cable to
the dead car’s positive battery’s side.
Then connect the other red cable to the
good battery’s positive side.
4. Then connect the black cable to
the good battery’s negative side and
then the other end to the dead car’s
negative side (Note: there might be
sparks caused by the current). Start the
car with the good battery and leave the
connection a few minutes.
THE perfect night out – let’s face
it, this does not exist. There are many
terrible­things that can happen on a
night out in town and although fun is
always the goal, disappointment often
On a night out, the worst-case
scenario­is that you reverse into the
back of an USBD vehicle (and this
may or my not be based on a true
). You then spend the night in
jail – and barely escape a criminal
record for DUI. And 120 hours later,
your perfect night out has turned into
a perfect­nightmare.
Or you wake up the next morning­
after a big night out, feeling like
you’ve been hit by a small freight
train. You realise that no one is ever
around the next morning to hold your
hair back and you hope that maybe
direct­sunlight will cure your hungover­­blindness. It doesn’t.
If you’re lucky you will wake up
with all your belongings. Only to
realise­how generous you became
after­the first few drinks.
Next you’ll start checking your
texts from the previous night. A few
transaction-texts from the bank. Oh
shoot. Now you will start to remember
how you didn’t have any cash left so
you decided to swipe. Unfortunately
there is a R50 limit that you have to
exceed to be able to use your card.
Next come the messages to your
friends. You quickly send out a
broadcasted­apology and hope that
your friends (and the person that you
were trying to hook up with all night)
were all as drunk as you were.
So if any of these things have ever
happened to you – live assured that
you are not the only one and certainly
not the first. However, there are some
things everyone should keep in mind
when heading out.
Firstly, remember that this is
, and although fun is
intended­, safety should come first.
Invest­in a tazer (available at Admin
A) or pepper-spray and some big
friends and never walk alone at night.
Big friends may also come in handy to
ward off creeps in clubs and bars.
Leave your valuables at home.
And by valuables I mean the things
that will cause you grief and time if
they are lost. Experience shows that
ID-books, bank cards or your brand
new Blackberry might be better off at
home. Keep your Student Card with
you just in case they ask for ID.
Decide on the amount of money
you can spend that night and leave the
rest at home. If you’re lucky, someone might be willing to buy a drink
for you. If you are drinking, leave
the car keys behind too and nominate
someone­in your party to stay sober or
try the Student Shuttle service.
Look for places with specials to
keep your cash flow situation under
control. Eating before you go out will
give you a chance to catch up with
your friends before you lose everyone
that you went out with.
Lastly: dance it off. I don’t know
why but dancing tends to increase
competency and reduce the next
morning’s effects.
With these tips your perfect night
out may still end in a slight hangover
but compared to a lost ID or even a
criminal record it is like a piece of pie
(which as a side note is great hangover food). Make the next day bearable
by drinking lots of water and head to
Manoushe for a R10 breakfast.
running­on the the car that was just
jump started­. Remove the cables in the
reverse order as you connected them.
Tip: A car’s battery charges while
driving so take a joyride and indulge
in a little recharge time with your car.
Take note that it is not likely to be
electrocuted through this process, as
the voltage is too low.
However, incorrect steps can
damage­your car. It is also a good idea
to have a look under your car’s hood
so that you know where the battery is.
Start it with a Kick:
There is also the unfortunate
possibility­that there will be no other
vehicles­around to help you. If you
happen to have a few friends around,
you can try the trick of push-starting
your car.
1. To push-start a car you should
have at least one person sitting in the
driver’s seat and one person pushing.
Bigger vehicles might require more
than one person pushing!
2. Make sure the
car’s key is turned
to the on-position.
Depress the clutch
with your foot and
make sure the transmission is in second
3. As the car
is being pushed
release­all the
brakes, pop the
clutch (meaning let
it out very quickly)
then immediately
press it back in
while giving the car a little petrol. And
voilà, the car should start.
Tip: Cars can be push-started
going­backwards too! Just put the
transmission in reverse instead of
second or third gear and push the car
backwards. Remember that you might
have to attempt this a couple of times
before you succeed!
Daytime and evening, one to one
lesson or groups.
Daytime and evening, one to one
or groups.also
Daytime and LANGUAGE
evening, one to oneCOURSES
Daytime and evening, one to one
lesson or groups.
Phone : 021.883.81.19
lesson or
Daytime and evening, one toPhone
one: 021.883.81.19
: 021.883.81.19
or groups.
We lesson
groups. also
Phone : 0
Spanish and
and offer
evening, one
to one Phone : 021.883.81.19 or stellen
So the next time you are strand- Daytime
Phone :
ed in the middle of nowhere with a lesson
or groups.
We offer
and and
to the mall, feel empowered and help
Spanish and
yourself out.
Hopefully, you will try at least one We offer also
5. While the cars are connected of these tasks in the future, should you
Phone : 021.883.81.19
and the one car’s engine running, try find yourself in such a situation.
to start the car with the flat battery
Admittedly, it is rather fun to call Spanish and
that this might
take a few on the
hunk next door to help you with
car trouble, so use the knowledge you
Eventually the flat battery should have now received to your advantage
Daytime and evening, one to one
flat tyre, or your dear old tjorretjie
lesson or groups.suddenly­decides to die as you race
Spanish and
come to life! Keep the ignition
when you feel it is necessary.
or www.
Phone : 021.883.81
or stellenbosch@a
Anri Ferreira
Natuurlike Kleure
was baie opwindend en
uiteenlopend: van somerrokkies tot allerhande tipes denim –
broeke, baadjies en rokke, aangevul
deur strepe, kolle en helder kleure.
En omdat die somermodes só
opwindend was, kan ons sekerlik
dieselfde van die ander seisoene se
modes verwag.
modegier is aardse
bykomstighede soos
hangertjies in die
vorm van diere soos
bokke, voëls en hase.
Groot handsakke bly
modieus en is nuttig
vir alledaagse gebruik.
wees vir wispelturige
en dapper patrone
op broeke, rompe en
sakke nie. Hoe besiger, hoe beter.
Die beste manier
om patrone te dra, is
om dit met neutrale
kleure te kombineer.
’n Wit hemp
saam met ’n bruin,
groen of grys romp
of broek gaan hierdie
herfs defnitief opslae
Ander giere wat
kop uitsteek, is two-
tone rokke en hemde. Sonbrille,
hangertjies, houtarmbande, winterskoene, asook wighakskoene bly
steeds in die mode en enkelstewels
keer terug hierdie jaar.
Nita de Villiers se bruin sandale
val reg in die middel van die nuwe
modegier van somerskoene.
Dit is nét die regte manier om die
laaste stukkie van die somer te geniet
en in die mode te wees.
Jacqueline Hudson en Carmen du
Toit se skoene met die blommotief
is die perfekte kombinasie tussen
somer en herfs. Die blompatroon van
natuurlike kleure is opwindend en
sal ewe goed pas by neutrale kleure,
sowel as by wit.
Lloyd Mali se uitrusting bevat
al die belangrikste elemente –
natuurlike kleure, ’n two-tone hemp
en wit bykomstighede. Deur al
hierdie elemente te kombineer, is
Lloyd definitief op die regte pad.
Anjonique Nel kombineer ’n helderkleurige
eenstuk met ’n bruin
gordel en skoene. Met
hierdie skoene slaan sy
die spyker op die kop.
Omdat haar uitrusting gepas is vir
die somer, maar haar
skoene vir die winter, is dit ’n perfekte
kombinasie vir die
oorgang tussen die seisoene.
Carina Fernandes
wys hoe vere-oorbelle
gedra moet word. Dié
oorbelle is gepas vir die
dag en kan met gemak
ook in die aand gedra
Marguerite Orth is
’n toonbeeld van mode.
Sy kombineer die nuutste giere met persoonlike smaak. Haar groen
broek, wit t-hemp en
bruin onderbaadjie is ’n
baie goeie kombinasie
en die pêrels weerspieël haar persoonlike
- Natuurlike kleure is die antwoord – bruin,groen en
- Patrone van diere, gekombineer met neutrale kleure
gaan nog baie op kampus gesien word.
- Wees dapper – dra patrone, vere en groot sakke en
jy is voor in die modekoor!
Neelsie Reisburo
Neelsie Reisburo is reeds van 1995 in die Neelsie en bedien studente en inwoners van Stellenbosch as een van
die beste van sy soort. Hannetjie Claassen moedig studente aan om Neelsie Reisburo se pryse te toets. “As jy
al orals en op die Internet kwotasies gekry het, kom hoor
ook by ons. Die kanse is baie goed, ons pryse sal steeds
laer wees!” Volgens Hannetjie het dié reisburo spesifiek
baie goeie tariewe vir Emirates en Etihad en bied studente
afslag op vliegkaartjies. Neelsie Reisburo spesialiseer
spesifiek op Contiki en Top Deck toere. “Ons verkoop die
meeste van hierdie toere in die Wes-Kaap. Dis baie goeie waarde vir geld!” Hannetjie meen die sukses van haar
reisburo is die uitstekende diens en goeie ligging. “Kom
gerus binne! Ons is baie gerig daarop om kliënte te help
wat by ons kantore instap!”
3 Degrees
“Smaaklik, gesond en vars!” Só
lui die slagspreuk van Nektar, een
van die gesondheidsdeli’s in die
Neelsie. “Kwaliteit praat eerste.
Ons kos is gesond en ons baie
billikke pryse lok studente,” meen
eienaar, Helene van der Walt.
Nektar bedien studente reeds vir
die afgelope twaalf jaar in die
Neelsie. Haar beste verkopers
bly gesonde slaaie en broodjies
met verskillende vulsels. Helene
vertel met entoesiasme hoe sy
dit geniet om met sulke wel0opgevoede studente te werk. “Ek sê
orals waar ek gaan, dis die wonderlikste voorreg om met studente te werk. Ek sien uit na elke
dag.” Nektar het elke oggend ’n ontbyt-special. Geniet gerus
tot 11h00 ’n spek-en-eier broodjie met 250ml kitskoffie of
tee vir slegs R16.00.
Die sukses van 3 Degrees lê beslis in
die gesonde en kwaliteit kos wat hulle
voorsien. Vir die afgelope ses jaar is
dié gesondheidsdeli bekend vir vars,
interessante kombinasies op broodjies en in slaaie. Huibrecht Kruger,
eienaar, meen gunstelling bestellings
onder studente is beslis die pesto
pasta slaai en hul lekker sadebroodjie
met gerookte hoender, songedroogte
tamaties en pesto. “Studente hou van
3 Degrees want alles is onder oog.
Studente kan sien hoe hulle broodjies gemaak word. Alles is sigbaar,”
meen Huibrecht. Sy geniet dit om met
studente te werk en vertel opgewonde
hoe ’n gereelde klant onlangs een van 3 Degrees
se koffiekoppies saam Antarktika toe geneem het! “Hulle het dit 100de
meters onder die Arktiese Water laat sak. Sy het dit vir my teruggebring,
die helfde kleiner!” 3 Degrees is van Maandag tot Donderdag van 7h30 tot
17h30, en Vrydae tot 16h30 oop. Vandeesweek bied Three Degrees ’n opwindende spesiale aanbod. Kom geniet ’n broodjie met biltong, avokado,
blaarslaai en die sous van u keuse vir tussen R16.50 (sadebroodjie) en
R36.00 (ciabatta of volle baguette).
Een van die gewildste
haarsalonne is hier
onder ons neuse!
Knots Haarsalon is
slegs 10 maande in
die Neelsie, maar
het reeds sy merk
gelaat. Knots is deur
Neelsie Bestuur aangewys as
die winkel in die Neelsie met die beste diens en die beste voorkoms.
Huisgenoot en YOU-lesers het ook onlangs Knots as gewildste haarsalon
in die Wes-Kaap aangewys. Maritza Breitenbach, eienaar, is oortuig die
sukses van die haarsalon lê in die billike pryse en uitstekende diens.
“Ons het ’n lekker atmosfeer met heerlike koeldrank, koekies, koffie
en tee. Ons het ook 2 Ipads waarmee studente hulself kan besig hou,
terwyl ons hul hare sny,” voeg Maritza by. Knots spog ook met een van
Suid-Afrika se beste stiliste, wat verlede jaar na Parys gereis het. Die
haarsalon bied boonop dienste in grimering. Knots het tans spesiale
aanbiedinge op Hannon en Joyco-produkte. Maak gerus ’n draai van
8h30 tot 17h00 van Maandae tot Vrydae en Saterdae tussen 8h00 en
Meeste studente
het al gehoor van
DCM (Doughnut,
Coffee en Muffin)
se groot muffins en
geurige koffie. As
jy nog nie daar ’n
draai gemaak het
nie, bied DCM vandag (solank voorraad
hou) ’n spesiale aanbieding. Met elke koffie, kry jy ’n lekker
doughnut gratis! DCM is reeds vir die afgelope ses jaar in
die Neelsie. Yolandé Naude, eienaar, meen die sukses van
hul winkel lê in “ons produkte en ons vriendelike personeel”. Sy voeg by haar passie is om met studente te werk.
“Studente is eerlike, vriendelike en oulike kinders. Dit is vir
ons heerlik om in die Neelsie te werk.” Sy bedank graag al
die studente wat DCM ondersteun asook haar personeel vir
hul wonderlike werksetiek. DCM is elke dag oop tussen 7h00
en 23h30. Maak gerus ’n draai!
Teks: Anika Marais | Foto’s: Yolandi Maritz
Foto: Jan du Preez
3 van 20 Hier verskyn drie van die verskeie beelde wat deel vorm van die 20Stellenbosch inisiatief. Die Stellenbosch Kunsvereniging bied tans toere aan wat kunsliefhebbers meer inligting oor
hierdie en verskeie ander kunswerke op Stellenbosch verskaf.
Kunstoer kombineer Stellenbosch kunserfenis met die 20 Stellenbosch publieke kuns uitstalling
Stellenbosch Kunstoer bied nuwe insigte
Kunsvereninging-toere met die
fokus op publieke kunswerke
en argitektuur gee die publiek ’n kans
soos min om nie net Stellenbosch se
kunserfenis te beleef nie, maar ook
om meer oor moderne kunsontwikkelinge op ons dorp te leer.
Die stories agter Stellenbosch se
oudste kerke, strate en hotels word
tydens dié toere verken.
“Ons wou mense die kans gee om
eienaarskap te neem van hul dorp se
kuns” sê Di van Niekerk, toergids en
een van die organiseerders, oor dié
En daar word tydens dié toere
werklik ’n deeglike verkenning gedoen
van die hart van Stellenbosch; van die
Sasol kunsmuseum tot by die Kweekskool en die NG Moedergemeente,
van Dorpstraat en die omliggende
strate. Die toer bied ’n nuwe bewussyn
oor die herkoms van die middedorp.
Wie sou kon weet dat Verbatim
Boeke in Dorpstraat op ’n tyd ’n
lykshuis was?
argitektuurerfenis word daar net so
veel, indien nie meer, tydens die
toer gekyk na Stellenbosch se moderne kuns – spesifiek die (onlangs
publieke uitstalling van plaaslike
Soos wat die toer deur die hart
van die dorp beweeg, word die werke
van Angus Taylor, Dylan Lewis,
Wie sou kon weet dat
Verbatim Boeke in Dorpstraat
op ’n tyd ’n lykshuis was?
Beezy Bailey en Jacques Dhont
bespreek – broodnodig vir dié wat nie
kunskenners is nie.
Met agtergrond en konteks oor hierdie kunswerke, is hulle makliker vir
die student op straat om te verstaan en
Mediese student publiseer digbundel
verse oor die liefde. As sentrale tema
word die liefdeservaring (of gebrek
daaraan) gewoonlik besing, meestal
vals, deur een wat toondoof is. En
“hart” rym áltyd met “smart” (so ook
“pyn” met “wyn”).
Jasper van Zyl se Die lewe
tussen pikkewyne fluit egter ’n ander
deuntjie. Inteendeel, in die gekwetter
wat studente “poësie” noem, is
hierdie jong digter se debuutbundel
’n komplekse, tog pragtige lied wat
van harde werk én talent getuig.
In 2011 publiseer Tafelberg Die
lewe tussen pikkewyne, ’n dun bundeltjie met 38 verse. Dié bundel
geweldige trefkrag. Inhoudelik wissel die verse van streng metaforiese,
beeldryke verbeeldingsvlugte tot
narratiewe waarin ’n absurde lewe
tussen die alledaagse geskets word.
Vandaar dan ook die bundel se titel.
Die wêreld van die student is
merkbaar in verse soos “film” (8),
“beskrywings van die noodgeval”
(23) en “die wilde tuinekspedisie”
(33), maar anders as die tendens
onder studentedigters, is die gedigte
nie tot daardie wêreld beperk nie.
Veral “die dorp” as tuiste of
woonplek skakel goed met die idee
van grootword en verwysings na
“die woud” en “die see” skets ’n abstrakte ruimte wat simbolies van die
onderbewuste is.
Dis die landskap van die lyf wat
egter uitstaan, want “in die glim
agterkamer van my skedel” word
daar ingesluimer (“die bleek inboorling” 15), die “twee oë is ’n tronk”
wat ’n “ongerepte en naakte visioen”
aanskou (“tronk” 10) en in die puik
vers “jy is aan die stuur” (9) word die
geliefde se lippe “’n heldedaad”; die
vingers “stingels / uit my vel”.
En ja, daar ís verse oor die liefde.
Die leser ontmoet vir Anine wat haar
yskasmagnete rangskik (“film” 8) en
“die nuwe meisie in die skool” wat
“saans, wanneer sy bad / die water met haar hande roer” (“mêlee”
12). ’n Hoogtepunt is egter “as elani
hooneberg kom kuier” (40). Ook
die liefdesteleurstelling word op ’n
akkurate, roerende wyse onthou en
herleef in “eers hier, dan daar, dan
weer hier” (21). Moet egter nie dat
die liefdesgedigte jou flous nie. Van
Zyl “verwoord moeiliker as wat jy
dink” (42) en sy gedigte is gelaai met
komplekse metafore wat die leser tot
kopkrap oorhaal, maar uiteindelik
teruglok om weer te lees. Ek moet,
soos die digter, erken dat my begrip
soms “te anemies vir die bladsy” is,
en dis dalk juis hier waar die bundel
se swakheid lê: dié verse móét herkou
Die lewe tussen pikkewyne is
’n knap debuut en ek hoop dat
dit uiteindelik alles behalwe ’n
swanesang van dié studentedigter sal
mee te identifiseer.
20Stellenbosch is gebaseer op ’n
vorige uitstalling, 2010 se 20 NIROX,
wat die Suid-Afrikaanse beeldhoukuns
van die laaste 20 jaar gevier het –
vandat Nelson Mandela vrygelaat is
tot die Sokkerwêreldbeker in 2010.
Die meeste van 20 NIROX se
kunswerke is in 20Stellenbosch
ingesluit, buiten dié wat om
omgewings- en logistieke redes nie
ingesluit kon word nie.
Die doel van 20Stellenbosch se
publieke uitstallings was om die
krag en waarde van interaksie met
publieke kuns op ’n daaglikse basis te
demonstreer, volgens kurator Andrew
Die uitstalling wil spog met die
tegniese innovering en kreatiwiteit
van plaaslike beeldhouers. Die doel
is om aan die publiek te demonstreer
hoe plaaslike beeldhoukuns mooi,
roerend, uitdagend en onverwags kan
wees, voeg Lamprecht by.
Die kunstoer bied ook insig
oor die onlangse vandalisme. Die
verskillende gevalle, insluitende ’n
brandstigtingspoging, diefstal van dele
van kunswerke of bloot die omstamp
van kunswerke word uitgelig tydens
die toer.
Toere kan bespreek word vir R30
per persoon by die Kunsvereniging
Kantoor. Skakel 021 808 3668 of epos
Maties se nuutste studentedigter maak stem dik
JASPER van Zyl, ’n Matie wat
tans medies op Tygerberg kampus studeer, het onlangs sy eerste
digbundel, Die lewe tussen
pikewyne, vrygestel. Die Matie
het hom gesels oor sy studies,
skyfkuns en toekomsplanne .
Wat is dit omtrent gedigte
as ’n skryf-formaat wat jou
Ek dink wat my daartoe aantrek
is die idee van letterkunde in pilvorm; dat ’n mens groot idees
kompak kan verpak. Dís uiteindelik
die trefkrag van goeie digkuns.
Verder het ek nog nooit genoeg
geduld of verbeelding gehad om
my hand aan langer formate te
waag nie!
Van jou eerste gedigte het in
Nuwe Stemme 2005 verskyn.
Voel jy jou benadering tot
die skryf van gedigte het al
sedertdien verander?
Beslis, ja. Op skool was ek
baie meer eksperimenteel en baie
minder ingestel op detail. Vandag
beskou ek digkuns as veel meer
van ’n ambag as blote woordspeletjies.
Watter digters se werk geniet
jy om te lees? Hoe dink jy het
hulle jou eie poësie beïnvloed?
Ek dink digters bly maar
altyd na-apers. Ek het op laerskool begin om Engelse liedjies
te skryf, met presies dieselfde
akkoordprogressies as Oasis!
Stelselmatig het ek Afrikaanse
kunstenaars begin ontdek en
agtergekom dat ek veel gemakliker
in Afrikaans as in Engels skryf.
Dieselfde met digkuns. Ek is
gelukkig ’n nuuskierige siel en
sou al die digters wie se werk ons
op skool behandel het, se bundels
in die biblioteek gaan uitneem
en die bundels dwarsdeur lees.
Uiteindelik het baie van daardie
digters se impak begin deurskemer
in my eie werk.
Lana Del Rey –
Born to Die
IN 2011 Lana Del Rey took the
world by storm with her hit single
“Video Games” from her second
studio album, Born to Die.
The success of this album
can largely be attributed to her
mesmerizing contralto voice range
(consisting of the lowest notes in
which a woman can sing). The
album is also well produced and
compliments the unique qualities
of her voice.
However, a minor disadvantage
to her lower voice is that she can
never truly move away from the
melodramatic effect that is present
in all of the songs on this album.
Del Rey also rarely diverges from the themes of love,
melancholy and fame, which may
become tedious if the album is left
on for too long.
As a whole, Born to Die creates
a soulful atmosphere in which the
listener can reminisce, marvel and
truly explore.
The Cranberries – Roses
FEELING LUCKY, PUNK? The HB Thom theatre’s latest production, Punk Rock, explores themes of teenage angst
and anger and can be seen until 29 March.
New and edgy production deals with teenage angst
AFTER a decade long hiatus from
the recording studio, Dolores
O’Riordan and the rest of The
Cranberries are back with a new
album. Simply titled Roses, the
album is a musing on love in all its
shapes, forms and sizes.
The first two tracks, “Conduct”
and “Tomorrow”, are the strongest
on the album. “Conduct” argues
compellingly for the salvage of a
relationship. Whilst “Tomorrow”
calls for a carpe diem attitude
that would appeal to impulsive
On the other side of the
Playboy” tries to capitalise on the
tonal success of its decade old
predecessor ‘Zombie’, but, as is
often the case, it falls drastically
A somewhat disappointing
aspect to Roses is the album’s
lack of progression from their earlier work. One thing is undeniable,
The Cranberries have effortlessly
picked up right where they left off.
The Shins –
Port of Morrow
INDIE kings, The Shins, return
with their fourth album Port of
Morrow after a 5 year hiatus. The
album has many similarities to
2007’s Wincing the Night Away
in that it again shows The Shins
trying to move away from their indie roots towards a bigger sound.
Whilst this works on many
tracks, like the fun “Simple Song”
that features hard hitting drums
and a catchy chorus, other tracks
seem slightly forced.
But this is not a major issue.
Most tracks show real progression.
For instance, the slick “Fall of
‘82” seems like a classic pop song
form the 60s – a direction nobody
thought the band who wrote “New
Slang” would ever take.
Regardless of these changes,
the album remains a quintessential
Shins album. Interesting sounds
and textures pop out in every song
and James Mercer’s voice remains
as recognisable as ever.
Hardcore indie fans might
be slightly disappointed, but the
album does contain a few musical
THE DUO that burst onto the stage
in 2008 has returned with an album just as edgy and feisty as their
Although none of the tracks are
as immediately likeable as “Great
DJ”, you struggle not to like the
music once lead singer Katie
White starts spitting and snarling
lyrics in your direction like in the
terrifically edgy “Guggenheim”.
Something odd about the album
is how it jumps between genres.
Certain tracks sound like 80s dance
music, like “One by One”. Other
sound like they belong on a girly
pop album, like “Day to Day”.
homicides have come to the
Stellenbosch. The play, Punk Rock, by
UK playwright Simon Stephens has
come to life at the hands of director
Sukki Hofmeyr and her cast of nine
SU drama students.
Punk Rock glances at the inner
workings of a teenager and looks
at what drives them to do what they
do. Set in a private school in Stockport, England, a group of seemingly
perfect high school seniors start taking their hidden horrors out on each
other. These hidden horrors are also
magnificently integrated into the set
by means of ultra violet paint which
is only visible once the lights go out.
The play exposes a group who,
despite having good grades and loads
of cash, are unhappy within themselves and resort to violence and
cruelty to vent their frustrations.
Initially the audience is introduced to William (Shaun Peters) and
Lilly (Marina Albertyn) – the new
girl. William, struggling to break free
The Thing Tings latest offering
won’t appeal to everyone. It’s
inconsistent and very repetitive in
certain respects.
Regardless, it does provide the
listener with a lot of variety and if
you feel like having fun Sounds
from Nowheresville will make for
a great soundtrack.
from the label he has been given at
school, sees Lilly as his escape. But
teenagers are cruel and the drama
gets complicated when William’s
friend Nicholas (Stefan Reinmuth)
steals Lilly’s affection and, with it, his
chance at escaping the world he grew
up in.
William, however, is not the only
one who struggles. The first scene of
brutality is portrayed when the smart
Punk Rock glances at
the inner workings of a
kid, Chadwick (Brandon Drude) is
bullied by Bennet (Renaldo Schwarp).
This bullying carries on throughout
the play and gets fiercer and fiercer
until Chadwick snaps with the words:
“Human beings are pathetic!”
Other teenage issues such as
weight, trust versus mistrust, sex
and homosexuality are also evaluated during the course of the play. The
ways in which these teenagers in the
play deal with these issues are quite
universal and offers a good – perhaps
slightly exaggerated – depiction of
teenage angst.
Such dramatic scenes are put in
striking contrast with others. For
instance, one scene depicts Bennet’s
younger sister, Lucy (Kayleigh Kock),
dancing without restraint and unaware
of the harshness of life.
Although these scene changes
were effective, they tended to be rather
lengthy and dull.
Regardless, the play is astounding. Peters and Reinmuth, however,
confessed to picking up on a few faults
on opening night, “but we definitely
made up for it in the end,” Reinmuth
added with a grin.
With regard to the title of the
play Peters said that it is not in any
way related to the music genre, but
rather refers to the act of rebellion
and a refusal to conform. This idea is
wonderfully summed up during the
play by William when he states: “I did
it ’cause it felt f*cking great!”
If you are curious as to what
William did, go and attend the final
performances on 28 and 29 March.
Oud-Matie wen Fleur de Cap prys
The Ting Tings – Sounds
from Nowheresville
Lots of spunk in Punk Rock
DIE GESOGTE Fleur de Cap toneelpryse se seremonie het vanjaar op 18
Maart by die Baxter teater in Kaapstad
Die geleentheid is gedomineer deur
toekennings aan Afrikaanse produksies
en persone in die teaterbedryf. 7de
Laan se Wilna Snyman het weggeloop
met die prys vir beste aktrisse vir haar
rol in Klaasvakie.
Die Rebellie van Lafras Verwey het
ook met die prys vir beste regiseur,
akteur en die gehoor-keuse prys
Universiteit Stellenbosch se Nini
Conradie het ook erkenning gekry
toe sy die prys vir mees belowende
student ontvang het.
Conradie erken vir haar briljante vertolkings van komplekse karakters in
produksies soos Marthinus Basson se
Conradie is tans woonagtig in
Suid-Korea, maar het steeds tyd
gevind om ’n paar vrae vir Die Matie
te beantwoord oor haar Fleur de Cap
prys en toekomsplanne.
Geluk met jou Fleur de cap
toekenning vir mees belowende
student! Glo jy die toekenning
sal deure vir jou oopmaak in die
Ek voel baie geëerd oor hierdie
toekenning en glo dit sal beslis ’n
positiewe bydrae lewer in die toekoms.
Ek het baie hoop vir my toekoms
en pak die lewe in geloof en met ’n
Albei was relatiewe klein rolle,
en albei het kreatiwiteit op ’n fisiese
wyse geverg. Ek vind kleiner rolle laat
mens toe om karakters op ’n vryer, en
daarom meer kreatiwe wyse te verken.
Boonop is ek baie lief vir fisiese teater.
Watter persone in die plaaslike
en internasionale teaterbedryf sal jy
graag mee wil werk en hoekom?
’n Produksieproses is baie intiem.
Dit was nog altyd ’n droom om saam
met vriende teater te maak.
verwagting aan, maar weet ook ek sal
steeds hard moet werk.
Jy het in verskeie produksies
verskyn op die verhoog van die HB
Thom teater. Watse rol het jou die
meeste geïnteresseer en hoekom?
Ek het twee gunstellinge: Dorine
in Marthinus Basson se produksie van
David Hirson se La Bête, en Cassandra
in When in Love - ’n dans produksie
deur Wilhelm Conradie en Estelle
Olivier gebaseer op Shakespeare se
Troilus and Cressida.
Enige droomrolle wat jy nog wil
Daar is ’n paar rolle wat enige
aktrise droom om te vertolk. Vir my
is die belangrikste om deel te wees
van ’n projek waar ek kan eksperimenteer. Iets nuuts, opwindend en
Ons was gelukkig by die Dramadepartement om in ’n leeropset vry te kon
voel om te waag. Christiaan Olwagen
se Nog ’n Hamlet en Marthinus Basson
se Juliet+Romeo+Romeo+Juliet is
sprekende voorbeelde hiervan.
Ek hoop om deel te wees van
hierdie tipe opwinding op ’n professionele vlak.
Jy woon tans in Suid-Korea.
Wanneer gaan ons jou weer op ’n
plaaslike verhoog sien?
So gou as moontlik.
Festival surprises and disappoints
Changes at RAM
AMfest: hailed by many punters
as the gem of the South African
music festival experience. It’s
less packed than Oppikoppi, way more
hedonistic than Synergy, and a hell of
a lot more exciting than anything else
currently making the rounds. Should
we pay attention again this year? Hell
yes, if simply for the reputation and
the memories.
The big issue in 2012 was
the elimination of the weekendexperience. Marketed as “all of the
excitement of the normal three days
packed into one”, Dawid Fourie
(organizer) is saving money this year
to again provide for the camping
festival we’ve come to know and love
next time around, with the notable
addition of even more international
Sounds like a good deal on paper
then, the one-day experience making salacious promises of even more
excitement next year if we cooperate
this year. But did RAMfest uphold its
end of the bargain?
Some aspects of RAMfest 2012
might have satisfied the wants of some
kinds of people; others might have
been less appreciative, although they
might have enjoyed other parts of the
one-day experience. There are simply
too many variables to assess what the
majority-judgement regarding this
particular day was.
If you like your festivals to be polished, well-organized and user-friendly, RAMfest 2012 would not have left
you wanting, although some might say
that the hydration station’s requirement of an official RAMfest waterbottle to obtain some “free” water was
pushing it a bit.
Fresh off a Fokofpolisiekar
spectacle, one simply does not have
the time to rush off and buy a branded
bottle to get some water at the most
conveniently located watering hole
in the entire festival area. The looming threat of dehydration was way too
terrifying to let the punters take that
However, it was surprisingly
music festival What
we are going to be
doing on Sunday
will be taking place
at Lievland wine estate
on 1 April.
Musicians, like Natasha Meister
and Shortstraw, will be playing
during the course of the day.
Entrance to the festival will cost
R70 and the show starts at noon.
For more information send an email to
Die gewilde Suid-Afrikaanse
Kaasfees vind weer binnekort
plaas. Vanjaar vind dit plaas op die
Sandringham landgoed reg buite
Stellenbosch vanaf 27 tot 30 April
plaas. Kaartjies is alreeds teen R100
beskikbeer by Computicket.
A few extra
tickets have been
Sting’s soldout
tonight, 28 March,
a t
Arena. Visit Computicket as soon as
possible to get your ticket.
The Pretty Blue Guns will
be performing at Bohemia on 29
March. Entrance is free.
easy to order an alcoholic beverage
at the humongous bar. The scorching heat was as much of an annoyance as the shirtless tattooed old
men, so accordingly the bar was well
shaded by masses of Hunter’s brand
umbrellas and well-furnished with
bales of hay littered about, complimenting the wooden tables.
Convenience of easy access
versus a dominating commercialised presence. It’s down to personal
preference, and perhaps also the
amount of cash nestled in the wallet of
the person who’s making the choice.
Generally though, the people that
buy a ticket to RAMfest spent all their
money on exactly that: the ticket. Not
being able to ferry alcohol between
the stages and the camping site was
quite detrimental in this regard. But
it’s safer that way right? Right.
Also up for consideration was the
polemic surrounding the choice of
venue. However, the venue didn’t disappoint. Smaller than RAMfest would
normally have liked to be held in, this
only mattered to the hard-core that
camped there on the Saturday night
in preparation for the music on the
Sunday. The venue was large enough
to house the enormous crowd, accommodate the bar areas, both stages
and two carnival rides. So to be fair,
space was not an issue. At least until
In Flames took to the stage at 10h00,
by which point most of the bands had
done their bit.
This is the main charge that
could be laid against the one day
experience. With four remarkable
international acts on offer (Netsky, In
Flames, AWOLNATION and Infected
Mushroom), in addition to our local
brand of excellence in the form of The
Narrow, Fokof, Taxi Violence et al,
there was simply too much music and
too little time. It was impossible for
example, to see both AWOLNATION
and Netsky, as their scheduled times
overlapped to a ridiculous extent.
And having to choose between
P.H Fat and Taxi Violence is a choice
no South African music-lover should
ever have to make.
But at the end of the (blazing) day,
not one band disappointed.
Movie review –
This means war
ALL ROMANTIC comedies seem to
have the same storyline: boy meets
girl and falls in love, a conflict arises
and boy loses girl; then, for the last
twenty minutes, boy tries to win girl
back. This Means War – with a few
minor changes – is no different.
This movie tells the
story of two inseparable friends, FDR
(Chris Pine) and
Tuck Henson (Tom
Hardy), who work as
partners at the CIA.
Both start dating
girls after returning
from a mission in
Hong Kong, but it
soon becomes obvious that they are seeing the same woman:
Lauren Scott (Reese
They then start
competing to win the
affections of their
“target” and this leads
to them being at war with each other.
The plot is very simple and fast
paced, which leaves the audience little
time to emotionally connect with the
characters and gives the movie an
empty feel.
The fighting scenes also seem less
real than in other movies and neglect
to bring out any excitement, or even
laughter, in the audience.
This could, however, be the result
of the cameras angles that also found
it interesting to highlight Lauren and
Tucks apparent lack of makeup.
This Means War was directed by
Joseph ‘McG’ Nichol, who is also
responsible for Charlie’s Angels
in 2000 and Charlie’s Angels: Full
Throttle in 2003.
His fusion of action and comedy
in previous works can
also be seen in this
new movie; the only
difference being that
tries to add romance
to the mix.
The film had a
slight British type
of humor to it that
worked well with
the characters; especially with Hardy
and Pine who made
a brilliant team on
With er s p o o n ’s
acting, however, is
a bit clumsy, which
doesn’t suit the character that she is playing. And although
the scenes are quite fragmented and
jump from one point to the other,
it does keep the audience’s attention, which is one of the few positive
Overall, This Means War isn’t
memorable or new, but it has a few
good laughs and would be a nice
movie to put on in the background.
is ’n Donderdagmiddag in vroeg-Maart
en Sasol Kunsmuseum wemel met aktiwiteit – dis Woordfees! Een van die
bakens van die fees is die Boektent wat jaarliks
opgerig word, soos ’n tabernakel vir die Afrikaanse woord. Langsaan by die Plataankafee saai
RSG regstreeks uit, en hulle tydsein basuin soos
kerklokke oor luidsprekers­: Dis tyd vir die tweeuur nuus. Maar binne die salige Boektent kry
feesgangers­die geleentheid om die man agter
die nuus te ontmoet.
Riaan Cruywagen het waarlik geen
bekendstelling­nodig nie. Na ’n uitsaailoopbaan
van 47 jaar – 37 daarvan op televisie – is hy as’t
ware ’n Suid-Afrikaanse ikoon. Boonop is hy ’n
oud-Matie. Vanjaar maak dié legende weer ’n
draai by sy alma mater, waar hy geëer word vir
sy bydrae tot die Afrikaanse kultuurwêreld.
In die stampvol Boektent se allerheiligste
gesels­Isabelle de Taillefer met Riaan oor sy lewe
en werk. Daar word geraak aan sy kinderdae, die
mense wat hom gevorm het, die uitsaaiwese­
Haas Das se Nuuskas en vele ander staaltjies.
Die aanbieding sluit ook aan met die bekendstelling van sy boek, Wat’s Nuus?, wat eersdaags
verskyn. Riaan beskryf sy boek as ’n “nostalgiese­
lewensreis”. Dit dien nie net as memoires nie,
maar ook as ’n soort geskiedenisverhaal van die
uitsaai- en televisiewese in Suid-Afrika, waarby
hy eerstehands betrokke was.
Isabelle noem dat die verhale in onsettende
detail geskryf is, en vra of hy ’n fotografiese
geheue­het, waarop hy antwoord: “Nee wat, as
ek ’n fotografiese geheue gehad het, het ek net na
mooi meisies gekyk!”
Hierdie fyn humorsin is kenmerkend van
Riaan­. Sy kwinkslae en grappies aan die einde
van sy bulletins bly steeds ’n hoogtepunte van
die sewe-uur nuus. Hy is ook ’n bok vir sports –
in ’n advertensie vir die Loerie-toekennings, verskyn hy in ’n pak saam met verleidelike dames
in ’n jacuzzi. Hierdie byderwetsheid, asook sy
ewigdurende teenwoordigheid het van hom ’n
gewilde kultusfiguur gemaak – ons eie Chuck
Duidelik voel baie mense só, want na die aanbieding word Riaan oorrompel deur die massas­.
Hy word in beslag geneem vir foto’s, handdrukke­
en sy handtekening. Almal soek ’n stukkie van
hierdie lewende Africana. Ek inkluis­.
Dit duur egter ’n hele paar minute voordat
ons Riaan kan loskry en ontvlug na die groen
ruigtes van die Botaniese Tuin. Hoe is dit om
in persoonlike gesprek met hom te wees? Sy
helderblou oë kyk jou stip aan wanneer hy met
jou praat (net soos vanuit die televisiestel). Sy
stem klink soos ’n geoefende instrument wat ’n
gestruktureerd, vloeiende melodie-lyn van ’n
Bach fuga speel. Sy taalgebruik is deurdag en sy
voorkoms is uiteraard netjies. Hy is noukeurig,
ordelik, presies. Dit is iets waarop hy homself
trots en deurvoer tot sy werk.
“Dit is my doelstelling om die nuus so
geloofwaardig, objektief en professioneel moontlik aan die kykers oor te dra,” sê hy. Saaklikheid­
moet heers. “Jy mag geensins emosioneel­raak
oor sake nie. As die Blou Bulle byvoorbeeld ’n
wedstryd gewen het, moet jy dit koud en klinies
kan lees, sonder enige gevoel,” sê hy tong-inniekies (hy self is ’n getroue Stormers-ondersteuner).
Daar word gevra of hy opinies oor nuusgebeure­
het, en of dit op die lug deurkom? Maar hy stel
dit duidelik dat hy nie ’n nuussamesteller­of politieke kommentator is nie. “Ek is ’n beroepsuitsaaier. Ek vergelyk dit met ’n beroepsdiplomaat
wat sy land verteenwoordig. Dit beteken nie dat
hy noodwendig saamstem met die beleid van die
regering van die dag nie, maar hy doen sy werk
ooreenkomstig die beleid van die regering van
die dag. Net só is ek as beroepsuitsaaier­een wat
in diens is van die SAUK, ongeag wie die lede
van die raad is, ongeag wie die regering van die
dag is. Ek probeer bloot my werk na my beste
professionele vermoë doen.”
Ek wil graag weet waar Riaan Cruywagen sy
nuus vandaan kry. Daar is immers die grappie dat
Riaan die nuus ken voordat dit gebeur. Hy lag
Gevra oor sy beroemdheid, antwoord hy egter
nederig en afwysend: “Ek is nie in die gewildheidswedloop nie, dankie. Ek het nie daarvoor
gevra nie”. Nietemin is hy opreg dankbaar­vir die
erkenning en waardering teenoor hom betoon­.
“Dit laat my besef dat ek êrens dalk iets reg
eers lekker oor hierdie aanmerking, dan word hy
weer ernstig.
“Ek kan nie my dag begin sonder om die
koerant­te lees nie. Beeld word by my huis
afgelewer­. Ek lees dit van hoek tot kant en dan
begin my dag.” Hy luister ook na die nuusuitsendings op verskeie radiostasies en televisiekanale – veral ook vanuit die buiteland om perspektief en balans­oor nuusgebeure te kry. Kyk
hy self die nuus op SABC2 saans as hy nie op
die kassie is nie? Ja, sê hy, maar dit dien meer as
adviserende en terugvoerende rol vir die ander
aanbieders. Hy weet immers reeds wat’s nuus!
Daar is die gesegte dat nuus inherent sleg
is. Dit is ellendige gebeure wat die nuus haal
– oorloë­
, rampe, geweld, korrupsie, siektes,
moord, ensovoorts. In 47 jaar is Riaan amper
daagliks genoodsaak om met sulke stories te
werk. Het dit ’n invloed op hom, en hoe hou
hy moed?
“Ek is van nature ’n positiewe mens. Ek
glo ’n glas is halfvol. Dit kan altyd voller!” sê
hy met ’n sprankel in sy stem. “Omdat ek so
voortdurend­gemoeid is met die negatiwiteit
wat in die nuus is, het ek doelbewus besluit om
’n positiewe lewensuitkyk te hê – om te weet
die lewe gaan nie net oor slegte dinge nie. Daar
is ook soveel goeie dinge wat nooit die nuus
haal nie,” sê hy.
Iets wat sekerlik help is sy genot vir die
lekker­dinge in die lewe. Hy noem dat een
van die vernaamste lesse wat hy geleer het die
“belangrikheid­van kuier” is. (Dalk is dit ’n
ander manier om te kyk na die woorde social
responsibility, dink ek by myself.)
In hierdie gesellige samesyn met sy vriende
is kos en wyn van sentrale belang. Riaan is
blykbaar bobaas met potjiekos. “Die snaakse
ding is dat ek nie eens water binnenshuis kan
kook sonder dat dit aanbrand nie,” spot hy.
“Maar gee vir my ’n potjie en ek maak hom dat
die ouens hom met ’n broodkorsie uitvee!”
Hy is ook ’n groot wynliefhebber, met
’n besonderse voorkeur vir vonkelwyn en ’n
goeie shiraz. Hierdie liefde stam van sy dae op
Stellenbosch­, waar wyndrink by verstek ’n nieamptelike­vak is. “Ek het hier aangekom [vanaf
Johannesburg] met ’n bier- en brandewynkultuur­.
Dit was vir my ’n openbaring om in die Boland
’n nuwe kultuur te kon aanleer.”
So waaroor gesels hy saam met sy vriende
rondom een van sy beroemde potjies? “Alles en
nog wat. Daar is geen voorkeur nie!” Ek waag
dit om te vra of daar dalk politiek ter sprake
kom? Hy kies sy woorde mooi. “Ek het wel my
eie politieke oortuigings, maar ek laat my nooit
daaroor uit nie. Anders verloor ek my neutraliteit
en objektiwiteit as nuusleser.”
Hy skryf juis sy sukses daaraan toe dat hy
homself nooit met politiek bemoei het nie. “Die
vinnigste manier om jouself in só ’n beroep te
kelder, is om een of ander politieke kleurtjie te
kry,” sê hy.
Hy is dus nie ’n politieke kommentator nie,
maar het hy wel menings en sake waaroor hy
sterk voel? Verseker. Liefdadigheidskwessies is
hom na aan die hart. En Afrikaans. Dit pla hom
geweldig as jongmense hulle tale meng. “Suiwer
Afrikaans hoef nie opgepomp en hoogdrawend
te wees nie. ’n Mens kan gemaklike informele
Afrikaans praat sonder om dit met Engels te
In die hele middag het ek nie ’n enkele
Engelse­woord uit Riaan se mond gehoor nie.
Hy het sowaar ’n Afrikaanse woord vir alles. Die
WAT se alfabetiese opvatting van die Afrikaanse
taal trek nou eers by die letter S. Die res daarvan
is egter reeds opgevat in Riaan Cruywagen se
Ons tyd by die Botaniese Tuin kom tot ’n
einde. Maar Riaan se gesogtheid duur voort.
Eendrag manne in HK-baadjies wag vir Riaan.
Hy gaan hierna ’n draai by sy oud-koshuis maak
en met die inwoners skakel. Soos Men in Black
(oftewel Mans-in-Maroen) ontvoer hulle hom in
’n blink Merc.
As trotse oud-Eendragter, gaan ek opgewonde
saam. Onder die jakarandabome van Eendrag se
quad, weg van die gryskoppe van die Woordfees,
kom die jonger kant van Riaan na vore. Hy vermaak die huis met staaltjies van sy koshuisdae,
kattekwaad, Bun Booyens en ligter oomblike van
ontgroening. Riaan word dan self ingelyf by die
koshuis se bekende teekan tradisie­. Ek verkyk
my hoe oor die 200 mansstudente­aandagtig Riaan aankyk soos ’n heilige.
In ’n peiling is Riaan Cruywagen aangewys
as een van die persone wat Suid-Afrikaners die
meeste vertrou. Dit is egter ietwat omstrede,
soos Willem Pretorius in ’n onlangse rubriek
argumenteer­: Riaan is bloot ’n nuusleser, sonder
sy eie stem of seggenskap.
As ’n konstante in ’n land met soveel
veranderings­oor die jare, is Riaan dalk wel ’n
soort institusionele handelsmerk vir die SAUK.
Dalk ook tot ’n mate staatsbesit. Maar die beeld
van ’n nuwe generasie Eendragters wat hom
oorval vir nog foto’s en handdrukke – en dat hy
ontdanks ’n propvol middag steeds glimlaggend
bereid staan – laat geen twyfel nie: Riaan
Cruywagen­is volksbesit.
n the past three weeks it has been interesting
to note how the role of the media on campus
is perceived by student communities and staff.
It has become clear to me that the role as watchdog and reporter in the attempt to ensure total
transparency is almost branded as unacceptable.
Die Matie Student Newspaper is the independent
student newspaper of Stellenbosch University. Our
aim is to inform and entertain. As part of the media,
our goal is to do this as impartial as possible.
It does however seem that this is misunderstood.
We, as an editorial team, have come across a
number of complaints from different individuals
and groups on campus, due to content we have
published in Die Matie.
Queries include unhappiness about quotes and
letters that have been published as well as opinions
Onnodige sensasie
Aangesien die studentekoerant gratis
beskikbaar is, is dit nie nodig om ’n kontroversiële
voorblad te druk, net om aandag te trek, nie.
Die teikenmark van hierdie koerant is ’n
opgevoede, intelligente gemeenskap wat beide
kante van die saak wil hoor en self hul opinie wil
vorm. As ons sensualisme wil hê, kan ons die
Son lees.
Die Dagbreek HK se opinie [Die Matie, 22
Februarie] sou niemand aanstoot gegee het nie.
Dit was duidelik dat hy nie sy mening op ander
wou forseer nie. Dit is heeltemal uit verband
geruk deurdat dit op die voorblad verskyn het.
’n Verdere voorbeeld is die artikel rakende
die klagtes oor die US Gimnasium, waar slegs
’n eensydige en onredelike opinie gelewer is,
wat min ander inligting behalwe die betrokke
artikelskry wer se mening bevat. Ek verdedig nie
die US Gimnasium nie, maar daar is vir die lesers
geen keuse gegee met wie hulle moet saamstem
Die duidelikste voorbeeld van hierdie tipe
aandag-soekende joernalistiek is die al te
bekende foto van die homoseksuele paartjie.
Wat is die gevolge van blootstelling tot sulke
media? ’n Mens raak lui om jou eie opinie te vorm.
En in ’n kampusgemeenskap, waar nuwe, kritiese
denke en analitiese vermoëns bevorder word, is
dit ’n skande.
Wat wil ons, as die teikengehoor, weet?
Hoekom lees ons die koerant so graag? Ons wil
weet wat is aktueel op ons kampus, soos byvoorbeeld die Rektor wat die nuwe Groen Projek
Ander prettige gedeeltes is natuurlik die
Kampus Quotes, waar studente opinies gelewer
word, buite die klaskamer en gewoonlik sonder
die invloed van dosente. Dit is ware vryheid van
spraak; vryheid van denke.
Gorrelkop is ook ’n goeie voorbeeld van ‘n
ander perspektief wat gelewer word op verskeie
artikels in Die Matie. Die direkte en eerlike manier
waarop sake uit ’n studente-oogpunt beskou
word, is verfrissend.
kampusgemeenskap en die beste toegerus om
’n verskil te maak in hierdie wêreld: ons moet leer
om ons eie opinie te vorm en self die besluit te
neem oor wie reg en verkeerd is in ’n betrokke
Daarvoor het ons ’n koerant nodig wat
beide kante van die storie regverdig vertel.
- Daniel Schoonwinkel
Daniel, dankie vir jou brief. Die plaas van
’n berig op die voorblad van ’n koerant maak
dit nie meer of minder sensasioneel nie. In die
berig oor die HK-lid van Dagbreek is (soos jy
meermals beklemtoon) juis beide kante van
die saak gestel. Ek herinner jou ook aan die
feit dat die plaas van die foto van twee mans
wat soen op ons voorblad, blote beriggewing
Don’t blame the messenger
expressed in columns.
The fact of the matter is, these three spaces in
any newspaper create a platform for readers to
voice their opinions. If an individual/society/group
is criticised on this platform, it is by no means a
reflection of the editorial teams view on the matter.
This does not seem to be clear, as groups and
individuals feel threatened and hurt by this criticism
and immediately tend to blame the editorial team
and our so-called “vendetta” against them.
Please note, these criticisms are a reflection on
what students are thinking and feel passionate
enough about in order to write a letter to our
Maybe the focus should then rather be on trying
to change perceptions in the Stellenbosch student
society, rather than blaming the platform it is voiced
It has also been interesting to hear from students
that they are uncomfortable with the fact that our
newspaper publishes so-called “controversial”
stories just in order to be sensational. E x a m p l e s
include the article we published about Dagbreek’s
HK-member’s opinion on gays. To be frank, it is easy
to sling around the word “sensational” when you
are faced with information you are uncomfortable
We, as an editorial team, go to great measures
to ensure impartiality and accuracy. Our role, as
student newspaper, is there to reveal and confront
(mostly uncomfortable) issues.
Take care not to blame the messenger. We have
the platform to voice opinions and start conversation. Use this platform. Don’t handicap it.
was oor die feit dat Lesbigay vir die eerste
keer aan Soen in die Laan deel geneem het.
Ons waardeer jou terugvoer en is bly jy geniet
KampusQuotes en Gorrelkop.
- Redakteur
Terugvoer oor MIV-veldtog
Beste Onsteld,
Ek is jammer dat jy die boekie The Young Gay
Guy’s Guide to safer gay sex as diskriminerend
beleef. Ek stem saam met jou dat dit onregverdig
is om enige persoon, straight of gay, oor dieselfde
kam te skeer. Miskien deel ons meer frustrasies
as wat jy dink.
Die kritiek teen ons werk en ons benadering
tot MIV-inligting is uiteenlopend. Vorige veldtogte se straight posters is ook al as pornografies
beskryf. Konserwatiewes kla oor ons kondome,
ander oor swart gesigte op pamflette en die res
oor ons te min doen om nuwe MIV-infeksies te
voorkom. Dis byna onmoontlik om materiaal te
ontwikkel wat gelyktydig tot elke geloof, oriëntasie, seksuele praktyk en kultuur spreek en ’n gratis toetsveldtog sonder lang rye kos baie duurder
as wat die gebruikers besef en maak nie voorsiening vir ‘n verskeidenheid materiaal nie.
Ek het die boekie bestel omdat ek glo dat
dit op ’n reguit manier vrae oor risiko beantwoord. Die taal en illustrasies is nie almal se
realiteit nie, maar behoort jou te laat dink hoe
jy sulke gesprekke sal hanteer met jongmense
wat eksperimenteer en jou genoeg vertrou om
te vra. (Ek neem aan BEd impliseer dat jy in
opvoedkunde spesialiseer).
Ek dink ook dat jy verkeerdelik aanvaar het dat
die boekie net op jou gemik is omdat jy gay is.
Die boodskap is tog duidelik dat die handleiding
veilige seks aanspreek. ’n Handleiding vir straight
wit Afrikaners oor veilige seks gaan nie vol
prentjies van volkspele wees nie. Ek dink verder
jy moet versigtig wees om iets wat nie deel van
jou huidige verw ysingswêreld is nie as “walglik”
te beskryf. Ek vind die vernedering van ander vir
watter rede ookal ver meer “walglik”.
Op daardie noot vra ek wel verskoning as die
boekie vir jou of enige iemand anders verneder
laat voel het.
– Die “tannie” met die pers boekies
Briewe mag nie langer as 400 woorde
wees nie en moet teen die Vrydag voor
elke uitgawe aan redakteur@diematie.
com gestuur word. Skry wers se regte
name moet alle briewe vergesel, selfs dié
wat onder skuilname geplaas word.
Let ters should not be longer than 400
words and must be sent to redakteur@ by the Friday before the
next edition. Writers’ real names must accompany all letters, even those published
under a pseudonym.
Indien enige leser ’n klagte het dat Die Matie nie op ’n ewewigtige, eerlike en objektiewe wyse rapporteer nie, of dink
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WATERWORKS It is ironic that the bottom floor of the library flooded last week, while
the SU swimming pool is still empty leaving swimmers nowhere to practise.
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Brink en die ratkas se binnekant
aai ou BMW’s wat spesiaal
laer gemaak is, jy weet, met die
wollerige dobbelstene wat aan
die truspieëltjie hang en wat bykans
geen kattebak het nie, want die boombox
moet iéwers inpas sodat jou aankoms
reeds myle vooruit in lae frekwensies
deur die lywe van niksvermoedende
verbygangers kan fibrilleer. Wel, ek
was een dag ’n passasier in só kar...
Dis Maandag en die US Woordfees
se skrywersprogram het afgeskop. My
hande sweet op die stuurwiel van my
baas se Tazz terwyl ek probeer om
die vyf vrae wat ek vir André P. Brink
bedink het, te oefen.
Die onderhoud met hierdie gróót
skrywer vind op Knorhoek plaas,
’n wynlandgoed in die lies van die
Simonsberg. Dit word verfilm. Ek
sluk swaar en sweet baie.
Ek wil nie hê die kar moet gesteel
word nie, so ek druk die gearlock se
knoppie in en loop twéé keer terug
om seker te maak die kar is wel gesluit.
Brink word nie deur engele inge-
dra soos ek dit my voorgestel het nie. Hy
loop stadig oor die gruis; vat aan die reling by die trap. Sy hemp en sy oë is blou.
Hy antwoord my vrae eerlik en uitvoerig
sonder om te lank oor sy antwoorde te
dink. Waai een keer ’n vlieg weg asof hy
nie in die kamera se blik is nie. Ek bedank
hom vir sy tyd en voel skoon lam toe my
lyf uiteindelik ontspan.
Dis nou ’n fout, sê hy, maar
ek dink aan ’n ander woord wat
met ’n ‘f’ begin.
Ná die onderhoud moet ek terugry
Stellenbosch toe, maar ek kan nie. Die
ratte is gesluit. Ek begin sweet en vroetel
met die sleutels. Aan die bos in my
hand is daar karsleutels, kantoorsleutels,
huissleutels en stukkende sleutels, maar
niks wat die ratkas wil loswikkel nie. Nou
vloek ek nie meer onder my asem nie.
In trurat terugry kon ek nie, daarom
kry ’n geleentheid dorp toe saam met die
kameraman. Dis nou ’n fout, sê hy, maar
ek dink aan ’n ander woord wat met ’n ‘f’
Terug by die Boektent moet ek my blaps
aan my baas verduidelik. Ek probeer nog
’n diplomatiese antwoord bewoord, maar
voor ek my kry, blaker ek die kil waarheid
uit: Ek het kak aangejaag. Hy lag en sê
hy het nie eers geweet hy het ’n slot vir die
ratkas nie. Vir my is dit ’n onmoontlike
Vir my baas is alles egter moontlik. In
’n japtrap het hy die nommer van ’n slotmaker. Sorry, tjom, sê die sleutelsnyer,
hy het nie die regte tools om by ’n gearbox in te breek nie. Maar hy’t ’n contact.
Tien minute later stop ’n wit BMW voor
die hek. Ons vleg deur die verkeer en vlieg
laag oor die pad, die klank uit die kar altyd
’n halwe blok agter ons. Daar gekom verduidelik hy aan my hoe ’n ratkas en die
slot werk. Vier minute, sewe en vyftig
sekondes en R400 later, is die ratte los.
Dís hoe ek kennis met André P. Brink
en ’n ratkas se binnekant gemaak het. En,
as jy ooit een nodig het, ek het nou ook ’n
Giving people a reason to fight for something
o you know why you’re
here?” he asks.
question I’ve never been
able to answer. Why are you here?
What are you doing? Why are
you doing it like that? Always
prying, asking. Like I’m a 20
questions toy. I don’t know,
a**hole. This moment just
rolled in and I happened to
be here. Even the greatest
minds in history haven’t
been able to come up with
an answer. What is the
meaning of life?
but it is a question
most of us will
have to confront at
some point. There
are varied answers
to the question,
my favourite being Douglas Adams’, namely the
number 42. But
fair enough, it
isn’t really anything more than a
shot in the dark.
the one theme
that has been
constantly pre-
sent in drunken-5 o’clock-in-the morningconversations over the past year, is that of
freedom and some sort of purpose.
We, as a generation, have had the
misfortune to be born into an era, where we
haven’t really got a fight to fight.
Oh, you’ll have your personal sense of
achievement. You’ll get your degree, find a
job, marry and have 2 to 3 children. And all
that’s fine.
But you will never have a Woodstock, a
Berlin Wall falling. You’ll be old and telling
your kids about when Facebook was introduced to the world, or how Steve Jobs died.
» We, as a generation, have had
the misfortune to be born into an
era, where we haven’t really got a
fight to fight.
No war stories, no stories of a struggle and no
stories of changing the world.
But oh woah, we have been given a
saviour. A leader for the masses. And he has
come with a purpose, a mission for us to fight.
Thank the heavens for Jason Russell. With
the viral KONY 2012 video, Russell has united millions of people on a global scale in his
mission against Joseph Kony, Ugandan warlord and numéro Uno on the ICC’s (International Criminal Court) list of fugitives.
And all you have to do, is grab an action
Gorrel het nog altyd kop gekrap oor die
ouderdom van sommige van Maties se manne in
maroen. Party van die boytjies het beslis al meer as
een keer Ekonomie 1 gepluk. Veral sommige in die
voorry, het Gorrel om kant gevang. Die bierpens
en min hare hoort eerder om ’n braaivleis vuur as
Maandae aande by Danie Craven?
- Gorrel begin egter nou die lig sien. Die nuwe
regulasies moet die maroen-masjien sekerlik laat
bewe. Maties se pappa wat die beursie vashou, het
sy stem dik gemaak. Reël numéro uno: 60% van die
span moet (gereeld) tyd in die lesinglokaal spandeer. Ja, Gorrel was nét so geskok. Wie sou ooit
kon raai net ván die seuntjies hoef klas te draf? Die
spanning loop egter hoog as gevolg van die tweede
reël: hulle moet boonop 30% van daai vakke slaag.
Gorrel kan dink, dinge gaan broekskeur in die
kit and paint the town blue and red. Easy
As with all so-called messiah figures, the
criticism has been bountiful. “Only 32% of
the money actually reaches Uganda”, “Russell
was arrested after going crazy”, “You won’t
achieve anything with this campaign”. Same
The point you are missing, is that
the campaign, at least according to my
interpretation, was never focused on fundraising. They’re not going to build houses
and schools. The campaign is focused on
creating awareness. Which was achieved
However, all that glitters isn’t gold. I,
myself, am not completely convinced by this
phenomenon. Yes, you’ve been able to come
up with a very simple “solution”, which
entails all the supporters to give a few hours
of their lives to help create awareness of a
truly horrible chain of events.
But once you’ve made Kony famous,
what happens then? What will you do with all
those orphans? Removing Kony, won’t solve
the problem, just as removing Mugabe won’t
save Zimbabwe.
But despite my own doubts and the various
criticism, one thing rings true. Kony 2012
will not be forgotten. It has touched millions
of people. It has given a lot of people a reason
to fight for something.
An achievable goal, and one that will
make a real difference in the world. And for
that, credit must be given where credit is due.
Die skinder agter die nuus. Die waarheid agter die kampuspolitiek. Die kommentaar waarvoor almal bang is. Gorrel is nie
verantwoordelik vir enige ongerief veroorsaak nie.
kleedkamers. Gorrel is egter seker die manne sal
iewers ’n getroue aanhanger kry om nota’s met
hulle te deel.
Gorrel het Gorrel die ander dag skoon in ’n
papie geskrik. Gorrel het toevallig verby die Huis
van Roem en Faam gewandel toe Gorrel skielik
van bo met ’n rubberballon vol water getref is. Ja,
Gorrel stel dit effens sag en ja, ons praat hier van
’n kondoom vol water.
– Moet nie vir Gorrel verkeerd verstaan nie.
Gorrel is nie teen studentepret nie. Gorrel is meer
as bereid om op ’n Woensdagaand op die Endler
se dak te gaan sokkie of om vir die Weldoener ’n
interessante kostuum aan te trek.
Gorrel is egter teleurgesteld in Die Huis
met die Eiffel se kreatiwiteit. Kondoombomme?
Regtig? Dis amper so onoorspronklik soos om een
van julle huismaats se sjoe-broekies op die punt
van julle toring te hang.
Om eerlik te wees, dit laat julle soos verveelde
laerskool seuntjies lyk. Red julle reputasie en speel
liewers Angry Birds.
O wee. Gorrel trek deesdae gereeld Gorrel se
neus op. En dié keer nie vir die nuwe eerstejaars
op kampus nie.
O nee. Gorrel haal swaar asem as Gorrel deesdae verby die Wilcocks stap. Dinge ruik nie te
pluis nie.
– Gorrel wonder hoe lank daar nog aan dié
gebou getimmer gaan word? So ver Gorrel weet
moes die gebou reeds ’n jaar gelede uit die as
gerys het.
“Waarvoor lag julle?
Is ek vuil of hang iets
- FinRek dosent vra in
die klas toe studente
begin giggel.
“Call Centre Agent:
How can I help you
Graduating Student:
I am graduating in
March this year.
Call Centre Agent:
Graduating Student:
I need to go hire the
correct toga and
band, but I forgot
what degree I am
graduating with!”
- Heard in University
Call Centre
“Ek wens partykeer ek het my
dosent langs my bed,
want hy praat my an
die slaap!”
- Gehoor in Nemesia
“...En dan later, as ons
uitgawes bysit, word
die berekeninge ‘n
- AW388 dosent
verklap details oor
haar sekslewe.
“Here is a map of
South Africa depicting
all 11 provinces.”
– Lecturer gets
“Stellenbosch, waar
jy graad kry voor jy
parkering kry!”
- Gehoor in Aandklas
Stuur jou quotes na
“I want to take
a Stellenbosch
University hoodie to
UCT and wear it all
the time!”
- Heard in the Neelsie
CHPS hosts new technology
attracts­ athletes
on the left and right block, as well as
pre-tension on the left and right block
in the set position.
he Stellenbosch Centre for
The second component, Recording­
Human­Performance Sciences Sprint Action is calculated from
(CHPS) have now acquired position­-time data which is recorded
a new Sports Technology Unit that by a laser beam orientated towards the
could significantly improve the lower back of the athlete which gives
Olympic­chances of Maties’ athletes us 400 laser positioning measurements
every second.
come this July.
This provides millimeter accuracy
The newly formed African Sprint
Science Centre within the CHPS have for parameters such as stride rate
now in their possession the new and and stride length of the athlete, and
first FAST system (Force, Accelera- acceleration­and timing between every
tion, Speed, Time) in Africa which 5m interval.
With only 3 other centres in the
is the latest and most accurate speed
and acceleration testing and training­ world with this type of technology,
DRAF VIR DAGBREEK Die tweede Dagbreek Maties Straatmylfees het te ere van De Villiers Lamprecht op
it is no wonder the
system­in the
Woensdag 7 Maart plaasgevind. Die wenners van die onderskeie afdelings was Annei Kloppers (dames),
centre­played host
world, used for
Daniel Claasen (mans) en Jahn Brummer (elite).
to the entire UK
individual­ and
Currently the CHPS is
athletics squad for
team sprinters for
working with 8 paralympic
the 2012 Olympic
the 60m, 100m,
200m, 400m and athletes who are on their way Games in London.
to London 2012
included­many well
known names such
The system­
nicholas glanvill
Jordaan was run out for 11.
Knoll and Karl Nieuwoudt who was developed to bring science and as sprinter Dwain Chambers and hurFollowing batsmen Mark van finished­strongly with the bat to ensure performance-driven athletes­and dler Dai Greene. The results are so incoaches closer together for immedi- tense, that the centre and technology
Heerden, Dewald Botha and Erhard a final total of 211/8 for Maties.
The Boland Regional 50 Over Louw all got decent starts but just
The Maties bowling attack started­ ate and relative feedback. The sys- have guided development­program
Final­ took place earlier this month. could not keep the score keeper busy, brilliantly with the likes of Faan tem consists­of two components: athlete, Nabeela­ Parker, to record the
Recording­Start Action and Recording­ fastest 100m ever ran by a female
Paarl hosted the game between Maties making 23, 17, and 11 respectively. Fourie­and James Groom.
and West Boland.
The wicket was difficult and offered
notable­bowling Sprint Action. The former ensures that athlete­in South Africa.
Currently the CHPS is working
Rain from the previous evening some seam movement along with performances­belonged to Chris a number of parameters are measured
led to a 30 minute delayed start. The some turn and bounce.
Knoll and Dewald Botha whose bowl- during the start action of the sprint with 8 paralympic athletes who are
West Boland opposition certainly
Despite seeing his team mates ing figures stood at 4/43, and 2/22 using highly technological­starting on their way to London 2012, but Gareth Paterson of the CHPS is not only
challenged­Maties by giving them come and go, Leon le Roux stayed respectively­. These 2 bowlers came at blocks.
The technology can help many looking­at the 2012 Olympics.
the opportunity to start batting on a in and played an innings worth a critical time, by slowing down the
He goes on to say: “We believe
sprinters take off by providing the
slightly­damp wicket.
celebrating­as it was mixed with soft opposition innings.
Opening batsmen Henno Jordaan touches and signs of real aggression­
Faan Fourie held on to an amazing athlete­and coach information such when people start to hear about this
and Leon le Roux, eventual Man of knocking up a handsome total of catch at long on, to dismiss the threat- as: the total time of the start action (in centre, we can significantly help our
milliseconds), reaction time of left and athletes develop in this country and
the Match, started proceedings nicely 77, as he steered Maties towards a ening batsman from West Boland.
with a 30 run opening partnership, but respectable­run count.
West Boland collapsed to a 46 run right leg push-off (milliseconds), the will have serious contenders for the
maximum force generated by the legs 2016 and 2020 Olympics”.
before things got settled for the better,
Mention must be made of Chris defeat.
Maties Cricket win regional league
Nicholas Glanvill
~ Nicholas Glanvill
Frisbee klub gestig
Ultimate Frisbee beoog om in
2012 as volwaardige Universiteit
Stellenbosch­sportklub aanvaar
te word. Dié klub het onlangs hul
stigtingsvergadering gehad. Die
klub sal as die Maties Ultimateklub bekend staan.
Hendri Botha, voorsitter van
dié voornemende sportklub, is
opgewonde oor die feit dat hulle
moontlik deur die US as sportklub
aanvaar kan word.
“Frisbee word sedert 2005 al
op Stellenbosch kampus gespeel.
Dit het op klein skaal begin met
net ’n paar deelnemers­wat agter ’n
vlieënde voorwerp in hul vrye tyd
aangehardloop het! Dit het egter
al gegroei tot ’n punt waar ’n span
aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Kampioenskappe deelgeneem
Dié klub beoog om vanjaar
weer vir die Nasionale Kampioenskappe in Kaapstad in te skryf.
“Ons hoop om studente by hierdie opwindende­sport te betrek.
Ons wil veral dames aanmoedig­
aangesien dit ’n gemengde
spansport­is,” voeg Botha by.
Maties finish Argus
with new Matie Bikes
on sunday 11 March, Pokkel
and 7 other Matie cyclists managed­
to successfully complete the Cape
Argus in good time, with the new
single speed Matie Bike.
The team comprised of
students­ and members of staff,
with Jan-Hendrik Verdoes, as the
first rider of the group to finish
with the time of 4:42:14, while
Stephan Nieuwoudt­
, followed
with a time of 5:03:57. The next
4 cyclists finished together with a
time of 5:49:30. Hans Heuer, W.
Heuer, Carinus Lemmer, Andrew
Smit, Anja van Zyl and Desmond­
Thompson, finished in 5:58:58.
, 400 bikes will be
made available for students and
members of staff and can be rented
at R1 000 per year.
SU Physio off to USA
University Professor and
physiologist, Kathy Myburgh, has
been asked to be part of the elite
panel of the renowned Gatorade
Sports Science Institute (GSSI) in
the USA, and will form part of the
panel with only 12 other members
from across various institutions
and universities around the world.
Prof Myburgh, who currently
leads the Skeletal Muscle Biology
Research Group in the Department
of Physiological Sciences, will pre-
sent a talk to the panel in April on
her research that begs the question­
if supplements can really prevent
muscle damage or soreness?
In a nutshell, Myburgh studies
the basic mechanisms of muscle
rejuvenation and how this can be
used to understand how muscles
work, and the ability to influence
injured muscle to heal faster.
Based in Illinois, GSSI focuses
research in exercise science, sports
nutrition and sports performance.
Squash courts on hold
until end of April
The squash courts at the Old
Mutual­Sports Complex, located
behind­Helshoogte and Eendrag
men’s residences, are currently
undergoing extensive renovations.
They are likely to be closed until
the end of April.
According to André du Toit,
Manager: Maties Squash, “The
walls and floors of all nine courts
are being replaced, while the
changing rooms and floor sur-
faces are also being completely­
modernised. We project that the
complex will return to use from 2
May onwards, and we are certainly
looking forward to providing our
members with an improved user
experience,” he says.
He requests students and staff
to be patient during this process,
seeing that the “improvements are
bound to be very beneficial over
the long term”.
SIZE MATTERS? The Youth Sports Initiative (YSI) hosted a community soccer tournament on Friday 16 March
where 155 children participated.
155 children participated in a fun soccer tournament
YSI invests in community
nicholas glanvill
and the Outreach Programme­, worked
side by side to ensure the success of
the tournament.
n Friday 16 March, SUSPI's
The After School Programme
Youth Sports Initiative (YSI) combines­the ideas of youth
held a mini soccer tournament development­and education for
which comprised­of 155 excited chil- roughly­30 children; catering to the
dren, 20 enthusiastic volunteer coach- children for three hours every Monday­
es and the power of sport.
to Thursday.
The YSI, that form part of
The Outreach Programme differs
Stellenbosch­University’s HOPE slightly as it tends to focus on assisting­
Project­, hosted the tournament at the about 130 scholars, within their school
Lentelus Sports Grounds.
environments. The Youth Sport IniThey made use of the FIFA Grade tiative recruits and trains volunteer
two astro turf and three of the five Fut- coaches who then go to schools and
sal (mini soccer­) courts.
assist the kids with life skills whilst
The YSI represents a major using the sport as the medium for their
initiative­to mobilize the power of sport message.
for youth education and development­
The Outreach Programme does
in rural communities around the area. not only have a positive influence in
The two core components of the YSI, the lives of the young children that
namely the After School Programme­ it caters for. 20 of these community
coaches played an important role in
the success­of tournament, assisting as
referees or taking care of the children
while on site.
The tournament consisted of three
rounds of play of 20 minutes a game,
based on the round-robin concept.
In this way all 15 teams, and 155
children­had an equal chance to shine
with enough games to participate in.
By focusing more on the idea of
participation rather than winning,
the tournament did not have a final
winner­. “It has to be said that the day
was not about winners and losers.
All parties­involved in this tournament are already winners” said David
, Project Manager: Outreach
Programme. “And the fact that we saw
almost as many football crazy girls
as boys made this day a very special
one,” Kappel added.
Maties Swimmers training for Olympics
nicholas glanvill
DESPITE the challenges Maties
Swimming has been facing due to
the empty university pool, the likes
of Heerden Herman­keep racking up
the results. Herman swam an Olympic­
qualifying­standard­for the 1500m
freestyle event at an international
meeting held in Durban last month.
His time was 15:06.11, a few
seconds under the required mark of
15:11.83. However, to be selected for
the team going to London, SASCOC
regulations stipulate that Heerden still
needs to swim and qualify in the trial
finals in Durban in April.
Team mate Trudy Marais is also
on track to qualify for this year’s
games as she heads off to Hungary to
try and qualify for the 50m freestyle.
, Henry Herbst and Rennete
Bloem are also training intensely for
the chance to book their tickets to
Pierre du Roubaix, coach: Maties
Swimming, commends his athletes
for their training committment and
patience­. “They’re not only competing­
to be selected, but also for the opportunity to compete against the best.”
Woensdag 28 Maart 2012 | Gratis op kampus versprei
MIne! Here Grant Hattingh, 8th man, is about to score the third try of the match for Maties against UJ at Coetzenburg on Monday 26 March. Maties won with a final score of 23-0, progressing
to the finals of Varsity Cup in Pretoria, where they will compete against Tuks for their fourth championship. The final takes place on 9 April at 7pm.
Photo: Johann Swart
Maties performed well in the first 30minutes; UJ were ghosts of their promising reputation
Tuks await Maties in Varsity Cup final
Nicholas GlanvilL
he Danie Craven Stadium
played host to the first Varsity­
Cup semi-final on Monday night
26 March as Maties played a visiting
UJ side that were but ghosts of their
promising reputation.
With the fear of a repitition, from
what happened last year when these
two sides met at Coetzenburg, a few
rugby brains would have agreed that
a dominating performance from the
Maties­side over UJ was unlikely.
In the end, the game turned out to
be a bittersweet victory for Maties,
with a final score of 23-0. Never the
less, Maties will have the opportunity
to make it 3 out of 4 championships­
when they take on Tuks in Pretoria
(date yet to be confirmed).
Maties started the game like a
house on fire, with forwards and backs
throwing themselves into anything
that wore orange.
After repeated phases­in the UJ
22, the combination of the 2 André’s
proved lethal as former­UJ player and
fullback, André­Smith, showed good
vision by telling flyhalf­ André­ Kemp
to put in a grubber with no cover
defense­in sight.
Fortunately­the bounce was kind
and the result was a 8 pointer within
the first 10 minutes.
Not too long after the restart,
Maties­were handed a penalty, and
with this teams’ current style, penalties­
within an opponents half are nearly
always­going to be kicked for touch.
And why wouldn’t a team that has a
boot as lethal as André Kemp’s, and a
forward pack that can steal a lineout
from a giraffe and drive over an 18
This time around it was deserved
man of the match and hooker, Rob
Herring, who breached the line.
It seemed that Maties were going to
Maties will have the
opportunity to make it
3 out 4 championships­
when they take on Tuks
repay the visitors for what they did to
the home side last year, as the 8th man
Grant Hattingh was the recipient of
an oustanding pass by flanker Helmut­
Lehman, and managed to score his 7th
try of the season – a severe case of try
line fever for a forward.
Maties went into halftime with
confidence and the humble knowledge
that the game was pretty much done
and dusted, however it seemed their
spring got lost in the changing room.
With only 2 points to show for the
second half, the Men in Maroon will
know that the last 40 was not their
best, and to beat an in-form Tuks side
at their home ground, they will need
to forget about this game, and how the
dew made the ball difficult to handle.
It is a bit of a curse in rugby
sometimes­where the much better
team will somehow steep to the level
of their opposition.
Assistant coach Chris Rossouw
says that: “In the beginning we were
very clinical and UJ just wasn’t able to
play catch-up rugby.
“Even though we won, the guys
felt like they had lost with their second
half display.
“It was a combination of dew, bad
decisions and holding on to the lead.
This will give us something to work
towards for the final.”
Maties, in a nutshell, may have
preferred UJ to have been a little more
competitive, to better prepare themselves for their titanic Tuks clash,
aswell­as featuring in the second half a
bit better than what they did.
They did however win convincingly (in 30min) and that’s what matters.
They are developing a new culture and
way of playing and so far, who can
complain with being undefeated.
This last game on Monday marked
the final game Maties stalwart and
scrumhalf Donald Stevens will play
in Stellenbosch as he departs for
Cambridge­University later this year.
Ernst van Dyk Rolling into London
Young Guns reach final
Nicholas glanvill
Nicholas Glanvill
ERNST van Dyk is looking extremely
strong in his preparations for the 2012
Paralympic Games in London. He
recently­won the hand-cycling section
(42.2km) of the Outeniqua Wheelchair Race achieved a record time of
Stuart McCreadie, also from the
Maties-Helderberg Club, placed third
in the same race.
Van Dyk’s recent victory can
be added to his list of impressive
. As an athlete of 2
disciplines­namely wheelchair racing
and hand-cycling, Van Dyk will look
for nothing other than a gold at the
Olympics later this year.
He has been busy racking up
victories­so far this year, as early as
the beginning of February where Ernst
won a marathon in Florida, USA, with
a time of 1:10:04.
Backtracking to September 2011,
he became the Para-cycling World
An up and coming rider, Andries
Scheepers, should provide Van Dyk
with some healthy competition as
Scheepers had to make Van Dyk settle
for second place at the recent Pick ’n
Pay Cape Argus cycle event.
As the 9 time Boston Marathon
winner­, which includes a world record
set in 2004, Van Dyk will only relish
his competition­.
With New York, Paris and Los
Angeles Marathons under his belt,
a Laureus award, a bronze medal
from the 2000 Sydney Olympics, 2
silvers­and a bronze in the 2004 Athens Olympics, and a gold and bronze
in Beijing 4 years ago; interestingly
enough he started his Olympic career
by competing­at the Barcelona Olympic games for swimming.
Regardless, this glory bound athlete­
chooses not to be complacent as he
aims still to win the Boston Marathon­
ten times, take two gold medals at the
up-coming Olympics and complete an
Iron Man in under 9 hours.
When he's not setting his himself
heights to reach, he is an avid family
man and a motivational speaker.
He also works at the Stellenbosch
Athletics department.
THE YOUNG Guns (Maties­u/20)
rugby team also became one win
away from winning their respective
trophy­for the u/20 Varsity Cup after
defeating­Shimlas 29-8 at Coetzenberg on Monday 26 March.
In a game that free flowing rugby­
bore the brunt from a very dewy
, both sides struggled to
maintain­any sort of proper continuity­
during the game.
The slow pace of the game just
seemed to invite more intensity­among
the players.
There were hints from both sides
that revealed their good structure in
offense and defense, but unfortunately
for Shimlas their opposition were just
better drilled in circumstances that
required­a bit of composure and think-
The best bit of play from both sides
came from the forwards as they paved
the way for the opening try early on
from a great drive for hooker Stefan
Coetzee to score on behalf of Maties.
Following tries were scored by
inside­centre Kobus van Wyk, who got
a handsome double whilst his centre
partner Pat Howard scored as a result
of good follow up work for van Wyk.
Mentions must be made for flanker
Beyers de Villers and lock Grant Prior
as they both had high work rates, with
flyhalf Warren Seals doing well with
the boot off the tee, aswell as testing
the opposition back 3 under strategic
high balls and nudges for territory.
The Young Guns will compete
against Tuks in the final in. The Young
Guns have featured the entire season
and it would take alot for Tuks to take
the competition away from them.