New Mexico Parent Teacher Association 101st


New Mexico Parent Teacher Association 101st
New Mexico Parent Teacher Association
101st Annual State Convention
May 6-7, 2016
Sheraton Albuquerque Airport Hotel
If you can dream it, you can do it.
Walt Disney
3315 Louisiana Blvd NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
505/881-0712 (Phone)
505/884-0793 (Fax)
Toll free 1-888-228-8880
2016 NMPTA Convention Schedule
Friday, May 6, 2016
8:30-10:00 General Session 1 and Breakfast Sponsored by Kenneth Brown Photography
 Welcome
 Speakers
 Senator Martin Heinrich
Grand Quivera 1 & 2
Session A
The PresidentTreasurer Team
Renata Witte
Ally Pierce
Valle Grande 2
Vista Norte
PTA Programs and
Tools You Can Use
Bonnie Cannon
Tami Baker
How to Say “No” as a
Parent When You Said
“Yes” as a Teen
Chris Schueler
11:30-1:30 General Session 2 and Lunch Sponsored by Mountain America
 Strategic Thinking Session
 Speakers
Grand Quivera 1
Grand Quivera 2
Valle Grande 2
Vista Norte
Session B
Ways to Increase Your
PTA Membership
Jeanne Grazier
Best practices for
Sondra Slivon
Raising Grants and
Scholarships for Your
Bonnie Cannon
Skills for Effective
Lou Ann Romero
Session C
Treasurer 101
Ally Pierce
President 101 – Yikes!
What have I gotten
myself into?
Renata Witte
Recipes for
IEP Success
Sylvia Sandoval
The Game of Money
Kimberly Boettcher
4:15-5:00 General Session 3
 Reflections Presentation
 Clave Al Éxito Presentation
5:00-7:00 Exhibitors Showcase and Reflections Celebration
Saturday, May 7, 2016
8:00-10:00 General Session 4 and Breakfast Sponsored by Watch D.O.G.S.
 Reflections Presentation
 Speakers
 Male Engagement Panel
Grand Quivera 1
Session D
Protecting the
Ally Pierce
Elgin Allen
Grand Quivera 2
Title I Family
Engagement: Make it
Renata Witte
Dale Hagin
Valle Grande 2
of Great Students
Keith Schumacher
Vista Norte
Integrating the Arts
into the School Day
Cinamon Gentry
Tami Baker
11:30 -1:30 General Session 5 and Lunch Sponsored by AIM
Session E
Reflections Presentation
Bylaws Amendments
Award Winners Recognition
Social Media
for Your PTA
Heidi Wong
I’m the President,
Now What?
Renata Witte
3:15-4:00 General Session 6
 Election of Nominating Committee
 2016 Convention Video
 Door Prizes
The Magic of Parenting Secretary and Bylaws
with Positive Discipline
Cyndee Gustke
Tami Baker
Juanita Silva
Welcome to the 101st NMPTA Convention
“If you can dream it, you can do it”
-----Walt Disney
On behalf of the New Mexico PTA Board of Directors, it is my privilege
to welcome you to the 101st New Mexico PTA Convention.
We are mindful of the training new PTA leaders have requested and are
providing that for you. Been in PTA for a while? We have workshops
that will stretch what you know and encourage you to use that
knowledge to strengthen your programs and activities. New to PTA and
not sure what to attend? Talk with one of the NMPTA Board members
and ask their advice!
It has been an exciting year for New Mexico PTA. We travelled and visited PTAs in the northern
and southern parts of the state. We left each visit in awe of your dedication, your belief in the
potential of the students in your school and the sheer desire to be successful FOR THEM.
From the state Roundhouse to Washington DC, your Board has spoken with Senators and
Representatives about the needs of students in our state. We have strived to develop nonpolitical non-partisan relationships with one goal in mind…Working for all Children and providing
you with the information you need to make the best decisions for your family.
Be proud of your role in this great association. Your predecessors over the past 100 years
worked hard to provide a fair and equitable education for all children. This work continues as you
give of your time and resources to support the parents, students, administrators and teachers in
your schools. I asked each of you in my speech last year to always be proud of the work you do
and be proud of who you do it for.
In 50 years when our children and grandchildren open the NMPTA 100th Anniversary time
capsule they will read what you have written about your hopes and dreams for their future. That
is your legacy, your grandchildren and their children will benefit from your hard work and
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all you do for today’s children and for the children of
tomorrow. Enjoy the Convention!
Renata Witte
NMPTA President
Welcome from National PTA President
Welcome to your state convention!
I am very excited for you! I remember when I was a state and local leader how I felt
after attending a state convention. I was encouraged, inspired and more committed
to our mission. This convention will leave you with similar feelings, and you will go
back to your community thinking bigger about the possibilities for your PTA.
Your decision to attend this convention is a testament to your desire to learn, connect and celebrate and it will make a lasting impact on the lives of our children.
And for that, I would like to personally thank you.
In our role as child advocates, we speak on behalf of those who are not able to speak for themselves.
PTA drives impact at all levels—in schools and local communities, state legislatures, and nationally in the
halls of Congress.
This is what you will gain at your state convention—how to effectively and cooperatively influence the decisions that affect children at our schools, throughout our districts, within our state, across the country,
and in some cases, around the world.
It is an exciting and important time to be an advocate for children and education. States are working to
implement higher standards and robust school programs. At the federal level, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was recently enacted.
ESSA—which reauthorizes the long overdue Elementary and Secondary Act/No Child Left Behind—
brings needed improvements to K-12 education, provides greater responsibility to states to meet the
needs of all students and acknowledges the essential role of family engagement to student achievement.
Now more than ever, it is critical for all of us to work together to make a difference for the futures of our
nation’s children.
PTA is dedicated to being present and vocal during discussions impacting children and education. We are
the organization that solves the toughest problems and creates valuable tools for schools, families and
Embrace everything your state has to offer and share what you learn here with your community. This is
your opportunity to connect with others who share your passion and drive to support all children. I promise
you will leave this convention with long-lasting relationships.
Thank you for your continued support as we help build a path to equitable education for all children. Don’t
forget to take a moment and celebrate our collective accomplishments that have made a difference for
your community, economy, and most importantly, the resilient group of children who are ready to thrive.
I truly appreciate all you do for PTA and for our nation’s children. Have a great convention!
Laura Bay
National PTA President
Guest Speakers
Senator Martin Heinrich
U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich is a United States Senator for New Mexico. Elected in 2012,
Heinrich serves on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources, Armed Services, Intelligence,
and Joint Economic Committees. He is the Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on National
Parks and a member of the Migratory Bird Conservation Commission. Heinrich is a member
of the Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus, Senate Climate Action Task Force, Senate
Democratic Hispanic Task Force, National Service Congressional Caucus, and Congressional
Dietary Supplement Caucus.
Ben Ray Lujan Jr. ………………
Bonnie Cannon
Bonnie Cannon is a Consultant for Activity InSite. She was a news station meteorologist for
several local television stations. She is currently Duluth PTSA Council President and has served
in various PTA roles in Minnesota and Virginia such as Minnesota State PTA president and
president-elect, National Council of States, Vice President at Keene Mill Elementary School and
Volunteer Coordinator. In addition to her PTA involvement, Bonnie is a St. Luke's Hospice
Volunteer and Lakeside Lester Park Community Club Vice President. She has participated in
Relay for Life, the Miracle League and Duluth Playhouse.
Shaton Berry
Shaton Berry has been involved with PTA for the past 12 years. She was President of
Michigan PTA from 2011 through 2013. Currently she serves as the Vice President of
Leadership and Common Core State Standards Team Lead. Shaton is a certified TCBI trainer
and grassroots advocacy trainer through National PTA. Shaton’s family structure is unique
because she does not have any biological children; she raised her two younger brothers,
Anthony (26) and Deontae (24). Shaton truly believes in the mission and purposes of PTA and
wants to ensure its place as a world class association for families. She currently serves on the
National PTA Nominating and Leadership Development Committee.
Armen Alvarez
Armen Alvarez was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Álvarez has been at National PTA for
nearly 8 years and currently serves as the multicultural membership development manager
and staff liaison to the diversity committee. She is an active mom of four bilingual and bicultural girls—including one child with special needs—and regularly volunteers in their schools
and community activities. She is an advocate for the advancement of women and underserved communities and has previously served as a board member for the Once Prevention
Fund and National Head Start Association.
Linda Johnson
Linda Johnson has been the National Service Representative for New Mexico PTA since
December of 2013. She works with PTAs across nine western states. Linda served on
local, council and state PTA boards in Nevada for over 17 years. She also served as a
parent representative on school, district and state education committees. She has a Master
of Education in Audiology and worked as an Audiologist until 1992. The last of her four
children will graduate from public education in June.
Convention Rules
1. Badges are required for admittance to all sessions. Attendance at all Convention activities shall
be limited to persons who are properly registered.
2. Each voting delegate must present a membership card and registration fee, whereupon delegate
badge, voting cards, and Convention packet will be issued. The voting delegate card will designate
those having the privilege of making, seconding, discussing, and voting upon motions before the
3. Upon presentation of current membership card and payment of a fee, any member of the New
Mexico PTA may attend meetings of the 2016 Convention and receive all Convention privileges
except those of voting.
4. There shall be no smoking during any event listed on the Convention Schedule.
5. All cell phones must be on “silent or vibrate mode” during all general sessions, meals, and
6. Delegates are requested to stay in the assembly room during an item on the program or when a
vote is being taken. During a counted or standing vote there will be no admittance to the session.
7. A voting delegate of the Convention wishing to obtain the floor shall rise, address the chair, show
his/her voting delegate card and give his/her name and the name of the PTA that he/she represents
or his/her state board position. A voting delegate may not speak more than two minutes on any
question under discussion or more than twice on the same subject. Recognition preference shall be
given to delegates who have not previously spoken.
8. Motions, other than procedural motions, must be presented in writing. Motions shall be presented
complete with delegate’s name, PTA represented, signed and filed immediately with the state
9. Resolutions may be brought to the Convention floor for action of a two-thirds vote of the
delegates providing the sponsor of the resolution furnishes a copy to any State Board member prior
to the close of business Friday evening May 6, 2016, completed with delegate’s name, PTA
represented, and signature.
10. Total Debate Time for any motion or resolution, including amendments, (exclusive of all points of
order and points of information) shall be ten (10) minutes. The maker of the motion of submitter of
the resolution is allowed the first two (2) minutes to speak on the motion/resolution. Following that
the debate will alternate between speakers ‘for’ and ‘against’ the motion/resolution, beginning with
the speaker ‘against’ the motion/resolution.
11. In election years, in the event a ballot vote is necessary, the Elections Committee shall conduct
voting during the Exhibitor Showcase and for the first hour of Convention proceedings/activities the
following day.
12. The parliamentarian shall interpret the law and make a decision on parliamentary procedure at
the request of the President.
13. Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the convention in all cases not provided for
in the Bylaws or these Convention Rules.
NMPTA Board of Directors
New Mexico PTA Board of Directors
President: Renata Witte
President-Elect: Wendy Lincon
VP for Membership: Jeannie Grazier
VP for Legislation and Advocacy: Lou Ann Romero
Financial Officer: Ally Pierce
Secretary: Tami Baker
Communications Chair: Heidi Wong
Education Chair: Cyndee Gustke
Male Participation Chair: Van Overton
► Connect with board members and express interest in
committee member activities at:
Schedule ▪ Friday ▪ May 6, 2016
8:30-10:00 General Session 1 and breakfast Sponsored by Kenneth Brown Photography
 Welcome
 Speakers
 Senator Martin Heinrich
10:15-11:15 Workshop Session A
“Do You Want to Build a Snowman?” Anna (Frozen)
Presidents and Treasurers – a Necessary Partnership
Room: Grand Quivara 1 & 2
Presenters: Renata Witte, NMPTA President, and Allyson Pierce, NMPTA Financial Officer
Presidents and Treasurers should work closely together to ensure the financial health of the PTA. Join us for this
very interactive workshop as we explore this relationship together.
In Every Job that Must Be Done there is an Element of Fun!” Mary Poppins
PTA Programs and Tools You Can Use
Room: Valle Grande 2
Presenters: Bonnie Cannon, NPTA Board of Directors and Tami Baker, NMPTA Secretary
Participants will learn about the PTA’s National Standards for Family-School Partnerships, as well as the array of
PTA programs and resources available to further the implementation of these standards locally and achieve PTA’s
mission – to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to
advocate for all children. You will also experience a taste of a Family Reading Experience that you can have at
your school. Get parents and kids reading together!
“Always let your Conscience be your Guide” The Blue Fairy
How to Say “No” as a Parent When You Said “Yes” as a Teen
Room: Vista Norte
Presenter: Chris Schueler, President and CEO, Christopher Productions
How do you say “no” to your kids when you said “yes” as a teen to any of the topics adolescents deal with (sex,
alcohol, pot, prescription drugs, etc.). Emmy© Award winning producer/director Chris Schueler discusses his project
about the New Marijuana and other projects about teen pregnancy, distracted driving, alcohol use, etc. .
11:30-1:30 General Session 2 and Lunch Sponsored by Mountain America
 Strategic Thinking Session
 Speakers
1:45-2:45 Workshop Session B
“To Infinity … and Beyond!” Buzz Lightyear
Ways to Increase your PTA Membership
Presidents and Treasurers – a Necessary Partnership
Room: Grand Quivara 1
Presenter: Jeanne Grazier, NMPTA VP for Membership
This skill-building workshop provides interactive exercises on the basic concepts of increasing your PTA
membership numbers: Recruit, Engage, and Retain. Learn how to ask anyone to become a member, explain why
they should be a member, engage them when they are a member, and retain them as a member for the following
"Venture Outside Your Comfort Zone. The Rewards are Worth It." Rapunzel
Best Practices for Presenters
Presenter: Sondra Slivon, APS District Resource Teacher for Title I
Presidents and Treasurers – a Necessary Partnership
Room: Grand Quivara 2
In this session participants will learn about integrating music, movement, processing partners and more in their
presentations. Participants will leave this session with activities they can use when presenting at PTA meetings.
“Today is a Good Day to Try.” Quasimodo
Raising Grants and Sponsorships for Your PTA
Presidents and Treasurers – a Necessary Partnership
Room: Valle Grande 2
Presenter: Bonnie Cannon, National PTA Board of Directors
What does it take to secure a grant or sponsorship for your PTA? Participants will learn a process for each, and
gain practical skills to increase their PTA’s revenue, regardless of their past experience in fundraising or grantwriting.
Even Miracles Take a Little Time” The Fairy Godmother
Skills for Effective Parent Advocacy
Room: Vista Norte
Presenter: Lou Ann Romero, NMPTA VP for Legislation & Advocacy
This workshop will focus on how to advocate for your children within systems. Advocates speak up for themselves
and others to make things better. Families get engaged because they believe their issues are important and their
involvement will make a difference. Not always the case, right? Well, come and learn how you can gain the skills to
move your ideas forward and be part of a solution based approach to your advocacy efforts.
Schedule ▪ Friday ▪ May 6, 2016
3:00-4:15 Workshop Session C
“Hakuna Matata!” Timon
Treasurer Training 101
Room: Grand Quivara 1
Presenter: Allyson Pierce, NMPTA Financial Officer
How do brand new treasurers be successful? We will discuss the duties involved and answer any questions you
have about managing the books. A sample of a budget and other forms will be shared.
“There’s More to Being King than Getting Your Way All the Time.” Musfasa
President 101 – Yikes! What have I gotten myself into?
Room: Grand Quivara 2
Presenter: Renata Witte, NMPTA President
This workshop is for first time Presidents. Learn about the role and responsibilities that come along with being a
local PTA President. We will learn about this exciting job you have agreed to take on!
"A little consideration, a little thought for others makes all the difference ." Eeyore
Recipes for IEP Success
Room: Valle Grande 2
Presenter: Sylvia Sandoval, Family Liaison, Parents Reaching Out
Parents and caregivers will find out about special education services and other supports for their child. They will
learn about the importance of good record keeping, ways to build relationships through good communication and find
out about effective IEP teams. Discover your place on the team and learn strategies for communicating with school
“All it takes is Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust!” Peter Pan
The Game of Money - A Trip to Grown-up Land
Room: Vista Norte
Presenter: Kimberly Boettcher, Financial Education Manager, Mountain America Credit Union
Our children can’t wait to be free and on their own, can they? Well, the words “on your own” and “free” don’t really go
together – not when you’re the one paying the bills. Life is expensive! Make no mistake: being an adult is cool, but
we want our kids to make it in the big world. To learn about life as an adult, we have to help our kids take a trip to
grown-up land, where they can experience their own big adventure!
4:15-5:00 General Session 3
 Reflections Presentation
 Clave Al Éxito Presentation
5:00-7:00 Exhibitors Showcase and Reflections Celebration
Schedule ▪ Saturday ▪ May 7, 2016
8:00-10:00 General Session 4 and Breakfast Sponsored by Watch D.O.G.S.
 Reflections Presentation
 Speakers
 Male Engagement Panel
10:15-11:15 Workshop Session D
"Sometimes the Right Path is not the Easiest One." Grandmother Willow
Protecting the Treasury
Room: Grand Quivara 1
Presenters: Allyson Pierce, NMPTA Financial Officer and Elgin Allen, AIM
Are you a newly elected treasurer or thinking of becoming a treasurer? Never fear – this workshop is for you AND as
a bonus – a representative from AIM will be with us to give you information about insuring your PTA – THIS IS A
REQUIREMENT! We will discuss budgets, audits, debit cards, gift cards, dos and don’ts, IRS requirements, etc.
Handouts, sample budgets/audits, and other information will be available.
“Whistle While You Work” Cinderella
Title I Family Engagement: Make it Happen!
Room: Grand Quivara 2
Presenters: Dale Evan Hagin, APS Resource Teacher and Renata Witte, APS Family Engagement Specialist
What are the benefits of being a Title I school? How do you work with administration to find funding for programs and
increase family engagement? Building capacity translates into empowering parents and increasing students’
academic success. Attend this workshop to find out how to make it happen at your school!
"A True Hero isn't Measured by the Size of his Strength, but by the Strength of his Heart." Zeus
WATCH D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students)
Room: Valle Grande 2
Presenter: Keith Schumacher
This program is a one of a kind school-based initiative building on the personal capital already available—fathers and
father-figures of students. Every attendee will walk away with the 7 Steps to Success for launching the WATCH
D.O.G.S. ® program in their school(s).
"Don't just Fly, Soar." Dumbo
Reflections/STEAM Workshop
Room: Vista Norte
Presenters: Tami Baker, NMPTA Secretary and Cinamon Gentry
11:30 -1:30 General Session 5 and Lunch Sponsored by AIM
Reflections presentation
Bylaws Amendments
Award Winners Recognition
Schedule ▪ Saturday ▪ May 7, 2016
1:45-3:00 Workshop Session E
"Remember, you're the One who can Fill the World with Sunshine." Snow White
Using Social Media for Your PTA
Room: Grand Quivara 1
Presenter: Heidi Wong, NMPTA Communications Chair
Getting information to parents and teachers is our top priority. You will learn how to use social media to help your
members know what is happening in your local unit and improve participation by engaging members.
“The Game Includes All the Dice, Not just your Own.” Will Turner
I’m the President – Now what?
Room: Grand Quivara 2
Presenter: Renata Witte, NMPTA President
Working with administrators and teachers, planning programs and activities, holding interesting PTA meetings,
working with lots of personalities, being the PTA Board leader….SO. MANY. JOBS. Let’s put it all in perspective!
“The Flower that Blooms in Adversity is the most Rare and Beautiful of all.” The Emperor
The Magic of Parenting with Positive Discipline
Room: Valle Grande 2
Presenter: Cyndee Gustke, NMPTA Education Chair
This session will focus on parenting tools that support an atmosphere of mutual respect and belonging as well as
ongoing communication and problem solving between parents and children. Learn more about parenting tools that
allow for the development of valuable life skills for dealing with common challenges in families today.
“How Can You Read This? There are No Pictures in It.” Gaston
Secretary and Bylaws Basics
Room: Vista Norte
Presenters: Tami Baker, NMPTA Secretary and Juanita Silva, NMPTA Office Manager
Join us in this two-part workshop where we will discuss the duties of a unit secretary and answer questions about
bylaws. In Part 1, learn secretary responsibilities, as well as tips for taking minutes. In Part 2, we will talk about how
to properly amend your unit’s bylaws and answer a few frequently asked questions about the rules that govern our
3:15-4:00 General Session 6
 Election ion of Nomination Committee
 2016 Convention Video
 Door Prizes
Special Recognition
New Mexico PTA introduced an all new PTA awards program for 2015-2016 based on the National
Standards for Family-School Partnerships and encouraged all New Mexico PTA schools to submit
entries in one or more categories. Winners receive 2 free registrations to convention and the opportunity
to share their programs in workshops.
Standard #2
Communicating Effectively:
Osuna Elementary PTA
Standard #3
Supporting Student Success:
Osuna Elementary PTA
Standard #4
Speaking Up for Every Child:
Gadsden Middle School PTSA
Standard #5 Sharing Power:
Capitan PTA
The NMPTA gives one school in each Region an award of $200.00 for
having 75% of the previous year’s total membership by September 30th.
North Region: Country Club Elementary PTA
Central Region: Colinas Del Norte Elementary PTA
South Region: Berrendo Elementary PTA
Each course certificate submitted by an individual was entered into a drawing for a free night’s stay at
the Marriott Hotel.
Winner: Michael Reynolds, Carlsbad Early College High School PTSA
Each local unit PTA that submitted at least one course certificate per elected officer was entered into a
drawing for a free Four-Pack Registration to the 101st Annual State PTA convention.
Winner: Coronado Elementary PTA, Albuquerque
For every additional 16 members reported from February 1 through March 31, 2016 a local unit PTA
received one entry into a drawing for $160.
Winner: Chaparral Elementary PTA, Albuquerque
Fall 2015
Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School PTA, Rio Rancho
Bellehaven Elementary PTA, Albuquerque
Puesta Del Sol Elementary PTA , Rio Rancho
Spring 2016
Eagle Nest PTA, Eagle Nest
Special Recognition
Rio Costilla Community PTA, Rio Costilla
Truman Middle School PTSA, Albuquerque
Montezuma Elementary, Albuquerque
Joe Stanley Smith Elementary Carlsbad
New this Year!
In keeping with the New Mexico PTA’s mission to initiate, support, enrich and advocate for the critical role
of adult involvement in the education and life experiences of children throughout the state of New Mexico,
the Land of Enchantment PTA Scholarship is awarded to a graduating high school senior with a history of
advocating for others in their school or community.
Winner: Melanie Staten, La Cueva High School PTSA
Special Recognition
Congratulations to PTA Units with Increased Membership
in 2015-2016
21st Century Public Academy PTA
Alice King Community School PTA
Atalaya Elementary PTA
Bellehaven Elementary PTA
CHS Cavemen Baseball Boosters PTA
CHS Cross Country Boosters PTA
CHS Volleyball Boosters PTA
Chaparral Elementary ABQ PTA
Christine Duncan Heritage Academy PTA
Cleveland Middle School PTA
Comanche Elementary PTA
Coral Community Charter School PTA
Cottonwood Classical PTA
Country Club Elementary PTA
Eagle Nest Elementary PTA
Eagle Ridge Middle School PTA
Early Childhood Educational Center PTA
Early College High School PTSA
Eisenhower Middle School PTA
El Dorado Elementary PTA
Ernest Stapleton Elementary PTA
Governor Bent Elementary PTA
Helen Cordero Elementary PTA
Joe Stanley Smith Elementary PTA
Lew Wallace Elementary PTA
Longfellow Elementary PTA
MAS Charter School PTA
Matheson Park Elementary PTA
Mission Avenue Elementary PTA
Monterrey Elementary PTA
Mountain Elementary PTA
Nex+Gen Academy PTA
Onate Elementary PTA
Osuna Elementary PTA
Pecos Elementary PTA
Petroglyph Elementary PTA
RFK Charter High School PTSA
Rio Grande High School PTSA
Rio Rancho Elementary PTA
Riverside Elementary PTA
Sandia Base Elementary PTA
Sierra Vista Elementary PTA
Taos Integrated School for the Arts PTA (TISA)
Ventana Ranch Elementary PTA
Reflections Winners
“Let Your Imagination Fly”
2013-2014 NMPTA Reflections Winners
Delaney Davis, Grade 2
SY Jackson Elementary School
“Let Your Imagination Fly”
Karin Lujan, Grade 5
SY Jackson Elementary School
“Imagination Fly”
Carolina Valverde
La Cueva High School
“Better When I’m Dancing”
Adrian Vargas, Grade 2
SY Jackson Elementary School
“A Butterfly’s Dream”
Alexander Gurrrieri, Grade 5
Georgia O’Keefe Elem School
“Out in Space”
Jordan Chavez, Grade 8
LBJ Middle School
“An Imaginative Mind”
Ava Wagonman, Grade 2
SY Jackson Elementary School
“A Land Far Away”
Sammy Yassin, Grade 5
Georgia O’Keefe Elem School
“I Let My Imagination Fly With Drones”
Ophelia Dimkoff, Grade 8
Eisenhower Middle School
“Soaring Over a Cerulean Summer”
William McGlumphy, Grade 2
SY Jackson Elementary School
“Let Your Mind Run Wild”
Dylan Smith, Grade 4
North Star Elementary School
Bailee Baca, Grade 6
Eisenhower Middle School
“Dance of the Fireflies”
Lillian Southward, Grade 2
SY Jackson Elementary School
“Flying With My Duck!”
Ella Dowding, Grade 5
SY Jackson Elementary School
Ruya Nelson, Grade 6
Eisenhower Middle School
“Dream Catcher”
Samira Nelson, Grade 2
Georgia O’Keefe Elem School
“My Book of Imagination”
Irene Xue, Grade 5
Georgia O’Keefe Elem School
“Floating Away”
Andy Liu, Grade 6
Eisenhower Middle School
“Let Your Mind Run Free”
Friday Breakfast Sponsor
Kenneth brown ad here
please be sure to keep the Friday Breakfast
Sponsor title on the top of this page. Thanks!
Friday Lunch Sponsor
Saturday Breakfast Sponsor
Saturday Lunch Sponsor
Convention Sponsors and Exhibitors
UpDATED 4 27 1:00 pm
Hinkle Family Fun Center
Colleen Wyatt
12931 Indian School Road, NE
Albuquerque, NM 87112
Association Insurance Management
Elgin Allen
8144 Walnut Hill Lane #1500
Dallas, TX 75231
Jon Adams
6101 Signal Ave NE
Suite A
Albuquerque, NM 87113
Kenneth Brown Photography
Rebecca Brown
1200 Lobo Canyon Road
Grants, NM 87020
M J Thomas Photography
Stephen Pugh
5602 Dona Ana Loop NE
Rio Rancho, NM 87114
Mountain America Federal Credit Union
Joseph Ramirez
9200 Golf Course Road
Albuquerque, NM 87114
Moms Demand Action (Everytown for
Gun Safety Support)
Maggie Byers
11112 Bellamah Ave NE
Albuquerque, NM 87112
WATCH D.O.G.S (Dads of Great Students)
Keith Schumacher
1600 W Sunset Ave
Suite B
Springdale, AR 72762
Nusenda Credit Union
Hena Torres
P O Box 8530
Albuquerque, NM 87198
5 Star Fundraising
Carlos Baca
7416 Longview Drive, NW
Albuquerque, NM 87120
Parents Reaching Out
Naomi Sandweiss
1920 B Columbia Dr Se
Albuquerque, NM 87106
Community Support
Barbara MacDonald
5553 Lilac Place NE
Rio Rancho, NM 87144
Grand Canyon University
Cynthia Kotfila
3300 W. Camelback Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85017
Duke Family Business
Steven Duke
1926 Belmont Blvd.
Abilene, TX 79602
NASA Space Place
Nancy Leon
4800 Oak Grove Drive, M/S 201-101
Pasadena, CA 91109-8099
Special Thanks
NMPTA Reflections
Gives special thanks to the following sponsors:
New Mexico PTA thanks Technology Integration Group for their generous donation of
the Promethean Board and equipment for use at the 2016 NMPTA Convention.