TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER peyak aski kikawinaw Report to Donors 2014-2015 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT T his past year was a landmark one for the University of Regina because we launched a new strategic plan. Entitled peyak aski kikawinaw, which in the Cree language means “We are one with Mother Earth,” this strategic plan is centred on the idea that “Together, we are stronger.” peyak aski kikawinaw has three main areas of priority: Student Success, Research Impact, and Commitment to Our Communities. In addition, it has two overarching themes – Indigenization and Sustainability – that will be central to our academic mission in the years to come. Over the past year, as donors you have made meaningful contributions to the University of Regina, and in doing so, you are helping us realize the objectives of our new strategic plan for the benefit of students and communities in Saskatchewan, across Canada, and around the world. As the University of Regina moves into the next phase of its development – with record enrolments, exciting new programs, and a strong vision for the future – we will continue working with our donors to educate the next generation of leaders in Saskatchewan and beyond. Dr. Vianne Timmons President and Vice-Chancellor The renewal of our historic College Avenue campus will remain a priority as we expand our outreach in the wider community. Developing new scholarships and bursaries will be critical as we work to make a University of Regina education accessible to everyone, including Canada’s Aboriginal students who have traditionally been underserved in our country’s education system. And we will do our utmost to ensure that we continue to have affordable tuition, relevant programs, and world-class facilities for our students. As a supporter of the University of Regina, you understand that “Together, we are stronger.” Thank you for belief in the University of Regina and our students. Report to Donors 2014-2015 1 STUDENT AID Aspiring students apply to the University of Regina in search of their dream of becoming a successful professional. Scholarships, awards and bursaries have made those dreams possible because of your generosity. Between May 2014 and April 2015, nearly 5,100 students were awarded more than $7 million in student support. You have ignited a passion for Aboriginal student support this past year by raising $75,050 in support for the Neekaneewak Leadership and Oma Program. Over 4,000 students have participated in and benefited from these programs. The students were able to experience mentorship and workshops to propel them forward through their academic career. The programs will continue to support and provide the tools necessary to cultivate our future leaders. THANK YOU! I rely on support to reduce my financial burdens and receiving assistance has allowed me to concentrate on my research. Your generosity has inspired me to help others by giving back to the community and I hope I will be able to help other students achieve their goals just as you have helped me. - Yan Zhang With not a lot of income coming in, the scholarship really helped to reduce student loan debt… it was a huge burden off our shoulders. Donating to the University gives mature adults going back to school an opportunity where there may not have been one before financially. - Marie Hyde (& Daughter), Undergraduate Student, Faculty of Arts Report to Donors 2014-2015 2 THE COLLEGE AVENUE CAMPUS RENEWAL PROJECT Our vision for the renewal of our College Avenue Campus is ambitious – to build upon the legacy left to us by the citizens of our province more than a century ago. It has remained an important part of the economic, educational, and cultural life of our province, and will continue to do so with generous support from our donors. Please help us continue to provide programming in the heart of Regina. This place is incredible. Everyone would benefit from a renewed College Avenue Campus. Daylene Sliz, Student, Centre for Continuing Education College Avenue Campus, 1911 Report to Donors 2014-2015 3 WHY WE GIVE This campus helped us to settle our lives in Regina. I felt it was time for us to give back. - Renu Kapoor A donation to the University of Regina will help revitalize the campus to a space that inspires students to create, grow and develop. - Margaret Anne Hodges Education in general is extremely important not only to the individuals who are educated but their ability to play a constructive role in society. - Dr. Bev Robertson A donation was a way for me to invest in my future but also the future of other students coming to the University. - Olivia Arnal Undergraduate Student, Faculty of Business Administration Report to Donors 2014-2015 4 YOUR DONATIONS IMPROVE OUR UNIVERSITY The programming affects everything from the conservatory, to people who are 6 years old, to the lifelong learning centre, to people who are 90 years plus. The community connection is really strong on campus. - Neil Paskewitz Director of Planning, Design and Construction At the University of Regina we excel in research impact and international research collaborations and we are ranked number one in the category among comprehensive universities. - Dr. David Malloy Vice-President (Research) Report to Donors 2014-2015 5 YOUR GIFTS MAKE A DIFFERENCE Scholarships have helped my academic pursuit by allowing me to focus on my studies. - Austin Rosom Undergraduate Student, Faculty of Engineering & Applied Science The scholarships I have received have helped me to focus on my research and TA work. - Oscar Vila Graduate Student, Faculty of Kinesiology & Health Studies Report to Donors 2014-2015 6 NEW AWARDS • Award for Advanced Investigations in Health and Well Being • Award for Advanced Investigations in Science and Technology • Award for Advanced Investigations in Society and the Human Condition • Against The Odds: Faculty of Nursing Dean’s Awards • Association of Exploration Geochemists Scholarship in Geology • Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy Robertson Scholarship • Biology Undergraduate and Graduate Society Graduate Scholarship • Brian Leipert Rams Awards • Charles Bruce McPherson Bursary • Charles Bruce McPherson First Nations University of Canada Bursary • CIC Aboriginal Bursary • Co-operators Life Insurance Company Actuarial Science Award • Crystal Heisler McGregor Memorial Award • Douglas and Margaret Cuddington Scholarship in Kinesiology and Health Studies • Douglas and Margaret Cuddington Scholarship in The Faculty of Business Administration • Douglas and Margaret Cuddington Scholarship in The Faculty of Science • Dr. Allan Smith Chemistry Scholarship • Dr. Bonnie Dupont Women Inspiring Leadership Award • Dr. Jack Mollard Sensing the Earth Scholarship • Dr. Sheila Dresen Prize in Nursing • Faculty of Nursing Dean’s Medal • Faculty of Social Work Dean’s Medal Rick Uhrich was a friend of so many people, and education was very important to him. Establishing an award honours his memory and pays tribute to his legacy. Report to Donors 2014-2015 7 NEW AWARDS • Friedrich “Fred” Steininger Graduate Entrance Scholarship In Canadian History and Political Science • G. Murray and Edna Forbes Foundation Scholarships in Music Performance • Helen Janzen Toews Award for Mature Students • Hillberg & Berk Foundation Award • Indigenous Undergraduate Engineering and Science Student Research Award Program • ISM Canada Computer Science & Technology Project Award • Jack Partridge Music Scholarship • Joan and Norman Beirnes Scholarship • John Griffiths Memorial Entrance Scholarship • Johnsie Christina McPherson Bursary • Marilyn (Stockton) Truscott Memorial Scholarship in Nursing • Maurice Neitzel Awards • The Miklos F. Barabas, P.Eng. Graduate Scholarship • Mr. K.L Kwong Memorial Scholarship in Ethics • Ottenbreit Award in Business Administration • Ruby and Richard Mitchell Scholarship in Visual Arts • Saskatchewan Registered Nurses’ Association Gold Medal For Excellence in Clinical Practice • SK High School Business Case Competition Awards • SPE Canadian Educational Trust Fund (SPECET) Awards • Kate Davis Scholarship in Curatorial Studies With the help of scholarships, I can sit in the classroom with a relaxed mind; not thinking about how to pay for tuition fees, rent and other bills. All I can say to all the kindhearted donors out there is a big THANK YOU for making my dreams come true. Johannita N. L. Mills-Beale Graduate Student, Social Work/Sociology Report to Donors 2014-2015 8 OUR DONORS $1000+ M M M Monthly Donors Deceased 1911 Society AB Sciex LP Lois Barlow-Wilson & Malcolm Wilson Access Communications Co-operative Limited Barr Engineering Co Pannikote Achyuthan Basketball Saskatchewan Inc. UR Business Students' Society Elizabeth Begley Estate of Daisy I. Agnew Norman & Joan* Beirnes Syed Ahmed Belmont Scolarship Society All About Smiles Family Dentistry Luigi & Koragod Benedicenti All-Rite Plumbing and Heating Ltd Rhonda Benoit Allan Widger Consulting Corp. Chris Biegler Terry L. Allen Marion Billings Marilee Allerdings Bio-Rad Laboratories Canada Ltd. Alliance Energy / Sun Electric (1975) Ltd. Biology Undergraduate and Graduate Students Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan Society Ancare Corp Cam & Dongyan Blachford Albert A. Andersen, Marion Scribner Andersen* M David Bloom & In-Suk Kim M Jack & Jean* Boan M Bob Anderson M Maureen Boesch M Bruce Anderson M Thom Boivin M Kevin Anderson Boundary Consumers Co-operative Ltd Lucie Anderson Elaine & Paul Bourassa M Shirley Andrist M Emmet Boyle Lois Appleton Daphne Bramham Gary Appleyard Jay Branch Arcas Strategic Marketing Group M Anne and Mark Brigham M Daniel Ash Alexander Brown M Judith Ash Bland & Dorothy Brown Assiniboia Lodge #49 Dorothy Brown Association Des Universites de la Francophonie J. Orrison* & Rosemarie Burgess Canadienne M M M Barbara Byers Association of Professional Engineers & CAA Saskatchewan Geoscientists of Saskatchewan (APEGS) CGI Information Systems Greg Bamford and Christie Fessler CIBC The Estate of Miklos F. Barabas CMA Canada (Saskatchewan) Lloyd* & Duna Barber Calgary Achievement Centre for Youth Beverley Barlow Martin Callaghan Report to Donors 2014-2015 9 OUR DONORS $1000+ Michael Cameron M M Deceased 1911 Society Andrea Czinkota Frank Darke The Canadian Club of Regina Lia Darke Canadian Hemophilia Society John A. Davies Canadian Western Agribition Steve Dech Captive Audience M Laura Deren Daniel Carr M Wanda Kontak Deschamps & Ryan Deschamps Livia Castellanos Therese Dibble Dr. Lynn Cavanagh Glen Dowling Clare Uhrich & Jesse Uhrich Terry Downie M Glen Downton Christine & Thomas Chase Homes by Dream A Female Geological PhD Graduate Cara Driscoll Marcus Cherland M Joseph* & Margaret Dufour Meredith Cherland M Paulette Dull Cherry Hill Developments Dream Asset Management Corporation Children's Aid Foundation Dunnington Black Consulting Dr. Gail Chin Don & Joan Stanley Fund at Edmonton City of Regina Community Foundation Randy Clark Education Matters Jim Clarke Bob & Barbara Ellard Valerie Clarke Lee & Alison Elliott Co-operators Life Insurance Company Enactus Canada Terry G. Coleman Enbridge Inc. Conexus Credit Union Enerplus Corporation Lidia & Petru Costa-Muresan Enterprise Holdings Costco Wholesale Canada Ltd M Jennifer Erbach Cougar Hockey Alumni Inc Ernst & Young LLP University of Regina Cougar Women's Hockey Art Exner Alumni Farm Credit Canada Saros Cowasjee M M Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers John* & Marcella Chamberlain M Monthly Donors M Elsie Feuring Donna Cowley Fidelity Charitable Gift fund Crown Investments Corporation Financial Executives International, Regina Valerie Crowther Chapter Douglas & Margaret Cuddington Fine Line Drywall Report to Donors 2014-2015 10 OUR DONORS $1000+ Monthly Donors Deceased Leanne Fischer Greystone Managed Investments Inc. Fisher Scientific Company Ltd Don Hall and Andrea Wagner Football Saskatchewan Estate of John Hamill M Gillian Forrester Margaret A. Hammond M Lillian Forsythe M 1911 Society Kelly Handerek Caitlin Fowler Joe Harrington Dr. Frank Fowlie The Hill Companies Franklin Templeton Investments Wanda Hayes Freedom 55 Financial, a division of London Life Doug & Melanie Heenan Insurance Company Elizabeth Heidt Dr. Jean & Bill* Freeman Katherine Heinrich & Brian Alspach Miriam Friedman Joan Helmsing Dr. Gerald & Norma Fuller Helmsing Consulting Inc. Norma Fuller Lana Henry G. Murray and Edna Forbes Foundation Graeme Hepworth & Sandra Hepworth GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences Inc. Heritage Ventures Inc. M Lee Gates Hillberg & Berk Foundation M Evelynn Gaucher The Hillis Family Gene's Ltd. Margaret Anne Hodges and Edward Willett Thomas Gentles Patricia G. Hoffos Estate of Isabelle George Grant* & Elizabeth Holden M M George Reed Foundation M Herta Holle* In Memory of Gale Thomas Glenn M Ron Hopkinson Ursula Goldenbaum Arthur Goldman* M M Ken Howland The Goldman Family Hudson Bay Mining & Smelting Co. Ltd Goodwill Golf Tournament Gladys Huget Dave Gore M Cal Hopp M S. Humphries & G. Lawrence Robert Gosselin Paul Hunt Gracom Masonry LP Garson Hunter University of Regina Graduate Students' Heather Hunter Association M Dr. Esam Hussein Gloria & Don Gray ISM Canada Great-West Life, London Life and Canada Life Illumina Canada Inc. david Gregory Estate of Margaret Inglis Report to Donors 2014-2015 11 OUR DONORS $1000+ M M M Deceased Innovation Place Knight Automotive Group International Scholarship and Tuition Services Knowledge First Foundation Inc Dorothy Knowles Perehudoff Investors Group Financial Services Inc. John Konoff Dr. Kathleen Irwin Kevin Krahn Isomass Scientific Drs. Don & Claire Kramer Dale E. Jackman Tracy Kuhtz Neil Jacoby & Karen Brown Linda Kupp M Mussa Ahmed & Laurel LaBar-Ahmed Brent L. Janke M Dianne Landry Jay's Moving and Storage Ltd. M Brian Laville M. Sharon Jeannotte M Alan & Donella Law Jeld-Wen of Canada Ltd M S Humphries & G Lawrence Leah Lawrence Alison Jestadt M Dr. June E. LeDrew & W. Rey Epema, Erin S. Doug Johnson LeDrew Epema & Jacob H. Epema LeDrew Dave Johnstone Mike Lennox Constance M. Jones* Level 10 Fitness Dr. M. Evelyn Jonescu Kenneth Levene K + S Potash Canada M John E. Kearsey Kelly Keen Denise Lindenbach Sandi Logan M Reta Love Brenda Kerr Linda Luhning Richard Kies MNP LLP M Harvey King and Tracy Kuhtz Morris MacDonald M Dr. Stephen King MacKenzie Infant Care Centre M Debbie Kinzel M Pamela Klein M Denise Ketcheson Dr. Edward Klopoushak Katherine MacPherson Charlene Klyne Doug MacRae Martin Klyne D.C. Malloy & V.L. Sluth Jenelle Knaus M Marion MacLean Amber MacLeod David & Louise Klaassen M 1911 Society James R. Hoffa Memorial Scholarship Fund John Deere Foundation of Canada M Monthly Donors M Joyce Knee William (Bill) Knight Report to Donors 2014-2015 Yvonne & Stuart Mann Lorelee Manning M John & Nina* Mantle 12 OUR DONORS $1000+ M Scott Naylor Marjorie Mason Brian Neibrandt Benjamin Matheson Estate of Maurice Neitzel M Dr. Ernie & Karen Nicholls Bruce McCannel Scott Nicholson McDougall Gauley LLP Linda Hystuen M Paul McGregor Richard & Bernadette McIntyre M Brian O'Hara OfficeMax Grand & Toy M Enyinnah Okere Nicole McKell Old Dutch Foods Ltd. Debbie McLellan Stewart Orr Paul & Debbie McLellan P3A (P3Architecture Partnership) David McLennan PCL Group Dr. Dena McMartin M Anne Parker Dianne McNulty Deborah Parson Elizabeth McPhee Chris Pasterfield Estate of Charles Bruce McPherson Pattison Outdoor Advertising M Darla McWilliams M Patricia R. Patton M Dr. Aldene Meis Mason M Wes D. Pearce & Brett A. Waytuck MNP LLP M Hiedi Pearson Donald & Norma Millard M Miranda Pearson Norma Millard M Bruce Peberdy Miller Well Servicing M Eddy Pedersen M Pat Miller-Schroeder Mark Penny Estate of Ruby Faye Mitchell Edwin Perry Dr. Ken Mitchell Petroleum Technology Research Centre Inc. Dr. Jack & Mary Jean Mollard M 1911 Society John Neudorf Mark & Tracey Mazur Neil McGregor & Pamela McGregor M Deceased Manulife Financial Dr. Harvey G. Mazinke M Monthly Donors M Verda Petry Hazel Morris Laura Pettigrew Miguel Morrissette Sheila Petty & I. R. Vaughn Borden Moving Forward Together M Richard Phaneuf M Danielle Myers Dr. Ann Phillips M Loanne Myrah Phillips, Hager & North Investment Miles Nachbaur Management Ltd. National Sport Trust Fund Report to Donors 2014-2015 M Joanne (Wakabayashi) Pomalis 13 OUR DONORS $1000+ Monthly Donors Deceased 1911 Society PotashCorp David Ryson Stephen Powell S & P Robotics Inc. Prairie Valley School Division # 208 SEPW Architecture Inc. Don & Lorraine Promhouse SPE Canadian Educational Trust Fund Prominent Homes Charitable Organization Ltd Saskatchewan Amateur Wrestling Association M Linda Purves Saskatchewan Association for Community M Nicole Putz (Schwartz) Living Inc. Queen City Vending Corporation SGI M Dr. William & Elsie May Quick Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation M Stuart Quinn Association Inc. Quinte Children's Foundation SaskPower Raymond Quon Saskatchewan Roughriders Football Club Rawlco Radio (980 CJME, Z99 FM, Jack FM) Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation Raymond James Canada Foundation SaskTel Dr. W.F. & Frances Ready Saskatchewan Trucking Association Maria Reardon Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association Laura & Gary Redhead (Redhead Equipment Saskatchewan Volleyball Association Ltd.) Sask Volleyball Officials Regina & District Chamber of Commerce Saskatchewan Track & Field Association Regina Christophers SaskEnergy Regina Engineering Society Saskatchewan Association of Human Resource Regina Engineering Students' Society Professionals Regina Multicultural Association Saskatchewan Athletic Therapists Association Regina Musical Club Saskatchewan Blue Cross Rhys Renouf SaskGaming Christopher & Erica Riggs Saskatchewan Hockey Association Ritenburg & Associates Ltd. Saskatchewan Soccer Association Dr. Roberta M. McKay & Elmer E. Brenner Saskatchewan Workers' Compensation Board Estate of Robert Gordon Robertson Saskatoon Community Foundation Mary B. Rollefson* Dr. Lawrence (Larry) Saxton Mary Ross Nova Scheidt Terry Ross Leonard Schein M Rotave Sanitation Service M M Kate McCannel Rougham Enterprises Inc Rose E. Schmalz Stan Ruecker Lizann Schneider Report to Donors 2014-2015 14 OUR DONORS $1000+ M Monthly Donors Deceased 1911 Society Dale & Janet Schoffer Superannuated Teachers of Saskatchewan Scholarship America Regina Chapter The Schumacher-Fischer Family M Scientifica Ltd. Dr. Diane Secoy Smith Jack Sures & Cara Driscoll Gregory & Dianne Swanson M Cheryl Sweet Ken Selinger Swim Saskatchewan Inc. M Cindy Senko Bela Szabados and Heather Hodgson M Gina Senko Susan Szucki M Jacqueline Senko TD Bank Group M Lorraine Senko Meloche Monnex Inc. Serbu Sand & Gravel Ltd. Tallman Geological Consulting Keisha Sharp Donald K. Taylor Connie Shevkenek Taylor Automotive Group Doreen Shore Teamsters Canada Rail Conference M M M Peter Shortall M Pauline Tessier Dr. Morris* & Dr. Jacqui Shumiatcher The Mitsui Canada Foundation Dr. William Shurniak The South Saskatchewan Community Shuya Physio Prof. Corp. Foundation Inc. Laurel Siddons M Andrew Thomas Colleen Slater-Smith Michael Thomas M Anne Smith Burke Thornton M Dr. William Smythe M Dr. Vianne Timmons & Stuart Mason Raquelle Sonntag M Alison Tkach Estate of Carol Southam* M Sarah Tkachuk Christopher Spence Drs. Lynn & Jim Tomkins Gerald Sperling Elsie Toupich M Barbara Leete Stange Donna Trachsel M Christine Stapleton & Chuck McMahon M William Trowsdale Mark & Janice Stefan Karen Adair Truscott Stinnen Holdings Inc. United Way of Greater Toronto Styles Family Foundation University of Alberta Sun Life Financial University of Regina Alumni Association Suncor Energy Foundation University of Regina Faculty Association (URFA) Superannuated Teachers of Saskatchewan University of Regina Womens' Centre Andrew Urzada Report to Donors 2014-2015 15 OUR DONORS $1000+ Monthly Donors Deceased Chelsea Valois Michael Whyte Douglas* & Patricia Vandenberghe Gordon & Ardella* Wicijowski Viterra Inc Timothy Wicijowski M Rachel C. Vogel Patrick Wickenhauser M Maureen A. Voss M Gerod Wiens Arthur & Marjorie Wakabayashi M Dr. Kay C. Wiese M M M Walker Wood Foundation Wilco Contractors Southwest Inc. Dr. Kathleen Wall Mr. Zane Wilcox Katherine Ward David & Shirley Wilson Darlene B. Ware Malcolm Wilson Merv & Cathy Warner Edwin S. Y. Wong Trevor Weist Elaine Wood Jill Wellman Sr. Yara Belle Plaine Inc. John Wellman Gerald Youzwa Leslie Wellman M Darrel M. Zary Dick Wellman M Monica Zasada Dr. Donald Wells 1911 Society Jill & Michael Zimmermann Dorothy M. Wenzel M Ron Zukowsky Cam Werner M Erin Gates & Cameron Werner M Pat Werner Wheaton Family Wheaton Automotive Ltd Wheaton Chevrolet Hummer Inc. M Catherine White M Dr. Judy White Anonymous Donations (Fiscal Year ending Apr. 30/15) $225,799 THANK YOU! Report to Donors 2014-2015 16 For more information, contact University of Regina, External Relations: 3737 Wascana Parkway, Regina, SK S4S 0A2 Phone: (306) 585-4024 | Email: | For more information on the financial statements, please visit