April Newsletter - Child Evangelism Fellowship of Lackawanna


April Newsletter - Child Evangelism Fellowship of Lackawanna
Child Evangelism Fellowship of
Lackawanna County, Inc.
Affiliated with Child Evangelism Fellowship of Eastern PA, Inc.
Office at Faith Baptist Church, 545 Keystone Ave., Peckville, PA 18452
ceflackawanna@gmail.com ♦ www.ceflackawanna.org ♦ (570) 614-3553
Wayne McLeod~Acting Director ♦ Linda Titus~Ministry Assistant
Goodbye and Ministry Updates
Dear Friend,
I write you with a sad heart remembering
you and this ministry with fond memories.
Paul writes in Philippians 1:3, “I thank my
God upon every remembrance of you….”
As I think of day camps, school programs,
church visits, and friends I cannot help but
give thanks for all that God has blessed me
with in the last 2 1/2 years in Lackawanna
County. Thank you for your faithful
prayers and gifts that have enabled this
ministry to continue. I look forward to
hearing how God is working in Lackawanna
County in the future.
Gifts Given in
Memory of
Esther Janes
April Holden
“Miss Ginny”
Lenny & Judy
at www.ceflackawanna.org. If you don’t
have a child at home, please give the
enclosed flyer to someone else who
could use it.
We need 5-Day Club locations for this
summer. 5-Day Clubs are held Monday
through Friday (except the week of July
4th they will be 4 days) for 1 hour each
day. You invite the children and our
summer missionaries teach them of Jesus.
We also need camp staff to serve in our
two camps this summer. We have a
I’m asking you to consider giving to CEF of camp July 11-15 at Missionary Retreat
Lackawanna, if you aren’t already. We
Fellowship in Mount Cobb. We also
need regular finances to keep the ministry
have a great need for staff at our Clarks
going. We also need special money given
Summit Camp at Heritage Baptist Church
to our summer fund and camp
July 25-29. We need counselors, craft
sponsorships. We have at least one
leaders, game time leaders, and nurses. If
summer missionary right now and are
you would like to help in any of these
praying for a second. Please give to make it areas, please let us know.
possible to reach children in Lackawanna
County this summer.
In Christ,
Please use the enclosed flyer to sign your
child up for camp or register them online
June 27-July 1 = 5-Day Clubs
July 5-8 = 5-Day Clubs
July 11-15 = Missionary Retreat Day Camp
July 18-22 = 5-Day Clubs
July 25-29 = Clarks Summit Day Camp
August 1-5 = 5-Day Clubs
Please register online through our website or use the
enclosed camp flyer.