December 2015


December 2015
Beth Shalom Synagogue
A Reform Synagogue that Honors Tradition
December 2015 • Adar/Nisan 5776
9111 Jefferson Highway
Baton Rouge, LA 70809-2496
1st Vice Pres.
2nd Vice Pres.
Men’s Club
Mark Glickman
Dale Maas
Karen Ceppos
Mark Hausmann
Michael Cherry
Michelle Levy
Diane Dean
Robin Fletcher
John Carlson
Regular Features
Rabbi’s Message
President’s Corner
Notes from Religious School
Sisterhood News
Greetings from Rayner Center 4
BaRTY News
Special Events
Announcements & Reminders 10
Please see our pull-out calendar for
dates and times of services, special
meetings, Religious and Hebrew School
schedules. Also on the calendar are
candlelighting times, weekly parshiot,
as well as congregational birthdays,
anniversaries and yahrzeits.
Volume 78.04
Christmas Comes Late This Year
“Chanukah comes early this year,” I’ve heard
people saying about the upcoming holiday. “It
starts the night of December 6.” “Last year,”
the same calendar mavens continue, “Chanukah
didn’t start until later – December 16.” “And in
2016,” they tell us, “Chanukah doesn’t start until
really late – Christmas Eve, December 24.”
Well I hate to tell you, folks, but in reality
Chanukah starts the very same night this year as
it did last year, and the very same night as next
year, too. This year and all years, Chanukah starts on the 25th of Kislev. Like
What I find odd is how Christmas comes at a different time each year. This year
it’s on the 13th of Tevet, last year it was on the 3rd of Tevet, and next year it will
be on the 25th of Kislev – the first day of Chanukah. I don’t know how those
Christians keep it straight!
Our Jewish calendar does seem perplexing at times. A year has 12 months, but
sometimes 13. It also has 354 days, unless it has 355 or 353…and about thirty
days more than that during the years with 13 months.
So complicated is the Jewish calendar that during the Middle Ages there developed
a whole genre of Jewish calendar literature – sifre evronot – focused on calculating
the times of New Months and New Years and festivals and all the rest. It involved
not only analysis of Jewish law, but also the complex mathematics, astronomy and
physics needed to work out the Jewish calendar with all the necessary precision.
In 922 CE two rabbis disagreed about the significance of a 13-minute period of
time on our calendar, and the ensuing controversy threatened to tear the Jewish
people in two. Really.
I just taught an adult education course at our synagogue about the Jewish calendar.
Ten or so students attended – all very intelligent people – and about 20 minutes
into the course, their eyes began glazing over in confusion. (My own eyes didn’t
glaze until about five minutes later.)
Bewildering as it might be, however, the Jewish calendar is the way we Jews have
counted our days for a long, long time. It’s what binds us together as a people
and helps us structure our understanding of the universe. One reason it can be
so difficult for us – not to mention our non-Jewish friends and neighbors – to
understand it is simply because here in the United States, we Jews go by two
different calendars – our own Jewish one, and the secular Gregorian one. And
those two calendars rarely sync up very well at all.
continued on page 3
Shabbat Does Not End Friday Night
. . . Saturday is Shabbat, Too!
The President’s Corner
and birds, six – animals and humans. We were last. That is
how important God’s work of nature was and is. It is sacred;
it is Devine.
I love the outdoors. When I was younger, thinner, and
moved more agile, I used to love backpacking and mountain
climbing. Frankly, my most spiritual moments occurred
while I was in the back country. Have you ever hiked to a
place where there was no one for miles around? I remember,
once in Canada, hiking to a back country lake, on the way, a
friend and I sat by deep chasm and I remember likening life
to hiking. If we stay on a trail, we don’t destroy the beautiful
flowers along the trail. If we remain on the trail of life, we
don’t destroy our own.
In Ecclesiasts Rabbah 7:13, God lead Adam through the
Garden of Eden and said, “Behold my works, see how
beautiful they are, how excellent! All that I have created,
for your sake, did I create it. See to it that you do not spoil
and destroy my World, for if you do, there will be no one to
repair it after you”.
Find God in nature. Take a moment to marvel at a flower, a
cloud, a piece of grass. All is from God and we must protect
it and keep it safe. That is our responsibility as being created
in God’s image. In Genesis we learn, “In the beginning, God created the
Heavens and the Earth”. In six days, we learned what
God did. One – life, two – sky, three – Earth, ocean and
vegetation, four – sun, moon and stars, five – fish, insects
Dale Maas
Sisterhood News
As we enter December, Sisterhood wishes everyone at Beth
Shalom a very happy Hanukkah and a joyful conclusion to
2015. We look forward to seeing you at synagogue events
and shopping in the gift shop this month and hope your
latkes are crispy and your sour cream cold.
Deanna Freneaux, Valerie Kaplan, Rachel Hausmann,
Elaine Kaplan, Paula Samuels and Edna Silverman for their
tireless efforts.
Last month, Sisterhood was a big part of the congregational
Nearly New sale. We are excited that the three day sale added
$3,400 to the Synagogue general fund. Big THANK YOUS
to everyone who donated goods, helped sort everything, set
up tables, priced items, baked treats, worked, shopped and
cleaned up the sale afterward.
Upcoming Onegs
We also had a great time at our Painting with a Twist event
in painted a lovely Torah scroll. Thank you to Jessie Martell
for heading up the event.
Recent Events
Hosting Onegs in December are:
Dec. 4 - Ari & Betsy Fisher and Shabaka & Michaelyn
Dec. 11 – Judy Roheim and Steven Paroczay
We are indebted to Laurie Maas, Gail Sherman and Josh
Stephenson for chairing the sale. It could not have run
smoothly without them. Additional special thanks go to
Dec. 18 – Francine Fisher (Peri Smilow weekend)
Lindsey Burton, Secretary
The Brotherhood recently pressure-washed the Synagogue
sign by the street and trimmed the trees around same, and as I
am sure most everyone would agree, the sign is much cleaner
and the view much improved. The next major tasks for the
Brotherhood will be cleaning the driveway drains, parking
lot configuration/lighting and also the carport lighting.
planted cabbage, mustard greens, collard greens, Swiss
chard,lettuce and onions. the onions are already sprouting.
Last but certainly not least, we should all be very much
looking forward to artist-in-residence Peri Smilow joining
us for Shabbat weekend December 18-19 at our Synagogue.
this should be an excellent educational experience, learning
much about Jewish music and maybe even discovering new
music to enrich our services.
The vegetable garden is doing well, as the gardening crew
harvested a large quantity of okra which was donated to the
Food Bank. We did the fall planting in early November, and
Gary Baum
Barfty News
Hey everyone! My name is Eliana Levy and I am the 20152016 BaRFTY Communications Vice President (CVP). This
year BaRFTY is hosting NFTY Southern’s Spring Conclave.
There is lots of planning and preparations going into this
event to make it the most fun and successful event yet.
NFTY So stands for National Federation of Temple Youth
Southern region. There are four events total in a year where
Jewish teens from all over the south register for a weekend of
fun and learning surrounded by other Jewish teens. Out of the
four events, two of them are hosted in certain cities by that
city’s TYG, or Temple Youth Group. This year Baton Rouge
has been selected to host Spring Conclave from April 8-10,
As I mentioned before, there is lots of planning going into
this event and the preparations start now! BaRFTY has
been brainstorming and planning some fundraising ideas
to help raise the money to pay for food, transportation, and
merchandise. The details of upcoming fundraisers will come
soon! If you have a child in BaRFTY, we would love for you
to encourage them to participate in not just this event, but all
NFTY Southern events! They are so much fun and a great
way to make lifelong friends. There are also committee sign
ups happening now as well.
• Religious- headed by Ari Hoffman. This group
will create religious and cultural activities and assist
in t’filot events.
• Programming- headed by Benny Meltzer. This
committee will prepare innovative programs for our
youth including finding the perfect place for each
• Logistics- headed by Nina Jalenak. This
committee will make sure that all food, transportation,
and decorations are taken care of.
• Mitzvah Project- headed by Rachel Posner. This
committee is responsible for the social actions project
the NFTY Southern members will be participating in
throughout the weekend of Spring Conclave.
The committees will have separate meetings to work on their
branch of conclave as the head of the committee decides.
There is extra HOUSING COMMITTEE headed by Maia
Jalenak and Linda Posner. Participants from out of town
usually stay at their friend’s house for the weekend, but if
you have room available at your home and you don’t mind
housing a handful of kids for a weekend that would be great!
Housing entails welcoming teens into your home, feeding
them, giving them a room or two to sleep in, and driving
There are six different committees each headed by a BaRFTY them to and from the synagogues for programming.
board member under the leadership of our Conclave CoChairs; Aaron Posner and Nina Jalenak. The committees and We hope that you will sign up for a committee and help us
out! If there are any questions please feel free to contact
their descriptions are as follows:
me or one of our BaRFTY advisors, Ellen Sager, or Julie
• Social- headed by Max Sager and Eliana Levy.
Hoffman at the numbers below. If you are unable to sign
This committee is responsible for promoting and
up for a committee, please consider making a donation to
encouraging NFTY’s goals and values.
help us make this an amazing event successful for all of our
• Communications & Engagement- headed by Max
friends and to help us show everyone how great our Jewish
Sager and Eliana Levy. This committee will get the
Community is! Thanks so much for all your support!
word about conclave out to the community! They will
also help in communicating with other committees and
Eliana Levy, CVP
helping the event come together in general.
Rabbi’s Message (con’t)
Imagine if you had to wear two wristwatches to tell the time – each of which measured the minutes and hours in different
ways. It would be enough to make you go meshuggenah! But that’s what we American Jews are – a time-bumbled and often
quite meshuggenah group of people, trying to mark our days according to two very different systems of measurement.
Yes, it does make us crazy sometimes, but there’s also something spectacular about these challenges. Here we are, in the
United States of America, counting time right along with our neighbors, and also along with the time-honored rhythms of
the Jewish calendar, always trying to understand one in terms of the other.
That’s the great challenge and the great opportunity of American Jewish life. We wear two beautiful wristwatches, and we
try to figure out how they can tick together.
Remember this as you go through the holiday season, and take pity on your Christmas-celebrating friends who need to wait
ten days longer this year than they did last year in order to celebrate their beautiful winter holiday.
And along the way, have a very happy Chanukah indeed.
Rabbi Mark Glickman
Greetings fromTheRayner Center
November was full of excitement as we learned about
Jewish values, celebrations, and music, fall, fire safety,
story elements (who?, what?, when?, where?, and
why?), Thanksgiving, nutrition, Stone Soup, and we also
participated in a science activity.
In the month of December, we will learn about Hanukkah,
wild animals, shapes, ABCs and 123s, values and manners,
colors, and participate in a science activity. We will have a
visit from the BREC WOW Zoomobile on December 3rd at
10:00am and host our Hanukkah party on December 10th at
We also hosted our Scholastic Book Fair during the week of 10:30am. The children will participate in many fun activities
November 9th. We are always delighted to see our students such as face painting, cookie decorating and several games.
excited about new books and reading. We also had parent/ We would like to take this time to wish Rabbi Glickman,
teacher conferences during this week as well. This was a Rayner’s board members, and Beth Shalom Synagogue’s
great time for both the parents and teachers to pull together board members a Happy Hanukkah, and to express our many
all of their communication throughout the year and share thanks to Rabbi for Tot Shabbat. The children look forward
not only concerns, but also their progress.
to Fridays all week. The interaction between Rabbi and the
During the week of November 16th, the children cleaned children is a joy to watch.
and prepared vegetables to make a delicious pot of Stone
Soup. We hosted our annual Stone Soup on November 19th.
Our Pre K Class helped dish up the Stone Soup, arranged
it on the serving cart, and delivered to each class, all the
teachers, and the office staff. They were proud to have
participated in such a big job, and the staff members were
proud of a “job well done”. Families also donated canned
soup for the Baton Rouge Food Bank during this month.
Please remember school and day care will be closed December
24th, December 25th, and January 1st.
Wishing you a Happy Hanukkah from all of us at the Alfred
G. Rayner Learning Center!
Todah Rabbah, Rabbi Glickman, Steven Winkler, Cathy
Melanson, Rayner Learning Center Board
In light of recent events I would like to share with everyone the bloodshed, but at Hadassah’s hospitals we can stop the
the official comment written by our Hadassah National bleeding.” We will be focusing on this when our volunteers
President, Marcie Natan:
hold our annual Holiday Gift Wrapping from December 6th
Once again, terror has shattered a nation and shocked the world. to the 24th at the Perkins Rowe Barns and Noble. We need
We stand with the people of France and weep for the Parisians and both volunteers to help wrap gifts and volunteers to bring
other victims struck by this tragedy. We hold our colleagues and their gifts by to be wrapped. Please contact Carin Carlson
friends at Hadassah France in our thoughts.
at 225-721-1398 or by email at to
From the hospital where he is tending to the wounded, cardiologist
volunteer. These small fundraising events have helped us to
Prof. Emmanuel Messas, President of Hadassah France, said, “We
are all shocked and horrified by what happened this past Friday help Hadassah to build great things. We once again won the
night in Paris. We have to be unified and strong in France, in the Annual Grassroots Fundraising Award for a chapter of our
Jewish community and in the world. Now more than ever we need size. THANK YOU!
a strong Israel. I take this opportunity to warmly thank Hadassah However, we should never rest on our laurels and build on
for their support. We will continue to work together to support this momentum. So in moving forward I wish to present to
Hadassah Medical Organization which symbolizes a place of you the Slate of the Incoming Board of Executive Officers for
humanity and excellence, working for a better world.”
2016-2017: Co-Presidents: Ruth Katzen & Marilyn Martell,
These attacks are an assault on all of humanity and the universal Co-Vice President of PrAZE (Programing, Advocacy,
value of freedom that we share. We must never stop working Zionism & Education): Linda Weinstein, Treasurer: Paula
towards a world of tolerance and understanding. All of our
Samuels, Recording Secretary: DéAnna Ernst
members and supporters in the US, Israel and throughout the
To bring these new lights into our Chapter, the Installation
world, join me in praying for a world at peace.
of our new Officers will be held December 6th from 12:00
Marcie Natann Hadassah National President
Once again, I must emphasize that Hadassah’s, The Zionist – 2:00 at Ruth and Stan Katzen’s House, 3111 Belle Cherie,
Women’s Organization of America, forte is the building and Baton Rouge, La 70820. The Installation ceremony will
support of our Hospitals and Medical missions that bridge be accompanied by a Bagels and Lox knosh. R.S.V.P. with
all cultures and peoples. Here in Baton Rouge, it seems DéAnna Ernst 225-926-7389 or BatonRougeHadassah@
we are so very small and so very far away but even small
contributions help build big things. At the close of the year We are thankful for all you do to help support Hadassah and
I want to encourage everyone to help us work on building look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events.
Hadassah’s Medical Mission and Vision. “We can’t stop DéAnna Ernst – Outgoing President
Please join my family for this special occassion
as I am called to the Torah as a
Friday, December 25th | Seven p.m.
Saturday, December 26th | Ten a.m.
Oneg (friday) & Kiddush luncheon (saturday) following
Dinner & Dancing | Seven p.m. Saturday night
Beth Shalom Synagogue
9111 Jefferson Hwy | Baton Rouge , LA
Please RSVP to Ronit |
17 Joshua & Rachel Stephenson
29 Donald & Linda Kraft
Benjamin Yaun
Steven Winkler
Matthew Beychok
Michael Ingerman
Bridget Feldbaum
Judy Roheim
Susan Smolinsky
Linda Kraft, Jacob Stephenson
Elianna Smith
Lauren Dewitt, Sadie Weintraub
David Deitch
Derek Brownleader, Edward Gant
Brenda Saltz, Monica Winkler
Leo Schechter
Don Kraft, Gus Levy
Gene Sherman, Jane Hershberg
John Carlson
Alyssa Ingerman
Liz Clubb
Jonah Hoffman
Elizabeth Weltman
David Feldbaum
Ari Hoffman
Daniel Bonadona
Hannah Hausmann
Joseph Kronick
Dec. 4: Crawford Bishop, Lena Meyer,
Sadie Sadikoff, Rosalie Kizelstein, Herman
Lampert, Maria Cuningham, Mattie Gold,
Emile Maas, Marie Feldman, Vicky Fisher,
Hannah Lowentritt, Ethel Schrutt, Gordon
Becnel, Irving Fishman, Theone Klein,
Sarina Piha-Paul
Dec. 11: Robert Cole, Thelma Heyman,
George Hinson, Joseph Tavie Pushker,
Anne Brownleader, Leon Brown, Jessie
Nathanson, A. M. Posner, Julius Raffie,
Morris Watsky, Dr. Myer Epstein, Helen
Goldberg, Ethel Steinman, Esther bat
Yaakov, Leib ben Yaakov
Dec. 18: Edith Bloomberg, Nathan
Chapman, Celia Clemens, Betty Kramer,
Josef Sternberg, Rose Kleiman, Ben Tatar,
Albert Bienn, Joseph Hollander, Joseph
Katz, Meyer Kaplan, Jeannie Kober, Gerson
Saltz, Lawrence Trahan, Julius Aronofsky,
Pete Novik, Alfred Rayner, Belle Reznikoff,
Herbert Weil, Emma Wiessenberg
Dec. 25: Emmett Armel, Hyman
Horowitz, Manfred Sternberg, Ira
Thompson, Anne Lampert, Nina Ginsberg,
Morris Levy, Louis Sharky, Stella Gordon,
Leah Schulman, Jack Shaab, Joshua
Bombet, Polly Flicker, Fannie Goldich,
Pearl Horowitz, Alice Kleinberg, Nita
Lepp, David Pesses, Bernard Carlson, Elek
Markovits, Philip Pesses, Anna Rak, Jennie
Geldman Herskovitz, Sara Loeb, Dora Sklar
17th of Kislev, 5776
9 AM Brotherhood meeting
10 AM Talmud Study
24th of Kislev, 5776
Chanukah: 1 Candle
9 AM Brown Bag Sunday
10 AM Talmud Study
11:30 AM Confirmation
1st of Tevet, 5776
Rosh Chodesh Tevet
10 AM Talmud Study
11:30 AM Confirmation
10 AM Talmud Study
15th of Tevet, 5776
9 AM Brotherhood meeting
10 AM Talmud Study
25th of Kislev, 5776
Chanukah: 2 Candles
2nd of Tevet, 5776
Chanukah: 8th Day
9th of Tevet, 5776
16th of Tevet, 5776
26th of Kislev, 5776
Chanukah: 3 Candles
3rd of Tevet, 5776
7 PM Federation Board
10th of Tevet, 5776
17th of Tevet, 5776
December 2015
27th of Kislev, 5776
Chanukah: 4 Candles
4th of Tevet, 5776
11th of Tevet, 5776
21st of Kislev, 5776
28th of Kislev, 5776
Chanukah: 5 Candles
5th of Tevet, 5776
12th of Tevet, 5776
7 PM Kabbalat Shabbat
Services with Nick May
29th of Kislev, 5776
Chanukah: 6 Candles
4:46 PM Candle lighting
7 PM Kabbalat Shabbat
Parashat Vayeshev
9 AM Bagels & Torah
10 AM Morning Services
5:53 PM Havdalah (50 min)
30th of Kislev, 5776
Chanukah: 7 Candles
Parashat Miketz
Rosh Chodesh Tevet
9 AM Bagels & Torah
10 AM Morning Services
5:54 PM Havdalah (50 min)
6th of Tevet, 5776
7th of Tevet, 5776
4:48 PM Candle lighting
Parashat Vayigash
7 PM Musical Kabbalat
9 AM Bagels & Torah
Shabbat Services led by 10 AM Musical Shacharit
Peri Smilow followed by
Shabbt worship led by
Oneg & Musical Presen‐
Peri Smilow
12 PM Kiddush Lunch &
8 PM Oneg & Musical
Learn Matching the
Presentation: Nusach
Music with the Message
13th of Tevet, 5776
4:52 PM Candle lighting
7 PM Hannah Yaun Bat
7 PM Kabbalat Shabbat
14th of Tevet, 5776
Parashat Vayechi
… Hannah Yaun Bat
10 AM Morning Services
Christmas Day
18th of Tevet, 5776
19th of Tevet, 5776
20th of Tevet, 5776
4:56 PM Candle lighting
7 PM Kabbalat Shabbat
New Year's Day
21st of Tevet, 5776
9 AM Bagels & Torah
10 AM Morning Services
6:05 PM Havdalah (50 min)
21st of Sh'vat, 5776
10 AM Talmud Study
14th of Sh'vat, 5776
… BARFTY Winter Kallah
at HSJ
10 AM Talmud Study
11:30 AM Confirmation
Jewish Film Festival
7th of Sh'vat, 5776
10 AM Talmud Study
11:30 AM Confirmation
class Beth Shalom
29th of Tevet, 5776
10 AM Talmud Study
11:30 AM Confirmation
3 PM Annual Meeting
22nd of Tevet, 5776
10 AM Talmud Study
15th of Tevet, 5776
9 AM Brotherhood meeting
10 AM Talmud Study
15th of Sh'vat, 5776
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
8th of Sh'vat, 5776
1st of Sh'vat, 5776
23rd of Tevet, 5776
16th of Tevet, 5776
Groundhog Day
23rd of Sh'vat, 5776
9th of Sh'vat, 5776
2nd of Sh'vat, 5776
17th of Tevet, 5776
24th of Sh'vat, 5776
17th of Sh'vat, 5776
10th of Sh'vat, 5776
Jewish Film Festival
3rd of Sh'vat, 5776
25th of Tevet, 5776
18th of Tevet, 5776
January 2016
25th of Sh'vat, 5776
18th of Sh'vat, 5776
11th of Sh'vat, 5776
4th of Sh'vat, 5776
26th of Tevet, 5776
19th of Tevet, 5776
26th of Sh'vat, 5776
5:26 PM Candle lighting
7 PM Kabbalat Shabbat
5:20 PM Candle lighting
7 PM Kabbalat Shabbat
Services with Nick May
27th of Sh'vat, 5776
Parashat Mishpatim
9 AM Bagels & Torah
10 AM Morning Services
6:35 PM Havdalah (50 min)
Parashat Yitro
9 AM Bagels & Torah
10 AM Morning Services
6th of Sh'vat, 5776
9 AM Bagels & Torah
10 AM Morning Services
6:16 PM Havdalah (50 min)
Parashat Vaera
9 AM Bagels & Torah
10 AM Morning Services
6:11 PM Havdalah (50 min)
21st of Tevet, 5776
9 AM Bagels & Torah
10 AM Morning Services
6:05 PM Havdalah (50 min)
12th of Sh'vat, 5776
13th of Sh'vat, 5776
12:15 PM BARFTY Winter
Parashat Beshalach
Kallah at HSJ
… BARFTY Winter Kallah
7 PM Kabbalat Shabbat
at HSJ
Services with Nick May 9 AM Bagels & Torah
10 AM Morning Services
6:23 PM Havdalah (50 min)
5th of Sh'vat, 5776
5:08 PM Candle lighting
7 PM Kabbalat Shabbat
27th of Tevet, 5776
5:02 PM Candle lighting
7 PM Kabbalat Shabbat
New Year's Day
20th of Tevet, 5776
4:56 PM Candle lighting
7 PM Kabbalat Shabbat
Announcements & Reminders
Regarding Hospital Visits
JANUARY 10, 2016
3:00 PM
Our Rabbi is eager to keep in touch
with members of the congregation who
are in the hospital or recuperating at
As recent legislation prevents hospitals
from circulating patient’s names, we
rely on you to call the synagogue office
and let us know when you, a family
member or friend are in the hospital
and would welcome a visit from Rabbi
May He who blessed our ancestors
grant all who are ill
a complete and speedy recovery.
Bill Emmich
Joanne Kleiman
Howard Hershberg
Lend a Hand
this Holiday Season
The Jewish Federation of Greater Baton Rouge will again be serving Christmas Eve Day
and Christmas Day lunch at St. Vincent de Paul. This season, help those in the
community who can’t help themselves by volunteering to help serve.
Volunteers of all ages are welcome and must arrive at St. Vincent de Paul
no later than 10:45am.
Lunch concludes at 1:00pm
Spaces are limited and are first come, first serve
To reserve your spot, please call the
Jewish Federation of Greater Baton Rouge
at 379.7393 or email at by December 18th
Thank You for Your Generous Donations
Synagogue Funds
General Fund - supplements dues and
fund raising projects of the congregation,
Men’s Club and Sisterhood.
Building Fund - for the future needs of
the Synagogue building.
Mose Wander Memorial & Stanley
Stein Education Funds - for materials,
equipment and provide scholarships for
Religious and Hebrew School.
Rosalyn G. Liss Endowment Fund
- to present an award for Academic
Excellence in the sixth grade of our
Religious School.
Youth Scholarship Fund - to assist in
sending our children to Jacob’s Camp,
NFTY events and Israel and to help with
Religious and Hebrew School tuition.
Alvin B. Rubin Institute for Adult
Education - established by Louis and
Rosalyn Liss for Adult Judaic Studies.
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund - to be
used at the discretion of the Rabbi.
Marks Fellman Memorial Library
Fund - to purchase books and equipment
and assist in library maintanence.
Mitzvah Fund - used to send Passover
Food Baskets and Rosh Hashanah
Packages to our home-bound members.
Synagogue Renewal Fund - newly
created fund for the reconstruction of
Beth Shalom following Hurricane Rita.
Richard Kober Memorial Prayer Book
Fund - to purchase Mishkan Tefilah
siddurim for the congregation.
( ) General
( ) Building
( ) Education
( ) Rabbi’s Discretionary
( ) Other: ____________________
( ) In Honor of:
( ) In Memory of:
( ) Speedy Recovery of:
General Fund
In Honor of:
Peri Smilow - Janet & Don
A big thank you to David Deitch and
Mark Posner - Elaine Kaplan
In Memory of:
Shirley Cavalier Rice - Paula Samuels
Janet & Don Bonaventure
Juliette Massey
Paige & Gary Mixon
Monica & Steven Winkler
Margaret Winkler
Donna & Hans Sternberg
Edna & Harold Silverman
Christine Angelloz
Kara & Matthew Mandel
Mary Cronin
Darlene Jody
The Mandel Family
Gay & Bill Scott
Judy Roheim
Connie Finkelstein
Dauna & Bill Emmich
Linda Poteat
Haya Roza, mother of Miriam Bensman Miriam & Stephen Bensman
Solomon Bensman, father of Stephen
Bensman - Miriam & Stephen Bensman
My father-in-law, Joseph Roheim - Judy
My mother-in-law, Aranka Roheim - Judy
Brian Levy, father of Cindy Levy - Judy
My husband, Michael Jasman - Carole
Rhea & Raymond Schneider
Judy Roheim
Cantor Fund
Judy Roheim
Building Fund
In Honor of:
John & Carin Carlson for their dedication
to the synagogue and Judaism - Rhea &
Raymond Schneider
Mose Wander Fund
In Memory of:
Shirley Cavalier Rice - Tamara Reznikoff
Richard Kober Memorial
Prayer Book Fund
In Memory of:
Shirley Cavalier Rice - Janice Thomas
Donation Form:
Amount Enclosed: $ ____________
Donor: ______________________
Send acknowledgement to:
Address: _____________________
Name: ______________________
Address: _____________________
How would you like this tribute signed?
Non-Profit Org.
Baton Rouge, LA
Permit No. 530
9111 Jefferson Highway
Baton Rouge, LA 70809-2496
fax 225-923-1373
Baton Rouge Jewish Film Festival
January 13-17, 2016
Manship Theatre, Shaw Center for the Arts
100 Lafayette St., Baton Rouge, LA
Tickets are now on sale for the 10th Annual Baton Rouge
Jewish Film Festival. The Festival has become one of the
outstanding entertainment and cultural events of the city.
If you have been to the previous Festivals, you know the
quality of the films and speakers. If you have not attended
the Festival, don’t let another opportunity go by. Call the
Manship Theatre ticket office at 225.344.0334 or order
online through the Festival website at
Also, follow us on Facebook for all the latest news about the festival.
You are also encouraged to become a Patron of the Festival. This year our Patron dinner will again
be held in The Turner Gallery on the 3rd floor of the Shaw Center. Contact the Federation office
at 225.379.7393 for Patron information.