NEWSLETTER - Beth El - The Heights Synagogue


NEWSLETTER - Beth El - The Heights Synagogue
December 2015
5776 TBU / WLSK
Miracles Veiled and Revealed
Rabbi Moshe Adler
The Apocryphal book of Maccabees
describes how – after winning the first
battle of their rebellion against Syria –
Judah Maccabee and his brothers led the
restoration of the Temple, cleansing it of
all pagan items, repairing and adorning
it, and re-creating its sacred objects. They
then “offered incense on the altar and lit
the lamps on the lampstand [m’norah]”
(1 Maccabees 4:50). The chapter concludes,
“Judah and his brothers and all the
assembly of Israel determined that every
year at this season, the days of dedication
[hanukkah] of the altar should be observed
with joy and gladness for eight days,
beginning with the twenty-fifth day of the
month of Kislev” (1 Maccabees 4:59).
Our Sages included in the liturgy a prayer
of thanksgiving to be said on Hanukkah
and Purim, holidays that celebrate
national deliverance. It is called “Al HaNisim,” after its two opening words. The
Hanukkah version of this prayer reflects
the Maccabees’ narrative and connects it
with all times. It concludes, “Afterward,
Your children came to the inner sanctum
of Your house, cleansed Your Temple,
purified Your sanctuary, lit lamps in Your
holy courtyards, and established these
eight days of Hanukkah for giving thanks
and praise to Your great Name.”
The story of the miracle of the oil does not
appear in either of those two sources. It
appears later, in the Talmud (Shabbat 21b):
[For] what [miracle] is Hanukkah
[celebrated]? It is as our Rabbis taught:
On the twenty-fifth day of Kislev the eight
days of Hanukkah begin, on which one
must neither eulogize the dead nor fast.
For when the [Syrian] Greeks entered the
Great Hall of the Temple, they defiled all
the oils in the Great Hall, and when the
House of the Hasmoneans overpowered
them and triumphed over them, they
searched and found only one container
of oil that bore the [unbroken] seal of the
High Priest. It contained enough to light
[the m’norah] for only one day. A miracle
was wrought for them and they lighted
[the m’norah] from it for eight days. The
following year they established those days
as holidays for praise and thanksgiving.
Whether, in telling the story of the miracle
of the oil, our Sages were drawing on
historical tradition or writing midrash is
irrelevant; what matters is what they were
The Maccabees’ victory over the Syrian
army was a veiled miracle, one that can
be attributed solely to the courage, skill
and devotion of the Maccabees, without
reference to God. The miraculous character
of such a victory is veiled. (continued on page 3)
Beth El - The Heights Synagogue builds vibrant Jewish community.
We welcome all in participatory, traditional, egalitarian worship and learning.
Rabbi Moshe Adler s Saturday Morning Services at 9:15, 3246 Desota Ave., Cleveland Hts., OH 44118 s (216-320-9667
Erica New
Eran Shiloh
Questions? Concerns?
Comments? Complaints?
Please do not hesitate
to contact the
by e-mail
or telephone
Eran (440) 223-9765
Erica (216) 276-1029
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signing up.
with the
Ritual Committee’s Perspectives, December 2015
High Holy Day Highlights
Our shul has just completed a meaningful
and spiritually satisfying High Holy Day
season. With the wisdom of Rabbi Adler
as our inspiration and the contributions of
so many, we provided an experience that
was uplifting, warm, and friendly. We want
to express our sincere gratitude to all those
committed members of our congregation
who participated and shared their skill and
knowledge with us.
We also want to thank all those of you
who shared your comments with us as part
of the congregational survey. Rest assured
that we carefully read and evaluated each
response; we listened to you. We will do
everything we can to incorporate those
suggestions that are appropriate and practical into our planning for next year’s High
Holy Day season.
We thought also that we would share
several of the wonderful comments that we
received, that reflect the positive nature of
the impact our services had on those who
“The participation was outstanding.
The singing was inspired and there was
a palpable sense of community.”
“What a beautiful machzor...”
“I appreciate the efforts of everyone who
led services and read Torah. Everyone...
did a great job.”
“I enjoy the welcoming community; the
lovely voices singing Hebrew.”
“There was a great sense of community
and spirituality.”
“Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services were a gift. I feel fully grateful to
have found this community and to hold
the weight and joy of this season with this
“Things seemed to go very smoothly.
There was a great sense of community
and spirituality. Yasher koach!”
“I feel very welcome and now comfortable at BE–THS and there isn’t any other
place I would rather be.”
“I really appreciated having a variety of
voices leading. I applaud all the shelichei
tzibor (service leaders), very beautiful
energy from all of them.”
And there was so much more that we could
share with you! We always want your input
and if you still have comments regarding
the Holy Day services, please feel free to
communicate them to our committee or
our officers. We will continue to work with
you to create the best experience possible at
Have a meaningful and peaceful year.
The Ritual Committee
High Holy Days Thank Yous
Rabbi Moshe Adler and the Ritual Committee would like to thank all of the
following members for their leadership
during High Holy Day services.
Service Leaders
Bruce Amsel, Lisa Lefstein Berusch, Henry
Bloom, Stacia Dearmin, Robin Dubin,
Leon Gabinet, Joe Buchwald Gelles, Mia
Buchwald Gelles, Ari Klein, Alan Lerner,
Miriam Palevsky, Jamie Saunt, Barry Starr
English Readers
Brian Aaronson, Bruce Amsel, Judie Amsel,
Mark Davidson, Robin Dubin, (ctd. on p.3)
Beth El – The Heights Synagogue Newsletter, Vol. 18, No. 3, December 2015
© Beth El – The Heights Synagogue
Carol Bruml, Editor – Telephone 216-932-9155, E-mail: General submittal deadline is the 7th of each month.
3246 Desota Ave., Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
Published 11 times per year.
For address or mailing list change, call 216-320-9667
Tour the
Violins of Hope
exhibit at the
Maltz Museum
VIOLINS OF HOPE CLEVELAND is a community-wide collaboration that aims to inform,
educate and inspire people throughout the Midwest. Played by Jewish prisoners in Nazi
concentration camps, the instruments have been collected and restored by Israeli violin
maker Amnon Weinstein for more than two decades. The historic violins have been played
in concerts from Jerusalem to Berlin and Charlotte, NC, and provide a rare opportunity to
explore unique stories behind each instrument and the individuals who owned them.
“The Violins of Hope will serve as a reminder to us all of the timeless power of music over
adversity,” said Joel Smirnoff, President and CEO of CIM.
Sunday, December 13,
1:00 pm
Museum admission applies:
($8.00/adult; $6.00/student
or senior citizen).
Please RSVP to Joel Genuth, jgenuth@ or 617-943-2076
by December 10; the Museum
requests to know the approximate
size of the group in advance.
(Miracles, Veiled and Revealed, continued from page 1) The miracle
of the oil, on the other hand, was a revealed miracle
– a one-day’s supply of oil lasting for eight days is so
obviously miraculous that it cannot be attributed to
natural causes alone.
(High Holy Day Highlights, continued from page 2) Ilene Gertman,
Richard Krueck, Stephen Pepper, Juliana Sadock Savino,
Nina Sobel, Bud Stern, Cheryl Stone, Linda Tobin, Beth
Wachter, Scott Wachter, Polly Wilkenfeld
Piyyut Leaders
Henry Bloom, Michael Bloom, Stacia Dearmin, Leon
Gabinet, Joe Buchwald Gelles, Naomi Klarreich, Ari
Klein, Esther Mack, Alan Mintz, Juliana Sadock Savino,
Menachem Shoham, Shlomo Shuck, Barry Starr, Peggy
The Sages wished to remind us of something that Moses
said in HaAzinu, the poem he taught the Israelites before
his death (Deuteronomy 32:29-31):
Were they wise, they would think upon this, gain
insight into their future: “How could one have routed a
thousand, or two put ten thousand to flight, unless their
Rock had sold them, the LORD had given them up?”
Torah and Haftarah Readers
Henry Bloom, Joel Falck, Mia Buchwald Gelles, Laura
Gooch, Shaul Janes, Marilyn Malkin, Miriam Palevsky,
Jamie Saunt, Shlomo Shuck, Barry Starr, Blanche Valancy
The story of the miracle of the oil is intended, not
to detract from human devotion and courage, but to
remind us that behind every deliverance, whether veiled
or revealed, stands God.
Robin Dubin, Ilene Gertman, Richard Krueck, Karen
Kugelman, Joel Genuth, Adam Probst, Nina Sobel,
Cheryl Stone, Linda Tobin,
Have a happy Hanukkah! Peace to Israel and to the world!
A WOW! Moment Plus Pizza
at Gearity Elementary
The Beth El –The Heights Synagogue (BE–THS) fall garden party at Gearity Professional Development School in University Heights on October 27 began with a studentled tour of the newly constructed outdoor learning labs. BE–THS members Eden, a 1st
grader at Gearity, and Margie guided members through the woods to outdoor classroom
areas on trails created by local high school students. These 15 high school students were
commissioned by Youth Opportunities Unlimited to work 6 weeks under the direction
of Joe Mendes, former 4th grade teacher, who spearheaded the entire project along with
Heather Quinones, Gearity Garden teacher. Next stop on the tour was the hoop house
also built by these same students with grant awards from multiple sources including the
school district. Sherri Malek, who teaches 1st grade Math and Science at the school,
joined the tour in the raised-bed outdoor area to explain how these facilities are incorporated into lesson plans for all grades at the school. A highlight was learning how a Special
Ed class had been especially enthusiastic about the project.
Another highlight was pizza – cooked in an adobe oven on the spot by our Chefs, Sherry
Ball and Heather Quinones with assistance from many students. The oven was fascinating
– heated to coals before the garden party began, it kept turning out pizzas for about two
hours with no additional fuel. And the pizzas were quite good! Members got a chance to
schmooze with several faculty members, and came away with a sense of Gearity as a very
energized and special place.
An unexpected highlight of the tour was a trip inside the school after dark. The
place was hopping, with at least two other events going on for students and
families. Members visited the “Makerspace.” This laboratory, funded through
the Ohio Straight-A Grant, provides equipment that enables students to design
and create projects using computer-interfaced laser cutters and 3D printers.
Since most had never seen a 3D printer – not to mention a 5th grader using
one – this was a “wow” moment for many. Teacher Jackie Taylor explained the
process as best she could for us, a group of novices. Fifth grade is not what it
used to be, in more ways than one.
(Thanks, Sherry, for organizing this event!)
Joe Buchwald Gelles and Sherry Ball
Motzei Shabbat Party
– More Pizza!
Calling all fun-loving & work-friendly members. Join us for a completely informal
Motzei Shabbat Party December 5th. We’ll meet in the social hall where we’ll dig out the
Hanukkah decorations from last year, refresh them a bit with a few updated styles and get
to work while enjoying some tunes. Around 6:45 pm we’ll take a group pizza order, collect
about $6 a person to cover the cost of the pizza and send out “team pizza.” Just show up.
No reservations needed. Happy Hanukkah!!!
Calendar, december 2015
5776 TBU / WLSK
Saturday, November 28
after services – Monthly Simcha Kiddush: Join us as we celebrate some of the
happy events that have occurred in November.
Saturday, December 5
About 10:20 am – Learners’ Torah Study Group will meet in the Community Room
to discuss Parashat Vayeshev.
After Kiddush – The Mishna Study Group will meet in the Community Room.
6:15-8:15 pm – Motzei Shabbat Party: Come help decorate for tomorrow’s Hanukkah
party. We’ll all pitch in and send out for pizza about 6:45 pm. More info on page 4.
The Short Stories
Sunday, December 6
Sundown – Hanukkah begins.
5:00 to 8:00 pm – Hanukkah Party. Ma’ariv at 6:00 pm. Bring your own menorah
and Hanukkah candles, and join the conflagration! See flyer for details. Save money by
making prepaid reservations.
Discussion Group
Saturday, December 12
11:00 to 11:30 am – Shabbat Playdate: Stories and songs for younger children in
the Babysitting Room.
Sunday, December 13
1:00 to 2:00 pm – Violins of Hope, special docent-led tour at the Maltz Museum,
2929 Richmond Road, Beachwood 44122. RSVP to Joel Genuth, 617-943-2076 or; the Museum requests to know the approximate size of the
group in advance. Museum admission charge applies: $8.00/adult; $6.00/student or
senior citizen, includes admission to all areas of the museum.
Jewish Authors
Reading and
will next meet in
date TBA.
We plan to
discuss stories
John Clayton’s
newest book.
Friday, December 18
6:30 pm – Kabbalat Shabbat with learning. Vegetarian-friendly dinner served about
7:30 pm. $10.00/person; prepaid reservations requested by December 14. See flyer for
For information,
Saturday, December 19
About 10:20 am – Learners’ Torah Study Group will meet in the Community Room
to discuss Parashat Vayigash.
1:00 pm – Learn with the Rabbi, Session 3 – The Prophets, Who They Were and
What They Taught: Speaking Truth to Power. Free and open to all. Details on page 8.
Friday, December 25
10:00 am to 10:00 noon (Morning Minyan at 9:30 am) – Annual Pancake Breakfast
– See flyer for details.
Saturday, December 26
after services – Monthly Simcha Kiddush: Join us as we celebrate some of the
happy events that have occurred in December.
please contact
Sondra Jacobs,
or sondrajacobs
Sunday, December 6, 5:00–8:00 pm
See flyer for details!
Hanukkah Party
News from Beth El
Condolences to:
Ø David and Karen Bardenstein, and their
family, on the recent death of David's
father, Maxwell Bardenstein z”l.
Ø Adina and Mark Davidson and their
family, on the recent death of Adina’s father,
Sam Kelman z”l. All the old Library Minyan
people will remember him from our days
together (he was a founding member).
He was executive director of Bellefaire for
almost 20 years, and headed Habonim’s
national camping program back in the early
60’s. In his retirement he was instrumental
in founding the Reconstructionist movement’s summer camp.
Ø Merry Singer Lugasy and her family, on
the recent death of Merry’s father, Leonard
Singer z”l. Merry’s father earned his doctorate at the University of Chicago. He was
a research scientist with Union Carbide
and was awarded multiple patents for his
work with carbon fiber. Leonard played
the violin, viola, clarinet, and saxophone
and enjoyed playing in community orchestras, dance bands, and string quartets. He
also directed choir at Beth Israel The West
Temple. (Full obituary at <http://tinyurl.
able at <>.
Ø Mia Buchwald Gelles, who is in the inaugural class of the Cleveland Jewish News’
18 Difference Makers this month. Mia is
being honored for her work as Operations
director, Milestones Autism Resources.
Ø Marty Gelfand, who was the front-runner
in his run for reelection for an additional
term as a South Euclid councilman.
Incumbents Marty Gelfand and Dennis
Fiorelli, along with newcomer Jason M.
Russell, won seats on South Euclid City
Council November 3. Read the full Cleveland Jewish News article at <http://tinyurl.
Ø Bernice (Brondy) Shanker, who was
inducted into the 2015 Cleveland Heights
High School Alumni Hall of Fame for her
lifelong commitment as a reading teacher
and for her role as the creator and teacher
of the ESL program at the Shaker Heights
Public Library. Brondy was named a Community Hero in the Plain Dealer and was
awarded Most Treasured Volunteer at the
City Club of Cleveland by the Center for
Community Solutions in 2012, for her
dedication to teaching reading and ESL.
Brondy graduated from Heights in 1946.
Refuah Sh’lema to:
Ø Rabbi Michael Hecht
Ø Miriam Palevsky
Ø Marvin Warshay
Ø Daniel Weisberg, Marsha Weisberg’s
Ø Miriam Weisberg, Marsha Weisberg’s
Mazel Tov to:
Ø Marvin and Miriam Palevsky on the
birth of their new granddaughter, Anastasia
Lynn Heindell (6 lbs.,10 oz.; 191/2 inches).
Anastasia’s parents are the Palevsky’s
daughter, Jessica Heindell, and her husband, Alex.
Ø Noam Gelles, whose 20th birthday was in
Ø Vicki Rosales, whose daughter Jillian
recently became engaged to Joey Sacharow.
Jillian and Joey both live on Kibbutz Alumim in the western Negev in Israel.
Yasher Koah to:
Robin Dubin, who was quoted in an article
in the Cleveland Jewish News on October 23, about the recent increases in baby
boomer spending. The full article is avail6
Welcome New Members: OYABH OYKWRB
Ø Hannah Fox
Ø Zachary Lerner
Thanks for Contributions to:
Ø Sherry Ball and Marty Gelfand, in
honor of Julian Saunt on his Bar Mitzvah.
Ø Bill and Carol Bruml
Ø Joe and Mia Buchwald Gelles
Ø Frank and Jeanette Buchwald, who
dedicated a new High Holy Days Mahzor in
memory of Sam and Margaret Buchwald z”l.
Ø Susan David and Bernard Sharfman
Ø Ilene Gertman
Ø Ilene Gertman, in memory of Isadore
Gertman z”l.
Ø Ilene Gertman, toward the cost of the
building inspection.
Ø Sharona Hoffman and Andy Podgurski, in memory of Sharona’s father, Rabbi
Morton Hoffman z”l.
Ø Rabbi Shulamit Izen
Ø Shaul Janes, who collaborates with his
employer, Motorcars Honda, to donate
10X-Chai for every vehicle purchased
through him from Motorcars. To date, this
program has resulted in $990.00 in donations to BE–THS.
Ø Susan Klarreich, in honor of Gabriel
Solomon Shapiro on his Bar Mitzvah.
Ø Martin and Nancy Kosmin
Ø Zachary Lerner
Ø Mick Miller and Jamie Saunt, toward
improving security of our website.
Ø Stephen Pepper and Linda Tobin, in
honor of Julian Saunt on his Bar Mitzvah.
Ø Adam Probst
Ø Ezra and Susan Rahamim
Ø Andrew Ritterman
Ø Juliana Sadock Savino, in memory of her
parents, Joe and Marilyn Savino z”l.
Ø Vicki Spalding Rosales, in honor of
Julian Saunt on his Bar Mitzvah.
Ø Vicki Spalding Rosales, in honor of
Stephanie Gordon.
Ø Arnold and Diane Stone, in memory of
Arnold’s brother, Max Sonenstein z”l.
Ø Arnold and Diane Stone, to the Rabbi’s
Discretionary Fund.
Laurie Ticktin
Leonard Tracht, in honor of Julian Saunt
on his Bar Mitzvah.
Ø Leonard Tracht, in honor of Gabriel
Shapiro on his Bar Mitzvah.
Ø Leonard Tracht
Ø Toby Trevis, in thanks for the October 10
Lunch and Learn.
Ø Mary and Richard Zigmond
Ø Anonymous
Thanks for High Holy Days ticket contributions to:
Ø Amy and Alan Cadesky
Ø Robin Freireich
Ø Donna Lipson
Ø Gary and Marilyn Magden
Ø Vicki Spalding Rosales
Thanks for Kiddush Sponsorship to:
October 6 – ! HDWT
Ø Zachary Lerner, who sponsored the
pizza served on Simhat Torah.
October 10 – Lunch and Learn with
Sharona Hoffman
Ø Robin Dubin and Richard Krueck
Ø Honey Massey and Bud Stern
November 15 – Brunch and Learn with
Alanna Cooper.
Ø Joel Genuth
Ø Menachem Shoham
December 5 –
Ø Bruce and Judie Amsel, in honor of
Judie’s 75th birthday.
Ø Bill and Carol Bruml, in honor of
Judie Amsel’s birthday, and her love of
dark chocolate.
Thanks for November Simcha Kiddush
Contributions to:
Ø The Buchwald Gelles family, in honor of
Noam’s 20th birthday.
Ø Ilene Gertman, in honor of her birthday.
Thanks for November newsletter mailing
help to:
Ø Blanche Valancy
Ø Richard Krueck
Ø Beth Wachter
Ø Honey Massey
Ø Scott Wachter
Ø Bud Stern
Ø David Tomberg
The miracle, of
course, was not
that the oil for
the sacred light
-in a little cruse
- lasted as long
as they say;
but that the
courage of the
lasted to this
Let that nourish
my flickering
Charles Reznikoff,
“Meditations on
the Fall and Winter
Learn with the Rabbi 2015-2016
Tallit !
Bud Stern
misplaced his
tallit at shul
on October 31.
It still has not
been found.
Please check your
tallit bags to be
sure you don’t
accidentally have
an extra.
Bud’s tallit is
extra special,
because he and
Honey recently
chose it,
when they were
in Israel,
and carefully
brought it back
as a fond memory
of their trip.
The Prophets:
Who They Were and What They Taught
This six-class series will be taught by Rabbi Moshe Adler. The classes will meet approximately once a month after Kiddush. The series is free and open to all; registration is not
required; drop-ins are welcomed.
Session 3 – December 19: Speaking truth to power
Session 4 – January 16: The runaway prophet
Session 5 – February 20: Anger and compassion: Human and divine
Session 6 – March 19: Deep loneliness and sublime joy
Yahrzeits, December 2015
Kislev ~WLSK
Sanford Gelfand
19 Kislev 5759
William Grossman 19 Kislev 5741
Sylvia Della Streem 19 Kislev 5738
Bracha Tenenbaum 19 Kislev
Rev. Henry Einhorn 21 Kislev 5718
Ronald J. Maeroff
21 Kislev 5718
Shirley Newman
21 Kislev 5768
Sadie Magden
22 Kislev 5754
Sarah Cohen
25 Kislev 5705
Joseph Fox
26 Kislev 5722
Samuel Suskind
26 Kislev 5743
Rachel Margolis
27 Kislev 5687
Alexander Zeisler
27 Kislev 5720
Henry Tepper
28 Kislev 5703
Nat Slobody
28 Kislev 5723
Louis Eifer
28 Kislev 5741
Robert Mittman
29 Kislev
David Davis
30 Kislev 5713
Helen Citron
30 Kislev
The missing tallit
is dark blue, with
Tevet ~ TBU
symbols of Sukkot
Ginda Rouse bat Boruch Yuzefovich along the borders. 2 Tevet
Lenke Vamos
2 Tevet 5737
Please contact
Manual Collin
4 Tevet 5714
Moses Horwitz
4 Tevet
Bud or Honey
Dr. Richard Bloomfield 5 Tevet 5773
if you find it:
Sol Olshansky
5 Tevet 5726
Zoltan Saunt
5 Tevet 5736
David Elliot Sobel
5 Tevet 5769
Sam S. Birkner
6 Tevet
Jack Lertzman
6 Tevet 5719
David L. Susman
6 Tevet 5721
Carl Gilbert Lampel 6 Tevet 5726
Adolph Weinberger
6 Tevet 5738
Doug Keller
7 Tevet 5765
Harry Samuel Weiss
7 Tevet 5710
Private First Class Michael Marks
7 Tevet
Lawrence Mesnick
7 Tevet
Rebecca Dorothy Charms
8 Tevet 5729
Joseph Tracht
9 Tevet
Bella Sobel
10 Tevet
Sidney Russack
10 Tevet 5755
Max Adler
10 Tevet
David Bernstein
11 Tevet
Isadore Litt
11 Tevet 5722
Bertha Weinberg
12 Tevet 5692
Max Levinsky
13 Tevet 5719
Milton Gutentag
13 Tevet 5738
Minnie Jacobs Weinberger 13 Tevet 5725
Margaret Jacobs
15 Tevet 5721
Marion Siskind
15 Tevet 5762
Eliezer Lindenbaum
16 Tevet 5697
Henry Rocker
16 Tevet 5727
Frederick Sadock
16 Tevet
Frieda Amsel
18 Tevet 5773
Morton Glaser
18 Tevet 5750
Annie Moll
18 Tevet 5761
Louis Shifrin
18 Tevet 5727
Tamar Tepper
18 Tevet
Sandy Cantleberry
19 Tevet 5765
Fannie Eisenberg
19 Tevet 5733
Jack Gordon
19 Tevet
Errata: Sharona Hoffman’s father’s name
was listed erroneously last month; it
should have been Rabbi Morton Hoffman,
whose Yahrzeit was 20 Heshvan.
Communicating with Members
and Friends at BE–THS
Several members of the Board recently asked me questions
about communicating with other folks at BE–THS... and
I figure that if Board members are confused, there must
also be a LOT of other confused folks out there!
2. The second list, our “Off-Topic list,” is for news and
information that you feel is of interest to the congregation as a whole, but that is not specific to the BE–THS
synagogue itself. This might include news about general
community events, happenings in the Jewish community, happenings in Israel, news of non-shul-related things
that you and your family may be doing, etc. If you are
receiving messages FROM this list, you can send your
own messages to this list at <beths_list-ot@googlegroups.
com>. These messages are NOT moderated, so please
be careful and courteous about what you decide to send
out: “keep it clean,” and no “flaming.”
We have two available email lists. You can sign up for one,
the other, or both. Both of the lists are actually Google
Groups, just so this does not confuse you when you attempt to sign up. You can sign up for either (or both) by
following the blue “Join Our Google Groups” link on the
BE–THS home page, <>.
1. The primary list, sometimes called our “Big List” or
the “On-Topic list,” is to be used ONLY for synagoguerelated news, events, announcements, articles, etc. It
should NOT be used for community-wide news items
or events, or as an advertising or political forum. If you
receive messages FROM this list, you can send messages to the list, at <>.
Messages sent to this list ARE moderated to be sure
they are appropriate and synagogue-related, so there
may be a slight delay in getting messages out, but we
have several moderators, so they usually get out pretty
quickly. If a moderator feels your message really should
be sent to the off-topic list, instead, you will be notified
to send it there.
Again, you can join either or both of these lists/Groups
by following the Join Our Google Groups link on our
home page, If you have difficulties doing so, please contact our webmaster, Mick Miller,
If you need to change your email address for sending/
receiving messages on either list, go to <http://groups.> for the on-topic list or
<> for the
off-topic list, sign in with your Google ID, and edit your
settings there.
Carol Bruml, Communications Chair
…among many other hats!
Learners’ Torah Discussions
Open to All
Join us to study and discuss selections from the weekly Torah portion. We consider commentaries, raise questions,
and share tips for using the Humash. Each week’s lesson is self-contained so come as your schedule permits. The
sessions are accessible for non-Hebrew speakers or readers and open to people at all levels of experience.
We meet in the Communiy Room, after the Torah is taken out and the portion is introduced (about 10:20 am to
10:30 am), and rejoin the service in time for the d’var Torah.
Questions? Contact Mia Buchwald Gelles: 216-321-6717 or
Upcoming Learners’ Torah Discussion Dates (every other week this fall):
December 5 - Parashat Vayeshev
December 19 - Parashat Vayigash
Prayer for our Congregation
Sitting in Shabbat services recently, my eyes lit on the Prayer for Our Congregation. More often, our congregation
reads the Prayer for Israel or the Prayer for our Country. I don’t know why – perhaps we think the country and Israel need our prayers more? With a little searching, I discovered that the Prayer for Our Congregation is essentially
the same prayer as one written roughly 800 years ago in France. One version of the prayer is
May He who blessed our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah, bless this entire
congregation, together with all holy congregations: them, their sons and daughters, their families, and all that is theirs,
along with those who unite to establish synagogues for prayer, and those who enter them to pray, and those who give
funds for heat and light, and wine for Kiddush and Havdalah, bread to the wayfarer and charity to the poor, and all
who devotedly involve themselves with the needs of this community and the Land of Israel.
As Development Chair and Finance Chair, I spend a lot of time thinking about funds for synagogue heat, light,
and wine. You will be receiving an end of the year appeal for just these needs. I hope that you, too, will spend
some time thinking about this prayer, and the mitzvah of establishing and maintaining a synagogue like Beth El
– The Heights Synagogue.
Thank you,
Ilene Gertman, Development Chair
Sunday, December 6th
5:00-8:00 pm
Ma’ariv at 6:00 pm
Bring your own Menorah &
Hanukkah candles
for lighting at ~6:20 pm
Cost: $8 per person if prepaid by Nov. 30th (max. $28/household) $10 per person at the door (max. $36/household) Children under 6 – free To RSVP, contact Sherry at or 216-­‐371-­‐8827 (or mail checks directly to the synagogue) Beth El–The Heights Synagogue
3246 Desota Ave. Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118
Find us on Facebook:
Crosswords !
Pancake Breakfast
Friday, December 25, 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
Morning Minyan 9:00 AM - Crosswords for all ages
$9/person, max $36/family, ages 5 & under free
(Please mail checks to the synagogue by December 21)
The Heights Synagogue
3246 Desota Avenue, Cleveland Hts., OH 44118 ~
We welcome all in participatory, traditional, egalitarian worship and learning.
inviteS you to celebrate
with a service and dinner.
Friday, December 18, 6:30 p.m.
Kabbalat Shabbat 6:30. dinner at about 7:40.
dinner includes fish, vegetarian-friendly menu.
Learning with a teacher to be announced.
Price: $10.00 per person.
RSVP: Go to and click on the
flyer. or you can call Joe at 216-321-6734.
(Please make prepaid reservations by Dec. 14.)
Location: beth el–the heights Synagogue
3246 desota avenue
cleveland hts., oh 44118
This is a membership event — a great time to introduce
potential members to our community, a little less formal
and a lot shorter than Shabbat morning. So bring a friend
— don’t be shy about asking!