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December 2014
Hanukkah 5775 at PAS
A Month of
Lights and
early every Jewish holiday
provides us with both male
and female role models.
Rosh Hashanah –
Abraham and Sarah.
Purim – Mordechai
and Esther. Passover
– Moses and Miriam
(and the midwives).
While the longstanding patriarchies
of our Rabbis may
have unduly tilted
our focus to the male side of the story,
as an egalitarian community we have
the right and responsibility to correct
this gender imbalance.
Hanukkah is no different. As
important as the heroics of Judah
Maccabee are, the steadfast faith of
Hannah is also cause for reflection
and inspiration. In II Maccabees,
chapter 7, the story is told of seven
brothers whom Antiochus ordered to
eat forbidden food. Bolstered by their
mother's faith, they chose painful
with other East Side congregations
for communal candle lighting and
learning (p. 8).
death over betrayal of their heritage.
Even when the king demanded that
she convince her sons to do otherwise,
Hannah held fast to her faith and
died herself shortly after her children.
The martyrdom of Hannah and her
seven sons, gruesome as it is, serves
as a powerful and inspiring narrative
of our ancestors’ willingness to keep
their faith even in the most adverse
circumstances. Unlike the more
traditional Hanukkah stories, it
communicates the central message
of the festival with a woman at the
In the month ahead we will also
highlight the past and present
contributions of the women of our
tradition. The Women's Network will
celebrate a Shabbat Retreat in the city
(see facing page). Leah Loeterman
and Debbie Cosgrove will continue
their classes on women in the Talmud
and in the Bible. Most importantly,
with the next Adult Bat Mitzvah
class starting in January, December
is your chance to sign up for this
transformative learning opportunity.
This Bulletin lists many occasions to
anticipate and celebrate the holiday,
each one marked by a dreidel so
that you can find them easily. At
our annual Book & Gift Fair you
can buy your gifts while benefitting
PAS. The Empowered Judaism
class will give you all the tools to
celebrate the festival on your own. The
Hallel v'Zimrah Musical Hanukkah
Celebration will, I am sure, rise to our
community's high standard of musical
excellence. (See facing page.) The
Caring Network Hanukkah session for
the bereaved will help bring light to
those living through dark times. Each
weeknight during Hanukkah we will
light candles together in our lobby
after evening minyan, and on the
third night, December 18, we will join
If indeed the message of Hanukkah is
to keep our faith no matter what, as
did Hannah, then how much more so
are we, with the blessings of our lives,
called on to strengthen our stake in
our tradition. There is no better way
to do that, for men and women, than
by engaging with the learning, prayer,
and community building taking place
this month at PAS. I encourage you
to avail yourself of the opportunities
at hand, and I wish you a Hag Urim
Sameah, a joyous Festival of Lights!
Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
VOLUME 67 · NO.4 · DECEMBER 2014 · KISLEV/TEVET 5775 ·
Marga Hirsch, Editor · Lawrence Conley, Graphic Design · Ira Krawitz, Director of Communication
From Rabbi Elliot J. Cosgrove................................. 2
Events....................................................................... 3
Schedule of Religious Services................................ 4
Rita & George M. Shapiro Audio Archive .............. 5
Synagogue Family.................................................... 6
Camp Report............................................................ 7
Caring Network........................................................ 7
Adult Classes & Events........................................... 8
Youth Education & Events..................................... 11
Congregational School Schedule........................... 11
Young Family Education........................................ 12
Youth Activities & RJNHS..................................... 12
Contributions......................................................... 13
Hanukkah Candle Lighting.................................... 18
Calendar................................................................. 19
A Look Ahead.......................................... Back cover
Hanukkiyot from the PAS Art Collection. A gift from Miriam & Stephen Ruzow, on display in the Edmond
de Rothschild Library.
Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
Sponsored by the Congregational School Parents Association
Shabbat Dinner Series presents:
Dr. Joyce Antler
Hanukkah Book & Gift Fair
Rabbis, Rebels, and Supreme
Court Justices: How Jewish
Women Shaped Modern
Tuesday | December 2 | 3:00 – 6:15 pm
Wednesday | December 3 | 9:00 am – 7:00 pm
All are welcome to shop an expansive collection of
books and gifts for all ages. See p. 8 and p. 11 for
additional Book Fair events.
Friday | December 5 | 7:30 pm, after
Kabbalat Shabbat
Empowered Judaism:
Joyce Antler is the Samuel Lane Professor of
American Jewish History and Culture and Professor
of Women’s and Gender Studies at Brandeis
Explore how to make Hanukkah meaningful for you
and your family, and create your own Hanukkah
Cost: free
Women’s Network Shabbat
Wednesday | December 3 | 4:30 – 5:30 pm
Ben Ellerin, Cantorial Intern; and Leah Loeterman,
Rabbinic Intern; and Rabbi Ethan Witkovsky
Sponsored by the PAS Music Center
Hallel v’Zimrah: A Musical
Hanukkah Celebration
Monday | December 8 | 7:00 pm
Cantor Azi Schwartz, Cantor Shira Lissek, and
guest Cantor Gideon Zelermyer, joined by choirs
and choruses from JTS, HUC-JIR, and PAS.
Featuring the music of internationally renowned
composer and arranger Raymond Goldstein. There
will be a light reception after the performance.
Cost: $18/members; $36/nonmembers; free for under 18 and
students with a valid ID. Please register at pasyn.org or call
212-369-2600, x115.
Friday – Saturday | December 5 – 6 | at PAS
At the first-ever Women’s Network retreat, we
will honor the contributions of women to Judaism
with a spirited Kabbalat Shabbat service featuring
compositions by women cantors; Shabbat dinner
and a lecture by scholar Joyce Antler; and Shabbat
morning Torah yoga. Women will read Torah in the
Sanctuary. After a kiddush lunch, there will be a
session with Joyce Antler on the topic: You Never
Call, You Never Write: The Historical Legacy of
American Jewish Mothers. Bring your mothers,
daughters, sisters and friends for this one-of-a-kind
Shabbat journey. Come to one part of the weekend
or all.
Master Class: The Great War, the Twentieth Century and
the Jews
Dr. Ismar Schorsch, Chancellor Emeritus of JTS
Tuesdays | December 16; January 6; January 13; February 10 | 7:00 – 8:15 pm
World War I, The Great War, set loose a cascade of calamities that continued until the end of
the 20th century. In this class we will examine the interconnectedness of these events, in which
the fate of the Jews was deeply intertwined with the fate of all humanity. The day the war began, August 1, 1914,
coincided with Tisha B'Av, perhaps a portent that the ensuing conflagration and its aftermath would not spare
the Jewish landscape of Eastern Europe.
Cost: $125/members; $175/general
December 2014
Kislev/Tevet 5775
Schedule of Religious Services · ‫כסלו–טבת‬
Friday, December 5 13 Kislev
Monday, December 22 30 Kislev
6:15 pm | Kabbalat Shabbat
Featuring compositions by women cantors in
celebration of 30 years of women in the Conservative
Rosh Hodesh
7:00 am | Morning minyan with Hallel, Torah
reading, and musaf
Saturday, December 6 14 Kislev
Parashat Va-yishlah
9:15 am | Sanctuary service
20 mins after services | Minha
Friday, December 12 20 Kislev
5:00 pm | YFE Kabbalat Shabbat & dinner (see p. 12)
6:15 pm | Kabbalat Shabbat
Saturday, December 13 21 Kislev
Parashat Va-yeishev
9:00 am | TGIS (see facing page)
Bat Mitzvah of Alexandra Frank
Bar Mitzvah of Blake Frank
11:15 am | Tot Tefillah (YFE service, see p. 12)
20 mins after services | Minha
Tuesday, December 23 1 Tevet
Rosh Hodesh
7:00 am | Morning minyan with Hallel, Torah
reading, and musaf
Friday, December 26 4 Tevet
6:15 pm | Kabbalat Shabbat
Saturday, December 27 5 Tevet
Parashat Va-yiggash
9:15 am | Shabbat morning service
20 mins after services | Minha
Friday, December 19 27 Kislev
6:15 pm | Kabbalat Shabbat
Saturday, December 20 28 Kislev
Shabbat Hanukkah
Parashat Mi-ketz
9:15 am | Sanctuary service
Bar Mitzvah of Joshua Pinsky
9:30 am | Havurah
The Havurah is a lay-led, child-friendly service open to individuals
and families of all ages who want an intimate and informal prayer
experience. People of all skill levels participate by leading a part
of the service, reading Torah or Haftarah or by facilitating a Torah
discussion. If you are interested in taking a part, but do not yet
have the skills, we will help you learn!
20 mins after services | Minha
4:30 pm | Hazzan’s Tisch for Hanukkah
WEEKDAY MINYAN: Shaharit Monday-Friday at 7:15 am,
except where noted. Sundays and December 25 at 9:00 am.
Ma’ariv Sunday-Thursday at 5:45 pm. From December 17-24,
shaharit will include Hallel and Torah reading in celebration
of Hanukkah. On weekday evenings of Hanukkah, there will be
candle lighting in the lobby immediately after minyan.
For Young Family and Congregational School Shabbat
programming, see pp. 11-12.
Can’t make it to the synagogue? Park Avenue
Synagogue Sanctuary services are live streamed. Visit
Savor the last part of Shabbat at Cantor Azi Schwartz’s home.
Schmooze, snack, sing, say ma’ariv (the evening service) together,
and end with Havdalah and then lighting the candles for the 5th
night of Hanukkah. Register by calling 212-369-2600, x115, and
you’ll be given the address.
PAS clergy will preach and conduct services with Colin Fowler at the organ and piano; the Synagogue Choir: Ena Freeman, Yonah Gershator,
Alex Guerrera and Tim Krol; and musicians: Gil Smuskowitz, bass; Mike Cohen, woodwinds; and Ronen Itzik, percussion. Abe Lebovic is our
regular Torah reader, and Mark Fraier is our ritual director.
Park Avenue Synagogue
Rita and George
M. Shapiro Audio
hat do Jackie Robinson,
Shlomo Carlebach, and
President Dwight D.
Eisenhower have in common with the
PAS clergy and decades of our bnei
mitzvah students?
Their voices and teachings are part of
a remarkable audio archive recorded
live at PAS from the mid-1950s
through 2003. Israeli ambassadors,
New York political figures, renowned
academics, activists, authors and
artists, along with the PAS clergy are
represented in the collection of 3,600
reel-to-reel audio tapes.
The late Rita and George M. Shapiro,
z”l, generously underwrote and
launched the “state-of-the-art” taping
project in the 1950s with a prescient
gift dedicated to documenting the
life of the synagogue. For fifty years
nearly every Shabbat service, sermon,
musical service, special event and
speaker were recorded. The tapes were
meticulously labeled and notated by
Mr. Shapiro and stored in a dedicated
room. Fortunately for us, the tapes
were listened to only occasionally
by clergy and congregants. Had they
been manually threaded through tape
players over and over again, it is likely
that they would have deteriorated and
would be unusable today.
Instead, volunteers on the PAS
Archives Committee – Chair Suzanne
Aisenberg together with Joanne
Davis and Cantor David Lefkowitz
– are bringing the collection to life.
Working in conjunction with database
and audio tape conservation experts,
the committee is overseeing the
preservation of the collection. When
the project is finished, the Rita and
George M. Shapiro Audio Archive will
be a comprehensive and searchable
database with links to the digitized
oral content.
These recordings enable us to
appreciate the rich legacy of Park
A renewed approach to our day of renewal! Together we will
pray, learn and strengthen the community. Find your place in
the PAS Shabbat Experience.
Thank God It's Shabbat!
Saturday | December 13
9:00 – 9:50 am | Activities for all ages
10:00 am – 12:00 pm | Shabbat Experience for
Congregational School Learners in Grades 3-4.
10:00 am – 12:15 pm | Community Shabbat Worship*
*Congregational School Learners and Families in Grades 5-6
will join the community at services until 11:00 am and then go
together for learning.
11:15 am | Tot Tefillah (YFE Service)
The digitization project will take time
to complete and volunteers will be
needed to help with various aspects
of the work. If you are interested in
knowing more about the collection
or in helping with this project,
please contact Suzanne Aisenberg at
Morning Meditation and Yoga with Cindy
Pearlman (All ages) Gentle stretches and poses
awaken us to the glory of God’s creation.
Avenue Synagogue and connect us
to the significant social, political and
religious issues of the period when
they were recorded, subjects which
continue to challenge us today. The
archive contains important speeches
and presentations by our rabbis
and others on civil rights and the
relationship between the Jewish and
black community; the influence of the
women’s movement on Conservative
Judaism; Israel and the ongoing
conflicts in the Middle East; the
importance of remembering the
Shoah and our need to teach future
generations about this atrocity. The
archive illustrates the leadership role
our cantors have had (and continue to
have) in the creation of new liturgical
music and the revitalization of historic
cantorial works, many of which are in
the collection.
Young Family Sing-Along with Matt Check (0–6)
Dance, sing and worship together.
Chess Club with Sophia Rhode (K–7) Open to
beginners and to learners who have played chess
PAS Youth Choir (K–7) Learn music and sing with
our cantors on Shabbat and holidays.
Psalms, Blessings, and Torah Study with Rabbi
Witkovsky (All ages) Warm up with morning
psalms and prayers and a discussion of the week’s
Torah portion.
Sing with Azi! (Teens and adults) Learn prayer
melodies, and sing out from your seat during services.
Window on Israel with Rabbi Zuckerman
(Teens and adults) Join in a conversation about
current issues affecting our relationship with Israel.
And more! For updates, visit pasyn.org and watch
for emails.
December 2014
Kislev/Tevet 5775
Synagogue Family
‫ בני מצוה‬BNEI MITZVAH
Alexandra Frank
December 13 | Va-yeishev
Daughter of Lara Stein & Jeffrey Frank
Blake Frank
December 13 | Va-yeishev
Son of Lara Stein & Jeffrey Frank
Joshua Pinsky
December 20 | Mi-ketz
Son of Veronique Gabai Pinsky & Joel
‫ ברוכים הבאים‬WELCOME NEW MEMBERS
Randy and Mark Belnick
Barbara & Lawrence Glass
Liya Kahan & Ross Goldstein
Gabrielle & Eric Goodman
Jessica & Adam Hirsch
Jacqueline & Andrew Holm
Cassandra Mills & Daniel Klein
Suzanne & James Klein
Elizabeth Leiman Kraiem & Rubin Kraiem
Natasha & Richard Krupp
Julie Newdow & Mark Landisman
Jennifer Rubinstein & Ryan Mash
Julie & Jordan Solomon
Ticiana & Alan Strozenberg
‫ המקום ינחם‬CONDOLENCES
Heller & Jeff Moses and Howard Izes on the loss of Heller’s
mother and Howard’s partner, Ilene Strax
‫ מזל טוב‬MAZAL TOV
Aimee & Bram Weber on the birth of a son, Nathan Jacob
Weber, and to big brother Harry
Erica & Scott Belsky on the birth of a son, Miles Roizen
Belsky, and to big sister Chloe
Blair & Joshua Klaff on the birth of a son, Owen
Alexander Klaff, and to big brother Blake
Joan Lefkowitz on co-writing a book, Secrets of Successful
Inventing, released in October by Square One Publishers
Jaime and Dan Fliman on the birth of a daughter,
Charlotte Mika Fliman and to big sister Olivia
Aaron Malinsky on the loss of his wife, Randie Malinsky,
and to Carolyn Malinsky, David Malinsky, and Benjamin &
Rebecca Malinsky on the loss of their mother and motherin-law
Stanley Tananbaum on the loss of his wife, Doris
Tananbaum, and to Ricki Gail & Bob Conway and Andrew &
Dorothy Tananbaum on the loss of their mother and motherin-law
Joyce Gmora and Barbara Gmora on the loss of their
husband and father, Sherwin Gmora
Caren & Arturo Constantiner on the loss of her mother,
Esther Sturza
Dr. Myles Savitt on the loss of his wife, Jane Savitt
Family and friends of Florence Bernstein, wife of Philip
Bernstein, z”l
Bruce & Debra Kahne on the loss of his father, Edward Kahne
Park Avenue Synagogue
PAS Youngsters
Love Ramah Day
ne day last summer
Rabbi Ethan Witkovsky,
Congregational School
Assistant Director Jen Stern, and
Teen Program Director Jordan Soffer
ventured across the Hudson to Ramah
Day Camp in Nyack. They spent a
fun and sunny day with happy PAS
campers. As you can see by their
smiling faces, a great time was had by
Lili Greenslade, 11
I love Ramah Day Camp because I
made so many new friends here. The
counselors are very understanding,
make me comfortable and take great
care of me. I like Jewish summer
camp because I connect with people
by praying together which forms
my Jewish identity within a tight
community. I am grateful to be
informed about what was happening
in Israel, especially this summer.
Jonathan Schwartz, 7
I love Ramah Day Camp because
we do fun things like swimming,
dancing, and climbing. The counselors
are super cool and the food is really
yummy. I enjoy attending a Jewish
summer camp because there are many
people who speak Hebrew. The food is
kosher and we have tefillah.
For more information on Ramah Day Camp in
Nyack, as well as any other Jewish summer camp,
contact Rabbi Eve Rudin at erudin@pasyn.org.
The visitors asked the campers: Why
do you love Ramah Day Camp? What
do you enjoy about being at a Jewish
summer camp? Here are some of the
Zac Lobel, 7
I love Ramah Day Camp because it is
a fun camp where I can learn about
Jewish history and do all of the usual
camp things. There are activities at
everyone's level. I like Jewish summer
camp because you can enhance your
Jewish identity.
Josh Atlas, 8
I love Ramah Day Camp because I
get to play Gaga often. I like Jewish
summer camp because I learn to speak
Campers, from left to right: Josh Atlas, Zac Lobel, Alexander Goldin, Oliver Goldin, Joseph
Savenor, Malena Goldblum, Maia Greenslade, Lili Greenslade, Elah Greenslade, Jonathan
Caring Network
If you need assistance from the Caring Network, or if you would like to volunteer, please contact the rabbis'
office at chernandez@pasyn.org or 212-369-2600, x143.
Sponsored by UJA@PAS
Sponsored by UJA@PAS
Social Work Support for PAS Members
and Their Families
Social Work Support for PAS Seniors,
Families and Their Caregivers
Tuesdays | By appointment | Shira Felberbaum, LMSW
Thursdays | By appointment | Yael Kornfeld, LMSW
For more information or to make an appointment, contact
Crystal Hernandez at chernandez@pasyn.org or 212-369-2600,
x143 or Shira Felberbaum at sfelberbaum@jbfcs.org or
For more information or to make an appointment, contact
Crystal Hernandez at chernandez@pasyn.org or 212-369-2600,
x143 or Yael Kornfeld at ykornfeld@dorotusa.org or 212-769-2850.
Onsite social work support is made possible by a UJA Partners in Caring grant.
December 2014
Kislev/Tevet 5775
Adult Classes & Events
This Month at PAS
Purim Spiel Rehearsal
Monday | December 1 | 7:00 pm
PAS singers, dancers, jugglers,
acrobats, clowns, tightrope walkers,
lion tamers, mimes, and anyone who
likes to have a good time – it’s not
too late to join Purim Spiel 5775! The
performance will be on Erev Purim,
Wednesday, March 4, at 7:00 pm.
Rehearsals continue in January and
February; visit pasyn.org for the
full schedule. Don’t miss out on the
harmony and camaraderie; join the
At the Hanukkah Book & Gift Fair
​ omen's Network Breakfast
with Author Gretchen Rubin
Wednesday | December 3 | 9:15 am
To RSVP, visit pasyn.org, click on Women's
Network and then on the event.
The History and Halakhah of
the Torah Reading
Men’s Club Project Ezra
Hanukkah Lunch
YCG Annual Latke/Vodka
Hanukkah Party
Sunday | December 7 | 11:00 am
Monday | December 15 | 7:30 pm
Cosponsored by JTS@PAS and the Women’s
Breaking Boundaries: Jewish
Women from the Talmud to
Thursday | December 11 | 6:15 pm |
Leah Loeterman, Rabbinic Intern
Sponsored by the Caring Network
Lights in the Darkness: A
Hanukkah Program for
Bereaved Jews
Thursday | December 11 | 6:30 pm
Men’s Club Torah on Tap
Thursday | December 11 | 7:30 pm
Women in the Bible
Friday | December 12 | 9:15 am | Debbie
Day School Community
Shabbat Dinner
Friday | December 12 | 7:30 pm,
following Kabbalat Shabbat
Sponsored by Tikkun Olam and UJA@PAS
Online Lunch & Learn:
Snapshots of 20th Century
Thursday | December 4 | 12:30 pm |
Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove
The PAS Congregational
Thursdays | December 4, 11 | 7:00 pm |
Monday | December 8 | 7:00 pm |
Hallel v’Zimrah (see p. 3)
Saturday/Shabbat | December 13 |
9:00 am | TGIS | Sing with Azi!
Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
Sholom Aleichem Yiddish Club
Tuesday | December 16 | 1:00 pm |
Sylvia & Zane Liff
Melton-Style Learning
Wednesdays | Dec. 3, 10 | 8:00 pm
Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove
In a two-part discussion hosted by
the Sanctuary Task Force Committee,
Rabbi Cosgrove will teach about the
history and Jewish law of the full and
triennial Torah reading.
To RSVP, visit pasyn.org, click on Young Couples
Group and then on the event.
Monthly Mitzvah Mondays
Monday | December 15 | 11:30 am | The
Sirovich Center, 331 East 12th St., btw
1st and 2nd Aves.
PAS and KJ team up to serve lunch
to low-income seniors at Educational
Alliance’s Project ORE, a UJAFederation of NY beneficiary agency
that provides support services to
elderly Jews throughout Manhattan.
For more information or to RSVP, please
contact Rebecca Zimilover at zimiloverr@
ujafedny.org or 212-836-1356.
The Little Light that Could
Wednesday | Dec. 17 | 8:00 – 9:00 pm
Thursday | Dec. 18 | 10:45 – 11:45 am
Rabbi Charlie Savenor
Over the centuries, sages have
debated whether the miracle of
Hanukkah is the military victory
over the Greeks or the re-igniting of
the Menorah in the Temple. We will
examine the significance of lighting
the Menorah then and now.
Note: This is a one-session class; the evening and
morning sessions are the same. All are welcome
to attend: past, current and potential Melton
learners. No cost, but please register in advance
at pasyn.org.
Torah's Light at Hanukkah:
Keeping the Flames Burning
3rd Night of Hanukkah TLC Community
Candle Lighting & Learning
Thursday | December 18 | 6:30 pm | at
Temple Emanu-El (1 East 65th St.)
The TLC is a coalition of synagogues
who together create unity through
engaging Torah study. Be part of
this advancement of our Jewish
community, meet others in the
neighborhood, feel the value of your
synagogue membership expanding.
Join clergy and congregants from
synagogues across the East Side for a
night of learning with our neighbors.
Adult Classes & Events / WEEKLY CLASSES
Siddur Hebrew 1
Dec. 1, 15 | 6:30 pm | Marga Hirsch
Siddur Hebrew 2
Dec. 1, 15 | 7:45 pm | Marga Hirsch
Next Month at PAS
Sponsored by the Rabbinical Assembly
Exploring Judaism
Registration Now Open!
Adult Bat Mitzvah
Tuesdays | beginning January 20 |
6:30 – 7:45 pm | January - May;
resumes in October
Rabbi Neil Zuckerman and Cantor
Shira Lissek
Our Adult Bat Mitzvah program is
a year-and-a-half journey open to
PAS women who did not have the
opportunity to experience a Bat
Mitzvah and who would like to affirm
and strengthen their commitment to
Jewish growth and learning as adults.
Together, we will explore Jewish
issues from the unique spiritual
perspective of American women in
the 21st Century, create new rituals,
grapple with issues and texts and
develop synagogue skills – blessings,
prayers, and trope. Participants will
celebrate their Bnot Mitzvah on
Shavuot 2016/5776. Space is limited.
Prerequisite: ability to read Hebrew
and basic prayers or Siddur Hebrew 1
Cost: $180/semester/members ($540/all three
Dec. 1, 8, 15 | 7:00 pm | Congregation
Ansche Chesed | Rabbi Benjamin
Essential Essays
Dec. 2, 9 | approx. 8:00 am,
immediately after morning minyan |
Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove
Contemporary Jewish Thought
Dec. 2, 9, 16 | 11:30 am | Rabbi Neil
(No classes on December 24 or 31)
For Graduates of Context and the Florence
Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning
Beyond Borders: The History of
the Arab-Israeli Conflict, Part 1
6:30 pm | Matt Check
For Graduates of Context and the Florence
Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning
Jews in America: Insiders and
6:30 pm | Rabbi Shmuel Afek
The Florence Melton School of
Adult Jewish Learning: Year 2
6:45 pm | Rabbi Shmuel Afek and
Rabbi Neil Zuckerman
(No classes on December 25)
The Florence Melton School of
Adult Jewish Learning: Year 1
9:15 am | Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove and
Debbie Cosgrove
For Graduates of Context and the Florence
Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning
Jews in America: Insiders and
9:15 am | Rabbi Charlie Savenor
For Graduates of Context and the Florence
Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning
Shemot II: Revelation and
9:15 am | Rabbi Ethan Witkovsky
Library Lunch & Learn
12:00 pm
December 4 | Matt Check
December 11 | Insights from Israel with
Rabbi Michael Graetz
December 18 | Rabbi Eve Rudin
Sponsored by the Rabbinical Assembly
Exploring Judaism
7:00 pm | Brotherhood Synagogue |
Rabbi Joel Shaiman
Daf HaShavua: Weekly
Talmud Study
approx. 8:00 am, immediately after
morning minyan | Rabbi Ethan
Witkovsky | No class on December 26
Parashat HaShavua
8:45 am | For December 13, see TGIS
schedule (p. 5)
Foundations of Jewish Family
Living: Jewish Values for
Parents to Share with Their
December 3, 10 | 7:00 pm | Rabbi Eve
For additional information about classes and events listed here, please look in the Fall Program Catalog or visit pasyn.org.
To register for Adult Education classes, unless otherwise noted in the description, go to www.pasyn.org and click on “Adult Education.”
Then, click on “Classes” on the left side of the page and on the appropriate registration link. Those without internet access may call
212-369-2600, x121.
December 2014
Kislev/Tevet 5775
The Edmond de Rothschild Library | Director: Marga Hirsch
Photography with Joy
Library Hours
Through December
Holocaust survivors living in Israel present photos that
speak of courage, aging, surviving, and loving and living.
The photos are the product of a unique workshop, a joint
project of JDC-Eshel, the Israel Ministry of Social Affairs
and Social Services and UJA-Federation of New York.
Through the project, which operates throughout Israel,
participants express their personal stories, memories
and feelings.
JDC-Eshel, the Association for Planning and Development of Services for
the Aged in Israel, works to ensure adequate housing, social and health
services to seniors, regardless of their ability to pay, and has been the
foremost organization in Israel working for the welfare of the elderly since
Monday: 12:00 – 6:00 pm
Tuesday through Thursday: 12:00 – 6:30 pm
Friday: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Marga is generally in the library at other times as well. Feel free to stop
by! The library is closed during classes on Mondays, 6:30 – 8:45 pm; on
Wednesdays, December 3 and 10, 7:00 – 8:00 pm; and on Thursdays,
9:15 – 10:30 am. Outside of these times, the library is usually open. When
Marga is not there, follow the instructions posted in the library for checking
out and returning books.
The library catalog is online! From your desktop computer or from your
handheld device, you can find out whether or not a particular book is in
the library or browse new books that have been added to the collection
recently. As always, the library is a haven where congregants of all ages
learn Torah, read the daily news, surf the web, chat in Yiddish or play with
Hebrew alphabet blocks. Librarian Extraordinaire Marga Hirsch can help
you find a great book to read, research a knotty question, interlibrary-loan
a book or choose a Jewish book for your child or grandchild.
To browse the online catalog, visit pasyn.org, click on Rothschild Library
and then on the link to the catalog. Contact Marga at mhirsch@pasyn.org
or 212-369-2600, x127 to become an online library user and to reserve
and renew books online.
Park Avenue Synagogue
Youth Education & Events
For details, please refer to the Fall Program Catalog or pasyn.org
Congregational School Schedule
Tuesday – Wednesday | December 2–3 | Hanukkah Book & Gift Fair (see p. 3)
Saturday | December 6 | Shabbat Experience programs
10:00 am – 12:00 pm | Hey & Vav (5 – 6) Learners | PAS
10:00 am – 12:00 pm | Gimel & Dalet (3 – 4) Learners | PAS
Thursday | December 11 | 5:45 pm | Vav (grade 6) Bnei Mitzvah Family Program
Saturday | December 13 | TGIS and Shabbat Experience programs
10:00 am – 12:00 pm | Gimel & Dalet (3 – 4) Learners | PAS
10:00 am – 12:00 pm | Hey & Vav (5 – 6) Families
10:00 am | PAS Sanctuary Service (TGIS)
11:00 am | Family program at Liederkranz*
Tuesday – Thursday | December 16, 17, 18 | 6:00 pm | Hanukkah candle lighting in lobby at dismissal
Saturday, December 20 – Sunday, January 4 | Winter Break | School closed | No classes or Shabbat programming
Monday | January 5 | School resumes
*Liederkranz is located at 6 East 87th Street between Madison & Fifth Avenues.
Hanukkah Book & Gift Fair Cocktail Party for Parents of Children from Tots
to High School
Tuesday | December 2 | 7:00 pm
Enjoy a drink, mingle, and focus on shopping without your children!
PAS Youth Choir
Saturday | December 6 | 9:30 – 9:55 am
Saturday | December 13 | 9:00 – 9:50 am (TGIS)
Learners in grades K–7 are invited to learn music and participate with our cantors at Shabbat
and holiday services.
For more information, please contact Phyllis Spiro at pspiro@pasyn.org.
Family Hanukkah Celebration with Legos®
Monday | December 8 | 4:30 pm
Families with children in grades K–2 are invited to help build a giant hanukkiah out of
Lego® bricks.
Park Avenue Synagogue
December 2014
Kislev/Tevet 5775
Youth Education & Events
Youth Education & Events
For details, please refer to the Fall Program Catalog or pasyn.org
Young Family Education
PAS Teens & Rabbi Judah Nadich High School
To RSVP for any program, go to www.pasyn.org and click on Young
Family Education. Under Upcoming Events on the right side, click on the
event name. For dinners, cancellations with refund (or credit towards
another dinner) are possible until the Wednesday before the dinner.
Contact Jordan Soffer, Director of Teen Programs, jsoffer@pasyn.org
or 212-369-2600, x147 for more information.
Kabbalat Shabbat and Shabbat Dinner for
Families with Young Children
Teen Tuesdays
Friday | December 12 | Service 5:00 pm; Dinner approx.
5:30 – 6:30 pm
Dinner and discussion with Rabbi Witkovsky, Jordan
Soffer, and Rabbi Savenor. We’ll look at issues of
Jewish identity, Israeli politics, and general questions in
modern Judaism. Coffee Talk with Pauline Zablow. On
December 16, we'll put a festive spin on Teen Tuesday
with Hanukkah treats and candle lighting.
Families with children ages 0–6 are invited to join our
clergy for a family-friendly Kabbalat Shabbat service,
followed immediately by a child-friendly buffet dinner
and short program. Children with December birthdays
will receive a birthday blessing and a small gift.
Sing-Along with Matt Check (at TGIS)
Saturday | December 13 | 9:00 – 9:50 am | See page 3
Tot Tefillah (Young Family Shabbat Morning
Saturday | December 13 | 11:15 am – 12:00 pm
The service will include songs, dancing, stories, and
other activities and end with Kiddush and a snack.
Young Family Hanukkah Warm-up
Sunday | December 14 | 2:00 pm
Families with children ages 0–6 will enjoy music with
Shira Kobren, along with art activities and holiday
snacks as we get ready for Hanukkah together.
Shirat Shabbat
Friday | December 19 | 9:10 – 9:35 am | For parents and
toddlers ages 3 and younger
Join Matt Check and a member of the clergy for song,
dance, a short story and challah to get ready for Shabbat.
Tuesdays | December 2, 9, 16 | 6:00 – 7:30 pm
Parent and Teen Shabbat Study Session
with Rabbi Cosgrove
Saturday | December 13 | 4:00 pm
PAS Food Pantry
Wednesdays | December 3, 10, 17 | 4:00 pm | Food
Fridays | December 5, 12, 19 | 3:30 pm – beginning of
Shabbat | Food distribution
Winter Break Special
Movie and Chinese Food!
Thursday | December 25 | Time TBA
We’ll head to the movies to see Exodus: Gods and Kings,
directed by Ridley Scott and starring Christian Bale.
After the show, we’ll come back to PAS for delicious Chinese food. Please RSVP by email to Jordan by Monday,
December 22.
Sponsored by the Rothschild Library
Kids’ Shabbat Book Basket
On Shabbat, look for the book basket near the ushers in the Sanctuary. There are Jewish books for
children of all ages to look at while sitting quietly in their seats. Let your children enjoy the books
during services and return them so that others may read them next week.
Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
Kol Nidre Appeal 5775
n behalf of the Officers and Board of
Trustees, we extend our sincerest gratitude to
the members and friends listed below, who have
already made a donation to Park Avenue Synagogue’s 20142015 Kol Nidre Appeal (list as of October 29). As Rabbi
Cosgrove said in his sermon “Attitude of Gratitude”:
The spiritual accounting of our year gone by is not
measured merely by a punch list of our deeds, of rights
and wrongs committed. Our year is also measured
according to the degree to which we transcend the
quotidian burdens of existence and open our eyes to
the beauty, goodness and good fortune of our lives; and
yes, our success in doing so is signaled by our having a
spiritual posture of giving. In simpler terms, it is the act
of giving that announces to God and to the world that
we are indeed thankful for the blessings of our lives and
thus stand ready to enter the year to come.
Ross Abelow & Susan Cantor
Brian & Stephanie Abrahams
Stuart & Debra Abramovitz
Robert & Deanna Adler
Helene Agress
Joseph & Jessica Ainsberg
James & Suzanne Aisenberg
Isidoro & Edna Aizenberg
Joe Larson & Lauren Albert
Steven & Evelyn Alden
Roberta Amon
Harris & Susan Joy Amster
Robert P. & Carol Antler
Rick & Amy Atlas
Lea Avigdor
Andrew Bab & Jennifer Shurdut Bab
Niso & Jamie Bahar
Felix & Heather Baker
Howard & Rachelle Balaban
Phyllis Barber
Herbert & Susan Bard
Sarah Barish
Andrew & Marcy Barkan
David & Janice Barnard
Joel & Gail Baron
Brett & Natalie Barth
Emilio & Reina Bassini
Janice Baxter
Marc Becker & Caryn Seidman-Becker
Richard & Rachel Becker
Michael Bederman & Anna Gerb
Michael & Lika Behmoaras
Barry & Judith Beil
Abraham & Yael Benadrete
Susan Bender
Thank you for embracing the attitude of gratitude and
making a difference. Your act of giving elevates our mission
to inspire, educate and guide our community towards living
passion-filled Jewish lives.
In the spirit of Jewish tradition, we are seeking 100%
participation in supporting the welfare of the entire
congregation and beyond. If you have not yet confirmed
your pledge this year, please consider an amount which is
meaningful to you. We are happy to now offer an online
giving option at www.pasyn.org/KolNidre or you may
contact the office. Every gift counts. Thank you.
Arthur Penn, Chairman
Andrea Baumann Lustig, Vice President
Andrew Heller, Kol Nidre Co-Chair
James Rothman, Kol Nidre Co-Chair
Ben-Dor Family
Roy & Nicole Ben-Dor
Leonard Polonsky & Georgette Bennett
Edith Bergen
Max & Dale Berger
Josephine Berger-Nadler
Arie Berggrun & Melissa Waterstone
Phil & Meredith Berkowitz
Milton & Jena Berlinski
David & Marilyn Berman
William & Lynne Bermont
Harold Bernanke
David & Lynn Berney
Donald Bernstein & Jo Ellen Finkel
Jonathan & Zoe Bernstein
Mark & Arlene Bernstein
Peter & Jennifer Bernstein
Alvin Bernstone
Mark & Geri Besca
Richard & Tamar Bessinger
Kenneth & Ann Bialkin
Matthew & Ellen Biben
Tammy Bieber
Martin & Barbara Bienenstock
Ronald & Lori Bland
Alan & Nancy Block
Ethan & Heather Bloom
Jeffrey & Jeanne Bloom
Charles & Ellen Bock
Mark & Francine Bogdanoff
Ruth Boody
Howard Borkan & Barbara Yagoda-Borkan
Michael & Esther Brenner
Bernard & Constance Breslin
Robert & Amy Bressman
James & Deborah Breznay
Thomas & Renee Brodie
John & Gayle Brody
Harry & Elissa Bromer
David Brous Jr. & Catherine Rothman Brous
Martin & Aviva Budd
Stanley & Gail Bulua
Steve & Sharon Bunkin
H. Paul & Edna Burak
Gary & Rhonda Casson
Robert & Toni Ceisler
Clive & Bonnie Chajet
Frank Chaney & Ronda Wist
Charles & Bonnie Charrow
David & Amy Chasen
Jeffrey & Katherine Chavkin
Peter & Jessica Chavkin
Joel & Sherry Cherwin
Joshua Cherwin & Gina Ormand
Matthew & Bonnie Chook
Adam & Samara Cohen
Carmel & Babette Cohen
Carol Cohen
Edward & Betsy Cohen
Ed Cohen & Nadine Habousha Cohen
Jonathan & Martha Cohen
Lawrence & Lisa Cohen
Marion Cohen
Michael & Ilona Cohen
Geoffrey & Marcia Colvin
Stephen & Anita Comite
Arturo & Caren Constantiner
Daniel & Adena Conway
Samuel & Barbara Cooper
Paul & Anne Corwin
December 2014
Kislev/Tevet 5775
David & Jessica Cosloy
Greg & Daniella Coules
Alexander & Erica Crisses
Lawrence & Nicole Cyrlin
Ronald & Linda Daitz
Darcy Dalton
David Dane
Jeffrey Ginsberg & Gabrielle Davis
Michael & Sandy Davis
Morton & Joanne Davis
Juliet Diller
James Dinan & Elizabeth Miller
Larry Hite & Sharon Dolch-Hite
Suzanne Drachman
Mark & Judith Drucker
James & Nancy Druckman
Michael & Allison Dubrow
Joe & Sally Dwek
Maurice Edelson & Jennifer Altman
David & Susan Edelstein
Howard Edelstein
Louis & Anita Ehrenberg
Roger & Carol Einiger
Edwin Eisen & Elaine Sollar Eisen
Brian & Erin Eizenstat
Jonathan & Jodie Elyachar
Justin & Naomi Elyachar
Robert & Marjorie Emden
Bonnie Englebardt
M. Neville & Roberta Epstein
Enrique & Joscelyn Ergas
Helen Erlich
Susan Erlich
Fran Evans
Lawrence & Francine Fabian
Barton Farber
Ronald Feiman & Hilary Ronner
Bernie & Phyllis Feinberg
Tobette Feinberg
Elizabeth Feiner
Herb & Harriet Feiwel
Leslie Feld
William & Joan Felder
Ariel Feldman
Elias Feuer & Ethel Rubinstein
John & Carol Finley
Mark & Rachael First
Steven & Allison Fisch
Martin & Susan Fischer
Michael Fischer
Ira & Linda Fish
Adam Fisher
Edward & Vivian Fisher
Allen & Lynn Fishman
Mark & Jill Fishman
Jeffrey & Sheryl Flug
Adam & Marissa Forsted
Stuart J. & Jaime Fox
Mark & Sarita Fraier
Barry & Karen Frankel
Jon Frankel & Erin Richard Frankel
David & Karen Freedberg
Ary & Judy Freilich
Andrew & Jill Frey
Bernard & Leslie Friedman
Bruce Friedman
David & Erica Friedman
Jeffrey & Stacy Friedman
Mark & Robin Friedman
Pamela Friedman
Richard & Susan Friedman
Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
Robert & Micki Friedman
Steven & Cheri Friedman
Wayne & Patti Fuchs
Elaine Gangel
Daniel & Elizabeth Ganitsky
Nathan & Alice Gantcher
Sarah Gelber
Martin Geller & Lauren Schor Geller
Jack Topal & Evelyn Gelman
Mitchell & Paula Gendel
Harold Geringer
Jeffery & Michelle Gerson
Solomon & Lorraine Glickstein
Jerry Gliklich & Jane Salmon
Marshall & Carolyn Gluck
Howard & Joan Goldberg
Susan Goldberg
Charles Goldblum & Tirzah Schwarz
Daniel & Daniela Goldin
Harrison & Diana Goldin
Dorothy Goldman
Geoffrey & Jennifer Goldschein
Howard & Marjorie Goldschein
The Barbara Goldsmith Foundation
Herman Goldsmith
George Goltzer & Barbara Gertel Goltzer
Leonard & Constance Goodman
Mark & Judith Goodman
Micah & Marla Goodman
William & Jody Gorin
Keith Gottesdiener & Beth Jacobs
Lawrence & Marilyn Gottlieb
Michael Grad & Emily Christenfeld Grad
Laurence & Rebecca Grafstein
Robert Serabin & Deborah Green
Richard Green & Elaine Gilde
Michael & Vicki Greenberg
Sylvan Greenberg
Ira & Linda Greenblatt
David Greenfield
Alan Greenwald
Alexander & Lisa Grinberg
Efraim Grinberg
David & Miriam Grossberg
Leonard & Laura Grossman
Scott & Allison Group
Peter Gruenberger & Carin Lamm Gruenberger
Katherina Grunfeld
Steven Gutwillig & Michele Green
Robert Haar & Angela Fort
Martin & Irene Haber
Martin & Lynn Halbfinger
Monica Halem
Alan & Louise Hamilton
Aaron & Moriah Hara
David Harnick & Raymonda Rastegar-Harnick
Ben & Jessie Harris
Maury & Laurie Harris
William & Ellen Harrow
David Helfgott & Anita Cela
Andrew & Heather Heller
Michael & Lesley Heller
Sanford & Christine Heller
Mel Herman & Judith Jankof Herman
Philip & Erica Hermann
Arthur & Janet Hershaft
David & Diane Hess
George & Helene Hines
Mark & Dena Hirsch
Alan Hirschfeld & Emily Roberts
Joel & Nancy Hirschtritt
Steven Hirth
Bruce & Arlene Hochberg
Michael & Nancy Hodin
Alice Hoffman
Shelley Holm
Jared & Allyson Horowitz
Carol Hyman
Joel & Alissa Isaacson
Alan & Barbara Jacobs
Edward & Mary Jacobs
Marvin & Tina Josephson
Sheila Josephson
Stephen & Helen Judlowe
Robert & Erica Juneja
Marvin & Louise Kagan
Barbara Kahn
Michael Kalisman & Gayle Taubman Kalisman
Bryan & Jennifer Kaplan
Howard & Joyce Kaplan
Jeffrey & Robin Kaplan
Miriam Kaplan
Neal & Barbara Kaplan
Barbara Kapnick
Adam & Jennifer Karol
Dennis & Gail Karr
Glenn Kashan & Robin Cowan
Donald & Cindie Kastenbaum
Fred & Karen Kastenbaum
Bernard Katz & Phyllis Kaplan-Katz
Henry & Stacy Katz
Neal & Samantha Kaufman
Neil & Barbara Kaufman
Ronald & Susan Kaufmann
Irwin L. Kava
William & Linda Kaye
Carol & Gershon Kekst and family
Arthur & Ronnie Kirsch
Donald & Dorothy Ann Kirsch
Joel & Emily Kirsch
Mark Kirsch & Deborah Feyerick
Richard & Dana Kirshenbaum
Zelma Kiwi
Joel & Renee Klaperman
Alan & Lauren Klein
Brett & Dena Klein
Casey Klein
Kenneth & Farah Kleiner
Elie & Elana Kobrin
Arnold Komisar
Steven & Jody Konstadt
Murray & Ellen Koppelman
Paul & Vivienne Koreto
Joshua & Nancy Korff
Phyllis Kossoff
Tamara Kossoff
Allen & Denise Kozin
Ronald Kreismann
Jeff Krevat & Susan Wiener Krevat
Alice Kulick
Brian Kushner & Phyllis Levinberg
Gregory & Alexandra Kwiat
Dorothy Lang
Stephen & Randi Langford
Arthur Langhaus & Kathy Marlin Langhaus
Florence Lapidus & Karen Lapidus
Philippe Laub
Russell & Lara Leaf
Frank Lederman
Jay & Ilyse Lefkowicz
David & Joan Lefkowitz
Sam Lehr & Lisa Fishman
Debra Lehrman
Kevin & Stephanie Leichter
Joan Leiman
David & Michelle Leitner
Leona Leon
Allan & Renee Lercher
Laurence Lerner
Joan Lessing
Martin Levenson & Joan Levine Levenson
Ruth Levenson
Stephen & Stephanie Levey
Alan & Alison Levine
Marvin & Linda Levine
Paul & Joyce Levine
Peter & Janet Levine
Howard & Holly Levinson
Laila Levitas
Carol Levitt
Marian Levitt
Gabrielle Levy
Jonathan & Elizabeth Lewis
Judith P. Lewis
Gary & Rachel Licht
Zanvel & Sylvia Liff
Ellen Liman
Marc & Jennifer Lipschultz
Marvin & Renee Lipton
Scott Litner
Judy Lobel
Miriam London
Jeffrey Loria
Sivia Loria
David & Rochelle Ludwig
Larry Lurin & Eileen Lewis-Lurin
Matt & Andrea Lustig
Boris Lustik
Ann Lyons
Marjorie Magner
Lorraine Malden
Aaron & Randie Malinsky
Steven & Heidi J. Mandel
Franklin & Terry Mark
Matthew & Cindy Mark
Morris Mark & Susan Kolin Mark
Steven & Jana Markowicz
Scott & Allison Marx
Robert & Rita Matthews
Sandy Mayerson
George & Corinne McCormack
Steven Merdinger
Scott & Norma Mero
Sandra Meron
Jonathan & Sandy Merrill
Joel & Lynne Mesznik
Amy Millard
Robert & Sheila Miller
Michael & Cheryl Minikes
Fredric Mintz & Leslie Berman Mintz
Alexander Mishkin & Jennifer Newstead
David & Robin Mitchell
Scott & Leah Mittelman
Lawrence & Ellyn Mittman
Jeffrey & Samantha Mizrahi
Shary & Sherie Moalemzadeh
Abby Modell
Aram & Sherine Moezinia
Jeff & Audrey Mordos
Muriel Morris
Nathan Moser & Rita Ungar Moser
Beth Moses
Jeffrey & Hilary Moses
Howard Muchnick & Susan Schwartz
Richard & Felice Muchnick
Tom Mukamal & Elana Maser
Edward Munves Jr.
Henry & Doris Murad
Charles & Susan Murkofsky
Charles & Carol Mutterperl
Mark & Gwendolyn Myers
Gary & Felicia Nachman
Richard & Nicole Nackenson
Alan & Patricia Neuwirth
Jeffrey Newman
Barton & Nancy Nisonson
Ron & Karen Noy
Bernie Nussbaum & Nancy Kuhn
Michael Odell & Andrea Olshan
Morris & Nancy Offit
Paula Offricht
Stuart & Judi Oltchick
Morris Orden
Susan Orenbuch
Seth Orlow & Myra Freed
Steve Ostrow & Arlette Tawil
Julius & Joyce Paige
Jeffrey Palca
Jason & Tricia Pantzer
David & Ronnie Parker
Nathaniel & Debra Paull
Martin & Doris Payson
Arthur & Ilene Penn
Seth & Susan Perelman
David & Cortney Peretz
Walter & Blossom Peretz
Jonathan & Candace Perkin
Dana Perlman
Cynthia Pfeffer
John & Rachel Philipp
David Phillips & Ellen Zweig-Phillips
William & Suzanne Plotch
Morris M. & Laurie Ferber Podolsky
Brian & Myra Pollack
Lester & Geri Pollack
Gregory & Diana Porges
David & Vicki Portman
Claudia Poster
Marc & Sherri Powers
Mark Pruzansky & Sheila Erlich-Pruzansky
Alex Pustilnik & Rachel Bluestein
Edward & Rosanne Raab
Ruth Rabinowitz
Robert Raskin & Carol Goldstein
Malcolm & Susan Rattner
Jerome & Magda Rebhun
Ariel & Tal Recanati
Lorin Reisner & Miriam Judlowe
Bruce & Ellen Ressler
Jane Revasch
Harriet Rice
Adam Rifkin
Brett & Toby Riggi
David Robbins & Joyce Chang Robbins
Gregory & Amanda Robbins
James Robbins
Calvin & Andrea Roberts
Mordecai Rochlin
Helen Rodbell
Russell & Judith Rodewald
Alain & Ellen Roizen
Andrew & Maris Rosenberg
Joseph & Willa Rosenberg
Bevan & Cheryl Rosenbloom
Lawrence & Natalie Rosenbloom
Daniel & Sheila Rosenblum
James & Sheri Rosenfeld
Menachem & Jean Rosensaft
Michael & Joana Rosensaft
Jason & Beth Rosenthal
Jonathan & Suzanne Rosenzweig
Sidney Rosoff & Joann Abrams Rosoff
James & Laura Ross
David & Margaret Roth
Estelle Roth
James Rothman & Stefanie Katz-Rothman
Ronni Rubin Bolger
Howard & Nan Rubin
Peter Rubin & Fern Hurst
Andres & Suzette Rubinstein
Howard & Shereen Rutman
Frederick & Julie Ruvkun
Arnold L. & Lite Sabin
Mara Safra
Stuart & Stephanie Saft
Rochelle Saideman
Richard Samuels & Janet Weisberg-Samuels
Marvin & Mimi Sandler
Lawrence & Carol Saper
Richard Scharf & Dana Golding
Daniel & Lynn Schaul
Sylvan & Joan Schefler
Gerald & June Schiller
Jonathan Schlesinger & Henry Grullon
Donald Schneider
Jon Schneidman & Michele Hyatt Schneidman
Andrew & Andrea Schnipper
Gil & Sari Schorr
Edwin & Diane Schottenstein
Mort & Miquette Schrader
Brian & Lori Schreiber
Paul & Joan Schreiber
Martin Gropper & Deborah Schron
Neal & Gwen Schultz
Harvey Schulweis
Lawrence & Amanda Schwartz
Mark & Carolyn Schwartz
Mark Schwarz
Melvin Schweitzer
Alexander Schwimmer & Katherine Greig
Herbert & Geraldine Sedler
Michael Seiden & Lili Mahlab
Florence Seligman
Ketty Setton
Gloria Shafer
Alexander Shapiro & Susanna Sirefman
Eytan Shapiro & Lesley-Anne Gliedman
Kenneth & Rochelle Shapiro
Steven & Deborah Shapiro
Harvey & Rita Sharinn
David & Elizabeth Sherman
Barbara Sherr
Martin Shnay & Helene Brenkman
Mitchell & Penny Shore
Daniel Shuchman & Lori Lesser
Bryan & Christine Siegel
Edward & Elyse Siegel
Jeffrey & Heidi Siegel
Stanley & Dianne Siegelbaum
Sydney Silberman
Nina Silfen
David & Patricia Silvers
Jeffrey & Alison Silverstein
Leo & Carol Silverstein
Rob & Heidi Silverstone
December 2014
Kislev/Tevet 5775
Michael & Jacqueline Simmon
David & Jacqueline Simon
Irwin & Daryl Simon
Laura Simon
David Simpson
Sheldon & Doris Siskin
Barry & Donna Slotnick
David & Alyssa Small
Gerald & Diane Smallberg
Chris Smith & Linda Yarden
Spencer & Karen Smul
Craig & Diane Solomon
William & Terry Solomon
Tony & Katrin Sosnick
Roslyn Spector
Allen & Rita Spiegel
Brian & Suzanne Stadler
Jay & Stacy Stark
Lisa Stark
Michael & Tamara Stark
Jamie Stecher & Becky Diamond
Harriet Stein
Neil & Amy Steiner
Harry Steinmetz & Karen Murray
Ernest & Barbara Stern
Ernest & Zina Stern
Frances Stewart
Steven & Marcia Stone
Bernard & Bernice Strassner
Hugh Straus
Leone Straus
Maxim & Marianna Strongin
Victor & Iris Lane Struber
Joshua & Jessica Sullum
David & Elizabeth Tananbaum
Joshua & Barbara Tannenbaum
Simon & Heidi Tarsh
Arline Buxbaum Tarte
Michael & Robin Taubin
Alfred Taubman
Michael & Lia Tchorni
Robert & Debbie Teitelbaum
Charles Temel & Judy Wesalo Temel
Robert & Roxana Tetenbaum
Marilyn Tobias
Robert & Jane Toll
Frances Tompkins
Michael Toporek & Jill Segal-Toporek
Marvin & Helene Torker
Ray & Nancy Treiger
Adam & Lauren Turteltaub
Harold Unger
James Snyder & Esme Usdan
John & Eva Colin Usdan
Michael & Elizabeth Varet
John & Lauren Veronis
Andrew Vogel & Veronique Mazard
Stephen Volk & Diane Kemelman Volk
Barry & Teri Volpert
James Wacht & Meryl Pearlstein
Harry & Stephanie Wagner
Harry & Susan Wagner
Daniel & Jennifer Wainstein
Renee Waldinger
Larry & Nina Wallach
Mark Wasserberger & Ilana Weinstein
Steven Wasserman & Randi Goldberg
Bram & Aimee Weber
Peter & Jacqueline Weidman
Marvin & Lois Weinberg
Greg & Diane Weinberger
Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
Jeffrey & Tracy Weiner
Scott & Sara Weiner
Steven & Tammy Weinfeld
Allen & Jo-Ann Weingarten
Harry & Roslyn Weinrauch
Irving Weinstein & Rona Kurtz
Emanuel Weintraub & Johanna Berkman
Selma Weintraub
Scott & Nancy Weisberg
Marilyn Weitzman
Sheldon Werdiger & Miki Kagan
Barry & Lisa West
Shelby White
Robert & Jacqueline Willens
Helena Willner
Richard & Debbie Wilpon
H. Richard & Deborah Winn
Charles & Deanne Winnick
Benjamin & Susan Winter
Nathaniel & Helen Wisch
Vera Wolff Sullivan
Steven & Joyce Wolitzer
Howard & Jody Wurzel
Abraham & Liliane Yurkofsky
Milt & Pauline Zablow
Kirk Zachary & Susan Smirnoff
Rafael & Dale Zaklad
Marlene Zausner
Brett & Lori Zbar
Jonathan & Arlyne Zeichner
Joel Zinberg & Colleen Edwards
Michael Zinn & Jean Miller
Neil Zwiebel & Alissa Fox
Phyllis Leventhal, in loving memory of my
beautiful mother, Gladys Braun.
Lewis Lipsey, with appreciation for Dr. Joel
Zinberg’s help and wishing him the best in the
New Year.
Andrea & Calvin Roberts, with thanks for
Cantor Schwartz’s singing at Julia and David's
Barri Sauber, in memory of Anna Sauber.
Shirley Teper, in memory of Ray Gold Teper
& Alex Teper and Rosaline, Bernard, Leon
and Philmore.
Pauline & Milt Zablow, wishing Cantor
Schwartz shanah tovah.
Pauline & Milt Zablow, wishing Cantor
Lissek shanah tovah.
Veronique Gabai-Pinsky, in appreciation of
the beautiful community and great work done
at the PAS Congregational School.
Natalie & Brett Barth, in appreciation of
Cantor Shira Lissek for helping Natalie
prepare her Haftorah.
Natalie & Brett Barth, in honor of Charles
Yellen, Hatan Torah, and Barbara Weinstein,
Kallat B’reishit.
Barry Bryer & Meryl Wiener, in honor of
Barbara Weinstein being honored as Kallat
Barry Bryer & Meryl Wiener, in memory
of Bernice Bressman, mother of Robert
Barry Bryer & Meryl Wiener, in memory of
her father, Meyer Wiener.
Louis & Anita Ehrenberg.
Harriet Feiwel, in loving memory of her
mother, Libby Rich.
Richard Green & Elaine Gilde, in honor of
Charles Yellen, Hatan Torah, and Barbara
Weinstein, Kallat B’reishit.
Racheline Habousha, wishing Ms. Meryl
Wiener & Mr. Barry Bryer a happy, sweet
New Year.
Larry Heller, on the occasion of his Bar
Eileen (Razel) Hyman, in appreciation of
Jimmy & Sheri Rosenfeld and the hospitality
they always show me.
Joan Lovett, wishing Adin Moses
congratulations on his Bar Mitzvah and good
work with DOROT.
Harold Michels, in honor of Max Silverstone.
Michael & Sharon Oberman, in honor of their
Ruth Rothseid, in honor of Barbara Weinstein
being honored as Kallat B’reishit.
Ruth Rothseid, in honor of the baby naming
of Arabella Frances Segal, daughter of
Danielle & Jon Segal.
Ruth Rothseid, wishing a speedy recovery to
Rabbi David Lincoln.
Dorothy & Joe Bamberger, in honor of Julia
Gottschalk’s Bat Mitzvah.
Kirk Zachary & Susan Smirnoff, in honor of
Barbara Weinstein, Kallat B’reishit.
Karen Bass, in honor of the marriage of
Julianne Bond to David Marcus.
Louis & Anita Ehrenberg.
Dena & Mark Hirsch, in honor of the birth
of Ace Griffin, grandson of Alan & Alison
Joel & Nancy Hirschtritt, in memory
of Robert Bressman’s mother, Bernice
Sheri & Jimmy Rosenfeld, in honor of
Charles Yellen, Hatan Torah, and Barbara
Weinstein, Kallat B’reishit.
Mitchell & Beth Silber, in honor of our son
Max’s Bar Mitzvah.
Sallye Wolf, in honor of Natalie & Brett
Pauline & Milt Zablow, wishing Rabbi
Cosgrove shanah tovah.
Kirk Zachary, in memory of my father, Allan
The Bromer Family, in honor of Rabbi
Zuckerman’s promotion.
Pauline & Milt Zablow, wishing Rabbi
Zuckerman shana tova.
Kirk Zachary & Susan Smirnoff, in honor of
Rabbi Zuckerman.
Mark Schwarz.
Leslie & Judith Agisim, in honor of
Leslie’s birthday.
Michael Bales, in memory of Andrew
Nicole Ben-Dor, in honor of her birthday.
Richard Benowitz, in honor of his
Daniel Bernstein, in honor of his birthday.
Louis Bernstein & Barbara Weinstein, in
honor of our children, Michael, Ben and
Alan Block, in memory of Frieda Cohen,
Hyman Cohen and Paul G. Block.
E.J. Borrack, in memory of Mary Zitwer
Millman’s beloved mother, Edith F.
E.J. Borrack, in memory of Neva Martin
Anton’s beloved father, Willy Martin.
Constance Breslin, in memory of Eli M.
Martha Cohen, in honor of her birthday.
Jesse Cohen, in honor of his birthday.
Samuel Cooper, in memory of Ray
Carolyn Coplan, in memory of Harvey
Bradley Corben, in memory of Jacob
Robert de Rothschild, in memory of Alain
de Rothschild.
Juliet Diller, in memory of Manya
Dr. Gustave & Elinor Eisemann
Philanthropic Fund of the Jewish
Community Foundation of Greater
Kansas City, with thanks to the PAS
congregation, the rabbis, and Cantor
Schwartz for the Yom Kippur broadcasts.
Barton Farber, in memory of Daniel
Bernard Feinberg, in honor of his
Elizabeth Feiner, in memory of my father,
George Cooper.
William Felder, in memory of Edward
Rhetta Felton, in memory of Iolabee
Harrison Ferber, in honor of his birthday.
Karen Freedberg, in memory of Fay
Marilyn Garcy, in memory of Celia
Harold Geringer, in memory of Martin
Harold Geringer, in memory of Bernard
Barbara Gerstel, in memory of Howard
James Goldman, in memory of Ida
Iona Ginsburg, in memory of Abraham
Eugene Horowitz.
Lesley-Anne Gliedman, in memory of
Richard Gliedman.
Marshall Gluck, in memory of Ruth
Rubin Gluck.
James Goldman, in memory of Katherine
Dorothy Goldman, in honor of her
Candy Gould, in memory of Mary Mazza.
Robert Hammerman, in honor of his
Dena & Mark Hirsch, in memory of
Drazel Penberg.
Floy & Amos Kaminski, in celebration of
our wedding anniversary.
Floy & Amos Kaminski, in memory of
Floy’s sister, Zoe Jacobson.
Neal & Barbara Kaplan, in honor of
Barbara’s birthday.
Marilyn Katz, in memory of Robert Katz.
Marilyn Katz, in memory of Lillian
Dorothy Ann Kirsch, in honor of her
Donald Kirsch, in honor of his birthday.
M. Klebanoff Foundation, in honor of
Arthur Ainsberg.
Susan Lemor, in memory of Herman
Leona Leon, in loving memory of my
mother-in-law, Fannie Leon.
Marian Levitt, in memory of Mildred
Miriam London, in honor of her birthday.
Miriam London, in memory of Selma
Larry Lurin & Eileen Lewis-Lurin, in
memory of Philip Lurin.
Ann Lyons, in memory of Julius
Robert & Sheila Miller, in honor of
Robert’s birthday.
Rita Ungar Moser, in memory of William
Michael Norwich, in memory of Isadore
Susan Orenbuch, in memory of Berek
Morris M. Podolsky, in memory of my
father, Dr. Harold M. Podolsky.
Carolyn & Ruby Ptak, in memory of
Harry & Sylvia Ptak.
Carolyn & Ruby Ptak, in memory of
Milton & Ida Segal.
Carolyn & Ruby Ptak, in memory of
Brent Pasternak.
Ruth Rabinowitz, in memory of Harry
Calvin & Andrea Roberts.
Mordecai Rochlin, in memory of
Benjamin Rochlin.
Estelle Roth, in honor of her birthday.
Shereen & Howard Rutman, in honor
of Barbara Weinstein being honored as
Kallat B’reishit.
Shereen & Howard Rutman, in honor of
Charles Yellen being honored as Hatan
Sheldon Sachs, in memory of Abraham
Mara Safra, in memory of Michael Smith,
father of Chris Smith and father-in-law of
Linda Yarden Smith.
Melvin Schweitzer, in memory of Irving
Melvin Schweitzer, in honor of his
Florence Seligman.
Daniel Seltzer, in memory of Emily
Neil Shapiro & Ilse Gordon-Shapiro, in
celebration of the beautiful services led
by Cantor Ben Ellerin.
Eytan Shapiro, in memory of Isadore
Stanley Siegelbaum, in memory of
Frances Siegelbaum.
Esther Silver, in memory of Murray
Barry Slotnick.
The Smallberg Family, in memory of
Erica Schwartz’s mother, Paula Herman.
Gerald Smallberg, in memory of his
father, Alex Smallberg.
Susan Smirnoff, in memory of Nathan
Shirley & Martin Stauber.
Amy Steiner, in honor of her birthday.
Aaron Stern, in honor of his birthday.
Arline Buxbaum Tarte, in memory of
Reba Buxbaum.
Marilyn Tobias, in memory of Henry
Marilyn Tobias, in honor of her birthday.
Nancy & Ray Treiger, with thanks for
the Shabbos goodies and get well wishes
while I was in Mount Sinai.
Ray Treiger, in memory of Sam Treiger.
Harold Unger, in memory of Jess Unger.
Jacqueline Wahl, in honor of her birthday.
Jacqueline Wahl, in appreciation of my
honor during Rosh Hashanah services.
Lois Weinberg, in memory of Harry Paul.
Sydelle, Andy, and Henry Weinberger,
in loving memory of Dr. Kirk Zachary's
father, Allan Zachary.
Selma Weintraub, in memory of Morris
Robert Willens, in honor of his birthday.
Susan Winter, in memory of Lewis
Marlene Zausner.
Roberta Zuckerman, in memory of
Morris Emanuel Greebel.
Lynne & William Bermont, in honor of
Lynne and Joel Mesznik.
Louis Bernstein & Barbara Weinstein, in
honor of Charles Yellen as Hatan Torah.
Louis Bernstein & Barbara Weinstein, in
honor of Barbara as Kallat B’reishit.
Peter & Carol Meltzer.
To make a donation, please contact Jesse Landberg, Donations Coordinator, at jlandberg@pasyn.org or
212- 369-2600, x 101.
December 2014
Kislev/Tevet 5775
Hanukkah 5775 at PAS
EGINNING AT THE FAR RIGHT, put the candles in the Hanukkiah from right to left, the direction
of Hebrew writing. Light the candles from left to right, so each night you light the newest candle
first. If possible, place the Hanukkiyah in a window, so that it is visible from outside the house.
First Night Only
Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
Barukh atah Adonai, eloheinu
melekh ha-olam asher kidshanu
b’mitzvotav, v’tzivanu l’hadlik ner
shel hanukkah.
Praised are You Adonai, our God who
rules the universe, who made us holy
by giving us mitzvot, and commanded
us to light the Hanukkah lights.
Barukh atah Adonai, eloheinu
melekh ha-olam sheh asah nissim
la-avoteinu ba-yamim ha-hem
u-va-z’man ha-zeh.
Praised are You Adonai, our God who
rules the universe, who accomplished
miracles for our ancestors in ancient
days, and in our time.
Barukh atah Adonai, eloheinu melekh
ha-olam, sheh-heh-heyanu, v’kiy’manu,
v’higiyanu la-z’man ha-zeh.
Praised are You Adonai, our God who
rules the universe, granting us life,
sustaining us, and enabling us to reach
this time of year.
11 Kislev
11:30 am Monthly Mitzvah
6:30 pm Hebrew 1
7:00 pm Exploring Judaism
7:45 pm Hebrew 2
TBA pm YCG Latke/Vodka
2:00 pm YFE Hanukkah
18 Kislev
6 Tevet
29 Kislev
4:00 pm Food Pantry packing
6:00 pm Candles, lobby
11:30 am Contemp J Thought 6:30 pm Beyond Borders
1:00 pm Yiddish Club
6:30 pm Jews in America
6:00 pm Candles, lobby
6:45 pm Melton 2
6:00 pm Teen Tuesdays
8:00 pm Little Light That
7:00 pm Schorsch Master Class Could
8 Tevet
7:00 am Morning minyan
6:00 pm Candles, lobby
7:00 am Morning minyan
6:00 pm Candles, lobby
11:00 am Bk Discuss Grp
7 Tevet
1 Tevet
30 Kislev
19 Kislev
9:15 am Melton 1
9:15 am Jews in America
9:15 am Shemot II
4:00 pm Food Pantry packing 12:00 pm Insights from Israel
6:30 pm Beyond Borders
5:45 pm Vav BMtz Fam Prog
6:30 pm Jews in America
6:15 pm Breaking Boundaries
6:45 pm Melton 2
6:30 pm Light in Darkness
7:00 pm Foundations
7:00 pm Cong Singers
8:00 pm History & Halakhah 7:00 pm Exploring Judaism
of Torah Reading
7:30 pm Torah on Tap
13 Kislev
Candles, 4:11 pm
14 Kislev
Parashat Va-yishlah
21 Kislev
13Parashat Va-yeishev
8:45 am Parashat HaShavua
9:15 am Sanctuary service
9:30 am PAS Youth Choir
10:00 am CS Shabbat Exper
20 mins after svces Minha
12:30 pm WN Shabbat Retreat
8:00 am Daf HaShavua
9:00 am TGIS
9:15 am Women in the Bible
10:00 am Sanctuary service
3:30 pm Food Pantry
10:00 am CS Shabbat
5:00 pm YFE Kabbalat Shabbat Experience
5:30 pm YFE Shabbat Dinner 11:15 am Tot Tefillah (YFE svce)
6:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat
20 mins after svces Minha
7:30 pm Day Sch Cmty Dinner 4:00 pm Teen Study / Rabbi C.
20 Kislev
12Candles, 4:11 pm
8:00 am Daf HaShavua
3:30 pm Food Pantry
6:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat
7:30 pm Shabbat Dinner
Series & WN Shabbat Retreat
FRIDAY December
9 Tevet
2 Tevet
6:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat
4 Tevet
26 Candles, 4:16 pm
8:00 am Daf HaShavua
9:10 am Shirat Shabbat
3:30 pm Food Pantry
6:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat
8:45 am Parashat HaShavua
9:15 am Sanctuary service
20 mins after svces Minha
5 Tevet
27 Parashat Va-yiggash
8:45 am Parashat HaShavua
9:15 am Sanctuary service
9:30 am Havurah
20 mins after svces Minha
4:30 pm Hazzan’s Tisch
Daily minyanim Monday-Friday at 7:15 am, except where noted. Sundays and
December 25 at 9:00 am. Ma’ariv Sunday-Thursday at 5:45 pm.
Shabbat minha 20 minutes after the end of morning services.
PAS offices closed
TBA Teen Movie & Chinese
3 Tevet
9:15 am Melton 1
9:15 am Jews in America
9:15 am Shemot II
10:45 am Little Lt That Could
12:00 pm Library L&L
6:00 pm Candles, lobby
6:30 pm TLC Torah's Light
7:00 pm Exploring Judaism
28 Kislev
25 Kislev
26 Kislev
27 Kislev
Hanukkah candle 172nd Hanukkah candle 18 3rd Hanukkah candle 19 4th Hanukkah candle 20 5th Hanukkah candle
16 241st Kislev
Parashat Mi-ketz
Candles, 4:13 pm
8:00 am Essential Essays
11:30 am J Contemp Thought
1:00 pm Yiddish Club
6:00 pm Teen Tuesdays
17 Kislev
12 Kislev
THURSDAY 9:15 am Melton 1
9:15 am Jews in America
9:15 am Shemot II
12:00 pm Library L&L
12:30 pm Online L&L
7:00 pm Cong Singers
7:00 Exploring Judaism
Hanukkah candle 238th Hanukkah candle 24Last day of Hanukkah 25
21 6th Hanukkah candle 22 7th
No candles in evening
Rosh Hodesh
Rosh Hodesh
1523 Kislev
14 22 Kislev
16 Kislev
10 Kislev
4:30 pm Lego® Hanukkiah
7:00 pm Exploring Judaism
7:00 pm Hallel v’Zimrah
15 Kislev
WEDNESDAY 6:30 pm Hebrew 1
7:00 pm Spiel Rehearsal
7:00 pm Exploring Judaism
7:45 pm Hebrew 2
9 Kislev
TUESDAY 9:00 am Book & Gift Fair
9:15 am WN Author Breakfast
4:00 pm Food Pantry packing
4:30 pm Empowered Judaism
6:30 pm Beyond Borders
8:00 am Essential Essays
6:30 pm Jews in America
11:30 am J Contemp Thought 6:45 pm Melton 2
3:00 pm Book & Gift Fair
7:00 pm Foundations
6:00 pm Teen Tuesdays
8:00 pm History & Halakhah
7:00 pm Parent Cocktail Party of Torah Reading
MONDAY 11:00 am MC Project Ezra
Hanukkah Lunch
PAS Calendar of Events
December 2014 Kislev/Tevet 5775
Information is subject to change.
Confirm at www.pasyn.org or with the office.
50 East 87th Street, New York, NY 10128
Synagogue Office: 212-369-2600
Elliot J. Cosgrove, PhD, Rabbi
Neil Zuckerman, Rabbi
Ethan H. Witkovsky, Rabbi
Azi Schwartz, Cantor and Music Director
Shira Lissek, Cantor
David H. Lincoln, Rabbi Emeritus
David Lefkowitz, Cantor Emeritus
Arthur Penn, Chairman of the Board
Paul M. Corwin, President
Beryl P. Chernov, Executive Director
Rabbi Charles Savenor, Director of Congregational Education
A Look Ahead: January
College Connections Kabbalat Shabbat, Dinner & Discussion Friday | January 9 | 6:15 pm, Kabbalat Shabbat, followed by dinner and discussion
Sponsored by UJA@PAS
Significant Health Challenges Session 2
Dealing with an Eating Disorder: How to Find the Support and Strength to Persevere
Thursday | January 22 | 6:30 – 8:00 pm
An Evening with Bret Stephens
Tuesday | January 12 | 7:15 pm
Men’s Club Financial Forum
Thursday | January 29 | 7:00 pm
Shabbaton 2015:
Trauma as a Turning Point: How the Holocaust Continues to
Impact American Jewish Life
Friday & Saturday | January 30 & 31
New York, NY
Permit No. 8526