תבט–ולסכ december 2012 - Park Avenue Synagogue
תבט–ולסכ december 2012 - Park Avenue Synagogue
כסלו–טבת DECEMBER 2012 Hanukkah 5773 From Rabbi Elliot J. Cosgrove Come, let us go up to Israel! W hen it comes to expressing commitment and affection to those whom we love most, both quality and quantity matter. Not only must our expressions of love be sincere and substantive, but they should also be frequent and sustained over the long term. It is those relationships that we tend to with regularity and affirm with constancy that are the ones that grow stronger over time, remaining vital throughout our lives and across the generations. For Jews, our relationship with Israel is such a relationship. While many of us cherish a first visit to Israel or another fondly remembered trip in years past, each one of us has an obligation to give Israel engagement and travel an ongoing place in our lives. Every time I visit Israel, I am amazed at how fast the country changes. No matter how often I am there, I have yet to go and not see something new. I am very proud of the priority our community gives to Israel missions. This December, a sold-out delegation will travel to Israel for a Bnei Mitzvah Family Mission. Our June 2013 Young Family Mission also sold out quickly after it was announced. For those on waitlists, be assured that we will be announcing the next round of missions in the near future! I am excited that our relationship with Birthright Israel continues in strength. Through the vision and generosity of our own congregants, we will be co-sponsoring a community-wide post-college trip in June 2013. “Graduates” of numerous Manhattan synagogues will have the opportunity to experience Israel with other young adults (ages 22-26) on this transformative program. Please visit pasyn.org for more information. Finally, there is still space to celebrate Israel’s 65th birthday in Israel! From April 13 – 19, 2013, PAS will fill one bus as part of a wider mission from UJA-Federation of New York. We will tailor the week’s program to our own community’s present interests and past experiences, and we will also have opportunities to join friends from across the New York community for unique access to Israeli leadership. The chance to be in Israel for Yom HaZikaron 2 Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin and Yom HaAtzma’ut is a special one, not to be missed. Please see page 6 of this Bulletin for trip highlights and check pasyn.org for more information and to sign up. With so much Israel travel on the calendar, I am particularly proud that our synagogue has worked with UJA to make these experiences affordable to our membership. This year, our community was awarded the Doree and Chuck Greenberg Family Mission Scholarships to Israel. These funds help defray the costs of what we all know to be a not insignificant financial commitment. As an institution of Jewish education, we are obligated to make the very opportunities that we prioritize as Jewish values financially accessible. We are grateful to UJA and the Greenberg family for making these funds available. Please contact my office directly for more information. Four times during one calendar year members of our community will be traveling to Israel. There will be more trips in the years to come. I hope it will not be long before you are there with your PAS family! Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin Volume 65 · N°. 4 DECember 2012 Kislev / Tevet 5773 · כסלו–טבת From Rabbi Elliot J. Cosgrove........................................... 2 PAS Book Fair & Opening Lecture.................................... 3 Schedule of Religious Services .......................................... 4 Hanukkah at PAS................................................................ 5 Lighting the Hanukkah Candles.......................................... 5 From Rabbi Steven I. Rein.................................................. 6 Israel at 65 Trip in April...................................................... 6 Synagogue Family.............................................................. 7 Adult Education & Events.................................................. 8 Caring Network................................................................. 11 Youth Education & Events................................................ 12 Congregational School Schedule...................................... 12 Young Family Education.................................................. 13 High School & Youth Groups........................................... 13 Contributions.................................................................... 14 Calendar............................................................................ 19 A Look Ahead..................................................... Back cover annual community event PAS Hanukkah Book & Gift Fair Tuesday, December 4 | 4:00 – 7:00 pm Wednesday, December 5 | 9:30 am – 7:00 pm Thursday, December 6 | 9:30 am – 6:30 pm The perfect place to do all of your Hanukkah shopping while supporting the Congregational School Parents’ Association. Choose from thousands of books for readers of all ages, from recent bestsellers to classics of Jewish literature to cookbooks and coffee table books. Looking for that unique gift for a friend or family member? Or perhaps you'd like to treat yourself to something special. The PAS Gift Fair offers toys, clothing, accessories, jewelry, stationery and personalized gifts from a wide variety of vendors. Some of our vendors come for one day only, so stop by more than once! Author Visits and Events: Tuesday | December 4 | 7:00 pm Opening Event: Harold Kushner Celebrate the opening of the PAS Book and Gift Fair with a lecture from Harold Kushner about his new book, The Book of Job: When Bad Things Happen to a Good Person. Books will be available for purchase, and Rabbi Kushner will sign them following the lecture. Co-sponsored by the PAS Book Fair, Young Couples Group, and the Department of Adult Learning is rabbi laureate of Temple Israel in the Boston suburb of Natick, Massachusetts. A native of Brooklyn, New York, he is the author of more than a dozen books on coping with life’s challenges, including the best-selling Conquering Fear and Overcoming Life’s Disappointments. Harold Kushner:Ariel Kushner Haber Harold S. Kushner www.pasyn.org 212–369–2600 Wednesday | December 5 | 9:15 am Favorite Books with Debbie Cosgrove Join Debbie for a light breakfast and learn about three of her favorite books. All of them will be available at the Book Fair to purchase for yourself or as gifts. Co-sponsored by The Women's Network and the PAS Book Fair Wednesday | December 5 | During the afternoon Glamour magazine contributing beauty editor Andrea Pomerantz Lustig – a member of PAS – will sign copies of her new book, How to Look Expensive: A Beauty Editor's Secrets to Getting Gorgeous without Breaking the Bank December 2012 Kislev – Tevet 5773 3 Schedule of Religious Services · כסלו–טבת Daily minyanim Monday-Friday at 7:15 am; Sundays and Legal Holidays at 9:00 am. Ma’ariv Sunday-Thursday at 5:45 pm. Saturday, December 1 17 Kislev Parashat Va-yishlah 9:15 am | Sanctuary service with guest speaker Ambassador Yehuda Avener 20 mins after morning services | Minha Friday, December 7 23 Kislev 5:00 pm | YFE Shabbat service with Birthday Blessings (p. 13) 6:15 pm | Friday Evening service Saturday, December 8 24 Kislev Parashat Va-yeishev 9:15 am | Sanctuary service Bar Mitzvah of William Nunberg 9:30 am | Havurah service 20 mins after morning services | Minha 4:00 pm | Hazzan’s Tisch & Havdalah Once a month we are all invited to savor the last part of Shabbat at home with Cantor Azi Schwartz and his family. We’ll schmooze a bit, snack a bit, maybe even sing a bit, then say ma’ariv (the evening service) together and end with havdalah. To register, visit pasyn.org, Music at PAS, and click on Events, or call 212-369-2600, x128. Friday, December 14 1 Tevet 6:15 pm | Friday Evening service Friday, December 21 8 Tevet 6:15 pm | Friday Evening service Saturday, December 22 9 Tevet Parashat Va-yiggash 9:15 am | Sanctuary service 20 mins after morning services | Minha Friday, December 28 15 Tevet 6:15 pm | Friday Evening service Saturday, December 29 16 Tevet Parashat Va-y’hi 9:15 am | Sanctuary service 20 mins after morning services | Minha Saturday, December 15 Friday, December 2 6 Kislev 2 Tevet 6:15 pm | Musical Kabbalat Shabbat featuring the Congregational Singers Parashat Mi-ketz Below and Cover: The Congregational Rabbi Elliot J. Cosgrove and Rabbi Steven I. 9:15 am | Sanctuary service Musical Kabbalat Shabbat is a fast-paced, participatory Friday evening service enhanced with musical instruments and School Zayin class made hanukkiyot out Rein will preach and conduct services together Bat Mitzvah of Sarah Backer singing. Supported by the John and Jennifer Monsky Musical Traditions Fund. of objects as an assignment in The Jewish with Cantor Azi Schwartz, Cantor Shiree 9:30 am | Havurah service Lens, a program that teaches students about Kidron, and the Synagogue Choir, with Colin 11:15 am | YFE Shabbat programs (p. 13) Saturday, December 3 7 Kislev photography while they explore Jewish Fowler at the organ. after panel discussion (p. 10) | Minha values, holidays and history. Two teams were chosen to have their work published in the Bulletin. Congratulations to Evan Frommer, Sam Harris and Nate Sassoon for the work on the cover and to Bradley Kaufman, Jordan Levinson and Jacob Rizzi for the work pictured here. 4 Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin Hanukkah 5773 at PAS Sunday, December 2 | 10:30 am | Hanukkah Party with PJ Library & Sheldon Low (p. 12) Monday, December 3 | 7:00 – 8:00 pm | Holidays Ahead of Time: Hanukkah (p. 8) Tuesday, December 4 | 4:00 – 7:00 pm | PAS Hanukkah Book & Gift Fair (p. 3) Wednesday, December 5 | 9:30 am – 7:00 pm | PAS Hanukkah Book & Gift Fair (p. 3) | 7:30 pm | Young Couples Group Annual Latke/Vodka Party (p. 9) Thursday, December 6 | 9:30 am – 6:30 pm | PAS Hanukkah Book & Gift Fair (p. 3) Sunday, December 9 | 11:00 am | Project Ezra Hanukkah Party (p. 9) | 2:00 pm | Kadima/Etgar Hanukkah Party (p. 13) | 4:00 pm | Hanukkah Concert with Joey Weisenberg (p. 10) Monday, December 10 | 6:00 pm | Hanukkah Candle Lighting in the Lobby Tuesday, December 11 | 6:00 pm | Hanukkah Candle Lighting in the Lobby | 7:00 pm | Behind the Scenes with the Conservative Rabbis of the East Side (p. 9) Wednesday, December 12 | 6:00 pm | Hanukkah Candle Lighting in the Lobby Thursday, December 13 | 6:00 pm | Hanukkah Candle Lighting in the Lobby | 6:30 – 8:30 pm | Lights in the Darkness: Hanukkah Reflections (p. 11) Tuesday, December 19 | 6:30 pm | Singles Hanukkah Party (p. 9) B eginning at the far right, put the candles in the Hanukkiah from right to left, the direction of Hebrew writing. Light the candles from left to right, so each night you light the newest candle first. If possible, place the Hanukkiyah in a window, so that it is visible from outside the house. First Night Only d pasyn.org/calendar www.pasyn.org Barukh atah Adonai, eloheinu melekh ha-olam asher kidshanu b’mitzvotav, v’tzivanu l’hadlik ner shel hanukkah. Praised are You Adonai, our God who rules the universe, who made us holy by giving us mitzvot, and commanded us to light the Hanukkah lights. Barukh atah Adonai, eloheinu melekh ha-olam sheh asah nissim la-avoteinu ba-yamim ha-hem u-va-z’man ha-zeh. Praised are You Adonai, our God who rules the universe, who accomplished miracles for our ancestors in ancient days, and in our time. Barukh atah Adonai, eloheinu melekh ha-olam, sheh-heh-heyanu, v’kiy’manu, v’higiyanu la-z’man ha-zeh. Praised are You Adonai, our God who rules the universe, granting us life, sustaining us, and enabling us to reach this time of year. Get up-to-the-minute information about PAS programs, events & schedule of religious services at www.pasyn.org/calendar. 212–369–2600 December 2012 Kislev – Tevet 5773 5 A Hanukkah invitation from Rabbi Rein Meet a Modern Day Maccabee: General Norton A. Schwartz, Chief of Staff, USAF, Retired “Keeping Peace and Waging War” Thursday | December 13 | 7:30 pm | at JTS, 3080 Broadway As much as we love to tell the story of the oil burning for eight days, we know that the miracle of Hanukkah is in the military victory against all odds. Judah Maccabee and his militia defeated the Greco-Syrian governor of Judea and later crushed the viceroy of the Seleucid Empire along with his army and cavalry. These victories were a testament to the undeniable will of the Maccabees and the Jewish people of 165 BCE. Both for Israel and for worldwide Jewry, the Maccabees represent our control of our own destiny, our ability to combat our enemies, and our continuing to be a light unto the nations. Judah Maccabee is a historical figure, but his persona appears in leaders to this very day. General Norton A. Schwartz, who recently retired as the Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force, brings the spirit of Judah Maccabee into our day and age. General Schwartz was the senior uniformed Air Force officer responsible for the organization, training and equipping of 680,000 airmen in the United States and overseas. As a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he was a military adviser to the Secretary of Defense, the National Security Council and the President. General Schwartz previously served as Commander, U.S. Transportation Command, the single manager for global air, land and sea transportation for the Department of Defense. In addition, what you will not read in his official CV is that General Schwartz is a former member of USY and the son of Si Schwartz, an international United Synagogue president. As a Chaplain in the USAF, I am honored to introduce General Schwartz at JTS on the sixth night of Hanukkah and to moderate the discussion after his lecture. No cost or registration. Please bring a government photo ID for admittance to JTS. For more information, please contact Rabbi Rein at srein@pasyn.org. Give yourself a Hanukkah gift! Sign up now! Celebrate Israel's 65th Birthday in Israel with PAS and UJA-Federation of New York! Highlights of the PAS track of the UJA-Federation of New York's Mission Celebrating Israel's 65th Anniversary: • Briefings from a senior government official on security issues facing Israel and a member of the Israeli Defense Forces about the situations with Iran and the Palestinians • Meetings with leaders from the Jewish Agency for Israel and the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, two of UJA-Federation's key overseas partners • Visits to Independence Hall, the Palmach Museum, the Menachem Begin Heritage Center and the Israel Museum • Lectures from renowned Israeli scholars about water issues in Israel and surrounding areas, the Arab Spring, social policy and immigration • Yom HaZikaron ceremony on Ammunition Hill • Gala Yom HaAtzma'ut dinner • Cocktails with members of the Israel Defense Forces at an army base • Yom HaAtzma'ut celebration on the streets of Jerusalem • Festive meals with the PAS community • Gala farewell dinner Please note: the trip itinerary is in formation and subject to change based on availability of museums and speakers. If you have questions about the greater UJA-Federation Mission or wish to sign up, visit http://www.ujafedny.org/event/view/ celebrate-israel-at-65/ or contact Susan Flanders at 212.836.1813 or flanderss@ujafedny.org. Tell her you are interested in the PAS track. 6 Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin Synagogue Family ברוכים הבאיםWelcome בני מצוהBnei Mitzvah Joseph & Lindsey Appelbaum Andrew & Anne Baker Jonathan & Geraldine Brownstein Wendy Croom Robin Dolch Josh & Marjorie Harris Andrew Katz & Brooke Porter David & Jennifer Millstone Jeremy & Carrie Schein William Nunberg Sarah Backer Son of Mindy & Milton Nunberg Daughter of Marla Backer and Scott Backer Will began his education at Park Avenue Synagogue in the Gan class and is now in 7th grade at the Salk School of Science. He is an extremely diligent student who enjoys Math and Science. Will is an avid sports fan and a fine athlete. He participates in football, basketball, and track on his school teams as well as at Brookwood Camp where he spends summers. He is known for being a team player and a good sportsman. Will’s other interests include travel, spending time with friends and family, playing video games and barbequing at the beach. Will’s greatest gift is his ability always to see the good in people and the silver lining in a difficult situation. In the face of adversity, he always looks to the light. In his 13 years, he has experienced more than most people have in a lifetime and he continues to thrive. His resilience is a trait to be admired. Will wishes to thank his family, the clergy, his teachers, Ronit Aranoff, and his tutor for helping him prepare for his special day. Sarah has been involved with PAS since she was a toddler. Now in 8th grade at the Lycée Français de New York, she is an enthusiastic and diligent student whose favorite subjects are Social Studies and Mandarin. Sarah loves to sing. As a member of Tavim, the PAS youth choir, she has sung at the Jewish Home Lifecare and also sang at the Cantors Assembly Convention in 2010. Through her involvement with the Rabbi Judah Nadich High School, Sarah teaches children in Gan and participates in the Food Pantry and the PAS Rock Band. Sarah loves animals and has been a nurturing caregiver to the rescue dogs that she and her family have adopted. If she could, she would adopt all the homeless dogs in New York. Sarah, who is named for her greatgrandmother Sarah, is compassionate and caring and always smiling. She is a loving big sister to her brother Adam. Sarah would like to thank her family, the rabbis and cantors, Ronit Aranoff, all of her teachers and her tutor Ariela Wallace for helping her prepare for this special day. Sarah’s family is extremely proud of her and also wishes to thank the PAS clergy and staff. מזל טובMazal Tov Sidney Rosoff – on receiving the Aileen Osbourne Webb Award of Distinction, the highest recognition awarded by the American Craft Council, in appreciation of his many years of wise counsel to the Board of the ACC Jessica & Scott Chestman – on the birth of a son, Charlie Harrison Chestman, and to big brothers Samuel and Jack Nicole & Richard Nackenson – on the birth of a daughter, Alexandra Julia Nackenson, and to big brother Benjamin Rachel Bluth & Derek Smith – on the birth of a daughter, Alexandra Irene Smith, and to big brothers Asher, Graham and Simon. December 8 Parashat Va-yeishev Jennifer & Stephen Taubenfeld – on the birth of twin sons, Benjamin Miles Taubenfeld and Aaron Reiland Taubenfeld, and to big brother Asher December 15 Parashat Mi-ketz המקום ינחםCondolences Samuel & Emma Hest on the loss of his father, Lionel Hest / Dr. Margo Cohen on the loss of her husband, Perry Cohen / Fern Hurst & Peter Rubin on the loss of her father, Stanley Karesh / Samuel Schaeffler on the loss of his wife, Sondra Schaeffler www.pasyn.org 212–369–2600 December 2012 Kislev – Tevet 5773 7 Adult Classes & events Weekly Classes . MONDAY (No classes on December 24, 31) THURSDAY (No classes on December 27) CONTINUING MULTI-SESSION SERIES Siddur Hebrew 2 | 6:15 – 7:15 pm | Cantor Judi Rowland Melton 1 | 9:15 – 11:30 am | Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove and Debbie Cosgrove Adult Bat Mitzvah | 6:30 – 8:30 pm | R. Neil Zuckerman & C. Judi Rowland Hasidism | 9:15 – 10:15 am | Rabbi Zalman Rothschild Holidays Ahead of Time: Hanukkah | Monday | December 3 | 7:00 – 8:00 pm |Rabbi Zalman Rothschild Modern Hebrew | 7:30 – 9:00 pm | Varda Hubara Leadership & Crisis: Jewish Resources & Responses | 10:30 – 11:30 am | Rabbi Neil Zuckerman TUESDAY (No classes on December 25) Essential Essays | 8:00 am, after minyan | Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove Contemporary Jewish Thought | 11:30 am | Rabbi Steven Rein Siddur Hebrew 1 | 6:15 – 7:15 pm | Cantor Judi Rowland Introduction to Judaism | 6:15 – 8:30 pm | Rabbi Steven Rein WEDNESDAY (No classes on Dec. 26) Perusin’ the Parashah Medieval Style | 8:00 am, after minyan | Abe Lebovic Melton 2 | 6:45 – 9:00 pm | Rabbi Shmuel Afek and R. Zalman Rothschild Library Lunch & Learn | 12:00 – 1:00 pm | Facilitator this month: Liz Offenbach Congregational Singers | 7:00 – 8:15 pm | Cantor Azi Schwartz (Meets only December 6) FRIDAY Talmud Torah: Masekhet Brakhot, Tractate Brakhot | 8:00 am, after minyan | Rabbi Steven Rein SATURDAY/SHABBAT Parashat HaShavua | 8:45 am For additional information about classes and events, please look in the Fall Program Calendar or on www.pasyn.org. Hasidism | 6:45 – 7:45 pm | Rabbi Zalman Rothschild Centropa | 8:00 – 9:15 pm | Rabbi Shmuel Afek Context | 6:45 – 9:30 pm | Dr. Benjamin Gampel (Meets only December 5) 8 Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin To register for Adult Education classes, unless otherwise noted in the description, go to http://pasyn.org/ lifelong-learning/adult-education, click on “Classes” on the left side of the page and then on the appropriate registration link. Those without Internet access may call 212-369-2600, x121. ADULT classes & events For additional information please look in the Fall Program Calendar or on pasyn.org. This Month at PAS Co-sponsored by the Caring Network at PAS & Men’s Club Hospice and Palliative Care for Health Care Professionals Sunday | December 2 | 10:30 am – 12:00 pm | Rabbi Steven Rein & Metropolitan Jewish Health System Holidays WAY Ahead of Time Purim Spiel Organizational Meeting! Sunday | December 2 | 4:00 pm | Cantor Shiree Kidron There will be roles for everyone. Grab the chance to be silly in synagogue! The performance will be on Purim evening, Saturday, February 23, 2013, followed by the Megillah reading. Sponsored by the Young Couples Group Annual Latke/Vodka Hanukkah Party Wednesday | December 5 | 7:30 pm To register, visit pasyn.org and click on Young Couples Group. Under Upcoming Events, click on the event. Monthly Interfaith Dialogue Thursday | December 6 | 6:30 – 8:00 pm | Rabbi Steven Rein and Father Ugo Nacciarone from the Church of St. Ignatius Loyola | at PAS Sponsored by the Women’s Network Sholem Aleichem Yiddish Club Tuesday | December 11 | 1:00 – 2:30 pm Sponsored by Women’s Network Daytime Book Discussion Group Monday | December 17 | 11:00 am – 12:30 pm | Renée Waldinger Great House: A Novel by Nicole Krauss Project Ezra Hanukkah Party Sunday | December 9 | 11:00 am Join the Men’s Club and post Bnei Mitzvah students to provide lunch and entertainment at PAS for elderly residents of the Lower East Side. You don’t have to be a member of Men’s Club or a student to volunteer! Behind the Scenes with the Conservative Rabbis of the East Side Sponsored by Women’s Network Jews on the Chocolate Trail with Rabbi Deborah Prinz Monday | December 17 | 7:00 pm Rabbi Prinz will speak about her recently published book, On the Chocolate Trail: A Delicious Adventure Connecting Jews, Religions, History, Travel, Rituals, and Recipes to the Magic of Cacao. A chocolate tasting will follow her talk! RSVP to Vera Sullivan at verasullivan@ verizon.net or call Helene Agress at 212-362-1233. Sponsored by Women’s Network Lunch, Film, Discussion: Broadway: The American Musical, Part 6 Tuesday | December 18 | 1:00 pm Sponsored by the Singles Committee Sponsored by Men’s Club The Park Avenue Synagogue Lecture Series The Shifting Landscape of American Jewry Hanukkah Party Tuesday | December 18 | 6:30 pm Enjoy live music, food, wine, and camaraderie as we make Hanukkah last just a little bit longer. Cost: $25/person. To RSVP, go to pasyn.org, click on Calendar and then on the event, or call Fred Mirsky at 212-634-6447, x2158. Rachel Ain, Scott Bolton, Elliot Cosgrove and Ephraim Pelcovits; moderated by Steven Wernick Tuesday | December 11 | 7:00 pm No charge We will enjoy Hanukkah refreshments after the program. For information about the participants, as well as information about all the events in the series, please read the Fall Program Calendar or visit pasyn.org. Sign up at www. pasyn.org under Adult Education and then The PAS Lecture Series 5773. A Call for Comments Wed. | Dec. 12 | 12:00 pm | Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove To join in a discussion of the issues presented by the speakers, participate in an hour-long conference call hosted by Rabbi Cosgrove. Sign up at pasyn.org under Adult Education and then The PAS Lecture Series 5773. www.pasyn.org 212–369–2600 December 2012 Kislev – Tevet 5773 9 ADULT classes & events For additional information please look in the Fall Program Calendar or on pasyn.org. Shabbat with MERCAZ Olami and Masorti Olami Saturday | December 15 Park Avenue Synagogue will welcome the international board of MERCAZ Olami and Masorti Olami. These Zionist organizations of the international Conservative/Masorti movement promote and support Zionist education and programs as well as representing the interests of the movement, working to ensure a fair distribution of resources to support Conservative/Masorti and pluralistic Judaism around the world. Events Shabbat Events Hanukkah Concert with Special Guest Joey Weisenberg Sunday | December 9 | 4:00 pm Following candle lighting and Hanukkah songs with Cantor Schwartz, Cantor Kidron, the Congregational Singers and Tavim, we will explore the inner rhythm of synagogue music with Joey Weisenberg and his band. Joey’s specialty is building singing communities. In addition to performing, he will have us singing new nigunim (melodies) and keeping the rhythm with “table top drumming.” Joey Weisenberg is a mandolinist, guitarist, singer and percussionist based in New York City. He is the Music Director and Community Educator of the Kane Street Shul, Brooklyn’s oldest synagogue, and the Musical Director of Yeshivat Hadar, the first full-time egalitarian yeshiva in North America. He has recorded two CD's of nigunim, as well as “Table Top Rhythms for Jewish Singing,” an instructional video series that teaches how to bring more rhythm into the Jewish world. Ambassador Yehuda Avner Saturday | December 1 Guest Speaker at Sanctuary services: Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg Jonathan Wittenberg trained for the rabbinate at Leo Baeck College in London after studying English at King's College Cambridge. He serves as rabbi of the New North London Synagogue and as Senior Rabbi of the Assembly of Masorti Synagogues of the UK. Rabbi Wittenberg has a strong interest in pastoral work, particularly in the care of the sick and dying. He is deeply engaged in Jewish/Christian and Jewish/Muslim interfaith dialogue. He lectures widely and writes frequently for the Jewish and interfaith press and has broadcast for the BBC and on Al Mustakillah television. He has initiated a project to create a multi-faith secondary school, launching the vision in the House of Lords. He has written several books for adults and one children’s book. 20 minutes after Kiddush The Opportunities and Challenges of Global Jewry: A Personal Perspective Rabbi Cosgrove will moderate a panel discussion with Masorti leaders from Latin America, Europe and Israel. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear about the goals that we share in common with all of Am Yisrael. 10 Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin Champions of the Jewish People: Israel’s Prime Ministers Past & Present Ambassador Yehuda Avner is an Israeli former diplomat and prime ministerial advisor. He is the author of The Young Inheritors: A Portrait of Israel’s Children and The Prime Ministers: An Intimate Narrative of Israeli Leadership. Ambassador Avner is a fellow of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. [For a detailed biography, please see the Fall Program Calendar or visit www.pasyn.org.] Ambassador Avner will also speak at the Congregational Shabbat Dinner on Friday, November 30. Edmond de Rothschild Library Autumn Hours Monday – Thursday: 12:00 – 6:30 pm | Friday by appointment | Librarian: Marga Hirsch Note: the library is closed during classes on Wednesdays, 6:45 – 9:00 pm, and Thursdays, 9:15 – 11:45 am. Outside of these times, the library is usually open. When Marga is not there, follow the instructions posted in the library for checking out and returning books. On display in the Library: Color photographs of Central Park taken by Rabbi Judah Nadich, z”l. The PAS Gallery crystal clear, an installation by susan c. dessel December Emblems of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) are used to designate and protect relief workers helping victims of natural and other disasters. This installation raises the hope that in the twenty-first century the Red Crystal – the only neutral emblem, symbolic of neither religion nor nationality, but of nature – can shelter the relief workers of all countries. The artist will be available at the exhibit at certain times (check pasyn. org and the weekly email) to engage visitors in discussion and invite them to contribute to the exhibit. Artist susan c. dessel received public funds from the Manhattan Community Arts Fund, supported by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs and administered by the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council to create a new installation, crystal clear. This was one of just 25 grants awarded in 2012 in the area of visual art. www.pasyn.org 212–369–2600 The Caring Network at PAS Lights in the Darkness: Hanukkah Reflections Thurs. | December 13 | 6:30 – 8:30 pm | Shira Felberbaum, MSW Light candles together with others who have been bereaved. Honor your loved one in the context of Hanukkah, sharing stories and traditional wisdom with others who understand how it is to feel loss at a season of light and joy. Caregiver Support Group Wed. | December 19 | 6:30 – 7:30 pm | Yael Kornfeld, LMSW Are you a caregiver? Are you an older person’s emergency contact? Do you provide local or long-distance support to an aging relative or friend? Do you spend time each week promoting the care or safety of an elderly person? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, we invite you to join our monthly evening discussion group to compare notes and problem-solve with others who are facing and dealing with similar responsibilities. You will learn new strategies for managing an important role. Light refreshments will be served. To find out more, or to register, contact Yael Social Work Support for PAS Members and Their Families Wednesdays | 9:00 – 11:30 am | Shira Felberbaum, MSW For more information or to make an appointment, please call Shira at 212-632- 4735 or email her at sfelberbaum@jbfcs.org. You can also contact Rabbi Rein at srein@ pasyn.org or at 212-369-2600, x124. Social Work Support for PAS Seniors, Families and their Caregivers Thursdays | 10:00 am – 2:00 pm | Yael Kornfeld, LMSW. For more information or to make an appointment, contact Rabbi Rein at srein@pasyn.org or at 212-369-2600, x124 or Yael at 212-769-2850 or ykornfeld@ dorotusa.org. Onsite social work support is made possible by a UJA Partners in Caring grant. at 212-769-2850; ykornfeld@dorotusa.org. November 2012 Heshvan – Kislev 5773 11 Youth Education & Events Congregational School Program Schedule Saturday | December 1 | 9:15 am – 12:00 pm | Shabbat Experience for Gimel, Dalet, Hey & Vav Learners (Grades 3-6) | 11:00 am – 12:00 pm | Family Shabbat Experience for Gan, Alef & Bet (K-2) Sunday |December 2 | Young Family Hanukkah Party with Sheldon Low (see below) Tuesday – Thursday | December 4, 5, 6 | Book Fair | All learners will be dismissed at 5:30 pm to attend the Book Fair Saturday | December 8 | 9:15 am – 12:00 pm |Shabbat Experience for Hey & Vav Learners (Grades 5-6) | 10:00 – 11:00 am | Shabbat Experience for Gimel & Dalet Learners (Grades 3-4)| at Liederkranz | 11:00 am – 12:00 pm | Gimel & Dalet Familes join Shabbat Experience | at Liederkranz Monday – Thursday |December 10, 11, 12, 13 | 6:00 pm |ALL School Hanukkah Candle Lighting in the Lobby at dismissal Saturday | December 15 | 9:15 am – 12:00 pm | Shabbat Experience for Gimel, Dalet, Hey & Vav Learners | 11:00 am – 12:00 pm | Family Shabbat Experience for Gan, Alef & Bet Monday | December 17 | 4:00 – 6:00 pm | Zayin (Grade 7) monthly Monday program Monday – Thursday |December 17, 18, 19, 20 | 6:00 – 8:00 pm | Parent/Teacher Conferences Saturday | December 22 | Bnei Mitzvah Family Israel Trip (until January 1) Saturday, December 22 – Sunday, January 6 | Winter Break | NO SCHOOL Hanukkah, O Hanukkah, Come to Our Party! Sunday | December 2 | 10:30 am Twirl like a dreidel, stretch out your arms like a hanukkiah! Sing and dance and get ready for Hanukkah with musician Sheldon Low and his guest artists: Cantor Azi Schwartz, Cantor Shiree Kidron, YFE Director Matt Check and Musician-in-Residence Hadar Orshalimy. Tavim Youth Choir Mondays | December 3, 10, 17 | 5:00 – 5:40 pm | Cantor Shiree Kidron Open to anyone in third grade or up, the Tavim Youth Choir learns music for Shabbat, holidays and just for fun. Tavim performs at services and celebrations and also visits senior centers to entertain and sing with the residents. Contact Cantor Kidron at skidron@pasyn.org or 212-369-2600, x126 for more information. 12 Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin Youth Education & Events Young Family Education To register, go to pasyn.org. Click on Young Family Education. Youth Activities & RJNHS Under Upcoming Events, click on the event. Shabbat Service and Dinner for Families with Young Children – Birthday Blessings, Too! Friday | December 7 | Service 5:00 pm, Dinner approx. 5:30– 6:30 pm Families with children ages 0-6 are invited to join our clergy for a family-friendly Kabbalat Shabbat service, followed immediately by a child-friendly buffet dinner and short program. Children with December birthdays will receive a birthday blessing and a small gift. Space is limited. Cost: $35/members, $45/non-members, $15/children. PAS Food Pantry (except December 26 and 28) Food Packaging: Wednesdays | 3:00 – 5:00 pm Food Distribution: Fridays | 3:30 pm – beginning of Shabbat Shabbat Morning Programs Saturday | December 15 | 11:15 am – 12:00 pm Our service includes Shabbat songs, dancing, a short story and other activities, and ends with Kiddush and a light snack. Project Ezra Hanukkah Luncheon Sunday | December 9 | 11:00 am As part of Park Avenue Synagogue’s annual Hanukkah celebrations, PAS learners and Men’s Club members host a party for elderly Jewish residents of the Lower East Side who participate in Project Ezra. Our guests are transported from their homes to PAS where we welcome them warmly, serve a hearty Hanukkah meal, sing and play dreidel, to give these honored members of our community an unforgettable holiday experience. PAS Expectant Mothers’ Circle Monday | December 17 | 6:00 pm Facilitators: Alexandra Kwiat, Psy.D. and Mariana Strongin, Psy.D. Co-sponsored by the PAS Caring Network and the Department of Young Family Education, this series of group discussions will give expectant moms a chance to share their experiences of pregnancy and prepare for the transition to motherhood. Specialized speakers will address topics such as nursing, sleep, nutrition, changes in marital relationships and returning to work after the baby is born. There will also be information about choosing Hebrew names, planning a brit milah or naming ceremony, and Jewish bedtime rituals to begin with your newborn. To register, visit pasyn.org, click on Young Family Education and then on the event in the list on the right. Both Alexandra and Mariana are members of PAS and parents of young children. They are co-founders of a mental health practice that specializes in the support of expectant mothers. Parent and Teen Shabbat Study Session with Rabbi Cosgrove Saturday | December 1 | 4:00 – 5:00 pm Contact Caryn Roman at croman@pasyn.org or 212-369-2600, x141 to volunteer. Kadima & Etgar Hanukkah Party Sunday | December 9 | 2:00 – 4:00 pm Celebrate the Festival of Lights with food, friends, and fun! Spend the afternoon snacking on latkes and sufganiot (fried jelly doughnuts), try your luck in a dreidel tournament, work on a craft project, and enjoy a few special holiday surprises. All 3rd/4th graders (Etgar) and 5th/6th graders (Kadima) are invited. RSVP by December 5 at pasyn.org (click on Youth Activities/ RJNHS) or call Caryn Roman at 212-369-2600 x141. PAS College Connections Help us keep in touch with your college student! Students receive a monthly email with synagogue news, updates, and insights from PAS clergy and educators, plus holiday packages on Hanukkah, Tu BiShvat, Purim and Pesah. We’ll also let students know when PAS clergy and educators make visits to their campus. Submit your student’s updated information online at pasyn.org/Youth Activities/ RJNHS or contact Caryn Roman at croman@pasyn.org or 212-369-2600, x141. Printed forms are also available in the PAS lobby. www.pasyn.org 212–369–2600 December 2012 Kislev – Tevet 5773 13 Kol Nidre Appeal 5773 O n behalf of the Officers and Board of Trustees, thank you to everyone who donated to our annual Kol Nidre Appeal through October 26, whose names are listed below. Your generous gifts support all aspects of the Synagogue, from daily worship to services for families with young children, from the Shabbat Dinner series to the camaraderie of early morning study with the rabbis, from Cantor’s Concerts to the Caring Network. The annual Kol Nidre Appeal is one of our most important synagogue-wide fundraising campaigns; the funds that are raised support the synagogue operating budget, making possible our continuing spiritual renewal and growing sense of community. This year we face continued financial challenges because: • Membership dues account for 40% of our operating budget, and tuition accounts for another 40%, leaving 20% to be raised from contributions. • We continue to make significant capital expenditures in order to preserve and improve our facilities. • The economic situation continues to put financial pressure on many of our members. As always, we appreciate your generous donations. Jewish tradition teaches that every member of a community is expected to contribute to the welfare of the community. Even those who benefit from communal funds are expected to contribute in order to help others. We hope that everyone who is able to do so will continue to step up for those who are less able to give now but who have supported the Synagogue in the past and will again in the future. In the spirit of this tradition, we look for 100% participation in the Kol Nidre Appeal. Again, heartfelt thanks to those who have already given. If you have not yet taken the opportunity to make a Kol Nidre pledge, we look forward to hearing from you. B’shalom, Howard Rubin Martin Halbfinger Co-chairs, Kol Nidre Campaign 14 Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin Gregory & Alison Abovsky Brian & Stephanie Abrahams Stuart & Debra Abramovitz Robert & Deanna Adler Leslie & Judith Agisim Philip & Blanche Agisim Helene Agress Daniel & Tara Agroskin Arthur Ainsberg James & Suzanne Aisenberg Isidoro & Edna Aizenberg Lauren Albert Steven & Evelyn Alden Joseph Allerhand & Randi Schatz Howard & Sara Altschul Roberta Amon Harris & Susan Joy Amster Robert P. & Carol Antler David & Neva Anton Jonathan Arfa & Barbara Bernstein Ian & Naomi Arons Thomas Ascheim & Deborah Davis Ascheim Glenn & Debra August Martin Axman Andrew Bab & Jennifer Shurdut Bab Cary & Frieda Baer Howard & Rachelle Balaban Andrew & Marcy Barkan David & Janice Barnard Joel & Gail Baron Joseph & Raneet Barr Brett & Natalie Barth Andrew & Erin Bass Emilio & Reina Bassini Janice Baxter Marc Becker & Caryn Seidman-Becker Richard & Rachel Becker Robert & Lucy Becker Michael Bederman & Anna Gerb Uri Behar & Batya Levi Behar Barry & Judith Beil Susan Bender Leonard Polonsky & Georgette Bennett Michael & Stacey Bennett Izzet & Selda Bensusan Max & Dale Berger Josephine Berger-Nadler Arie Berggrun & Melissa Waterstone Milton & Jena Berlinski David & Marilyn Berman Harold Bernanke David & Lynn Berney Pamela Bernstein Friedman Daniel & Vivian Bernstein Donald Bernstein & Jo Ellen Finkel Ernestine Bernstein Mark & Arlene Bernstein Peter & Jennifer Bernstein Alvin Bernstone Mark & Geri Besca Kenneth & Ann Bialkin Matthew & Ellen Biben Naomi Birnbach Leon & Debra Black Ronald & Lori Bland Alan & Nancy Block Ethan & Heather Bloom Jeffrey & Jeanne Bloom Kenneth & Alissa Blumberg Charles & Ellen Bock Mark & Francine Bogdanoff Ruth Boody Howard Borkan & Barbara Yagoda-Borkan Ariel Boyman & Lauren Wagner Boyman Roberta Brause & Rita Brause David & Lisa Breakstone Sonia Breindel Bernie & Connie Breslin Jane Bressler Lee & Shira Bressler Deena Bressman Robert & Amy Bressman James & Deborah Breznay Thomas & Renee Brodie John & Gayle Brody Harry & Elissa Bromer David & Judith Brook David Brous Jr. & Catherine Rothman Brous Barry Bryer & Meryl Wiener Martin & Aviva Budd Stanley & Gail Bulua H. Paul & Edna Burak Peter Buttrick & Anne Wattenberg Buttrick Robert & Toni Ceisler Barry & Jennifer Chaiken Clive & Bonnie Chajet Frank Chaney & Ronda Wist Charles & Bonnie Charrow Carol Chavkin Jeffrey & Katherine Chavkin Peter & Jessica Chavkin Wallace Chavkin Beryl & Rima Chernov Joel & Sherry Cherwin Scott & Jessica Chestman Matthew & Bonnie Chook Adam & Chelsea Cohen Adam & Samara Cohen Carmel & Babette Cohen Carol Cohen Edward & Betsy Cohen Ed Cohen & Nadine Habousha Cohen H. Kenneth & Carol Cohen Jonathan & Martha Cohen Lawrence & Lisa Cohen Marion Cohen Michael & Ilona Cohen Ronald Cohen & Donna Kramer Geoffrey & Marcia Colvin Harvey & Eva Comita Stephen & Anita Comite Arturo & Caren Constantiner Daniel & Adena Conway David & Kathy Cook Samuel & Barbara Cooper Elliot & Debbie Cosgrove David & Jessica Cosloy Wilbur Cowett Alexander & Erica Crisses Ronald & Linda Daitz David Dane Bruce & Dawn Darringer Morton & Joanne Davis Juliet Diller James Dinan & Elizabeth Miller Larry Hite & Sharon Dolch-Hite Jason & Nancy Dolinsky Jame & Stefanie Donath Harvey & Suzanne Drachman Scott & Elissa Drassinower Mark & Judith Drucker James & Nancy Druckman Michael & Allison Dubrow Irene Duell Joe & Sally Dwek Maurice Edelson & Jennifer Altman CONTRIBUTIONS David & Susan Edelstein Howard Edelstein Louis & Anita Ehrenberg Roger & Carol Einiger Edwin Eisen & Elaine Sollar Eisen Irene Eisenberg Michael Eisenberg & Mara Saideman Brian & Erin Eizenstat Marc & Donna Ellenbogen Kenneth Ellis Jonathan & Jodie Elyachar Robert & Marjorie Emden Bonnie Englebardt Ruthe Eppler M.Neville & Roberta Epstein Enrique & Joscelyn Ergas Helen Erlich Susan Erlich Fran Evans Ruth Ezra Barton Farber Ronald Feiman & Hilary Ronner Bernie & Phyllis Feinberg Tobette Feinberg Elizabeth Feiner Herb & Harriet Feiwel Roger & Bambi Felberbaum William & Joan Felder Yale & Donna Fergang Elias Feuer & Ethel Rubinstein Eric Feuerstein & Rebecca Raphael Mark & Lori Fife Jerome & Estelle Finkelstein John & Carol Finley Mark & Rachael First Steven & Allison Fisch Michael Fischer Alexander & Enid Fisher Edward & Vivian Fisher Mark & Jill Fishman Stephen & Marjorie Fiverson Jeffrey & Sheryl Flug Patrick & Lori Fodale Adam & Marissa Forsted Barry & Karen Frankel Jon Frankel & Erin Richard Frankel David & Karen Freedberg David & Erica Friedman Jeffrey & Stacy Friedman Marilyn Friedman Richard & Susan Friedman Steven & Cheri Friedman Eugenie Fromer Wayne & Patti Fuchs Phyllis Gallahou Daniel Ganitsky & Elizabeth Dekoven Ganitsky Lane & Marilyn Garcy Clifford & Alexandra Gelb Esther Gelber Sarah Gelber Eliot & Limor Geller Martin Geller & Lauren Schor Geller Jack Topal & Evelyn Gelman Harold Geringer Yola Gertel Friedman Nathan & Emily Gindi Iona Ginsburg Jerry Gliklich & Jane Salmon Thomas Gluckman Scott & Ruth Gold Edward & Myrna Goldberg Eleanore Goldberg Michael & Susan Goldberg Charles Goldblum & Tirzah Schwarz www.pasyn.org 212–369–2600 Daniel & Daniela Goldin Harrison & Diana Goldin Dorothy Goldman James Goldman Geoffrey & Jennifer Goldschein Howard & Marjorie Goldschein Herman Goldsmith George Goltzer & Barbara Gertel Goltzer Jerry & Susan Goodman Leonard & Constance Goodman Mark & Judith Goodman William & Jody Gorin Michael Grad & Emily Christenfeld Grad Laurence & Rebecca Grafstein Evan & Jodi Greebel Richard Green & Elaine Gilde David & Laureine Greenbaum Allen & Marilyn Greenberg Doris Greenberg Gregg Greenberg & Jennifer Polli Michael & Vicki Greenberg Sylvan Greenberg Ira & Linda Greenblatt David Greenfield Alan Greenwald Alexander & Lisa Grinberg Efraim Grinberg Michael & Ronda Gross David & Miriam Grossberg Morton & Judith Grosz Peter Gruenberger & Carin Lamm Gruenberger Katherina Grunfeld Ben & Susan Gutmann Sam & Jenna Gutmann Steven Gutwillig & Michele Green Richard & Susan Haass Martin & Irene Haber Martin & Lynn Halbfinger Alan & Louise Hamilton Aaron & Moriah Hara Stanley & Yvette Harmon Kimberly Harounian Ben & Jessie Harris Maury & Laurie Harris William & Ellen Harrow David Helfgott & Anita Cela Andrew & Heather Heller Sanford Heller Mel Herman & Judith Jankof Herman Philip & Erica Hermann Arthur & Janet Hershaft David & Diane Hess George & Helene Hines Mark & Dena Hirsch Alan Hirschfeld & Emily Roberts Steven Hirth Michael & Nancy Hodin Allison Hoffman Andrew & Jennifer Hoine Shelley Holm Stephen & Pamela Hootkin Ari House & Jessica Levitas Carol Hyman Joel & Alissa Isaacson David Ishayik Gary & Dale Israel Sharon Jablon Alan & Barbara Jacobs Marvin & Tina Josephson Sheila Josephson Carol Judelson Stephen & Helen Judlowe David & Barbara Julie Barbara Kahn Bruce & Debra Kahne Jason Taubman Kalisman & Philip Kalisman Michael Kalisman & Gayle Taubman Kalisman Amos & Floy Kaminski Howard & Joyce Kaplan Jeffrey & Robin Kaplan Barbara Kapnick Adam & Jennifer Karol Kent Karosen Dennis & Gail Karr Jarred & Rachel Kassenoff Fred & Karen Kastenbaum Abraham Katz & Marion Scheinberger Bernard Katz & Phyllis Kaplan-Katz Carolyn Katz Henry & Stacy Katz Marc Katz Neil & Barbara Kaufman Ronald & Susan Kaufmann Jeffrey Keller & Stacey Berg Keller Marc & Heidi Kieselstein Arthur & Ronnie Kirsch Richard & Dana Kirshenbaum Zelma Kiwi Samuel & Francine Klagsbrun Jason & Wendy Klansky Alan & Lauren Klein Brett & Dena Klein Robert & Susan Klein Kenneth & Farah Kleiner Linda Klempner Elie & Elana Kobrin Arnold Komisar Paul & Vivienne Koreto Joshua & Nancy Korff Phyllis Kossoff Allen & Denise Kozin Earl & Janet Kramer Ronald Kreismann Aron & Lillian Krell Jeff Krevat & Susan Weiner Krevat Harry Krieger Alice Kulick Maxim & Victoria Kulikov Scott & Galit Kursman Brian Kushner & Phyllis Levinberg Gregory & Alexandra Kwiat Dorothy Lang Stephen & Randi Langford Arthur Langhaus & Kathy Marlin Langhaus Florence Lapidus & Karen Lapidus Philippe Laub Ralph & Ricky Lauren Frank Lederman David & Joan Lefkowitz Sam Lehr & Lisa Fishman Debra Lehrman Mikel & Marcy Lehrman Kevin & Stephanie Leichter Ann Leichtling Leonard & Joan Leiman Isaac & Susan Lemor Leona Leon Evan & Wesley LePatner Laurence & Susan Lerner Joan Lessing David & Gabrielle Levene Martin Levenson & Joan Levine Levenson Ruth Levenson Stephen & Stephanie Levey Marvin & Linda Levine Michelle Levine Paul & Joyce Levine Peter & Janet Levine December 2012 Kislev – Tevet 5773 15 CONTRIBUTIONS Laila Levitas Carol Levitt Marian Levitt Judith P. Lewis Adam & Janet Lichtenstein Zanvel & Sylvia Liff Barton Lilenfield Ellen Liman Marc & Jennifer Lipschultz Michael & Wendy Lipsky Cindy Lipton Marvin & Renee Lipton Scott Litner Judy Lobel Miriam London Jeffrey Loria Sivia Loria Joel & Helene Lupatkin Larry Lurin & Eileen Lewis-Lurin Brian & Rachel Lustbader Ivan & Andrea Lustig Matt & Andrea Lustig Ann Lyons Richard & Christine Mack William & Phyllis Mack Marjorie Magner Lorraine Malden Aaron & Randie Malinsky Steven & Heidi J. Mandel Franklin & Terry Mark Matthew & Cindy Mark Morris Mark & Susan Kolin Mark Steven & Jana Markowicz Bryce & Elisabeth Markus Robert & Rita Matthews George & Corinne McCormack Gary & Dana Meltzer Daniel & Heather Mendelow Steven Merdinger Jaimey Mergler & Amy Jellinger-Mergler Scott & Norma Mero Sandra Meron Jonathan & Sandy Merrill Jeffrey & Lisa Messinger Corey & Lara Metz Amy Millard Robert & Sheila Miller Gerald Millman & Mary Sue Zitwer Millman Fredric Mintz & Leslie Berman Mintz Alexander Mishkin & Jennifer Newstead David & Robin Mitchell Scott & Leah Mittelman Lawrence & Ellyn Mittman Benjamin Mizrachy Shary & Sherie Moalemzadeh Abby Modell Aram & Sherine Moezinia Greg & Alexandra Mondre Jeff & Audrey Mordos Donald Morgan III & Israela Morgan Lawrence Morrison & Hayley Friedman Morrison Belle Moser Nathan Moser & Rita Ungar Moser Jeffrey & Hilary Moses Howard Muchnick & Susan Schwartz Richard & Felice Muchnick Tom Mukamal & Elana Maser Edward Munves Jr. & Norma Munves Henry & Doris Murad Charles & Carol Mutterperl Mark & Gwendolyn Myers Gary & Felicia Nachman Richard & Nicole Nackenson Judith Nadelmann 16 Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin Edie Nadler Stephen Nadler & Ellen Kavee John & Tanya Neuwirth George & Monique Newmark Alan & Dawn Nickman Barton & Nancy Nisonson Michael Norwich & Audrey Weiss Norwich Bernard Nussbaum & Nancy Kuhn Larry Nussbaum & Jayne Thylan Martin & Kane Nussbaum Michael & Sharon Oberman Michael Odell & Andrea Olshan Liz Offenbach Morris & Nancy Offit Paula Offricht Sylvia Olnick Stuart & Judi Oltchick Morris Orden Susan Orenbuch Ethan & Dana Orlinsky Seth Orlow & Myra Freed Rhoda Ostrow Steve Ostrow & Arlette Tawil Jeffrey Palca David & Ronnie Parker Nathaniel & Debra Paull Martin & Doris Payson Todd & Diane Pearl Harlan & Debra Peltz Arthur & Ilene Penn Herbert Peress Walter & Blossom Peretz Jonathan & Candace Perkin Dana Perlman Louis & Barbara Perlmutter Cynthia Pfeffer John & Rachel Philipp David Phillips & Ellen Zweig-Phillips Adam & Marni Pinkow Morris M. & Laurie Ferber Podolsky Lester & Geri Pollack Roy Pomerantz & Deborah Gahr Gregory & Diana Porges Jeffrey & Elisa Port Jeffrey & Judith Poss Claudia Poster Marc & Sherri Powers Saul Pressner & Barbara Gmora Robert Price Beverly Richman Prutkin Mark Pruzansky & Sheila Erlich-Pruzansky Alex Pustilnik & Rachel Bluestein Edward & Rosanne Raab Ruth Rabinowitz Joshua & Melissa Raskin Robert Raskin & Carol Goldstein Malcolm & Susan Rattner Jerome & Magda Rebhun Ariel & Tal Recanati Madeleine Redlich Daniel & Melissa Reichman Steven Rein & Jodi Hirsch Rein Lorin Reisner & Miriam Judlowe Jane Revasch Harriet Rice Adam & Jennifer Rifkin Robert & Arleen Rifkind Steven & Lisa Rizzi David Robbins & Joyce Chang Robbins James Robbins Mordecai Rochlin Helen Rodbell Russell & Judith Rodewald Alain & Ellen Roizen Anne Rosberger Doug & Lori Roseman Robert & Joan Rosen Fredric & Julie Rosenberg Joseph & Willa Rosenberg Daniel & Sheila Rosenblum James & Sheri Rosenfeld Menachem & Jean Rosensaft Michael & Joana Rosensaft Eric & Susan Rosenthal Jason & Beth Rosenthal Jonathan & Suzanne Rosenzweig Sidney Rosoff & Joann Abrams Rosoff Andrew & Nicole Ross James & Laura Ross Philip & Tracy Ross David & Margaret Roth Estelle Roth James Rothman & Stefanie Katz-Rothman Ronni Rubin Bolger Howard & Nan Rubin Andres & Suzette Rubinstein Barry Rutcofsky & Mindy Birnbaum Howard & Shereen Rutman Frederick & Julie Ruvkun Arnold L. & Lite Sabin Jeff Cohen & Beth Sackler Neil Sadick Mara Safra Stuart & Stephanie Saft Rochelle Saideman Richard Samuels & Janet Weisberg-Samuels Marvin & Mimi Sandler Bob & Nazanine Sarraf Andre Sassoon Philip Satow Jeffrey Schackner & Allison Wiener David & Stacie Schapiro Richard Scharf & Dana Golding Daniel & Lynn Schaul Sylvan & Joan Schefler Gerald & June Schiller Jonathan Schlesinger Andrew & Andrea Schnipper Gil & Sari Schorr Edwin & Diane Schottenstein Mort & Miquette Schrader Brian & Lori Schreiber Paul & Joan Schreiber Michael & Paola Schulhof Neal & Gwen Schultz Harvey Schulweis Eric & Erica Schwartz Mark & Carolyn Schwartz Malka Schwarz Melvin Schweitzer Herbert & Geraldine Sedler Michael Seiden & Lili Mahlab Florence Seligman David & Dana Shani Aaron & Carolyn Shapiro Alexander & Susanna Shapiro Eytan Shapiro & Lesley-Anne Gliedman Kenneth & Rochelle Shapiro Steven & Deborah Shapiro Harvey & Rita Sharinn Peter Sheft & Nancy Peretz Sheft Annette Sherman Marc & Joan Sherman Mitchell & Penny Shore Sylvia Shulman Bippy & Jackie Siegal Samuel & Randi Siegal Barry & Elana Siegel CONTRIBUTIONS Bryan & Christine Siegel Edward & Elyse Siegel Stanley & Dianne Siegelbaum Craig & Erica Siena Mitchell & Beth Silber Sydney Silberman Ramie Silbert Nina Silfen Randy & Sheri Siller Brad & Nicole Silver David & Joanna Silver David & Patricia Silvers Andrew & Daphne Silverstein Leo & Carol Silverstein Rob & Heidi Silverstone Michael & Jacqueline Simmon David & Jacqueline Simon Irwin & Daryl Simon Laura Simon James & Marilyn Simons David Simpson Barry & Helene Singer Sheldon & Doris Siskin Howard & Jaar-mel Sloane Barry & Donna Slotnick David & Alyssa Small David & Jo Ann Small Gerald & Diane Smallberg Chris Smith & Linda Yarden Spencer & Karen Smul James & Tina Snyder Howard & Gayle Sobel Craig & Diane Solomon Florence Solomon William & Terry Solomon Martin & Rochelle Spergel Allen & Rita Spiegel Robert & Dawn Spiera Brian & Suzanne Stadler Jay & Stacy Stark Michael & Tamara Stark Neil & Amy Steiner Aaron & Zina Stern Ernest & Barbara Stern Ernest & Zina Stern Frances Stewart Steven & Marcia Stone Bernard & Bernice Strassner Hugh Straus Leone Straus Maxim & Marianna Strongin Victor & Iris Lane Struber Joshua & Jessica Sullum Terry Dudnick Taffer Glenn & Hope Taitz Joshua & Barbara Tannenbaum Simon & Heidi Tarsh Arline Buxbaum Tarte Michael & Robin Taubin Robert & Debbie Teitelbaum Charles Temel & Judy Wesalo Temel Marilyn Tobias Robert & Jane Toll Michael Toporek & Jill Segal-Toporek Marvin & Helene Torker Ray & Nancy Treiger Mario & Alexandra Tuchman Adam & Lauren Turteltaub Marshall & Sally Tycher Adam & Andrea Usdan John & Eva Colin Usdan Martin Usdan Nathaniel & Tara Usdan Michael & Elizabeth Varet John & Joyce Varvatos John & Lauren Veronis Louis Vogel & Robin Stevens Vogel Stephen Volk & Diane Kemelman Volk Barry & Teri Volpert James Wacht & Meryl Pearlstein Harry & Stephanie Wagner Harry & Susan Wagner Jacqueline Wahl Renee Waldinger Daniel & Terry Wasserman Steven Wasserman & Randi Goldberg Florence Wasserstein Marvin & Lois Weinberg Bible Fund Ronnie & David Parker, in memory of his mother, Beatrice D. Parker. Ronnie & David Parker, in honor of Mary & Gerry Millman. Bikur Cholim Ruth Levenson, in honor of Mark Fraier, Hatan Torah. Frances Stewart, in memory of her beloved father Fred Hahn. Cantor's Music Fund Evelyn Gelman & Jack Topal, in memory of Amnon Presler, father of Dr. Noa Schwartz. Andy Heller. Nancy & Joel Hirschtritt, in memory of Amnon Presler, father of Dr. Noa Schwartz. Andrea & Ivan Lustig, in memory of Amnon Presler, father of Dr. Noa Schwartz. Rebecca Raphael & Eric Feuerstein, in memory of Amnon Presler, father of Dr. Noa Schwartz. Michael & Robin Taubin, in memory of Amnon Presler, father of Dr. Noa Schwartz. Congregational School Fund Natalie & Brett Barth, in memory of Heinz Eppler, father of Marcia Colvin. Natalie & Brett Barth, in memory of Leah Corwin, mother of Paul Corwin. Natalie & Brett Barth, in honor of the Simhat Torah honorees, Nadine Habousha Cohen and Mark Fraier. www.pasyn.org 212–369–2600 Jeffrey & Tracy Weiner Steven & Tammy Weinfeld Allen & Jo-Ann Weingarten Harry & Roslyn Weinrauch Irving Weinstein & Rona Kurtz Selma Weintraub Scott & Nancy Weisberg Bernard Weiss Sheldon Werdiger & Miki Kagan Barry & Lisa West G. Martin & Nina Wexler Shelby White Robert & Jacqueline Willens Richard & Debbie Wilpon Adam Winik & Jennifer Joseph Winik H. Richard & Deborah Winn Charles & Deanne Winnick Barry & Joan Winograd Benjamin & Susan Winter Nathaniel & Helen Wisch Steven & Debra Wisch Michael & Erica Wohlstadter Frank & Roberta Wolf Ronald & Anna Wolf Steven & Stacy Wolfe Vera Wolff Sullivan Steven & Joyce Wolitzer Howard & Jody Wurzel Charles & Jodi Yellen Gerald Young & Patrice Green Abraham & Liliane Yurkofsky Milt & Pauline Zablow Kirk Zachary & Susan Smirnoff David & Marissa Zackowitz Rami & Amanda Zaitchik Rafael & Dale Zaklad Marlene Zausner Brett & Lori Zbar Jonathan & Arlyne Zeichner Joshua & Cori Zeichner Annette Zimmerman Gary & Chana Zimmerman Joel Zinberg & Colleen Edwards Bernard & Roberta Zuckerman Rabbi Cosgrove's Discretionary Fund Dr. Jean Pakter Bachman's family, in memory of Dr. Jean Pakter Bachman. Donna & Michael Bome, in memory of Edgar Livingston, father of Robin Taubin. Sally & Joe Dwek, in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Ellie & Herb Frommer's grandson Evan Frommer. Marshall & Carolyn Gluck, in honor of Ruth Gluck Feder’s Baby Naming. Andy Heller. Rose Less. Deborah Levinson. Jeffrey H. Loria. Robert Millman, in honor of Rabbi Cosgrove. Rebecca Raphael & Eric Feuerstein, in memory of Joey Barr’s father. Irwin & Renee Shlachter, in memory of Daniel Gutwillig, loving son of Steven Gutwillig & Dr. Michelle Green. High School Food Pantry Fund Howard & Sara Altschul, in honor of Mark Fraier, Hatan Torah. Edward Cohen & Nadine Habousha Cohen, in appreciation of her honor of sharing the Bimah with Mark Fraier on Simhat Torah. Ed, Nadine, Reuben & Daniel Cohen, in honor of Mark Fraier’s being named Hatan Torah on Simhat Torah. Ed, Reuben & Daniel Cohen, in honor of Nadine Habousha Cohen’s being named Kallat B’reishit on Simhat Torah. Paul & Anne Corwin, in honor of Nadine Habousha Cohen and Mark Fraier. December 2012 Kislev – Tevet 5773 17 CONTRIBUTIONS Cooper and Peri Dunn. Sarita & Mark Fraier, in honor of Nadine Habousha Cohen on the occasion of her being chosen as Kallat B’reishit for 5773. Sarita & Mark Fraier, in honor of the entire Park Avenue Synagogoue community for their kind words and deeds upon Mark's being honored as Hatan Torah for 5773. Carol Goldstein, in memory of Heinz Eppler, father of Marcia Colvin. Racheline Habousha, in loving memory of her parents, Hayim & Adele Habousha. Gail & Dennis Karr, in memory of Leah Corwin, mother of Paul Corwin. Jane & Stanley Kreinik, in honor of Mark Fraier, Hatan Torah. Susan & Isaac Lemor, in memory of Leah Corwin, mother of Paul Corwin. Susan & Isaac Lemor, in honor of Mark Fraier, Hatan Torah. Andrea & Ivan Lustig, in honor of Nadine Habousha Cohen, Kallat B’reishit. Andrea & Ivan Lustig, in memory of Paul Corwin’s mother, Leah Corwin. The Poss Family, in memory of Amnon Presler, father of Dr. Noa Schwartz. Joan & Sylvan Schefler, in honor of Mark Fraier, Hatan Torah. Ray Treiger, in memory of his beloved father Sam Treiger on his Yahrzeit. Ms. Robin Stevens Vogel, in honor of her birthday. Meryl E. Wiener, in memory of her beloved father Meyer Wiener. Meryl E.Wiener & Barry A. Bryer, in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Jack Adam Silver, grandson of Joan & Sylvan Schefler. Meryl E. Wiener & Barry A. Bryer, in honor of Mark Fraier, Hatan Torah. Meryl E. Wiener & Barry A. Bryer, in honor of Nadine Habousha Cohen, Kallat B’reishit. Meryl E. Wiener & Barry A. Bryer, in memory of Sherry Rutman. Eugene & Roberta Zinbarg, in honor of their anniversary. Stephanie Lynn Kossoff College Fund Mark Schwarz. Library Fund Julius Paige, in memory of his beloved mother Beckie Pogrebinsky. Amy & Neil Steiner, in honor of the Baby Naming of Lyla Reese Ellenbogen, daughter of Donna & Marc Ellenbogen. Albert & Rachel Murad Memorial Scholarship Fund Gloria & Wilson Aboudi, Anne & David Lawi, Rachel & Bill Meer, Dorothy & Fouad Mooallem, Vicky & Saleh Mouallem, Peggy Peress and Caroline & Fred Sion, in honor of Doris & Henry Murad Prayer Book Fund Richard S. Green & Elaine S. Gilde, in honor of Nadine Habousha Cohen, Kallat B’reishit and Mark Fraier, Hatan Torah. Andrea & Ivan Lustig, in honor of Mark Fraier, Hatan Torah. Andrea & Ivan Lustig, in memory of Heinz Eppler. Harold Michels, in memory of his beloved wife, Barbara Michels. Harold Michels, in honor of the Silverstone family, Heidi, Rob, Michael and Max. Mary, Gerry & Robert Millman, in honor of Mark Fraier, Hatan Torah. Frances F. Tompkins, in memory of Wulf Peter Bielenberg, brother of Lite Sabin. The Taitz Family, in honor of Mark Fraier. Rabbi Rein’s Discretionary Fund Ellen Schwartz Cooley. Andy Heller. Welfare Fund Ruth Levenson, in honor of Nadine Habousha Cohen, Kallat B’reishit. Diane & Gerald Smallberg, in honor of Mark Fraier, Hatan Torah. Diane & Gerald Smallberg, in memory of Dr. Bernard Burack. Synagogue Offerings Julian Avrutick, in memory of my dear friend George Friedman. Roy & Joanne Benjamin, in memory of George Friedman. Elaine Block, in memory of her beloved husband Paul Block, father of Alan Block. E.J. Borrack, in memory of Mary Zitwer Millman's beloved mother, Edith Zitwer. E.J. Borrack, in memory of Neva Martin Anton's beloved father, Willy Martin. Constance Breslin, in memory of her beloved father, Eli Malcolm Lane. Constance & Bernard Breslin, in honor of Mark Fraier, Hatan Torah. Harriet Brownstein. The Cejwin Crew: Louise & Roger Challop, Sandy & Norm Ivers, Jill & Mark Cohen and Barbara & Ira Korner, in honor of Mark Fraier, a mensch of a man. John & Martha Cohen, in memory of Leah Corwin, mother of Paul Corwin. Marion Lust-Cohen, in honor of her daughter-in-law, Nadine Habousha Cohen. Samuel Cooper, in memory of his beloved mother, Ray Cooper. 18 Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin Bradley Corben, in memory of his beloved grandfather, Jacob Cohen. Dr. Joe & Sally Dwek. Jane & Jimmy Fassler, in honor of Laurie & Maury Harris. Elizabeth Feiner, in memory of her beloved father, George Cooper. Harriet Feiwel, in loving memory of her beloved mother, Libby Rich. Harriet & Herb Feiwel, in loving memory of Marcia Colvin's father, Heinz Eppler. Harriet & Herb Feiwel, in memory of Leah Corwin, mother of Paul Corwin. Cleone Fetaya, in honor of Nadine Habousha Cohen. Jocelyne Fetaya, in honor of Nadine Habousha Cohen. Marilyn Garcy, in memory of her beloved mother, Celia Staum. Richard S. Green & Elaine S. Gilde, in honor of Adam First's Bar Mitzvah. Dr. James Goldman, in memory of his beloved mother-in-law, Ida Gilbert. Racheline G. Habousha, in honor of Nadine Habousha Cohen, Kallat B’reishit. Dena Hirsch, in memory of her beloved mother, Drazel Penberg. Nancy & Joel Hirschtritt, in memory of Leah Corwin, mother of Paul Corwin. Nancy & Joel Hirschtritt, in memory of Wulf Peter Bielenberg, brother of Lite Sabin. Dale Israel, in memory of her beloved father, Edward Pearlman. Gary Israel, in honor of his birthday. Sharon Jablon, in memory of her beloved father, Seymour Kupersmith. Barbara & David Julie, in honor of Mark Fraier. Sandra Kaplan, in honor of Gertrude Oltchick. Adam Karol, in memory of his father, Marshall Karol. Jennifer & Adam Karol, in honor of Alivia Klein's Baby Naming. Fred & Karen Kastenbaum, in honor of Mark Fraier for all of his wonderful services. Marilyn Katz, in memory of her beloved mother, Lillian Greenberg. Carol Kekst, in memory of her beloved brother, Saul Schapiro. David J. Kekst, in honor of Hannah Kekst's Aliyah. Gershon Kekst, in memory of his beloved mother, Chana Kekst. Dorothy Ann Kirsch, in honor of her birthday. Donna Kramer & Ronald Cohen, in loving memory of Leah Corwin. Donna Kramer & Ronald Cohen, in loving memory of Heinz Eppler. Cantor David & Joan Lefkowitz, in memory of Sherry Rutman. Cantor David & Joan Lefkowitz, in memory of Jay Sanders, husband of Nancy Sanders. Cantor David & Joan Lefkowitz, in memory of Amnon Presler, father of Dr. Noa Schwartz. Leona Leon, in loving memory of Fannie Leon, on the occasion of her Yahrzeit. Marian Levitt, in memory of her beloved mother, Mildred Pascal Dr. Ann Lyons, in memory of her beloved father, Julius Moskowitz. Robert Miller, in honor of his birthday. Robert Millman, in honor of Rabbi Rein. Robert Millman, in honor of Rabbi Zuckerman. Michael, Murray & Staff, Park East Butchers, in memory of Heinz Eppler. Debra Paull, in memory of her beloved father, Daniel Weinberg. Dr. Brian & Myra Pollack, in memory of Wulf Peter Bielenberg, brother of Lite Sabin. Ruth Pordy, in memory of her beloved brother, Marvin Gansberg. Carolyn & Ruby Ptak, in memory of Brent Pasternak, Ida & Milton Segal, and Sylvia & Harry Ptak. Frida Riederman, in appreciation of the beautiful Shabbat services at Park Avenue Synagogue. Shereen & Howard Rutman & Family, in honor of Nadine Habousha Cohen, Kallat B’reishit. Shereen & Howard Rutman & Family, in honor of Mark Fraier, Hatan Torah. Shereen & Howard Rutman & Family, in memory of Heinz Eppler, father of Marcia Colvin. Shereen & Howard Rutman & Family, in memory of Leah Corwin, mother of Paul Corwin. Dr. & Mrs. Howard Rutman, in memory of George Friedman. . Marjorie & Murray Sachs, in memory of George Friedman. Andre Sassoon, in memory of his beloved mother Sarine Sassoon. Esther Silver, in memory of her beloved father Murray Altfeld. Susan Smirnoff, in memory of her beloved father Nathan Smirnoff. Judy & Michael Steinhardt, in memory of George Friedman. Dr. Marilyn Tobias, in memory of her beloved father Henry Tobias. Robert & Ellen Tolle, in honor of Mark Fraier, Hatan Torah. Jacqueline Wahl, in honor of her birthday. Lois Weinberg, in memory of her beloved father, Aaron Harry Paul. Selma Weintraub, in memory of her beloved husband, Morris Weintraub. Selma Weintraub, in honor of Mark Fraier's special honor as Hatan Torah. Susan Winter, in honor of the Yahrzeit of her father, Lewis Rosenfeld. Linda Yarden & Chris Smith, Callie & Eric Smith, in memory of Robert S. Ascheim. David & Marissa Zackowitz, in honor of the Bris of Benjamin Zackowitz. Marlene Zausner for Yizkor. Bobbie & Jerry Zuckerman, in honor of Mark Fraier, Hatan Torah. 24 Kislev 10 Tevet 23 11 Tevet 1:00 pm PAS offices close 31 18 Tevet 1:00 pm PAS offices close 24 11:00 am Bk Discussion Grp 5:00 pm Tavim 6:15 pm Hebrew 2 6:30 pm Adult Bat Mitzvah 7:00 pm WN Chocolate Trail 7:30 pm Modern Hebrew 4 Tevet 17 3 Tevet 26 Kislev 16 30 17 Tevet 20 Kislev 5 21 Kislev 8:00 am Essential Essays 8:00 am Perusin’ Parashah 9:00 am JBFCS soc wrkr 11:30 am J Contemp Thought 9:30 am Book Fair 6:45 pm Context 4:00 pm Book Fair opens 6:45 pm Melton 2 6:15 pm Hebrew 1 6:45 pm Hasidism 6:15 pm Intro to Judaism 7:30 pm YCG Latke Vodka 7:00 pm Harold Kushner 8:00 Centropa Lecture 4 22 Kislev 9:15 am Melton 1 9:15 am Hasidism 9:30 am Book Fair 10:00 am DOROT soc wrkr 10:30 am Ldrshp & Crisis 12:00 pm Lunch & Learn 6:30 pm Interfaith Dialogue 7:00 pm Cong Singers 6 23 Kislev Candles, 4:11 pm 8:00 am Talmud Torah 3:30 pm Food Pantry 5:00 pm YFE Shabbat service 6:15 pm Friday Evening svce 7 17 Kislev Parashat Va-yishlah 24 Kislev Parashat Va-yeishev 1st Hanukkah candle 8:45 am Parashat HaShavua 9:15 am Sanctuary service 9:30 am Havurah 20 mins after services, Minha 4:00 pm Hazzan's Tisch 8 8:45 am Parashat HaShavua 9:15 am Sanctuary service 20 mins after services, Minha 4:00 pm Parent-Teen Shabbat Study w/ R. Cosgrove 1 5 Tevet 12 Tevet PAS offices closed 25 8:00 am Essential Essays 11:30 am J Contemp Thought 1:00 pm WN Film 6:15 pm Hebrew 1 6:15 pm Intro to Judaism 6:30 pm Singles Hanukkah Party 18 8:00 am Essential Essays 11:30 am J Contemp Thought 1:00 pm Yiddish Club 6:15 pm Hebrew 1 6:15 pm Intro to Judaism 7:00 pm PAS Lecture Series 27 Kislev 6 Tevet 26 13 Tevet 8:00 am Perusin’ Parashah 9:00 am JBFCS soc wrkr 6:30 pm Caregvr Support Grp 6:45 pm Melton 2 6:45 pm Hasidism 8:00 Centropa 19 8:00 am Perusin’ Parashah 9:00 am JBFCS soc wrkr 12:00 pm Call for Comments 6:45 pm Melton 2 6:45 pm Hasidism 8:00 Centropa 28 Kislev 7 Tevet 27 14 Tevet 9:15 am Melton 1 9:15 am Hasidism 10:00 am DOROT soc wrkr 10:30 am Ldrshp & Crisis 12:00 pm Lunch & Learn 20 9:15 am Melton 1 9:15 am Hasidism 10:00 am DOROT soc wrkr 10:30 am Ldrshp & Crisis 12:00 pm Lunch & Learn 6:30 pm Lights in Darkness 29 Tevet 8:00 am Talmud Torah 6:15 pm Friday Evening svce 15 Tevet 28 Candles, 4:18 pm 8:00 am Talmud Torah 3:30 pm Food Pantry 6:15 pm Friday Evening svce 8 Tevet 8:45 am Parashat HaShavua 9:15 am Sanctuary service 20 mins after services, Minha 16 Tevet 29 Parashat Va-y’hi 8:45 am Parashat HaShavua 9:15 am Sanctuary service 20 mins after services, Minha 9 Tevet 8:45 am Parashat HaShavua 9:15 am Sanctuary service 9:30 am Havurah 11:15 am YFE Shabbat programs 20 mins after services, World Cons Judaism Panel after program, Minha 2 Tevet 21 Candles, 4: 14 pm 22 Parashat Va-yiggash 8:00 am Talmud Torah 3:30 pm Food Pantry 6:15 pm Friday Evening svce Candles, 4:11 pm 1 Tevet Hanukkah candle Hodesh 15 8th 10 3rd Hanukkah candle 11 4th Hanukkah candle 12 5th Hanukkah candle 13 6th Hanukkah candle 14 Rosh Parashat Mi-ketz 7th Hanukkah candle 5:00 pm Tavim 6:15 pm Hebrew 2 6:30 pm Adult Bat Mitzvah 7:30 pm Modern Hebrew 25 Kislev 2nd Hanukkah candle 19 Kislev 5:00 pm Tavim 6:15 pm Hebrew 2 6:30 pm Adult Bat Mitzvah 7:00 pm Holidays Ahead of Time 7:30 pm Modern Hebrew 8:00 pm Bk Discussion Grp 3 SATURDAY December WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Daily Shaharit Minyanim Monday-Friday at 7:15 am; Sundays and Legal Holidays at 9:00 am. Ma’ariv Sunday-Thursday at 5:45 pm. Any changes are noted when they occur. For Congregational School Shabbat programs, see the CS program schedule on p. 12. Information is subject to change. Confirm at www.pasyn.org or with the Synagogue office. 11:00 pm Project Ezra 2:00 pm Kadima/Etgar Hanukkah Party 4:00 pm Cantor’s Hanukkah Concert 9 MONDAY TUESDAY of Events DECember 2012 kislev / tevet 5773 PAS Calendar 10:00 am MC Bagel Brunch 10:30 am Hanukkah Party w/ PJ Library & Sheldon Low 2 DAY 50 East 87th Street, New York, NY 10128 DECember 2012 / kislev – Tevet 5773 Elliot J. Cosgrove, Ph.D., Rabbi Steven I. Rein, Assistant Rabbi David H. Lincoln, Rabbi Emeritus Azi Schwartz, Cantor and Music Director Shiree Kidron, Assistant Cantor David Lefkowitz, Cantor Emeritus Steven M. Friedman, Chairman of the Board Brian G. Lustbader, President Beryl P. Chernov, Executive Director Rabbi Neil Zuckerman, Director of Congregational Education Liz Offenbach, Director of Synagogue Programming Rabbi Eve Rudin, Principal of the Congregational School Carol Hendin, Director, Early Childhood Center Matthew Check, Director of Young Family Education Caryn Roman, Director of Youth Engagement Marga Hirsch, Director, Edmond de Rothschild Library and Publications Editor Jonathan Schlesinger, Chief Financial Officer John Davis, Facilities Director Lawrence Conley, Director of Media Synagogue Office: 212-369-2600 | www.pasyn.org A Look Ahead: January The Park Avenue Synagogue Lecture Series 5773 The Shifting Landscape of American Jewry Getting Next Gen: Engaging Jews on Campus and Beyond Tuesday | January 8 | 7:00 pm Shabbaton 2013 Religion in America: Trends and How They Affect the Jewish Community Friday – Saturday | January 25 – 26 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID New York, NY Permit No. 8526
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