TBA`s new gate by designer David Avidor page 11 Congregants
TBA`s new gate by designer David Avidor page 11 Congregants
Volume 34, Number 4 the December 2014 Volume 31, Number 7 Kislev/Tevet 5775 March 2012 T E M P L E B E T H A B R A H A M Adar / Nisan 5772 TBA’s new gate by designer David Avidor ... page 11 iR Congregants’ six word Chanukah memoirs ... page 7 Pu M DIRECTORY Services Schedule Services GENERAL INFORMATION: All phone numbers use (510) prefix unless otherwise noted. LocationTime Monday & Thursday Morning Minyan Chapel 8:00 a.m. Friday Evening (Kabbalat Shabbat) Chapel 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Morning Sanctuary 9:30 a.m. Exception: we will begin 9:00 a.m. the Thursdays of Sukkot, and Shemini Atzeret. Candle Lighting (Friday) December 5 December 12 December 19 December 26 4:49 p.m. 4:50 p.m. 4:52 p.m. 4:56 p.m. December 6 December 13 December 20 December 26 Vayishlach Vayeshev Miketz Vayigash Torah Portions (Saturday) Mailing Address 336 Euclid Ave. Oakland, CA 94610 Hours M-Th: 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., Fr: 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Office Phone 832-0936 Office Fax 832-4930 E-Mail admin@tbaoakland.org Gan Avraham 763-7528 Bet Sefer 663-1683 STAFF Rabbi (x 213) Cantor Gabbi Executive Director (x 214) Office Coordinator (x 210) Bet Sefer Director Gan Avraham Director Bookkeeper (x 215) Custodian (x 211) Kindergym/Toddler Program Volunteers (x 229) Mark Bloom Richard Kaplan, kaplanmusic@hotmail.com Marshall Langfeld Rayna Arnold Virginia Tiger Susan Simon 663-1683 Barbara Kanter 763-7528 Kevin Blattel Joe Lewis Dawn Margolin 547-7726 Herman & Agnes Pencovic OFFICERS OF THE BOARD TEMPLE BETH ABRAHAM is proud to support the Conservative Movement by affiliating with The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. Advertising Policy: Anyone may sponsor an issue of The Omer and receive a dedication for their business or loved one. Contact us for details. We do not accept outside or paid advertising. The Omer is published on paper that is 30% post-consumer fibers. The Omer (USPS 020299) is published monthly except July and August by Congregation Beth Abraham, 336 Euclid Avenue, Oakland, CA 94610. Periodicals Postage Paid at Oakland, CA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Omer, c/o Temple Beth Abraham, 336 Euclid Avenue, Oakland, CA 94610-3232. © 2014. Temple Beth Abraham. The Omer is published by Temple Beth Abraham, a nonprofit, located at 336 Euclid Avenue, Oakland, CA 94610; telephone (510) 832-0936. It is published monthly except for the months of July and August for a total of ten issues per annum. It is sent as a requester publication and there is no paid distribution. To view The Omer in color, visit www.tbaoakland.org. i President Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Mark Fickes 652-8545 Eric Friedman 984-2575 Alice Hale 336-3044 Flo Raskin 653-7947 Laura Wildmann 601-9571 JB Leibovitch 653-7133 Susan Shub 852-2500 COMMITTEES & ORGANIZATIONS: If you would like to contact the committee chairs, please contact the synagogue office for phone numbers and e-mail addresses. Adult Education Chesed Development Dues Evaluation Endowment Fund Finance Gan Avraham Parents Gan Avraham School Committee House Israel Affairs Membership Men’s Club Omer Personnel Public Relations Ritual Schools Social Action Torah Fund Women of TBA Youth Aaron Paul Warren Gould Leon Bloomfield & Flo Raskin Susan Shub Herman Pencovic Susan Shub Toni Mason Gary Bernstein Stephen Shub JB Leibovitch Ulli Rotzscher Jeff Ilfeld Rachel Dornhelm Laura Wildmann Lisa Fernandez Eric Friedman Alice Hale Marc Bruner Anne Levine Molli Rothman & Jessica Sterling Phil Hankin WHAT’S HAPPENING You’re Invited to the Men’s Club-Sponsored 2nd Annual TBA Master Chef Latke Edition! Hanukkah Party for the Entire TBA Community in Honor of longtime Past President Leonard Fixler (of blessed memory) Sunday, December 14 • 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. Temple Beth Abraham Social Hall Fun for the whole family. Latke cook-off, sufganiyot, bingo, dreidel games, face-painting, music, live entertainment, child care and more! Erev Xmas Movie and Sing-a-long featuring “FROZEN” Co-sponsored by the Men’s Club and Women of TBA December 24, Temple Beth Abraham Social Hall. Dinner included. FREE. Questions and RSVP to Rob and Esther at debarerob@yahoo.com. THE TEEN SCENE The Friendship Circle Friendship Circle programs present families of individuals with special needs and teen volunteers the opportunity to form real friendships within a non-judgmental and supportive community. Teen Scene: Teen Scene is a semi-monthly, one and a half hour program on Sunday evenings for teens with special needs to join with loving teen volunteers for a fun, educational group experience. The program begins with a light dinner and is followed by an hour of activities and Jewish discussion. Teens enjoy various activities, which include dancing, basketball, yoga, drum circle and more. Kindergym Sunday Play Days with Dawn Dec 7 — Details on page 16 PJ Library Events for Families (Children ages 2-7) Come enjoy these wonderful free family events! December 7, 3-4:30 p.m. Puppeteer Diana Schmiana All events will be held at the Contra Costa Jewish Day School 955 Risa Road, Lafayette For more information, including Teen Scene dates, please contact Devorah Romano, dl@fcberkeley.org. SAVE THE DATES in 2015: January 17: WTBA Shabbat March 14: Men’s Club Shabbat May 1-3, 2015: TBA Camp Retreat See additional WTBA sponsored Adult Education activities on page 8. CORRECTION: In the last month’s Omer we referenced Outi Gould’s talit website. The corrent URL is customtallit.com, NOT .org. We apologize for any inconvenience. 1 COMMUNITY PROGRAM 2 JEWISH SPORTS HALL OF FAME NEWS Rabbi Bloom Honored With “Golden Bagel” by Jewish Sports Hall of Fame by Lisa Fernandez Rabbi Mark Bloom will go down in history as an honored member of the Jewish Sports Hall of Fame of Northern California for all the work he has done coaching Sunday soccer, allowing youth to kick and run on the weekend just not during Shabbat. On November 30, Bloom – who weaves a Giants reference into almost every Torah drash he can muster – was honored with a coveted “Golden Bagel Award” from the nonprofit sports organization, which bestows such honors to those who “have made a significant contribution to our community.” Since his boys, Jonah and Micah, were old enough to dribble a soccer ball and swing a bat, Bloom has been coaching them and other Bay Area Jewish boys – and girls – soccer and baseball on Sunday. That’s so they can learn the value of sports, and not miss out on games, which are typically held on Saturday. “There aren’t a lot of people who want Sunday only for their kids who know much about soccer or baseball,” Bloom said. “The few who do need to step up, even though it’s a time commitment, so I did.” Plus, since Bloom is delivering sermons on Shabbat, he gets Monday off, which is when he holds practices. He can still tick off off the team names he’s coached over the last decade: the Lightning Fast Jets, Cougars, Bench Warmers, Purple Hawks, Brazil, Mini Giants, Blazing Saddles, the Bees, Pirates, Padres, Crawfords, Marlins, Giants, Sea Dogs, Sounds and the Rockhounds. He has also coached a girls team – the Marta Mias. Bloom is now coaching Jonah and several TBA friends on the “Las Pulgas,” the fleas, in Spanish, inspired by Lionel Messi, “the best player in the world,” Bloom said. This year, he also became “match secretary” to his role. Even though all the coaching adds to Bloom’s already packed life, he loves it. “I get to spend extra time with my kids,” he added, “which is great.” There are 14 Jewish Halls of Fame in the United States, and the San Jose-based chapter is the first in Northern California. President Jack Anderson said the goal of the organization is to show that the “People of the Book” also excel at sports. The group also provides scholarships for Jewish athletes. Rabbi Bloom coaches the Las Pulgas team on Nov. 9, 2014 and celebrates after their opponents forfeited the game. “Eizeh Goal!,” the rabbi wrote on his Facebook page. 3 FROM THE RABBI TBA Chanukah Memories: The Social Hall Play by Rabbi Bloom One of my favorite parts of Chanukah every year is the Bet Sefer celebration in the Social Hall. It is a fairly typical Chanukah celebration. There are latkes made by an army of volunteers with apple sauce, sour cream and gelt. There is music. There is a dreidel spinoff. But my favorite part is the Chanukah play. The plays have evolved over the years. These days, we are mostly reading a prepared script that Susan Simon found about how each candle stands for a different facet of Chanukah with one candle consistently interrupting wanting to talk about presents. In previous years, parents sometimes wrote the plays. I remember the Schacker family writing one involving my San Francisco Giants fandom, and who could forget Ronn Berrol playing the part of the Dreidel and Phil Hankin playing the part of the giant latke? December 2004 So while Chanukah is primarily a home celebration (hence the many rules about lighting the Chanukiah in the home), the Bet Sefer Chanukah celebration has become nostalgic for me in its own way. I look forward to this year’s rendition. L’shalom, Rabbi Mark Bloom Courtyard Project Moves Forward by Leon Bloomfield As you have all noticed by now, the demolition of the dilapidated house and garage at 333 MacArthur is complete. We have a nice clean lot now with a big yellow excavator (that’s apparently what they call that machine) in its place! In the coming months, you will witness even more of a transformation as we begin to install new retaining walls, ramps and stairways and initiate work on the actual courtyard itself. There has admittedly been a slight break in the activity level on the site since the High Holydays as we needed to work out some lingering issues with the City of Oakland but we expect all of that is happily behind us now. In addition, our silent campaign continues. To date, we have raised approximately $1.9 million in donations and pledges which will go a long way to making all of this a reality. However, we still need an additional $1+ million from the congregation at large. The Committee expects to begin contacting all the families in our community over the next several months to let you know the latest on the Project and to discuss how you can participate. Together we can make this happen! In the meantime, watch for updates in the Omer or talk to anyone on the Next Big Thing Committee. 4 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE A Little on the History of Chanukah by Mark Fickes While celebrating Chanukah is an annual favorite in my home, it occurred to me this year that I actually did not know much about the history of the holiday and so I decided to do a little research into its origins. Here is what I found. Most of us also know the story of the Maccabees, a small band of Jewish heroes who liberated the us from the Syrian Greeks who occupied it. The Syrian Greeks sought to impose their culture, which many Jews found attractive. By 167 B.C.E, Antiochus intensified his campaign by defiling the Temple in Jerusalem and banning Jewish practice. The Maccabees-led by the five sons of the priest Mattathias, especially Judah--waged a three-year campaign that resulted in the cleaning and rededication of the Temple. Under Syrian Greek rule, the Jews were not unable to celebrate Sukkot at its proper time in the Fall. So, the Maccabees decided that Sukkot should be celebrated once they rededicated the Temple, which they did on the 25th of the month of Kislev in the year 164 B.C.E. Because Sukkot lasts seven days, this became the timeframe adopted for Hanukkah. 250 years later, Jewish historian Flavius Josephus wrote about Chanukah’s origins. He referred to the holiday as the Festival of Lights in order to link the Jews’ liberation with the image of light. About another 100 year later, at the time that the Mishnah, the holiday took on the name of Chanukah or “Dedication.” Later, it is in the Gemara that we get some more detail about the history of the holiday and the stories associated with it. In Tractate Shabbat, we are given about three lines on the events of Chanukah but there are several pages on when, where and how the Hanukkah lights should be lit. The Talmud, which was completed about 600 years after the events of the Maccabees, sets out the “current” version of the story about the miraculous jar of oil that burned for eight days. The Talmud relates the story in the context of a discussion about the fact that fasting and grieving are not allowed on Chanukah. In order to understand why the observance of Chanukah is so important, the Rabbis recount the story of the miraculous jar of oil. Chanukah gained new meaning with the rise of Zionism. When the early pioneers in Israel found themselves fighting to defend against attacks, they began to connect with the ancient Jewish fighters who stood their ground in the same place. The holiday took on even greater meaning in the years leading up to the founding of the modern state of Israel. At that time, Jews were living and experiencing the issues raised by Hanukkah: oppression, identity, religious freedom, and the need to fight for national independence. Hanukkah has developed into a holiday rich with historical significance, physical and supernatural miracle narratives, and a dialogue with Jewish history. Chag Sameach! May you all find time for a miracle this year. Please Join Us for Morning Minyan on Mondays and Thursdays Join the regulars at our Minyan service, each Monday and Thursday usually starting at 8:00 a.m. The service lasts about an hour, and is really a great way to start the day. As an added bonus, breakfast is served immediately afterwards. To use the old expression – try it, you’ll like it. If not as a regular, just stop in once or twice and see what it’s all about. 5 COMMUNITY Come Volunteer With TBA at City Team by Amy Kittiver On Oct. 26, approximately 12 peopled from TBA heeded the call to take the next volunteering step: Ingredients were purchased and donated and a full healthy meal was prepared for the residents and diners at City Team in Oakland. Participants included: Amy Kittiver, Lilli Kay, Tony Kay, Ulli Rotzcher, Treya Weintraub, Debra Weinstein, Talia Weinstein, Mya Marcus, Sarah Marcus and friend, Barbara Oseroff, Allan Gordon, Shira Sanghvi, and Caren Shapiro, with additional support from Bryna Ross. Dinner included chicken and rice, roasted vegetables, faro, salad and topped off with Barbara’s chocolate chip bars and ice cream. The event was challenging, rewarding and fun! If you are interested in getting involved, please contact Caren Shapiro at cjshapiro@hotmail.com. We help prepare and serve meals on the fourth Sunday of every month. We are planning on donating and preparing another full meal in the near future. Our dream goal is to be able to have enough donations and volunteers to be able to take do entire meals like we did on Oct. 26 every month. THE OMER We cheerfully accept member submissions. Deadline for articles and letters is the seventh of the month preceding publication. Editor in Chief Rachel Dornhelm Managing Editor Lisa Fernandez Layout & Design Jessica Sterling Calendars Jon Golding B’nai Mitzvah Editor Susan Simon Cover David Avidor Help From People like you! 6 Jessica Dell’Era, Nadine Joseph, Richard Kauffman, Jan Silverman, Debbie Spangler June Brott, Jessica Dell’Era, Charles Feltman, Jeanne Korn, Anne Levine, Proofreaders Stephen Shub, Susan Simon, Debbie Spangler Copy Editors Distribution Hennie Hecht, Herman and Agnes Pencovic Mailing Address 336 Euclid Ave. Oakland, CA 94610 E-Mail omer@tbaoakland.org SIX WORD MEMOIRS Six Word Memoirs: Chanukah Lights Chanukah, we go to bed late. Jonah Rosenberg, 5 We’d like to put together a book of six word memoirs from our larger community on topical Jewish themes. We’ll print them, one month at a time, in the Omer until we have enough to compile a book. Chanukah lights, can’t wait till tonight. Jessica Sterling, 50 Please send us your six word memoirs to omer@tbaoakland.org with the word “six word memoir” in the subject line. Please include your name and your age, because part of the beauty of the book will be seeing how we feel about Judaism at different ages. Melted wax on our heirloom table. Jessica Teisch Hannukah funner with kids than Yom Kippur. Jo Ilfeld Candles, Latkes, Applesauce, We Will Survive. Rabbi Art Gould Friends surround, lights around, happy faces. Maureen Krantz Beeswax candles, veggie latkes, California Chanukkah! Debbie Weinstein, 48 Bench licht, get gelt, ess latkes. Sandy Margolin, 60 Family gathering, gift giving, big hugs. Elinor DeKoven, 79 Not new socks again. Thanks Mom. Elan Masliyah, 43 I love lighting my people menorah. Jonah Rosenberg, 5 Family together, Dad’s Great Latkes, Borscht. Herb & Harriet Bloom Don’t cook latkes here – too smelly! Shira Levine Menorah in window. No rocks please. Eppi Margolin, 21 Oil, potatoes, onions, matzo meal, eggs! Ann Rapson, 59 Mi Yimaleil now Arranged Barbershop Harmony. Charles Feltman, 72 Glowing candles, tasty Latkes, happy family! Audrey Kauffman, adult Last year, Thanksgivukkah was too hectic. Julie Berman, 35 Amazing dancing lights, Delicious latkes, Menorah. Cassius Perelman, age 8 It’s fun; I really like it! Vivienne Perelman, age 5 Friends were jealous of eight presents. Karen Bloom, 44 School vacation – maybe. Check calendar again. Marcia Benjamin Latkes: finding stray grease in February. Marcia Benjamin I eat cookies decorated with menorahs. Eva Rosenberg, 3 ½ Annual math problem: how many candles? Marcia Benjamin Blue lights outside, one of us? Marcia Benjamin Hannukah first night, new ice skates! Becca Posamentier, was 12 when I got those skates, now 37 Bubbie stuck in kitchen, missing fun. Karen Bloom, 44 Dreidel spins. Gimmel wins the game. Amalia Campbell, 7 Rejoice, candles warm darkness, miracles reoccur. Ann G. Rapson, 59 2,4,6,8 Chanukah Candles. Aurora Campbell, 7 Homemade latkes for Thanksgivukkah. Dad happy! Elizabeth Simms Shalem Aleichem stories, grandma’s Hanukkah gelt. Svetlana Partsuf, 43 Shining lights, happy faces, spinning dreidel. Alicia von Kugelgen Seven little gifts. One big one. Lisa Fernandez, 45 Family, friends, candles, songs, laughter, fun. Stacy Margolin Know all the words to Maoz tzur? Karen Bloom, 44 I sing songs; I read stories. Eva Rosenberg, 3 ½ Play Dreidel with pennies, m&ms, cheerios. Karen Bloom, 44 Chanukkah songs, smiling children, new bicycle. Treya Weintraub I like eating chocolate Chanukah gelt. Jonah Rosenberg, 5 A lot of latkes grease everywhere. Michael Rosenberg In coming issues!! Submit to omer@tbaoakland.org The Six-Word Memoirs on Jewish Life is a partnership between Reboot (www.rebooters.net) and Larry Smith. In November 2006, writer and editor Larry Smith issued a challenge to fans of his online publication, SMITH Magazine. Inspired by Ernest Hemingway’s legendary shortest of short stories (“For sale: Baby shoes, never worn”), Smith asked readers to describe their lives in six words. Since then, the Six-Word Memoir® made its debut in 2006, nearly one million short life stories have been shared on the storytelling community SMITH Magazine website. Menorah, gelt, latkes, family – best holiday! Helen von Kugelgen, 11 7 WOMEN OF TBA, OUR SISTERHOOD Chanukah Miracles and Bunco at WTBA by Molli Rothman Chanukah is approaching and I can’t help but contemplate the miracles and activity that surround this holiday. Women of TBA (WTBA) holds monthly Girls Night Out (GNO) get-togethers. They are held on the first Thursday of almost every month and are just fun gatherings, a chance for women to hang out, make friends or catch up with old ones. Often there is an activity involved. Recently we tasted six Israeli wines with chocolate pairings and shared some hot conversations! We have had cooking and art activities, as well as discussions and educational sessions. I have attended many GNO events and have greatly enjoyed meeting new people and getting to know others better. Jessica Sterling, my co-president of WTBA, and I strongly encourage all women of TBA to join us for a GNO or for any of the other numerous events and activities that are sponsored and run by WTBA. At our next GNO we will be playing Bunco. Bunco is a fun and hilarious dice game played in rounds. The winner of each round gets to wear the special hat, and prizes are awarded for different achievements. It is easy to learn how to play. This is always a well attended GNO and much hilarity ensues. This event is on Thursday, December 4, from 7:30-9:00 p.m. in the Baum Center. The WTBA Board members work hard to plan and execute each WTBA-sponsored event. Our goal is to create a welcoming and supportive community. Please join us! Join us for WTBA’s Girls Night Out BUNCO! Thursday, December 4 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. Baum Youth Center, 341 MacArthur Girls Night Out is a casual, monthly event to gather TBA women together for relaxed and unstructured social time. Drop in on the first Thursday of each month to chat, laugh, debate, have a glass of wine and some light goodies, and get to know each other better. No need to bring a thing! Meet old friends, and make new friends. There’s a different mix, vibe, and conversation every month. Come check it out! Questions: jessica.sterling@ymail.com or molli.rothman@gmail.com 8 Sponsered by WTBA & Ruach Hadassah Next Meeting: Monday, January 26 On behalf of The Women of TBA (WTBA) and Oakland Ruach Hadassah, we would like to invite all East Bay Women to join our Rosh Chodesh group. The group meets monthly on the Monday close to Rosh Chodesh, from 9:30-11:30 a.m. at rotating members’ homes. The meetings are facilitated by members of the group. Our new text is The Harlot by the Side of the Road, by Jonathan Kirsch. We will discuss chapters 2 and 3. The meeting will open with a short discussion about the significance of the new month. Questions? Contact Amy Tessler at abtessler@ comcast.net or (510) 482-1218 to obtain the reading materials and get on the distribution list for the upcoming meeting locations. MEN’S CLUB The Annual Chanukah Party – a Men’s Club Tradition by Jon Shuster The year was 2004. David Lenik and I had taken over the leadership reins of the Men’s Club and were approaching the first Hanukkah without Leonard Fixler as Men’s Club President in over a decade. Then, the main event of the Men’s Club at the time was the annual Men’s Club Hanukkah Party. It was always a big affair: food prepared by the marvelous wives of the Men’s Club board, prizes raffled off and money to be raised for the synagogue. And now it was our turn to carry on the tradition. We were going to do it differently. To Leonard’s bewilderment, we planned to prepare dinner ourselves (no wives!). We hired a Klezmer band (no Mischa, the accordion player). We solicited a wide range of raffle prizes , including sports tickets and a challah-per-week for a year from Semifreddi’s. And begged and pleaded for people to come. What do I remember? Going from less than 40 RSVP’s a week to over 120, including a flood of requests well after the “deadline”. Working like crazy to set up the social hall and watching in admiration as David and an array of volunteers prepared the food. Watching Alan Silver whip off his jacket and don a serving apron because we were short servers. Best of all, I remember Leonard walking in and saying, when I asked him what he thought, “it’s beautiful. You boys have done a wonderful job.” We had done our best to carry on his and the previous board’s tradition and as I look back, it was one of my most memorable Chanukah’s ever. The Men’s Club would evolve, expanding to offer an array of programs that did not include the annual Hanukkah party. We never forgot, however, the contributions of Leonard Fixler, Syd Schaffer (of blessed memory), and other previous board members. In building a Men’s Club dedicated to “enriching the quality of Jewish life at TBA”, we stand on their shoulders and continue in their spirit of contribution and service. Come join us! We have a host of exciting events coming up, including for the first time in many years, a Men’s Club-hosted Hanukkah Party. Don’t miss it. For more information, contact Jeff Ilfeld at Ilfeld@email.com Jews in Bad Shoes bowling 7:30 p.m. Thursday December 4, Alameda’s Southshore Lanes. Knock down a few pins and share pizza and refreshments with old and new friends. To get in on the bowling fun, RSVP to Howard Zangwill at hzangwill@rina.com. Young Parent Chavurah 1 p.m. Sunday December 7, location TBD, sponsored by the Men’s Club with snacks and beverages. Hey parents and toddlers: Like eating other people’s cookies? Enjoy watching professional sports? Join the Young Parent Chavurah for a cookie swap and enjoy your treats during the 49ers – Raiders game. Contact Jessica Klein at jkdk28@gmail.com or Lauren Smith at LSmith21183@gmail.com. Kol TBA Hanukkah party Get a jump on celebrating Hanukkah with an early TBA community Hanukkah party. Latkes, fun, and further details to follow. Jewish Heritage Night at the Warriors 7:30 p.m. Monday December 22 vs. the Sacramento Kings. Celebrate a night of Chanukah and winter break from school with the gift of basketball. $32 per ticket includes commemorative scarf. Questions and RSVP to Jereme Albin at jereme.albin@gmail.com. Erev X-mas Movie Sing-a-long and Dinner, co-sponsored with the Women of TBA, December 24, time TBD. Come join us while we sing our way through the movie Frozen while enjoying a delicious no-cost meal. No talent required! Questions and RSVP to Rob and Esther Debare at debarerob@yahoo.com. Men’s Club family game night Sundown Saturday, January 17. Welcoming individuals and families of all ages, we’ve revived a classic Men’s Club event for this winter. Come ready to play and bring your favorite game to start after we celebrate Havdala together. Member’s Only Super Bowl Party: Sunday, February 1, time TBD in the Baum Building, it memberappreciation day! Our members and their immediate families are invited to a front row seat at this year’s Super Bowl. This is a no-cost event; just show up, enjoy the game, the commercials, the camaraderie, and the plentiful food & drinks. Come watch the most viewed television event of the year with friends, family and the Men’s Club. Men’s Club Shabbat: Saturday March 14 9 RITUAL Let’s Talk a Little About Death by Susan Simon Every once in a while, someone who isn’t Jewish but knows a bit about Jewish customs expresses surprise to me that so many Jews don’t know much about the customs about death and dying in our tradition. So I thought I’d mention a few common ones, just in case there are some gaps in your knowledge. Hopefully you already know all of this stuff and can feel really knowledgeable. But if not, you’ll soon be able to hold your own in any cocktail party where the subject comes up. Yahrzeit Candles – you know what these are, right? Those squat little white candles that you can buy at Afikoman or your local grocery store that come in little glasses that you feel guilty about recycling afterwards because there just HAS to be something you can do with them but don’t need more clutter. Do you know when to light them? When you get the little reminder from TBA that you have a yahrzeit (anniversary of the death of a close loved one) coming up, it tells you the date to light the candle. You should light it before sundown and let it burn until it goes out on its own. The glass won’t break (OK, it isn’t supposed to break, and I’ve never had one break, but I bet someone has!) I usually leave mine sitting on my stove which feels pretty safe to me. I have also been known to put it in my sink before bedtime if I’m feeling paranoid. But actually there are more times per year than just on the yahrzeit that you are supposed to light the candles. We also light them for the three pilgrimage holidays. So stock up and light them before sundown on Sh’mini Atzeret, eighth day Pesach, and second day Shavuot. Oh, and also, don’t forget before coming to shul on Kol Nidre. How many should you light for these holiday candles? That’s up to you. I have so many family members to remember that it gets to be a little pricey. So I buy one for each really close member and then one extra for everyone else that I am missing. The word yahrzeit actually is Yiddish meaning “time of the year.” In Ladino, the commemoration is known as nahala. What’s the bracha for lighting a Yahrzeit Candle? There is none, and I have to admit, I always feel a little empty doing it without a bracha – like there is a missing ritual. So I usually send my love to each person and say aloud that I miss them, my own little ritual. Some people recite psalms – and I think a favorite poem might be nice. 10 The burning light represents the human soul, taken from Proverbs (chapter 20, verse 27) that says “The soul of man is the candle of God.” What are all of those abbreviations? – you’ve been to the cemetery and see Hebrew letters on the stones with little quotation marks on them, such as Z”L, ZT”l, and A”H and probably wondered what they mean. Here is a little list to help you out: Z”L – abbreviation for zikhrono livrakha which means of blessed memory or may his/her memory be for a blessing. This is used for someone who isn’t a rabbi. A”H – abbreviation for alav ha-shalom which means may peace be upon him/her – again, used for a non-rabbi. ZT”L – abbreviation for zekher tzadik livrakha which means may the memory of this righteous be for a blessing, used for a rabbi or other righteous person. ZK”L – abbreviation for zekher kadosh livrakha which means may the memory of the saintly be for a blessing, used for a saintly person or someone who was martyred. ZY”A – abbreviation for z’khuto yagen aleinu which means may his merit protect us – saved for rabbis of great piety. There are more, but those are the most common ones. You will also see on grave markers an abbreviation of the Hebrew letters pey and nun which stands for po nikbar or po nitman which means “here lies.” And at the end of the marker you might find the letters tav, nun, tzadee, bet, hay which is an abbreviation of a verse from the Tanakh, first book of Samuel, 25:29, “May his soul be bound up in the bond of eternal life. “ You are now all must more expert in some of the Jewish customs of graves and yahrzeit candles. Next month on to something a bit more upbeat! CAMPUS UPDATES Interview with David Avidor - Designer Behind the Gate by Roberta Masliyah Finally, we have a new gate on our campus. But it’s not just a gate, it is a thoughtful and beautiful piece of art located as you enter the chapel and the Gan from the parking lot. The artist, is TBA member, David Avidor. I met with the talented 42-year-old Israeli (husband of Tosha Schore and father of three) recently and asked him a few of questions about his creative process. RM: What is your design background? DA: I studied graphic design at California College of the Arts in Oakland and in San Francisco and graduated in 2004. Since then, I had been working as a toy designer for 11 years, until recently when I got laid off when the company downsized. RM: How did Rabbi Bloom think of you for this project? DA: He knows I am graphic designer and I also take a lot of photos, and in the Sadud he composed, some of my pictures are in there too, so I think maybe he was feeling that. RM: What inspired you to design this beautiful gate? DA: I was thinking about the name of the synagogue that is Temple Beth Abraham, Abraham the father of Judaism. I wanted it to be symbolic of learning, the wheat and the open book. Also, I wanted to incorporate a symbol of the Bay Area, which is the Bay Bridge, which are hidden inside the palms on both sides of the gate. The gate, roughly resembles a tent shape with the strings. It was important to me that when you come into the synagogue, that you see in Hebrew (located on top) “You will be blessed when you come” (as you leave is reads, “You will be blessed as you leave”). So, who is blessing the people who come? It is really, you! You are part of the community; you see yourself in the reflection of the letters. You as a member of the community, you’re supposed to be welcoming as Abraham was in his tent, to people who come to visit our synagogue. A big part of the consideration to make it fit into our synagogue, I admire the art that we have on the windows and I wanted to somehow tie it to that, so it would loosely, visually be connected to the art on the windows. Like the same shape and fluidity, while working with metal. RM: What are the materials used to create the gate? DA: Both the brown colored part and the mirror are steel. The brown steel was cut by an amazing process of super small, super hard beating of a water jet to cut out the shape, similar to laser. The mirror, is polished steel and is solid sheet sandwiched in between two layers of brown design. RM: What about the other design elements, like the Star of David with the mirror behind it? DA: The Star of David in the middle of the gate, is in the middle of an open book, which also symbolizes wheat, the bread, the challah. I put the Star of David in the middle, to remind us, there is no bread without learning, no learning without bread. There’s a proverb in Hebrew about that. Personally, it was challenging to make the Star of David in the center and that it wouldn’t disappear and that the negative space was filled with a mirror. RM: Well I think is was brilliant. Especially for our little ones who attend the Gan, they can see their reflection in Star of David. DA: (Laughs) The height of their face? RM: (Laughs) Yeah! continued on page 27 11 CHANUKKAH LIGHTS Talia (13) and Avi (9) Paulson on the 8th night of Chanukah, 2013 Each year we have a tradition of taking a photo of the kids on the 8th night of Hanukkah at our house with all of the menorahs lit. Many of the menorahs were gifts from Israel from our relatives, and some are handmade by Talia and Avi. Sometimes we have friends over or we go to friends’ houses for the 8th night, but we never miss taking the yearly photo. (From Debra Weinstein) Chanukah 2012 with David & Hannah Reback and Danny & Josh DeBare. 12 Chanukah 2013: Two Gan children celebrate Chanukah at their grandmother’s home in Danville, California last year. CHANUKKAH LIGHTS Chanukkah fun, 2004. Jessica Teisch (about age 4, right) and her twin sister Rachel and their father, Joel, celebrating Chanukah in San Mateo, California around 1977 Chanukah With the Heegers by Alice Hale The Heeger cousins gather every year to light the menorah -- and even when one of them isn’t there physically, he is there virtually! But shhh! don’t tell anyone -neither of these photos were actually taken on Chanukah! Every year, we spend Thanksgiving with my husband Rick’s family. Most of the time, that means his sister and his brother and their children coming up to the Bay Area to spend the long weekend (occasionally, we go down to Southern California). And because that is generally the only time during the holiday season when all (or at least most) of us are together, Saturday night is our family Chanukah celebration. Imagine our delight last year when it was actually Chanukah during Thanksgiving weekend! It is very gratifying to know that the cousins, though all are grown and away from home now, love to still come back together for that holiday weekend every year. 13 COOKING CORNER B’Tayavon: Latkes 101 by Faith Kramer I first wrote about latkes for the Omer in 1997 and to be honest not much has changed in traditional latke recipes since then. Thankfully, you don’t see recipes for cabbage latkes any more, but there are still those out there who are determinedly trying to make latkes healthier, trendier or just different, attempts that are sternly repulsed by potato pancake purists. It was like a visit with old friends to reread my article from 17 years ago and read the latke making advice from several members, some of blessed memory. In that article I had interviewed Temple Beth Abraham’s then latke mavens and recorded their tips and tricks. Jeanette Jager was the spiritual mother of all latke-makers at TBA. Until her passing, she had headed up the TBA’s Men’s Club’s massive potato pancake effort. She and her volunteers fried up as much as 50 pounds of the shredded spuds a year for the club’s Chanukah latke dinner. “I don’t have a recipe, I just put in what I have a feeling for,” she said in 1997. That includes “a little bit of flour” to keep the potato mixture together and a “if it needs it, a bit of matzo meal” which stiffens the batter. She also added eggs, onions, salt and a little pepper. You also have to use enough oil, she advised. “This is not like making an omelet, you can’t just coat the pan,” you have to have enough to really get the pancakes sizzling and browned. The late Pola Silver’s family liked her potato pancakes with applesauce as well as with sour cream, but she liked to eat them plain. “Back home in Russia we didn’t have that much sour cream and applesauce,” she said in her 1997 interview. Silver added a bit of garlic to her potato pancakes and shredded her potatoes in the food processor and then pulsed them a bit to even out the texture. She also added onions, eggs, salt, pepper and flour. She made so many latkes every year that she needed to make them ahead. “I don’t leave them to the last minute. I make them and freeze them on cookie sheets one layer at a time. When they are frozen I put them in ziplock bags,” she said. She reheated her latkes for 10-15 minutes in 250 degree oven. Paula Hamilton, a cookbook author, and husband Edward, a retired chef and culinary educator, are the founders of TBA’s popular Gourmet Gala events. In that original latke story, Paula Hamilton shared how she and her husband shredded the potatoes, grated the onion and added a bit of sour cream to the batter to prevent it from turning brown, a common goal of most latke makers. 14 They sometimes added sweet potatoes to the batter. Sweet potato only latkes have been rising in acceptance since I wrote the original article, even among latke traditionalists, as are more heavily seasoned latkes (in 1997 even adding black pepper or garlic was heresy to some). Latkes have always been a more Ashkenazi treat and I also see more Jews embracing Sephardic and Mizrahi fritters and fried pastries. The Israeli custom of sufganiyot (jelly doughnuts) has also become very popular in the area, thanks in part to their availability from Oakland’s Grand Kosher Bakery, owned by TBA members Bob and Lori Jaffe. Another custom I learned about since I wrote the original latke story is that for some it is traditional to sprinkle sugar on top of their potato pancakes. I haven’t done the research to see where the custom comes from and how far ranging it is, but it makes for an easy and intriguing topping option. Accompanying this story are several latke recipes. One traditional, one “shortcut,” one vegan and one Southwestern sweet potato. I hope there’s one for you in the batch. If you have a latke or other Chanukah recipe or tradition to share, please be sure to let me know at fjkramer@msn.com and I’ll be sure to include it in a future roundup. BROWN PAPER BAG LATKES Serves 4-6 My latkes are a bit of the heretic. My family likes the taste and texture of potato peels, so my spuds are unpeeled. I alternate shredding onion and potatoes in batches in the food processor to help prevent the dreaded browning. (Although the darkened raw potatoes seem to make little difference in the final taste.) I use matzo cake meal to bind my batter. The latkes are fried in plenty of oil until the lacy edges are crisp and brown. And I follow my mother-in-law’s advice and always drain the freshly fried pancakes on brown paper bags instead of on the more usual paper towels (but the towels will work if you find yourself without enough paper bags.) It is inspired by a recipe from the Jewish Holiday Cookbook by Gloria Kaufer Greene. 2 ½ pounds of baking potatoes, 1 large or 2 small onions, 2-3 cloves of garlic, minced, optional 3 large eggs, lightly beaten 1 tsp salt 1/8 tsp black pepper, or more to taste About ¼ cup matzo cake meal (or 2 to 3 tbsp flour) Vegetable oil COOKING CORNER Peel the potatoes if you prefer. Shred or grate the potatoes with the onions. Larger shreds produce lacier latkes with rougher edges. Fine shreds or grated potatoes produce more “pancake”-like latkes. Squeeze out and discard excess moisture from the mixture. Mix in garlic, eggs, seasoning and matzo meal or flour. Let sit for five minutes so mixture can absorb the meal or flour. Add more if it still seems wet. In a very large skillet (the heavier the better) over medium-high heat, heat oil that is about ¼-inch deep until it is very hot. (I drop a bit of batter in to see if it sizzles with bubbles all around.) Shape by hand into patties (or press the batter into a large serving spoon), squeezing out any excess liquid, then adding to the hot oil. Do not over crowd the pancakes in the pan. Fry them until browned on both sides and crisp on the edges. Drain on brown paper bags. (I cut the bags apart and drain on the unprinted inside.) Repeat until all latkes are fried. VEGAN LATKES Serves 4-6 I know I said I’m not into making latkes “healthier,” but I developed this recipe for folks who can’t or won’t eat eggs but still want a traditional potato pancake. I use pre-ground flax seeds. The flax seeds not only “glue” the potato shreds together, they also cause the latkes to stick to paper towels or brown paper bags (the usual medium for draining them). Use the parchment paper instead to avoid or lessen the problem or pat the latkes with a paper towel and set them directly on the serving platter. 4 Tbs. ground flax 3/4 cup of water 3 lbs. of russet, Idaho or other baking potato, peeling optional 1 large onion 3 cloves garlic, minced 1/2 tsp. salt 1/4 tsp. pepper Canola or other frying oil Mix the ground flax seeds with the water. Stir or whisk until combined. Let sit for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally until thick and gelatinous. Shred potatoes alternating with onion. (Larger shreds produce lacier latkes with rougher edges. Fine shreds or grated potatoes produce more “pancake”-like latkes.) Squeeze dry and discard liquid. Stir in garlic, salt, pepper and flax seed mixture. Mix well. Let sit for a few minutes so mixture can bind. In a very large skillet (the heavier the better) over medium-high heat, heat oil that is about 1/4-inch deep until it is very hot. (I drop a bit of batter in to see if it sizzles with bubbles all around.) Take a handful of the batter (about 1/4 to 1/3 cup depending on how large you want the pancakes) and press the batter between two hands to make a patty, squeezing again to remove any moisture. Place carefully in the hot oil, pressing down with a spatula on the latke occasionally to flatten it somewhat. Do not over crowd the pancakes in the pan. Fry them until browned on both sides and crisp on the edges, adding more oil as needed. Drain on parchment paper. Repeat until all latkes are fried. Keep cooked latkes warm in a low (250 degree) oven if desired. SHORTCUT LATKES Serves 2-3 Refrigerated, shredded potatoes are usually available in supermarkets near the eggs. Use them right out of your fridge for best results. (The colder the mixture, the less likely the pancake will fall apart in the fry pan.) For a milder latke, use the lesser amount of onion and leave out the garlic. If you can only find the frozen pre-shredded, thaw in the refrigerator and drain well before using. 1-20 oz. package of refrigerated preshredded potatoes (may be labeled “hash browns”) 2 eggs 1/8 tsp. ground black pepper ½ tsp. salt 1/3 to ½ cup of finely chopped onion 1 clove garlic, minced 1 Tbs. matzo cake meal or flour Canola or corn oil continued on page 18 15 GAN AVRAHAM KINDERGYM Eating Latkes, Playing Dreidels at the Gan by Barbara Kanter Chanukah is a fun time both at school and at home for children and their families. At the Gan, children light candles, chant blessings, sing songs, listen to the story of the Macabees, play dreidel, create art and make and eat latkes. We are very busy as usual. At home you may want to consider creating your own family traditions. Remember it is the miracle of the oil and the re-dedication of the Temple that we are celebrating rather than the emphasis on gifts. Enjoy and appreciate the glow of the Chanukah candles as they burn for at least thirty minutes. Some ideas for home activities include inviting family and friends to your home to celebrate, cooking latkes and sufganiyot, playing dreidle, giving tzedakah, singing songs and reading or telling the story of Chanukah. Ask your children for their ideas. Probably the best gift you can give your children is the gift of time. Spend Chanukah evenings with your children (perhaps even without including modern technology). Gan Avraham will be on winter break December 22-January 2. We return on Monday, January 5, 2015. Soon after on Wednesday evening January 21, we have our Information Evening for prospective families. If you are interested (or know a family) in enrollment for the 2015-16 school year, please contact Barbara at 510-763-7528 or Barbara@tbaoakland.org to request an enrollment application. Congregation members receive priority enrollment status. Children must be two years old before September 2015 to enroll in Kitah Alef. KINDERGYM SUNDAY PLAY DAYS with Dawn for Under 3s Temple Beth Abraham Social Hall Dec 7, 10:30 am-12 pm, $12 per family Information Evening Please Join Us Wednesday, January 21, 2015, 7:30 pm In Room 10 (Kitah Gimmel) Meet the Director Learn about our Program Ask Questions Schedule your Visit If you are unable to attend the Information Evening, please call 510-763-7528 after January 21 to schedule a visit Gan Avraham Preschool At Temple Beth Abraham 336 Euclid Ave., Oakland Please RSVP Barbara@tbaoakland.org or 510-763-7528 16 Join our community of diverse families for our 32nd year for climbing, sliding, ball pit, fire engines, water play, playdough, rocking horses, parachute, songs, bubbles, and all of you will make new friends! Priced per family; siblings under 3 welcome! Share this info with your entire parenting community. Contact Dawn with any questions at (510) 547-7726 Kindergym with Dawn for ALL families YOUNG PARENT CHAVURAH Calling all parents of babies and toddlers! Want to connect with other parents of young children at TBA for some low key schmoozing, fun baby-friendly activities, and Shabbat luncheons? Then join our Chavurah for some casual fun! December 7 - Cookies and Football Hey parents, babies and toddlers: Like eating other people’s cookies? Enjoy watching professional sports? We thought so! Join the Young Parent Chavurah for a cookie swap on Sunday, December 7 at 1 p.m. in the Baum Youth Center and enjoy your treats during the 49ers vs. Raiders game. Bring your “A” Game cookies, brownies, or bars and the recipe (or box) to share. We’ll nosh on the goodies while cheering on the game and you can go home with new dessert ideas just in time for Chanukah. Special thanks to the TBA Men’s Club for sponsoring this event! To join us, please reach out to Jessica Klein at jkdk28@gmail.com or Lauren Smith at LSmith21183@gmail.com. BET SEFER Ethics and Stuff Like That by Susan Simon Several years ago at Bet Sefer we had a situation where there were some social dynamics in a class that weren’t ideal. Some students weren’t being so friendly to some others. One parent in the class was particularly upset since her child was on the receiving end of the caustic words and actions. This was a bit before the word “bully” was used on a daily basis – before our collective consciousness was changed and our antennae were on full alert. In a meeting to discuss this, she said to me “aren’t you teaching Jewish ethics so that these things don’t happen?” Her hurt for her child and anger came through loud and clear. She was sending her child to a Jewish institution where she believed that because of the ethical nature of the curriculum, this kind of thing wouldn’t happen. I have stewed over this comment for years. As a student myself and as a young parent, I believed that if you taught a subject, the content would be “learned.” I never stopped to question what was meant by the word “learn.” Of course I was confronted with many examples of how ineffective this learning can be. Take spelling tests, for example. How many of us learned to correctly spell the words on our lists each week so that we could do well on the test, only to promptly forget the correct spelling when not being tested? Most of us probably remember the “facts” about Columbus “discovering” American, the year it occurred and the names of his ships. But I would guess that most of the other details are lost in the dark recesses of our brains. Let’s make it more relevant to religious school. Many of you know that Isaac had two sons, Jacob and Esau. And you probably remember that Rebecca helped fool Isaac into thinking he was Esau, the elder son, who was entitled to his father’s blessing (inheritance). But after this farce, Jacob runs away to escape his brother’s wrath. Do you remember the name of the place that he ran to? Do you remember what kind of stew Jacob used to coerce Esau into giving him his birthright? Do you remember any lessons that you learned as a child from this story? Perhaps you do, or perhaps the details of this story have flown the coup of your brain. We are always reinforcing ethical behavior in our classrooms – if teaching the Jacob and Esau story, of course a large focus is on the morality of the actions that were chosen. But there seems to be a large gap for children between the moral of a story and their own behavior. And the gap doesn’t just apply to children. Let’s take the issue of lashon ha-rah, or evil speech. Everyone knows that this is bad – it’s one of those values that we talk about all the time. We know that we aren’t supposed to engage in gossip. And that to qualify as “gossip,” the information being shared doesn’t even have to be negative. Our sages tell us that sharing information continued on page 18 Shopping at Grocery Outlet with Mila-a-Thon Funds by Susan Simon Each year our students in 4th, 5th and 6th grades have Hebrew vocabulary words that they are expected to learn and practice over the summer. Each fall they take a test to see how well they have learned the words. We ask them to raise money for each word that they get correct on the test, similar to a walkathon where the students raise money for each kilometer that they walk. Our program is called a Mila-a-thon - the word, Mila in Hebrew means “word.” Each class goes shopping at Grocery Outlet here in Oakland and spends the money that they raise to purchase food for the Alameda County Food Bank. It’s a wonderful program because instead of just hearing about how important it is to perform mitzvot, the students get to actually do the work. Plus, they have a good time shopping together and are quite proud at the end. Here are a couple of photos from last year’s shopping trip. 17 COOKING CORNER Cooking Corner, continued from page 15 Beat the eggs in a large bowl with the pepper and salt. Add potatoes, onions and garlic. Mix well. Add cake meal or flour. Mix well. Heat ¼” oil in a large fry pan over medium high heat. Form patties about 3” in diameter and ¼ to ½” thick. When a bit of batter put into the pan sizzles, slide 3-4 patties into hot oil, being careful not to crowd pan. Press down on pancakes with spatula occasionally as they cook. Fry for 2-3 minutes on each side until brown and crispy. Remove to papertowel covered plate. Add more oil if necessary and allow to come back to “sizzle” before frying next batch. Repeat as needed. Keep warm in a low (200 degree) oven if desired. Serve with applesauce and/or sour cream or plain yogurt. SOUTHWEST SWEET POTATO PANCAKES Serves 4 I find mashed sweet potatoes are easier to work with than raw shreds. Vary the recipe by leaving out the cheese, chilies and cumin and adding about a third cup drained raisins soaked in orange juice or triple sec and 1-2 tsp. of pumpkin pie spice. 2 Tbs. oil plus additional as needed 1 cup chopped onions 2 cups coarsely mashed, cooked sweet potato 4 oz. shredded cheddar cheese 3 beaten eggs 1-4 oz. can diced roasted, green chilies, drained 1/4 tsp. salt or to taste 1/4 tsp. ground black pepper 1/4 tsp. ground cumin About 2 Tbs. flour or matzo cake meal, if needed Heat 2 Tbs. oil in large skillet over medium high heat. Sauté onion until golden. Mix onions with oil into sweet potato. Stir in cheese, eggs, chilies, salt, pepper and cumin. Mix well. If mixture is too loose or you prefer a stiffer pancake, stir in flour as needed. Reheat skillet over medium high heat, adding oil as needed. Fill a 1/4 cup measuring cup with batter. Plop mixture into pan, pressing with spatula to flatten into a pancake that is about 1/2” high. Repeat, being careful not to crowd pan and working in batches if necessary. Cook a few minutes on each side until browned. Drain on paper towels. In addition to writing for the Omer, Faith Kramer is a cooking columnist for the j. weekly. She blogs her food at www.clickblogappetit.com. Send questions, suggestions or comments to fjkramer@msn.com 18 BET SEFER Bet Sefer, continued from page 17 about others, whether good or bad, is wrong, qualifies as evil speech. Now let’s be honest – when was the last time that you had a conversation with a friend or family that didn’t involve some form of gossip? We discuss other people with our close friends because sharing information bridges the gaps between us, makes us feel close, and sometimes, makes us feel important that we knew something “first.” We all know that Judaism teaches that this is bad, but we do it anyway. We are adults – we have learned ethics and morality for decades. How many of us follow the rules all of the time? How many of us lose our temper and say and perhaps do things that are cruel? How many of us don’t report all of our income on our tax returns? How many of us park in a place that is supposed to be reserved for another? I’m guilty of all kinds of breaches and I bet many of you are, too. So why do we expect that our children will always act in ethical and moral ways just because they are being taught these lessons in religious school? The fact is that we can read stories that have ethical behavior in them, we can have discussions in class about these actions, we can talk about how they apply to our lives, and yet somehow, in the heat of the moment, it becomes much more complicated. Simply knowing and understanding rules doesn’t compel a child (or adult) to follow them. And so I continue to ponder about this parent’s complaint to me. I get it – in a place where children are learning and reinforcing ethical behavior, how can mean-spirited behavior take place? But hearing, discussing, debating ethical behavior doesn’t necessarily result in 100% kindness, understanding and compassion. It has taken me this long to figure that out. On the flip side, I have seen multiple examples of children going out of their way to be especially kind to children who have different abilities than they do. In t’fillah classes I have seen children wait patiently while a child struggles with decoding the Hebrew or learning the prayers. I don’t see teasing, I don’t hear mean comments. It is as though many children understand that differences have to be taken into consideration. Does that all come from our schools? Heavens, no! It mostly comes from the wise teachings and modeling by parents who value their child’s ethical learning, who take the time to read them stories where people act in kind ways, and who act kindly to and in front of their children. The parents are the real heroes for every child who grows up to be a mensch. But if we can help a little bit, so much the better. Yasher Koach parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and family friends. You’re doing a pretty stellar job! BET SEFER LA’ATID The Best Trip to LA: From the Holocaust Museum to Splash Mountain By Milah Gammon I really enjoyed going to LA with my 7th grade Hebrew class. The three main things we did were going to The Museum of Tolerance, Disneyland and a Jewish drug rehabilitation center. As some of my teachers said when I told them I was going to be gone from class, “Wow…what an interesting variety.” They sure were right! Every single part of our trip was meaningful and had some significance, from eating kosher hamburgers at Nagila to doing speedy evening prayers on the trams at Disneyland. At the Museum of Tolerance we all were very engaged. I learned so many things about the Holocaust and issues in the world today. Did you know that anti-Semitism started long before World War II? Well, I didn’t and it was enlightening to learn a lot more about these subjects. Besides the places we went, it was also great to just be with our friends and bond as a whole Hebrew school class. Next La’atid Event: Chanukkah Party, December 14, Baum Center If you are a 4th-7th grade parent this year, your child is automatically a member of La’atid “To the Future”. We have monthly events which tend to be both social and socially conscious. To RSVP or questions, contact your trusty advisors, Dina & Phil Hankin at dinahankin@aol.com. Please Join Us for TBA’s Youth Services Shabbat Mishpacha for preschool-aged children and their families. Kitah Gimmel classroom. December 6, 10:15 a.m. T’fillat Y’ladim for children in Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd grade & their families. In the Chapel. December 6, 10:15 a.m. Junior Congregation for children in 3rd - 6th grade. In the Chapel. December 20, 10:15 a.m. 19 JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS Tehiyah Day School Celebrates Hanukkah With Lights That Shine Around the World by Sheila O’Daniel In the days and weeks leading up to Chanukah, Tehiyah Day School comes alive with the sights, sounds, åand sweet smells of the holiday. Student of all ages in every grade experience a sense of wonder as the seasons change, the sun sets earlier, and we begin exploring the traditions of Hanukkah. Diversity is one of the cornerstones of Tehiyah, where students and teachers hail from around the world. Although different paths may have brought us all together, it is the strength of our community that unites us with the same purpose. During this time of year, we deepen the importance of the diversity on our own campus as we discover Jewish traditions that span the globe. Touching each subject we teach, the values and customs that come to light during Chanukah are woven into every classroom throughout our school. This year, art students in the Tehiyah Day School Middle School are designing and building their own Chanukiahs inspired by North African Jewish artistic traditions. Art teacher, Janet Lipkin, guides students through a cultural history of Jews from Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia as she shows them examples of artifacts in museum exhibits. With a wealth of knowledge and the guidance of their art teacher, students imagine and create their own Chanukiahs inspired by what they have seen and discovered. The process is magical as we watch students connect what they know to what they make with pride, authorship, and love for the traditions that they celebrate together. As winter descends and chilly nights await, our students continue to add their own light to the world. While we are full of joy and gratitude to have our students at Tehiyah Day School, we know that the foundation of knowledge, respect for diversity, and the lasting strength of their community is a light that will continue to shine, wherever in the world they may go. Oakland Hebrew Day School and the Art Student by Philippa Lichterman At Oakland Hebrew Day School (OHDS), the student is at the heart of the Art curriculum. From Kindergarten to 8th Grade, students learn to not only appreciate and explore different kinds of art, but in essence they learn more about themselves through the process of creating artwork. In Kindergarten, the goal is to build students’ confidence in navigating their way safely and effectively in the art room, so that they can really immerse themselves in different art materials. By Middle School, students are able to choose (from a guided list of assignments) which artists they would like to study, which materials they would like to explore, and how they want to go about creating their artwork. Laurie Bellet has taught the art program at OHDS for 10 years. “For me, art is about process”, says Laurie, “The artist should be captivated in an adventure of exploration, experimentation, discovery and accomplishment. Students need to nurture the creative spirit within themselves and within one another”. According to Laurie, studying art through the artists themselves helps the students to “see into their lives and their struggles and think about our own.” Laurie is always finding new and creative ways for students to engage with art. This week in the OHDS hall- 20 JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS ways, you will see the work of 8th Grade students as they explored the “terragraph” method (using sand from the deserts of Israel as a means of creating textured images on paper) or the American Flag depicted by 3rd grade students in different ways, depending on what the national anthem meant to them. By the end of the school year, the students are ready to share their learning and insights at the annual Art Show. Along with different pieces of art that each student chooses to display are the students’ artist statements. As Laurie states: “It’s important that each student has artwork displayed that is meaningful to them, that they feel most proud of. This is their journey. Their artist statements really provide insight into their soul.” Laurie has developed a nationally-recognized Jewish Artist curriculum and received a unique grant from the Covenant Foundation to implement this curriculum. Laurie’s thoughtful insights about art have been published in a number of journals and newspapers including School Arts magazine and Torah Aura productions. If you have a preschool-aged child aged 4-5 years old, we invite you to enjoy a special event: Art Workshop with Hamora Laurie Tuesday, December 16, 3:00 - 4:00pm, Art Room, OHDS Rabbi Dan Kohn, CCJDS Rabbi in Residence believes, “Contra Costa Jewish Day School students in are following the example of the ancient Maccabees. The Maccabees championed the value and importance of Judaism in a sea of Hellenized, Greek culture which surrounded them. Similarly, CCJDS students learn about the details of Jewish life and learning to serve as leaders of Jewish life and of Jewish particularism in a sea of the universal American culture in which we all live.” Come see CCJDS shine both in and out of the classroom. We are located in Lafayette, just 18 minutes from TBA. We offer transportation from Oakland and Berkeley. Visit www.ccjds.org or call Amy Wittenberg, Admissions Director at 925.284.8288, email: amyw@ccjds.org. Please join us: (RSVP appreciated) K-8th grade Open House on Sunday Dec 7, 4:30-6:00 pm – come at 3:00 and enjoy a PJ Library event, an amazing Chanukah puppet show by one and only Diana Shmiana! K-8th grade School Tour & Lunch on Wednesday, Dec 18 and Jan 15, 11:00 am-12:30 pm Middle School Open House on Tuesday, January 27, 6:15-8:15 pm Kindly RSVP to Philippa Lichterman, as spots are limited: plichterman@ohds.org or (510) 531-8600 ext. 12. You are also welcome to schedule a personal tour of our campus. Chanukah at CCJDS by Amy Wittenberg At the Conta Costa Jewish Day School (CCJDS) Chanukah is celebrated each year by the entire community. Soofganiyot, gelt, dreidel, latkes, songs from Israel and America about this special season pervade our time together. However, learning together and taking action to make our world better has a central place through the chag’s lessons (holiday) as well. Eighth graders contrast the Book of Maccabees with the Gemara passage dealing with Hanukkah. We talk about the differences between a military victory and a miracle of oil performed by God and the message that each story conveys. The military victory of the Maccabees emphasizes the importance of human action vs. the more passive role of humans in the story of the oil. Students also study the historical context of the Talmud story, how the rabbis were under the subjugation of Rome, and how military action against Rome already had brought disaster upon the community and this is one of the reasons for the Midrash of the oil. Jonah Kunis (CCJDS Student/TBA member) celebrating Chanukah at CCJDS 21 DONATIONS Charity is equal in importance to all the other commandments combined. Davis Courtyard Match Fund Cynthia Berrol Marc & Eden Bruner Richard Charlesworth & Amy Moscov, in honor of Misia Nudler receiving award Richard Charlesworth & Amy Moscov, in memory of Henry Ramek Richard Charlesworth & Amy Moscov, in memory of Karen Bloom’s father Richard Charlesworth & Amy Moscov, in memory of Leonard Fixler Robert DeBare & Esther Rogers Barry & Cheri Feiner Philip & Dina Hankin Susan Johnson, in memory of Murray Davis Gary & Faith Kramer Marshall & Lynn Langfeld, in memory of Louis Berg Howard & Judy Craddick Maccabee Misia Nudler Ron & Adele Ostomel, in loving memory of Pola and Sam Silver Alan S. & Eve O. Rosenfeld, in honor of Marshall Langfeld’s Birthday Sheldon & Barbara Rothblatt Barry & Hana Rotman Ellen Davis & Richard Sears Ethel Shaffer, in memory of Emma Shaffer Stephen & Susan Shub Greg & Jessica Sterling Vera Zatkin Jeanette Jeger Kitchen Fund Norman & Jo Budman, in memory of Herman Budman Norman & Jo Budman, in memory of Rabbi Morris and Mary Schussheim Helen Fixler, in honor of Misia Nudler’s birthday Helen Fixler, in memory of Harold Nudler Helen Fixler, wishing Jack Jeger a speedy recovery Misia Nudler, condolences to Martin Kharrazi on loss of his Father Michael Misia Nudler, congrats to Applebaum’s for new grandson Joel Piser & Jing Weng Hsieh, in memory of Monroe Mendel Piser General Fund Carole Skowronski, Happy Rosh Hashana 5775!! Richard & Michelle Marrus Sarah Queller 22 Marcy Belfer, in memory of Reba Schechtman Libby Hertz, in memory of Sidney Hertz Anthony Kay & Amy Kittiver-Kay Randall & Jan Kessler, in memory of Isaac Kessler Eugene & Marjorie Myers, in memory of Father Esther Nathanson, in memory of Sam Sarver Mark & Rita Roytfeld, in memory of our parents and relatives David & Elaine Saffan, in memory of Paulette and Isaac Sevi Nissan & Carol Saidian, in memory of Hezghia Saidian Bryan Schwartz & Alicia Cernitz-Schwartz Madeline Weinstein, in memory of Emma Rothenberg Tara Yudenfreund Kiddush Fund Mark Kamen Minyan Fund Daniel & Anne Bookin, in memory of Norman Bookin Camper/Scholarship Fund Barry & Hana Rotman, in memory of Ken Rotman Leon & Jessica Zektser Rabbi Discretionary Fund Kelly Rosales, thank you to Rabbi Bloom Vernon & Knarik Levy Ronn Berrol & Joan Korin, in memory of Barbara Korin Michael & Kathryn Burge, in memory of Samuel Burge Jay Fischer, in memory of Susan Fischer Murray & Janet Gordon, in memory of Clarence Marcus Klaus Ullrich Rotzscher & Jessica Siegel, in memory of Penina Turner Stuart & Abby Zangwill, Bodhi Strickman Stuart & Abby Zangwill, Edgar Shiner’s Brit Milah Stuart & Abby Zangwill, Ezra Wolka’s Brit Milah Stuart & Abby Zangwill, Gideon Rosenbach’s Brit Milah Stuart & Abby Zangwill, in memory of Errin Berkowitz Stuart & Abby Zangwill, Isaac Lenhert’s Brit Milah Stuart & Abby Zangwill, Isaiah Rothe’s Brit Milah Stuart & Abby Zangwill, Jasper Wolt’s Brit Milah Stuart & Abby Zangwill, Judah Leibowitz’s Brit Milah Stuart & Abby Zangwill, Mayor Hemberg’s Brit Milah Stuart & Abby Zangwill, Ryder Crook’s Brit Milah Stuart & Abby Zangwill, Zachary Gorman’s Brit Milah Cantor Discretionary Fund Cherryne Kravitz, in memory of Evelyn and Albert Kravitz Celia & Morris Davis Hunger Fund Sandra Sher, in memory of Victor Ries Endowment Fund Ilya & Regina Okh, in memory of my mother Klara Okh Hertz - Israel Scholarship Fund Gerald & Ruby Hertz, just feels good to give Wasserman Fund Marc & Janet Wasserman, in memory of Helen Wasserman High Holy Day - General Appeal Rami & Daphne Albert Michael & Liat Bostick David Coltoff & Debra Perrin Coltoff Michael Ehrenberg & Stephen Pollack Noah & Carrie Garber Alan Gellman & Arlene Zuckerberg Jeff Gutkin & Helene Blatter Fredric & Rose Hoffman Richard & Audrey Kauffman Eric Leve David & Jill Lindenbaum Jeffrey Lipsett & Lisa Tabak Mark Liss & Bonnie Burt Dan & Amy Maidenberg Elan & Roberta Masliyah Larry & Deborah Reback Daryl & Bryna Ross Sheldon Schreiberg & Sherry Marcus Bryan Schwartz & Alicia Cernitz-Schwartz Will & Rebecca Sparks Karen Sumner Samuel J. Tobin & Susan E. Bloch Joseph Young & Rachel Goldstone DONATIONS High Holy Day Appeal Fund Nick & Lydia Adams Armand & Carol Attia Felix Baum Jennifer Baum Kenneth & Tamara Benau Ellen Bercovich Jason & Nancy Berger Judy Berkowitz Steven Berl & Anita Bloch Cynthia Berrol Ronn Berrol & Joan Korin Harvey & Fran Blatter Norman & Jo Budman Michael & Kathryn Burge Andy Campbell & Rachel Dornhelm Sophie Casson Marvin Cohen & Suzy Locke Jack Coulter Virginia Davis Jason Edelstein & Leah Wagner-Edelstein Robert Edesess & Janet Lai Eric & Tina Eisenman Rebecca Farmer Barry & Cheri Feiner David & Diane Feldhammer Helen Fixler David Freeman Joel & Jueli Garfinkle Reuven Glick & Marci Gottlieb Dean Goldfein & Tamira Elul Fifi Goodfellow Neil Goteiner & Nadine Joseph Warren & Outi Gould Allan Green Morey & Eleanor Greenstein Steven Grossman & Jill Rosenthal Ward Hagar & Caroline Hastings Philip & Dina Hankin Steven & Penny Harris Gerald & Ruby Hertz Alison Heyman Jeff & Johanna Ilfeld Jonathan & Joy Jacobs Steven & Joan Jacobs Daniel Jaffe & Yael Yakar Donald Jurow Joseph Karwat & Stacy Month Susan Kasdan, in memory of Jessie Kasdan Leonard Katz Brent Kauffman Anthony Kay & Amy Kittiver-Kay Jesse & Gabriella Kellerman Seymour Kessler Martin & Lisa Kharrazi Daniel & Jessica Klein Robert Klein & Doreen Alper Gary & Faith Kramer Phillip & Andrea LaMar JB Leibovitch & Judy Chun Jerrold & Anne Levine Gabriel & Angela Levy Philip & Amy Mezey Larry Miller & Mary Kelly Peter Miller & Bess Gurman Shelby & Adrienne Miller Randy & Lori Morris Misia Nudler John Parker & Deborah Santucci Mikhail & Svetlana Partsuf Lawrence Polon & Ernestina Carrillo Betty Ann Polse Jeffrey & Judith Quittman Eve Gordon Ramek John Rego & Deborah Kahane Rego Penny Righthand Sheldon & Barbara Rothblatt Barry & Hana Rotman Klaus Ullrich Rotzscher & Jessica Siegel Kelly Rosales, thanks to TBA Nissan & Carol Saidian Colin & Cecile Schlesinger Daniel B. & Marieka Schotland Lori-Jill Seltzer Ethel Shaffer Jonathan Shuster & Beth Sirull Alan & Cheryl Silver Shirley Silver Melvin & Janice Silverman Sandra Simon Gary Smith & Coline David Stephen Steiner & Sarilee Janger Greg & Jessica Sterling Michael Stevens Gilles Tarquin Jane Tishkoff Jerome & Beverly Turchin Bruce & Alicia von Kugelgen Morris & Audree Weiss Ronald & Vicki Weller Joshua Wittenberg & Jennifer Kopp Stuart & Abby Zangwill Steven & Victoria Zatkin Endowment Fund Nick & Lydia Adams Richard & Naomi Applebaum Armand & Carol Attia Felix Baum Jennifer Baum Ellen Bercovich Jason & Nancy Berger Steven Berl & Anita Bloch Cynthia Berrol Ronn Berrol & Joan Korin Harvey & Fran Blatter Norman & Jo Budman Michael & Kathryn Burge Andy Campbell & Rachel Dornhelm Sophie Casson Marvin Cohen & Suzy Locke Jack Coulter Virginia Davis Jason Edelstein & Leah Wagner-Edelstein Robert Edesess & Janet Lai Eric & Tina Eisenman Rebecca Farmer Barry & Cheri Feiner David & Diane Feldhammer Helen Fixler Joel & Jueli Garfinkle Reuven Glick & Marci Gottlieb Dean Goldfein & Tamira Elul Fifi Goodfellow Neil Goteiner & Nadine Joseph Warren & Outi Gould Allan Green Morey & Eleanor Greenstein Steven Grossman & Jill Rosenthal Ward Hagar & Caroline Hastings Philip & Dina Hankin Steven & Penny Harris Gerald & Ruby Hertz Alison Heyman, in honor of Mark Fickes and Rabbi Bloom Jeff & Johanna Ilfeld Jonathan & Joy Jacobs Steven & Joan Jacobs Daniel Jaffe & Yael Yakar Donald Jurow Melvin & Margaret Kaplans Joseph Karwat & Stacy Month Susan Kasdan, in memory of Jessie Kasdan Leonard Katz Brent Kauffman Anthony Kay & Amy Kittiver-Kay Jesse & Gabriella Kellerman Daniel & Jessica Klein Robert Klein & Doreen Alper Gary & Faith Kramer Phillip & Andrea LaMar Jerrold & Anne Levine Angelina Levy Gabriel & Angela Levy Philip & Amy Mezey Larry Miller & Mary Kelly Peter Miller & Bess Gurman Shelby & Adrienne Miller Joseph & Sheila Millman Randy & Lori Morris continued on page 27 23 B’nai Mitzvah LIFE CYCLES Eliana Bloomfield, December 13, 2014 My name is Eliana Bloomfield and I am a 7th grader at Piedmont Middle School. My favorite subjects in school are Shakespeare and ceramics because they are fun and relaxing. I love playing soccer on my team, the Flying Tigers, playing piano (I have been playing for five years), cooking, cuddling with my dog, Belle, and hanging out with my friends and family. My Torah portion is called Vayeshev. Triennials one and three of Vayeshev are about Joseph, but triennial two (the part that I got) is about Judah and his daughter- in-law, Tamar. This story is especially interesting because Judah and Tamar end up having a baby. As you might imagine, one could interpret this in many different ways. I hope to see you on December 13th so I can share my interpretation with you. Marshall Wildmann, December 20, 2014 My name is Marshall Wildmann and I am a 7th grader at Willard Middle School in Berkeley. My favorite subject in school is history. I especially like to read about World War II. I like to play many sports. My favorite sports are baseball and skiing. I also like to play tennis, soccer and frisbee. I am a Giants fan. I go to camp Ramah Outdoor Adventure in Colorado where we get to go backpacking. My Torah portion is Miketz and it is in the book of Genesis. Miketz is about Joseph as the Vizier of Egypt during the famine and how he lies to his brothers when they come to Egypt to get food. In my drash I will speak about how Joseph lied and when it is OK to lie. Juliet Hagar, December 27, 2014 My name is Juliet Hagar. I go to Claremont middle school and I am in 7th grade. My favorite subjects in school are math and computer animation. When I am not in school, I participate in activities such as soccer, cross country, horseback riding and girl scouts. Although, I am mostly focused on soccer. Friends are a big part of my life. They keep me positive and make every day amazing. I’ve met some of my good friends during my many years at Bet Sefer. I enjoy seeing and learning with them each week. I couldn’t live without my friends! My Torah portion is Vayigash and comes from the book of Genesis. My portion is about how Jacob finds out that his son Joseph is alive and he wants to see him before he dies. G-d tells Jacob that he will take him to and from Egypt and Joseph shall be there at Jacob’s death bed. I hope to see you there to enjoy this day with me and my family and, of course, my friends! Welcome New Member 24 Judy Glick LIFE CYCLES DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS 1 Jereme Albin Bruce Goldberg Sara Korn Julie Rubenstein Ariele Scharff Vera Zatkin 11 Rachel Harris Sy David Schwartz 12 2 Aaron Eliahu Aron Gellman Derek Krantz Richard Stone 3 Avshalom Berrol Marissa Glick Tony Rose Gabriel Levy Renee Marx Leah Turchin Ilah Ross Daniel B. Schotland 13 14 Michael Rosenberg Aaron Skiles Hannah Tobin-Bloch Hannah Benau Lila Coltoff Carrie Garber Steven Kay Sheldon Rothblatt 5 15 4 Miriam Green Gabriel Halperin Judy Glick 6 Caroline Hastings Eliana Bloomfield Zack Davis Geoff Robb Esther Rogers 7 Ari Berl 8 Robert Edesess Russell Eisenman Sarah Goldman Juliet Hagar Mrs. Linda Knauer 9 Gaia Bostick Johanna Ilfeld Brian Kaplan Katya Marinoff 10 David Avidor Ariel Spritzer-Satomi 16 17 Ila Albin Max Baum Michael Marx Joel Mendelson 18 Mia Harvitt Rowan Mason Amy Mezey Colin Schlesinger Rachel Zatkin 20 Shosh Blachman Stephen Shub 21 Alan O’Neill Tate Lev Schwartz Josephine Trilling 22 Rachel Barach Aaron Bukofzer Amalia Dornhelm Campbell Aurora Dornhelm Campbell Carla Itzkowich Carol Saidian 23 Nathaniel Ilfeld Emily Sarit Pascal Ari Varga 24 Maureen Krantz Josh Weiss 25 Holly Forster Rachel Liron Jesse Shalev 27 Corey Davis Ben Stiegler Susan Weiner 28 Faith Kramer Lynn Langfeld Sheila Millman 29 Gene Brott Marlene Dines Peri Zangwill 30 Lara Gilman Paul Leibovitch Rachel Nosowsky John Parker Caren Shapiro Dana Sherne Audrey Isabel Trilling 31 Jennifer Beck Zoe Harvitt Elliot Lenik Sam Weiner Is your birthday information wrong or missing from this list? Please contact the TBA office to make corrections. 25 LIFE CYCLES DECEMBER YAHRZEITS May God comfort you among all the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem Esther Nankin Richard Gutmann Leslie Kessler KISLEV 9-13 Ganesane Rosenberg Leon Klein Morris Leavitt December 1-5 Ben Silver Phillip Mendelsohn Mark S. Bloom Irma Eis Wayne Stanfield Arthur Nightingale Bessie Kvint Jeanette Jeger Max Davis Goldie Turetz David Mehr Sarah Lichtenstein Richard M. Goldstone Fred Brinner Ethel Mehr Eve Rothman Molva Goodman Nathan Dickson Fannie Shapiro Stanley Rudee Mary Hale Rebecca Epstein William Heeger Anne H. Tanner Max Kaufman Michael Fynland Israel Rogers Jacob Karwat Mervin Tessler Rabbi Joel Goor Frieda Zilverberg Edward Bercovich Nina Balint Booker Holton Sr. Abraham Bercovich Herbert Goodman Edith Budman Sophie Kranz Mendel H. Friedman Leon Kraft Max Charlup Samuel Morow Blanche Jacobs Rebecca Millman Jennie Gevertz Louis Robinson Jacob Kerbel Esther Naggar Adolph A. Kay Goldberg Roselyn Benjamin Millman Sarah Leah Schneider Erna Bender Esther Asher Sam Silver Aaron Gissen Al Mendelsohn Herbert Allen Goodfellow TEVET 5-9 Alexander Kleinlerer Sylvia Reback Richard Levine Alice Mendel December 27-31 Helen Ida Tessler Betty Gordon Grinberg Joseph Rosenfeld Jacob Frydman Thelma Diane Tobin Kalman Klein Joseph Samson Sadelle Kilmen Pierson Jacobs Rita Melamerson Joseph Schein William Malakoff Toni W. Berke Israel Stamer Jacob Wachsman Alice Rosenstein Louis Berman Eva Weissman KISLEV 28-TEVET 4 Lynn Dries-Daffner Marlene Berger Caspar Stella Brott December 20-26 Helene Holeman Ida Hyman Sandy Rosenfeld Emert Samuel Gevertz Yetta Lazerwitz-Miller Anna Shalinsky Sam Katzburg Rabbi Phillip Langh David Rosenstein Shlomit Green Ann Pitkin Michael J. O’Rourke Goldie Steinberg Benjamin Holeman Sandra Rosenfeld-Emert Sidney Winchell Michael Wallerstein Samuel Rubin Laura Rosenthal Joseph Dorfman Doris Held Arthur Wald Erwin Wallen Isadore Goldman Minette Mogill Eric Zielenziger KISLEV 21-27 Jack Gray Norman Stone KISLEV 14-20 December 6-12 David Aarons Harry Barnett Irwin Bryan Rita Heeger Nancy Konigsberg December 13-19 Victorine Misan Miriam Nudler Sam Feltman Masao Kishi Mordecai Parker Stanley Schechtman Paul Trof David Freedman Morris Gelfand Jacob Kronrod Raymond Naggar Harold Reid Samuel Bernstein Recent Deaths in Our Community N Martin Kharrazi, Father of Martin Kharrazi Paul Rothman, Husband of Galen Max Turchen, Father of Freya Turchen Edith Bloch, Mother of Anita Bloch (Steven Berl) 26 Sheldon Bereskin Max Lutz Rabbi Hayim Goren Perelmuter Sarah Libby Reich Joseph Bloch, Father of Susan Bloch (Sam Tobin) Peter Lipman, Father of Janna Lipman Weiss (Josh Weiss) LIFE CYCLES Donations, continued from page 23 Misia Nudler Barbara Oseroff John Parker & Deborah Santucci Mikhail & Svetlana Partsuf Lawrence Polon & Ernestina Carrillo Betty Ann Polse Jeffrey & Judith Quittman Eve Gordon Ramek John Rego& Deborah Kahane Rego Penny Righthand Sheldon & Barbara Rothblatt Barry & Hana Rotman Klaus Ullrich Rotzscher & Jessica Siegel Nissan & Carol Saidian Colin & Cecile Schlesinger Daniel B. & Marieka Schotland Lori-Jill Seltzer Ethel Shaffer Jonathan Shuster & Beth Sirull Alan & Cheryl Silver Melvin & Janice Silverman Sandra Simon Gary Smith & Coline David Stephen Steiner & Sarilee Janger Greg & Jessica Sterling Michael Stevens Gilles Tarquin Jane Tishkoff Micah & Ortal Trilling Jerome & Beverly Turchin Bruce & Alicia von Kugelgen Morris & Audree Weiss Ronald & Vicki Weller Joshua Wittenberg & Jennifer Kopp Stuart & Abby Zangwill Steven & Victoria Zatkin Endowment Appeal Fund Rami & Daphne Albert Michael & Liat Bostick David Coltoff & Debra Perrin Coltoff Avidor interview, continued from page 11 Matthew Disco & Sandra Rappaport Michael Ehrenberg & Stephen Pollack Alan Gellman & Arlene Zuckerberg Jeff Gutkin & Helene Blatter Fredric & Rose Hoffman Richard & Audrey Kauffman Eric Leve David & Jill Lindenbaum Jeffrey Lipsett & Lisa Tabak Mark Liss & Bonnie Burt Dan & Amy Maidenberg Larry & Deborah Reback Daryl & Bryna Ross Sheldon Schreiberg & Sherry Marcus Bryan Schwartz & Alicia Cernitz-Schwartz Will & Rebecca Sparks Karen Sumner Samuel J. Tobin & Susan E. Bloch Joseph Young & Rachel Goldstone RM: Could you explain the circle? DA: I usually get an idea that sparks the imagination and then draw a few sketches out. Then I showed it to the Rabbi and then we went back and forth, and then we settled on Abraham’s Tent and from there I started sketching some more, until it felt right. DA: During Yom Kippur, they say to have an easy fast and if you have an easy fast, you were closer to perfection during the year. So, we should always strive for perfection. I find the circle to be the perfect geometric shape, to help us think about who we are, what we want to be when we walk in and when we leave. RM: With the expansion of the campus, do you have anymore plans to design more gates? DA: I hope so! I hope to help design the new gate between the Gan and the courtyard. And I’m also open to anyone who may want me to design something for them. (Laughs). RM: Your whole design process was so thoughtful, now the whole entrance is secure. We have some very tall members, did you take any of that into consideration? RM: (laughs) Are you open to design gates for homes too?! DA: Just like the writing above the gate works for us, the Star of David works symbolically for them at the bottom of the gate. DA: (laughs). Yes! We had to work with the city requirements for wheelchair accessibility and the minimum and maximum requirement for height. I think it worked well. (Laughs) Now everyone can walk into the campus without bending down. RM: How long did it take you to design the gate? DA: On and off about two months to design the pattern. The fabrication was longer because there was a lot of back and forth between the fabricator and me, and understanding exactly how we were going construct it. Also, Rayna (Arnold, TBA Director) did a great job working with the fabricator regarding the pricing. RM: Was it a creative process that came easily for you? DA: (laughs) Yes, gates for homes, fences or anything that needs an artistic touch. I like projects like this. I feel part of the community and if you have the skills, why not? It’s nice to think about a facility like this that’s over a hundred years old, you need to fit in what has a connection to the past and be a vision for the future. RM: How do you feel about your finished work, your baby? DA: (laughs) I love it! I think it came out very well. Now it will be a bit harder for people to go over it, or for the neighbors to climb over onto the roof. RM: Well I think you did an outstanding job. Thank you! DA: Thank you. 27 28 7 14 22 Kislev 28 21 8 15 22 29 8a-9a Minyan (Chapel) 7 Tevet ''''''' 8a-9a Minyan (Chapel) 7:15p Jewish Heritage Night with the Warriors vs Sacramento Kings Rosh Chodesh Chanukah 30 Kislev 9:30a Rosh Chodesh-Tevet (Contact Amy Tessler for location) 8a-9a Minyan (Chapel) 23 Kislev 7p TBA Book Club Meeting-Tender at the Bone by Ruth Reichl 8a-9a Minyan (Chapel) 16 Kislev 1 9 2 16 23 8 Tevet 30 No Bet Sefer '''''''' '' 6:43p No Bet Sefer Rosh Chodesh Last night of Chanukah 1 Tevet ' 4p-6p Bet Sefer Chanukah Begins (1st night) 24 Kislev 4p-6p Bet Sefer 7:30p Board Meeting 7p Yitzhak Rabin-his Life and Legacy. A walk thru presentation (Social Hall) 17 Kislev 4p-6p Bet Sefer 10 Kislev 3 10 '' 17 24 31 No Kindergym this week Office Closes at 1p 9a Weekly Text Study (Woodminster Cafe) 7p BBYO-AZA and BBG 9 Tevet No Kindergym this week Office Closes at 1p 9a Weekly Text Study (Woodminster) 7p BBYO-AZA and BBG Men’s Club and WTBA Christmas Eve Movie 2 Tevet 9a Weekly Text Study (Woodminster Cafe) 10-11a & 11:15a-12p Kindergym 7p BBYO-AZA and BBG 25 Kislev 9a Weekly Text Study (Woodminster Cafe) 10-11a & 11:15a-12p Kindergym 7p BBYO-AZA and BBG 7:30 Gan School Committee meeting 18 Kislev 9a Weekly Text Study (Woodminster Cafe) 10-11a & 11:15a-12p Kindergym 7p BBYO-AZA and BBG 11 Kislev 4 11 18 25 No Bet Sefer 8a-9a Minyan (Chapel) Office & Gan Closed/ No Kindergym this week 3 Tevet ''' 4p-6p Bet Sefer 8a-9a Minyan (Chapel) 10-11a & 11:15a-12p Kindergym 26 Kislev 4p-6p Bet Sefer 8a-9a Minyan (Chapel) 10-11a & 11:15a-12p Kindergym 19 Kislev 8a-9a Minyan (Chapel) with Marshall Wildmann 10-11a & 11:15a-12p Kindergym 4p-6p Bet Sefer 7:30p Jews with Bad Shoes Bowling 7:30p Girls Night Out-Bunco! 12 Kislev 5 12 19 26 6:15p-7:15p Kabbalat Shabbat No Kindergym this week 4 Tevet '''' '' 4:56p 9:30-10:30a & 10:45-11:45a Kindergym 6:15p-7:15p Kabbalat Shabbat 27 '' 4:52p Kislev 6:15p-7:15p Kabbalat Shabbat with GleeBA! 9:30-10:30a & 10:45-11:45a Kindergym 20 '' 4:50p Kislev 9:30-10:30a & 10:45-11:45a Kindergym 5:45p Bet Sefer Kitah Alef Share A Shabbat 6:15p-7:15p Kabbalat Shabbat 13 '' 4:49p Kislev Always check the Congregational E-mail or the Weekly Shabbat Bulletin for more up-to-date information. Please note any corrections care of Rayna Arnold at the TBA office. 6 Miketz 20 27 9:30a-12p Shabbat Services Bat Mitzvah of Juliet Hagar 1-2:30p Mah Jongg for Experienced players 5:39p Havdalah (42 min) ''''' Vayigash 5 Tevet 5:35p Havdalah (42 min) 9:30a-12p Shabbat Services Bar Mitzvah of Marshall Wildmann 10:15 Junior Congregation 28 Kislev 5:32p Havdalah (42 min) 1-2:30p Mah Jongg for Beginners 9:30a-12p Shabbat Service Bat Mitzvah of Eliana Bloomfield 13 9:30a-12p Shabbat Services 10:15a Shabbat Mishpacha 10:15a T’fillat Y’ladim 6p BBYO-Limo and Latkes 5:31p Havdalah (42 min) Vayeshev 21 Kislev 14 Vayishlach Kislev December 2014 Calendars in The Omer are produced 30-60 days in advance using the best data available from the TBA Administration Staff. This calendar is also available at our website www.tbaoakland.org 5-7p CityTeam— Volunteer to Feed the Hungry 6 Tevet '''''' 6p Teen Scene 29 '' 6:57p Kislev 10a Adult Education with Nitzhia Shaked La’atid Chanukah Party 3-6pm Men’s Club Hanukah Party in memory of Leonard Fixler (Social Hall) 10a Adult Education w/Nitzhia Shaked 10:30a Sunday Kindergym 1p New Parents Group Watching Football-sponsored by the Men’s Club—49’er vs Raiders 6-7:30p Teen Scene 15 Kislev 8a-9a Minyan (Chapel) 9 Kislev Kislev / Tevet 5775 29 11 20 Tevet 18 25 19 26 8a-9a Minyan (Chapel) 6 Sh’vat 9-10a Minyan (Chapel) Office closed Martin Luther King Jr. Day 28 Tevet 5 12 8a-9a Minyan (Chapel) 21 Tevet 8a-9a Minyan (Chapel) 14 Tevet 20 27 4p-6p Bet Sefer 7:30p Board Meeting 7 '' 6:43p Sh’vat 6 13 4p-6p Bet Sefer 29 Tevet 4p-6p Bet Sefer 22 Tevet 4p-6p Bet Sefer 15 Tevet 7 14 21 28 Office Closes at 1p 9a Weekly Text Study (Woodminster Cafe) 10-11a & 11:15a-12p Kindergym 7p BBYO-AZA and BBG 8 Sh’vat 9a Weekly Text Study (Woodminster) 7p BBYO-AZA and BBG rosh ChoDesh 1 Sh’vat 9a Weekly Text Study (Woodminster Cafe) 10-11a & 11:15a-12p Kindergym 7p BBYO-AZA and BBG 7:30 Gan School Committee meeting 23 Tevet 9a Weekly Text Study (Woodminster Cafe) 10-11a & 11:15a-12p Kindergym 7p BBYO-AZA and BBG 16 Tevet 1 8 15 22 29 4p-6p Bet Sefer 8a-9a Minyan (Chapel) 10-11a & 11:15a-12p Kindergym 9 Sh’vat 4p-6p Bet Sefer No Kindergym this week 8a-9a Minyan (Chapel) 2 Sh’vat 4p-6p Bet Sefer 8a-9a Minyan (Chapel) 10-11a & 11:15a-12p Kindergym 24 Tevet 4p-6p Bet Sefer 8a-9a Minyan (Chapel) 10-11a & 11:15a-12p Kindergym 17 Tevet 8a-9a Minyan (Chapel) Office Closed/No Kindergym No Bet Sefer asara B’tevet / neW years Day 10 Tevet 2 9 16 23 30 6:15p-7:15p Kabbalat Shabbat 9:30-10:30a & 10:45-11:45a Kindergym 10 '' 5:30p Sh’vat 6:15p-7:15p Kabbalat Shabbat No Kindergym this week 3 '' 5:23p Sh’vat 6:15p-7:15p Kabbalat Shabbat 9:30-10:30a & 10:45-11:45a Kindergym 25 '' 5:15p Tevet 6:15p-7:15p Kabbalat Shabbat UNPLUGGED 9:30-10:30a & 10:45-11:45a Kindergym 18 '' 5:08p Tevet 6:15p-7:15p Kabbalat Shabbat Office Open No Kindergym 11 '' 5:02p Tevet Always check the Congregational E-mail or the Weekly Shabbat Bulletin for more up-to-date information. Please note any corrections care of Rayna Arnold at the TBA office. Vayechi 3 Shemot 10 Vaera 17 Bo 24 31 6:14p Havdalah (42 min) 9:30a-12p Shabbat Services Bat Mitzvah of Josephine Trilling Beshalach 11 Sh’vat 6:30p TBA GALA Gourmet 6:06p Havdalah (42 min) 9:30a-12p Shabbat Services 4 Sh’vat 9:30a-12p Shabbat Services 10:15 Junior Congregation 5:58p Havdallah and Games with the Men’s Club 5:58p Havdalah (42 min) WtBa shaBBat 26 Tevet 9:30a-12p Shabbat Service Bat Mitzvah of Eliana Bloomfield 10:15a Shabbat Mishpacha 10:15a T’fillat Y’ladim 1-2:30p Mah Jongg for Beginners 5:51p Havdalah (42 min) 19 Tevet 5:45p Havdalah (42 min) 9:30a-12p Shabbat Services Bar Mitzvah of Abraham Barnes 12 Tevet January 2015 Calendars in The Omer are produced 30-60 days in advance using the best data available from the TBA Administration Staff. This calendar is also available at our website www.tbaoakland.org 6p Teen Scene (Baum YC) 5-7p CityTeam— Volunteer to Feed the Hungry 5 Sh’vat 10:30a Sunday Kindergym 27 '' 6:57p Tevet La’atid event - Ice skating - off site 10:30a Sunday Kindergym 11:30a-1p Gan Open House 6p Teen Scene (Baum YC) 4 13 Tevet Tevet / Sh’vat 5775 Temple Beth Abraham 327 MacArthur Boulevard Oakland, CA 94610 PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID Oakland, CA Permit No. 020299 SAVE THE DATE: Saturday evening January 24, 2015 for the annual and exceptional Temple Beth Abraham Gala Enjoy a divine sit-down dinner and music that will pull you to the dance floor. Look for your invitation shortly. For additional information contact Doree Jurow Klein or Deborah Reback WHAT’S INSIDE TBA Directory...................... i What’s Happening.............. 1 Community Program............ 2 Jewish Sports Hall of Fame.. 3 From the Rabbi................... 4 The Next Big Thing.............. 4 President’s Message............ 5 Community......................... 6 Six Word Memoirs.............. 7 Women of TBA................... 8 Men’s Club......................... 9 Ritual............................... 10 Campus Updates.............. 11 Chanukkah Lights.............. 12 Cooking Corner................ 14 Gan Avraham News......... 16 Bet Sefer News................. 17 La’atid............................. 19 Jewish Day Schools........... 20 Donations......................... 22 Life Cycles........................ 24 Calendar.................... ......28
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