PATRIP-Brochure - PATRIP Foundation


PATRIP-Brochure - PATRIP Foundation
Regional Integration Programme
Dear friends of PATRIP,
The PATRI P Foundation
We are convinced that: sustainable economic
areas directly increases connectivity to social services. Every small project
The PATRIP Foundation seeks to promote integration and enhance cross-
and social integration starts at a local level, and
improves the local population’s living standards.
border cooperation and exchange between Afghanistan and neighbouring
this is particularly true for border areas. That is
Pakistan and Tajikistan. The PATRIP Foundation aims to help stabilize
why the German Federal Foreign Office set up
PATRIP combines the easy financial manageability of a multi-donor trust
the region by supporting its economic and social development, meeting
the Pakistan-Afghanistan-Tajikistan Regional
fund with the high visibility of a bilateral single project: KfW Development
challenges in the border regions with bi-national and multi-sectoral
Integration Programme (PATRIP) in 2010. The
Bank manages the PATRIP Foundation, and donors can earmark
idea of PATRIP is to start regional integration
projects in accordance with their foreign policy priorities. Furthermore,
at a grassroots level. Our experience shows that
PATRIP implements a wide range of projects, focusing on areas such as
As an independent institution, the PATRIP Foundation demonstrates
small-scale infrastructure projects have a direct
infrastructure, health, and education.
effective ways of attracting resources to the region and improving economic
effect on people’s daily lives.
opportunities in Afghanistan‘s border areas beyond 2014. The Foundation
We believe that in line with the Istanbul Process, PATRIP will contribute
has already made a significant contribution towards bridging political
A simple bridge or road may help connect people to the nearest market
to regional integration and stabilization of the region as a whole. We
divisions and forming critical cross-border partnerships and agreements by
on the other side of a border. Residents of the Afghan-Tajik-Pakistani
therefore warmly welcome new donors to participate in the programme. To
engaging local and national governance structures.
frontier areas often belong to the same ethnic groups or tribes, but remain
achieve this goal we have turned PATRIP into a foundation. Luxembourg
separated by political borders. Hence, linking these communities is very
is already funding the programme and Norway is preparing to join. We
The PATRIP Foundation
The structure of the PATRIP Foundation supports both effective and
important. The Vanj Bridge, for example, which we co-financed within the
would be very happy to welcome new PATRIP donors.
funds small to medium-
efficient management and high quality local implementation. The members
scale social and economic
of the Board of Directors, at its Frankfurt headquarter, are responsible for
managing the Foundation‘s activities, supported by the Supervisory Board.
framework of PATRIP, connects Tajik Gorno-Badakhshan with Afghan
Badakhshan. Residents of those areas are now able to sell their products at
Dr. Philipp Ackermann
markets located across the border and thus increase their family‘s income.
Head of Task Force Afghanistan Pakistan
In 2012, we implemented the bulk of projects in the fragile border areas
German Federal Foreign Office
Locally in the region, Georg Fiebig Consultants (GFC) Pty Ltd, with offices
in Islamabad and Peshawar, acts as the PATRIP Foundation‘s Monitoring
between Afghanistan and Pakistan. These projects include the construction
Team and is responsible for checking projects and construction quality as
of water supply schemes in the Pakistani border areas of Balochistan and
growth and improve the
well as advising on possible improvements. The team of German, Pakistani
schools and health facilities in the border areas of Paktia Province on
living standards of the
and Afghan engineers regularly visits the construction sites, reviews the bill
the Afghan side. A new road, health centre or school in isolated border
local population.
of quantities and the designs, and also monitors the use of funds.
Allocating funds
through local partners
Sharing responsibility for
The PATRIP Foundation acts as a
To facilitate the implementation
The PATRIP Foundation‘s work focuses on the largely underdeveloped, isolated
trust fund manager, pooling funds
of its projects locally, the PATRIP
and insecure border areas of Afghanistan-Pakistan and Afghanistan-Tajikistan.
and coordinating implementation
Foundation has commissioned a
The challenging topographical and climatic conditions, combined with an
partners with a view to enhancing
Monitoring Team (GFC Pty Ltd)
inadequate infrastructure, mean that ethnic groups living on both sides of the
cross-border exchange between
in the region. A team of dedicated
border are isolated and vulnerable. Agricultural productivity is poor, and there
Afghanistan and its neighbours. The partners consist of international
financial & monitoring experts and technical engineers is monitoring the
are few other ways of making a living. Combined with difficult access to markets
and national non-governmental organizations that meet the PATRIP
technical implementation on the ground and verifying the progress and
and social services, this restricts the scope for developing the region.
Foundation‘s criteria.
financial reporting by the PATRIP Foundation partners.
Improved cross border contact at a local level using new approaches to governance
and enhanced cooperation between local Afghan and Pakistani actors promises
Actively involving the
local community
Reinforcing sustainability
Individual projects are selected in
newly built or renovated infrastructure
close consultation with the local
is an important aspect - and the
community. The implementation
question of who is responsible for this
partners assist with the selection
is clarified before funding starts. The
and prioritization process and also
implementation partners establish
facilitate coordination with local
whether operation and maintenance
authorities. Projects always reflect the priorities of the local inhabitants,
can be carried out solely by the local community or whether the local
and are aligned with local development plans at the same time. Actively
administration will accept responsibility.
Operation and maintenance of the
to promote economic development in the region. By improving the social and
economic infrastructure, general living conditions will also be improved and this,
in turn, will help strengthen political, economic and social stability in the region.
involving the local community enables the Foundation to operate in
sometimes volatile environments.
The PATRIP Foundation works closely
with national and international nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
such as Mission East from Denmark,
FSD from Switzerland, the international
Aga Khan Development Network, ORD
Projects and sectors the PATRIP Foundation is engaged in:
Primary Sector
The Aga Khan
Network (AKDN)
border –
Construction of bridges,
roads, market places,
riverbank stabilisation
and energy supply
Pakistan –
Health, construction
of health care centers,
construction of youth
centers, water and
from Afghanistan and BRSP and Wish
International from Pakistan. Individual
projects are selected in collaboration with the local Partner NGOs, the
local communities and with the participation of local authorities.
Rural Support
The Swiss
Foundation for
Mine Action
Mission East
border –
Afghan-Tajik Border
The Swiss Foundation for
In the Afghan-Tajik border area, the PATRIP Foundation is funding the
Mine Action (FSD) is an
implementation of projects in the area of health and hygiene, water quality
and demining, as well as cross border infrastructure projects.
organization based in Geneva,
Mission East is a Danish international relief and development organisation
on locating and destroying
founded in 1991 and active in Tajikistan and Afghanistan for more than
landmines and unexploded
15 years. Mission East strategically focuses on disaster risk reduction,
ordnance in order to prevent
rural community development, human rights programmes and ad hoc
programmes as disasters arise.
The PATRIP Foundation finances Mission East projects providing
funds a highly needed FSD project in the Darwaz Region, where two
clean water, sanitation and promoting better hygiene for at-risk border
demining teams continue to successfully locate and destroy high numbers
communities. Enhancing drinking water quality and wastewater disposal,
of mines.
Mission East works on erasing the root causes of widespread health risks
border –
Providing clean water
and sanitation and
promoting better hygiene
Afghanistan –
Agriculture, health,
construction of schools
and burn and trauma
Pakistan –
Switzerland. FSD’s focus is
and preventing further illnesses.
for Relief
The Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) is a group of ten
private, international, non-denominational agencies and two universities.
In Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Tajikistan, AKDN works with national
governments and other international partners to support cultural, economic,
and social development, helps to build strong national and regional
Construction of burn
and trauma centers,
institutions, and makes long-term investments in key sectors that are critical
for sustained economic and social development.
The PATRIP Foundation funds a diverse range of AKDN infrastructure
projects: bridges enabling cross border exchange, market places encouraging
cross border trade, roads contributing to the national priority `ring road´
and ensuring accessibility as well as supplying rural areas with electricity.
The PATRIP Foundation is also funding the establishment of cross-border
Afghan-Pakistani Border
The Organization for Relief Development (ORD) is a non-profit, non-
Since 1991, the Balochistan Rural Support Programme (BRSP) has
market-places at Vanj bridge and the construction of the new Shurabad
In the exceptionally challenging Afghan-Pakistani border area, the PATRIP
sectarian and non-political Afghan humanitarian organization founded
been working in the districts located along the Pakistan-Afghan border,
bridge, which will encourage cross-border trade between communities on
Foundation is funding the implementation of projects in the fields of burn
in 2003. ORD’s goal is to support sustainable development by building
supporting communities in setting up and running their own community
both sides. The Shugnan road on the Afghan side is a unique project in the
and trauma rehabilitation, health care and medical training and public
social and economic capacity - including infrastructure - in Afghan rural
institutions. Through community mobilization BRSP implements projects
history of this neglected and harsh region, with highly efficient financial
infrastructure construction. In this area, the PATRIP Foundation is playing
communities. ORD believes that communities should be at the center of
in various sectors such as agriculture, irrigation, drinking water and
resource management. It contributes to the national priority `ring road´
a crucial role in offering a platform for exchange and building new and
any successful development strategy.
sanitation as well as health care and youth empowerment.
project, which will connect remote districts and ensure accessibility in a
lasting partnerships along the long and heterogeneous border area.
The PATRIP Foundation is co-funding the construction of two burn and
The PATRIP Foundation financially supports BRSP in implementing
trauma centers on the Afghan side parallel to the Pakistani project of Wish
the rehabilitation and construction of social and economic infrastructure
International. Maintenance and operation of the units will be provided by
in border areas of Balochistan. The overall goal of the programme is to
the Ministry of Public Health.
facilitate a framework for future cross-border trade and cooperation.
region where some parts are cut off from the rest of the country for 6-8
months due to weather conditions.
in 2009, supports and enables
The development of the cross border infrastructure will boost the long-term
social and economic development of the two adjacent areas of Gorno-
organizations and implements cost-
Another project financed by the
projects in remote areas, where clean drinking water is not provided by the
Badakhshan Autonomous Province (GBAO) in Tajikistan and North
effective, transparent and result-based
PATRIP Foundation involves the
Eastern Afghanistan by enabling sustainable, cross-regional investment in
initiatives. The PATRIP Foundation
rehabilitation of a nursery farm.
both physical and social infrastructure.
is financing the establishment of
This project is designed to restore
three burn and trauma centers in the border region of Pakistan. The project
and establish the production of
also involves a comprehensive local training programme for doctors and
nursery saplings and improve
para-medical staff at a specialized hospital. A selected number of doctors
food security after flooding
will also be sent abroad for training in order to maintain high standards of
and war in Paktia area, reducing poppy cultivation and thus ensuring
services in the burn and trauma centers. The PATRIP Foundation was able
sustainable development in both border areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan.
to initiate and facilitate an exceptional and unique cross-border partnership
The PATRIP Foundation has also funded the construction of a stadium,
between two NGOs, when Wish International and ORD jointly decided
schools and other public infrastructure.
BRSP has implemented several PATRIP Foundation funded water supply
to build and provide similar facilities and services on both sides of the
Afghan-Pakistani border, funded by the PATRIP Foundation.
Join the PATRIP Foundation
The PATRIP Foundation was set up by the German state-owned Kf W
Donors and Partners
Implementing Partners
Development Bank on behalf of the German Federal Foreign Office. Kf W
The PATRIP Foundation serves as a
has seconded three managers to the Board of Directors of the Foundation,
development vehicle, pooling funds
which manages the Foundation‘s activities and is based in Frankfurt/
from various donors and implementing
Germany. Since its formation, the PATRIP Foundation has funded more
projects of value to the region. In its
than 35 projects with a total budget of EUR 19.083 million from the
work, the Foundation operates on the
German Federal Foreign Office and EUR 4.6 million from the Ministry of
basis of clear and robust principles,
Foreign Affairs of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
with procurement guidelines and a reporting system based on Kf W
international standards. These principles enable donors to make costeffective and targeted investments that help to significantly improve living
conditions for inhabitants of these fragile and vulnerable areas.
In the German Federal Foreign Office
and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the
PATRIP Foundation already has two
strong partners that support its mission
and work.
Members of the Board of Directors of the PATR IP Foundation:
Mr Jens Clausen Deputy Chair, Ms Claudia Arce Chair,
Ms Diana Hedrich (from the left)
In its partnerships the PATRIP Foundation practices a flexible and
The Foundation offers a high degree of flexibility in its work thanks to
professional approach to meet the needs and realities of its partners.
its capacity to partner with different government institutions as well as
We invite you to contact us with your questions and proposals regarding
with a variety of implementing agencies and to adapt the size of projects
our work, projects and potential partnerships, and look forward to
working together to support transition, development and stabilization in
Publisher: PATR IP Foundation c/o Kf W Entwicklungsbank LEb4 - Krisenintervention & Governance, Palmengartenstr. 5 - 9, 60325 Frankfurt am Main / Germany, Phone: + 49 (0) 69 7431 - 7392,
Fax: + 49 (0) 69 7431 - 2944,, · Layout: makrohaus AG, 83435 Bad Reichenhall / Germany, · Images: Pictures in this brochure have been
supplied by the implementing partners mentioned, copyrights lie with the same. · Reproduction, even partial, not permitted. Errors and modifications reserved.
Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan.
c/o Kf W Entwicklungsbank
LEb4 - Krisenintervention & Governance
Palmengartenstr. 5 - 9
60325 Frankfurt am Main / Germany
Phone: + 49 (0) 69 7431 - 7392
Fax: + 49 (0) 69 7431 - 2944