FIRST PRESS - First Presbyterian Church


FIRST PRESS - First Presbyterian Church
First Press
First Presbyterian Church, Raleigh, North Carolina
Office hours:
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
(919) 821–5750
(919) 821–0998
Vol. XIX, Issue 37
Community Outreach:
Prayer Line/Martha Ministry:
(919) 833–4070
(919) 740–1400
Information for bulletin due to office by noon
for newsletter due by 5 p.m. Thursdays
November 1—November 8,2015
From Ed’s desk
Dear Friends,
Many thanks to those who have turned in
a pledge card for the coming year. As
the officers plan mission and ministry for
the coming year, the information on
those cards helps them know far we can
stretch in service to God, as we try to live
up to our high calling to shine a light in
this world. If you have not yet turned in
a card, I hope you’ll do so soon, as
together we commit ourselves to the
work of God’s kingdom in our
community and beyond. Last year, this
process lasted far too long, so that we
were not able to establish a budget until
well into the calendar year. That means
our mission partners were put on hold,
not knowing how we could support
their efforts. Our hope this year is to
pass a budget by year end, and so if
we haven’t heard from you, we hope
to hear from you soon.
City Cemetery tour
Sunday, November 1
Dave Permar will lead a walking tour of
the City Cemetery where the graves of
William Peace, founding elder of First
Presbyterian, Rev. Dr. McPheeters, the
first pastor of First Presbyterian, other 19th
century members of First Presbyterian
Church and Revolutionary War Hero,
William Polk, are located.
The tour will be on All Saints Sunday,
November 1. We will meet at the Morgan
St. entrance of First Presbyterian Church
at 9:40 a.m. We will be back by 10:50
a.m. The walk is about one mile in total
length. Wear comfortable shoes!
Rain date: November 8.
Over the last several months, our
Marriage Task Force has been at
work, reading together, praying together,
listening to a variety of voices on a subject
on which there are a wide range of strongly
held views. Their next step is to provide
a forum for the congregation at large to
gather for a time of listening and
sharing. Toward that end, at 7 pm on
Sunday (November 1), Dr. Richard Boyce
will be with us to talk with us about how
Presbyterians look at Scripture, and, in
particular, how we might understand the
texts which are most often cited during
debates involving marriage and gender. Dr.
Boyce is a scholar who loves the church, a
fellow preacher’s kid who has spent his
career trying to build up the body of
Christ. His only agenda as he gathers with
us will be to help us think together about the
Bible, and how it is to guide us in our life
Grace and Peace,
Presbyterian Women of
New Hope Scholarship
The current Presbyterian Women of New
Hope Presbytery Budget provides for awarding 9 scholarships of $600 each. The purpose
of each scholarship is to encourage and enable young men and women in financial need
to pursue higher education. Applicants must
live in the Presbytery of New Hope and be a
member of a church in the Presbytery. The
application form can be downloaded from the
New Hope Presbytery website. The application should be mailed after January 1, 2016,
and received by March 1, 2016.
In this issue
On page 2:
 Marriage Task Force
 PW Beach Retreat
 PW Christmas Giving
 Bi-centennial Cards
 Pastor On Call
 Lectionary
On page 3:
 FPC Connects
 November Circle Schedule
 Contributions
 Calendar
 Wheels4Hope
 FPC Shares
On last page:
 Calling All Artists/Crafters!
 Honorary Life Membership
 Help get new tables & chairs
for Memorial Hall
to set
clocks back Sunday,
November 1st!
“Serving Christ from the heart of the city to the ends of the earth with love, faith and action.”
To All Members of the FPC Family
The Marriage Task Force has met, studied, and considered means for
providing information to and receiving input from the congregation. Theprocess we have decided upon consists of the following:
1) We have invited Dr. Richard Boyce to address the congregation on Sunday, November 1, at 7:00 pm in Memorial Hall. Dr. Boyce will discuss the
Scriptural passages that are relevant to this issue, and the competing interpretations that are informing the debate on both sides. Time permitting,
questions will be permitted.
2) On Sunday, November 15, at 7:00 pm in Memorial Hall, we will invite
round-table discussions among church members, and will hear from our
3) We also invite any member of the Congregation who wishes to share his
or her views with the Task Force to do so in writing, by signed letter. These may be mailed or delivered to the Church office or emailed to
the Task Force at .
The Task Force hopes to promote an opportunity for the exchange of views
in an environment of learning and respect for opposing viewpoints. We
hope that all of you who are interested in this issue will take advantage of
these opportunities to hear and be heard.
Yours in Christ,
Ed McLeod, Senior Pastor and Richard Boyette, Task Force Moderator
PW Beach Retreat
When is the last time YOU took time to
renew your spirit? Join the PW on our
fall retreat. We will be taking the time to
renew our spirits, relationships with one
another, and relationship with God. This
inaugural PW retreat will take place
Nov 13-15 in Wrightsville Beach, N.C.
There are 10 spots left in the cottage at
the Blockade Runner and we’d like for
you to help us fill them. Rev. Anna
Dickson will guide us through a weekend of spiritual introspection & understanding while we explore the theme of
“forgiveness.” Make some time for you
this fall & join the women of the church
on this retreat. Registration forms are
available in the Edge Lobby and on the
church website. Please call or e-mail
Susan Hammer with any questions.
PW Special Christmas
Giving Project
Everyone is invited to join FPC’s Presbyterian Women in their special giving projects for Christmas.
Donations will benefit Healing Transitions ( formerly known as The Healing
Place for Men and Women of Wake
County) and the Pride for Parents Christmas Store.
For the Healing Transitions we’ll collect items for the Santa Bags which will be
put out Christmas Eve. Bring new unwrapped: gloves, socks, warm scarves, knitted hats, ink pens, or travel-sized toiletries.
For the Pride for Parents Christmas
Store we’ll collect new toys, bikes/helmets,
books, clothing for infants through teen.
There is a special need for toys or electronic
items suitable for teenagers.
If you want you can donate money or gift
cards and we will purchase items for the
store. You may put your donation in the labeled bins in the lobby of the Edge building
from November 9th—December 14th.
Questions: Contact Terri Becom at
919-880-8499 or
Page 2
Pastor on call
October 31—November 1
Anna Dickson, (704) 608-4148
November 7—8
Anna Dickson, (704) 608-4148
November 1:
Isaiah 25:6-9; Ps 24; Rev.
21:1-6a; John 11:32-44
November 8:
Ruth 3:1-5;4:13-17; Ps 127;
Heb 9:24-28; Mark 12:38-44
2015, Issue 37
Plug into Your Church
It’s time to get connected to your
church family through our new online
portal, FPC Connects. This powerful
website hosted through ACS is private
and secure. Once you log into the user
account that has been reserved for you,
you can do some or all of the following:
 View the online version of our
church directory
 Send emails to your Sunday
School class
 Register for events such as the AllChurch Retreat
 Make a donation or a payment on
your pledge
 Use a credit card or set it up to
make your payments automatically
on a schedule you select with an
automatic withdrawal from your
bank account
The Communications and Technology
Committee will also be available the
first three Sundays in November to
help you set up your account and to
answer your questions. Go to http:// to get started!
Vanguard Class
Ed & Jane Bristol
Vanguard Class
In honor of the baptism of Maragert James Dickson,
Daughter of Christopher & Anna Dickson by :
Hal, Julia, and Arthur Jenkins
Stuart and Candy Parks
In memory of Helen Ayers by John & Hilda Patterson
In memory of Marjorie Moore by John & Hilda Patterson
In memory of Hannah Ryan by John & Hilda Patterson
In memory of Julian Ray Sparrow Jr. by John & Hilda
Darcy Dye Bowers
Jerrie Dearborn
Vanguard Class
In honor of the baptism of Margaret James Dickson by
Jim & Babs Nichols
In memory of Frank Brooks by John & Hilda Patterson
In memory of Fred Jerome by John & Hilda Patterson
In memory of Suzanne Kerlin by John & Hilda Patterson
In memory of Harold Harrison by John & Hilda Patterson
In memory of George Kaloyannides, husband of Sue by:
John & Hilda Patterson
Ann Smith
Vanguard Class
Vanguard Class
Eddie & Annette Jay
Vanguard Class
Vanguard Class
Vanguard Class
In honor of Beth Thaxton & Ron Matthes by Matt
Ferraguto & Sallie Permar
November Circle Schedule
(in Raleigh unless otherwise noted)
Friday, November 6
#10 6:30 p.m. 709 Nellane Drive, Garner,
Tom and Scottie Hogg
Sunday, November 8
#9 5:30 p.m. Lisa Ham Gathering Space/
Angie Matthes, Amy Behrendt, Anna Jackson, Ruth Jacobs
Monday, November 9
#2 10:30 a.m. Lisa Ham Gathering Space/
Marion Wray, Evelyn Allen
#4 10:45 a.m. Memorial Hall/Jan Barwick,
Dot Humphrey (Bring a sandwich or salad;
drinks, chips, desserts provided)
#5 5:30 p.m. Memorial Hall/Tracey Pleasant
(light dinner provided)
#6 6:00 p.m. Glenaire, 4000 Glenaire Circle,
Cary/Private Dining Room
Tuesday, November 10
#8 6:30 p.m. 8004 Connestee Ct/Liz Redford
(light dinner provided)
Page 3
Founded in 2000, Wheels4Hope is
a non-profit, faith-based car donation program that turns donated
cars into local blessings. Their mission is to
provide affordable, reliable
transportation to low-wage families
and individuals who are referred to
us by one of our partner agencies.
Join us at 10:00 in Memorial Hall
on 11/8 to learn how you can join
in FPC’s partnership with
Wheels4Hope to strengthen the
lives of the economically vulnerable and build a caring, just community for all. For more information,
visit the website at https:// http://
This week at FPC:
Sunday (11/1)
8:30 a.m. Worship Service
Prayer Partner Breakfast
9:45 a.m. Church School
Confirmation Class
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
5:00 p.m. Chapel Choir
Pathfinders/ROCK Stars
(dinner and choir)
6:00 p.m. Youth
7:00 p.m. Dr. Richard Boyce/Memorial
Monday (11/2)
PW Coordinating Team
Tuesday (11/3)
6:00 p.m. Adult basketball
6:30 p.m. Bicentennial Task Foce
Wednesday (11/4)
6:30 a.m. Early Birds/Jim Ferry
Noon Midweek Service/Paul Rowland
12:30 p.m. Lunch
7:00 p.m. Bicentennial Steering
7:15 p.m. Handbells
Thursday (11/5)
7:00 p.m. Young Adult basketball
Friday (11/6)
Circle #10
Sunday (11/8)
8:30 a.m. Worship Service
Bread for the Journey
9:45 a.m. Church School
Confirmation Class
FPC @ Work
Stephen Ministry
10:00 a.m. Wheels4Hope
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
5:00 p.m. Chapel Choir
Pathfinders/ROCK Stars
(dinner and choir)
5:30 p.m. Circle #9
6:00 p.m. Youth
Other ministries are Alcoholics and Narcotics
Child Development Center;
Church in the Woods Care Point;
High School Equivalency Classes;
FPC Shares Item for
Nov. is Canned Vegetables
2015, Issue 37
First Presbyterian Church
112 S. Salisbury St., Raleigh, NC 27601-1344
Church Staff
Edward A. McLeod, Jr., Pastor/Head of Staff, x 2206,
Anna R. Dickson, Associate Pastor, x 2208,
Robert (Bob) G. Inskeep, Associate Pastor, x 2219,
Edwin W. Stock, Jr., Pastor Emeritus
David L. Covington, Director of Music, x 2203,
Craig M. Barfield, Organist, Cell - (919) 906–6090
Katherine Peiper, Director of Children and Family Ministries, x 2210,
Beth M. Thaxton, Director, Youth Ministries and Christian Education, x 2209,
Carol Anne Moehring, Director, Community Outreach, x 1001,
Mark C. Turner, Business Manager, x 2102,
Latasha N. Little, Director, Child Development Ctr,
Sharyl Y. Monkovich, Church Secretary, x 2204,
Mary Beth Hunnicutt, Interim Assoc. Secretary, x 2220,
Bonnie M. Hoots, Financial Secretary, x 2103,
Tracy Battle, Facilities Supervisor,
Jonathan Regalado, Sexton
Ricky Brodie, Parking Attendant
Beroski Huguley, Evening Sexton/Parking Assistant
Wanda McCann, Nursery Coordinator,
Non-Profit Organization
Raleigh, NC
Permit No. 355
Church Leadership
Frances McClain, Clerk of Session
Rob Fields, Moderator, Board of Deacons
Calling all artists/
Our Annual Advent Festival is
coming soon! Sunday, November
22, from 4-6:30 pm, we will have
tables of crafts for ALL to enjoy! More information to come
soon! Please mark your calendars, as there will be something
for everyone of all ages, and we
would love the whole church to
come enjoy this start to the Advent
season together!
Anyone interested in hosting a
craft table is welcome and encouraged to join in the celebration!
Please contact Katherine Peiper
( with
your interest and supply needs. It
will be a wonderful evening as we
gather together to begin
the anticipation of Advent as FPC
family. Thank you!
Honorary Life
For Presbyterian Women
and Men
An Honorary Life Membership in Presbyterian Women is conferred upon a woman
or man in recognition of faithful service in
some area of the church’s work. All
church members are encouraged to nominate candidates. The nomination form is
attached for those of you who receive
First Press via email and for everyone else
hard copies of the form will be available
in the Edge Lobby. Deadline for receiving
nominations is December 7, 2015. If you
have any questions or need assistance,
please contact Susan Johnson at 919-8288125 or contact a member of the HLM
Help get new tables &
chairs for Memorial
As a gift for our church’s bicentennial, the PW want to replace the
current tables and chairs in Memorial
Hall. They are selling Christmas ornaments to help fund this project & invite you to consider the gift of a table
and 8 chairs in honor or memory of a
loved one. The cost of a complete set
is $600. PW will be in the Edge Lobby
or nearby in the Gathering Space each
Sunday morning before Sunday
School and after the
11:00 service selling the
ornaments. Pelase consider this meaningful
gift to your church family by purchasing an
ornament, chair, table,
or complete set.