September, 2012 Ecclesia - First Presbyterian Church


September, 2012 Ecclesia - First Presbyterian Church
September, 2012
First Presbyterian Church
224 N. Main Street Bel Air, Maryland 21014– 3500
410 838-5777 FAX 410 838-6745
e-mail: Website:
The Reverend Richard Link, Pastor
The Reverend Christopher Davis, Associate Pastor
In This Issue:
The Pastor’s Letter
Page 2
Chris Davis - Letter, Reception
Pages 2, 3
Fundraising Committee
Page 3, 4
Church School
Pages 3, 5
VBS Report
Page 4
Directory Changes
Page 5
Club 45
Pages 5, 11
Session Highlights
Pages 6, 8
Health Ministry
Page 7
Deacons’ Corner
Page 7
Book Club
Page 7
New Officers
Page 7
Thank You Letters
Pages 7, 13
Old Enough Club
Page 8
Preschool News
Page 9
Camping Club
Page 9
Planting the Seed
Page 10
The Woman’s Way
Page 11
Shreffler House Update
Page 11
T-News, CREW
Pages 12, 13, 14
Grief Share, Page 13
Welcome One Shelter, Page 13
Prayer Concerns, Page 15
Sept. Birthdays, Calendar
Page 16
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,
his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness
Lamentations 3:22, 23
Later in July we held our Vacation Bible School.
Donna Ericson and Shelley Brooks-Akens coordinated
the program. It was good to see so many parents involved
in the program. This year a special program for Preschool
aged children was held.
Dear Friends,
In August, Associate Pastor Chris Davis announced that
he has received a call to be the Pastor of Grace
Presbyterian Church in Beaver
Dam, Wisconsin.
We have
enjoyed our friendship with the
Davis family over the past five
years and will miss Chris,
Jacqueline, Hannah and Molly.
But we know this is a great
opportunity for them and wish them God’s blessing in
their new home.
What a summer this has been. So many things have
been happening at our church. I want you to be aware of
all these things.
First of all, there have been so many changes in our
Sanctuary. How different it looked when all the pews and
chairs were removed. Someone said to me, “Look how
much space there is in here!” We are so grateful for all
who worked so hard to get our Sanctuary ready for the
work to be done.
New pews are scheduled to be
delivered on September 7. But before
that happens, the wainscoting and
carpentry and a new hardwood floor and
tile must be installed. The reinstallation
and tuning of the organ and
reinstallation of the baseboard heating
have been scheduled. The electricians
will finish up their work.
Sanctuary looks so much brighter now.
September 9 is Rally Day. Sunday School classes will
resume. The Thursday morning Bible Study I lead will
resume on September 6 at 10 AM.
And because of your generosity we will have a new
sound system installed. We are so thankful for all who
made an extra mile offering toward our Sanctuary
remodel. We will expect to hold Services of Worship in
our old /new Sanctuary some time in September.
Both our Session and Board of Deacons will use a
devotional based on the Extravagant Generosity section of
the book to begin their meetings for September through
Also on September 9 I will begin a five-week sermon
series based on the book, The Five Practices of Fruitful
Congregations, by Robert Schnase. We will explore how
well our church is practicing radical hospitality,
passionate worship, intentional faith development, risktaking mission and service, and extravagant generosity.
So many exciting things are happening in our church.
We celebrate all the faithfulness of God.
On July 4 the Legacy of Faith Building was opened so
that those participating in the parade could come in and
cool off. This was a great act of hospitality offered to our
In Christ’s love,
As people of faith we are called
to proclaim the love of God
through the person of Jesus Christ.
We also are called by God to go
into all the world and preach and
teach to those who don't know or
understand God's unconditional
love. Sometimes this is very hard to do in that we might
be called to follow the example of those early disciples
and leave all behind and follow Christ.
When I arrived at "First, Bel Air," I knew no one. Now
I have many friends. At that time, I was seeking
Now, I am an ordained Presbyterian
Teaching Elder. God has been at work in building
relationships, programs, and truly sharing the good news
of the love of Jesus Christ.
I am sad to leave, and find this a very difficult call due
to my love of both the youth as well as the entire First
Presbyterian Church family. Yet, I firmly believe that
the Holy Spirit is guiding me to further use my gifts and
skills with the congregation of Grace Presbyterian.
As a Presbyterian pastor, I have responded to God's
call upon my life to preach and teach to all about the
love of God with a local church setting. My move to Bel
Air, in 2007, was a result of this call upon my life. Five
years later, I have heard that still and quiet voice calling
me to serve God at Grace Presbyterian Church in Beaver
Dam, WI.
My prayer is that the Spirit will continue to wind its
way throughout First Presbyterian Church. I also pray
that you, as individual members, will listen and respond
to the Spirit, fulfilling the call placed upon your life.
May God's Peace be with you all!
Love, Pastor Chris Davis
Fundraising Committee Report:
The committee that is spearheading raising
additional funds for the general fund has met
several times and has established several
activities that are fun and will get more of our
members involved. It is easy to just ask
people to give, but working on a project
allows you to get to know people and raise funds.
Our first project is a Card Party. This event is Saturday,
October 13, 2012 from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The cost is
$19.00 per ticket. We encourage you to get a group of
friends together to play bridge, canasta, or a board game.
Our menu is coffee, tea, and
assorted bread items as you
come in. The lunch is hot
chicken salad, a jello salad, a
tossed salad, and dessert. The
centerpiece will be your table’s
prize for that day. We are only
having 36 tables and have
already had requests for tickets for 16. The tickets will be
available the last week of August.
How can you help? We need to sell all 156 tickets, and
then we need volunteers to make and donate the chicken
salad (recipe to be provided). We will need help in the
kitchen the Friday before and that Saturday. We will also
need servers and table help. We will need help setting up
and taking down. We will need to borrow card tables.
There will be sign- up sheets on the bulletin board the last
week of August. This is a huge project that Presbyterian
Women have done for years, and they have given their
blessing for us to try it in the fall. We will need your help to
make this successful.
Business Card Advertising. Included in this Ecclesia you
will find a page (page 4) containing advertising
from companies and people that we feel have
given great service or products to our
members. We encourage you to call them if
you can use their service or goods. Donna
Decker is spearheading this. We have several
ads included and hope to have more. All the funds go to the
general fund.
Coming in March —– Bingo. Bingo featuring Longaberger
and other quality goods. More on this later in the year.
E-Script. E-script is where you sign up at no cost to you at
Safeway and Shop-rite. You shop normally, show them your
card, and once a year they give a portion of the amount you
have spent that year to the church. It costs you nothing to
join, and it is offered at places where you normally shop.
You still get other incentives that are offered for yourself. If
you have any questions, the committee meets the third
Tuesday of each month in the Conference Room. Chair of
the group is Karen Gyolai. To contact, call 410-838-7804.
New ideas are always welcomed.
Join us in a
celebration of the
Davis Family, their
time here at First
Presbyterian, and their
We will host an Open
August 25, from 4-8 PM in Legacy Hall.
Come when you can, dress casual and enjoy
food, fun, fellowship and games.
There will be a memory book to write in, but
if you can’t attend the Open House, please
send your memories of Chris and his family to
Julie Deal at so they can
be included.
If you have any questions or want to help,
please contact Julie Deal at 410-838-1963 or Julie has an online sign
up sheet for donations of food items for the
party at:
w w w . S i g n U p Ge n i u s . c o m/
Looking for an Adult Education Class?
We have a class for you!
First Presbyterian offers four
adult Christian Education
classes each week.
Rich teaches two of the classes
that focus on the Lectionary.
One Lectionary class meets on
Thursday mornings at 10 AM in the Church Parlor, and
the other meets on Sunday mornings at 9:30 in the
Library of Legacy Hall.
Way Fountain, Karen Gyolai, and Paul Penrod lead
the Rowdies class, which meets at 9:30 in Room D of
Legacy Hall each Sunday morning. This fall the
Rowdies will be reading and discussing Misquoting
Jesus by Bart D. Ehrman. This spring, they will be
doing an in-depth study of a New Testament book.
The Exploring Christians class meets each Sunday at
9:30 in Classroom C of Legacy Hall. Bill Smith leads
the Exploring Christians in their exploration of new and
exciting topics that encourage the group to learn more
about the Christian faith.
Recommended by your Neighbors…
Please consider contacting these supporters of First Presbyterian Church when in need of services.
Need your knives sharpened?
Give a call to Don Mitrovich
At 410-838-6265.
Mitty provides this service
free of charge to FPC members.
No serrated knives please!
This part of our regular newsletter provides an advertising opportunity to those businesses in our community
which we feel provide services that our neighbors could utilize. Artwork can be supplied or provided. The ads will
run quarterly for $50. The Ecclesia reaches over 500 families. For further information, please contact Donna
Decker at or Andrew Green (
VBS Report
Commemorative First
Presbyterian Pens
Own a commemorative fountain pen made from wood
reclaimed from the pews of the First Presbyterian
Church of Bel Air, MD. Each pen is unique, turned
and hand finished. The cost of each pen is $50, with all
the proceeds going to the First Presbyterian Church.
For information or to order pens, see Way Fountain or
contact him at
Wow! What a week! Our
SKY themed Vacation Bible
School showed 50 children
that anything is possible with
Anything —–
including organizing eager
children into small groups to
see Lazarus rise from the grave, a Roman
soldier have a change of heart, and what we
can do today to ease the suffering of children
in Mali.
It was a fun-filled, energizing week, and
we’d like to thank the numerous members of
First Presbyterian, from preteens to seniors,
who gave their time and talents for another successful VBS!
Plans are underway for a reunion of present and former members of FPC and friends of the
congregation to celebrate the completion of our new Sanctuary. Please watch for more
Sunday, September 9
Morning Worship Services resume
at the regular
8:30 AM and 10 AM times.
Rally Day, 2012
Join us for this year’s
Rally Day activities on
September 9!
Church School children will explore the
theme of “Jesus is our Good Shepherd” by
participating in a variety of activities. The
fun starts at 9:30 AM with parents registering
their children for this year’s Church School
Church School begins at 9:30 AM.
Our new picture directories are
here. If you would like a copy, you
can stop by the office to pick one
up. Please make the following
changes to the directory:
Virginia Sauers
Parents, please plan
to stay so you can
meet your child’s
participate with your
child in the activities.
See you there!
Jim Thomas
Arbor View (Temporary address in rehab unit)
Willow Valley Retirement Community
211 Willow Valley Square
Lancaster, PA 17602
Dan and Tabitha Petz
320 Gracecroft Dr.
Havre de Grace, MD 21078-2549
Brian and Teresa Claffee
1687 Campbell Rd.
Forest Hill, MD 21050
Club 45
The monthly
fellowship group for fourth and fifth
graders is gearing up again
to start a new year…
Mark and Donna Decker, Stephen and Natalie
1560 Dunkeld Way
Bel Air, MD 21015
Jenn Wieworka
1669 Westgate Dr., Apt. 202
York, PA 17409
Be a part of it!
Eileen Shattuck
11630 Glen Arm Rd., Room 120
Glen Arm, MD 21057
Please join Ruth Eisenhour and David
Nixson in the Legacy Hall Conference Room
on September 9 from 5-7 PM for the first gettogether. Parents are encouraged to attend
the September meeting to find out what is in
store for their children this year.
Joe and Susan Hurley
Omitted phone number: 410-838-8576
Janet Dawson
300 Sunflower Dr., Unit 174
Bel Air, MD 21014
There will be food, facts, fun,
fellowship and much more!
Bob and Shirley Rockwood
New phone number: 443-299-6742
Donald Preston
New phone number: 410-592-2906
Bring your appetite, enthusiasm
and inspiration!
18. Approved the Financial Secretary distributing a half-year
financial statement to the congregation.
19. Gave an update on the search for a Choir Director.
20. Appointed the following officers:
A. Treasurer — George Clark
B. Assistant Treasurer — Debbie Myers
21. Appointed the following officers:
C. Financial Secretary — Robert Gandin
D. Assistant Financial Secretary — David Jones
E. Memorial Fund Secretary — Debbie Myers
F. Clerk of Session — Robert Tayson
22. Received the Associate Pastor’s report.
23. Officiated at the wedding of James Cashour and Eileen
24. Received the Pastor’s report.
25. Served home Communion to one.
26. Served Communion to 38 at 8:30 and 139 at 11:00 on
Sunday June 3, 2012.
27. Approved Practicing Extravagant Generosity as the
devotion guide for 2012/2013 Session meetings.
28. Received the Christian Education Ministry Team report.
29. Approved “Sky” as the curriculum for Vacation Bible
30. Received the Mission & Stewardship Ministry Team
31. The concert for FCCAU Welcome One Shelter was
attended by 80 people and raised $1,415.00.
32. Received the Parish Life Ministry Team report.
33. Approved a CPR course.
34. Photo directories should be in anytime.
35. Discussed the open house during the Fourth of July
36. Received the Worship Ministry Team report.
37. The silk floral arrangement is in the Library.
38. Heard comments from retiring Elder Austin Swift.
39. Received a list of sayings for the church sign.
40. The meeting closed with prayer by Pastor Chris Davis.
Robert L. Tayson, Clerk of Session
Session Highlights
At the stated Session meeting
June 12, 2012:
1. Meeting opened with prayer by Moderator Richard Link.
2. Led in devotions by Elder Andrew Green: “The End
3. Approved the minutes from the May 8, 2012 stated
4. Approved the minutes of the special Session meeting of
May 22, 2012.
5. Approved the minutes of the special e-mail meeting of
May 30, 2012.
6. Approved the minutes of the Congregational meeting of
June 10, 2012.
7. Approved the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper on July 1,
2012 and August 5, 2012.
8. Received the Treasurer’s report. Year-to-date receipts are
$14,392.97 below the approved budget.
9. Received the Deacons’ report. Scholarship winners:
A. William Gross — Shane West
B. Walter Nicholas — Stewart Fountain
C. Walter Nicholas — Kim Hurley
10. Received the Trustees’ report. New insurance carrier.
11. Discussed attracting young families.
12. Approved Christian Education and Worship Ministry
Teams to have at least four youth involved in worship
services between September and June of each church
13. Discussed the Sanctuary re-model, organ console
removed and placed in storage, balance of organ pipes
14. Received the Clerk’s report.
15. Approved the transfer of Christina Chirdon-Jones to
First Unitarian Church in Pittsburgh, PA.
16. Approved the transfer of Daniel Gradishar to Vienna
Presbyterian Church in Vienna, VA.
17. Session minutes were approved by the Presbytery
without exception.
Have you hosted First Café recently? Ever?
First Café is a great opportunity for hospitality in our church. It is held between the two morning
Worship Services in Legacy Hall. Because of the Sanctuary remodeling, it has been temporarily held
in the Narthex, but it will return to Legacy Hall, hopefully sometime in September.
Coffee and other drinks are provided. Hosts are asked to provide some morning food to share.
Sometimes two people (or families) coordinate First Café — one sets up and
one cleans up.
Set up is at 9:15 AM; clean up is at 10 AM.
Please be an ambassador of hospitality and sign up on the list on the
Narthex bulletin board to host First Café. You will meet the nicest people
Health Ministry: More Hugs
Deacons’ Corner
As an advocate of hugs, my friends often share with me
items on hugging they have found. On previous
occasions I have shared them with you. Here is the latest
from a former Grief Share participant.
We hope everyone is having a wonderful
summer and enjoying time with family and
The recipients of our student scholarships awarded in
June are as follows: Shane West, William Gross
Scholarship; Stewart Fountain and Kim Hurley, Walter
Nicholas Scholarships. Congratulations to these young
Our first meeting after the summer break will be
Thursday, September 6. We will discuss our guidelines
for the scholarships for our college students.
The Deacons
Hugging is healthy: it
momentarily boosts the
immune system, decreases
depression, and reduces
stress. It is invigorating,
rejuvenating, has no
unpleasant side effects —
truly a miracle drug.
Hugging is good for the environment: hugs are all
natural, organic, no artificial ingredients, non-polluting,
environmentally friendly, and 100% recyclable.
Hugs are ideal gifts: good for any occasion, fun to give
and receive, fit all sizes, have their own wrappings, are
free and are fully returnable.
The Book Club will meet in the Library
on Monday, September 24, at 7:00 PM
to discuss the books from the summer
reading list. They include: The Castaways by Elin
Hilderbrand; The Witness by Nora Roberts; and Mrs.
Kennedy and Me by Clint Hill.
Hugs are economical: they come without batteries to
replace, no monthly payments, are inflation proof, theft
proof, and nontaxable.
Anyone is welcome to join. If you have questions,
please call Karen Gyolai at 410-838-7804.
Hugs are godly: a hug conveys trust, care,
understanding, sympathy, and reflects God’s love without
a word being spoken. Hugging is an underutilized
resource with magical powers. When we open our arms
and hearts to others we encourage them to do the same.
New Officers
The following officers of First Presbyterian
Church of Bel Air were ordained, installed, or
recognized at Worship Services on June 17
and June 24:
Linda Kirkpatrick and Mark Ericson, ordained and
installed as Elders.
Myong Parker and Jeanne Colburn, reinstalled as
Lyle Barrett and Sharon Meissner, reinstalled as
Julie Deal, installed as a Deacon.
Donna Ericson, ordained and installed as a Deacon.
Debbie Myers, Steve Fender, and Joe Hurley,
recognized as Trustees.
So if there is someone you know who looks lost or
lonely, don’t wait, don’t hesitate, do initiate. Reach out,
share God’s love, and give them a hug. It will come back
to you many times.
—– Jeanne Colburn
I was part of the Bel Air parade this year
as Harford County’s Teacher of the Year.
My family joined me for the parade and
offered to be a part of the event even though
temperatures were 100 degrees. I was not
sure how my five and six-year-old girls were going to be
able to wait so long in the staging area..
I want to express my deep gratitude to the members of
your church who, in such Christian
fashion, opened their doors to us. The use
of the air conditioning and the restrooms
were fantastic, but the drinks and snacks
were above and beyond.
congregation is truly leading by example
and their efforts to care for us did not go
unnoticed. Thank you for the generous hospitality in the
heat. It was truly a gift to me and my family.
Christine D. O’Neill,
Bel Air Middle School
Congratulations to all!
Please remember to bring donations of food
or cash the first Sunday of each month for our
FPC Food Pantry. In this down economy, it is
especially hard for our less fortunate
neighbors to put food on the table.
Items most needed are canned meats, pasta
and pasta sauce, peanut butter and jelly, microwavable
protein meals, mac and cheese, canned fruit, small boxes
of cereal, breakfast or cereal bars, juice boxes, tea bags
and individual servings of coffee, and toiletry items.
30. Received the Personnel Committee report.
31. Appointed the following officer:
Presbytery Commissioner for the period
September 1, 2012 - August 31, 2012 is Allen Ward.
32. Gave an update on the search for a Choir Director.
33. Approved vacation for Chris Davis from July 29
until August 18, 2012.
34. Personnel Committee to meet to discuss the vacant
Associate Pastor position. Send any comments to
Bob Tayson, Personnel Chair.
35. Received the Associate Pastor’s report.
36. Received the Pastor’s report.
37. Served one home Communion.
38. Served Communion to 36 at 8:30 and 82 at 10:00 on
Sunday, July 1, 2012.
39. Served Communion to 38 at 8:30 and 84 at 10:00 on
Sunday, August 5, 2012.
40. Reported the death of member Virginia Tilley
Torgerson on July 28, 2012. She was a member since
March 30, 1941, 71 years.
41. Received the Christian Education Ministry Team
42. Approved September 9, 2012 for Rally Day.
43. Approved David Nixson as Sunday School
44. Received the Parish Life Ministry Team report.
45. Approved a Grief Share program starting August 20,
46. Received the Mission and Stewardship Ministry
Team report.
47. Hosted the FCCAU Welcome One Shelter on August
7, 2012; thanks to all who prepared food.
48. Received the Worship Ministry Team report.
49. The meeting closed with prayer by Pastor Chris
Robert L. Tayson, Clerk of Session
Session Highlights
At the Stated Session meeting
August 14, 2012:
1. Meeting opened with prayer by Moderator Richard
2. Introductions were given for the new Elders.
3. Led in devotions by Elder Way Fountain (From
Stewardship to Generosity).
4. Approved the minutes from the June 12, 2012 stated
5. Approved the minutes of the special e-mail meeting of
June 27, 2012.
6. Approved the minutes of the special e-mail meeting of
July 7, 2012.
7. Approved the minutes of the Special Session meeting
of August 5, 2012.
8. Approved the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper on
September 2, 2012.
9. Received the Treasurer’s report. Year-to-date receipts
are $23,973.50 below the approved budget.
10. Received the Deacons’ report.
11. Deacon orientation to be held on August 16, 2012.
12. Received the Trustees’ report.
13. Shreffler House roof repaired.
14. Carpets cleaned in the Library and Conference
15. Discussed the Sanctuary re-model.
16. Funds short by only $2,465.34.
17. Carpentry and painting to be completed the week of
August 13.
18. Carpet, tile and hardwood flooring due to be installed
the week of August 20.
19. Organ console to be re-installed starting August 29.
20. Baseboard heat to be re-installed starting August 30.
21. Pews to be installed the week of September 4.
22. Sound system to be installed week of September 10.
23. Approved selling of “Fountain” pens made from old
church pews as a fund raiser.
24. Received the Clerk’s report.
25. Distributed devotion schedule.
26. Received a thank you note from the Bel Air
Community Chorus for the use of practice space.
27. Received the Nominating Committee report.
28. Dennis Mertz to fill vacancy for Elder, Class of
29. Paul Penrod to fill vacancy for Trustee, Class of
Old Enough Club
Wednesday, September 12, at Noon
in the Conference Room
Please come for the first meeting of the
season. Enjoy our luncheon and getting back
together with old friends and meeting new
If you are “old enough” we welcome you!
The 2012-2013 preschool year is
under way to a very successful
start! We are so grateful that God
has continued to bless us with our
very gifted and loving preschool
team who I am continually honored
to work with. This year, our team
includes: Tina Billings, Lead Teacher (14 years); Linda
Dockery, Lead Teacher (6 years); Melissa Sewell,
Assistant Teacher (4 years); Amy Ausmus, Assistant
Teacher (3 years); Jaime Skrocki, Assistant Teacher (10
years); and myself as Director (9 years). Together we
offer over 46 years of experience at First Presbyterian
Preschool alone.
a full enrollment in the very near future. Our morning
threes’ classes are full with a waiting list. Our morning
fours’ classes are full also with a waiting list. Our
afternoon fours’ class is quickly filling with only a few
spots left, and our PREP
(young 3s’ class) has a
few spots left which we
are working on filling as
Some of the many
events we have planned
for 2012-2013 include
field trips to local area farms in the fall, two Scholastic
Book Fairs, Claire's Gourmet Fundraiser, Monthly
Reading Program, Hearing Screening, Vision Screening,
Lunch Bunch, Canned Food Drive, Adopt-A-Family for
Christmas, American Education Week, Nutcracker Field
Trip, Christmas Program for 4s, Extreme Balloon Man In
House Visit, Teddy Bear Clinic, Class Photos, St. Jude's
Trike-A-Thon, K Night, Zoo Mobile Visit, Field Trips to
Broom’s Bloom & Eden Mill Nature Center, and of
course, our 4s’ Graduation - just to name a few........All of
this and each student takes part in our specials as well,
such as gym, computer lab, and religious education.
However, this year there is one staffing change. We are
saying farewell to Cara Middendorf, who worked with us
last year in the capacity of Classroom Assistant. She
helped to develop and create this newly-designed position
which we offer at the preschool to assist with those
students who require extra needs or special attention. She
will be missed. But, I am happy to report that Jaime
Skrocki will work in this position in addition to her parttime Assistant Teacher position. Jaime is very gifted and
talented in working with children who have special needs.
We are very excited about our 2012-2013 program and
look forward to welcoming back our current students and
meeting all of our new students. We have many
memories just waiting to be made.
Our preschool program will miss Pastor Chris dearly.
He visited with every one of our classes frequently just
because.....and each class would come over to the
Sanctuary for our monthly Pastor Chris day for religious
education. Pastor Chris built a great rapport with not only
each student, but with their families and the teaching team
as well. The Teaching Team and preschool families wish
Pastor Chris much success in his future endeavors, and he
and his family will remain in our thoughts, prayers.....and
memories! Thank you for all you have done for us,
Pastor Chris — we will miss you!
Our new school year starts off with our annual Family
Meet & Greet Night on August 23 for all six classes.
Parents, preschoolers, and siblings
are invited to visit their new
classrooms in a relaxed, casual
visit with the preschool staff and
each other.
This evening is
designed as an "ice breaker" for
students before they enter the
classroom on their first day.
Additionally, our students will
start their year off with a visitation day, then a gradualentry day, and then their first full session. It is great to
see so many of our returning students, along with so many
new and exciting faces filling our classrooms. This year,
our registration was a huge success. We will be boasting
A special thank you also goes out to our Preschool
Board, which has gone through many changes throughout
the years.
We are grateful for their hard work,
commitment and dedication. We look forward to working
closely together as the success of the 2012-2013 school
year unfolds.
God Bless!
Terri Rhodes, Director
weather every year (well almost—only one bad year). If
you like the beach in September, this is the place to be.
Contact Melynda or Bob Tayson at 410-836-9297.
FPC Camping Club Schedule
The Camping Club will be visiting
two locations in the fall, and they invite
anyone who is interested to join them
Saturday for the day and/or campfire. Dates, locations,
and points of contact follow:
October 12-14
Cunningham Falls
The Catoctin Mountains in the fall are a beautiful site.
We are close to the town of Thurmont, and we will need a
good campfire to keep warm for this one. The last time
we camped here was in August of 2008. Contact Bill or
Corinne Smith at 443-616-4675.
September 13-16
Cape Henlopen State Park
This has been our default campsite for the last four years.
Despite what people believe, we have had beautiful
Planting the Seed…
(This new series of articles takes the place of “The Green Corner.” Written by Ruth Eisenhour, the articles are meant to
“plant the seed” of environmental stewardship in the minds of the congregation by focusing on some specific topics. In
each issue there will be an Eco/Question of the Month. See how you would answer the first one.)
Eco/Question of the Month
How do you know if your lawn or garden needs to be fertilized? (Choose one answer.)
A. Your plants turn brown, wilt, or die during the growing season
B. By reading the information on fertilizer bags
C. Testing your soil
D. Asking a salesperson at a local nursery or garden store
It’s no secret that the Chesapeake Bay is in distress, but many Marylanders do not realize
that the drainage systems that relieve our neighborhoods, shopping centers, and recreational
areas of storm water also carry pollutants such as fertilizers, pesticides, vehicle
contaminates, trash, and sediment to our nearby waterways and eventually to the bay. If
your answer to the question above was “C,” you already knew that testing your soil is the
best method to determine its nutritional requirements and will ultimately save time and
money and prevent toxins from entering aquatic ecosystems. You also probably knew about
the Fertilizer Use Act of 2011: (
Soil laboratories perform an analysis on a small sample of your soil and send you the results and recommendations for
resolving deficiencies. If you already practice “grasscycling” or apply compost as a soil amendment, your soil will
probably get high marks for the percentage of organic matter and may not need much fertilizer at all. But depending on
where you live, what you are trying to grow, and how your land has previously been managed, you may need to add
nutrients to improve the soil structure, change the pH, or supply macro or micronutrients that are required by the grass in
your lawn, the vegetables, fruits, flowers or shrubs in your garden, or the trees that shade your home. For more
information about soil testing and a list of available soil laboratories, check out the Home and Garden Information
Center website, an outreach of the University of Maryland Extension:
The Personnel Committee would like anyone interested to apply for our Choir Director
position that will become open starting in September 2012. Send your resume to Bob
Tayson, Personnel Committee Chair, at or call 410-836-9297 with
any questions or for more information.
Choir Director Primary Function:
The Choir Director will be responsible for directing the Chancel and Children’s Choirs, from
September through June, as well as their organization, training, recruitment and materials.
General Description:
• Direct the Chancel Choir.
• Direct the Children’s Choir.
• Will serve as a member of the First Presbyterian Church staff. Will abide by the guidelines as stated in the Book of
Order and the policies of the Church.
• Attend monthly Worship Ministry Team meetings.
Specific Responsibilities:
• Rehearse with choirs each week from September through the following June.
• Attend and participate in meetings of the staff as requested.
• Attend the annual church-wide, calendar-planning meeting.
• Attend music conferences, seminars and other related meetings as a representative of the church.
• Maintain an orderly system for cataloging music.
• Provide care and maintenance for choir robes and assist in keeping the choir room in an organized/attractive fashion.
• Communicate with the Sunday School any rehearsal issues.
• Other duties assigned by the Head of Staff.
The Woman’s Way
‘Round the Circles - September
Moderator’s Corner
Ann Evans Circle will meet Monday,
September 12, at noon in the Conference
Room. Please note the date change from
the usual first Monday because of Labor Day. If you
have any questions, call Judy Parvizian, 443-567-6814.
It's hard to believe summer's over and the fall activities
are starting up. Seems like yesterday we were looking
forward to our 'quiet' time.
Dorcas/Annie Laurie Circle will meet Tuesday,
September 4, at 10 AM in the Conference Room. Please
contact Barbara Mitrovich at 410-838-6265 if you have
any questions.
Please take time to look at your schedules and make
time for a Circle. There is always Fun, Food and
Fellowship at each meeting. Don't be shy or feel like you
need a personal invitation (or consider this one). We are
an open group. It's a nice way to start the month.
Marjorie Gaines Circle will meet on Saturday,
September 8, at 9:30 AM in the Library. Please note date
change from the first Saturday because of Labor Day
weekend. Any questions, please call Karen Caudill at
This year we are doing something different. We are
NOT using the Horizons Bible
Study. Lately the women have felt
it's been a little heavy and not userfriendly or easy to present. So this
year we are going to use a book
called: Life Principles from The
Women of Acts, written by Xavia
Arndt Sheffield. She is the wife of a
Presbyterian Minister and a
contributor to the Upper Room.
Best yet — Xavia has suggested that
she lead each of the Circle Bible Studies. Who would
know the material better?
PW Coordinating Team will meet on Tuesday,
September 18, at 9:15 AM in the Conference Room.
Shreffler House
We welcomed a new family
into the Shreffler House in
July — a single mom and two
young children. We are getting
to know them.
The Bible study is based on the Book of Acts, also
called "the Acts of the Apostles." But, these men of God
neither started nor sustained the Christian church
themselves. They needed the women of God as partners
in order to make it work. And when you really study this
book of the Bible, you not only discover how many of
them participated in founding the church, but you also see
that the "acts" of these women reveal a courage, a
commitment, and a faith that is as impressive and
important as that of the apostles. Their stories are about
relationship and partnership and shared leadership for the
sake of the gospel. (Paragraph from the Preface of the
Study Guide written by Xavia Arndt Sheffield)
We are looking for people to help our Shreffler House
families on an ongoing basis in the following areas:
budgeting, financial skills, resume writing, interviewing
for jobs, conflict resolution, time management, and
decision-making skills. If these are areas where you can
help, please speak to Pastor Rich. Let’s all work together
to support and encourage our Shreffler House families.
The young people of Club 45 are already involved in
helping. This fellowship of fourth
and fifth graders has adopted the
Shreffler House as its mission focus.
They went on a tour of the house and
met our guests living there. They
brought along a welcome basket for
the family and a meal. A toy, book,
and game drive brought new and gently-used items for
our families. Items will be switched based on the ages of
children who are living in the house. Lettuce was planted
in the gardens around the house. Other plantings were
also added. Future plans for the Shreffler House may
include fixing up the third floor as a play room. Club 45
members feel like they are making a difference in the
lives of our Shreffler House guests. And indeed they are!
Any questions you may have, feel free to catch me in
the hall or give me a call.
Debbie Wieworka- Moderator
Prayer is not a “spare wheel” that you pull
out when in trouble, but it is a “steering
wheel” that directs the right path
throughout the journey.
Highlights of June 7, 2012 meeting:
Highlights of July 5, 2012 meeting:
Treasurer’s Report
June receipts will probably follow past years and be less than
in the preceding months. The new insurance will be billed
quarterly rather than yearly. There is concern about funding
for the renovation. No items should be added to the project
unless the additional capital funding is in place.
Treasurer’s Report
George Clark reported that renovation costs paid out so far
have totaled $64,755.25. By the end of July, the total should
be $165,749. The projected remaining total is $15,680 after
the Sanctuary is finished. To date the congregation has
donated about $6,700, and an additional $600 from sales of
church furniture. The present estimates do not include the
sound system, an additional $30,000+. Also, the estimates
do not include the new cost for removal and re-installation of
the overflow baseboard heating. General HVAC is to quote
on the work.
June receipts were $54,680; expenses totaled $49,680.
Facilities Action Items:
Two pews have been sold. The AC has been turned off, and
Service Master has been told to stop cleaning the area.
Shreffler House
Scarborough is going to look at the roof shingles and report
to Emory Reed as to the status of the roof.
CREW has installed the hearing loop in Legacy Hall.
Education Building
Boilers have been shut down for the summer and the AC
turned off for the preschool areas. AC for the weekend
language classes will be shut off after June 9. No cleaning
in the preschool area for the summer. A new June bill from
Service Master will reflect the cutoff of cleaning in the
Sanctuary and preschool area.
Outside Groups Update
To date the church has collected over $11,000. This includes
the upcoming theater group in July.
Other Items:
Five-Year Maintenance Plan
Emory Reed has received a quote from General HVAC for
equipment replacement for the Sanctuary and overflow area
AC equipment. The cost is $18,000 for equipment only.
(Note: Installation costs are usually 75% of equipment costs.)
It was noted that this is the oldest equipment in the church.
The life of the equipment is estimated to be another three
years. However, the compressors and gas used in the system
are no longer manufactured and would make a repair costly.
Session should keep the emergency funds available if a repair
is required and should increase the emergency fund for
replacement units in 2015.
FPC Property/Liability Insurance
Jim Kolch reports that Sovereign is the new insurance carrier.
Payments are due quarterly. The first payment has been
completed. There is a $100,000 deductible.
Janitorial Service
Steve Fender’s completed survey form to monitor Service
Master’s work was reviewed. Steve and Jim Gyolai will
work to refine one item before is published. Evaluators for
Service Master’s work are: Preschool—Terri Rhodes;
Office—Debbie Myers; LOF Building—CREW;
Sanctuary—Rich or Chris.
Fund Raising Committee
The October card party is the largest item with the largest
Facilities Action Items
With few exceptions, pews and chairs have been sold. There
are a few left that are being looked at for sale. Bob Tayson
published a list of items stored and sold so far.
Shreffler House
Scarborough will be in to repair several loose shingles in
about three weeks.
CREW will begin cleaning carpets in the next month.
Education Building
There is a leak in the common wall between the restrooms.
CREW looked at the roof, but will review the issue with
Outside Groups Update
Income total from outside groups through June is nearly
$12,000. A group using Legacy Hall in August is not
included in the total.
Other Items:
Five-Year Maintenance Plan
Emory Reed is still working on a way to develop an
evaluation system to estimate the projected replacement time
and cost for old equipment. John Dickie asked for the
projection as soon as possible.
FPC Property/Liability Insurance, Policy Alternative
Waiting for the policy to be sent to the church.
Janitorial Service
Steve Fender received the building drawings to add to the
evaluation forms. John asked Steve to put the evaluation
forms into operation by August. Steve said he will finish the
forms and have them ready.
Nominating Committee
Steve Fender received several names to replace Cathy
Bendis, who resigned in July.
Fund Raising Committee
Bill Jackson was not present.
July 9, 2012
Dear Family and Friends,
Many of you know I’m going through
a bit of transition and feeling a little
stressed (so sorry if I neglected you!)
But this week it ends! I take my nursing
test on Wednesday (so keep me in your prayers please)
and move into my new apartment as of Friday. Just
wanted to keep everyone informed of my address. (See
Directory Changes, page 5)
Thanks so much for being there for me during this time.
I know everything will work out for the best! Enjoy the
rest of your summer and try not to get too overheated.
Much love, Jenn Wieworka
(Editor’s Note: Jenn did pass her nursing test and is now
employed at York Hospital. Congratulations, Jenn!)
Highlights of August 2, 2012 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
George Clark reported that renovation costs paid out to
Church Interiors have totaled $62,070.25 as of July. To date
the congregation has donated about $14,891.00. Total
renovation costs for the contract are now $119,484 through
July. Actual receipts were $213,929.31 and expenses are
$217,128.09 for the year. We are just ahead of last year at
this time, but behind in receipts to budget. July receipts
were $54,419.43 and expenses totaled $32,563.56. The
property insurer sent back $214.50 on our payment.
Facilities Action Items
The final date for completion is still September 14, 2012.
The floor and pews are the next big items to be installed.
The material for the wainscoting is in and will be delivered
Dear Christian Friends,
Your prayers, cards, and calls have meant so much to
me during my recovery from recent surgery. I am
grateful to all of you, to Rich and Melody, and to family
and neighbors who have walked with me during this time
of need. Your faith and trust in the Lord brought His
healing to me.
On another note, many of you have asked about my
little dog, Max, who appears with me in the new church
directory. He has been off in Delaware with my daughter,
Diane, but will be returning to me this weekend. Thank
you for the many offers to take care of him. He is a real
“sweetie.” It will be great to have him home again.
Many blessings to all, Ellen Nicholas & Family
Shreffler House
Scarborough repaired roofing nails that had backed out and
replaced soffit that had blown away.
CREW and Rich Link have completed cleaning the carpets
in the Library, Conference Room, and Wright Room.
Education Building
CREW has repaired the roof at the chimney. The faucets in
the restrooms were replaced this week. A drain in the boys’
bathroom needs repair.
Other Items
Five-Year Maintenance Plan
Emory is still working on the plan.
Nominating Committee
Steve Fender announced that Paul Penrod has accepted the
open position on Trustees. Welcome, Paul.
Jim Thomas passed on word to Office Coordinator
Debbie Myers on July 26 that he has really enjoyed and
appreciated the cards, calls, and visits that he has received
since his accident and for his birthday. He missed all of
his fishing trips this spring, but is hoping to make some of
the fall ones. He also wants you all to know that he has
spent his birthday in many different places, but this is the
first one in a wheelchair! Since that conversation, Jim
had to return to Shock Trauma for treatment of an
infection, but he is now back at Willow Valley, in good
spirits, and would still like to hear from FPC members.
Jeanne Colburn is again
leading a Grief Share
program for those
seeking comfort and guidance following the loss of a
loved one. The group began on Monday, August 20,
but you are welcome to join at any time. They meet in
the Library from 7 to 8:30 PM. The 13-week program
is open to anyone interested, whether you are a church
member or not. Give Jeanne a call at 410-638-8225 if
you are planning on joining the group.
FPC has joined a long list
of volunteers including other
churches and organizations to
provide food for residents of the Welcome One Shelter.
FPC has committed to providing three nutritious meals
one day every other month.
On August 7, our
volunteers prepared dinner and put together lunch and
breakfast items for approximately 31 residents.
Without the support and donations from FPC members
and friends, we wouldn’t be able to continue this
ministry. The thanks we receive from those who have
lost their home is overwhelming. Thank you everyone!
FPC Property/Liability Insurance
Waiting for policy to be sent to the church.
Janitorial Service Contract
Steve Fender has forwarded the package to Service Master
for review.
CREW Activities, May 2012
Education Building
Replaced, reseated bulbs in two Exit signs. Removed and disposed of roots left behind from planting new trees.
Replaced original galvanized pipe with PVC pipe in upstairs bathroom. Worked with Bel Air Carpet to get new
floor installed and with Grove Plumbing to get new toilet installed in that bathroom. A new vanity, made by Bob Rockwood,
was also installed. Cleaned bathtub and drain hardware.
In an effort to prevent false alarms the security system is generating, FPC received a password to the Trojan system and
documentation for the system. Plans are for CREW to meet with Harford Alarm and Fireline to check out the system.
Worked to install new Oval Windows hearing aid system in Legacy Hall. Debbie Myers reported a new copier was installed.
Continued scraping and painting the exterior of the overflow area windows. Documented hearing aid loop wiring, wireless
microphones (both lapel and hand-held), and put labels on transmitters to match labels on the Sanctuary audio system.
— Paul Hipsley
June 2012
Education Building
Will replace faucets in boys’ and girls’ bathrooms with new ones that have just one handle to control the flow of hot and
cold water Mildew on ceiling in those bathrooms appears to be connected to the chimney directly above them, where
some sealant is missing at the top of the chimney. Will ask Scarborough to look at and price to fix problem.
Put doors on vanity, installed new baseboard cove molding, installed air conditioners in two upstairs bedrooms and one
in downstairs dining room area. New support structures for the air conditioners made to match the new windows.
Finished installation of Oval Windows hearing aid system. Need to replace light dimmer control that causes problem
with the hearing aid loop. Labeled and documented all components. Researched audio/video system operating
hardware for possible upgrades. Installed new backup drive for computers used to prepare the bulletin and Ecclesia.
Signs indicating presence of hearing loop system moved from Sanctuary to Legacy Hall; duplicate will be placed in
Sanctuary when renovations are done. Resumed painting outside of windows on left side. Measured counter in old
kitchen with intent to replace.
—–Paul Hipsley
July 2012
Education Building
Finished repairs to chimney above the boys’ and girls’ bathrooms. Had Scarborough check on chimney for integrity;
was found to be in good condition. Replaced all bathroom faucet fixtures with new one-handle models. Will paint
ceilings in these rooms next.
Bought concrete to re-point some exterior walls. Scarborough repaired siding on one dormer and secured loose roof
Researched problems with network after power outage; reset our internal network gear to correct. Computer backup
drive was damaged after outage; will try to recover offsite. Replaced network router that stopped working with new unit
of different brand to restore network access. Took another full system backup of Debbie’s office computer. Treated
outside railings for rust prevention, then painted. Moved furniture, etc. from Library and Conference Room in
preparation for cleaning rugs.
Met with Church Interiors workers and General Heating and Electrical to discuss temporary removal of baseboard
heating units in overflow area in order to install new wainscoting. Sanded, scraped, glazed windows. Continued repointing mortar on overflow area wall facing manse. Disassembled and disposed of platform formerly used for
children’s choir singing events.
—–Paul Hipsley
Joys and Concerns
“The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective” James 5:16
Members in special need of prayers: Bernard Bull, Jonathan Dick, Kay Dick, Grace Durr, Mel Fowler, Martha
Gross, Helen Kefauver, Phil King, Ellen Nicholas, Frank Salmons, Eileen Shattuck, Robert Sullivan, Jim Thomas,
Evelyn Tilley, Maxine Vogt, Virginia Wagner, Raymond Watts, and Betsy Wilsey.
Friends and Family: These names of family and friends are lifted up by the people listed.
Paul Schmidt, Wycliffe Bible Translator
Ethan, grandson of Bob and Pat Aaserude
David Ausmus, father of Glenn Ausmus
William Bull, nephew of Bernie and Gladys Bull.
Betty Burgess, former member
Ron Burke, father of Brian Burke
Corbin Peterson, grandson of Jean Carr’s cousin
Bud Ramsey and family, friends of Jane Cesky
Dottie Hyde, friend of Bill Clark
Eddie Brinegar, friend of Bill Clark and Bill Inskeep
Vivian Cotton, sister of George Clark
Pat Trout, friend of George and Ann Clark
Helen Stadter, friend of Susan Spencer Davis and Dan Davis
Len Taylor and Sherlyn Swan-Caisey, friends of John and Ginny
Esther Lang, neighbor, Sara Stepanian, Seda Tarzian, cousins,
Barbara McAllister, Barbara Keim, Grace Haskell, friends of
Grace Durr
Fred and Doris Burkins, brother and sister-in-law, Phyllis Engel,
daughter of Ethel Engel
Mark Bohlman, friend of Elise Feigelson
Alan Rimes, brother, Joyce Cole, mother of Cindy Fountain
Deb Rapp and the Stambaugh family, friends of Way & Cindy
Barbara McMillian and Hank Hansen, friends of Donna Fowler
Bob Ashmen, brother of Susan Goodman
Kim and Tim Stephens, friends of Andrew and Jen Green
Katie Mitchell, Pat Skebeck’s granddaughter, friend of Karen Gyolai
Betsie Camilliere, daughter of Tom and Sarah Harris
Donna Hostetler, daughter-in-law of Del and Doris Hostetler
Jill McCutchan, friend of the Hurley family
Dean Hurley and Family, brother of Joe Hurley
Dick Cochran, friend of Marilyn Kelly
Thomas Poole, grandfather of Erin Kirchner
Mike Crossland, son-in-law, Nicole McCormick, friend, Leo Piel,
brother-in –law of Jim and Barbara Kolch
Rosemary Parry, cousin of John and Evelyn Kramar
Frances Werneke, friend, Robyn Rader, daughter, Jim and Dolores
Smith, cousins, Lynette Chambers, Frank McNulty,
friends, Kosisky Family, cousins of Margaret Kuykendall
Cristy Kessler, friend of Kym Layman
Marika Griffith, niece of Barbara Lubejko
Peter McConaughy, son of Ann and Dan McConaughy
Theo Stephen, cousin, Pat Chizmar, friend of Vickie Panos
Mike Diffenderffer Family, friends of Leslie Piet
Yvonne Cowan, daughter of Ted and Bernice Ropiski
Bob Rudd
Warren Voss, friend of the family of Virginia Sauers
Lisa Santos, granddaughter of Dee Schuette
Alexandra Zinslen, granddaughter of Barbara Schuette
The Nauman Family and the Day Family, friends of Bill and Barbara
Ken Johnson, son-in-law, Susan Halsey Sheridan, friend, and Frank
Wilson, neighbor, of Al and Anne Seymour
Bill Kirby, WV friend of Eileen Shattuck
Allison Levee, granddaughter, George McKeldin, brother, Jean
McKeldin, sister-in-law, of Audrey Spitzer
Tom Watson, neighbor, Ahmad Noor, US Army Interpreter in
Afghanistan, Skip and Lois Payne, Tracey Payne, friends of
Barbara Stam
Don Filbey, friend of Kim Stephens
Bernice Warner, friend and neighbor of Peggy Tapley
Rose Micucci, sister-in-law’s mother, and Joe Zurolo, friend of Al
Betty Taylor, friend, Robin Andrews, daughter of Vivian Watts
Walter Althoff, brother-in-law of Debbie Wieworka
Jen Hindley, friend of Jenn Wieworka
Zelda Banks, friend of John and Myrna Wollenweber
Congratulations to Bob and Dee Schuette, who
celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary June 16, and
to John and Ginny Dickie, who celebrated their 50th on
August 4.
The Flower Chart for 2012 is posted on
the bulletin board in the Narthex. If
you would like to donate flowers for a
particular Sunday, please sign your name next to the date.
You will receive a call the week before your date so you
can let us know what you would like the bulletin to say.
Bel Air Florist and Richardson’s Florist have keys to the
building and will deliver your flowers for you, or you can
purchase flowers from another florist and make
arrangements to get the flowers to church for the 8:30 AM
service. For Saturday deliveries, flowers can be placed in
the refrigerator.
2 Tapley
7 Vogelsong
Sept. 9, 16, 23 Open
Oct. 14 Open
30 Gandin
Oct. 21 Gyolai
Oct. 28 Myers
Congratulations to Helen Kefauver, who celebrated
her 103rd birthday August 6!
Sincere Christian sympathy is extended to Audrey
Spitzer and her family on the death of Audrey’s
grandson, Jack Levee; to the family and friends of
Virginia Torgerson; to Dan and Susan Spencer Davis
on the death of Susan’s mother, Sarah Spencer; and to
Bob and Melynda Tayson, on the death of Bob’s
brother-in-law, Lowell R. Garrett.
Julie Hall
Rich Gardiner
Debra Reichardt
Ethan Johnson
Brett Bowen
Nancy Greif
Chris Middendorf
Pat Reith
John Hershner
Barton Carlson
Shannon Reichardt
Martha Hultberg
Andrew Ragan
Sarah Feinberg
Paul Hipsley
Christian Piatt
McKenna McFadden
Phil King
Ava Piatt
Ted Wieworka
Karen Gyolai
Samantha Black
Allyson Allen
James Juarascio, III
Nicole Park
Daphne Vanderburgh
Christie Hall
Melvin Fowler
Betty Annetta
Samantha Rumbley
Natalie Nixson
Bud Greif
Kelly May
Erin Rumbley
Michele Stamm
Conor Mace
Jason Link
Alberta Isennock
Fred Anderson
Melynda Tayson
Hannah McLaughlin
Christa Egerland
Richard Ettenger
John Dickie, III
Andy Mace
Chris Eisenhour
Samantha Ringley
4-8 PM, Open House for Davis Family, Legacy Hall
Food Pantry Sunday
Labor Day– Church office closed
10 AM, Dorcas /Annie Laurie Circle, Conference Room
10 AM, Bible Study resumes, Church Parlor
1 PM, Friendship Stitchery, Library
7 PM, Deacons, Conference Room
7:30 PM, Trustees, Room B
9:30 AM, Marjorie Gaines Circle, Conference Room
8:30 and 11 AM Worship Services begin
9:30 AM, Church School Rally Day
Full First Café resumes
5 PM, Club 45, Conference Room
12 Noon, Ann Evans Circle, Conference Room
Ecclesia Deadline
7 PM, Shreffler House Care Team, Conference Room
7:30 PM, Session, Conference Room
12 Noon, Old Enough Club, Conference Room
1 PM, Friendship Stitchery, Library
Camping Club, Cape Henlopen State Park
9:15 AM, PW Coordinating Team, Conference Room
Ecclesia mailing crew
7 PM, Book Club, Library
7:30 PM, Ministry Teams
Wednesday 12
Thursday 13
Wednesday 19
Sunday Worship, 8:30 and 11 AM
(beginning 9/ 9)
The Lord’s Supper on the first
Sunday, both Worship
Children’s Choir Rehearsal,
9 AM
Church School, 9:30 AM
First Café between Worship
Blood pressure checks every
2nd and 4th Sundays
Monday CREW, 8:30 AM
Sports Fitness, 7 PM
Grief Share, 7 PM
Wednesday Bell Choir, 6:30 PM
Chancel Choir, 7:30 PM
Thursday Bible Study 10 AM (beg. 9/6)
Friday Sports Fitness, 7 PM