TBP Newsletter 24th June 2011.pub


TBP Newsletter 24th June 2011.pub
Thomas Buxton Primary School
Tel Infant: 0207 247 5343 Juniors: 0207 247 3816
Friday 24th June 2011
Dear Mums, Dads and Carers,
School Closed
Industrial Action
Thursday 30th June
School Closed for
Monday 4th July 2011
Year 6 Transition Day
We are moving (quickly!) through the
summer term and it is wonderful to
see how the children are making pro-
Friday 1st July 2011
Parents are asked to take their
gress in their learning. Staff have
children directly to their new school
been meeting with the Leadership
on Friday 1st July. We will see Year
Team to look at the progress of
6 back in school on Tuesday 5th
every single child in the school. We
are now planning for the new school
Year 6 Transition Day
Friday 1st July
Parents/Carers Evenings
Tuesday 5th July
Thursday 7th July
Summer Fair
Friday 8th July
Maths Buzz Day
Monday 11th July
Sports Day
Wednesday 20th July
Y6 Leavers Assembly
Thursday 21st July
End of Summer Term
Friday 22nd July
year and are looking to see how we
School Closure
can help children to make even more
Thursday 30th June 2011
progress in the terms ahead.
Please look out for letters inviting
you to the final Parent and Carers
Evenings on 5th and 7th July.
Mrs. Lorraine Flanagan
Due to national strike action taken by
teacher unions (NUT and ATL). School
will be closed to children on Thursday
30th June. We do apologise to
parents and carers for any
inconvenience this may cause.
New School Uniform for September
Do you have some suggestions about new school uniform for
the next school year? Come along to a meeting on Tuesday
28th June 9.00—9.45 in the Junior Hall to share your
ideas. For those who cannot make this meeting, a parent
voice sheet will be coming home tonight. Add your ideas to
the sheet and return to school by Wednesday 29th June
New School Logo
ladybirds in their playground to
Thank you for sharing
your ideas about the new
school logo. The children
have chosen the “Fusion”
design with some changes
to the colours. The symbol shows the different
parts of the community coming together in the
school and being supported. The trunk also
reflects the “T” in Thomas Buxton.
see who could spot the most.
Well done! This is a design for the future.
This week Reception classes
have been learning about ladybirds and making their own information booklet on Ladybirds. They read the story ‘The
Bad Tempered Ladybird’ which
they enjoyed very much. They
have also been looking out for
Governor Surgery
Wednesday 29th June 9.00—9.45
Parents Room
Would you like to find out about how GovThe Pathways Team
Last week we introduced a new team who will be
working with children and families on attendance,
ernors support the school ? Come along for
an informal meeting with Governors in the
Parents’ Room.
admissions, interventions and improving links between school and home. We are pleased to introduce the Pathways team who are all Senior
and Advanced Teaching Assistants. They are
Angie Lycett, Pat Felix, Ann Squires, Asma Akhtar, Ayesha Chowdhury, Rukshana Begum, and
Year 2 SATS
Thank you and well done to all of the children
and staff in year 2. They have been working
really hard this year to find out the end of
Key Stage 1 assessments.
Joanne Mills.
All end of year levels will be shared with par-
ents before Parents/Carers evening.
We have purchased
new litter bins for the
school due to the amount
of rubbish being found around the school
premises. We encourage
parents to make sure
their children use the
bins to help protect our
environment. Thank you.
We are collecting bric-a-brac or goodquality unwanted gifts for our annual summer
fair. Please bring them to the school office.
All the money raised will go towards purchasing
new books for the school.
Thank you.
Achievement Certificate Winners
Achievement Certificate Winners
Week beginning: 20th June 2011
Week beginning: 20th June 2011
Giraffe (FS1)
Camels (Y3)
Taha, Atifa
Muaz, Siddiqa
Zebra (FS1)
Nihal, Mubeen
Ismail M, Mahjabin R
Caribou (Y3)
Chameleons (FS2)
Bees (Y4)
Out on Trip
Kingfishers (FS2)
Majidah, Shayaan
Otters (Y4)
Out on trip
Meerkats (Y1)
Aysha, Prithi
Owls (Y5)
Anika, Ima
Turtles (Y1)
Mariya, Tamanna
Penguins (Y5)
Dolphins (Y2)
Zara, Alisha
Lions (Y6)
Orangutan (Y2)
Hredika, Nader
Antelopes (Y6)
Sayiema, Yunus
Aniqa, Sahima
Sabirah, Sanjeeda