Newsletter - Illawarra Cancer Carers Inc.
Newsletter - Illawarra Cancer Carers Inc.
ILLAWARRA CANCER CARERS PO BOX 1659 WOLLONGONG 2500 PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER WARD CO-ORDINATOR CENTRE CO-ORDINATOR CARERS' OFFICE NEWSLETTER EDITOR ABN 46 419 129 574 Ian Mackay Audrey Walsh David Berry Judy Mackay Leslie Adie Phone (02) 4271 5989 Phone (02) 4229 8872 Phone (02) 4271 3376 Phone (02) 4271 5989 Phone (02) 4228 8865 4222 5565 Kelly Mathein Phone (02) 4295 7477 NEWSLETTER MARCH 2015 MARCH OPEN MEETING Don't forget that we have our first Open Meeting for 2015 at 10 am in the Sonata Room, on Tuesday, 17 March at the Master Builders Club, Church Street, Wollongong. Sian Greening, the Genetic Counsellor from Wollongong Hospital will come to talk to us and expects to bring her Power Point program (one that will display diagrams further explaining her work with genetics). I have heard Sian talk previously and she is most interesting. SEWING AND CRAFT DAYS The sewing ladies hold sewing days every Friday in the month; a stall also takes place on the last Friday of the month. So please come along! Our sewing times are 9am to 3pm (stall is open 10am- 1pm) and we have plenty of undercover parking space. If you would like to take part in our Craft and Sewing days at the Dapto Show Ground location the details are as follows…. Time: 9am- 3pm Location: Dapto Show Grounds Open Meeting Date Tuesday 17th March 2015 EMAIL ADDRESSES Would anyone who changes his/her email address please notify Audrey Walsh at: and if you are receiving our monthly newsletter by email also notify Kelly Mathien at so that our records can be updated. Sometimes we wish to notify all Carers who have an email address of certain happenings that have arrived on our desk too late for the Newsletter. Please bring your own lunch and something for morning tea. Coffee and tea is free. Jean Fleming on 4261 3115 March Sewing Dates Friday 6th March 2015 Friday 13th March 2015 Friday 20th March 2015 Friday 27th March 2015 INC Page 2 - MARCH 2015 ILLAWARRA CANCER CARERS INC WARD AND CENTRE NEWS MARKET STALL TAKINGS Some reminders…. Hi all, We are now using the Apheresis room on level 1 in the centre. Could you please see if the patients would like anything to eat or drink while you are on duty? Also, please offer Fran (the nurse) tea/ coffee etc. As she cannot leave her patient. Recently the following amount was banked… $304.40 for the Hospital Stall for February. On C7, all Carers must move away from the patient when their doctor attends to talk to them. Carers can return as soon as the Doctor has finished. Carers in the Centre could you please check to see if the patients having radiotherapy and the patients in the clinic would like anything while they are waiting. It is mandatory that when giving a patient a massage on the bed (C7) that both sides of the bed rails are raised. This prevents accidents when the bed is raised. INFECTION CONTROL GUIDELINES 1. Small PRE-PACKAGED packets ONLY. No homemade or loose packet biscuits. 2. Real milk for milkshakes and tea/coffee can be found in the locked beverage bay. 3. Sandwiches are to be left in Cellophane wrap. -“DO NOT OPEN OR CUT AND MIX UP.” 4. Hands MUST BE WASHED with PINK hand wash on trolley BEFORE and AFTER approaching each patient. 5. Lunches /Desserts / Juices are to be taken out on our trolley with serviettes / spoons / straws and disposable cups. 6. Patients are to choose from the variety of lunch and we hand it to them. 7. AFTER WASHING HANDS ... we may assist patients to open all packages, DO NOT TOUCH THEIR CONTENTS. Thank you all for your dedication to the patients. Judy Mackay 4271 5989 (Ward) Leslie Adie 4228 8865 (Centre) INCOME AND EXPENDITURE FOR JANUARY Income and Expenditure for January 2015 Income Donations Patient Transport Market Day Stalls Christmas Gift Wrapping Memberships Bus Hire Income Expenditure Driving Patients (Net) Lymphoedema Ribbonwood Biscuits $2,379 $505 $111 $3,956 $10 $130 $1,605 $1,136 $102 POLO SHIRTS We are endeavouring to obtain more large size polo shirts as our stocks are getting low. The current style of men's polo shirts is not now available so we are endeavouring to obtain something as close as possible to the current style. We will let you know when this has been finalised. ILLAWARRA CANCER CARERS 2015 BANQUET AT THE BEACH “AUSTRALIANA” The date for this year's banquet is Sunday June 21st @ City Beach Function Centre. The theme is 'Australiana' and tickets/tables are available for purchase by contacting me by email ( ) or by phoning 0417227904. Tickets are $95 per person (tables of ten) and corporate tables are $1650 (ten people) which includes advertisement in the booklet, table sign and audio visual display on the day. MARCH 2015 – Page 3 BUNNINGS BBQs The Carers coordinator for Bunnings barbecues, Geoff Failes needs your help.. Bunnings has offered us two sausage sizzles in March- the first on Sunday March 1 at its Wollongong store and the second on Sunday, March 29 at its Shellharbour store. Geoff needs at least three people for each of three shifts at both barbecues. The shift times are: 9.00 am -11.30 am 11.30 am – 2.00 pm 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm If you can help, please phone Geoff ASAP. We are also in need of people to spend a couple of hours selling raffle tickets at venues throughout the Illawarra between late February and the Banquet. Our new raffle coordinator is Bailey Bond and he can be contacted on 0414 554 157. Geoff Failes 4271 5226 or 0438715226 (Mobile) BUNNINGS BBQ DATES Sunday 1st March 2015- W’Gong Sunday 29th March 2015- Shellharbour MANDATORY TRAINING Some Carers have been asking about the Mandatory Training that the hospital conducts each year. As you are aware, the training was withdrawn for the last training session last year. To date we do not have any information about the training program for 2015. BUS TRIPS Elenor and Marie have organised a trip to Retford Park gardens in Bowral. Kerry Denison (Banquet Chairperson) Email address for Carers business: 0417 227 904 (mobile) Bailey Bond (Banquet Raffle co-ordinator) 0414 554 157 The property is owned by Mr. James Fairfax and these gardens are only opened twice a year. Cost: $10 + entrance fee (all funds to local charity) Elenor 4228 7637 Marie 4274 1801 Retford Park Bus Trip Date Saturday March 2015 Page 4 - MARCH 2015 ILLAWARRA CANCER CARERS INC “GREAT JOB SOPHIE ADAMSON”… I would like to pass on my thanks for a job SO well done to Sophie Adamson for organising the gift wrap stalls. It's a thankless job and she does it with such grace and appreciation. VOLUNTEER DRIVERS Jim Walsh is presently updating the insurance policies details of our current drivers. All drivers will receive a form to fill in and are asked to return it to Jim at the address listed below. 40 McGrath St Fairy Meadow 2519 or by e-mail Many thanks indeed. LATE BLOOMERS Dates for Late Bloomers luncheons for 2015 at the Wollongong Golf Club. All ladies welcome at 11.30 am. You don't need to book, just roll up and enjoy the friendship of other members. Late Bloomer Luncheon Dates 2015 Monday, 20 April 2015 Monday, 6 July 2015 Monday, 19 October 2015 Wednesday, 16 December 2015 SILVER JUBILEE CELEBRATION Thank you to Keith Wilson who has volunteered to organise a function to celebrate our Silver Jubilee later in the year. You will be informed of the details in plenty of time to enter the dates in your diary so as many Carers as possible can attend. Please contact the Driver Co-ordinators and if phone call is unanswered PLEASE leave a message! Carers Mobile 0438 864 289 Jill Wilson 0418 692 961 Relief Co-ordinator Margaret Gobert 0407 921 352 Alternatively you can email to A NOTE OF THANKS I have seen some of you wonderful people in action and all I can say is - Yes! There are angles here on earth!! My wonderful family gave me a beautiful 70th Birthday Party. I asked for no presents, just a donation! So here it is and I hope it will help in some small way. May God Bless you all Many, many thanks MARCH 2015 – Page 5 ILLAWARRA CANCER CARERS WOLLONGONG HOSPITAL 'THANK YOU' MORNING TEA On Tuesday 24 February a number of Illawarra Cancer Carers and other volunteers who assist Wollongong Hospital were invited to a morning tea. This is an annual event that the executive at the Hospital hold each year to thank the volunteers for their help. Nicole Sheppard, General Manager, thanked those present for all the assistance that the volunteers give both in the care of the patients and the financial assistance. All those present were given tickets towards a draw for several prizes. A couple of our Carers were amongst the winners. Included in the goodies for morning tea there was a very large cake that a volunteer from each group assisted in cutting. We thank the executive at the hospital for a very enjoyable morning when we not only enjoyed the refreshments but were also able to enjoy each other’s company. A MESSAGE FROM THE CANCER PATIENT SUPPORT GROUP ILLAWARRA. As you may know, Jean Barrett is moving from Wollongong to Armidale and we must now find a way of taking over tasks she has undertaken as our secretary/treasurer and editor of the monthly newsletter. A support group's chief function is bringing people together so cancer survivors and their carers can meet and talk, but the administrative structure and organization this central activity requires is laborious and time consuming for a sick and ageing group of people, so we are greatly in need of extra volunteer help. Work which Jean has carried on her shoulders so effectively and for so long must now be done by others. We need a treasurer to take charge of our finances and we also need some secretarial help. We also require someone to take on the responsibility of writing our monthly newsletter, so people know the dates and times of group meetings and activities. We are really hoping a volunteer, or volunteers can come forward to help with some of this and join our management committee. I'm very much afraid that if we cannot reduce the workload or find others to share it, the support group itself may not be able to continue. This would be very sad indeed, but there is a limit to what the individuals on the present management committee are able to undertake. President, Cancer Patient Support Group, Illawarra Please contact Dorothy Jones if you can help in the areas highlighted. Dorothy will be happy to discuss the work involved with you. 4228 7823 or if you prefer email Dorothy: Page 6 - MARCH 2015 ILLAWARRA CANCER CARERS INC LYMPHOEDEMA SUPPORT CLINIC NEWS The Lymphoedema Clinic dates for March 2015 are the 6th & 20th of the month. Clinics are held some Fridays at the Ribbonwood Centre, Dapto. Appointments 9.30am to 12.30pm. There are no charges, but please note: The clinic does not diagnose or treat intensively. Patients needing complex physical therapy are referred to their doctors and hospital or private lymphoedema practitioners of their own choice. Feel free to call in on any clinic days appointments for treatments need to be booked ahead, though. March Clinic dates Friday 6th March 2015 Friday 20th March 2015 For appointments or information, please feel free to contact me on: 0423 135 342 (mobile) 4256 5019 or (e-mail) Jenny Armstrong Co-ordinator THE DATES FOR CRAFT STALLS AT WOLLONGONG HOSPITAL FOR 2015 NEXT: Wednesday 8th April 2015 Wednesday 10th June 2015 Wednesday 12th August 2015 Wednesday 14th October 2015 Wednesday 9th December 2015 Location: Level 2 (Reception) of the Cancer Care CENTRE. If anyone has any cooking could you please bring it to Level 2 at the Cancer Care Centre. Goods for the hospital stall should be dropped at the Centre by Tuesday 7th April, at the latest. Should you have problems getting these to the Centre or questions about the Market Stalls please call… We asked for permission to have a stall at the hospital entrance off Loftus Street, but were denied. When renovations have been completed our request will be reviewed. Lynne Henson 4284 7399 Our sincere sympathy to those Carers who have lost a dear one recently. We send our warm wishes to any member who is or has been sick and also to those Carers who have family members who are not well at the moment. We wish you all a speedy recovery back to good health. Note: The Illawarra Cancer Carers respects the privacy of all its members. No personal details of individual members will be used for any purpose other than that for which they are held, ie the operation of the organisation. No person’s personal details will be provided to any other party without express approval of that individual. GIFT WRAPPING PICTURES 2015